Difference between revisions of "Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons"

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|link=Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons
|link=Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons
|subject=Claims by ex-Mormons that Church leaders have lost priesthood authority
|subject=Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons
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|subject=Have Church leaders lost priesthood authority?
|subject=Have Church leaders lost priesthood authority?
|summary=Some who are excommunicated from the Church believe that the leaders of the Church has lost any right to claim priesthood leadership.
|summary=Some who are excommunicated from the Church believe that the leaders of the Church has lost any right to claim priesthood leadership.
|link=Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons/Church claims to control the Holy Ghost
|subject=Does the Church claim to "control" the Holy Ghost?
|summary=Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that the Church believes it "controls the Holy Ghost."
|link=Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons/Church not needed
|subject=Do we need a Church?
|summary=Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that a formal Church organization is not needed.
|link=Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons/Priesthood authority not needed
|subject=Do we need Priesthood authority?
|summary=Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that ordained priesthood authority is not needed.
|link=Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons/Priesthood authority can be re-conferred by heavenly messengers
|subject=Priesthood authority can be re-conferred by heavenly messengers.
|summary=Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that priesthood authority can be re-conferred by heavenly messengers, and so the institutional Church is not needed.
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Revision as of 15:36, 19 September 2014

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3

Claims by ex-Mormons that Church leaders have lost priesthood authority


Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons

Have Church leaders lost priesthood authority?

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church believe that the leaders of the Church has lost any right to claim priesthood leadership.

Does the Church claim to "control" the Holy Ghost?

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that the Church believes it "controls the Holy Ghost."

Do we need a Church?

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that a formal Church organization is not needed.

Do we need Priesthood authority?

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that ordained priesthood authority is not needed.

Priesthood authority can be re-conferred by heavenly messengers.

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that priesthood authority can be re-conferred by heavenly messengers, and so the institutional Church is not needed.