Difference between revisions of "Tithing"

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{{Resource Title|Tithing}}
{{Resource Title|Tithing}}
== ==
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|link=Mormonism and church finances/Tithing/How is tithing calculated
|link=Mormonism and church finances/Tithing/How is tithing calculated
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|summary=I've been told that the Church expects or teaches its members to tithe on gross income. What can you tell me about how tithing it taught in the Church?
|summary=I've been told that the Church expects or teaches its members to tithe on gross income. What can you tell me about how tithing it taught in the Church?
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|link=Mormonism and church finances/Tithing/Paying tithing versus feeding your children or paying your rent
|link=Mormonism and church finances/Tithing/Paying tithing versus feeding your children or paying your rent

Revision as of 10:24, 17 April 2017

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3



How is tithing calculated?

Summary: I've been told that the Church expects or teaches its members to tithe on gross income. What can you tell me about how tithing it taught in the Church?

Paying tithing versus feeding your children or paying your rent

Summary: One critic of the church states, "Would a loving, kind, empathic God really place parents in the horrible position of having to choose whether to feed their children or pay what little they have to a multi-billion megamall owning Church that receives an estimated $8,000,000,000 in annual tithing receipts?"