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{{:Mormon ordinances/Marriage/Jews and early Christians on marriage after death}}
|link=Mormon ordinances/Marriage/Jews and early Christians on marriage after death
|subject=Jews and early Christians on marriage after death
|summary=The Jews seem to have believed in eternal marriage from at least second-temple times, since they posed the question about the woman with seven successive husbands, asking which of them would be her husband "in the resurrection" (Matt. 22:28; Mark 12:23; Luke 20:33).
|sublink1=Question: Are there any Biblical, Jewish, or early Christian teachings about marriage which lasts beyond the grave?
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Revision as of 22:41, 6 May 2017

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3

Mormonism and marriage

Latter-day Saint interpretation of "neither marry nor given in marriage"

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Marriage as therapy?

Summary: It is claimed that Church leaders have advocated that those with same-sex attraction marry those of the opposite sex as part of the "therapy" for overcoming their same-sex desires or inclinations. The prophets and general authorities have, in their written statements, long been clear that marriage is not to be seen as a "treatment" for same-sex attraction.

Were the early apostles married

Summary: In the early Church, it was known that the Apostles were married. Early Church leaders also spoke out against those who preached against marriage.

Marriage and women

Summary: Some critics charge that the LDS Church devalues those who are not married, degrades women, or encourages improper behavior by spouses. Some former members claim that they mistreated or neglected their families to better fulfill "Church duties."

The role of temple marriage and sealing in receiving exaltation

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