Difference between revisions of "Criticism of Mormonism/Video/Search for the Truth DVD/Letter (annotated)"

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The DVD itself claims that LDS leaders were given the video for a chance to respond.  But, here they tell distributors that they are carefully keeping the DVD a secret so that leaders will be unable to prepare their members.
:The DVD itself claims that LDS leaders were given the video for a chance to respond.  But, here they tell distributors that they are carefully keeping the DVD a secret so that leaders will be unable to prepare their members.
Why are they lying?  (See discussion [[Search_for_the_Truth_DVD:Summary|here]].)
:Why are they lying?  (See discussion [[Search_for_the_Truth_DVD:Summary|here]].)
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All that is required - HANGING THE DVD ON DOOR KNOBS THE VIDEO DOES THE TALKING and, in fact, we do not advise or encourage interaction with Mormon people until sometime after the distribution is complete.
All that is required - HANGING THE DVD ON DOOR KNOBS THE VIDEO DOES THE TALKING and, in fact, we do not advise or encourage interaction with Mormon people until sometime after the distribution is complete.
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:One purpose of the DVD is "boundary maintenance."  This means that it is a tool used by some conservative Protestant groups to ensure that ''their flock'' will not become interested in Joseph Smith and Mormonism.  The DVD is targeted partly at an evangelical audience, and to remain convinced that the Mormons are an un-Christian cult, they must not have the video's version of what Mormons "really" believe shaken.
Therefore, it is important that their distributors not discuss these issues with Latter-day Saints, lest they learn that the Saints believe a great many of the same things as they do about Christ.  (See discussion [[Search_for_the_Truth_DVD:Who Is Jesus?|here]].)
The reason for this approach is because the Mormon Church instructs its members to not receive any materials which are not "faith promoting" in regard to Mormonism. By simply hanging the DVD on doors, Mormon people do not have the option of refusing to accept it. After the DVD is in their home many will, out of curiosity, watch it.
The reason for this approach is because the Mormon Church instructs its members to not receive any materials which are not "faith promoting" in regard to Mormonism. By simply hanging the DVD on doors, Mormon people do not have the option of refusing to accept it. After the DVD is in their home many will, out of curiosity, watch it.

Revision as of 14:44, 20 March 2007

Letter of instructions to distributors

This letter was provided to those who were to distribute the DVD. It provides a glimpse of their attitudes toward the Church of Jesus Christ, and the members whom they claim to be treating with "love." This version of the letter has comments added in blue by FAIR. Click here to see the letter without comments.


Dear Fellow Christian,

Enclosed is the sample copy of the brand new Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith DVD.

CAUTION: This video is to be viewed by CHRISTIANS ONLY until AFTER the nation-wide distribution which is scheduled for March 25, 2007. In-other-words, do not allow any Mormon people to view the video or learn of our intended evangelistic outreach until after March 25, 2007.

Why such extreme caution? If the leadership of the Mormon cult learns of our plans, they will publicly instruct their people not to watch the video and many Mormons will blindly obey.

The DVD itself claims that LDS leaders were given the video for a chance to respond. But, here they tell distributors that they are carefully keeping the DVD a secret so that leaders will be unable to prepare their members.
Why are they lying? (See discussion here.)


All that is required - HANGING THE DVD ON DOOR KNOBS THE VIDEO DOES THE TALKING and, in fact, we do not advise or encourage interaction with Mormon people until sometime after the distribution is complete.

One purpose of the DVD is "boundary maintenance." This means that it is a tool used by some conservative Protestant groups to ensure that their flock will not become interested in Joseph Smith and Mormonism. The DVD is targeted partly at an evangelical audience, and to remain convinced that the Mormons are an un-Christian cult, they must not have the video's version of what Mormons "really" believe shaken.

Therefore, it is important that their distributors not discuss these issues with Latter-day Saints, lest they learn that the Saints believe a great many of the same things as they do about Christ. (See discussion here.)

The reason for this approach is because the Mormon Church instructs its members to not receive any materials which are not "faith promoting" in regard to Mormonism. By simply hanging the DVD on doors, Mormon people do not have the option of refusing to accept it. After the DVD is in their home many will, out of curiosity, watch it.

We encourage distribution of DVDs in neighborhoods surrounding LDS churches and/or Temples. Consider the following facts gleaned from previous similar distributions:

FOR MORMONS - The DVD will be instrumental in leading them out of Mormonism and into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

FOR NON-MORMONS - The DVD exposes the false teachings of the Mormon cult. As a result, people who view the video are much less likely to be converted to Mormonism and these people often use the information found in the DVD to challenge their LDS neighbors and/or LDS missionaries.

THIS OPPORTUNITY IS TRULY A GOD SEND - God has led the producer of this video to freely give the DVD to Utah ministries (a gift exceeding a quarter of a million dollars). The producer has also offered this DVD at the production cost of .50 each to any Christian ministry outside of the state of Utah who will agree to participate in the NATION-WIDE distribution on March 25, 2007.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormonism, is one of the largest, most powerful, and fastest growing cults in the world today.

Most people have been deceived into thinking that Mormonism is just another Christian religion. Most LDS converts are proselytized from Christian denominations.

Within the state of Utah, the number of Mormons has steadily declined over the past 10 years which teaches us three things:

1 - Within Utah, we are doing a fairly good job of combating Mormonism;

2 - The growth of Mormonism is outside of the state of Utah which makes this NATION-WIDE distribution essentially important.

3 - The Mormon Church is vulnerable. We firmly believe that with enough exposure, Mormonism will crumble and become a shadow of what it is today.

Please join us in our efforts to shut down the Mormon machine and lead a multitude of lost souls out of this cult and into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that meditation upon JOHN chapter 15 (the entire chapter) will encourage you and answer your questions as to whether you should participate. WE CANNOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOUR HELP, PLEASE HELP US.

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