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Critics claim that some Church leaders taught that plural marriage was a requirement for those wishing to enter the highest degree of the celestial kingdomBecause the Church does not currently practice plural marriage, critics claim this means that either the leaders were wrong, or that current members are not destined for exaltation.
Critics claim that some Church leaders taught that plural marriage was a practice that would persist foreverJerald and Sandra Tanner wrote that "Brigham Young" said that polygamy would never go away in ''Deseret News'' of 7 November 1855.
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Critics ignore that the purpose of modern prophets is to give the Saints the will of God in their particular circumstances. Wrote Joseph Smith specifically of the issue of plural marriage:
The issue of the ''Deseret News'' cited has a talk from Heber C. Kimball that addresses polygamy, but not Brigham Young.{{ref|hck.1}}
:This is the principle on which the government of heaven is conducted—by revelation adapted to the circumstances in which the children of the kingdom are placed...in obedience there is joy and peace unspotted, unalloyed; and as God has designed our happiness—and the happiness of all His creatures, he never has—He never will institute an ordinance or give a commandment to His people that is not calculated in its nature to promote that happiness which He has designed, and which will not end in the greatest amount of good and glory to those who become the recipients of his law and ordinances.{{ref|js1}}
The text reads, in part:
LDS doctrine also holds that the prophet, when speaking in an official capacity, speaks on behalf of the Lord:
:The principle of plurality of wives never will be done away, although some sisters have had revelations that, when this time passes away and they go through the veil, every woman will have a husband to herself.
:whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same. ({{s||DC|1|38}}
Heber clearly teaches that the ''principle'' "will never be done away," but then readily admits that some of the sisters (who are obviously not fond of the practice) have been reassured that the requirement that ''they'' practice it has been revealed to them to be necessary only for this life.
Critics of the Church often come out of an inerrantist background, or draw on arguments first formulated by religious inerrantists or fundamentalists.  In an inerrantist religion, God's instructions cannot change with circumstances—if they did, then the Biblical record would not be sufficient, on its own, to guide us.  Since inerrantists require, above all, that the Bible be the sole authority, they must assume that God's requirements are always the same.
Thus, Kimball's remarks make it clear that plural marriage will remain a true principle, but in the same breath he anticipates a time when it will not be required or in force for all those who are saved—which is exactly the opposite impression which the critics wish to create.
However, even the Bible gives many examples of God giving new instructions because of new circumstances, or contravening previous instructions:
* Noah (but no other prophet) was to build an Ark ({{s||Genesis|6|14}})
* Moses implemented the Passover, which was hitherto unknown ({{s||Exodus|3|12-28}})
* Jesus revoked the celebration of Passover, and modified the ordinance and its performance at the Last Supper ({{s||Matthew|26|26}}, {{s||Mark|14|22}}, {{s||Luke|22|19}})
* Hosea was commanded to marry a prostitute as a sign to Israel {{s||Hosea|1|1-3}}
* Jesus told his disciples only to preach to Israelites ({{s||Matthew|10|5-6}}, {{s||Matthew|15|24}})
* The Lord later told the prophet (Peter) to preach to all people ({{s||Acts|10|14-28}})
In each case, failure to obey carried significant penalties.  Yet, when proper authority altered or rescinded a command, spiritual disaster followed those who did not obey the new instructions.
Said President John Taylor:
:Where did this commandment come from in relation to polygamy? It also came from God. It was a revelation given unto Joseph Smith from God, and was made binding upon His servants. When this system was first introduced among this people, it was one of the greatest crosses that ever was taken up by any set of men since the world stood. Joseph Smith told others; he told me, and I can bear witness of it, "that if this principle was not introduced, this Church and kingdom could not proceed." When this commandment was given, it was so far religious, and so far binding upon the Elders of this Church that it was told them if they were not prepared to enter into it, and to stem the torrent of opposition that would come in consequence of it, the keys of the kingdom would be taken from them. When I see any of our people, men or women, opposing a principle of this kind, I have years ago set them down as on the high road to apostacy, and I do to-day; I consider them apostates, and not interested in this Church and kingdom.{{ref|taylor1}}
In response to a letter "received at the office of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" in 1912, Charles W. Penrose of the First Presidency wrote:
:Question 4: Is plural or celestial marriage essential to a fulness of glory in the world to come?
:Answer: Celestial marriage is essential to a fulness of glory in the world to come, as explained in the revelation concerning it; but it is not stated that plural marriage is thus essential. . . . These questions are answered, so that it may not be truthfully claimed that we avoid them. . . . {{ref|penrose1}}
To obey the Lord's commands in all things is necessary for exaltation.  (Our inevitable failure to live perfectly requires the grace of Christ's atonement.)  Members of the Church in, say, 1860 who refused to follow the counsel of prophets and apostles put their spiritual standing in jeopardy.  Likewise, members who refuse to obey present counsel are at risk.
This does not mean that present members of the Church believe that the principle of plural marriage is false—rather, they believe that it is a principle only to be practiced when the Lord commands it for His purposes.(See {{s||Jacob|2|27-30}}.)
#{{note|js1}} {{HoC1|vol=5|start=135}}
#{{note|hck.1}} "Remarks by Heber C. Kimball, directly after the sermon by President B. Young, printed in no. 34: Bowery, Oct. 6, 1855," ''Deseret News'' Vol. V, No. 35 (7 November 1855): 274 (2nd page of this number).  {{link|url=http://udn.lib.utah.edu/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=/deseretnews1&CISOPTR=2806&REC=18}}
#{{note|taylor1}} {{JoD11_1|author=John Taylor|title=Our Religion Is From God|date=7 April 1866|start=221}}
#{{note|penrose1}}Charles W. Penrose, ''Improvement Era'', vol. 15, no. 11, September 1912, 1042.
==Further reading==
==Further reading==

Revision as of 22:30, 27 June 2009

Important introductory material on plural marriage available here

Answers portal
Plural marriage
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Joseph Smith era:

Post-Joseph Smith:


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Critics claim that some Church leaders taught that plural marriage was a practice that would persist forever. Jerald and Sandra Tanner wrote that "Brigham Young" said that polygamy would never go away in Deseret News of 7 November 1855.

Instructions to LDS seminary teachers:
Note: Avoid sensationalism and speculation when talking about plural marriage. Sometimes teachers speculate that plural marriage will be a requirement for all who enter the celestial kingdom. We have no knowledge that plural marriage will be a requirement for exaltation.
Doctrine and Covenants and Church History: Seminary Teacher Resource Manual (Intellectual Reserve, 2001, [updated 2005]).

Source(s) of the Criticism


The issue of the Deseret News cited has a talk from Heber C. Kimball that addresses polygamy, but not Brigham Young.[1]

The text reads, in part:

The principle of plurality of wives never will be done away, although some sisters have had revelations that, when this time passes away and they go through the veil, every woman will have a husband to herself.

Heber clearly teaches that the principle "will never be done away," but then readily admits that some of the sisters (who are obviously not fond of the practice) have been reassured that the requirement that they practice it has been revealed to them to be necessary only for this life.

Thus, Kimball's remarks make it clear that plural marriage will remain a true principle, but in the same breath he anticipates a time when it will not be required or in force for all those who are saved—which is exactly the opposite impression which the critics wish to create.


  1. [note]  "Remarks by Heber C. Kimball, directly after the sermon by President B. Young, printed in no. 34: Bowery, Oct. 6, 1855," Deseret News Vol. V, No. 35 (7 November 1855): 274 (2nd page of this number). off-site

Further reading

FAIR wiki articles


FAIR web site


External links


Printed material
