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|108||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Alan Cherry and Jessie Embry, "Blacks," ''Encyclopedia of Mormonism'' (1992; 2007)|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Alan Cherry and Jessie Embry, "Blacks," ''Encyclopedia of Mormonism'' (1992; 2007)]] </nowiki> ||[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Alan Cherry and Jessie Embry, "Blacks," ''Encyclopedia of Mormonism'' (1992; 2007)|jump to]]
|108||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Alan Cherry and Jessie Embry, "Blacks," ''Encyclopedia of Mormonism'' (1992; 2007)|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Alan Cherry and Jessie Embry, "Blacks," ''Encyclopedia of Mormonism'' (1992; 2007)]] </nowiki> ||[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Alan Cherry and Jessie Embry, "Blacks," ''Encyclopedia of Mormonism'' (1992; 2007)|jump to]]
{{Main Page}}
{{Navigation Latter-day Saint history}}
=Who are the "September Six"?=
==The "September Six" were six individuals who were disciplined by the Church in September 1993==
Six individuals were disciplined by the Church in September 1993.  Supporters of those disciplined and critics of the Church have dubbed them "the September Six."  The six individuals were:
*Lavina Fielding Anderson (excommunicated)
*Avraham Gileadi (excommunicated&mdash;now back in full fellowship)
*Maxine Hanks (excommunicated&mdash;now back in full fellowship as of 2012)
*[[Church_discipline/Scholars/D._Michael_Quinn|D. Michael Quinn]] (excommunicated)
*Paul Toscano (excommunicated)
*Lynne Kanavel Whitesides (disfellowshipped)
Avraham Gileadi has never spoken publicly about the reasons for his excommunication, was never asked to retract any publications or statements, and has returned to full fellowship. Maxine Hanks returned to the Church as of 2012.
==What are the criticisms related to the "September Six"?==
*It is sometimes claimed that the Church excommunicates or disfellowships scholars who publish historical information that is embarrassing to Church leaders.
*It is often claimed, despite the fact that these disciplinary actions are carried out by local leaders, that they are in reality instigated by general authorities.
*Some claim that the Church is silencing honest people for telling the truth.
*The Church is claimed to take a "dim view" of intellectuals.
*It is claimed that the LDS Church penalizes members for "merely criticizing officialdom or for publishing truthful&mdash;if uncomfortable&mdash;information," and "shroud their procedures with secrecy."
*The LDS Church prosecutes "many more of its members" than other religious groups.
=Are the reasons for discipline ever made public?=
==Church leaders and officials rarely make the reasons or evidences presented at disciplinary councils public==
Church leaders and officials rarely make the reasons or evidences presented at disciplinary councils public.  Thus, former members are able to claim whatever they like about excommunication without contradiction from the Church.
D. Michael Quinn claims that his excommunication was the direct result of his historical research on the origins of Mormonism. He refused to attend his own disciplinary council, telling his stake president that it was "a process which was designed to punish me for being the messenger of unwanted historical evidence and to intimidate me from further work in Mormon history." <ref>D. Michael Quinn, Letter to Paul A. Hanks, 7 February 1993; cited in Lavina Fielding Anderson, "DNA Mormon: D. Michael Quinn," in ''Mormon Mavericks: Essays on Dissenters'', edited by John Sillito and Susan Staker (Salt Lake City, Signature Books, 2002), 329-364.</ref>
Despite Quinn's belief that his Church discipline was all about his history, his stake president wrote back on 11 May 1993, saying "There are other matters that I need to talk with you about that are '''''not''''' related to your historical writings. These are very sensitive and highly confidential and this is why I have not mentioned them before in writing." <ref>Paul A. Hanks to D. Michael Quinn, 11 May 1993; cited in Anderson, "DNA Mormon."</ref>
=Statement by The Council of the First Presidency and The Quorum of the Twelve on Church Discipline=
January 1994:
Statement by The Council of the First Presidency and The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
In light of extensive publicity given to six recent Church disciplinary councils in Utah, we believe it helpful to reaffirm the position of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. We deeply regret the loss of Church membership on the part of anyone. The attendant consequences felt over time by the individuals and their families are very real.
In their leadership responsibilities, local Church officers may seek clarification and other guidance from General Authorities of the Church. General Authorities have an obligation to teach principles and policies and to provide information that may be helpful in counseling members for whom local leaders are responsible. In matters of Church discipline, the General Authorities do not direct the decisions of local disciplinary councils. Furthermore, the right of appeal is open to anyone who feels he or she has been unfairly treated by a disciplinary council.
It is difficult to explain Church disciplinary action to representatives of the media. Considerations of confidentiality restrain public comment by Church leaders in such private matters. We have the responsibility to preserve the doctrinal purity of the Church. We are united in this objective. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught an eternal principle when he explained: "That man who rises up to condemn others, finding fault with the Church, saying that they are out of the way, while he himself is righteous, then know assuredly, that that man is in the high road to apostasy."<ref name="tpjs">{{TPJS}}</ref>{{Rp|156}} Citations in this letter were within the text; FairMormon has moved them to endnotes to improve readability.</ref> In instructing His Twelve Disciples in the new world about those who would not repent, the Savior said, "But if he repent not he shall not be numbered among my people, that he may not destroy my people. . . ." ({{s|3|Nephi|18|31}}, see also {{s||Mosiah|26|36}}, and {{s||Alma|5|59}}.) The Prophet also remarked that "from apostates the faithful have received the severest persecutions."<ref name="tpjs"></ref>{{Rp|67}} This continues to be the case today.
The long standing policy of Church discipline is outlined in the Doctrine and Covenants: "We believe that all religious societies have a right to deal with their members . . . according to the rules and regulations of such societies; provided that such dealings be for fellowship and good standing; . . . They can only excommunicate them from their society, and withdraw from them their fellowship." ({{s||D&C|134|10}}.)
Faithful members of the Church can distinguish between mere differences of opinion and those activities formally defined as apostasy. Apostasy refers to Church members who " repeatedly act in clear, open and deliberate public opposition to the Church or its leaders; or persist in teaching as Church doctrine information that is not Church doctrine after being corrected by their bishops or higher authority; or continue to follow the teachings of apostate cults (such as those that advocate plural marriage) after being corrected by their bishops or higher authority."<ref>''General Handbook of Instructions'', 10-3.</ref>
The general and local officers of the Church will continue to do their duty, and faithful Church members will understand.
As leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we reach out in love to all and constantly pray that the Lord, whose Church this is, will bless those who love and seek divine truth.
The Council of the First Presidency and
The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles <ref>[http://www.lds.org/ensign/1994/01/news-of-the-church  "News of the Church,"] ''Ensign'' (January 1994) 75.</ref>
{{To learn more box:Church discipline}}
{{endnotes sources}}
[[Category:Letter to a CES Director]]
[[es:Fuente:Enero 1994:Primera Declaración de la Presidencia en la disciplina de la Iglesia]]
[[pt:Fonte:janeiro 1994:Declaração da Primeira Presidência sobre a disciplina Igreja]]
[[es:Pregunta: ¿Quiénes son los "Seis septiembre"?]]
[[pt:Pergunta: Quem são os "Seis Setembro"?]]
[[es:Pregunta: ¿Las razones de disciplina jamás se ha hecho público?]]
[[pt:Pergunta: São as razões para a disciplina da Igreja já tornados públicos?]]
= [[Accuracy of Church art]]=
{| class ="table"
!Num!!SeeAlso!!#REDIRECT!!Jump to
|1||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Question: Why are people concerned about Church artwork?|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Why are people concerned about Church artwork?]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Why are people concerned about Church artwork?|jump to]]
|2||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#As the critics point out, there are potential historical errors in some of these images|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#As the critics point out, there are potential historical errors in some of these images]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#As the critics point out, there are potential historical errors in some of these images|jump to]]
|3||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Question: Does Church art always reflect reality?|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Does Church art always reflect reality?]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Does Church art always reflect reality?|jump to]]
|4||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#All art, including Church art, simply reflects the views of the artist: It may not reflect reality|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#All art, including Church art, simply reflects the views of the artist: It may not reflect reality]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#All art, including Church art, simply reflects the views of the artist: It may not reflect reality|jump to]]
|5||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Question: Is the Church trying to hide something through its use of artwork?|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Is the Church trying to hide something through its use of artwork?]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Is the Church trying to hide something through its use of artwork?|jump to]]
|6||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#The manner of the translation is described repeatedly in Church publications, despite the inaccurate artwork|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#The manner of the translation is described repeatedly in Church publications, despite the inaccurate artwork]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#The manner of the translation is described repeatedly in Church publications, despite the inaccurate artwork|jump to]]
|7||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Neal A. Maxwell: "To neglect substance while focusing on process is another form of unsubmissively looking beyond the mark"|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Neal A. Maxwell: "To neglect substance while focusing on process is another form of unsubmissively looking beyond the mark"]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#Neal A. Maxwell: "To neglect substance while focusing on process is another form of unsubmissively looking beyond the mark"|jump to]]
|8||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Artists have been approached by the Church in the past to paint a more accurate scene, yet denied the request for artistic vision.|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Artists have been approached by the Church in the past to paint a more accurate scene, yet denied the request for artistic vision.]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#Artists have been approached by the Church in the past to paint a more accurate scene, yet denied the request for artistic vision.|jump to]]
|9||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Question: Why doesn't the art match details which have been repeatedly spelled out in Church publications?|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Why doesn't the art match details which have been repeatedly spelled out in Church publications?]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Why doesn't the art match details which have been repeatedly spelled out in Church publications?|jump to]]
|10||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#The simplest answer is that artists simply don't always get such matters right|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#The simplest answer is that artists simply don't always get such matters right]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#The simplest answer is that artists simply don't always get such matters right|jump to]]
|11||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Question: How do non-Mormon artists treat the Nativity?|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: How do non-Mormon artists treat the Nativity?]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: How do non-Mormon artists treat the Nativity?|jump to]]
|12||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#A look at how other religious artists portray the birth of Christ|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#A look at how other religious artists portray the birth of Christ]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#A look at how other religious artists portray the birth of Christ|jump to]]
|13||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Renaissance Italian Madonna|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Renaissance Italian Madonna]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#Renaissance Italian Madonna|jump to]]
|14||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Non-European cultures|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Non-European cultures]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#Non-European cultures|jump to]]
|15||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#African example|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#African example]] </nowiki> ||[[Accuracy of Church art#African example|jump to]]
= [[History of the Church (6-volume history)]]=
{| class ="table"
!Num!!SeeAlso!!#REDIRECT!!Jump to
|1||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#Who is the author of ''History of the Church''?|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Who is the author of ''History of the Church''?]] </nowiki> ||[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Who is the author of ''History of the Church''?|jump to]]
|2||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''History of the Church'', though credited to Joseph Smith, was not actually authored by him|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''History of the Church'', though credited to Joseph Smith, was not actually authored by him]] </nowiki> ||[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''History of the Church'', though credited to Joseph Smith, was not actually authored by him|jump to]]
|3||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#Production of the history|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Production of the history]] </nowiki> ||[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Production of the history|jump to]]
|4||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''History of the Church''|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''History of the Church'']] </nowiki> ||[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''History of the Church''|jump to]]
|5||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#The common nineteenth-century format of writing was chosen by Joseph Smith, who directed his clerks to write a first person|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The common nineteenth-century format of writing was chosen by Joseph Smith, who directed his clerks to write a first person]] </nowiki> ||[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The common nineteenth-century format of writing was chosen by Joseph Smith, who directed his clerks to write a first person|jump to]]
|6||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#New Testament parallels|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#New Testament parallels]] </nowiki> ||[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#New Testament parallels|jump to]]
|7||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#Challenges with direct citation|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Challenges with direct citation]] </nowiki> ||[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Challenges with direct citation|jump to]]
|8||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#Is ''History of the Church'' not accurate because Joseph Smith did not write it himself?|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Is ''History of the Church'' not accurate because Joseph Smith did not write it himself?]] </nowiki> ||[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Is ''History of the Church'' not accurate because Joseph Smith did not write it himself?|jump to]]
|9||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''content'' of the ''History of the Church'' is likely largely accurate|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''content'' of the ''History of the Church'' is likely largely accurate]] </nowiki> ||[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''content'' of the ''History of the Church'' is likely largely accurate|jump to]]
= [[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith]]=
{| class ="table"
!Num!!SeeAlso!!#REDIRECT!!Jump to
|1||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Did Brigham Young attempt to suppress and destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith''?|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Did Brigham Young attempt to suppress and destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith''?]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Did Brigham Young attempt to suppress and destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith''?|jump to]]
|2||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Editing history of Lucy's biography|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Editing history of Lucy's biography]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Editing history of Lucy's biography|jump to]]
|3||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Brigham Young did attempt to destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith'', but we do not have enough information to know the reason why|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Brigham Young did attempt to destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith'', but we do not have enough information to know the reason why]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Brigham Young did attempt to destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith'', but we do not have enough information to know the reason why|jump to]]
|4||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Did Brigham Young insert the reference to Joseph's First Vision into Lucy Mack Smith's history?|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Did Brigham Young insert the reference to Joseph's First Vision into Lucy Mack Smith's history?]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Did Brigham Young insert the reference to Joseph's First Vision into Lucy Mack Smith's history?|jump to]]
|5||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Brigham Young did not insert the reference to Joseph Smith's First Vision into Lucy's book&mdash;this was done by Orson Pratt|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Brigham Young did not insert the reference to Joseph Smith's First Vision into Lucy's book&mdash;this was done by Orson Pratt]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Brigham Young did not insert the reference to Joseph Smith's First Vision into Lucy's book&mdash;this was done by Orson Pratt|jump to]]
|6||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Was the Prophet's mother Lucy Mack Smith silent about Joseph's history?|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Was the Prophet's mother Lucy Mack Smith silent about Joseph's history?]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Was the Prophet's mother Lucy Mack Smith silent about Joseph's history?|jump to]]
|7||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Joseph's mother was not silent about Joseph's history, and there is nothing in Lucy's history (either the 1845 manuscript or the 1853 edition) which prove that the First Vision did not occur|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Joseph's mother was not silent about Joseph's history, and there is nothing in Lucy's history (either the 1845 manuscript or the 1853 edition) which prove that the First Vision did not occur]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Joseph's mother was not silent about Joseph's history, and there is nothing in Lucy's history (either the 1845 manuscript or the 1853 edition) which prove that the First Vision did not occur|jump to]]
|8||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845&mdash;Lucy Mack Smith, to William Smith, January 23, 1845|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845&mdash;Lucy Mack Smith, to William Smith, January 23, 1845]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845&mdash;Lucy Mack Smith, to William Smith, January 23, 1845|jump to]]
|9||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845&mdash;Extracts from Letters, Millennial Star 6. 10 (November 1, 1845): 153.|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845&mdash;Extracts from Letters, Millennial Star 6. 10 (November 1, 1845): 153.]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845&mdash;Extracts from Letters, Millennial Star 6. 10 (November 1, 1845): 153.|jump to]]
|10||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845 General Conference, October 8, 1845, Times and Seasons 6. 16 (November 1, 1845): 1013-4.|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845 General Conference, October 8, 1845, Times and Seasons 6. 16 (November 1, 1845): 1013-4.]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845 General Conference, October 8, 1845, Times and Seasons 6. 16 (November 1, 1845): 1013-4.|jump to]]
|11||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845 Wandle Mace Autobiography, typescript, BYU Special Collections, 45-6|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845 Wandle Mace Autobiography, typescript, BYU Special Collections, 45-6]] </nowiki> ||[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845 Wandle Mace Autobiography, typescript, BYU Special Collections, 45-6|jump to]]
= [[Histories written by scholars]]=
{| class ="table"
!Num!!SeeAlso!!#REDIRECT!!Jump to
|1||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#Ironically, those who criticize Mormon histories as being unreliable and incomplete use Church-produced documents as their source material|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#Ironically, those who criticize Mormon histories as being unreliable and incomplete use Church-produced documents as their source material]] </nowiki> ||[[Histories written by scholars#Ironically, those who criticize Mormon histories as being unreliable and incomplete use Church-produced documents as their source material|jump to]]
|2||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#Elder Boyd K. Packer's comment: "Some things that are true are not very useful"|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#Elder Boyd K. Packer's comment: "Some things that are true are not very useful"]] </nowiki> ||[[Histories written by scholars#Elder Boyd K. Packer's comment: "Some things that are true are not very useful"|jump to]]
|3||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#Elder Packer said nothing about stopping historians or insisting that they not aim for objectivity|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#Elder Packer said nothing about stopping historians or insisting that they not aim for objectivity]] </nowiki> ||[[Histories written by scholars#Elder Packer said nothing about stopping historians or insisting that they not aim for objectivity|jump to]]
|4||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#First criticism|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#First criticism]] </nowiki> ||[[Histories written by scholars#First criticism|jump to]]
|5||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#The intellectual context|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#The intellectual context]] </nowiki> ||[[Histories written by scholars#The intellectual context|jump to]]
|6||<nowiki> {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#Second criticism|l1=the_visual_title}} </nowiki> |||<nowiki> #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#Second criticism]] </nowiki> ||[[Histories written by scholars#Second criticism|jump to]]
=End of page=
=End of page=

Revision as of 18:53, 17 May 2024

Approaching history

Num SeeAlso #REDIRECT Jump to
1 {{SeeAlso|Approaching history#Understanding Information and Records|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Approaching history#Understanding Information and Records]] jump to
2 {{SeeAlso|Approaching history#<span style"color:black">Information</span>|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Approaching history#<span style"color:black">Information</span>]] [[Approaching history#Information|jump to]]
3 {{SeeAlso|Approaching history#<span style"color:black">Records</span>|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Approaching history#<span style"color:black">Records</span>]] [[Approaching history#Records|jump to]]
4 {{SeeAlso|Approaching history#<span style"color:black">Perspectives and Bias</span>|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Approaching history#<span style"color:black">Perspectives and Bias</span>]] [[Approaching history#Perspectives and Bias|jump to]]
5 {{SeeAlso|Approaching history#Evaluating Information and Records|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Approaching history#Evaluating Information and Records]] jump to
6 {{SeeAlso|Approaching history#<span style"color:black">Five Questions</span>|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Approaching history#<span style"color:black">Five Questions</span>]] [[Approaching history#Five Questions|jump to]]
7 {{SeeAlso|Approaching history#Seeing Historical People in Context|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Approaching history#Seeing Historical People in Context]] jump to
8 {{SeeAlso|Approaching history#People's Readiness to Understand History|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Approaching history#People's Readiness to Understand History]] jump to

Responding to criticisms about Church history

Num SeeAlso #REDIRECT Jump to
1 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#Question: How can one answer criticisms of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints based in history?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#Question: How can one answer criticisms of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints based in history?]] jump to
2 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#Introduction to Question|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#Introduction to Question]] jump to
3 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#Articles that Are Necessary to be Familiar With|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#Articles that Are Necessary to be Familiar With]] jump to
4 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#Disagreeing with Church Leaders|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#Disagreeing with Church Leaders]] jump to
5 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#Moral Standards of Church|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#Moral Standards of Church]] jump to
6 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#General Principles to Keep in Mind|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#General Principles to Keep in Mind]] jump to
7 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#Remember that Seeming Contradictions in a series of historical accounts about the same event by the same person are not inherently problematic|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#Remember that Seeming Contradictions in a series of historical accounts about the same event by the same person are not inherently problematic]] jump to
8 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#We’re trying to establish what most likely happened. Not what actually did happen.|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#We’re trying to establish what most likely happened. Not what actually did happen.]] jump to
9 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#Doing History|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#Doing History]] jump to
10 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#1. Evaluate Your Historical Sources|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#1. Evaluate Your Historical Sources]] jump to
11 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#2. Use the Best Sources for Your Analysis|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#2. Use the Best Sources for Your Analysis]] jump to
12 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#3. Read through all the sources|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#3. Read through all the sources]] jump to
13 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#4. Craft a narrative|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#4. Craft a narrative]] jump to
14 {{SeeAlso|Responding to criticisms about Church history#5. Read what other historians have said about an issue|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Responding to criticisms about Church history#5. Read what other historians have said about an issue]] jump to

Primary sources

Num SeeAlso #REDIRECT Jump to
1 {{SeeAlso|Primary sources#Newspapers and Journals|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Primary sources#Newspapers and Journals]] jump to

Alleged whitewashing of Church history

Num SeeAlso #REDIRECT Jump to
1 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Alleged whitewashing of Church history|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Alleged whitewashing of Church history]] jump to
2 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#The ''History of the Church''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#The ''History of the Church'']] jump to
3 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#The common nineteenth-century format of writing was chosen by Joseph Smith, who directed his clerks to write a first person|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#The common nineteenth-century format of writing was chosen by Joseph Smith, who directed his clerks to write a first person]] jump to
4 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#New Testament parallels|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#New Testament parallels]] jump to
5 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Challenges with direct citation|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Challenges with direct citation]] jump to
6 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Altering the history|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Altering the history]] jump to
7 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Claims of "false prophecy" rest upon the most narrow, critical reading possible, and ignore important aspects of LDS thought and theology|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Claims of "false prophecy" rest upon the most narrow, critical reading possible, and ignore important aspects of LDS thought and theology]] jump to
8 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Text of the Orson Hyde blessing was edited in ''History of the Church''?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Text of the Orson Hyde blessing was edited in ''History of the Church''?]] jump to
9 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#The word "shall" was changed to "may"|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#The word "shall" was changed to "may"]] jump to
10 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Critics reading through their own theology and ideas|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Critics reading through their own theology and ideas]] jump to
11 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#This is simply not a false prophecy|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#This is simply not a false prophecy]] jump to
12 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Sidney Rigdon and the succession crisis of 1844|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Sidney Rigdon and the succession crisis of 1844]] jump to
13 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#The history may have been modified by Joseph's successors for noble or base reasons, and they may have served or harmed historical accuracy in doing so|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#The history may have been modified by Joseph's successors for noble or base reasons, and they may have served or harmed historical accuracy in doing so]] jump to
14 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#The two accounts are compared in the table below|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#The two accounts are compared in the table below]] jump to
15 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#There are only two significant differences between the accounts|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#There are only two significant differences between the accounts]] jump to
16 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#A modern historian, of course, cringes at this modification of the original text|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#A modern historian, of course, cringes at this modification of the original text]] jump to
17 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#A more modern example|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#A more modern example]] jump to
18 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Elder Poelman voluntarily edited his talk when he learned that some "fundamentalist" Mormons were using his address as justification for their beliefs|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Elder Poelman voluntarily edited his talk when he learned that some "fundamentalist" Mormons were using his address as justification for their beliefs]] jump to
19 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Elder Poelman was not in any way forced to make changes to his talk|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Elder Poelman was not in any way forced to make changes to his talk]] jump to
20 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Because it is common practice for talks to be edited for publication, it was thought that the "official" record should reflect the clarified intent of the talk|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Because it is common practice for talks to be edited for publication, it was thought that the "official" record should reflect the clarified intent of the talk]] jump to
21 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Clearly, producing an "updated" version of a talk that had already been recorded posed some problems|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Clearly, producing an "updated" version of a talk that had already been recorded posed some problems]] jump to
22 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#While perhaps a unwise decision in hindsight, the intent was simply to let the core of the message be the focus, not the distractions of the delivery because of the changes|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#While perhaps a unwise decision in hindsight, the intent was simply to let the core of the message be the focus, not the distractions of the delivery because of the changes]] jump to
23 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Conclusion|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of Church history#Conclusion]] jump to

Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history

Num SeeAlso #REDIRECT Jump to
1 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history]] jump to
2 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Nauvoo troubles|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Nauvoo troubles]] jump to
3 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#The claim that six Latter-day Saint histories omit plural marriage as a cause for difficulties in Nauvoo is clearly false|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#The claim that six Latter-day Saint histories omit plural marriage as a cause for difficulties in Nauvoo is clearly false]] jump to
4 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Roberts: Contrary to the author's claim about B.H. Roberts’s ''Comprehensive History'', Roberts described plural marriage|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Roberts: Contrary to the author's claim about B.H. Roberts’s ''Comprehensive History'', Roberts described plural marriage]] jump to
5 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Joseph Fielding Smith: Admits the introduction of plural marriage by Joseph Smith and writes that the Prophet was arrested on a charge of polygamy|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Joseph Fielding Smith: Admits the introduction of plural marriage by Joseph Smith and writes that the Prophet was arrested on a charge of polygamy]] jump to
6 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Berrett argues that one of the new doctrines that set the Saints apart was "the doctrine of plural marriage"|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Berrett argues that one of the new doctrines that set the Saints apart was "the doctrine of plural marriage"]] jump to
7 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Whitney tells the well-known story of Joseph requesting Vilate Kimball as his wife|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Whitney tells the well-known story of Joseph requesting Vilate Kimball as his wife]] jump to
8 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Arrington and Bitton: “An additional element [that] contributed to the Mormons’ problems in Illinois—as if more were required—were the rumors of plural marriage that began to circulate in Nauvoo"|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Arrington and Bitton: “An additional element [that] contributed to the Mormons’ problems in Illinois—as if more were required—were the rumors of plural marriage that began to circulate in Nauvoo"]] [[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Arrington and Bitton: “An additional element [that] contributed to the Mormons’ problems in Illinois—as if more were required—were the rumors of plural marriage that began to circulate in Nauvoo"|jump to]]
9 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Godfrey: “Saints were accused of believing in plural marriage...this doctrine and practice became a major source of non-Mormon resentment.”|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Godfrey: “Saints were accused of believing in plural marriage...this doctrine and practice became a major source of non-Mormon resentment.”]] jump to
10 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Wilford Woodruff|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Wilford Woodruff]] jump to
11 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#What is not explained or acknowledged is that Woodruff’s paramount concern was not to hide history or deny plural marriage|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#What is not explained or acknowledged is that Woodruff’s paramount concern was not to hide history or deny plural marriage]] jump to
12 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Woodruff likely feared the very real risk of spies and government agents using the information to prosecute members of the church|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Woodruff likely feared the very real risk of spies and government agents using the information to prosecute members of the church]] jump to
13 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Modern day example|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#Modern day example]] jump to
14 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#What does ''The Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young'' say about Brigham's wives?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#What does ''The Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young'' say about Brigham's wives?]] jump to
15 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#The manual mentions his marriage to and the death of his first wife and his subsequent remarriage to Mary Ann Angel, but does not discuss his other marriage relationships or family life|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#The manual mentions his marriage to and the death of his first wife and his subsequent remarriage to Mary Ann Angel, but does not discuss his other marriage relationships or family life]] jump to
16 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#The next manual in the series, ''Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith'', stated "This book is not a history, but rather a compilation of gospel principles"|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#The next manual in the series, ''Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith'', stated "This book is not a history, but rather a compilation of gospel principles"]] jump to
17 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#The quotations in the Brigham Young manual are not referring to Brigham's wives, but the wives of the men that he was addressing|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#The quotations in the Brigham Young manual are not referring to Brigham's wives, but the wives of the men that he was addressing]] jump to
18 {{SeeAlso|Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#The use of square brackets is an accepted editorial convention when a later author wants to use an earlier author's words but change them slightly to fit a different purpose|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged whitewashing of polygamy in Church history#The use of square brackets is an accepted editorial convention when a later author wants to use an earlier author's words but change them slightly to fit a different purpose]] jump to

Alleged hiding of facts in Church history

Num SeeAlso #REDIRECT Jump to
1 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Joseph's 1826 South Bainbridge court appearance|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Joseph's 1826 South Bainbridge court appearance]] jump to
2 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1994|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1994]] jump to
3 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
4 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Oliver Cowdery's divining rod|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Oliver Cowdery's divining rod]] jump to
5 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#2012|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#2012]] jump to
6 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#history.lds.org ''Revelations in Context'' "Oliver Cowdery's Gift"|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#history.lds.org ''Revelations in Context'' "Oliver Cowdery's Gift"]] jump to
7 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Changes to the Book of Mormon|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Changes to the Book of Mormon]] jump to
8 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Textual changes to the Book of Mormon|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Textual changes to the Book of Mormon]] jump to
9 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1983|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1983]] jump to
10 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
11 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1974|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1974]] jump to
12 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
13 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with The seer stone and/or the stone with the hat|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with The seer stone and/or the stone with the hat]] jump to
14 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The stone and Nephite interpreters|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The stone and Nephite interpreters]] jump to
15 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1977|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1977]] jump to
16 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
17 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Book of Mormon authorship theories|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Book of Mormon authorship theories]] jump to
18 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#October 2009 General Conference|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#October 2009 General Conference]] jump to
19 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#2002|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#2002]] jump to
20 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Liahona''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Liahona'']] jump to
21 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1993|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1993]] jump to
22 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
23 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1992|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1992]] jump to
24 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
25 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1986|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1986]] jump to
26 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
27 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1984|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1984]] jump to
28 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
29 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1977|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1977]] jump to
30 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
31 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1976|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1976]] jump to
32 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
33 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with B.H. Roberts and the Book of Mormon|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with B.H. Roberts and the Book of Mormon]] jump to
34 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1983|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1983]] jump to
35 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
36 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Book of Mormon and DNA|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Book of Mormon and DNA]] jump to
37 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Book of Mormon geography|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Book of Mormon geography]] jump to
38 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1984|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1984]] jump to
39 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
40 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Polygamy|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Polygamy]] jump to
41 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The practice of plural marriage during Joseph's lifetime|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The practice of plural marriage during Joseph's lifetime]] jump to
42 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#2012|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#2012]] jump to
43 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#lds.org website|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#lds.org website]] jump to
44 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#2007|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#2007]] jump to
45 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Lesson manual: ''Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Lesson manual: ''Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith'']] jump to
46 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1996|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1996]] jump to
47 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Lesson manual: ''Our Heritage: A Brief History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Lesson manual: ''Our Heritage: A Brief History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints'']] jump to
48 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1992|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1992]] jump to
49 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
50 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1989|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1989]] jump to
51 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign]] jump to
52 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1978|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1978]] jump to
53 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
54 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1977|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1977]] jump to
55 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''Ensign'']] jump to
56 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1973|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1973]] jump to
57 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''New Era''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''New Era'']] jump to
58 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1946|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#1946]] jump to
59 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph's marriages to young women|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph's marriages to young women]] jump to
60 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign'']] jump to
61 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph Smith Polyandry|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph Smith Polyandry]] jump to
62 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Some plural marriages occurred after the 1890 Manifesto|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Some plural marriages occurred after the 1890 Manifesto]] jump to
63 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''LDS.org''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#''LDS.org'']] jump to
64 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Brigham Young's practice of polygamy|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Brigham Young's practice of polygamy]] jump to
65 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church web site lds.org|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church web site lds.org]] jump to
66 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign'']] jump to
67 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Changes to the Doctrine and Covenants|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Changes to the Doctrine and Covenants]] jump to
68 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Changes to D&C revelations|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Changes to D&C revelations]] jump to
69 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign'']] jump to
70 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with First Vision Accounts|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with First Vision Accounts]] jump to
71 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Multiple accounts|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Multiple accounts]] jump to
72 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Improvement Era''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Improvement Era'']] jump to
73 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign'']] jump to
74 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#CES manuals|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#CES manuals]] jump to
75 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Journals|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Journals]] jump to
76 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Books|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Books]] jump to
77 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Kinderhook plates|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Kinderhook plates]] jump to
78 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph and the Church thought the Kinderhook plates were authentic for many years|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph and the Church thought the Kinderhook plates were authentic for many years]] jump to
79 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign'']] jump to
80 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Kirtland Safety Society|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Kirtland Safety Society]] jump to
81 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Bank was unchartered|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Bank was unchartered]] jump to
82 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Bank was held to be illegal|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Bank was held to be illegal]] jump to
83 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Martyrdom and Joseph's use of a gun|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Martyrdom and Joseph's use of a gun]] jump to
84 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph fired a gun at Carthage Jail|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph fired a gun at Carthage Jail]] jump to
85 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Museum of Church History and Art|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Museum of Church History and Art]] jump to
86 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign'']] jump to
87 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church lesson manuals|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church lesson manuals]] jump to
88 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''History of the Church''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''History of the Church'']] jump to
89 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Changes to the Word of Wisdom|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Changes to the Word of Wisdom]] jump to
90 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph drank wine|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph drank wine]] jump to
91 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Joseph Smith and politics|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Joseph Smith and politics]] jump to
92 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph's campaign for President|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Joseph's campaign for President]] jump to
93 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Origin of the Book of Abraham and Joseph Smith papyri|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Origin of the Book of Abraham and Joseph Smith papyri]] jump to
94 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The papyri and the Book of the Dead|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The papyri and the Book of the Dead]] jump to
95 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Violence and conflict|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Violence and conflict]] jump to
96 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The Danites|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The Danites]] jump to
97 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Friend''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Friend'']] jump to
98 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''New Era''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''New Era'']] jump to
99 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The ''Ensign'']] jump to
100 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Other Church magazines|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Other Church magazines]] jump to
101 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Isaiah in the Book of Mormon|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Isaiah in the Book of Mormon]] jump to
102 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The Ensign|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The Ensign]] jump to
103 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Anachronisms in the Book of Mormon|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Anachronisms in the Book of Mormon]] jump to
104 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The Ensign|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The Ensign]] jump to
105 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Book of Mormon Reference Companion|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Book of Mormon Reference Companion]] jump to
106 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The Blueprint of Christ's Church|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#The Blueprint of Christ's Church]] jump to
107 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Blacks|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Church sources discussing issues with Blacks]] jump to
108 {{SeeAlso|Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Alan Cherry and Jessie Embry, "Blacks," ''Encyclopedia of Mormonism'' (1992; 2007)|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Alleged hiding of facts in Church history#Alan Cherry and Jessie Embry, "Blacks," ''Encyclopedia of Mormonism'' (1992; 2007)]] jump to

Who are the "September Six"?

The "September Six" were six individuals who were disciplined by the Church in September 1993

Six individuals were disciplined by the Church in September 1993. Supporters of those disciplined and critics of the Church have dubbed them "the September Six." The six individuals were:

  • Lavina Fielding Anderson (excommunicated)
  • Avraham Gileadi (excommunicated—now back in full fellowship)
  • Maxine Hanks (excommunicated—now back in full fellowship as of 2012)
  • D. Michael Quinn (excommunicated)
  • Paul Toscano (excommunicated)
  • Lynne Kanavel Whitesides (disfellowshipped)

Avraham Gileadi has never spoken publicly about the reasons for his excommunication, was never asked to retract any publications or statements, and has returned to full fellowship. Maxine Hanks returned to the Church as of 2012.

What are the criticisms related to the "September Six"?

  • It is sometimes claimed that the Church excommunicates or disfellowships scholars who publish historical information that is embarrassing to Church leaders.
  • It is often claimed, despite the fact that these disciplinary actions are carried out by local leaders, that they are in reality instigated by general authorities.
  • Some claim that the Church is silencing honest people for telling the truth.
  • The Church is claimed to take a "dim view" of intellectuals.
  • It is claimed that the LDS Church penalizes members for "merely criticizing officialdom or for publishing truthful—if uncomfortable—information," and "shroud their procedures with secrecy."
  • The LDS Church prosecutes "many more of its members" than other religious groups.

Are the reasons for discipline ever made public?

Church leaders and officials rarely make the reasons or evidences presented at disciplinary councils public

Church leaders and officials rarely make the reasons or evidences presented at disciplinary councils public. Thus, former members are able to claim whatever they like about excommunication without contradiction from the Church.

D. Michael Quinn claims that his excommunication was the direct result of his historical research on the origins of Mormonism. He refused to attend his own disciplinary council, telling his stake president that it was "a process which was designed to punish me for being the messenger of unwanted historical evidence and to intimidate me from further work in Mormon history." [1]

Despite Quinn's belief that his Church discipline was all about his history, his stake president wrote back on 11 May 1993, saying "There are other matters that I need to talk with you about that are not related to your historical writings. These are very sensitive and highly confidential and this is why I have not mentioned them before in writing." [2]

Statement by The Council of the First Presidency and The Quorum of the Twelve on Church Discipline

January 1994:

Statement by The Council of the First Presidency and The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
In light of extensive publicity given to six recent Church disciplinary councils in Utah, we believe it helpful to reaffirm the position of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. We deeply regret the loss of Church membership on the part of anyone. The attendant consequences felt over time by the individuals and their families are very real.

In their leadership responsibilities, local Church officers may seek clarification and other guidance from General Authorities of the Church. General Authorities have an obligation to teach principles and policies and to provide information that may be helpful in counseling members for whom local leaders are responsible. In matters of Church discipline, the General Authorities do not direct the decisions of local disciplinary councils. Furthermore, the right of appeal is open to anyone who feels he or she has been unfairly treated by a disciplinary council.

It is difficult to explain Church disciplinary action to representatives of the media. Considerations of confidentiality restrain public comment by Church leaders in such private matters. We have the responsibility to preserve the doctrinal purity of the Church. We are united in this objective. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught an eternal principle when he explained: "That man who rises up to condemn others, finding fault with the Church, saying that they are out of the way, while he himself is righteous, then know assuredly, that that man is in the high road to apostasy."[3]:156 Citations in this letter were within the text; FairMormon has moved them to endnotes to improve readability.</ref> In instructing His Twelve Disciples in the new world about those who would not repent, the Savior said, "But if he repent not he shall not be numbered among my people, that he may not destroy my people. . . ." (3 Nephi 18꞉31, see also Mosiah 26꞉36, and Alma 5꞉59.) The Prophet also remarked that "from apostates the faithful have received the severest persecutions."[3]:67 This continues to be the case today.

The long standing policy of Church discipline is outlined in the Doctrine and Covenants: "We believe that all religious societies have a right to deal with their members . . . according to the rules and regulations of such societies; provided that such dealings be for fellowship and good standing; . . . They can only excommunicate them from their society, and withdraw from them their fellowship." (D&C 134꞉10.)

Faithful members of the Church can distinguish between mere differences of opinion and those activities formally defined as apostasy. Apostasy refers to Church members who " repeatedly act in clear, open and deliberate public opposition to the Church or its leaders; or persist in teaching as Church doctrine information that is not Church doctrine after being corrected by their bishops or higher authority; or continue to follow the teachings of apostate cults (such as those that advocate plural marriage) after being corrected by their bishops or higher authority."[4]

The general and local officers of the Church will continue to do their duty, and faithful Church members will understand.

As leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we reach out in love to all and constantly pray that the Lord, whose Church this is, will bless those who love and seek divine truth.


The Council of the First Presidency and

The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles [5]

Learn more about Church discipline
Key sources
Wiki links
  • Dallin H. Oaks, "Sin and Suffering," Ensign (July 1992): 70. off-site
  • James E. Faust, "Keeping Covenants and Honoring the Priesthood," Ensign (November 1993): 36. off-site
  • M. Russell Ballard, "A Chance to Start Over: Church Disciplinary Councils and the Restoration of Blessings," Ensign (September 1990): 12. off-site


  1. D. Michael Quinn, Letter to Paul A. Hanks, 7 February 1993; cited in Lavina Fielding Anderson, "DNA Mormon: D. Michael Quinn," in Mormon Mavericks: Essays on Dissenters, edited by John Sillito and Susan Staker (Salt Lake City, Signature Books, 2002), 329-364.
  2. Paul A. Hanks to D. Michael Quinn, 11 May 1993; cited in Anderson, "DNA Mormon."
  3. 3.0 3.1 Joseph Smith, Jr., Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, selected by Joseph Fielding Smith, (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1976). off-site
  4. General Handbook of Instructions, 10-3.
  5. "News of the Church," Ensign (January 1994) 75.

Accuracy of Church art

Num SeeAlso #REDIRECT Jump to
1 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Question: Why are people concerned about Church artwork?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Why are people concerned about Church artwork?]] jump to
2 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#As the critics point out, there are potential historical errors in some of these images|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#As the critics point out, there are potential historical errors in some of these images]] jump to
3 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Question: Does Church art always reflect reality?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Does Church art always reflect reality?]] jump to
4 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#All art, including Church art, simply reflects the views of the artist: It may not reflect reality|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#All art, including Church art, simply reflects the views of the artist: It may not reflect reality]] jump to
5 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Question: Is the Church trying to hide something through its use of artwork?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Is the Church trying to hide something through its use of artwork?]] jump to
6 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#The manner of the translation is described repeatedly in Church publications, despite the inaccurate artwork|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#The manner of the translation is described repeatedly in Church publications, despite the inaccurate artwork]] jump to
7 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Neal A. Maxwell: "To neglect substance while focusing on process is another form of unsubmissively looking beyond the mark"|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Neal A. Maxwell: "To neglect substance while focusing on process is another form of unsubmissively looking beyond the mark"]] jump to
8 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Artists have been approached by the Church in the past to paint a more accurate scene, yet denied the request for artistic vision.|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Artists have been approached by the Church in the past to paint a more accurate scene, yet denied the request for artistic vision.]] jump to
9 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Question: Why doesn't the art match details which have been repeatedly spelled out in Church publications?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: Why doesn't the art match details which have been repeatedly spelled out in Church publications?]] jump to
10 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#The simplest answer is that artists simply don't always get such matters right|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#The simplest answer is that artists simply don't always get such matters right]] jump to
11 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Question: How do non-Mormon artists treat the Nativity?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Question: How do non-Mormon artists treat the Nativity?]] jump to
12 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#A look at how other religious artists portray the birth of Christ|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#A look at how other religious artists portray the birth of Christ]] jump to
13 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Renaissance Italian Madonna|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Renaissance Italian Madonna]] jump to
14 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#Non-European cultures|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#Non-European cultures]] jump to
15 {{SeeAlso|Accuracy of Church art#African example|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Accuracy of Church art#African example]] jump to

History of the Church (6-volume history)

Num SeeAlso #REDIRECT Jump to
1 {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#Who is the author of ''History of the Church''?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Who is the author of ''History of the Church''?]] jump to
2 {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''History of the Church'', though credited to Joseph Smith, was not actually authored by him|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''History of the Church'', though credited to Joseph Smith, was not actually authored by him]] jump to
3 {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#Production of the history|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Production of the history]] jump to
4 {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''History of the Church''|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''History of the Church'']] jump to
5 {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#The common nineteenth-century format of writing was chosen by Joseph Smith, who directed his clerks to write a first person|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The common nineteenth-century format of writing was chosen by Joseph Smith, who directed his clerks to write a first person]] jump to
6 {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#New Testament parallels|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#New Testament parallels]] jump to
7 {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#Challenges with direct citation|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Challenges with direct citation]] jump to
8 {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#Is ''History of the Church'' not accurate because Joseph Smith did not write it himself?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#Is ''History of the Church'' not accurate because Joseph Smith did not write it himself?]] jump to
9 {{SeeAlso|History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''content'' of the ''History of the Church'' is likely largely accurate|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[History of the Church (6-volume history)#The ''content'' of the ''History of the Church'' is likely largely accurate]] jump to

Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith

Num SeeAlso #REDIRECT Jump to
1 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Did Brigham Young attempt to suppress and destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith''?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Did Brigham Young attempt to suppress and destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith''?]] jump to
2 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Editing history of Lucy's biography|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Editing history of Lucy's biography]] jump to
3 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Brigham Young did attempt to destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith'', but we do not have enough information to know the reason why|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Brigham Young did attempt to destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith'', but we do not have enough information to know the reason why]] jump to
4 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Did Brigham Young insert the reference to Joseph's First Vision into Lucy Mack Smith's history?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Did Brigham Young insert the reference to Joseph's First Vision into Lucy Mack Smith's history?]] jump to
5 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Brigham Young did not insert the reference to Joseph Smith's First Vision into Lucy's book—this was done by Orson Pratt|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Brigham Young did not insert the reference to Joseph Smith's First Vision into Lucy's book—this was done by Orson Pratt]] jump to
6 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Was the Prophet's mother Lucy Mack Smith silent about Joseph's history?|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Was the Prophet's mother Lucy Mack Smith silent about Joseph's history?]] jump to
7 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Joseph's mother was not silent about Joseph's history, and there is nothing in Lucy's history (either the 1845 manuscript or the 1853 edition) which prove that the First Vision did not occur|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#Joseph's mother was not silent about Joseph's history, and there is nothing in Lucy's history (either the 1845 manuscript or the 1853 edition) which prove that the First Vision did not occur]] jump to
8 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845—Lucy Mack Smith, to William Smith, January 23, 1845|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845—Lucy Mack Smith, to William Smith, January 23, 1845]] jump to
9 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845—Extracts from Letters, Millennial Star 6. 10 (November 1, 1845): 153.|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845—Extracts from Letters, Millennial Star 6. 10 (November 1, 1845): 153.]] jump to
10 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845 General Conference, October 8, 1845, Times and Seasons 6. 16 (November 1, 1845): 1013-4.|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845 General Conference, October 8, 1845, Times and Seasons 6. 16 (November 1, 1845): 1013-4.]] jump to
11 {{SeeAlso|Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845 Wandle Mace Autobiography, typescript, BYU Special Collections, 45-6|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Lucy Mack Smith's biography of Joseph Smith#1845 Wandle Mace Autobiography, typescript, BYU Special Collections, 45-6]] jump to

Histories written by scholars

Num SeeAlso #REDIRECT Jump to
1 {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#Ironically, those who criticize Mormon histories as being unreliable and incomplete use Church-produced documents as their source material|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#Ironically, those who criticize Mormon histories as being unreliable and incomplete use Church-produced documents as their source material]] jump to
2 {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#Elder Boyd K. Packer's comment: "Some things that are true are not very useful"|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#Elder Boyd K. Packer's comment: "Some things that are true are not very useful"]] jump to
3 {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#Elder Packer said nothing about stopping historians or insisting that they not aim for objectivity|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#Elder Packer said nothing about stopping historians or insisting that they not aim for objectivity]] jump to
4 {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#First criticism|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#First criticism]] jump to
5 {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#The intellectual context|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#The intellectual context]] jump to
6 {{SeeAlso|Histories written by scholars#Second criticism|l1=the_visual_title}} #REDIRECT[[Histories written by scholars#Second criticism]] jump to
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