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("I’m asked to believe in not only a part-time racist god and a part-time polygamous god but a part-time psychopathic schizophrenic one as well": m)
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{{:Mormonism and doctrine/Obedience/Ancient penalties}}
{{:Mormonism and doctrine/Obedience/Ancient penalties}}
==Numbers 21:5-9==
=="I’m asked to believe in not only a part-time racist god and a part-time polygamous god but a part-time psychopathic schizophrenic one as well"==
|claim=The author writes, "God doesn’t like to hear whining and ingratitude so he sends out a bunch of snakes to kill the people.  When the people had enough of the snakes, they ask Moses to tell God to quit it.  God decides Moses is persuasive and tells Moses to put a snake a pole and tell the people to look at the pole and they won’t die.  So, the pole is built, the people look at it and they don’t die.  The moral of the story?  Don’t whine or God will send in the snakes." (Number 21:5-9: )
*{{Answer}} The moral of the story is that one who looks upon Christ will be saved from spiritual death, not "don't complain or God will kill you." The sarcastic version of the story offered by the author robs it of any coherent meaning. The snake on the pole is a representation of Christ and the atonement. Those that simply looked at it were saved from physical death. Those that look upon and accept Christ are saved from spiritual death. What is amazing is that there were people who simply wouldn't look at it, despite how easy it would have been to do so. They simply refused to believe.
8 And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
==Judges 19:22-29==
|summary=The author states, "After picking up his concubine from his father-in-law’s house, a certain Levite settles in Gibeah for the night. The men of the city attempt to sodomize him, but end up raping the concubine until her death. As a response, the Levite dismembers his wife’s corpse and sends her body parts throughout the land of Israel. Who needs R or X-rated movies when you got scripture like this?"
|claim=God doesn’t like to hear whining and ingratitude so he sends out a bunch of snakes to kill the people. When the people had enough of the snakes, they ask Moses to tell God to quit it.  God decides Moses is persuasive and tells Moses to put a snake a pole and tell the people to look at the pole and they won’t die.  So, the pole is built, the people look at it and they don’t die.  The moral of the story? Don’t whine or God will send in the snakes. (Numbers 21:5-9: )<br>....<br>
I’m asked to believe in not only a part-time racist god and a part-time polygamous god but a part-time psychopathic schizophrenic one as well.
{{:Mormonism and the nature of God/Characteristics of God/Criticisms}}
=="I’m asked to believe in not only a part-time racist god and a part-time polygamous god but a part-time psychopathic schizophrenic one as well"==
{{Articles Footer 1}}
|claim=I’m asked to believe in not only a part-time racist god and a part-time polygamous god but a part-time psychopathic schizophrenic one as well.
*{{antispeak|mocking}} Latter-day Saints do ''not'' believe in a "part-time racist," "psychopathic schizophrenic" god.
*{{Answer}} Some Latter-day Saints believe that God has more than one wife, and some do not. There is no official Church position on this subject.

Revision as of 11:03, 17 May 2014

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Response to "Scriptures Concerns & Questions"

A FAIR Analysis of:
[[../|Letter to a CES Director]]

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The killing of Laban in the Book of Mormon

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Old Testament penalties for disobedience

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"I’m asked to believe in not only a part-time racist god and a part-time polygamous god but a part-time psychopathic schizophrenic one as well"


Criticisms regarding the character of God

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