Difference between revisions of "Question: Did Joseph Smith consummate any of these marriages with married women?"

(Question: Did Joseph Smith consummate any of these marriages with married women?)
(Question: Did Joseph Smith consummate any of these marriages with married women?)
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[[en:Question: Did Joseph Smith consummate any of these marriages with married women?]]
[[en:Question: Did Joseph Smith consummate any of these marriages with married women?]]
[[es:Pregunta: ¿José Smith consumar cualquiera de estos matrimonios con mujeres casadas?]]
[[es:Pregunta: ¿José Smith consumar cualquiera de estos matrimonios con mujeres casadas?]]
[[pt:Pergunta: Será que Joseph Smith consumar qualquer um desses casamentos com mulheres casadas?]]

Revision as of 21:35, 8 September 2015

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3

Question: Did Joseph Smith consummate any of these marriages with married women?

There is no evidence to indicate that Joseph consumated any polyandrous marriages, with one possible exception for a woman who considered herself divorced

The available evidence also does not support the claim that Joseph had intimate relations with these married women. Fawn Brodie, who repeatedly stated her belief that Joseph had intimate relations with many of his plural wives, identified several individuals that she thought “might” be children of Joseph Smith, Jr. Yet, even Brodie noted that “it is astonishing that evidence of other children than these has never come to light.” Brodie postulated, in spite of a complete lack of evidence, that Joseph must have been able to successfully practice some sort of primitive birth control, or that abortions must have been routinely employed.To date, DNA analysis has ruled out Joseph Smith as the father of any of the children of the women to whom he was sealed who were married to other men.

In 1915, Sylvia Sessions Lyon's daughter, Josephine, signed a statement that in 1882 Sylvia "told me that I was the daughter of the Prophet Joseph Smith"

In 1915, Sylvia Sessions Lyon's daughter, Josephine, signed a statement that in 1882 Sylvia "told me that I was the daughter of the Prophet Joseph Smith, she having been sealed to the Prophet at the time that her husband Mr. Lyon was out of fellowship with the Church." It is not known whether Sylvia was referring to her daughter as being a literal descendant of Joseph Smith, or if she was referring to the fact that she had been sealed to the prophet. In an article published in Mormon Historical Studies, Brian C. Hales demonstrates that Sylvia considered herself divorced prior to marrying Joseph polygamously. [1]


  1. See: Hales, Brian C. "The Joseph Smith-Sylvia Sessions Plural Sealing: Polyandry or Polygyny?" Mormon Historical Studies 9/1 (Spring 2008): 41–57.] DNA research is ongoing but it is rendered more difficult since the Y chromosome evidence of paternal lineage is not present in females.