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Critics claim that Joseph Smith teach that the moon was inhabited, and that this is proof he was a false prophet.
Critics claim that Joseph Smith taught that the moon was inhabited, and that this is proof he was a false prophet.
===Source(s) of the criticism===
===Source(s) of the criticism===

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Critics claim that Joseph Smith taught that the moon was inhabited, and that this is proof he was a false prophet.

Source(s) of the criticism

  • Jay Jacobson, "Three Reasons Not to Become a Mormon,": 7.


The source for this claim is not Joseph Smith himself; the first mention comes in 1881 in Oliver B. Huntington's journal, who claimed that he had the information from Philo Dibble. So, we have a late, third-person account of something Joseph is supposed to have said.[1] Hyrum Smith[2] and Brigham Young[3] both expressed their view that the moon was inhabited.

A patriarchal blessing given to Huntington also indicated that "thou shalt have power with God even to translate thyself to Heaven, & preach to the inhabitants of the moon or planets, if it shall be expedient."[4]

Huntington later wrote an article about the concept for a Church magazine:

As far back as 1837, I know that he [Joseph Smith] said the moon was inhabited by men and women the same as this earth, and that they lived to a greater age than we d~that they live generally to near the age of a 1,000 years.
He described the men as averaging nearly six feet in height, and dressing quite uniformly in something near the Quaker style.[5]

So, it would seem that the idea of an inhabited moon or other celestial body was not foreign to early LDS thought. It is not clear whether the idea originated with Joseph Smith.

However, it should be remembered that this concept was considered 'scientific fact' by many at the time. William Herschel, the discoverer of the planet Uranus, died in 1822. Herschel argued that

Who can say that it is not extremely probable, nay beyond doubt, that there must be inhabitants on the Moon of some kind or another?


thought it possible that there was a region below the Sun's fiery surface where men might live, and he regarded the existence of life on the Moon as "an absolute certainty."[6]

Other scientists announced that they had discovered "a lunar city with a collection of gigantic ramparts extending 23 miles in either direction."[7]

The 1835 Hoax

Despite these pronouncements from some of the most prominent scientists of the day, a clever hoax in 1835 only added to the belief in lunar inhabitants.

John Herschel, son of the famous William, went to South Africa to study stars visible only in the southern hemisphere. This was the cause of considerable public interest, given Herschel's involvement.

On 23 August 1835, Richard Locke published the first article in the New York Star of what purported to be reports from Herschel's observations. Over a total of six installments, Locke claimed that Herschel was reporting lunar flowers, forests, bison, goats, unicorns, bipedal tailless bevers who cooked with fire, and (most provocatively) flying men with wings:

They appeared to be constantly engaged in conversing, with much impassioned gesticulation; and hence it was inferred, that they are rational beings. Others, apparently of a higher order, were discovered afterwards. . . . And finally a magnificent temple for the worship of God, of polished sapphire, in a triangle shape, with a roof of gold.[8]

These reports were widely believed and caused a minor sensation. They were carried in the Painsville Telegraph, adjacent to Mormon Kirtland.[9] The Star eventually confessed the hoax, but the Painsville Telegraph did not carry news of the retraction, and popular belief in lunar inhabitants persisted for decades.


Modern prophets and general authorities will sometimes cite newspaper articles or books to illustrate the points which they wish to make. In doing so, they are not endorsing such articles or books as being prophetically correct in all particulars. Rather, they are using the science and information of their day to enhance their preaching of the gospel.

LDS doctrine was not provincial, since it provided for "worlds without number" (Moses 1:33) created by Christ. These worlds held those who would require the gospel, since by Christ "the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God." (D&C 76:24)

Information given to the 19th century Saints by the authorities of the day were consistent with these doctrines, and so they believed them, and occasionally mentioned them in a religious context. As always, prophets are products of their time. Hebrew prophets, for example, clearly accepted a geocentric (earth centered) cosmos, with a flat earth and heavens supported by four pillars. Like the prophets of the Bible, modern prophets are generally beholden to their era's scientific world view, except where corrections in that worldview are needed to permit the gospel to be understood and applied. This does not mean, however, prophets of any era do not receive revelation about matters of eternal significance.

As always, anyone with questions need not rely on the word of the prophets, or the media, for determining truth. All may ask of God.


  1. [note] Van Hale, "Mormons And Moonmen," Sunstone 7 no. (Issue #5) (September/October 1982), 13–14. off-site
  2. [note] Hyrum Smith, "Concerning the plurality of gods & worlds," 27 April 1843; cited in Template:BYU Studies1*
  3. [note] Brigham Young, "X," Journal of Discourses, reported by D.W. Evans and John Grimshaw, (Y), Vol. 13 (London: Latter-day Saint's Book Depot, 1871), 271–271.off-site
  4. [note] Patriarchal Blessings Books 9:294–295.
  5. [note]  Young Woman's Journal (1892) Vol. 3: 263.
  6. [note]  Patrick Moore, New Guide to the Moon (W.W. Norton & Company, New York: 1976), cited by Van Hale, "Mormons And Moonmen," Sunstone 7 no. (Issue #5) (September/October 1982), 15. off-site
  7. [note]  Van Hale, Mormons And Moonmen: 15.
  8. [note]  Moore, New Guide to the Moon 130-131; cited by Van Hale, Mormons And Moonmen: 16.
  9. [10]Painesville Telegraph 11 September 1835

Further reading

FAIR wiki articles

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External links

Printed material

  • James B. Allen, "But Dick Tracy Landed On The Moon," Sunstone 7 no. (Issue #5) (September/October 1982), 19–20. off-site
  • Van Hale, "Mormons And Moonmen," Sunstone 7 no. (Issue #5) (September/October 1982), 13–17. off-site