Difference between revisions of "Roper: "Critics of the Book of Mormon have claimed that the limited geography is only a late, desperate attempt to defend the Book of Mormon""

(Roper: "Critics of the Book of Mormon have claimed that the limited geography is only a late, desperate attempt to defend the Book of Mormon")
(Roper: "Critics of the Book of Mormon have claimed that the limited geography is only a late, desperate attempt to defend the Book of Mormon")
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[[Category:Letter to a CES Director]]
[[Category:Letter to a CES Director]]
[[en:Source:Roper:FR 16:2:Critics of the Book of Mormon have claimed that the limited geography is only a late, desperate attempt]]
[[es:Fuente:Roper:FR 16:2:Los críticos del Libro de Mormón han afirmado que la geografía limitada es sólo una tarde, intento desesperado]]
[[pt:Fonte:Roper:FR 16:2:Críticos do Livro de Mórmon têm afirmado que a geografia limitada é apenas uma, tentativa desesperada tarde]]

Revision as of 18:08, 3 June 2015

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3

Roper: "Critics of the Book of Mormon have claimed that the limited geography is only a late, desperate attempt to defend the Book of Mormon"

Matthew Roper:

Recently, some critics of the Book of Mormon have claimed that the limited geography is only a late, desperate attempt to defend the Book of Mormon. It is, they assert, contrary "to the Book of Mormon text, early Mormon history, [and] Joseph Smith's divine edicts."2 In order to place the assertions of these critics in perspective, it is necessary to address several questions: What was the hemispheric geography based on? Granted that this early view was popular, was it based on revelation? Is there any authoritative interpretation of Book of Mormon geography? Is the localized geography some kind of debater's ploy or are there substantial reasons for this view? [1] —(Click here to continue)


  1. Matthew Roper, "Limited Geography and the Book of Mormon: Historical Antecedents and Early Interpretations," FARMS Review 16/2 (2004): 225–276. off-site