Difference between revisions of "Fabricated quotes from Brigham Young"

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*[[Non-existent quotes/Brigham Young/The "I have never given counsel that is wrong" quote|The "I have never given council (sic) that is wrong" quote]]
*[[Non-existent quotes/Brigham Young/The "I have never given counsel that is wrong" quote|The "I have never given council (sic) that is wrong" quote]]
*[[Non-existent quotes/Brigham Young/I am the voice of God|The "I am the voice of God" quote]]
*[[Non-existent quotes/Brigham Young/I am the voice of God|The "I am the voice of God" quote]]
*[[Non-existent quotes/Brigham Young/The "I have never given counsel that is wrong" quote|The "If there ever comes a day when the Saints interfere with the rights of others to live as they see fit, you can know with assurance that the Church is no longer led by a Prophet, but a mere man" quote]]

Revision as of 18:27, 23 October 2010

Fabricated quotes attributed to Brigham Young