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|subject=Spiritual witnesses to members of other religions
|subject=Spiritual witnesses to members of other religions
|summary=Do Mormons believe that God provides spiritual witness to members of other religions that their teachings are true?
|summary=Do Mormons believe that God provides spiritual witness to members of other religions that their teachings are true?
|sublink1=Question: How can you know if your answer to prayer, your personal revelation, is true?
|sublink2=Question: Do Mormons believe that other religions can be inspired by God?
|sublink3=Question: Do other religions confirm their beliefs through spiritual witness?
|sublink4=Question: Do Latter-day Saints discount the spiritual witnesses that members of other religions may receive?
|sublink5=Question: Can non-Mormons feel a spiritual experience that cause them to devote themselves to service within another Church?
|sublink6=Joseph Smith (1843): "I am just as ready to die in defending the rights of a Presbyterian, a Baptist, or a good man of any other denomination"
|sublink7=Joseph Fielding Smith: "when the millennium comes...There will be millions of people...of all beliefs, still permitted to remain upon the face of the earth"
|sublink8=Preach My Gospel: "many other nations and cultures have been blessed by those who were given that portion that God 'seeth fit that they should have'"
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Revision as of 18:45, 18 April 2017

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3

Mormonism and other religions

Mormonism and other religions

Spiritual witnesses to members of other religions

Summary: Do Mormons believe that God provides spiritual witness to members of other religions that their teachings are true?

Latter-day Saints are few in number compared to the population of the world