Difference between revisions of "Countercult ministries/The Interactive Bible/Difficult Questions for Mormons"

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|subject=Response to section "Book of Mormon Witnesses"  
|subject=Response to section "Book of Mormon Witnesses"  
|sublink1=Response to claim: "Why were the witnesses only allowed to see the plates with 'spiritual eyes'?"
|sublink2=Response to claim: "If the plates were real, why would it take faith to see them?"
|sublink3=Response to claim: "Why does the church now extol the witnesses when Joseph Smith condemned them?"
|sublink4=Response to claim: "Why would most of them leave the church?"
|sublink5=Response to claim: "Why did Brigham Young say that the 3 witnesses doubted and disbelieved in their experience?"
|sublink6=Response to claim: "Why were all of the witnesses (except Martin Harris) related to Joseph Smith or David Whitmer?"
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Revision as of 15:37, 14 October 2016

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3

A FairMormon Analysis of "Difficult Questions for Mormons"

A FAIR Analysis of:
"Difficult Questions for Mormons"
A work by author: The Interactive Bible

Response to section "General Questions"

Response to section "Book of Mormon Culture"

Response to section "Book of Mormon Metallurgy"

Response to section "Book of Mormon Animals"

Response to section "Book of Mormon Crops"

Response to section "Book of Mormon Geography"

Response to section "Book of Mormon Script"

Response to section "Book of Mormon Races"

Response to section "Book of Mormon Witnesses"

Response to section "Book of Mormon Style and Inconsistencies"

Response to section "Prophecies in the Book of Mormon"

Response to section "Influenced by Joseph Smith's background"

Response to section "Influenced by the KJV of the Bible"

Response to section "Influenced by happenings of early 19th century America"

Response to section "Main themes of Mormonism not in Book of Mormon"

Response to section "Treasure Hunting and Magic"

Response to section "First Vision"