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#{{note|peterson1}} {{FR-15-2-1}} <!--Peterson-->
#{{note|peterson1}} {{FR-15-2-1}} <!--Peterson-->
#{{note|dico1}} anti. (n.d.). ''The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language'', Fourth Edition. Retrieved 9 December 2006, from ''Dictionary.com'' website.  {{link|url=dictionary.reference.com/browse/anti}}
#{{note|dico1}} anti. (n.d.). ''The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language'', Fourth Edition. Retrieved 9 December 2006, from ''Dictionary.com'' website.  {{link|url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/anti}}
#{{note|packer1}} {{Ensign|author=Boyd K. Packer|article=A Defense and a Refuge|date=November 2006|start=85|end=88}} {{link|url=http://beta.lds.org/portal/site/LDSOrg/menuitem.b12f9d18fae655bb69095bd3e44916a0/?vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=ff120d034ceae010VgnVCM100000176f620a____&hideNav=1}}
#{{note|packer1}} {{Ensign|author=Boyd K. Packer|article=A Defense and a Refuge|date=November 2006|start=85|end=88}} {{link|url=http://beta.lds.org/portal/site/LDSOrg/menuitem.b12f9d18fae655bb69095bd3e44916a0/?vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=ff120d034ceae010VgnVCM100000176f620a____&hideNav=1}}
==Further reading==
==Further reading==

Revision as of 14:58, 9 December 2006

This article is a draft. FairMormon editors are currently editing it. We welcome your suggestions on improving the content.


Some critics of the Church object to the use of the term "anti-Mormon." They do not like to be referred to as "anti-Mormon" writers, and deny that their books, speeches, or videos are "anti-Mormon."

Such critics often insist that the term "anti-Mormon" is unfair because they are not "against" Mormons, but only write and act as they do because they "love" Mormons or Mormon investigators and want to bring them to the truth.

Source(s) of the criticism

 [needs work]


FAIR and other apologetic organizations tend to use the term "anti-Mormon" when it is an accurate description of an author and his/her tactics.

FAIR does not believe or argue that everyone who disagrees with the LDS Church is "anti-Mormon." As one prominent scholar of anti-Mormonism put it:

The hallmark of anti-Mormonism is an agenda, whether covert or openly expressed, of combating the faith of the Latter-day Saints and opposing their church.[1]

It is somewhat strange that critics of the Church wish to somehow divest the term "anti-Mormon" of its clear meaning. It is composed of two elements:

1) the prefix anti-

Noun: "A person who is opposed to something, such as a group, policy, proposal, or practice"
Adjective: Opposed
Preposition: Opposed to; against.[2]

2) ...and Mormon, as a colloquial term from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

"Anti-Mormon" is not a slur; it is a descriptive term for those whose tactics or desires aim to oppose or fight against the beliefs and members of the Church. Being "anti-" something may be a positive or negative thing, depending upon one's perspective. Almost everyone would be happy to be considered "anti-child abuse." Few people would want to be known as "anti-Semitic."

Characteristic of anti-Mormon tactics, aims, and behavior is their tendency to not preach their own faith, or tell us what they believe. Anti-Mormon authors seem to want to spend most of their time telling us that the Mormons are wrong. They are, therefore, "anti-Mormon."

Anti-Mormons may have noble or base motives. They be sincere or insincere. Their criticisms may be well-founded or baseless. The term "anti-Mormon" only describes their approach, goals, and tactics.

The stated or implicit goal of anti-Mormons is to prevent investigators from joining the Mormon Church, and to encourage Mormons to leave their faith. They fight against the Church. Apologists would not label them anti-Mormon if they were among the many people evangelizing for their faith by encouraging people to join their faith.

But, strange to say, all too many Christians seem to feel the need to attack other Christians' beliefs. Of course we know that Christians do not agree on all points—otherwise, there would be only one Christian denomination, not thousands. (Thankfully, anti-Mormons make up a very small proportion of Christians, but they are rather a vocal minority.)

Are Mormons "anti-Christian" or "anti-another faith"?

Critics sometimes attempt to insist that because the LDS Church considers all other faiths to be deficient in some way, that Mormons are therefore "anti-Christian" or "anti-all other faiths."

This charge reflects a clear misunderstanding.

Clearly, Mormons believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has something to offer which other denominations do not. This is not news, or surprising, for otherwise they wouldn't be a separate Christian denomination.

The Church's scriptures, publications, and missionary efforts do not spend time detailing the errors or failings of other Christian faiths. Rather, they simply teach the gospel as the LDS understand it. One will not find books published by Mormons, for Mormons or others, explaining how to attack the 'false beliefs' of other faiths. One will not find films and videos explaining how "wrong" Baptists or Pentecostals or Greek Orthodox are. Mormons do not hire speakers to come address their congregations on the 'dangers' or 'evils' of these faiths.

Unfortunately, all too many Christian churches engage in exactly this type of behavior against the Mormons, and other faiths with whom they disagree.

Members of the Church want only to explain what they believe, and invite others to consider it. That is the fundamental difference betwen their tactics and those of the anti-Mormons.


Said President Boyd K. Packer:

There are misinterpretations and misrepresentations of us and of our history, some of it mean-spirited and certainly contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ and His gospel. Sometimes clergy, even ministerial organizations, oppose us. They do what we would never do. We do not attack or criticize or oppose others as they do us...Strangest of all, otherwise intelligent people claim we are not Christian. This shows that they know little or nothing about us. It is a true principle that you cannot lift yourself by putting others down. [3]

Those who are "Anti-" some thing oppose and fight against that thing. Anti-Mormons spend their efforts in opposing Mormonism instead of preaching their own beliefs. The label "anti-Mormon" is thus accurate and appropriate.

Members of the Church wish only to share their own beliefs, and not attack the beliefs of others. They generally consider other believers to be well-intentioned, and hope that they can add to the truths which others already have. (See: Attitude to non-members.)

FAIR's mission is only to defend LDS doctrine, history, and practice from illegitimate attacks by critics. It does not desire to criticize the faith or beliefs of others. If readers note any violations of this policy in FAIR materials, they are requested to bring it to our attention.


  1. [note]  Daniel C. Peterson, "Editor's Introduction," FARMS Review 15/2 (2003): ix–lxii. off-site
  2. [note]  anti. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved 9 December 2006, from Dictionary.com website. off-site
  3. [note]  Boyd K. Packer, "A Defense and a Refuge," Ensign (November 2006): 85. off-site

Further reading

FAIR wiki articles


FAIR web site


External links


Printed material
