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To the Editor of the Times and Seasons.
March 22d, 1843. }
Beloved Brother:-Through the mercy of the Lord, by the power of an unseen arm, and the protection of an all wise God, I have been brought hither, and have arrived at the place of my destination, as directed by the Lord through the mouth of his Prophet. Notwithstanding the distance, and the many other obstacles that presented themselves to view at the time, as well as after the appointment of my mission to this eastern land, it has been abundantly successful; and be assured by me, that the unbounded confidence which I had at the time of my departure, in the Prophet of immortal memory, has not grown less by time or experience in his prophetic powers. I felt then, and still feel, that I shall, by the help and grace of my Divine Master, accomplish the task allotted me. I have, with pleasure, beheld the fulfilment [fulfillment] of the predictions made by him at the time that I, with a number more, were called to labor in the vineyard of the Lord. I have realized the accomplishment of that which was foretold, that no human eye could have foreseen, nor any human sagacity have penetrated.
Although it fell to my lot, and seemingly unavoidably, to travel alone, yet I have not, at any time, been without friends; nor have I at all been left to the council of my own will, but have endeavored to be governed by the wisdom from above-even by that same spirit which actuated my call. As I passed along, taking for the most part entirely new ground, (and as the Apostle Paul writes, "where Christ had not been named.") I gave strict attention to the movements of the world-both to professor and non-professor, in order to discover, if possible, the great moving cause of the present concern and excitement that appears in the world of mankind. It appears to be evident to all men, and particularly to those who have the enlightening influence of the spirit of God, that an eventful crisis is at hand, the near approach of which, with troublesome times in the world, does not seem at all to be doubted. The watchmen upon the highest towers, the shepherds of the largest flocks, and the pastors of the tallest steeples, all agree in this one position. The most learned of the day, the greatest philosopher of the age, or the most eminent Doctor of Divinity of the enlightened nineteenth century, in their hours of sober reflection and meditations, seem to be lost, and sink into despair when they look to the past, by perusing the volumes of history, both sacred and profane, as it unfolds to the mind scenes that have transpired, and gives place for deep and serious meditation. Also to trace the great events that have followed in succession through the eventful periods that have rolled into forgetfulness by many that have slept beneath its ruins, as it came upon the great mass of mankind, unnoticed and unawares. But never has there been a day when time has been so plentifully supplied, and that with so prominent events-with events so clearly illustrative of miraculous meaning, as appears to be the case in the age and generation in which we live. The land from west to east, seems to be in one general consternation, a fearful looking-for of that which is coming on the earth.
Yet the world are not able to discern the why or the wherefore, neither to tell the cause or to imagine the result. Politicians of all parties are looking for some great and marvelous overturns in the affairs of government, and seem to be aware that nations and kingdoms are upon the eve of ruin. Merchants, and the great men of the commercial cities, are beginning to weep and lament. Distress on all sides is making its appearance. Mourning and lamentation is heard. Truly there is a distress of nations-no one to buy their merchandise. The rich distress the poor, while many are crying for bread, till the lamentations of the widow and the fatherless have reached unto Heaven-yea, the Lord of Sabaoth has heard, and he will answer their prayers with vengeance. The cries of misery are wafted on every gale, while confusion, distress and mourning, pervades every class, from the king, seated upon his throne, or the nobleman, sallying forth in his coach and six, to the humble peasant that bows the knee, or the sweep that is crying in the street.
The last, yet not least, for greater and greater is the mystery of surrounding events, from the pulpit we hear the sound of alarm: one sitting upon a topless throne, as he sees the affrighted, mourning sinners begin to approach the anxious seat, in the midst of phrensied [frenzied] madness, about to sink into despair, surrounded with the groans and sighs of an agonizing multitude of pretended christians, in the most excruciating agony of both body and mind, while from the throne, or high exalted pulpit, we hear this exclamation: this year is the end of God's
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grace, this is the last day of revivals! From another equally as high, and whose towering steeple seems to be lost in the azure blue, another sound is heard; a cry of peace, peace, all is well in Zion, the Lord is converting the heathen, and soon the reign of universal peace and righteousness will be brought in. It is true this is a day of wonders, and many new things make their appearance; and events strange and marvelous, are daily taking place, and we confess the cause or end thereof no one knows.-While all classes and denominations agree with this one sentiment, that great and important events are at the door; even from the priest in the pulpit to the idle lounger in the public alehouse, all are equally aroused, and as equally ignorant of the cause, or the effect. But let us inquire, what is the cause of all this ado; why the world is so aroused, and what the cause of this universal excitement? Let the wise answer. "The wicked shall do wickedly, but the wise shall understand." Daniel xii:10.-"The Lion has come up from his thicket," the Lord has spoken from Mount Zion; the God of Israel has again begun to work; a mighty kingdom is now set up in the earth, and the enemies' camp is in danger; Babylon is beginning to totter; her walls are about to crumble into ruins, and the great Goddess of this generation (priestcraft,) is in danger. The Lord God has spoken from the Heavens to a young man, saying "Jerusalem shall be inhabited," "and in wrath remembered mercy in the midst of the years made known," that the great work of the last days has already began-even the dispensation of the fullness of times, in the which God will bring to pass the greatest events ever witnessed by man, the signs of which have already appeared-therefore the wise begin to account for all the wonder and surprise in the world, and are willing to go forth and warn the wicked of the approaching events that they so greatly fear. The kingdom of God is rolling on with unparalleled rapidity through the world. The great arm of Heaven is extended again to the earth; the God of Moses has spoken, and the world stands afar off; with fear they quake exceedingly. In many places where the servants of God make their appearance and begin to raise their voices like the horns around Jerico, as messengers of truth, thousands of interested subjects flock to hear the new messengers that God has sent to an apostate world.-In every state through which I have passed in my journey from Nauvoo to this place, I have found fields white already to harvest, and room for many laborers to do much in gathering the wheat into garners; and had not my mission been appointed to this state, I should have tarried far west of this. The spread of truth is fast making its progress in all the land. I have come to this state obedient to council, and rejoice that I have been directed by the Lord, through the mouth of his Prophet, whom he has raised up in these last days to direct the affairs of his kingdom. I have now been in the vineyard on this mission about six months; have travelled [traveled] in eight states, and have preached to all that came in my way, and have allayed the prejudice of the people to a considerable extent in all places where I have had the opportunity of preaching, by correcting the errors, and setting forth the truth before them.
Since my arrival here, which is a little over two months, my labors have been principally confined to this county. I have labored in Westfield, Springfield, Cabotville and Chicapee. I have preached to large assemblies in all these places, and very good attention has been paid. I have baptised [baptized] several in Westfield and Cabotville, and many more are believing in the great work of God, both professor and non-professor. The prospect for a great work is now apparent in this region. Some of the most prominent members in the Baptist church have been baptised [baptized] in these places.
The priests are much enraged, while from the pulpit to the private circle the members are warned to beware of the delusion; and the most base calumny, falsehoods, and misrepresentations are heralded forth by them in every shape and from every quarter. The Press also is used to dissuade some, to sour the minds of others, and if possible, to retard the work of God, if not to put an entire stop to it in this section of the country.
I have been here now until a general excitement prevails amongst both priest and people, but mostly with the priests, who excite and encourage the common people, for I have not seen a people so completely priest-ridden in any place as in these eastern states. Superstition and bigotry seem to have attained their highest pinnacle, while the minds of many are bound down by the shackles and chains of modern priestcraft. Error, confusion, anarchy and misrule, are the only spirits that govern. Nothing but the power of God can in any way, beneath the heavens, break the league of the iron grasp of the Devil, that appears to be riveted upon the minds of almost all the people. Yet notwithstanding all the powers of earth and hell combined, they cannot stop the work of God in these last days, for the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, even to the pulling down of error, and the final triumph of truth.
In these eastern lands, amid all the errors, the
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wisdom, learning and affluence of the land of steady habits, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is fast gaining in numbers and influence. Branches are being raised up in various places. A number are now growing up under the preaching of the elders sent out by the general conference last summer, and thanks be to God, the truth is spreading in this country like a green bay tree; the kingdom of God will go on, and nothing can hinder, until the sound of redeemed sinners, and the songs of enraptured multitudes shall be heard from mountain top to mountain top, the valleys be glad for them, and the Saints shall rejoice together.
I have baptised [baptized] some twenty on this mission, and have organized a branch in Little River, consisting of one elder, one priest and one teacher, with fifteen members, all in good faith and standing, who are rejoicing in the kingdom of God in these last days, while many more are believing the work, and will, to all appearance, soon show their faith by their works, and much good will be done in this region.
Such is the prospect of the work here, and a brief account of my mission, and if you deem it worthy of a place in the Times and Seasons, it is at your disposal. My best wishes for you, and the Church at Nauvoo and throughout the world, with my prayer to God continually for the advancement of His cause, I subscribe myself your brother and fellow laborer in the gospel of Jesus Christ, Amen.
(To the Editor of the Times and Seasons.)
DEAR SIR-In this age of superstition and infidelity, we find vast numbers who not only deny revelation, but even the existence of deity, which has in a great measure arisen from the inconsistencies and perplexities of the professors of Christianity; indeed we cannot much blame a man for denying in toto what appears altogether a mass of contradictions and absurdities. For, let us suppose for example, that an individual from China, or any other part, who had had an opportunity of listening to the preaching of some of our modern Missionaries, and had given full credence to all that had been advanced, had a Bible placed in his hands and told that it was the word of an immutable God, it seems to me that one desire alone would pervade his whole soul, viz: to get to that land of religion, that nation of demi-gods, where they had such a superabundance of piety, as to send a little over the great waters and let the heathen participate in their blessedness. Well, there are few things on which man is fully bent but he is able to attain to it, so with this young Christian; at length he is enabled to start for this paradise, and leave his native land, and, oh joy! lands safely on Columbia's happy shores, with his Bible in his hand, just as the people are repairing to their different places of worship. Judge his surprise on finding their worship as diverse as possible, yet all professing to teach from the same unchangeable book. He inquires in vain for the church of Christ; the cry is lo here, and lo there, and he finds but one thing in which they all agree, viz: in contending that the unchangeable word has become altogether changed. That though the great author of it has asserted that certain signs shall follow those that believe, they fearlessly tell us they shall not; that the great apostle to the Gentiles tells us that God placed apostles and prophets in the church, and they boldly tell us they are not wanted; and there is no need for tongues and prophecies. In the days of Paul, they saw through a glass darkly, yet it was needful for Paul to have a thorn in the flesh, lest he should be exalted above measure, through the abundance of revelations that were given unto him, that, he was caught up into the third heaven, and heard things that it was not lawful to utter that the church then had visions, angels, tongues, healings, interpretations, &c. &c., but now there is no need of these, as perfection is come. Would not our traveller [traveler] be at a loss to account for this strange state of things? And could we be surprised if he began to think he had been deceived, and to question the authenticity of the book?
Although infidelity may abound, and many may live and die, not having the fear of God before their eyes, I am of opinion that the existence of Deity, and the truth of revelation can be established beyond the power of successful controversy.
First, then, the laws of nature by which vegetation is produced, the globe kept in regular motion, and the planets governed and arranged. How wonderful the chance that caused the earth to take its place just at such a distance from the sun, and to hold on in its course, and still as fortunate that the moon should be situated as to give its light in the night instead of the day, so that it happens to be a blessing to the inhabitants of all the earth. And, if we may rely on astronomers, it was a lucky chance that gave Jupiter four moons, seeing that his distance from the sun is near 500,000,000 of miles, and therefore, his nights must have been very dark but for that chance. We are also informed that Saturn is removed 900,000,000 of miles from Sol, and therefore his nights must have been dismal, had not chance given him seven moons; Georgium Sidus, of vast magnitude, 1,800,000,000
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of miles from the sun, though no knowledge of his diurnal motion has been ascertained; six moons at least have been discovered. All the planets and fixed stars are governed by a law, and if they be governed by law, there must be order, and there can be no order without design, and if by design, there must be a framer. No matter whether it be the law of nature, or any other law, it could not have been produced by chance, for chance begets confusion. Law and order cannot spring into existence of their own accord, but must have been framed in wisdom and intelligence, and intelligence does not exist in nature, nor wisdom in chance. If then, intelligence exists, that framed not only this earth, so well adapted for the dwelling of man, but all the countless numbers of worlds, with all their regularity and beauty, continually revolving in the immensity of space, without a jar, in perfect harmony, shall we consider it strange that when man is created, a law should be given, or shall he be left in darkness and confusion? I am persuaded that we may bring forth such an abundance of evidence as to satisfy even the skeptic on this point, and if we could once get man to place implicit confidence in the Bible, he has nothing to do but read it, to believe in the Book of Mormon, and the doctrines taught by the Latter Day Saints.
The prophecies contained in the scriptures are so numerous, and the proofs of their fulfilment [fulfillment] so abundant, that, instead of any deficiency of evidence, the only difficulty lies in selecting or condensing them. A few of the prophecies that have a definite and distinct meaning, and that have received an express and literal accomplishment, shall be selected, Moses, being the first inspired writer we have an account of in the Bible, we will examine his words first, respecting the Jews and their city. He says, Leviticus 26, if they would not obey the commandments of God, ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat, and I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcasses upon the carcasses of your idols, and my soul shall abhor you; and I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries into desolation; I will bring the land into desolation, and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it; I will scatter you among the heathen, and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste, and ye shall be in your enemy's land, and ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies; and ye shall perish among the heathen, and they that are left among you shall pine away in their iniquity in their enemy's land; and yet, for all that, when they be in their enemy's land, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly." Also, Deut. 26: "It shall come to pass if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, and observe to do all his commandments, that all these curses shall come upon thee; [which may be read at leisure, therefore, for the sake of brevity, I only extract a few;] thou shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth; the Lord shall smite thee with blindness, and thou shalt grope at the noon-day as the blind gropeth in darkness, and shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee. Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given to another people, and thine eyes shall fail with looking for them all the day long; and there shall be no might in thy hand; the Lord shall bring thee into a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb and a bye-word among all nations, whither the Lord shall lead thee. These curses shall be upon thee for a sign and a wonder, and upon thy seed after thee. The Lord shall bring a nation upon thee of fierce countenance, from afar, swift as the eagle's flight, who shall not regard the person of old, nor show favor to the young. He shall beseige [besiege] thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down; and thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and thy daughters, in the seige [siege] and in the straightness wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee. So sore will be the distress, that he will not give to any the flesh of his children, whom he shall eat &c. &c. The Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, and of long continuance. And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth unto the other; and among these nations thou shalt find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy feet have rest, but the Lord shall give thee there, a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind; and thy life shall hang in doubt before thee, and thou shalt fear day and night, and have no assurance of thy life. In the morning thou shalt say, would God it were evening! and at evening, would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see; the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again, in ships, and there you shall be sold unto your enemies for bond-men, and bond-women, till no man shall buy you; death should be chosen by them rather than life," &c. &c.
These, and a vast number of other passages might be quoted, but I am afraid of trespassing too much on your valuable columns, and therefore
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shall proceed to give the manner; the strange and wonderful manner the prophecies have been fulfilled, with other remarks I may feel disposed to make.
False Christs and false prophets arose after our Lord was crucified, as he himself had warned his disciples, which occasioned great commotions among the Jews, and soon every city in Syria became the seat of a civil war. The Roman procurator, Florus, heaped indignities and oppressions upon the Jews, till at length, they were goaded on to open rebellion against Rome, which soon brought the Roman ensign around the beloved city, and Jerusalem was compassed about with armies, as described by the Saviour [Savior], and on their withdrawing for a time, the Christians made their escape to Pella, having been forewarned of the calamity. Multitudes crowded within the walls of Jerusalem, some to the Passover, and others for a temporary security of their lives and property. But, alas, the day of God's wrath was come upon Jerusalem. The robbers who had banded together, amidst the preceding commotions, and resorted to the mountains of Judea, not able to protect themselves from the Roman power, flocked into Jerusalem, and joining the lawless mob, ruled over the devoted city. Destruction and murder was carried on by them to an awful extent, and the provisions for the siege were pillaged and burnt. The blood of thousands was shed within the walls by their brethren, while the work of destruction was proceeding with awful rapidity by the Romans without. The bones of the priests were scattered around the altar, but the famine soon began to prey on all; and so severe were the pains of gnawing hunger, that the sewers were opened in search of food.-Shoes, and the leather from off their shields were eat [ate], and the most loathsome refuse devoured as a sweet morsel; the bodies of the famished fell dead in the streets. They then began to eat the dead bodies, and one lady, once rich and noble, had slain, and was roasting and eating her own sucking child. The Romans built a wall and hemmed them in one every side. It is said, of fugitives from the famine, five hundred were taken prisoners, and crucified daily, without the walls, till they could not find room for the crosses, nor crosses for the bodies. The purposed object of such cruelty failed, for even so sad a spectacle did not intimidate the desperadoes, who ruled over the wretched city, into submission. In the entrails of some of the slaughtered captives, gold was discovered, which, loving it as their lives, they had swallowed in the hopes of escape. The bodies of 2,000 deserters were dissected in one night, in search of hidden treasures, and so great was the work of death, that one hundred and fifteen thousand dead bodies, were carried out at one gate during the siege; in all, six hundred thousand, having no other burial than being cast without the walls. Houses were filled with dead bodies and heaps of them piled together in every open space, and every place in the city covered with dead bodies. About six thousand perished amid the burning cloisters of the temple, or precipitated themselves down, and were killed; ten thousand others were killed about the temple, and all the sewers were completely stopped with human bodies. Eleven hundred thousand perished during the siege; and when Jerusalem was given to the flames, the streets literally flowed with blood, and finally the Romans passed the plough-share over the city, signifying that the work of destruction was complete. Josephus specifies the number that were slain at each place, exclusive of those who were slaughtered in the seditions and siege. Two hundred and forty thousand were slain throughout the cities of Judea and neighboring countries. Vast numbers were taken to Egypt and sold for slaves, till their marts were glutted with them, and, in the words of Moses, no man would buy them, and eleven hundred of them were put in prison, and suffered to die for want of bread and water. How far Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Micah, and Jesus have described this event, it is for your readers to determine, while we proceed further to investigate the sufferings of the Jews, in the different nations of the earth, down to the present time.
For prophecy concerning the Jews, I would refer to Moses, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Amos, all of which predictions are delivered with the clearness of history, and the confidence of truth. After the Jews had been destroyed, as above described, when their numbers had again increased, they combined together to make a desperate attempt to regain Jerusalem, when they fell by the edge of the sword, in such numbers that few escaped.-They were then banished from Judea, and by an imperial edict, it was death for a Jew to set his foot in Jerusalem, and from that time they have been scattered among the nations, among the heathen, among the people, even from one end of the earth unto the other. They have been removed into all the kingdoms of the earth; they have been scattered unto all the winds, and dispersed throughout all countries, among nations which neither they nor their fathers had known.
I suppose at the present time, there is not a kingdom on the face of the earth, where they are not to be found. There are great numbers
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in Holland, Turkey, Germany, and Poland.-In America, Britain, France, Spain, Italy, and Russia, they are not so numerous. In Persia, China and India, on the east and west of the Ganges, they are few in number among the heathen. The cold region of Siberia, and the burning deserts of Arabia, bear record of their misery; and we have every reason to believe, that they are to be found in the very interior of Africa. From one end of the earth unto the other, the Jews have been scattered among all nations.
They were to find no ease nor rest among the nations, whither they were to be driven.-Their plagues and the plagues of their race, were to be great, and of long continuance.-They were to be oppressed and crushed, and spoiled evermore. In the first century, Jerusalem was laid even with the ground, and they led captive, or driven as homeless vagabonds throughout the world. In the second, five hundred thousand of them were slain, under one emperor alone. They suffered serious persecutions in the third. In the fourth, their ears were cut off, and they banished from Rome.-In the fifth, they were driven from Alexandria, and grievously oppressed throughout Persia, and could find no rest for the soles of their feet, they made another attempt to regain Judea, being allured by a false Messiah, and a slaughter, like that by which their forefathers had fallen, was again renewed in Palestine, in the sixth century. In Africa, they were prohibited from any exercise of their religion, even in caverns. In the seventh century, they were grieviously [grievously] persecuted and expelled from Jerusalem, from Antioch, and from Spain. Numbers fled to France, where the only alternative was to renounce their religion, or be despoiled of all they possessed. Mahomet also, exacted a heavy tribute from the Jews in Arabia, and finally expelled them. In the succeeding century, a law was passed throughout the Mahometan dominions, authorizing any child that would renounce Judaism, and embrace Mahometanism, to take possession of the whole property of its father, and turning the whole family out of doors. In the ninth and tenth centuries, they suffered grievously through the caliphs, or successors of Mahomet, whose power extended from Spain to India; their academies were closed, themselves taxed; and marks and badges of infamy placed on them, till they were compelled to flee for refuge, to the deserts of Arabia. And if the murdering hand of oppression was stayed for a short time, through their excessive covetiousness [covetousness], they soon began to heap up treasures in abundance, which merely prepared the way for further spoilations.
The scenes through which this stricken people had to pass, is calculated to rouse the sympathies of the most obdurate heart. Sir Walter Scott says that no part of God's creation, except the flying fish, suffered as this once peculiar people. Surely they had trembling of heart, and sorrow of mind! What madness for the sight of their eyes that they did see! What choosing of death, rather than life, was their portion. They were massacred in multitudes throughout Europe. All the Jews were slain at Ulm; at Frankfort one hundred and thirty were burned, and numbers butchered. Twelve thousand were killed at one time in Franconia and Bavaria. In other places they barricaded their houses, and threw their treasures, their families, and themselves into the rivers or the flames.
At Norwich, in England, the Jews were massacred, and many were slain at Stamford, and other places in that kingdom; but at York their sufferings were worse than death. Fifteen hundred Jews, including men, women and children, shut themselves up in the castle and their silver and gold could not save them from the murderous sword of those demons, and in their desperation, each father was the murderer of his wife and children, and afterwards cut their own throats. At Massada, a similar scene was transacted; and several other places, death was chosen by them rather than life.
The Mahometans bribed their children to forsake their parents; the Roman Catholics took them from them by force, according to law, and brought them up in monasteries, and when the Jews were banished from Lisbon, none of the children under fourteen years of age, were suffered to depart. Their sons and their daughters were given to another people.
They found no rest for the soles of their feet. They were seven times banished from France, and at one time six hundred thousand of them were driven from Spain, and scarcely a kingdom in existence, but what have publicly banished them. They have been a proverb, a bye-word, an astonishment, and a hissing among all nations.
This letter has, in spite of all my endeavors, run out too far, and yet I am afraid the few subjects I have touched upon will not be explicit enough to be of much service to your readers, for I thought I could have put twice as much in half the space, and so I must conclude after giving a short statement of the present condition of the Jews, and one more proof of the truth of the Bible, namely the much talked of numbers of Daniel and John, and I think I can set this in a light that all can understand it. Many good men have been endeavoring to fix the
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time of calculation, but few agree as to the exact year. Numbers are a few years over and under the period that I calculate from. The reasons that I adopt it is because the excellent Wesley had fixed upon it, viz: 567, adding 1260, it brings us to the year 1827, which Mr. Wesley expected would be the beginning of a new era in the Christian world, and probably about 1830 the millennial light would go forth!!! How exact. In the identical year, 1827, the fulness [fullness] of the gospel burst forth on the world, contained in the Book of Mormon, it in a measure laid dead three days and a half (three years and a half,) but in 1830, life came into it, it was printed and circulated, and thus the light of the millenium [millennium] went forth. You see, sir, poor father Miller has got hold of the beast by the wrong horn.
It would seem that the long night of Jewish persecution is drawing to a close, and the dawning of a brighter day is fast breaking over their horizon. Their condition is meliorating in all parts of the world; the word of the Lord is sure; the natural branches of the olive tree will be grafted in again, and the time is not far distant, when the Jews will bow to the name of Jesus, and enjoy the liberty and blessings of the children of God.
The Jews believe that they shall yet be restored to the holy land, where, under the dominions of Messiah, they shall become an independent and glorious nation. But an unsurmountable [insurmountable] barrier to the fulfilment [fulfillment] of prophesy, is the uncertainty of the existence of the ten tribes, which has caused a great deal of search and enquiry [inquiry] to be made in all parts of the world. What an expence [expense] and trouble it would have saved the Christian world if their God had given revelation in these last days, but they have been obliged to go the warfare at their own expence [expense], and I suppose have about made up their minds that the ten tribes are not in existence! For, say they, if they are, where are they to be found? Many boldly assert that they have been lost among the nations. But if the ten tribes be extinct, how will prophesy be fulfiled [fulfilled], and the promise of God realized? But where are they to be found? Why, say some, in China, that their ancestors settled that country one thousand years before Christ. Sir William Jones thinks that they were the nations of the Afghans, in Persia; who had generally mingled with the Mahometans. Dr. Buchanan said he had found them among the black Jews, near Cochin; who had copies of the books of the Old Testament, written before the captivity, but none after. Manassas Ben Jorden, in a work styled the "Hope of Israel," proves that the American Indians are the decendants [descendants] of the ten tribes. To this, the apostle of the Indians, Mr. Eliot, agreed. Mr. Adair, a trader among the Indians for many years, was a warm advocate of this opinion. These writers say that they have found among the Indians, something like the Hebrew festivals, fasts and religious rites; the Jewish prophets, priests and cities of refuge. The bases of the Hebrew language, many Hebrew words, something of the theocracy, or divine government of Israel; the doctrine of the divine unity, the Jewish divisions into tribes; phylactries [phylacteries], or ancient Hebrew writings, and various traditions, unaccountable on any supposition but this, that they descended from Israel. Paul said in his day, that the ten tribes were alive, and serving God day and night, in expectation of the promise made to their fathers, and Joseph says they still live, and are yet expecting the promise to be fulfiled [fulfilled].
At the present time the employment of the Jews is generally that of merchants, brokers, bankers, jewelers, dealers in clothes, watches, gold and silver, ornaments, pedling [peddling], &c. &c.-They are not known in Great Britain, in law, but are connived at, and valued for their enterprize [enterprise]. They have the free exercise of their worship, and the opportunity to acquire and hold property to any amount.
In Holland, the Jews are numerous, wealthy and respectable.
In Spain they are not known as Jews; but are numerous in every class of society, even among priests and inquisitors, as good Catholics.
In Portugal, they are in the same manner, obliged to dissemble. The Spanish and Portuguese Jews do not mingle with the German Jews. They have separate synagogues wherever they reside.
In Germany and Prussia, most of the vexatious statutes of former ages have been repealed, and the Jews are living in quiet. At Frankfort, however, they are subject to many humiliating restrictions.
In Russia, favorable edicts have been passed by the emperor, and in Poland there are about 300,000 enjoying great privileges.
In Sweden and Denmark, they have a good degree of liberty.
In France, their situation since Napoleon has been highly gratifying. In 1791, all who would take the civic oath were admitted to the rank of citizens. This was the first act that gave the Jews a country in Europe.
In the Ottoman empire, they have to pay a heavy tax to the Porte, before they are allowed the liberty of their own worship.
In South America and the West Indies, the Jews are favorably situated for accumulating wealth and practicing their religion.
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In the United States they enjoy perfect freedom.
I have endeavored to give a few particulars respecting this ancient and peculiar family, hoping that they may prove interesting to your readers, and so conclude for the present, intending, by your permission, to take another view at some future time, of the prophecies of the Old Testament.
I remain as ever, your affectionate brother,
To the Church in Philadelphia;-
All the members of that branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who are desirous of doing the will of Heaven, and of working out their own salvation, by keeping the laws of the Celestial kingdom, are hereby instructed and counselled [counseled] to remove from thence without delay, and locate themselves in the city of Nauvoo, where God has a work for them to accomplish.
Done at Nauvoo, this 29th day of May, 1843; agreeable to the instructions of the First Presidency.
By order of the Quorum of the Twelve,
President of the Quorum.
Elder Reuben Hadlock, to England, to preside over the English mission.
Elder John Cairns, to Scotland.
" James Sloan, to Ireland.
" Benjamin Brown, accompanied by Elder Jesse W. Crosby, to the Province of Nova Scotia.
Elder Edwin W. Webb, to the vicinity of Galena.
Elder Isaac Chase, to the Eastern States.
" Stephen Abbot, and Charles E. Spencer, to Wisconsin Territory; Elder Isaac Thompson to accompany them.
It becomes our painful duty again to bear record of the death of an honorable man, and a brother beloved. He has long been an ornament to his profession as a Christian, and recognized as a man of God. In the hour of his dissolution, he was a striking monument of the influence of religion.
Brother Higbee's life was such that he could look back on it with pleasure, while on his death-bed. Full of faith, and buoyant with hope, he longed to depart and be with Christ.
He is gone, like a flower, by the stream swept away,
Which no more spreads its sweets, o'er the banks where it lay;
He has crossed the dark Jordan, and flood of the grave,
But his spirit still shines like a beam on the wave.
The body, safely deposited in the tomb, rests in hopes of a glorious resurrection, nor shall it hope in vain; for the time is near, when loud diffusive sound, from brazen trump, of strong lunged sherub [cherub], shall awake him to life and youth. The same almighty power that first reared the piece, and took it down, can re-assemble the loose scattered parts, and put them as they were, and then shall the victor's cry be heard: "O grave where is they victory?" He has left us for a little season, to act in a more noble sphere. Upright through all his life-just in every transaction-hospitable to strangers-magnanimous in his intercourse with friends-he won a reputation which death cannot wipe away, or dim its lustre [luster]-a reputation that will live upon the tabliture of noble hearts through the lapse of many coming years, and the conflicting changes of human life. He was warm-hearted, benevolent, bland, sociable and confiding; faithful to every trust, and honorable in all his intercourse with man. In relation to his religious sentiments, his heart beat in unison with the true believers in the doctrines of the Latter-Day Saints. Laying aside the fabulous and sofisticated [sophisticated] dogmas of clashing creeds and warring sectaries, he has, for the last ten or eleven years, been a firm advocate of the legitimate principles of the Gospel of Christ, as they have been revealed, in the last days, to man. To promulgate these doctrines, and promote the welfare of the church, he encountered many hardships and deprivations. With his brethren, he felt the grievous hand of the Missouri persecution-with them he was plundered of every comfort and robbed of every blessing that is calculated to meliorate and happify the temporal condition of man, and driven from the limits of that mobocratic State. Then, departed brother, if the harmony we now enjoy should be ultimately broken, if the tranquillity that reigns in our midst should again be invaded, by the fiery fiend of fanaticism, the part you have once taken, the activity and zeal you have once exhibited-when our society was convulsed and disorganised [disorganized], by the handiwork of designing and unprincipled
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bigots and lawless knaves-your loss will be but too deeply felt. For many years he has been a member of the High Council, the duties of which station he discharged with credit to himself and honor to the church. When the revelation for the building of the Temple was received, the unanimous voice of the church elected him a member of the Committee which was incorporated to supervise its erection. His untiring perseverance in prosecuting this important work, and the strict fidelity that characterizes his stewardship, are too well known, in this community; to require any comment from us.
He has raised a large family-all to respectability-all to ultimate usefulness. But he has left them, and has gone to try the realities of another world. Alas! when we come to speak of his domestic relations-to enter the penetralia of that now desolate home, and witness the feelings of that bereaved family-how incompetent is the force of language to sketch the scene, or paint the desolation that his decease has created there! Have you contemplated the pungent pangs-the up-gushing swells of the emotionate [emotional] bosom, as the circle of mourning bereaved ones drew around the lifeless form of a departed husband or parent? Have you ever known the heart-felt agony, the deep emotions of sorrow that agitate the internal empire of the bosom, when gazing upon the marble brow-the solemn visage-and compressed lips of some respected relative, whose clayey tenement is about to be consigned to the tomb?-If so, then can you form some conception or enter into the feelings of this comfortless family! These are feelings-these emotions-that can only be understood by experience,-language cannot describe them.
He died perfectly resigned-perfectly calm and tranquil-to the last moment. He stated that he was "prepared to die," that he was "hastening to that bourn [born] from whence no traveler returns," and felt the highest assurance of a happy rest in the celestial world. Relative to his religion, he expressed the most sanguine knowledge of its truth, and died attesting its divine authenticity. Thus has another good and honorable man fallen asleep, testifying to the doctrines of the Latter-Day Saints. Farewell, dear brother!-we miss your society-you have left forever this "vale of tears"-secure from the "evils to come" but you will ever retain a high seat of respect in our memory!
(Concluded from our last.)
R. D. Kimchi's commend. on Ez. 37:18, says: "our Rabbis dispute about the dead, out of the promised land; some say that the dead out of the promised land shall also be raised; others believe they shall have to roll themselves there and rise, but the prophet speaks very clear: See, I will open your graves and call my people out of them, and bring them into the land of Israel. These words are proof enough that the dead out of the promised land will rise and come to the promised land. Some of the more pious Jews, at the approach of age, go to the promised land to die there, so that they might not have to roll themselves, and to rise many years sooner than those that die out of it. Rabbi Jehuda says, 103 R: 214 years before the general resurrection, the righteous will rise. Rabbi Joshua ben Menaser teaches that the holy and praiseworthy will raise, those first that sleep in Hebron, viz: Adam, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, with their wives. (The Jews believe that the cave mentioned in Gen. 23:19, not only the three patriarchs, but Adam and Eve are interred, yet some give a place to the head of Esau in it.) Afterwards he would purify the land of the unclean ones, viz. the heathen, and then quicken the dead. See the book Ophkat Rochel. 4th part.
Some believe that God will first raise all the dead, then those in Hebron, that they might be joyfully surprised to behold so many righteous and godly that have come from their loins; then they will break forth in loud praises. God will act here in like manner as at the creation of the world; he did not create man until he had prepared every thing for his reception.
The most disputed point is about who shall be partakers at the resurrection; some extend it only to the Jews, others to the Godly of all nations. Rabbi Bachay holds the first; in his comment. on the five books of Moses, he says, "it is well known there are four things in which no nation has part but Israel: 1st, prophecy; 2d, receiving of the law; 3d, the promised land; 4th, the resurrection." As proofs he gives the following verses, in which only the name of Jacob appears: 1st, prophecy, it is written, Deuteronomy, 18:15, A prophet like unto me, I that am from the seed of Jacob, that you might not reckon the seed of Esau or Ishmael, it is said out of thy brethren. But we find Bileam, who was a Midianite, had the spirit of prophecy; it was only perchance, which you will find, 4 B. M. 24:4-16, God met perchance Bileam; it was for two reasons, 1st, for the honor of Israel; 2d, that the heathen might have no excuse on the day of judgment, by saying Israel has had prophets to reveal unto them the will of God, but we have had none. 2d. The law is given to none but Jacob. 5 B. M. 33:4, Moses has commanded us
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to the law, for an inheritance the congregation of Jacob. 3d. the promised land belongs by inheritance to Jacob, as you may see from 5 B. M. 33:28, the eye of Jacob is upon the land. 4th. the seed of Jacob may only comfort themselves with the resurrection, because it is said at the conclusion of the forementioned [aforementioned] verses, "his heaven will drop dew." The word `his,' refers to Jacob, namely: over Jacob's heaven, or over the land of Israel shall drop the dew, with which dew the Almighty, at the resurrection will quicken the dead. Furthermore, Dan. 12:2, Many that sleep in the dust shall wake. But that the word many only means the Jews, our Rabbis have fully proven in the Book Siphri, from Esther, 8:17, Many of the people became Jews. Compare with this Psalms, 50:4, he calls the heaven from above, and the earth to judge his people; and Isaiah, 26:14-19, The dead shall not live, and they will not rise; thy dead will be quickened, and my corpse will rise. Wake and be joyful you that lay in the earth. Even the same meaning is in the Book Rad Hakemah, where it is said, when the jetcer horah,-evil desire, or original sin will be no more; then all mourning shall be at an end; every tear shall be wiped away from our eyes, and all Israel shall be worthy of the resurrection because this glorious privilege belongs only to Israel.
MR. EDITOR:-Having commenced this sometime since-and having had the privilege, a few Sundays back, to hear our worthy Prophet on the same subject, I was determined to go on with it, and hand it over to you. If you think it will be of any interest to your readers, I shall take another time to continue the subject, and tell you the means, as held by my brethren the Jews, whereby the Lord will bring to pass this glorious work.
Yours, Respectfully,
The following extract from the "Salem (Mass.) Advertizer and Argus," being an extract from a lecture delivered in Salem, by Mr. J. B. Newhall, will be read with interest by many of our friends. It shows very clearly what the views of enlightened, unprejudiced men are, in relation to Joseph Smith, Nauvoo, the Temple, the Legion, and the Mormons. The following presents a very different specimen of the Prophet, Nauvoo, the Temple, &c., than that given by many of our political demagogues. Mr. Newhall may think that a prophet ought to be morose, abstemious, distant, clothed either in pontifical robes or a leathern girdle, dwelling in caves, or living in the wilderness, unsociable, illiberal, and distant; something sepulchral, or unearthly; he has a perfect right to his opinions. but we think that a prophet ought to be what he has described Joseph Smith to be, "sociable, easy, cheerful, kind and obliging, and VERY HOSPITABLE."
"The Nauvoo Temple is a very singular and unique structure. It is 150 feet in length, 98 feet wide, and when finished will be 150 feet high. It is different from any thing in ancient or modern history. Every thing about it is on a magnificent scale, and when finished and seen from the opposite side of the river, it will present one, if not the most beautiful, chaste, and noble specimens of architecture to be found in the world. We should like to be in possession of a model of this building, both on account of its great notoriety, as being connected with the Mormon or Latter Day Saints' religion, and also a work of art. Did our limits here permit, we might give a very minute description of the whole order of architecture. This splendid drawing was executed by Mr. Newhall, while in Nauvoo, from a copy in the archives of that city. We wish he had taken it on a large scale, but he probably did not, on account of transportation. We regret exceedingly that we did not have the privilege of a near inspection of the map of the city of Nauvoo; the place which for some time past has created more intense interest perhaps, than any other city, town or village in the country, if not in the world. But on inquiring for it we found it had been rolled up and packed away. He gave a very glowing and interesting account of this city. The location is one of the most beautiful on earth. Situated on the Mississippi river, rising in an inclined plane, till it reaches the height where it overlooks an extensive tract of territory, unrivalled [unrivaled] in rich and varying scenery. His account of the military displays in Nauvoo, where the regiment, or Jeo [Joe] Smith's legion as it is called, turns out, is very interesting and exciting. He spoke of the six ladies on horses, with white feathers or plumes waving over black velvet, riding up and down in front of the last regiment. This must appear singular, at least to a Yankee.
He has had personal interviews with Joseph; and to sum up his character in a word; he is a jolly fellow: and according to his view, he is one of the last persons on earth whom God would have raised up as a prophet or priest, he is so diametrically opposite to that which he ought to be, in order to merit the titles or to act in such offices. Among others, he is very sociable, easy, cheerful, kind and obliging, and very hospitable.
We have seen Hiram Smith, a brother of Joseph's and heard him preach, and conversed
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with him about his religion, its origin and progress; and we heard him declare, in this city in public, that what is recorded about the plates, &c. &c., is God's solemn truth. We have seen and conversed also with Mr. Wm. Law, one of the apostles. He declared to us in the Masonic Hall, in this city, that the statements are true, and called upon God with uplifted hands as a witness. We think it would be very interesting to the good people of Salem, and in fact to the whole Eastern States, to have the prophet come and make us a visit. We very much doubt whether there is a man on earth, who would create so much excitement and deep interest, at least, for the time being, as the prophet.
After Mr. N. had drawn the Temple, Joseph was exceedingly pleased, pronounced it very correct, complimented him very highly, and told him he believed he would be the means in the hands of God, of doing a great deal of good.
Joseph's sermon, given verbatim as heard by Mr. N., is very interesting; but we cannot give it here."
To the Editor of the Boston Weekly Bee.
MR. EDITOR:-On visiting Boylston Hall, as usual, on Sunday last, I missed Elder Maginn's honest countenance, and in his stead was a stranger, who, I was informed, is called Elder Willey. I was somewhat disappointed, but as I am "seeking after truth," I care not from whom or from what quarter it comes. I determined to pay every attention to what was said, and seated myself with pencil and memorandum book in hand, for, Mr. Editor, I always take notes of chapter and verse, and when I go home, take down my Bible and examine whether they have told me truth; and if I ever do catch them misquoting, or trying to deceive the people by preaching any other doctrine but that contained in the Bible, I'll expose them-the way I'll serve them up will be a caution-General Bennet's expose will be no touch to it.-But to return to Elder Willey. He commenced by saying that he meant to take the Bible for his text, and the contents of his sermon; and I was much pleased to hear the manner in which he quoted from that good book. He took up the subject of the restoration of Israel and certainly handled it in a masterly manner. He spoke with much energy and appeared to feel and mean just what he said. He contended that Israel would be restored, and as I have not time, and do not wish to trespass too much on "Every body's Corner," I will briefly quote some few of the many passages he cited to prove his position, so that any of your readers who feel an interest in these things may examine for themselves. But first, he quoted John, chap. 5, v. 39; "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me" and then enquired [inquired], "How are we to search them? and found an answer in Romans, 15, 4, 2d Peter, 1, 19, to 21; John, 17, 17; Amos 3, 7,-and that taking "thus saith the Lord" for a definite assertion-a figure for a figure and a parable for a parable, a rule was laid down by which to work. He then, to show that Israel would be restored, proceeded to quote and briefly comment on the following texts: Jeremiah, 12, 14 to 17; Isaiah, 11, 11; Deut., 30, 1 to 9; Jeremiah, 16, 21; Isaiah, 40, 1 to 5; 43, 1 to 7; 49, 10 to 23; Jeremiah 30, 3 7 and 11; 31, 3 to 13; Ezekiel, 34, 22 to 31; 29, 21 to 29; 37, 21 to 28; 36 34 and 35, Hosea, 14, 4 to 7; Amos, 11, 15; Psalms, 144, 5 to 15; Joel, 3; Zachariah, 2, 4 to 13; 10, 6 to 12; 12, 8 to 11; 14 ch.; and several other passages, but perhaps when the reader has attentively examined the ones above mentioned, he will be convinced of the fact that the Jews will be gathered back to Jerusalem, that that city will be built up and that they shall again possess the land from which they were driven.
Elder Willey, I understand, has been in the church almost ever since its formation. He has labored much and suffered much: he was in the midst of the Missouri persecution; he has been buffeted, ill treated and imprisoned; robbed of property to a considerable amount-his all. The cold earth has often been his bed, while his weather-worn valise served for a pillow and the canopy of heaven for a covering.-Cold and hunger are not unknown to him. Yet, he has braved all for the gospel's sake, and is now rejoicing that he was considered worthy to suffer. Can all this be delusion or imposition? or is it the work of God that these men come to proclaim? I can only say that if it is the work of God, all the combined powers of earth and hell, hireling priests and devils, cannot stop it; and if it be the work of man-if it be delusion or imposition, it will come to nought and must soon be numbered with the things that were. Let us then, as we value the salvation of our immortal souls, let us diligently enquire [inquire] whether these things are so-let us search the scriptures, and if we find these people preach the doctrine there laid down, and practice what they preach, then we are bound to believe them: and if they do not, it is our duty to reject them. As long as there is any thing to be learnt, I trust I shall continue to be-
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A discourse delivered by Elder Joshua Grant, jun. at the Conference.
My Friends:-As an opportunity presents itself, and I am requested, by my brethren to speak to you, I cheerfully embrace the present opportunity, and address you for the first time from this stand.
You have been entertained during the conference, with many interesting, instructive, and edifying discourses, and it would seem superfluous in me, to attempt to add very much to the remarks already made by many of my senior brethren, who are much more competent than myself, to lay before you the principles of eternal truth; but having been called upon to address you, I embrace the present opportunity with cheerfulness, and feel happy for the privilege that I now enjoy of communicating, as well as being communicated unto, after so long an absence from your midst.
Since I last stood among the saints of the most high God, in this place, I have journeyed in different parts of the United States, to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, my voice has been heard in many towns and villages, far from here, who had not before been made acquainted with the principles of salvation, as made known in these last days, and my labors have not been futile; for the Lord has blest my humble endeavors to propagate the gospel of truth, and I have been an humble instrument in his hands, in bringing some few to a "knowledge of the truth, as it is in Jesus" who are now rejoicing in the "liberty wherewith Christ has made them free." Although I have travelled [traveled] in different parts, my labors however, have been principally confined to the southern, where, for the last three years, in company with my brother, Elder J. M. Grant, I have travelled [traveled] and raised up a church, consisting of upwards of two hundred members.
In looking at the large concourse of people that now present themselves before me, in this conference, my mind is carried involuntary to other scenes, and I am reminded of the situation of this church, when in its weakness and infancy, which, contrasted with its present numbers, respectability and influence, was "but a drop in the bucket," and brings with renewed force to my mind, the great work in which we are engaged, and that, as God has hitherto put forth his hand to defend his people, in the day of adversity, that, as they have, in their weakness, baffled all the attempts of wicked and designing men, aided by the powers of darkness, to overturn and destroy them; that, as they have hitherto been aided by the arm of omnipotence, and sustained by the power of Israel's King; that, if they still continue humble and faithful, the same power, the same intelligence, the same arm, will yet sustain his own people, bring to pass all the things spoken of by the prophets, gather his elect from the four winds, and crown the saints with glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life.
Without any further remarks, by way of preliminaries, allow me a short time to call your attention to the following text, which you will find contained in Matt. xxiv: 14; "And this gospel, of the kingdom, shall be preached in all the world, as a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."
These are the words of our blessed Lord, that he spake to his disciples in answer to certain questions which were propounded by them; in relation to his coming, and the end of the world. After entering into many particulars partaining [pertaining] to the events that should transpire in and about Jerusalem, speaking of the calamities that should destroy that city, and bring destruction upon the Jews, he goes on to describe the signs that should precede the coming of the Son of Man, and the end of the world. Among other signs that are referred to by him is that contained in the words of our text, which is one of the greatest and most important, "and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, as a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come."
In all the dispensations of the lord, and in all his dealings with the children of men, he has pursued one uniform, undeviating course, though the earth by revolutions may have changed, and man has been wavering and fluctuating, God has declared concerning himself; "I am the Lord, and I change not" and wherever we can trace the dealings of God with man, we shall find that they have been unchangeable, he has always taught man by revelation. In regard to the gospel, it is a principle that has always existed, in all ages where God has had a pure church; and if the children of Israel were placed under a school master, and the law was added, it "was because of transgression," and not because of the changeableness of God, for he has always pursued one uniform course, to edify, instruct, and give the world a knowledge of his law; and in unfolding the principles of truth to the human family, he never instructed them at random, nor suffered them to go according to their notions, or at the bidding of men; they never wage "a warfare at their own charge" but they were endued with power from on high; wisdom and intelligence was given through the great source of the priesthood, which God has given to regulate the affairs of his kingdom, and thus being endowed
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and qualified by the wisdom and intelligence that God has imparted, they were prepared to unfold the gospel of Jesus Christ to a fallen world. If this has been God's way of dealing with the children of men, it naturally follows that it will continue to be, and if the preachers of the gospel in primitive days, were thus called and empowered, it follows as a natural consequence, that it will continue to be, and that as God is immutable, and unchangeable, whenever he calls men in any age of the world, he will qualify, and inspire them, in the same manner. And if they are thus taught, whether in this age, in ages that are past, or that are yet to come, there will be a uniformity in doctrine, and ordinances, they will teach the same things. There have been many who have professed to be called of God; but their doctrines have been diverse, and their ordinances conflicting. The reason of this difference is, that they have not been taught of God, nor inspired from on high; but their learning has been merely scholastic and their wisdom the science of men. Thus situated, it is impossible that they should teach correct principles; for man is finite and fallible, and God is infinite and infallible, and it is impossible for the people of this, or of any other age, to comprehend the Creator without being taught of him.
The disjointed manner in which sectarianism has placed the gospel, renders it extremely ludicrous; one having taken one part, and another another part. Now the ordinances, gifts and powers of the gospel are not one, but many; yet being many, they are not divided, but the one gospel, proceeding from the same spirit One, two, nor three items do not compose the gospel any more than if we were to take two or three leaves out of a book, and call it a book. As it takes all the leaves to make a book perfect, so it requires all the ordinances, gifts, blessings, powers, and priesthood, of the gospel to make it complete. It may, with propriety, be compared to a chain, which, if any link is broken, it destroys the force of the whole. So, in like manner, if one principle of the gospel is destroyed, it renders the whole imperfect. The Savior told his disciples to "teach ALL things whatsoever he had commanded them." Hence this gospel, in all its parts, must be preached to every nation, before the Messiah will come; and men must be inspired, to prepare them for the accomplishment of so great a work.
According to the statement of the "Universal Geography," there are three thousand and twenty six different languages. It must be obvious to every reflecting mind that it is absolutely necessary for the gifts and powers of the gospel to be restored before the gospel can be preached to all of those nations and tongues; and if it is not, the Messiah cannot come, for the preaching of the gospel to all nations is one of the great signs that must take place, preparatory to the coming of the Son of Man.
This brings to our minds forcibly the necessity of the gift of tongues in order that the gospel may be preached unto all nations, in their own tongue; for the best linguist in the world cannot understand more than twenty different languages, or tongues: and if they do not and cannot learn them, it is absolutely necessary that ministers of the gospel should be inspired with the gift of tongues, as the Apostles were on the day of Pentecost, to prepare them for this arduous undertaking. Many, because they possess not those gifts, and not having the honesty to acknowledge the reason of this deficiency, tell us that we have no more need of them; but if they can accomplish this work without the power of God, the fullness of the gospel, and the gift of tongues, they will accomplish more than has been done by the so-called preachers of the gospel for the last seventeen hundred years.
Mr. John Wesley informs us, in his fourteenth sermon, that the reason why these blessings were lost, was because the christians had turned heathens again, and had nothing left but the dead form, without the power-and we presume that if others would open their eyes, they would see the like discrepancies.
I would remark, in regard to the gosple [gospel] being a witness unto all nations, that there is a striking concedence between this and the testimony of our Savior, concerning his disciples: "Ye are my witnesses, as also is the Holy Ghost, that bears witness of me." They were the acknowledged, authorised [authorized] heralds of salvation; to them was given the keys, that they might unlock the kingdom unto others, preach salvation themselves, and ordain others to this authority. They were the only persons who could properly be called witnesses of the Savior, in that day; they have been with our Savior and seen his miracles; they had witnessed his life, death, resurrection, and ascension; they had felt the prints of the nails in his hands, and in his feet; they had seen him transfigured on the mount and ascend into heaven, and after his death and resurrection they saw and conversed with him forty days, and afterwards saw him ascend into heaven, in a cloud. He afterwards appeared unto them, and became their benefactor, instructor, and friend: thus situated and endued with this power, they were certainly, of all men upon the face of the earth, most competent to be his witnesses.
The Holy Ghost was also another witness of
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him, and wherever the gospel was preached and believed, that Holy Spirit bore witness, enlightened and comforted; and wherever the pure gospel of Jesus Christ is preached, by proper authority, and believed in and obeyed by the world, it will be productive of the same results.
If this was the kind of testimony that existed in those days, it is absolutely necessary that a principle of the same kind should now exist; that men should be endowed with the same power, possess the same priesthood, administer in the same ordinances, and preach the same things; then the spirit of God will bear testimony to the word preached; it will not come "in word only, but in power, in demonstration of the spirit; and in much assurance."
MAINE, April 24, 1843.}
The members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in the counties of Lincoln and Waldo, met in conference on the 15th and 16th inst. Meeting was called to order on the 15th, at 1 o'clock, P. M., by C. C. Pendleton, when Elder Otis Shaw was called to preside, and C. C. Pendleton chosen clerk.
Singing, and prayer by the president.
The following branches, composing the conference, were then represented. President Shaw represented the Vinalhaven branch, consisting of fifty six members, including two elders, one priest, one teacher and one deacon.
Several have moved away since last conference, and three excluded, viz; Wm. Merchant, Polly Merchant, and Margaret Pease.
The St. George branch, including members in Cushing and Friendship, Long Island, were represented by President Shaw, numbering twenty seven members, including one priest, one teacher, and one deacon; seven added by baptism since the last conference. C. C. Pendleton then represented the East Thomaston branch, numbering twenty-five members, including one elder, one priest, one teacher, and one deacon; twelve of the above mentioned were recently baptised [baptized] by Elder Thomas Crockit, and the remainder were formerly members of the Vinalhaven branch. Abijah Pease, priest, represented the Waldo branch, numbering thirty-eight members, including one elder, two priests, and three teachers; a number have moved to Illinois since last conference, two excluded, viz: Wesley and Vincent Richards, and seven added by baptism. Several present bore testimony to the certainty of the renewal of the covenant.
Singing and prayer by Elder J. Pierce.
Adjourned till 6 o'clock.
Conference met pursuant to adjournment, but owing to the severity of the weather, but few assembled. C. C. Pendleton, opened the meeting by prayer, and after addressing the meeting upon the subject of salvation, the time was occupied in mutual prayer and singing.
Adjourned till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
Sunday morning, convened at the appointed hour. After singing, prayer by C. C. Pendleton, who proceeded to address the assembly upon the Millenium [Millennium], and the necessary preparation for that day. Additional remarks by Elder J. Pierce and President Shaw.
Adjourned for one hour and a half.
Afternoon, met according to adjournment.-Singing and prayer, by President Shaw. Scripture testimony in proof of the Book of Mormon, by C. C. Pendleton, who urged the necessity of a compliance with the precepts of that book.-Subject continued by Elder Pierce, after which Bread and Wine was administered by Elders Shaw and Pierce.
Adjourned till 7 o'clock.
Met pursuant to adjournment. Singing and prayer by the president. Time devoted to exhortation and prayer.
Resolved, That the minutes of this conference be forwarded to Nauvoo for publication, in the "Times and Seasons." Conference then adjourned, to meet in East Thomaston, on the first Saturday in July, at 10 o'clock, A.M.,
O. SHAW, Prest.
Presuming that further information respecting the Lord's work, and other matters, in this region, would not be unwelcome to you, I have thought proper to fill the remainder of this sheet for your disposal, as may be deemed proper. For more than a year and a half, I have endeavored to preach the gospel of Christ, in Waldo and the adjoining counties, as my circumstances have admitted: sometimes blessed with the society of fellow laborers, but mostly alone, and notwithstanding there has not been (through the concerted efforts of the few in these parts,) a general turning unto the Lord, as in many parts of our land, yet the work of the Lord has been steadily onward in the midst of opposition, so that in several counties, there are some found rejoicing in the new and everlasting covenant.
There has been, and now is, a very great stir among the people, on the subject of religion, and it is said of the proceedings as was anciently said of Simon, the Samaritan: "The great power of God." But amongst the great confusion and party strife, the saints have mostly
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stood firm and unshaken upon that foundation which wind and rain cannot remove. The doctrines of Calvin, Luther, Wesley, Miller, &c. &c., have been contested with equal warmth, and all have made great acquisitions to their numbers. Fear has seized upon the people and they are gliding down the current of men's opinions, to the destruction awaiting such.-Comparatively, few are willing to leave the paths of popularity and walk in the humble narrow way.
The disciples of Miller are particularly loud against our principles, and some of them stoop to the lowest and most foul slanders, and the prophet whom God has raised up for his glorious work, is surely "taken up in the lips of talkers." The foul and nefarious statements of the vile and perjured Bennet, together with the various falsehoods in circulation, are poured in from all quarters upon the advocates of truth, with untiring diligence, and I have thought as the mighty avalanch [avalanche] increases in magnitude and velocity, as it descends the steep declivity, so falsehood and calumny increase in bulk and momentum, as they recede from their place of coinage.
The unfavorable situations of the few who have been called to the ministry in this region, are such as will deprive them of the privilege of preaching extensively, and a number of experienced elders are much needed here. Will some venture on a mission from the home of the saints, to this state, as formerly? A number of the saints removed west last fall, and many more are making great exertions to procure means for their removal to Nauvoo next fall.
Notwithstanding I gain much, useful and comforting instruction from your very valuable paper, (Times and Seasons,) I feel very desirous of being in your midst, and of receiving oral instruction from those whom God has appointed to lead and instruct his people, Israel.
With respect, I am as ever, yours, &c.,
An extraordinary hail storm occurred in Adams county Pennsylvania, on Monday last, which did much damage. The hail stones were from six to eight inches in circumference. In the town of Gettysburgh upwards of ten thousand five hundred panes of glass were broken. The Gettysburgh Star says: "The storm was of short duration, and did not extend much in breadth, but we learn that some little damage was done to the fruit, grapes &c., in the immediate vicinity of Gettysburgh, but we are happy to hear that no material damage was done to the grain crops. Numbers of Larks and other birds were killed in the neighborhood, and a gentleman has brought to our office, the head and feet of a wild goose which was knocked down by the hail, and which he captured, and of which he made a fine dinner on the day following.-Baltimore Sun, May 22d.
On Sunday last the house of Mr. Narau, a Canadian, at "Nip City," Clinton county, was struck with lightning. There were fifteen persons in the house at the time, and four of them were stricken down, but they all recovered after a couple of hours. One of them, Mrs. Flarinton, was struck on the foot, and the shoe separated from heel to toe without materially injuring the wearer.-Buffalo Advertiser.
The past year has been distinguished by providential calamities. In some instances, the elements seem to have been commissioned to perform the work of destruction to an awful extent, and unprecedented severity. Three of the greatest calamities that have occurred within a century, happened within a short period of one hundred hours. The terrible fire at Hamburg, which destroyed 2,000 houses, and nearly $20,000,000 of property, in the fairest portion of the city, was followed in less than two days by the earthquake at St. Domingo. In this earthquake the towns of Cape Haytian and Santiago, sixty miles apart, were entirely destroyed, and not less than 7,500 of the inhabitants perished. On the very next day while St. Domingo was yet rocking with shocks of the earthquake, and the ruins of Hamburg were not three days old, a train of cars filled with passengers on the railroad from Paris to Versailles, were thrown from the track, and set on fire by the engine. Before the passengers, who were locked in could be removed, seventy of them perished in the flames. More recently the city of Liverpool has suffered by fire to an extent only surpassed by the fire at Hamburg.-In this country, the cities of Portland, New York, Charleston and Columbia have suffered severely from the same cause. At one period of several weeks during the year, it was estimated that the loss of steamboats on the western waters, averaged one a day. In connexion [connection] with six of the boats, two hundred lives were lost. If to all this we add the loss of life at sea, which has been usually great the past year, we must regard it as a year of calamities.
It is said that this town probably received its
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name from a small town of the same name near Ipswich in England, from which it is supposed some of our first settlers originated. An old writer says, that "Wenham was originally that part of Salem, called Enon, and was among the earliest settlements of Massachusetts. As early as 1639 a few persons took up their residence here, and it was not long after this that the celebrated Hugh Peters, who was settled in Salem in 1639 and left the colony in 1641, preached, probably the first sermon ever preached in this place, choosing for his pulpit the same conical hill at the northeast end of the pond; with that beautiful sheet of water before him and his audience, he selected for his text John iii: 23-"and John also was baptising [baptizing] in Enon, near to Salem, because there was much water there."
At a special Conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at the grove, near the Temple on the 3rd and 5th of July, 1843, it was decided that the following elders go on a special mission to the following counties in the State of Illinois.
Elijah Reed and Jesse Hitchcock, Adams and Pike counties.
Salmon Warner and Jeremiah Curtis, Calhoun and Jersey counties.
Erastus H. Derby, Orson Hyde and J. G. Adams, Lee county.
Charles C. Rich and Harvey Green, La Salle and De Calb.
L. Richards, Luther A. Jones and E. Robinson, Joe Davies.
John Murdock, Vermillion.
Daniel Avery, Schuyler.
Zebedee Coltrin, McDonough.
Truman Gillet, Benjamin Brown and J. W. Crosby, Cook.
Graham Coltrin, Fulton.
John L. Butler, Hamilton.
David Lewis, Wayne.
James Twist, Bureau.
G. P. Dykes and Samuel Brown, St. Clair.
Pardon Webb, Will.
E. M. Webb, Grundy.
Simeon Dunn, Warren,
H. S. Eldridge, Mason.
Thomas Dobson, Tazwell.
Cyrus Canfield, Menard.
Jared Carter, Morgan.
Samuel James and J. C. Wright, Scott.
Luman H. Corkins, White.
J. M. King, Mercer.
Daniel Allen, Rock Island.
U. C. Nickerson, Henry.
Alfred Brown, Putnam.
P. Meeks, McCoupin.
Abel Butterfield and J. H. Vanatta, Winnebago.
Wm. Nelson, Iroquois.
Samuel Russel, Boone.
Levi Steward, Franklin.
Wm. Meeks, Green.
W. B. Brink and Geo. Chamberlin, Sangamon.
Jacob Wile, Edwards.
Wm. S. Covert, Stark.
M. F. Bartlett and Melvin Wilbur, Bond.
John Outhouse, Alexander,
Cheney G. VanBuren, Brown.
James Carroll, Carroll.
David Jones, Fayette.
John Lowry, Monroe.
Urban V. Stewart, Williamson.
James McFate, Montgomery.
L. O. Littlefield, Clinton.
Elisha H. Groves, Madison.
Theodore Curtis, Cass.
Samuel Keele, Jefferson.
James Hale, Washington.
Geo. W. Thatcher and A. Forgeus, Hancock.
Jacob H. Butterfield, Henderson.
Geo. Middagh, Clay.
James Monroe, Crawford.
Ezra Chase, Coles.
Jesse Chase, Edgar.
Amos Lowel, Clark.
John Miller, Whitesides.
Wm. Martin, Christian.
Reuben Parkhurst, DeWitt.
John Keele, Perry.
Geo. Langley, Johnson.
James M. Henderson, Gallatin.
James W. Cummings, Randolph.
John Workman, Shelby.
Elijah Fordham, Knox.
Geo W. Pitkin and John Wakefield, Peoria.
W. Richards, Clerk.
The Times and Seasons IS EDITED BY JOHN TAYLOR. Printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOHN TAYLOR AND WILFORD WOODRUFF.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribes and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
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Times and Seasons: Volume 4, Number 15

Summary:Source document in Mormon Publications: 19th and 20th Centuries online archive: Times and Seasons Vol. 4

Times and Seasons: Volume 4, Number 15

Vol. IV. No. 15.] CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. JUNE 15, 1843. [Whole No. 75.


To the Editor of the Times and Seasons.


March 22d, 1843. }

Beloved Brother:-Through the mercy of the Lord, by the power of an unseen arm, and the protection of an all wise God, I have been brought hither, and have arrived at the place of my destination, as directed by the Lord through the mouth of his Prophet. Notwithstanding the distance, and the many other obstacles that presented themselves to view at the time, as well as after the appointment of my mission to this eastern land, it has been abundantly successful; and be assured by me, that the unbounded confidence which I had at the time of my departure, in the Prophet of immortal memory, has not grown less by time or experience in his prophetic powers. I felt then, and still feel, that I shall, by the help and grace of my Divine Master, accomplish the task allotted me. I have, with pleasure, beheld the fulfilment [fulfillment] of the predictions made by him at the time that I, with a number more, were called to labor in the vineyard of the Lord. I have realized the accomplishment of that which was foretold, that no human eye could have foreseen, nor any human sagacity have penetrated.

Although it fell to my lot, and seemingly unavoidably, to travel alone, yet I have not, at any time, been without friends; nor have I at all been left to the council of my own will, but have endeavored to be governed by the wisdom from above-even by that same spirit which actuated my call. As I passed along, taking for the most part entirely new ground, (and as the Apostle Paul writes, "where Christ had not been named.") I gave strict attention to the movements of the world-both to professor and non-professor, in order to discover, if possible, the great moving cause of the present concern and excitement that appears in the world of mankind. It appears to be evident to all men, and particularly to those who have the enlightening influence of the spirit of God, that an eventful crisis is at hand, the near approach of which, with troublesome times in the world, does not seem at all to be doubted. The watchmen upon the highest towers, the shepherds of the largest flocks, and the pastors of the tallest steeples, all agree in this one position. The most learned of the day, the greatest philosopher of the age, or the most eminent Doctor of Divinity of the enlightened nineteenth century, in their hours of sober reflection and meditations, seem to be lost, and sink into despair when they look to the past, by perusing the volumes of history, both sacred and profane, as it unfolds to the mind scenes that have transpired, and gives place for deep and serious meditation. Also to trace the great events that have followed in succession through the eventful periods that have rolled into forgetfulness by many that have slept beneath its ruins, as it came upon the great mass of mankind, unnoticed and unawares. But never has there been a day when time has been so plentifully supplied, and that with so prominent events-with events so clearly illustrative of miraculous meaning, as appears to be the case in the age and generation in which we live. The land from west to east, seems to be in one general consternation, a fearful looking-for of that which is coming on the earth.

Yet the world are not able to discern the why or the wherefore, neither to tell the cause or to imagine the result. Politicians of all parties are looking for some great and marvelous overturns in the affairs of government, and seem to be aware that nations and kingdoms are upon the eve of ruin. Merchants, and the great men of the commercial cities, are beginning to weep and lament. Distress on all sides is making its appearance. Mourning and lamentation is heard. Truly there is a distress of nations-no one to buy their merchandise. The rich distress the poor, while many are crying for bread, till the lamentations of the widow and the fatherless have reached unto Heaven-yea, the Lord of Sabaoth has heard, and he will answer their prayers with vengeance. The cries of misery are wafted on every gale, while confusion, distress and mourning, pervades every class, from the king, seated upon his throne, or the nobleman, sallying forth in his coach and six, to the humble peasant that bows the knee, or the sweep that is crying in the street.

The last, yet not least, for greater and greater is the mystery of surrounding events, from the pulpit we hear the sound of alarm: one sitting upon a topless throne, as he sees the affrighted, mourning sinners begin to approach the anxious seat, in the midst of phrensied [frenzied] madness, about to sink into despair, surrounded with the groans and sighs of an agonizing multitude of pretended christians, in the most excruciating agony of both body and mind, while from the throne, or high exalted pulpit, we hear this exclamation: this year is the end of God's



grace, this is the last day of revivals! From another equally as high, and whose towering steeple seems to be lost in the azure blue, another sound is heard; a cry of peace, peace, all is well in Zion, the Lord is converting the heathen, and soon the reign of universal peace and righteousness will be brought in. It is true this is a day of wonders, and many new things make their appearance; and events strange and marvelous, are daily taking place, and we confess the cause or end thereof no one knows.-While all classes and denominations agree with this one sentiment, that great and important events are at the door; even from the priest in the pulpit to the idle lounger in the public alehouse, all are equally aroused, and as equally ignorant of the cause, or the effect. But let us inquire, what is the cause of all this ado; why the world is so aroused, and what the cause of this universal excitement? Let the wise answer. "The wicked shall do wickedly, but the wise shall understand." Daniel xii:10.-"The Lion has come up from his thicket," the Lord has spoken from Mount Zion; the God of Israel has again begun to work; a mighty kingdom is now set up in the earth, and the enemies' camp is in danger; Babylon is beginning to totter; her walls are about to crumble into ruins, and the great Goddess of this generation (priestcraft,) is in danger. The Lord God has spoken from the Heavens to a young man, saying "Jerusalem shall be inhabited," "and in wrath remembered mercy in the midst of the years made known," that the great work of the last days has already began-even the dispensation of the fullness of times, in the which God will bring to pass the greatest events ever witnessed by man, the signs of which have already appeared-therefore the wise begin to account for all the wonder and surprise in the world, and are willing to go forth and warn the wicked of the approaching events that they so greatly fear. The kingdom of God is rolling on with unparalleled rapidity through the world. The great arm of Heaven is extended again to the earth; the God of Moses has spoken, and the world stands afar off; with fear they quake exceedingly. In many places where the servants of God make their appearance and begin to raise their voices like the horns around Jerico, as messengers of truth, thousands of interested subjects flock to hear the new messengers that God has sent to an apostate world.-In every state through which I have passed in my journey from Nauvoo to this place, I have found fields white already to harvest, and room for many laborers to do much in gathering the wheat into garners; and had not my mission been appointed to this state, I should have tarried far west of this. The spread of truth is fast making its progress in all the land. I have come to this state obedient to council, and rejoice that I have been directed by the Lord, through the mouth of his Prophet, whom he has raised up in these last days to direct the affairs of his kingdom. I have now been in the vineyard on this mission about six months; have travelled [traveled] in eight states, and have preached to all that came in my way, and have allayed the prejudice of the people to a considerable extent in all places where I have had the opportunity of preaching, by correcting the errors, and setting forth the truth before them.

Since my arrival here, which is a little over two months, my labors have been principally confined to this county. I have labored in Westfield, Springfield, Cabotville and Chicapee. I have preached to large assemblies in all these places, and very good attention has been paid. I have baptised [baptized] several in Westfield and Cabotville, and many more are believing in the great work of God, both professor and non-professor. The prospect for a great work is now apparent in this region. Some of the most prominent members in the Baptist church have been baptised [baptized] in these places.

The priests are much enraged, while from the pulpit to the private circle the members are warned to beware of the delusion; and the most base calumny, falsehoods, and misrepresentations are heralded forth by them in every shape and from every quarter. The Press also is used to dissuade some, to sour the minds of others, and if possible, to retard the work of God, if not to put an entire stop to it in this section of the country.

I have been here now until a general excitement prevails amongst both priest and people, but mostly with the priests, who excite and encourage the common people, for I have not seen a people so completely priest-ridden in any place as in these eastern states. Superstition and bigotry seem to have attained their highest pinnacle, while the minds of many are bound down by the shackles and chains of modern priestcraft. Error, confusion, anarchy and misrule, are the only spirits that govern. Nothing but the power of God can in any way, beneath the heavens, break the league of the iron grasp of the Devil, that appears to be riveted upon the minds of almost all the people. Yet notwithstanding all the powers of earth and hell combined, they cannot stop the work of God in these last days, for the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, even to the pulling down of error, and the final triumph of truth.

In these eastern lands, amid all the errors, the



wisdom, learning and affluence of the land of steady habits, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is fast gaining in numbers and influence. Branches are being raised up in various places. A number are now growing up under the preaching of the elders sent out by the general conference last summer, and thanks be to God, the truth is spreading in this country like a green bay tree; the kingdom of God will go on, and nothing can hinder, until the sound of redeemed sinners, and the songs of enraptured multitudes shall be heard from mountain top to mountain top, the valleys be glad for them, and the Saints shall rejoice together.

I have baptised [baptized] some twenty on this mission, and have organized a branch in Little River, consisting of one elder, one priest and one teacher, with fifteen members, all in good faith and standing, who are rejoicing in the kingdom of God in these last days, while many more are believing the work, and will, to all appearance, soon show their faith by their works, and much good will be done in this region.

Such is the prospect of the work here, and a brief account of my mission, and if you deem it worthy of a place in the Times and Seasons, it is at your disposal. My best wishes for you, and the Church at Nauvoo and throughout the world, with my prayer to God continually for the advancement of His cause, I subscribe myself your brother and fellow laborer in the gospel of Jesus Christ, Amen.


(To the Editor of the Times and Seasons.)

DEAR SIR-In this age of superstition and infidelity, we find vast numbers who not only deny revelation, but even the existence of deity, which has in a great measure arisen from the inconsistencies and perplexities of the professors of Christianity; indeed we cannot much blame a man for denying in toto what appears altogether a mass of contradictions and absurdities. For, let us suppose for example, that an individual from China, or any other part, who had had an opportunity of listening to the preaching of some of our modern Missionaries, and had given full credence to all that had been advanced, had a Bible placed in his hands and told that it was the word of an immutable God, it seems to me that one desire alone would pervade his whole soul, viz: to get to that land of religion, that nation of demi-gods, where they had such a superabundance of piety, as to send a little over the great waters and let the heathen participate in their blessedness. Well, there are few things on which man is fully bent but he is able to attain to it, so with this young Christian; at length he is enabled to start for this paradise, and leave his native land, and, oh joy! lands safely on Columbia's happy shores, with his Bible in his hand, just as the people are repairing to their different places of worship. Judge his surprise on finding their worship as diverse as possible, yet all professing to teach from the same unchangeable book. He inquires in vain for the church of Christ; the cry is lo here, and lo there, and he finds but one thing in which they all agree, viz: in contending that the unchangeable word has become altogether changed. That though the great author of it has asserted that certain signs shall follow those that believe, they fearlessly tell us they shall not; that the great apostle to the Gentiles tells us that God placed apostles and prophets in the church, and they boldly tell us they are not wanted; and there is no need for tongues and prophecies. In the days of Paul, they saw through a glass darkly, yet it was needful for Paul to have a thorn in the flesh, lest he should be exalted above measure, through the abundance of revelations that were given unto him, that, he was caught up into the third heaven, and heard things that it was not lawful to utter that the church then had visions, angels, tongues, healings, interpretations, &c. &c., but now there is no need of these, as perfection is come. Would not our traveller [traveler] be at a loss to account for this strange state of things? And could we be surprised if he began to think he had been deceived, and to question the authenticity of the book?

Although infidelity may abound, and many may live and die, not having the fear of God before their eyes, I am of opinion that the existence of Deity, and the truth of revelation can be established beyond the power of successful controversy.

First, then, the laws of nature by which vegetation is produced, the globe kept in regular motion, and the planets governed and arranged. How wonderful the chance that caused the earth to take its place just at such a distance from the sun, and to hold on in its course, and still as fortunate that the moon should be situated as to give its light in the night instead of the day, so that it happens to be a blessing to the inhabitants of all the earth. And, if we may rely on astronomers, it was a lucky chance that gave Jupiter four moons, seeing that his distance from the sun is near 500,000,000 of miles, and therefore, his nights must have been very dark but for that chance. We are also informed that Saturn is removed 900,000,000 of miles from Sol, and therefore his nights must have been dismal, had not chance given him seven moons; Georgium Sidus, of vast magnitude, 1,800,000,000



of miles from the sun, though no knowledge of his diurnal motion has been ascertained; six moons at least have been discovered. All the planets and fixed stars are governed by a law, and if they be governed by law, there must be order, and there can be no order without design, and if by design, there must be a framer. No matter whether it be the law of nature, or any other law, it could not have been produced by chance, for chance begets confusion. Law and order cannot spring into existence of their own accord, but must have been framed in wisdom and intelligence, and intelligence does not exist in nature, nor wisdom in chance. If then, intelligence exists, that framed not only this earth, so well adapted for the dwelling of man, but all the countless numbers of worlds, with all their regularity and beauty, continually revolving in the immensity of space, without a jar, in perfect harmony, shall we consider it strange that when man is created, a law should be given, or shall he be left in darkness and confusion? I am persuaded that we may bring forth such an abundance of evidence as to satisfy even the skeptic on this point, and if we could once get man to place implicit confidence in the Bible, he has nothing to do but read it, to believe in the Book of Mormon, and the doctrines taught by the Latter Day Saints.

The prophecies contained in the scriptures are so numerous, and the proofs of their fulfilment [fulfillment] so abundant, that, instead of any deficiency of evidence, the only difficulty lies in selecting or condensing them. A few of the prophecies that have a definite and distinct meaning, and that have received an express and literal accomplishment, shall be selected, Moses, being the first inspired writer we have an account of in the Bible, we will examine his words first, respecting the Jews and their city. He says, Leviticus 26, if they would not obey the commandments of God, ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat, and I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcasses upon the carcasses of your idols, and my soul shall abhor you; and I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries into desolation; I will bring the land into desolation, and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it; I will scatter you among the heathen, and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste, and ye shall be in your enemy's land, and ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies; and ye shall perish among the heathen, and they that are left among you shall pine away in their iniquity in their enemy's land; and yet, for all that, when they be in their enemy's land, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly." Also, Deut. 26: "It shall come to pass if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, and observe to do all his commandments, that all these curses shall come upon thee; [which may be read at leisure, therefore, for the sake of brevity, I only extract a few;] thou shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth; the Lord shall smite thee with blindness, and thou shalt grope at the noon-day as the blind gropeth in darkness, and shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee. Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given to another people, and thine eyes shall fail with looking for them all the day long; and there shall be no might in thy hand; the Lord shall bring thee into a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb and a bye-word among all nations, whither the Lord shall lead thee. These curses shall be upon thee for a sign and a wonder, and upon thy seed after thee. The Lord shall bring a nation upon thee of fierce countenance, from afar, swift as the eagle's flight, who shall not regard the person of old, nor show favor to the young. He shall beseige [besiege] thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down; and thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and thy daughters, in the seige [siege] and in the straightness wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee. So sore will be the distress, that he will not give to any the flesh of his children, whom he shall eat &c. &c. The Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, and of long continuance. And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth unto the other; and among these nations thou shalt find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy feet have rest, but the Lord shall give thee there, a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind; and thy life shall hang in doubt before thee, and thou shalt fear day and night, and have no assurance of thy life. In the morning thou shalt say, would God it were evening! and at evening, would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see; the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again, in ships, and there you shall be sold unto your enemies for bond-men, and bond-women, till no man shall buy you; death should be chosen by them rather than life," &c. &c.

These, and a vast number of other passages might be quoted, but I am afraid of trespassing too much on your valuable columns, and therefore



shall proceed to give the manner; the strange and wonderful manner the prophecies have been fulfilled, with other remarks I may feel disposed to make.

False Christs and false prophets arose after our Lord was crucified, as he himself had warned his disciples, which occasioned great commotions among the Jews, and soon every city in Syria became the seat of a civil war. The Roman procurator, Florus, heaped indignities and oppressions upon the Jews, till at length, they were goaded on to open rebellion against Rome, which soon brought the Roman ensign around the beloved city, and Jerusalem was compassed about with armies, as described by the Saviour [Savior], and on their withdrawing for a time, the Christians made their escape to Pella, having been forewarned of the calamity. Multitudes crowded within the walls of Jerusalem, some to the Passover, and others for a temporary security of their lives and property. But, alas, the day of God's wrath was come upon Jerusalem. The robbers who had banded together, amidst the preceding commotions, and resorted to the mountains of Judea, not able to protect themselves from the Roman power, flocked into Jerusalem, and joining the lawless mob, ruled over the devoted city. Destruction and murder was carried on by them to an awful extent, and the provisions for the siege were pillaged and burnt. The blood of thousands was shed within the walls by their brethren, while the work of destruction was proceeding with awful rapidity by the Romans without. The bones of the priests were scattered around the altar, but the famine soon began to prey on all; and so severe were the pains of gnawing hunger, that the sewers were opened in search of food.-Shoes, and the leather from off their shields were eat [ate], and the most loathsome refuse devoured as a sweet morsel; the bodies of the famished fell dead in the streets. They then began to eat the dead bodies, and one lady, once rich and noble, had slain, and was roasting and eating her own sucking child. The Romans built a wall and hemmed them in one every side. It is said, of fugitives from the famine, five hundred were taken prisoners, and crucified daily, without the walls, till they could not find room for the crosses, nor crosses for the bodies. The purposed object of such cruelty failed, for even so sad a spectacle did not intimidate the desperadoes, who ruled over the wretched city, into submission. In the entrails of some of the slaughtered captives, gold was discovered, which, loving it as their lives, they had swallowed in the hopes of escape. The bodies of 2,000 deserters were dissected in one night, in search of hidden treasures, and so great was the work of death, that one hundred and fifteen thousand dead bodies, were carried out at one gate during the siege; in all, six hundred thousand, having no other burial than being cast without the walls. Houses were filled with dead bodies and heaps of them piled together in every open space, and every place in the city covered with dead bodies. About six thousand perished amid the burning cloisters of the temple, or precipitated themselves down, and were killed; ten thousand others were killed about the temple, and all the sewers were completely stopped with human bodies. Eleven hundred thousand perished during the siege; and when Jerusalem was given to the flames, the streets literally flowed with blood, and finally the Romans passed the plough-share over the city, signifying that the work of destruction was complete. Josephus specifies the number that were slain at each place, exclusive of those who were slaughtered in the seditions and siege. Two hundred and forty thousand were slain throughout the cities of Judea and neighboring countries. Vast numbers were taken to Egypt and sold for slaves, till their marts were glutted with them, and, in the words of Moses, no man would buy them, and eleven hundred of them were put in prison, and suffered to die for want of bread and water. How far Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Micah, and Jesus have described this event, it is for your readers to determine, while we proceed further to investigate the sufferings of the Jews, in the different nations of the earth, down to the present time.

For prophecy concerning the Jews, I would refer to Moses, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Amos, all of which predictions are delivered with the clearness of history, and the confidence of truth. After the Jews had been destroyed, as above described, when their numbers had again increased, they combined together to make a desperate attempt to regain Jerusalem, when they fell by the edge of the sword, in such numbers that few escaped.-They were then banished from Judea, and by an imperial edict, it was death for a Jew to set his foot in Jerusalem, and from that time they have been scattered among the nations, among the heathen, among the people, even from one end of the earth unto the other. They have been removed into all the kingdoms of the earth; they have been scattered unto all the winds, and dispersed throughout all countries, among nations which neither they nor their fathers had known.

I suppose at the present time, there is not a kingdom on the face of the earth, where they are not to be found. There are great numbers



in Holland, Turkey, Germany, and Poland.-In America, Britain, France, Spain, Italy, and Russia, they are not so numerous. In Persia, China and India, on the east and west of the Ganges, they are few in number among the heathen. The cold region of Siberia, and the burning deserts of Arabia, bear record of their misery; and we have every reason to believe, that they are to be found in the very interior of Africa. From one end of the earth unto the other, the Jews have been scattered among all nations.

They were to find no ease nor rest among the nations, whither they were to be driven.-Their plagues and the plagues of their race, were to be great, and of long continuance.-They were to be oppressed and crushed, and spoiled evermore. In the first century, Jerusalem was laid even with the ground, and they led captive, or driven as homeless vagabonds throughout the world. In the second, five hundred thousand of them were slain, under one emperor alone. They suffered serious persecutions in the third. In the fourth, their ears were cut off, and they banished from Rome.-In the fifth, they were driven from Alexandria, and grievously oppressed throughout Persia, and could find no rest for the soles of their feet, they made another attempt to regain Judea, being allured by a false Messiah, and a slaughter, like that by which their forefathers had fallen, was again renewed in Palestine, in the sixth century. In Africa, they were prohibited from any exercise of their religion, even in caverns. In the seventh century, they were grieviously [grievously] persecuted and expelled from Jerusalem, from Antioch, and from Spain. Numbers fled to France, where the only alternative was to renounce their religion, or be despoiled of all they possessed. Mahomet also, exacted a heavy tribute from the Jews in Arabia, and finally expelled them. In the succeeding century, a law was passed throughout the Mahometan dominions, authorizing any child that would renounce Judaism, and embrace Mahometanism, to take possession of the whole property of its father, and turning the whole family out of doors. In the ninth and tenth centuries, they suffered grievously through the caliphs, or successors of Mahomet, whose power extended from Spain to India; their academies were closed, themselves taxed; and marks and badges of infamy placed on them, till they were compelled to flee for refuge, to the deserts of Arabia. And if the murdering hand of oppression was stayed for a short time, through their excessive covetiousness [covetousness], they soon began to heap up treasures in abundance, which merely prepared the way for further spoilations.

The scenes through which this stricken people had to pass, is calculated to rouse the sympathies of the most obdurate heart. Sir Walter Scott says that no part of God's creation, except the flying fish, suffered as this once peculiar people. Surely they had trembling of heart, and sorrow of mind! What madness for the sight of their eyes that they did see! What choosing of death, rather than life, was their portion. They were massacred in multitudes throughout Europe. All the Jews were slain at Ulm; at Frankfort one hundred and thirty were burned, and numbers butchered. Twelve thousand were killed at one time in Franconia and Bavaria. In other places they barricaded their houses, and threw their treasures, their families, and themselves into the rivers or the flames.

At Norwich, in England, the Jews were massacred, and many were slain at Stamford, and other places in that kingdom; but at York their sufferings were worse than death. Fifteen hundred Jews, including men, women and children, shut themselves up in the castle and their silver and gold could not save them from the murderous sword of those demons, and in their desperation, each father was the murderer of his wife and children, and afterwards cut their own throats. At Massada, a similar scene was transacted; and several other places, death was chosen by them rather than life.

The Mahometans bribed their children to forsake their parents; the Roman Catholics took them from them by force, according to law, and brought them up in monasteries, and when the Jews were banished from Lisbon, none of the children under fourteen years of age, were suffered to depart. Their sons and their daughters were given to another people.

They found no rest for the soles of their feet. They were seven times banished from France, and at one time six hundred thousand of them were driven from Spain, and scarcely a kingdom in existence, but what have publicly banished them. They have been a proverb, a bye-word, an astonishment, and a hissing among all nations.

This letter has, in spite of all my endeavors, run out too far, and yet I am afraid the few subjects I have touched upon will not be explicit enough to be of much service to your readers, for I thought I could have put twice as much in half the space, and so I must conclude after giving a short statement of the present condition of the Jews, and one more proof of the truth of the Bible, namely the much talked of numbers of Daniel and John, and I think I can set this in a light that all can understand it. Many good men have been endeavoring to fix the



time of calculation, but few agree as to the exact year. Numbers are a few years over and under the period that I calculate from. The reasons that I adopt it is because the excellent Wesley had fixed upon it, viz: 567, adding 1260, it brings us to the year 1827, which Mr. Wesley expected would be the beginning of a new era in the Christian world, and probably about 1830 the millennial light would go forth!!! How exact. In the identical year, 1827, the fulness [fullness] of the gospel burst forth on the world, contained in the Book of Mormon, it in a measure laid dead three days and a half (three years and a half,) but in 1830, life came into it, it was printed and circulated, and thus the light of the millenium [millennium] went forth. You see, sir, poor father Miller has got hold of the beast by the wrong horn.

It would seem that the long night of Jewish persecution is drawing to a close, and the dawning of a brighter day is fast breaking over their horizon. Their condition is meliorating in all parts of the world; the word of the Lord is sure; the natural branches of the olive tree will be grafted in again, and the time is not far distant, when the Jews will bow to the name of Jesus, and enjoy the liberty and blessings of the children of God.

The Jews believe that they shall yet be restored to the holy land, where, under the dominions of Messiah, they shall become an independent and glorious nation. But an unsurmountable [insurmountable] barrier to the fulfilment [fulfillment] of prophesy, is the uncertainty of the existence of the ten tribes, which has caused a great deal of search and enquiry [inquiry] to be made in all parts of the world. What an expence [expense] and trouble it would have saved the Christian world if their God had given revelation in these last days, but they have been obliged to go the warfare at their own expence [expense], and I suppose have about made up their minds that the ten tribes are not in existence! For, say they, if they are, where are they to be found? Many boldly assert that they have been lost among the nations. But if the ten tribes be extinct, how will prophesy be fulfiled [fulfilled], and the promise of God realized? But where are they to be found? Why, say some, in China, that their ancestors settled that country one thousand years before Christ. Sir William Jones thinks that they were the nations of the Afghans, in Persia; who had generally mingled with the Mahometans. Dr. Buchanan said he had found them among the black Jews, near Cochin; who had copies of the books of the Old Testament, written before the captivity, but none after. Manassas Ben Jorden, in a work styled the "Hope of Israel," proves that the American Indians are the decendants [descendants] of the ten tribes. To this, the apostle of the Indians, Mr. Eliot, agreed. Mr. Adair, a trader among the Indians for many years, was a warm advocate of this opinion. These writers say that they have found among the Indians, something like the Hebrew festivals, fasts and religious rites; the Jewish prophets, priests and cities of refuge. The bases of the Hebrew language, many Hebrew words, something of the theocracy, or divine government of Israel; the doctrine of the divine unity, the Jewish divisions into tribes; phylactries [phylacteries], or ancient Hebrew writings, and various traditions, unaccountable on any supposition but this, that they descended from Israel. Paul said in his day, that the ten tribes were alive, and serving God day and night, in expectation of the promise made to their fathers, and Joseph says they still live, and are yet expecting the promise to be fulfiled [fulfilled].

At the present time the employment of the Jews is generally that of merchants, brokers, bankers, jewelers, dealers in clothes, watches, gold and silver, ornaments, pedling [peddling], &c. &c.-They are not known in Great Britain, in law, but are connived at, and valued for their enterprize [enterprise]. They have the free exercise of their worship, and the opportunity to acquire and hold property to any amount.

In Holland, the Jews are numerous, wealthy and respectable.

In Spain they are not known as Jews; but are numerous in every class of society, even among priests and inquisitors, as good Catholics.

In Portugal, they are in the same manner, obliged to dissemble. The Spanish and Portuguese Jews do not mingle with the German Jews. They have separate synagogues wherever they reside.

In Germany and Prussia, most of the vexatious statutes of former ages have been repealed, and the Jews are living in quiet. At Frankfort, however, they are subject to many humiliating restrictions.

In Russia, favorable edicts have been passed by the emperor, and in Poland there are about 300,000 enjoying great privileges.

In Sweden and Denmark, they have a good degree of liberty.

In France, their situation since Napoleon has been highly gratifying. In 1791, all who would take the civic oath were admitted to the rank of citizens. This was the first act that gave the Jews a country in Europe.

In the Ottoman empire, they have to pay a heavy tax to the Porte, before they are allowed the liberty of their own worship.

In South America and the West Indies, the Jews are favorably situated for accumulating wealth and practicing their religion.



In the United States they enjoy perfect freedom.

I have endeavored to give a few particulars respecting this ancient and peculiar family, hoping that they may prove interesting to your readers, and so conclude for the present, intending, by your permission, to take another view at some future time, of the prophecies of the Old Testament.

I remain as ever, your affectionate brother,






To the Church in Philadelphia;-

All the members of that branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who are desirous of doing the will of Heaven, and of working out their own salvation, by keeping the laws of the Celestial kingdom, are hereby instructed and counselled [counseled] to remove from thence without delay, and locate themselves in the city of Nauvoo, where God has a work for them to accomplish.

Done at Nauvoo, this 29th day of May, 1843; agreeable to the instructions of the First Presidency.

By order of the Quorum of the Twelve,


President of the Quorum.



Elder Reuben Hadlock, to England, to preside over the English mission.

Elder John Cairns, to Scotland.

" James Sloan, to Ireland.

" Benjamin Brown, accompanied by Elder Jesse W. Crosby, to the Province of Nova Scotia.

Elder Edwin W. Webb, to the vicinity of Galena.

Elder Isaac Chase, to the Eastern States.

" Stephen Abbot, and Charles E. Spencer, to Wisconsin Territory; Elder Isaac Thompson to accompany them.



It becomes our painful duty again to bear record of the death of an honorable man, and a brother beloved. He has long been an ornament to his profession as a Christian, and recognized as a man of God. In the hour of his dissolution, he was a striking monument of the influence of religion.

Brother Higbee's life was such that he could look back on it with pleasure, while on his death-bed. Full of faith, and buoyant with hope, he longed to depart and be with Christ.

He is gone, like a flower, by the stream swept away,

Which no more spreads its sweets, o'er the banks where it lay;

He has crossed the dark Jordan, and flood of the grave,

But his spirit still shines like a beam on the wave.

The body, safely deposited in the tomb, rests in hopes of a glorious resurrection, nor shall it hope in vain; for the time is near, when loud diffusive sound, from brazen trump, of strong lunged sherub [cherub], shall awake him to life and youth. The same almighty power that first reared the piece, and took it down, can re-assemble the loose scattered parts, and put them as they were, and then shall the victor's cry be heard: "O grave where is they victory?" He has left us for a little season, to act in a more noble sphere. Upright through all his life-just in every transaction-hospitable to strangers-magnanimous in his intercourse with friends-he won a reputation which death cannot wipe away, or dim its lustre [luster]-a reputation that will live upon the tabliture of noble hearts through the lapse of many coming years, and the conflicting changes of human life. He was warm-hearted, benevolent, bland, sociable and confiding; faithful to every trust, and honorable in all his intercourse with man. In relation to his religious sentiments, his heart beat in unison with the true believers in the doctrines of the Latter-Day Saints. Laying aside the fabulous and sofisticated [sophisticated] dogmas of clashing creeds and warring sectaries, he has, for the last ten or eleven years, been a firm advocate of the legitimate principles of the Gospel of Christ, as they have been revealed, in the last days, to man. To promulgate these doctrines, and promote the welfare of the church, he encountered many hardships and deprivations. With his brethren, he felt the grievous hand of the Missouri persecution-with them he was plundered of every comfort and robbed of every blessing that is calculated to meliorate and happify the temporal condition of man, and driven from the limits of that mobocratic State. Then, departed brother, if the harmony we now enjoy should be ultimately broken, if the tranquillity that reigns in our midst should again be invaded, by the fiery fiend of fanaticism, the part you have once taken, the activity and zeal you have once exhibited-when our society was convulsed and disorganised [disorganized], by the handiwork of designing and unprincipled



bigots and lawless knaves-your loss will be but too deeply felt. For many years he has been a member of the High Council, the duties of which station he discharged with credit to himself and honor to the church. When the revelation for the building of the Temple was received, the unanimous voice of the church elected him a member of the Committee which was incorporated to supervise its erection. His untiring perseverance in prosecuting this important work, and the strict fidelity that characterizes his stewardship, are too well known, in this community; to require any comment from us.

He has raised a large family-all to respectability-all to ultimate usefulness. But he has left them, and has gone to try the realities of another world. Alas! when we come to speak of his domestic relations-to enter the penetralia of that now desolate home, and witness the feelings of that bereaved family-how incompetent is the force of language to sketch the scene, or paint the desolation that his decease has created there! Have you contemplated the pungent pangs-the up-gushing swells of the emotionate [emotional] bosom, as the circle of mourning bereaved ones drew around the lifeless form of a departed husband or parent? Have you ever known the heart-felt agony, the deep emotions of sorrow that agitate the internal empire of the bosom, when gazing upon the marble brow-the solemn visage-and compressed lips of some respected relative, whose clayey tenement is about to be consigned to the tomb?-If so, then can you form some conception or enter into the feelings of this comfortless family! These are feelings-these emotions-that can only be understood by experience,-language cannot describe them.

He died perfectly resigned-perfectly calm and tranquil-to the last moment. He stated that he was "prepared to die," that he was "hastening to that bourn [born] from whence no traveler returns," and felt the highest assurance of a happy rest in the celestial world. Relative to his religion, he expressed the most sanguine knowledge of its truth, and died attesting its divine authenticity. Thus has another good and honorable man fallen asleep, testifying to the doctrines of the Latter-Day Saints. Farewell, dear brother!-we miss your society-you have left forever this "vale of tears"-secure from the "evils to come" but you will ever retain a high seat of respect in our memory!


(Concluded from our last.)

R. D. Kimchi's commend. on Ez. 37:18, says: "our Rabbis dispute about the dead, out of the promised land; some say that the dead out of the promised land shall also be raised; others believe they shall have to roll themselves there and rise, but the prophet speaks very clear: See, I will open your graves and call my people out of them, and bring them into the land of Israel. These words are proof enough that the dead out of the promised land will rise and come to the promised land. Some of the more pious Jews, at the approach of age, go to the promised land to die there, so that they might not have to roll themselves, and to rise many years sooner than those that die out of it. Rabbi Jehuda says, 103 R: 214 years before the general resurrection, the righteous will rise. Rabbi Joshua ben Menaser teaches that the holy and praiseworthy will raise, those first that sleep in Hebron, viz: Adam, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, with their wives. (The Jews believe that the cave mentioned in Gen. 23:19, not only the three patriarchs, but Adam and Eve are interred, yet some give a place to the head of Esau in it.) Afterwards he would purify the land of the unclean ones, viz. the heathen, and then quicken the dead. See the book Ophkat Rochel. 4th part.

Some believe that God will first raise all the dead, then those in Hebron, that they might be joyfully surprised to behold so many righteous and godly that have come from their loins; then they will break forth in loud praises. God will act here in like manner as at the creation of the world; he did not create man until he had prepared every thing for his reception.

The most disputed point is about who shall be partakers at the resurrection; some extend it only to the Jews, others to the Godly of all nations. Rabbi Bachay holds the first; in his comment. on the five books of Moses, he says, "it is well known there are four things in which no nation has part but Israel: 1st, prophecy; 2d, receiving of the law; 3d, the promised land; 4th, the resurrection." As proofs he gives the following verses, in which only the name of Jacob appears: 1st, prophecy, it is written, Deuteronomy, 18:15, A prophet like unto me, I that am from the seed of Jacob, that you might not reckon the seed of Esau or Ishmael, it is said out of thy brethren. But we find Bileam, who was a Midianite, had the spirit of prophecy; it was only perchance, which you will find, 4 B. M. 24:4-16, God met perchance Bileam; it was for two reasons, 1st, for the honor of Israel; 2d, that the heathen might have no excuse on the day of judgment, by saying Israel has had prophets to reveal unto them the will of God, but we have had none. 2d. The law is given to none but Jacob. 5 B. M. 33:4, Moses has commanded us



to the law, for an inheritance the congregation of Jacob. 3d. the promised land belongs by inheritance to Jacob, as you may see from 5 B. M. 33:28, the eye of Jacob is upon the land. 4th. the seed of Jacob may only comfort themselves with the resurrection, because it is said at the conclusion of the forementioned [aforementioned] verses, "his heaven will drop dew." The word `his,' refers to Jacob, namely: over Jacob's heaven, or over the land of Israel shall drop the dew, with which dew the Almighty, at the resurrection will quicken the dead. Furthermore, Dan. 12:2, Many that sleep in the dust shall wake. But that the word many only means the Jews, our Rabbis have fully proven in the Book Siphri, from Esther, 8:17, Many of the people became Jews. Compare with this Psalms, 50:4, he calls the heaven from above, and the earth to judge his people; and Isaiah, 26:14-19, The dead shall not live, and they will not rise; thy dead will be quickened, and my corpse will rise. Wake and be joyful you that lay in the earth. Even the same meaning is in the Book Rad Hakemah, where it is said, when the jetcer horah,-evil desire, or original sin will be no more; then all mourning shall be at an end; every tear shall be wiped away from our eyes, and all Israel shall be worthy of the resurrection because this glorious privilege belongs only to Israel.

MR. EDITOR:-Having commenced this sometime since-and having had the privilege, a few Sundays back, to hear our worthy Prophet on the same subject, I was determined to go on with it, and hand it over to you. If you think it will be of any interest to your readers, I shall take another time to continue the subject, and tell you the means, as held by my brethren the Jews, whereby the Lord will bring to pass this glorious work.

Yours, Respectfully,


The following extract from the "Salem (Mass.) Advertizer and Argus," being an extract from a lecture delivered in Salem, by Mr. J. B. Newhall, will be read with interest by many of our friends. It shows very clearly what the views of enlightened, unprejudiced men are, in relation to Joseph Smith, Nauvoo, the Temple, the Legion, and the Mormons. The following presents a very different specimen of the Prophet, Nauvoo, the Temple, &c., than that given by many of our political demagogues. Mr. Newhall may think that a prophet ought to be morose, abstemious, distant, clothed either in pontifical robes or a leathern girdle, dwelling in caves, or living in the wilderness, unsociable, illiberal, and distant; something sepulchral, or unearthly; he has a perfect right to his opinions. but we think that a prophet ought to be what he has described Joseph Smith to be, "sociable, easy, cheerful, kind and obliging, and VERY HOSPITABLE."

"The Nauvoo Temple is a very singular and unique structure. It is 150 feet in length, 98 feet wide, and when finished will be 150 feet high. It is different from any thing in ancient or modern history. Every thing about it is on a magnificent scale, and when finished and seen from the opposite side of the river, it will present one, if not the most beautiful, chaste, and noble specimens of architecture to be found in the world. We should like to be in possession of a model of this building, both on account of its great notoriety, as being connected with the Mormon or Latter Day Saints' religion, and also a work of art. Did our limits here permit, we might give a very minute description of the whole order of architecture. This splendid drawing was executed by Mr. Newhall, while in Nauvoo, from a copy in the archives of that city. We wish he had taken it on a large scale, but he probably did not, on account of transportation. We regret exceedingly that we did not have the privilege of a near inspection of the map of the city of Nauvoo; the place which for some time past has created more intense interest perhaps, than any other city, town or village in the country, if not in the world. But on inquiring for it we found it had been rolled up and packed away. He gave a very glowing and interesting account of this city. The location is one of the most beautiful on earth. Situated on the Mississippi river, rising in an inclined plane, till it reaches the height where it overlooks an extensive tract of territory, unrivalled [unrivaled] in rich and varying scenery. His account of the military displays in Nauvoo, where the regiment, or Jeo [Joe] Smith's legion as it is called, turns out, is very interesting and exciting. He spoke of the six ladies on horses, with white feathers or plumes waving over black velvet, riding up and down in front of the last regiment. This must appear singular, at least to a Yankee.

He has had personal interviews with Joseph; and to sum up his character in a word; he is a jolly fellow: and according to his view, he is one of the last persons on earth whom God would have raised up as a prophet or priest, he is so diametrically opposite to that which he ought to be, in order to merit the titles or to act in such offices. Among others, he is very sociable, easy, cheerful, kind and obliging, and very hospitable.

We have seen Hiram Smith, a brother of Joseph's and heard him preach, and conversed



with him about his religion, its origin and progress; and we heard him declare, in this city in public, that what is recorded about the plates, &c. &c., is God's solemn truth. We have seen and conversed also with Mr. Wm. Law, one of the apostles. He declared to us in the Masonic Hall, in this city, that the statements are true, and called upon God with uplifted hands as a witness. We think it would be very interesting to the good people of Salem, and in fact to the whole Eastern States, to have the prophet come and make us a visit. We very much doubt whether there is a man on earth, who would create so much excitement and deep interest, at least, for the time being, as the prophet.

After Mr. N. had drawn the Temple, Joseph was exceedingly pleased, pronounced it very correct, complimented him very highly, and told him he believed he would be the means in the hands of God, of doing a great deal of good.

Joseph's sermon, given verbatim as heard by Mr. N., is very interesting; but we cannot give it here."

To the Editor of the Boston Weekly Bee.


MR. EDITOR:-On visiting Boylston Hall, as usual, on Sunday last, I missed Elder Maginn's honest countenance, and in his stead was a stranger, who, I was informed, is called Elder Willey. I was somewhat disappointed, but as I am "seeking after truth," I care not from whom or from what quarter it comes. I determined to pay every attention to what was said, and seated myself with pencil and memorandum book in hand, for, Mr. Editor, I always take notes of chapter and verse, and when I go home, take down my Bible and examine whether they have told me truth; and if I ever do catch them misquoting, or trying to deceive the people by preaching any other doctrine but that contained in the Bible, I'll expose them-the way I'll serve them up will be a caution-General Bennet's expose will be no touch to it.-But to return to Elder Willey. He commenced by saying that he meant to take the Bible for his text, and the contents of his sermon; and I was much pleased to hear the manner in which he quoted from that good book. He took up the subject of the restoration of Israel and certainly handled it in a masterly manner. He spoke with much energy and appeared to feel and mean just what he said. He contended that Israel would be restored, and as I have not time, and do not wish to trespass too much on "Every body's Corner," I will briefly quote some few of the many passages he cited to prove his position, so that any of your readers who feel an interest in these things may examine for themselves. But first, he quoted John, chap. 5, v. 39; "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me" and then enquired [inquired], "How are we to search them? and found an answer in Romans, 15, 4, 2d Peter, 1, 19, to 21; John, 17, 17; Amos 3, 7,-and that taking "thus saith the Lord" for a definite assertion-a figure for a figure and a parable for a parable, a rule was laid down by which to work. He then, to show that Israel would be restored, proceeded to quote and briefly comment on the following texts: Jeremiah, 12, 14 to 17; Isaiah, 11, 11; Deut., 30, 1 to 9; Jeremiah, 16, 21; Isaiah, 40, 1 to 5; 43, 1 to 7; 49, 10 to 23; Jeremiah 30, 3 7 and 11; 31, 3 to 13; Ezekiel, 34, 22 to 31; 29, 21 to 29; 37, 21 to 28; 36 34 and 35, Hosea, 14, 4 to 7; Amos, 11, 15; Psalms, 144, 5 to 15; Joel, 3; Zachariah, 2, 4 to 13; 10, 6 to 12; 12, 8 to 11; 14 ch.; and several other passages, but perhaps when the reader has attentively examined the ones above mentioned, he will be convinced of the fact that the Jews will be gathered back to Jerusalem, that that city will be built up and that they shall again possess the land from which they were driven.

Elder Willey, I understand, has been in the church almost ever since its formation. He has labored much and suffered much: he was in the midst of the Missouri persecution; he has been buffeted, ill treated and imprisoned; robbed of property to a considerable amount-his all. The cold earth has often been his bed, while his weather-worn valise served for a pillow and the canopy of heaven for a covering.-Cold and hunger are not unknown to him. Yet, he has braved all for the gospel's sake, and is now rejoicing that he was considered worthy to suffer. Can all this be delusion or imposition? or is it the work of God that these men come to proclaim? I can only say that if it is the work of God, all the combined powers of earth and hell, hireling priests and devils, cannot stop it; and if it be the work of man-if it be delusion or imposition, it will come to nought and must soon be numbered with the things that were. Let us then, as we value the salvation of our immortal souls, let us diligently enquire [inquire] whether these things are so-let us search the scriptures, and if we find these people preach the doctrine there laid down, and practice what they preach, then we are bound to believe them: and if they do not, it is our duty to reject them. As long as there is any thing to be learnt, I trust I shall continue to be-




A discourse delivered by Elder Joshua Grant, jun. at the Conference.

My Friends:-As an opportunity presents itself, and I am requested, by my brethren to speak to you, I cheerfully embrace the present opportunity, and address you for the first time from this stand.

You have been entertained during the conference, with many interesting, instructive, and edifying discourses, and it would seem superfluous in me, to attempt to add very much to the remarks already made by many of my senior brethren, who are much more competent than myself, to lay before you the principles of eternal truth; but having been called upon to address you, I embrace the present opportunity with cheerfulness, and feel happy for the privilege that I now enjoy of communicating, as well as being communicated unto, after so long an absence from your midst.

Since I last stood among the saints of the most high God, in this place, I have journeyed in different parts of the United States, to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, my voice has been heard in many towns and villages, far from here, who had not before been made acquainted with the principles of salvation, as made known in these last days, and my labors have not been futile; for the Lord has blest my humble endeavors to propagate the gospel of truth, and I have been an humble instrument in his hands, in bringing some few to a "knowledge of the truth, as it is in Jesus" who are now rejoicing in the "liberty wherewith Christ has made them free." Although I have travelled [traveled] in different parts, my labors however, have been principally confined to the southern, where, for the last three years, in company with my brother, Elder J. M. Grant, I have travelled [traveled] and raised up a church, consisting of upwards of two hundred members.

In looking at the large concourse of people that now present themselves before me, in this conference, my mind is carried involuntary to other scenes, and I am reminded of the situation of this church, when in its weakness and infancy, which, contrasted with its present numbers, respectability and influence, was "but a drop in the bucket," and brings with renewed force to my mind, the great work in which we are engaged, and that, as God has hitherto put forth his hand to defend his people, in the day of adversity, that, as they have, in their weakness, baffled all the attempts of wicked and designing men, aided by the powers of darkness, to overturn and destroy them; that, as they have hitherto been aided by the arm of omnipotence, and sustained by the power of Israel's King; that, if they still continue humble and faithful, the same power, the same intelligence, the same arm, will yet sustain his own people, bring to pass all the things spoken of by the prophets, gather his elect from the four winds, and crown the saints with glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life.

Without any further remarks, by way of preliminaries, allow me a short time to call your attention to the following text, which you will find contained in Matt. xxiv: 14; "And this gospel, of the kingdom, shall be preached in all the world, as a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

These are the words of our blessed Lord, that he spake to his disciples in answer to certain questions which were propounded by them; in relation to his coming, and the end of the world. After entering into many particulars partaining [pertaining] to the events that should transpire in and about Jerusalem, speaking of the calamities that should destroy that city, and bring destruction upon the Jews, he goes on to describe the signs that should precede the coming of the Son of Man, and the end of the world. Among other signs that are referred to by him is that contained in the words of our text, which is one of the greatest and most important, "and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, as a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come."

In all the dispensations of the lord, and in all his dealings with the children of men, he has pursued one uniform, undeviating course, though the earth by revolutions may have changed, and man has been wavering and fluctuating, God has declared concerning himself; "I am the Lord, and I change not" and wherever we can trace the dealings of God with man, we shall find that they have been unchangeable, he has always taught man by revelation. In regard to the gospel, it is a principle that has always existed, in all ages where God has had a pure church; and if the children of Israel were placed under a school master, and the law was added, it "was because of transgression," and not because of the changeableness of God, for he has always pursued one uniform course, to edify, instruct, and give the world a knowledge of his law; and in unfolding the principles of truth to the human family, he never instructed them at random, nor suffered them to go according to their notions, or at the bidding of men; they never wage "a warfare at their own charge" but they were endued with power from on high; wisdom and intelligence was given through the great source of the priesthood, which God has given to regulate the affairs of his kingdom, and thus being endowed



and qualified by the wisdom and intelligence that God has imparted, they were prepared to unfold the gospel of Jesus Christ to a fallen world. If this has been God's way of dealing with the children of men, it naturally follows that it will continue to be, and if the preachers of the gospel in primitive days, were thus called and empowered, it follows as a natural consequence, that it will continue to be, and that as God is immutable, and unchangeable, whenever he calls men in any age of the world, he will qualify, and inspire them, in the same manner. And if they are thus taught, whether in this age, in ages that are past, or that are yet to come, there will be a uniformity in doctrine, and ordinances, they will teach the same things. There have been many who have professed to be called of God; but their doctrines have been diverse, and their ordinances conflicting. The reason of this difference is, that they have not been taught of God, nor inspired from on high; but their learning has been merely scholastic and their wisdom the science of men. Thus situated, it is impossible that they should teach correct principles; for man is finite and fallible, and God is infinite and infallible, and it is impossible for the people of this, or of any other age, to comprehend the Creator without being taught of him.

The disjointed manner in which sectarianism has placed the gospel, renders it extremely ludicrous; one having taken one part, and another another part. Now the ordinances, gifts and powers of the gospel are not one, but many; yet being many, they are not divided, but the one gospel, proceeding from the same spirit One, two, nor three items do not compose the gospel any more than if we were to take two or three leaves out of a book, and call it a book. As it takes all the leaves to make a book perfect, so it requires all the ordinances, gifts, blessings, powers, and priesthood, of the gospel to make it complete. It may, with propriety, be compared to a chain, which, if any link is broken, it destroys the force of the whole. So, in like manner, if one principle of the gospel is destroyed, it renders the whole imperfect. The Savior told his disciples to "teach ALL things whatsoever he had commanded them." Hence this gospel, in all its parts, must be preached to every nation, before the Messiah will come; and men must be inspired, to prepare them for the accomplishment of so great a work.

According to the statement of the "Universal Geography," there are three thousand and twenty six different languages. It must be obvious to every reflecting mind that it is absolutely necessary for the gifts and powers of the gospel to be restored before the gospel can be preached to all of those nations and tongues; and if it is not, the Messiah cannot come, for the preaching of the gospel to all nations is one of the great signs that must take place, preparatory to the coming of the Son of Man.

This brings to our minds forcibly the necessity of the gift of tongues in order that the gospel may be preached unto all nations, in their own tongue; for the best linguist in the world cannot understand more than twenty different languages, or tongues: and if they do not and cannot learn them, it is absolutely necessary that ministers of the gospel should be inspired with the gift of tongues, as the Apostles were on the day of Pentecost, to prepare them for this arduous undertaking. Many, because they possess not those gifts, and not having the honesty to acknowledge the reason of this deficiency, tell us that we have no more need of them; but if they can accomplish this work without the power of God, the fullness of the gospel, and the gift of tongues, they will accomplish more than has been done by the so-called preachers of the gospel for the last seventeen hundred years.

Mr. John Wesley informs us, in his fourteenth sermon, that the reason why these blessings were lost, was because the christians had turned heathens again, and had nothing left but the dead form, without the power-and we presume that if others would open their eyes, they would see the like discrepancies.

I would remark, in regard to the gosple [gospel] being a witness unto all nations, that there is a striking concedence between this and the testimony of our Savior, concerning his disciples: "Ye are my witnesses, as also is the Holy Ghost, that bears witness of me." They were the acknowledged, authorised [authorized] heralds of salvation; to them was given the keys, that they might unlock the kingdom unto others, preach salvation themselves, and ordain others to this authority. They were the only persons who could properly be called witnesses of the Savior, in that day; they have been with our Savior and seen his miracles; they had witnessed his life, death, resurrection, and ascension; they had felt the prints of the nails in his hands, and in his feet; they had seen him transfigured on the mount and ascend into heaven, and after his death and resurrection they saw and conversed with him forty days, and afterwards saw him ascend into heaven, in a cloud. He afterwards appeared unto them, and became their benefactor, instructor, and friend: thus situated and endued with this power, they were certainly, of all men upon the face of the earth, most competent to be his witnesses.

The Holy Ghost was also another witness of



him, and wherever the gospel was preached and believed, that Holy Spirit bore witness, enlightened and comforted; and wherever the pure gospel of Jesus Christ is preached, by proper authority, and believed in and obeyed by the world, it will be productive of the same results.

If this was the kind of testimony that existed in those days, it is absolutely necessary that a principle of the same kind should now exist; that men should be endowed with the same power, possess the same priesthood, administer in the same ordinances, and preach the same things; then the spirit of God will bear testimony to the word preached; it will not come "in word only, but in power, in demonstration of the spirit; and in much assurance."


MAINE, April 24, 1843.}

The members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in the counties of Lincoln and Waldo, met in conference on the 15th and 16th inst. Meeting was called to order on the 15th, at 1 o'clock, P. M., by C. C. Pendleton, when Elder Otis Shaw was called to preside, and C. C. Pendleton chosen clerk.

Singing, and prayer by the president.

The following branches, composing the conference, were then represented. President Shaw represented the Vinalhaven branch, consisting of fifty six members, including two elders, one priest, one teacher and one deacon.

Several have moved away since last conference, and three excluded, viz; Wm. Merchant, Polly Merchant, and Margaret Pease.

The St. George branch, including members in Cushing and Friendship, Long Island, were represented by President Shaw, numbering twenty seven members, including one priest, one teacher, and one deacon; seven added by baptism since the last conference. C. C. Pendleton then represented the East Thomaston branch, numbering twenty-five members, including one elder, one priest, one teacher, and one deacon; twelve of the above mentioned were recently baptised [baptized] by Elder Thomas Crockit, and the remainder were formerly members of the Vinalhaven branch. Abijah Pease, priest, represented the Waldo branch, numbering thirty-eight members, including one elder, two priests, and three teachers; a number have moved to Illinois since last conference, two excluded, viz: Wesley and Vincent Richards, and seven added by baptism. Several present bore testimony to the certainty of the renewal of the covenant.

Singing and prayer by Elder J. Pierce.

Adjourned till 6 o'clock.

Conference met pursuant to adjournment, but owing to the severity of the weather, but few assembled. C. C. Pendleton, opened the meeting by prayer, and after addressing the meeting upon the subject of salvation, the time was occupied in mutual prayer and singing.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.

Sunday morning, convened at the appointed hour. After singing, prayer by C. C. Pendleton, who proceeded to address the assembly upon the Millenium [Millennium], and the necessary preparation for that day. Additional remarks by Elder J. Pierce and President Shaw.

Adjourned for one hour and a half.

Afternoon, met according to adjournment.-Singing and prayer, by President Shaw. Scripture testimony in proof of the Book of Mormon, by C. C. Pendleton, who urged the necessity of a compliance with the precepts of that book.-Subject continued by Elder Pierce, after which Bread and Wine was administered by Elders Shaw and Pierce.

Adjourned till 7 o'clock.

Met pursuant to adjournment. Singing and prayer by the president. Time devoted to exhortation and prayer.

Resolved, That the minutes of this conference be forwarded to Nauvoo for publication, in the "Times and Seasons." Conference then adjourned, to meet in East Thomaston, on the first Saturday in July, at 10 o'clock, A.M.,

O. SHAW, Prest.



Presuming that further information respecting the Lord's work, and other matters, in this region, would not be unwelcome to you, I have thought proper to fill the remainder of this sheet for your disposal, as may be deemed proper. For more than a year and a half, I have endeavored to preach the gospel of Christ, in Waldo and the adjoining counties, as my circumstances have admitted: sometimes blessed with the society of fellow laborers, but mostly alone, and notwithstanding there has not been (through the concerted efforts of the few in these parts,) a general turning unto the Lord, as in many parts of our land, yet the work of the Lord has been steadily onward in the midst of opposition, so that in several counties, there are some found rejoicing in the new and everlasting covenant.

There has been, and now is, a very great stir among the people, on the subject of religion, and it is said of the proceedings as was anciently said of Simon, the Samaritan: "The great power of God." But amongst the great confusion and party strife, the saints have mostly



stood firm and unshaken upon that foundation which wind and rain cannot remove. The doctrines of Calvin, Luther, Wesley, Miller, &c. &c., have been contested with equal warmth, and all have made great acquisitions to their numbers. Fear has seized upon the people and they are gliding down the current of men's opinions, to the destruction awaiting such.-Comparatively, few are willing to leave the paths of popularity and walk in the humble narrow way.

The disciples of Miller are particularly loud against our principles, and some of them stoop to the lowest and most foul slanders, and the prophet whom God has raised up for his glorious work, is surely "taken up in the lips of talkers." The foul and nefarious statements of the vile and perjured Bennet, together with the various falsehoods in circulation, are poured in from all quarters upon the advocates of truth, with untiring diligence, and I have thought as the mighty avalanch [avalanche] increases in magnitude and velocity, as it descends the steep declivity, so falsehood and calumny increase in bulk and momentum, as they recede from their place of coinage.

The unfavorable situations of the few who have been called to the ministry in this region, are such as will deprive them of the privilege of preaching extensively, and a number of experienced elders are much needed here. Will some venture on a mission from the home of the saints, to this state, as formerly? A number of the saints removed west last fall, and many more are making great exertions to procure means for their removal to Nauvoo next fall.

Notwithstanding I gain much, useful and comforting instruction from your very valuable paper, (Times and Seasons,) I feel very desirous of being in your midst, and of receiving oral instruction from those whom God has appointed to lead and instruct his people, Israel.

With respect, I am as ever, yours, &c.,



An extraordinary hail storm occurred in Adams county Pennsylvania, on Monday last, which did much damage. The hail stones were from six to eight inches in circumference. In the town of Gettysburgh upwards of ten thousand five hundred panes of glass were broken. The Gettysburgh Star says: "The storm was of short duration, and did not extend much in breadth, but we learn that some little damage was done to the fruit, grapes &c., in the immediate vicinity of Gettysburgh, but we are happy to hear that no material damage was done to the grain crops. Numbers of Larks and other birds were killed in the neighborhood, and a gentleman has brought to our office, the head and feet of a wild goose which was knocked down by the hail, and which he captured, and of which he made a fine dinner on the day following.-Baltimore Sun, May 22d.

On Sunday last the house of Mr. Narau, a Canadian, at "Nip City," Clinton county, was struck with lightning. There were fifteen persons in the house at the time, and four of them were stricken down, but they all recovered after a couple of hours. One of them, Mrs. Flarinton, was struck on the foot, and the shoe separated from heel to toe without materially injuring the wearer.-Buffalo Advertiser.


The past year has been distinguished by providential calamities. In some instances, the elements seem to have been commissioned to perform the work of destruction to an awful extent, and unprecedented severity. Three of the greatest calamities that have occurred within a century, happened within a short period of one hundred hours. The terrible fire at Hamburg, which destroyed 2,000 houses, and nearly $20,000,000 of property, in the fairest portion of the city, was followed in less than two days by the earthquake at St. Domingo. In this earthquake the towns of Cape Haytian and Santiago, sixty miles apart, were entirely destroyed, and not less than 7,500 of the inhabitants perished. On the very next day while St. Domingo was yet rocking with shocks of the earthquake, and the ruins of Hamburg were not three days old, a train of cars filled with passengers on the railroad from Paris to Versailles, were thrown from the track, and set on fire by the engine. Before the passengers, who were locked in could be removed, seventy of them perished in the flames. More recently the city of Liverpool has suffered by fire to an extent only surpassed by the fire at Hamburg.-In this country, the cities of Portland, New York, Charleston and Columbia have suffered severely from the same cause. At one period of several weeks during the year, it was estimated that the loss of steamboats on the western waters, averaged one a day. In connexion [connection] with six of the boats, two hundred lives were lost. If to all this we add the loss of life at sea, which has been usually great the past year, we must regard it as a year of calamities.


It is said that this town probably received its



name from a small town of the same name near Ipswich in England, from which it is supposed some of our first settlers originated. An old writer says, that "Wenham was originally that part of Salem, called Enon, and was among the earliest settlements of Massachusetts. As early as 1639 a few persons took up their residence here, and it was not long after this that the celebrated Hugh Peters, who was settled in Salem in 1639 and left the colony in 1641, preached, probably the first sermon ever preached in this place, choosing for his pulpit the same conical hill at the northeast end of the pond; with that beautiful sheet of water before him and his audience, he selected for his text John iii: 23-"and John also was baptising [baptizing] in Enon, near to Salem, because there was much water there."


At a special Conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at the grove, near the Temple on the 3rd and 5th of July, 1843, it was decided that the following elders go on a special mission to the following counties in the State of Illinois.

Elijah Reed and Jesse Hitchcock, Adams and Pike counties.

Salmon Warner and Jeremiah Curtis, Calhoun and Jersey counties.

Erastus H. Derby, Orson Hyde and J. G. Adams, Lee county.

Charles C. Rich and Harvey Green, La Salle and De Calb.

L. Richards, Luther A. Jones and E. Robinson, Joe Davies.

John Murdock, Vermillion.

Daniel Avery, Schuyler.

Zebedee Coltrin, McDonough.

Truman Gillet, Benjamin Brown and J. W. Crosby, Cook.

Graham Coltrin, Fulton.

John L. Butler, Hamilton.

David Lewis, Wayne.

James Twist, Bureau.

G. P. Dykes and Samuel Brown, St. Clair.

Pardon Webb, Will.

E. M. Webb, Grundy.

Simeon Dunn, Warren,

H. S. Eldridge, Mason.

Thomas Dobson, Tazwell.

Cyrus Canfield, Menard.

Jared Carter, Morgan.

Samuel James and J. C. Wright, Scott.

Luman H. Corkins, White.

J. M. King, Mercer.

Daniel Allen, Rock Island.

U. C. Nickerson, Henry.

Alfred Brown, Putnam.

P. Meeks, McCoupin.

Abel Butterfield and J. H. Vanatta, Winnebago.

Wm. Nelson, Iroquois.

Samuel Russel, Boone.

Levi Steward, Franklin.

Wm. Meeks, Green.

W. B. Brink and Geo. Chamberlin, Sangamon.

Jacob Wile, Edwards.

Wm. S. Covert, Stark.

M. F. Bartlett and Melvin Wilbur, Bond.

John Outhouse, Alexander,

Cheney G. VanBuren, Brown.

James Carroll, Carroll.

David Jones, Fayette.

John Lowry, Monroe.

Urban V. Stewart, Williamson.

James McFate, Montgomery.

L. O. Littlefield, Clinton.

Elisha H. Groves, Madison.

Theodore Curtis, Cass.

Samuel Keele, Jefferson.

James Hale, Washington.

Geo. W. Thatcher and A. Forgeus, Hancock.

Jacob H. Butterfield, Henderson.

Geo. Middagh, Clay.

James Monroe, Crawford.

Ezra Chase, Coles.

Jesse Chase, Edgar.

Amos Lowel, Clark.

John Miller, Whitesides.

Wm. Martin, Christian.

Reuben Parkhurst, DeWitt.

John Keele, Perry.

Geo. Langley, Johnson.

James M. Henderson, Gallatin.

James W. Cummings, Randolph.

John Workman, Shelby.

Elijah Fordham, Knox.

Geo W. Pitkin and John Wakefield, Peoria.


W. Richards, Clerk.

The Times and Seasons IS EDITED BY JOHN TAYLOR. Printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOHN TAYLOR AND WILFORD WOODRUFF.

TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribes and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.