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=Mormonism and gender issues=
=Mormonism and gender issues=
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==Women's issues==
===Women's issues===
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===Same-sex attraction===
==Same-sex attraction==

Revision as of 23:46, 9 February 2011

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3

Mormonism and gender issues

Women's issues

Latter-day Saint women and the Church

Same-sex attraction

Same-sex attraction

Summary: The Church is accused of rejecting people who experience same-sex attraction, and of rejecting people who identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual. The Church distinguishes between having same-sex attraction versus acting upon those feelings. A series of sub-articles examines different issues related to Latter-day Saints and same-sex attraction.
    • Bullying and unkindness
      Brief Summary: Critics claim that LDS teachings against homosexual acts lead to bullying of gay youth or unchristian treatment of members or non-members with same-sex attraction. The Church has consistently taught that all people are children of God, and ought to be treated with love, dignity, and respect. This includes those with same-sex attraction, or those who commit homosexual sins. (Click here for full article)
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    • Are family members taught to reject their children?
      Brief Summary: Critics claim that LDS church encourages families to reject their children who are attracted to the same sex, identify as gay or participate in homosexual behavior, leading to a higher rate of homeless youth among Mormon families. LDS scripture makes clear that parents have a duty to care for their children regardless of the circumstances. DC 83:4 reads: "All children have claim upon their parents for their maintenance until they are of age." (Click here for full article)
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    • Church support of non-discrimination ordinances
      Brief Summary: Since the Church teaches that homosexual conduct is sinful, does this mean it opposes efforts to protect those who self-identify as "gay," or engage in homosexual acts? The Church sustains the principle that all citizens are equal before the law. Members of the Church are particularly sensitized to this issue because of their long history of persecution at the hands of private citizens and government agents in the nineteenth century. Even though Church members may disagree with the choices made by those who self-identify as gay, the Church has endorsed various measures to ensure fair treatment. (Click here for full article)
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    • Difficulties
      Brief Summary: Church leaders have encouraged members to be particularly kind and compassionate to those struggling with SSA. What are some of the unique challenges or difficulties faced by such members? (Click here for full article)
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    • Persist beyond death?
      Brief Summary: Does attraction to the same sex persist beyond death? (Click here for full article)
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    • Eternal fate of those unmarried?
      Brief Summary: In his article in the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, James T. Duke explains the LDS doctrine on this subject: "People who live a worthy life but do not marry in the temples, for various reasons beyond their control, which might include not marrying, not having heard the gospel, or not having a temple available so that the marriage could be sealed for eternity, will at some time be given this opportunity. Latter-day Saints believe it is their privilege and duty to perform these sacred ordinances vicariously for deceased progenitors, and for others insofar as possible." (Click here for full article)
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    • Marriage as therapy?
      Brief Summary: Critics claim that Church leaders have advocated that those with same-sex attraction marry those of the opposite sex as part of the "therapy" for overcoming their same-sex desires or inclinations. The prophets and general authorities have, in their written statements, long been clear that marriage is not to be seen as a "treatment" for same-sex attraction. (Click here for full article)
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    • Why do some people have same-sex attraction?
      Brief Summary: What have past and present Church leaders taught about why some people are attracted to the same sex? The Church does not have an official position on the causes for same-sex attraction. Many Church leaders have indicated that we do not know the cause(s), and that this is a question for science. (Click here for full article)
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    • Suicide and same-sex attraction?
      Brief Summary: Critics charge that: 1) suicide rates are higher for those with same-sex attraction, 2) Church doctrine and teaching causes these higher suicide rates, and 3) there is an "epidemic" of suicide among gay Mormons (Click here for full article)
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    • President Boyd K. Packer October 2010 conference talk
      Brief Summary: On October 10, 2010, President Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Church's semi-annual general conference. Portions of President Packer's talk caused a firestorm of protest and, often, misrepresentation. This article examines President Packer's address, and compares it to past talks given by President Packer. As will be seen, President Packer's address has been misunderstood and misrepresented. (Click here for full article)
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      • Critics' tactics
        Brief Summary: iven that same-sex attraction is a charged issue with political overtones, it is not surprising that some sincerely misunderstood President Packer's talk. Just as there are those who could sincerely misunderstand President Packer's talk, there are those who choose, for whatever reason, to purposely misunderstand. (Click here for full article)
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    • Terminology
      Brief Summary: Why does FAIR (and other LDS sources) typically refer to homosexual/gay/lesbian issues with such terms as "same-sex attraction" and heterosexual/straight issues with such terms as "opposite-sex attraction"? (Click here for full article)
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    • Can a person identify as gay or lesbian and still be a member of the Church in good standing?
      Brief Summary: It is asserted that: 1) Members are encouraged to lie about their sexual orientation, 2) This isolates them from other members, and 3) Denying your sexual identity is harmful. Those who identify as straight, gay or bisexual are welcome in the Church and can go on as all other members. When a person joins the Church, they take upon themselves the name of Christ. We are taught to shun any identity which conflicts with this identity. The Church recognizes that a person's orientation is a core characteristic, but emphasizes that it is not the only one. We are encouraged not to identify ourselves primarily by our sexual feelings, but this is different than being closeted. We are not encouraged to lie or pretend to have another sexual orientation. This counsel extends to all, regardless of sexual orientation. (Click here for full article)
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    • Are members with same-sex attraction encouraged to be closeted or lie about their attractions?
      Brief Summary: Member with same-sex attractions are not encouraged to lie or hide their sexual attractions or to isolate themselves from others. All members are encouraged to avoid labels and not to identify themselves primarily by their sexual feelings. However, there is a difference between not identifying yourself primarily by your sexual feelings, and being "closeted". A person can be honest, share their feelings with others and be comfortable with who they are, including their sexuality, while still realizing that they are first and foremost a child of God. (Click here for full article)
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What are the ramifications from denying a gay identity?

Summary: Critics argue that in order to be happy and healthy, a person with same-sex attraction needs to identify as gay and have a same-sex relationship. The church encourages members to view themselves as sons and daughters of God, and discourages any identity that interfers with that identity. Members who refer to themselves as straight, gay or lesbian are free to go on as all other members, but are advised not to identify themselves primarily by their sexual feelings.

Latter-day Saints and California Proposition 8

Summary: The passage of California Proposition 8 during the November 2008 election has generated a number of criticisms of the Church regarding a variety of issues including the separation of church and state, the Church's position relative to people who experience same-sex attraction, accusations of bigotry by members, and the rights of a non-profit organization to participate in the democratic process on matters not associated with elections of candidates.
    • Does the Church seek to "impose its morality" on others?
      Brief Summary: Critics charge that by its political opposition to same-sex marriage, the Church is attempting to "impose its own morality" on those who are not members. The Church opposes legislation that seeks to control conscience or suppress the freedom of the soul and has supported legislation that expands the freedom to choose same-sex relationships. It has also sought to preserve the legal definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman. These two things do not conflict. (Click here for full article)
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    • A FAIR Analysis of: 8: The Mormon Proposition
      Brief Summary: FAIR analyzes a documentary that purports to expose the "truth" behind the Church's involvement in California Proposition 8. (Click here for full article)
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