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[[en:Question: Do Latter-day Saint apologists receive compensation for their efforts?]]
[[Category:Letter to a CES Director]]
[[es:Pregunta: ¿Haz SUD apologistas reciben compensación por sus esfuerzos?]]
[[es:Pregunta: ¿Haz SUD apologistas reciben compensación por sus esfuerzos?]]
[[pt:Pergunta: Faça SUD apologistas receber uma compensação por seus esforços?]]
[[pt:Pergunta: Faça SUD apologistas receber uma compensação por seus esforços?]]
[[Category:Letter to a CES Director]]

Revision as of 15:27, 5 June 2017

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3

Question: Do Latter-day Saint apologists receive compensation for their efforts?

Don't give up your "day job": There are no paid positions in Latter-day Saint apologetics

Those who wish to achieve a substantial level of income would be well advised to avoid LDS apologetics entirely, as it can consume substantial amounts of a person's "off-time." Most LDS apologists perform volunteer work to defend the faith while holding down their normal "day job."

Members of FairMormon are not paid for their efforts

FairMormon is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and all of its members, with the exception of the part-time Bookstore manager, are unpaid volunteers.

All efforts devoted to FairMormon are performed only after its members spend time with their families, perform their "day job," and fulfill church responsibilities. FairMormon is not, and should not be, the top priority in any of its members' lives. This means that the work sometimes proceeds slowly, but it does proceed forward.

Having a "day job" with a Church sponsored institution does not preclude one from practicing apologetics

Some individuals who practice LDS apologetics happen to be employed by institutions sponsored by the Church: The primary institution being Brigham Young University. In this situation, their "day job" involves researching or teaching subjects which may or may not relate to subjects of interest to apologetics...which ought not to surprise anyone at all. Thus, critics attempt to argue that some LDS apologists, particularly BYU professors, are "paid" for their apologetic efforts. Critics congratulate themselves for achieving a firm understanding of the obvious: Individuals who happen to have a "day job" with a Church sponsored institution receive their paycheck from that same institution. Having a "day job" with a Church sponsored institution does not preclude one from practicing apologetics.
