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#REDIRECT[[Joseph Smith's 1826 trial#What is Joseph Smith's 1826 South Bainbridge "trial" for "glasslooking"?]]
==Question: What is Joseph Smith's 1826 South Bainbridge "trial" for "glasslooking"?==
===Joseph Smith appeared at a pre-trial court hearing in 1826 for "glasslooking"===
In 1825 Josiah Stowel sought out the young Joseph Smith, who had a reputation for being able to use his seer stone to locate lost objects, to help him to locate an ancient silver mine. After a few weeks of work, Joseph persuaded Stowel to give up the effort. In 1826, some of Stowel's relatives brought Joseph to court and accused him of "glasslooking" and being a "disorderly person." Several witnesses testified at the hearing.
===Joseph was released without being fined or otherwise punished - there was no verdict of "guilty" or "not guilty" because this was only a hearing rather than a trial===
Joseph was ultimately released without being fined and had no punishment imposed upon him. Years later, a bill from the judge was discovered which billed for court services.
Gordon Madsen summarized:
"The evidence thus far available about the 1826 trial before Justice Neely leads to the inescapable conclusion that Joseph Smith was acquitted." <ref>{{BYUS|author=Gordon A. Madsen|article=[https://byustudies.byu.edu/showtitle.aspx?title=5978 Joseph Smith's 1826 Trial: The Legal Setting]|vol=30|num=2|date=1990|pages=106}}</ref>
A review of all the relevant documents demonstrates that:
#The court hearing of 1826 was not a trial, it was an examination
#The hearing was likely initiated from religious concerns; i.e. people objected to Joseph's religious claims.
#There were seven witnesses.
#The witnesses' testimonies have not all been transmitted faithfully.
#Most witnesses testified that Joseph did possess a gift of sight
===The court hearing was likely initiated by Stowel's relatives as a concern that he was having too much influence on Stowel===
It was likely that the court hearing was initiated not so much from a concern about Joseph being a money digger, as concern that Joseph was having an influence on Josiah Stowel. Josiah Stowel was one of the first believers in Joseph Smith. His nephew was probably very concerned about that and was anxious to disrupt their relationship if possible.  He did not succeed.  The court hearing failed in its purpose, and was only resurrected decades later to accuse Joseph Smith of different crimes to a different people and culture.
Understanding the context of the case removes any threat it may have posed to Joseph's prophetic integrity.
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Latest revision as of 17:15, 20 May 2024