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The following conference minutes should have been published in the Sept. No. with the Bishop's Appeal or Memmorial [Memorial], but through a press of business it has been overlooked and not handed to us until now, however, we feel in hopes that it will serve to call the attention of our readers (those that have the last No. of the Messenger) to the second candid perusal of the Appeal. — Ed.
Minutes of a conference, of the authorities of the church of Latter Day Saints assembled in the house of the Lord in Kirtland, Sept. 17th, 1837.
President Joseph Smith jr. presided; conference opened by prayer after which Bishop N. K. Whitney arose and said the time had arrived when it became necessary for him to travel and necessarily must have an agent to act in his abscence [absence], agreeably to the Provisions made in the revelations &c. — Elder William Marks was nominated and elected by the unanimous voice of the conference, to act and serve the church in this office. After taking into consideration the affairs of the Latter Day Saints in general, having opportunities of becoming acquainted with the affairs of the Saints throughout the continent, and also the peculiar condition of this our city; it is deemed by this conference, (which is constituted of all the authorities and even members of the church,) of great importance to the prosperity of the cause of truth in general, that the Bishop and his Counselors send abroad their memmorial [memorial], to all the Saints throughout the land, as well as to all well-wishers to the cause of Zion, That their appeal may go forth in the name and by the authority of the church, to all Saints scattered abroad. Some remarks were made by President S. Rigdon, relative to the duties of the Bishop, his counselors and agent, Showing the great necessity of their immediate exertion in steping [stepping] forward in the dignity of their office &c. Conference closed after receiving a benediction from Presidint [President] S. Rigdon.
J. SMITH Jr. Pres't.
0. W. Robinson Clerk.
Fox Islands, Vinalhaven Me. Nov. 20th 1837.
Elder Don C. Smith.
The llth No. of the Messenger and Advocate containing the Prospectus for the Elders Journal has providentially fallen into my hands. It is cheering to my feelings to learn that such a paper is to be presented before the world. I believe it will become a powerful engine in removing a flood of prejudice from the minds of thousands of this generation, and encourage the Saints to persevere in the glorious cause in which they are engaged even if their path should at times be intersected with trials, afflictions, and persecutions. And while we peruse the account of the Elders of Israel, whom God hath called, commissioned and sent forth to establish light and truth in the earth and to prune his vineyard for the last time: we rejoice at their success. And as we learn of their prosperity in the ministry, while faithfully proclaiming the word of God we feel encouraged to go and do likewise.
My object in addressing you at this time, is to forward you a list of the names of some of our friends from the several Islands of the sea, who wish you to send them your valuable paper, viz: the Elders Journal of the church of Latter Day Saints, and knowing there are thousands of Saints who feel interested in the progress of the work of the Lord in these last days, and believing it to be interesting to them to learn that the Lord is raising up a people upon the Islands of the Sea, who are engaged in the same cause with their brethren and sisters, that are scattared [scattered] abroad through the land. I will endeavor to give a brief account of its prospect in this part of the moral vineyard. Elder Jonathan H. Hale and myself addressed a letter to Elder Joseph Smith jr. and the church in Kirtland, under date Sept. 18th. We then gave an account of our visit to the Islands, the reception we met with among the people, and the commencement of the work of the Lord. On the 13th of Oct. following we held a meeting on North Fox Island Vinalhaven
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and organized a small branch of the church to the number of twelve, and broke bread unto them. On the day following we left the Islands, as Elder Hale was desirous to return to his friends in Kirtland. While on our way to Portland we preached in the town of Bath, to a large and respectable congregation of citizens who met in Pierces Hall: We were treated with every mark of respect and civility, and solicited to meet with them again. I took the parting hand with Elder Hale in South Berwick Me. And after spending a season among the Saints and friends in Saco and Scarborough, I left Portland on board the Bangor (in company with Mrs. Woodruff) for the purpose of returning to the Islands to spend the winter. Notwithstanding we passed through a severe snow storm by the way, we arrived at North Fox Island safe and in good spirits, on the 31st Oct. and found the Saints strong in the faith, and I think growing in grace. I have as yet, mostly, confined my labors since my return to North and South Fox Islands. I have had more calls for preaching than I can fill I find a deep interest manifested in the minds of many while investigating the subject of the fullness of the gospel. The people are more noble in Vinalhaven than in many places, they are generally willing to hear the matter before they judge it. I have baptized a number since my return, and others have offered themselves as candidates. The church now numbers 17 in this town; and I consider it as only the beginning of the work of the Lord upon the Islands of the Sea. I would here remark, that I have visited the Isle of Holt since my return. The vessel in which I sailed left the Island the day following our arrival, consequently 1 had but little time with the people. I had the privilege of preaching the gospel unto them and leaving the book of Mormon. I have had an interview with persons from several Islands where we have not as yet proclaimed the gospel, and some of the number have manifested their faith in the cause, by inviting me to visit them and offering to open their doors for preaching. Thus doors are open not only upon the maine [main] land, but upon the Islands of Sea for faithful laborers in the vineyard. The enemy of all righteousness is busy in opposing the Saints, and striving to stop the progress of truth in this country, as in all places where truth is proclaimed, by creating and setting afloat every falsehood and foolish story that human ingenuity can invent, or wicked men devise. The doctrines of the shakers, and Matthias and others I might name with all the appendages of stories added unto them that have long since been worn out and found a grave, have of late appeared upon these Islands of the Sea, as though they had risen from the dead with redoubled strength and are heaped upon the heads of the Latter Day Saints, But notwithstanding this exertion against the truth the work of God rolls on and will continue to roll until his Kingdom fills the whole earth. I need the prayers of all the Saints as I am alone and much is required at my hands,
I wish to say a word concerning a statement made by Mr. G. J. Newton, in his letter under date of Oct. 12,, 1837, published in a Baptist paper at Portland called Zion's Advocate, In speaking of the fruits of their seven days meeting in the Baptist church on North Fox Island, Mr. Newton (the Pastor of the church,) made mention of two converts that had been impressed before this protracted meeting: one of which he says was afterwards baptized. It is a well known fact that the two mentioned persons were his own son and daughter. He then speaks of several others who had received the fellowship of the Church as candidates for the ordinance of baptism, Mr. Newton sums up the subject by saying, "It is worthy of remark that those who have obtained a hope are some of those who stood aloof from hearing the "Mormons"' (as he is pleased to call us.) Now what can Mr. Newton think by presenting such a “Sentiment” before the publick [public], for it is a truth too notorious to be denied, that not only his son and daughter, but some, if not all of the other converts of which he speaks as well as himself attended our meetings from time to time. The cloud of witnesses is to [too] great on this subject to convince the citizens of Vinalhaven that such a statement is correct, and wherever else it may find credit or be believed, it will not be on North Fox Island. Whenever men who profess to be teachers of the people and ministers of the gospel
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of Jesus Christ, so far stray from the truth (in order to appear plausible,) as to clearly show that they have need that one teach them the first principles of the gospel, are rather to be pittied [pitied] than ridiculed.
Yours in the bonds of the covenant.
We are aware that it is not expected by the elders of the church of Latter Day Saints, that their private epistles will be spread before the public, especially when addressed to their wives; & the apology we have to offer for so doing at this time is, that our columes [columns] could not be devoted to a better use, than they are with the following epistle from our beloved Bro. O. Hyde. Although it is but ten days later than that of elder Kimball's, published in the Oct. No. yet, we think it will be a sweet morsel to every Saint, and will serve as a stimulative to the ministers of our God, that their exertions in the proclatmaion [proclamation] of the gospel may be untiring, until the uttermost corners of the earth shall be made to tremble with the sound of their voices, and the Israel of God be gathered out against the day of disolution [dissolution], which is speedily to come upon the earth, if the ancient prophets have not prophesied falsely.
— Ed
Preston, Eng. Sept. 14, 1837.
My dear, Marinda:—
I have been and procured a large sheet of paper which will give me ample room to redeem the promise I made to you in a few lines which I addressed to you in Bro. Kimball's letter to his wife. Through the favor of the Lord, I am in good health and spirits, and so are all the brethren. I read your letter with peculiar interest and have but one fault to find, and that is, there was not quite enough of it. — I should like to have heard how the brethren are getting along, but I know you could not think of every thing. I never wanted to see you more than I do at this time: But in this I cannot be gratified at present. There are about four thousand and two hundred long miles which separate us, and the mighty ocean rolling between. Since I came to this place I have been down by the water side and looked westward over the surface of the deep as far as the eye could extend, fancy painting to my imagination the prospect of catching a glimpse of my native shore through the glass of great desire and intense anxiety, but, alas! the greatness of the distance blasted the prospect, and the fleet and extended imagination returned within its own native borders. Again I looked as the sun was fast reclining in the western sky, leaving his golden beams in the mirror of waters, and descried a proud and lofty billow bending its course towards the shore, as if to say, I have brought tidings from your home, your dear native home: But O! how I was disappointed again on seeing this false messenger sink by its own gravity to rise no more. This much is the result of one view of the sea shore
I labor in the vineyard night and day and the Lord labors with me. — There has been between one and two hundred baptized in this place since we came; and Elder Kimball is now a laboring about 15 miles from this place where he has raised a small church, and I do not know but that it is a large one by this time. The Lord is with him, and he can preach so loud and so fast that the Catholics call him a noisy devil. Bro. Goodson has this day returned from Bedford and says that he left thirteen baptized into the new covenant there, and bro. Richards is left with them. Bro. Goodson will remain in this place with me for a season. — Brother Snider has returned from the borders of Scotland where he and bro. Russel went to labor, and Bros. Fielding and Snider left this place yesterday to go out into the country on a mission, and will go from house to house. Bro. Russel has not baptized any as yet but he will soon I think. Those who have been baptized, are mostly manufacturers and some other mechanics. They know how to do but little else than to spin and weave cotton, and make cambrick, mull and lace, and what they would do in Kirtland or the city "Far West," I cannot say. They are extremely poor, most of them not having a change of clothes decent to be baptized in, but they have open hearts and strong faith. We have taught them
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nothing about the gathering for they have no means to bring them to America, let alone procuring them a place to live after they get there. We all pay 2 english shillings per week for our lodging which is nearly 50 cents, and then we buy our own provisions at the market and it is cooked for us. — The brethren will frequently divide the last loaf with us, and will do all in their power for us. If it had not been for brother Goodson's books, I know not how we should have lived. They are very kind to us where we are, but their circumstances will not allow them to do much for us without pay. I have frequently seen the tender and delicate females with their old pails or baskets in the streets gathering up fresh horse dung with their naked hands, and then go and sell it and get a penny or two's worth of bread for themselves and hungary [hungry] children. Marinda, how would you like to follow that busines [business]? I pray God that such may not be your lot. — Tell the brethren if it would be a pleasure to them to see their wives carrying on such or a similar branch of business for a living, to bring them along with them when they come to old England to preach the gospel. Whoever comes here for loaves and fishes will realize their expectations as much as our Kirtland speculators.
If brother Joseph never advised correctly before, he certainly did when he advised the brethren to leave their women at home. My humble advice is, that if they have any compassion on their wives, let them for God's sake and for their wive's sake leave them at home. It is of no use for any to come into this country to preach the gospel unless they are able to defend it like a man of God. For unless they have a pretty powerful gift, they cannot live. Not so at home, if a preacher has but a small gift there, he can get what he wants to eat &c. because there are none so distressedly poor there and they will keep him over night free, but this is not the custom in this country. The people expect pay for what they do; and in fact, that people who will receive the gospel, are not able to do it without pay. Now if there are any elders or preachers in the church of Latter Day Saints in America who have faith to brook all these difficulties, let them come to Old England. We want them. We must have such men, and we say to them "come over into Macedonia and help us." We do believe that Kirtland affords some such men, men who are willing to forsake wife and children for Christ's sake and the gospel's, and look forward for their recompense at the resurrection of the just. It would be altogether better for the brethren :o [to] see us before they commence their labors in this country, for we can tell them many things respecting the customs of the people, and the laws of the land respecting preaching the gospel, that will be of great service to them. I understand that brother Pratt has gone East with his wife to spend the winter, and meet some other brethren in N. Y. in May next to come to England: But he had better wait and see us in Kirtland before he starts, or any one else; for we can tell them things that will prove to their advantage and to the advantage of the cause if they will do so. We shall probably sail for N. York about the first of March next, at least some of us, if not all: And we hope to be in Kirtland about the first of May next. — My dear wife, I never wanted to see you more than I do at this time, yet I am glad you are where you are, and that I am where I am. But the time will be when we shall meet again and rejoice before the Lord. I can truly say that I never before preached with that power and Spirit that I have since I come to this place. In fact, I am surprized [surprised] at myself many times. The priests all fear and tremble and Babel's towers begin to fall. The priests talked of putting me in prison for preaching without a liscence [license] from under this government. I made application to the Clerk of the peace for a liscence [license], but he informed that I could not obtain one until the court of quarter sessions which would be in October. I thought it would not answer for me to be idle until that time, therefore I continue preaching in houses, and in the streets, and on the public grounds, and in the market places, and am liable to be taken & thrust into prison any day when informed against: But the priests dare not really do this for fear of the people, for all men, almost, consider us to be prophets of God. Thus by the power and goodness of God we still continue to preach Jesus Christ and him crucified. We are now. occupying a large and spacious building in town owned
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by a general philanthropist, but does not belong to any church. The place will accommodate towards eight hundred people, and we have it free of charge. The priests have been to him telling him that he was encouraging false doctrine by letting us have the house &c. His reply to them is, "You are at liberty to go and contest the point with them; and if you think their doctrine incorrect, go and expose them. — You shall have your turn in the use of the house:" This shuts their mouths and puts them in rather an awkward position. The people here are quite anxious to build a chappel [chapel] for themselves by laying aside sixpence a week out of their scanty earnings, but we shall advise them upon this subject to do differently. * * * *
We have not said a hard word against the priests since we came here, neither have we spoken against any sect, yet they say all manner of evil against us. The people have discovered this difference between us, and they are most agreeably surprised, and it gives us unbounded influence. We tell them that God has not sent us to judge and condemn another man's servant: But he has sent us to preach the kingdom of God. The short experience that I have had here, causes me to regret that all the elders have not observed the same course. I am quite satisfied that the great and frequent anathemas pronounced by many of our elders upon people who do not believe their testimony, are not by the Spirit of God: neither do I think it wisdom to be clubing [clubbing] the sects always; but let them alone, and preach Jesus Christ.
* * * * * * *
My dear wife:
I take the liberty to write a few more words across the lines which I hope you will be able to read: I feel that I have given myself wholy [wholly] to the Lord and to the work of the ministry. I feel that I am far from home and no arm to lean upon but the arm of the Almighty. In him do I put my trust; and to him do I look for every blessing that I need. I know that in me there is no goodness, that is, in my flesh. For when I view my past course, I am ready to say, Lord deliver thy servant from vanity — Cleanse his heart from all unholy desires. Let the virtue of thy blood wash him and make him fit for an inheritance with the Saints in light. Let him be sanctified, a vesel [vessel] of honor to bare [bear] glad tidings to those who sit in darkness, and call upon poor wandering prodigals to return to their father's house. Give him prosperity in the promulgation of thy words; and let the enemies of the cross be confounded and put to shame before the sublimity and power of his arguments. Let him raise the standard of the cross in every land and nation where he shall go; and let the simple and broken hearted flock unto it and rejoice beneath its heavenly banner. Before the light which he shall hold forth, let error, ignorance, and superstition fall like Dagon before the ark of God, or flee like the shades of night before the rising glory of the king of day. Let his heart became the storehouse of charity and good will to men, and his body the temple of the Holy Ghost. Let his tongue be armed with truth supplied from the rich and flowing fountain of the heart. O Lord, remember the partner of all my joys and sorrows; and when she reads this epistle from her dear and affectionate husband. Bless, O bless her with the same love and joy that now inspire my bosom. Let her enjoy health of body and peace of mind. When she is sick, do thou heal her: When she is cast down do thou raise her up. When she is sorrowful do thou comfort her, when the tear of deep affection steels down her cheeks, do thou cheer her mind with the prospect of once more seeing the object of her earthly hopes; and with open arms embracing her nearest and dearest friend. And now O Lord, have thou respect unto the little babe which thou hast given us. Take it not from us, but let it remain as a source of comfort unto its parents. Give her health and prosperity and may she grow like thine own plants and let the blessings of heaven rest upon her. Let the babe and her mother be faithfully preserved until thy servant shall return to his home. Let these, the humble petitions of thy servant be answered, for I ask them in the name of Jesus Christ thy Son, Amen. * * * *
Now farewell for a little season
Until I come and bring a reason,
Why I left my all behind,
To go and warn all mankind.
For lo! the time is drawing nigh,
When Christ will take us up on high;
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No more to part, no more to sorrow,
The time is nigh 'twill be tomorrow.
I am as ever your
affectionate husband
Marinda Hyde.
Troy, Ohio, Dec. 2, 1837.
Brother Don C. Smith:—
Sir, The flowing short extract of my journal kept during the past season is at your disposal, or for insertion in the Journal, if it is deemed worthy to occupy the pages of that highly interesting paper.
May 9th I left Kirtland in company with Elder Wm. Bosley, intending if Providence so directed to blow the trumpet of the gospel in New England, this season: Our first stop was in Madison, Ohio, where we spent a few days with the brethren of that place, held three meetings and baptized one. From thence we turned our course S. E. intending to visit those churches in Ohio and Pa. that were built up by us in 1836. We arrived at elder Blanchards in Andover, Astabula Co. Ohio, on the evening of the 13th, about 10 o'clock, much fatigued as you will judge after learning that our journey for the last several miles, was through an abundance of mud and scores of tree tops, which you know are nothing uncommon in that country. The Andover church commenced its rise in Aug. 1836, by the instrumentality of elders Bosley and Robinson; The number of its members I have forgotten: we tarried preaching in Andover and its vicinity about ten days and baptized four: during the last two days of our tarry in that place, I was drawn into a debate with the Rev. Mr. Roberts, a learned clergyman of that place, upon the authenticity of the book of Mormon, which lasted about 8 hours.
Though I consented to the discussion to gratify the intense anxiety of many friends both in, and out of the church, yet I think it was productive of much good, for the weakness of error and the strength of truth were clearly manifested; and when we closed (about 12 o'clock in the evening of the second day) the aspect of the people was entirely changed: our meeting was held at the center of Andover, in the town house, which was full to overflowing, and many listened from without by the windows and in the waggons [wagons].
After discussion some others desired to be buried beneath the yielding wave, but feeling ourselves in a hurry we left it to be attended to by elder Adams and others of that place. May the 23rd, we took leave of the brethren and pursued our journey: on the evening of the 25th we arrived at elder Stevensons in Venango Co. Pa. in that vicinity we preached a few times, and added one to that branch. From thence we went South to Butler Co. visited two members near Unionsville and baptized one. Here I parted with brother Bosley and went to Bever Co. When I visited the branch at Bridgewater elder F. G. Bishop had just left, having baptized eight. I tarried preaching m the vicinity until the 13th of June, and baptized one more. From there I bent my course to Brushvalley church, Indiana Co. where I again met with elder B. who had visited the Plum Creek branch, in Armstrong Co. unto which he added one member.
We tarried in Indiana Co. until we added 16 to that church. On the 25th of June we held a council with the church and its officers, and ordained John F. Wakefield (formerly teacher) to the office of an elder, and Wm. P. Mc'intire to that of a priest. Elders Bosley and Wakefield then left on a mission to the lower counties of Pa. — that they might cause light to spring up among those that sit in darkness and the shadow of death; for the Spirit in our councils directed us to abandon the idea of our eastern journey and take a southern mission. 1 started alone from Brushvalley, on the 3rd of July, and passing through several southern counties of Pa. I went as far as Washington Co. Md. about 40 miles from Baltimore.
In Washington, Franklin and Bedford counties, were my labors confined for about four months: It is a thickly populated, and wealthy country, but the ministers of our God had not visited their habitations, and the glorious sound of the fullness of the gospel had not saluted their ears: Though it is a place of many sects, I think not less than about fifteen, and battalions of priests very much divided. They have a factory for making them (priests) in Franklin Co. I suppose you know the machine by which they fashion them, and teach them the laws of interpretation. I of course met with considerable
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opposition, but personal abuse I received none but once, when I was waylaid by a secret company in the evening and besmered [besmeared] with rotten eggs.
I preached in their court houses, chapels, school houses and dwellings; when these were closed, I occupied the streets or groves. Some would close their ears against my words, but most people wished to hear what the babler [babbler] had to say; and when their ears could be obtained once, their next cry would be "We would hear thee again on this matter:" and after the people were a wakened to the subject, I had many more calls than I could supply. — Though the presses of those counties frequently teamed with intelligence about the notorious imposter that had invaded their quiet possions [positions]: the priests were howling from their pulpits, and babylons bells were tolling; and priests not unfrequetly manifested a disposition like that of a hireling shepherd, who stands upon the hills and exclaims to the sheep, take care of yourselves for the wolves are after you; but now and then there would be one so daring as to make an attack upon the supposed wolf in the attire of a lamb; among them were several followers of Mr. A. Campbell; at different times and places of whom was the Rev. Mr. Bell, who in the village of Leitersburgh made an attack upon our principles in the greatnes [greatness] of his strength, by two oral discourses, to which I replied before the same audience, which afterwards occasioned a formal debate and the whole discussion lasted about ten hours, chiefly upon the spiritual gifts, order of Christs church and the priesthood; which was conducted and closed in mildness and good order, and I think to the entire satisfaction of a large and attentive audience: which laid the axe at the root of Campbellism in that place, and produced much good as I have reason to believe from the fact, that I shortly after baptized eleven persons; where also the last of Sept. by the assistance of another eider which the Lord sent to me and the voice of the Saints, we ordained brother George Grouse an elder; he was formerly a Methodist exhorter, a man of influence and dearly beloved among them.
1 do not like to engage in such debates lest some spirit should be admited [admitted] that should displease the Lord, neither will I, except in defence of the truth for the truths' sake when it is unhallowedly attackted [attacked], The 16 of Oct. I left Md. and returned visiting the branches and preaching by the way; arriving in Bedford Co. I found elders Bosley and Wakefield laboring in the vineyard, they had baptized 18 in that Co. one of whom was a Campbellite preacher, and many more were believing: I baptized ten in Bridgeport, Franklin Co. and several in Bedford Co. I think the whole in Bedford Co. is about 30, a part in Mc'connelscove, and part on Clear ridge. I spent two weeks in Indiana Co. on my return found the church in prosperous circumstances, some additions having been made since I left them. All the churches I visited during the season seemed with few exceptions to be abounding in the work of the Lord, In the city of Pittsburgh I unexpectedly fell in company with elder B. Winchester: During our association we preached several times and baptized one in Ohio river: We separated a few days ago in Columbiana Co. I arrived in this place (Troy) Saturday, preached on Sunday when elder Sliter administered the ordinance to some others.
Now in taking a review of my journal, I find I have since I left Kirtland travelled about 1600 miles, preached about 150 times obtained 27 subscribers for your periodical, baptized 43 and witnessed the baptism of several others; and feel myself authorized to say that truth is gaining influence in those regions within the limits of my travels, and will prevail though persecution rages and falsehoods are wafted on every breeze; and slanderous reports rolling as a sweet morsel under the tongues of almost every religious bigot, yet error is like exploding gun powder, put no constraint upon it and it will consume itself and do no harm; but truth is like oil in water always upermost [uppermost]. —
Yours respectfully
Continued from page 15.
I now come to your proposal for a debate. You propose holding a personal interview as you have desired the opportunity for some time with some competant [competent] person believing as I do, I acknowledge myself imcompetant [incompetent] to the task of exhibiting this subject in all its splendent glory, but am willing to reflect what light I am able. You
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prefer an oral debate to a written controversy, that others may be profited thereby, as the subject is one of general interest. If this were your only objection I could obviate the difficulty by procuring an insertion in a public periodical, but as you have other reasons, I shall not refuse to investigate the subject as you proposed, provided we agree upon the time, place and manner of discussion.
It will of course devolve upon you to decide the time, as you first made the proposition.
Having now attended to all the items of importance in your letter, 1 submit this to your critisism [criticism], hoping I shall hear from you again in due time, I think the ground I have taken is tenable, although I have not as strongly fortified it as might have been done.
Be pleased to accept
the assurance of my respect,
Wm. Hayden.
Several letters followed the above, but as they only relate to the arrangements for the debate, would not be of much interest to the public. The preliminaries were finally settled and the debate commenced at Bently's mills in Solon on the 3 day of Jan. 1837.
There was only one proposition agreed upon to be discussed and that was proposed by Mr. Hayden. viz.
Was the christian church perfect at the close of the apostles lives.
This seemed to cover the whole ground of difference between us, we both agreed spiritual gifts were to cease when the church became perfect. Mr. Hayden affirms the above proposition and I denyed [denied] it, as Mr. Hayden had the affirmation it became his duty to lead the way, in prosecuting the subject, and mine to respond. I shall therefore give all his arguments, first, and mine follow, although on the stage each spake twenty minutes alternatively.
Hayden, My first arguments is from 1 Cor. 13; 9, 10, Charity never faileth but whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether there be tongues they shall cease, whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away, for we know in part and we prophecy in part, but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away.
Now we both agree when the church become perfect, spiritual gifts were to cease, and Paul says they were to continue until that time Eph. 4; 13, It is now a notorious fact that miracles and spiritual gifts have ceased, consequently the church must have been perfect at the time they became extinct, although she has since apostatised and is a great distance from that perfection, yet there is no necessity of miracles being restored as the gospel facts, have been fully demonstrated and to prove them again would be wholly superfluous.
The design of miracles was the confirmation of the gospel as evidently appears from the language of Mark, 16, 20, "and they went forth and preached every where, the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following.
God never sent a messenger to mankind without accompanying his testimony with visible displays of his power, as the message perports [purports] to be from heaven, so the evidence must be supernatural or miraculous.
The gospel never could have been promulgated in the world, nor mankind condemned for rejecting it without its having been thus confirmed; hence, the necessity of miracles in the days of the apostle. But when the gospel was preached and established, the testimony of the apostles recorded, and the churches put in possession of all the necessary information concerning those facts, miracles were no longer necessary.
Spiritual gifts were to assist the church in its infancy, or minority. — The manners & usages of the christian institution, are alike now, to both Jews and Pagans, and the apostles could not be always in every church to teach them their duty, wherefore God gave them spiritual gifts for their mutual instruction, until there were those born and educated in the christian church, who were able to teach others also.
Thus the whole church became instructed in righteousness and thoroughly furnished unto every good work, speaking the truth in love, they grew up into him in all things, who is the head even Christ making increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. Paul says these gifts were "for the work of the ministry" that is to instruct the disciples how to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by
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Jesus Christ, as every member of the body or church of christ, is a priest of the most high God. Peter. 2:5. He also says they were for the edifying of the body of Christ, as to the manner in which this was done, I perfectly agree with Mr. Burnet, when the church came together, one by the spirit prophecied, and all were instructed, another by the same spirit spake in tongues, and another interpreted etc. thus all were edified of all, or as Paul said a manifestation, in this manner the saints became perfect in a knowledge of the gospel, perfect in obedience to its requirements. And perfect men and women in Christ Jesus.
Being come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, they had no more need of spiritual gifts. But Mr. Burnet argues the church has never been perfect, because its members have not yet seen God face to face, which he infers from 1 Cor. 13:12, will be the case at that time.
Paul did not say that would be the case, but we shall see face to face, which is evidently figurative of the union which prevailed in the church, when its members come to a full understanding of all the gospel facts and christian privileges. It is admitted, that spiritual gifts have ceased, I therefore insist the church was perfect at the time, altho' miracles did not all cease at once, or exactly at the death of John the last apostle. Yet they became extinct within at most, half a century after that event. Those who had received spiritual gifts under the administration of the apostles, continued to enjoy them during their lives, although they outlived the apostles by years, but since those individuals who were cotemporary with the apostles, have left the stage, no miracles or spiritual gifts, have appeared in our world, neither will, to the end of time. It cannot be proven that the apostacy was the cause of the disappearance of miracles, for they were confered [conferred] by the laying on of the apostles hands, without regard to the holiness of the individuals who received them. The Corinthians were as much divided and as corrupt as any protestant church has ever been, being carnal, brother going to law with brother, guilty of all manner of laciviousness [lasciviousness], even incest not excepted, yet Paul says they came behind in no gift. But the object for which these gifts were given having been long since accomplished, there now remains no more need of them and I cannot conceive of what they could be, were they now in the church. We do not need the gift of tongues, or of interpretation, for we can communicate our ideas in our mother tongue; neither the gift of knowledge, as we are in possession of that knowledge which was written in the commencement of the christian church, and spiritual gifts could we possess them would now be wholly superabundant. The gospel has been confirmed by evidence which cannot be successfully contradicted; it has survived the fall of empires and wreck of nations, pure and unadulterated, and if we heartily embrace its precepts and follow out its mandates in our lives, by being merciful and kind, relieving the wants of the needy and in fine, keep the golden rule, do by others as we would wish them to do by us, we will be accepted of God and receive a crown of life though we never possess a spiritual gift.
Stephen Burnet. — Mr. Hayden argues the church has been perfect from the well known fact that spiritual gifts have ceased, which were to remain until that time. Does not Mr. H. know all the promises of God to men are on conditions of their obedience, because God says to the righteous he shall surely live; it does not inevitably follow he cannot turn from his righteousness and surely die, neither because he says to the wicked he shall surely die does it follow he cannot turn from his wickedness and live. See Ezekiel 34:13,14. But Mr. H. has given up the question in debate. He argues to prove the church was perfect at the close of the apostles lives, and now says it was within fifty years after that time; but even allowing him this lenity, he comes far short of proving his point. He has not shown wherein the church was more perfect when spiritual gifts disappeared, than it was when Paul wrote his first epistle to the Corinthians, and if the church was not then perfect, but in some things aside from the doctrine of Christ, the same was applicable to the seven churches of Asia in the year ninety five, as appears from the second and third chapters of Rev.
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and we are not historically informed that dissentions ever entirely ceased in the christian church, but there were men who arose speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them.
But that we may come to correct conclusions, it is necessary we should understand what Paul meant by the perfection of the church. Any thing is perfect when it will admit of no improvement, hence "God's work is perfect." Deut 32:4. "The law of" the Lord is perfect." Psalms. 19:7, and a man is a perfect christian when he obeys all the law of Christ, "Mark the perfect man and behold the upright," Psa. 37:37, "How beit [Howbeit] we speak wisdom among them that are perfect," — Cor. 2:6,
But when the adjective perfect is applied to the saints in another state, it represents them as being raised from the dead, clothed with immortality, and enjoying all the fullness of Christ. — That the term was thus used by Paul in the thirteenth chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians when applied to the church is evident from the fact, that he represents himself as being imperfect in the twelvth [twelfth] verse, where he says "Now I know in part, but then shall I know as also I am known. — Again he says "If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead, not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect. Phil. 3:12 Thus as he was imperfect, so was the church, and as he would not be perfect until he attained to the resurrection from the dead, so the church would not be perfect until it was clothed with immortality. He says God gave gifts to men "till we all come in the unity of the faith" or until the end of time when there were no more to believe on Christ or embrace the gospel. Now as Paul had not attained that perfection which the whole church must attain before they could know as they are known, and see face to face, until which time, it was their privilege to enjoy spiritual gifts, we are led to conclude that perfection is not attainable in this world, hence gifts may yet be enjoyed by the church of Christ. They disappeared by reason of the departure from the faith, it therefore remains for us to return to God and he will return to us. But we are told by Mr. Hayden that it cannot be proven that the apostacy was the cause of the disappearance of miracles, for they were confered [conferred] by the laying on of the apostles hands without regard to the holiness of the individuals who received them, and names the divsions [divisions] amongst the Corinthians as proof. Here I think Mr. H. and the apostles came in contact, for no man can receive a spiritual gift without first obtaining the Holy Ghost, and there is no promise of the holy Spirit without obedience to the gospel. "Repent and be baptized" said Peter "and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." — Paul says "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." — Rom. 8:9, Paul says further, all spiritual gifts come by that one Spirit, and there is abundant proof to this point, so that it is clear that a wicked man cannot possess the holy Spirit, and a man who has not the Spirit cannot enjoy a spiritual gift. Although there were wicked contentious persons in the Corinthian church, yet it has not been proven that one of them possessed a gift by the Spirit. As the church began to depart from the faith, gifts began to disappear, until the church became corrupted and the mistery [mystery] of iniquity became so great, that the holy Spirit was measurably withdrawn from the earth and spiritual gifts, were no more to be seen.
This, like many other things under the new institution, had its type. I mean the Urim and Thummim and Breastplate of the Jewish High priests. Those shone with great splendor as long as he who wore them was righteous. Josephus says "the one in the shape of a button on the high priest right shoulder shined out when God was present at their sacrifices so as to be seen by those most remote, which splendor, was not before natural to the stone." The breastplate likewise shone when Israel was to be victorious in battle. "This has appeared a wonderful thing to such as have not so far indulged themselves in philosophy as to dispise [despise] divine revelation." But this breatplate [breastplate] and this sardonyx, left off shining about one hundred and fifty years before Christ, or from the days of the last good high priest of the family of the Macabus John Hyrcanus. Thus we see God refused to speak to the Jewish church through the oracle which he appointed by reason of their
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wickedness, so has he withdrawn his Spirit from professing christians, and left them without prophets and spiritual gifts, because of transgression. But as he had mercy upon the Jews and sent them a prophet to announce the near approach of the kingdom of heaven and call on them to repent and flee from the wrath to come, so I trust God will not come out of his hiding place in judgement against an apostate church without first setting before her the way of life and causing the voice, "Come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins and receive not of her plagues," to be heard in every part of Babylon and amongst her daughters.
P. S. If you should think proper to publish the foregoing or any part of it, you will probably find it necessary to make some corrections in my synthesis as I am unaccustomed to writing for the press and a part of the above is the first writing and not a transcript.
We would say to the patrons of the Journal, that we calculate to pursue a different course from that of our predecessor in the editorial department. — We will endeavor not to scandalize our own citizens, especially when there is no foundation in truth for so doing; we consider that when a man scandalizes his neighbor, it follows of course that he designs to cover his own iniquity: we consider him who puts his foot upon the neck of his benefactor, an object of pitty [pity] rather than revenge, for in so doing he not only shows the contraction of his own mind but the wickedness of his heart also.
And as there are shaving shops in the world, we would caution the subscribers of the Star and Messenger and Advocate to send their subscriptions agreeable to the notice given in this number, and furthermore those who ???? deal with the office or bindery, those who have books or other articles at this office will please hand or send the money to the persons named in the above alluded notice, also all applications for books or back Nos. of the Star and Messenger and Advocate, and for books to be rebound &c. &c. &c. to be made to the same persons, who will wait upon them with pleasure. The reason of this notice is, that our subscribers as well as ourselves may not suffer loss. O confidence where hast thou fled! Whither art thou gone? Art thou in search of lucre, is it he which has destroyed thee?
Be it known unto the Saints scattered abroad greeting;
That myself together with my beloved brother Sidney Rigdon, having been appointed by a general conference of elders held in Kirtland in the house of the Lord on the 18th of Sept. for the purpose of establishing places of gathering for the Saints &c. we therefore would inform our readers that we started from Kirtland in company with V. Knight and Wm. Smith on the 27th of Sept. last, for the purpose of visiting the Far West, and also to discover situations suitable for the location of the Saints who are gathering for a refuge and safety, in the day of the wrath of God which is soon to burst upon the head of this generation, according to the testimony of the prophets; who speak expressly concerning the last days: We had a prosperous and a speedy journey; we held one meeting in Norton township Ohio, and three in Doublin, la. one between Doublin and Tore Haute, Ia. two in Tere Haute, one in Palmyra, Mo. 2 in Huntsville, one in Carlton; all of which were tended with good success and generally allayed the prejudice and feeling of the people, as we judge from the treatment we received, being kindly and hospitably entertained. On our arrival at the city of Far West, we ??? ??? spake in opposition to ???
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found the church of Latter Day Saints in that place in as prosperous a condition as we could have expected, and as we believe enjoying a goodly portion of the Spirit of God, to the joy and satisfaction of our hearts.
The High council was immediately called and many difficulties adjusted, and the object of our mission was laid before them, after which the subject of the propriety of the Saints, gathering to the city Far West, was taken into considertion [consideration], after a lengthy discussion upon the subject, it was voted, that the work of the gathering to that place be continued, and that there is a plenty of provisions in the upper counties for the support of that place, and also the emigration of the Saints; also voted that other Stakes be appointed in the regions round about, therefore a committee was appointed to locate the same; consisting of Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, John Corril, and Lyman Wight; who started on their mission before we left.
It was also voted that the Saints be directed to those men for instruction concerning those places; and it may be expected that all the information necessary will be had from them concerning the location of those places, roads &c. Now we would recommend to the Saints scattered abroad, that they make all possible exertions to gather themselves together unto those places; as peace, verily thus saith the Lord, peace shall soon be taken from the earth, and it has already began to be taken; for a lying spirit has gone out upon all the face of the earth and shall perplex the nations, and shall stur [stir] them up to anger against one another: for behold saith the Lord, very fierce and very terrible war is near at hand, even at your doors, therefore make haste saith the Lord O ye my people, and gather yourselves together and be at peace among yourselves, or there shall be no saftv for you.
We furthermore say to those who wish to stop short of the city of Far West, to call on us and get information concerning those places of gathering: We would say to the Saints it is now a day of warning and not of many words; therefore, a word to the wise is sufficient. We exhort you to remember the words of the prophet Malichi [Malachi] which says, bring ye all the tithes into the store house that there may be meet in mine house, and prove me herewith saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it, and I will rebuke the devourer for your sake, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts, and all nations shall call you blessed for ye shall be a delightsome land saith the Lord of hosts. We would also say to the Saints, that we were much pleased with the location of the Far West, and also the society of that place; and we purpose of locating our families in that place as soon as our circumstances will admit.
We shall be under the necessity of observing brevity in this our communication for want of room to publsh [publish] it, and we shall close after naming a few questions which are daily and hourly asked by all classes of people whilst we are traveling, and will answer them in our next.
Firstly, Do you believe the bible?
2nd, Wherein do you differ from other denominations?
3rd, Will every body be damned but Mormons?
4th, How and where did you obtain the book of Mormon?
5th, Do you believe Jo Smith to be a prophet?
6th, Do the Mormons believe in having all things common?
7th, Do the Mormons believe in having more wives than one?
9th, Can they raise the dead?
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9th, What signs does Jo Smith give to establish his divine mission?
10th, Was not Jo Smith a money digger?
11th, Did he not Steal his wife?
12th, Do the people have to give up their money when they join his church?
13th, Are the Mormons Abolitionists?
14th, Do they not stur [stir] up the Indians to war and to commit depredations?
15th, Do the Mormons baptize in the name of Jo Smith?
16th, If the Mormon doctrine is true, what have become of all that have died since the days of the apostles?
17th Does not Jo Smith pretend to be Jesus Christ?
18th, Is there any thing in the bible that liscences [licensesw you to believe in revelation now days?
19th, Is not the canon of the scriptures full?
20th, What are the fundamental principles of your religion?
The above questions are as many as we probably shall have room to answer in our next article, though many more may hereafter be asked and answered as circumstances will permit.
In consequence of the delay of this No. which was occasioned by the preasure [pressure] of times operating against us, so that paper was not to be obtained in season for its isue [issue], we are enabled to lay before our readers a few items of the proceedings of our brethren in the Far West during our visit to that place; which we trust will satisfy for the delay.
Far West, Mo. Nov. 7, 1837.
At a general assembly of the church of Latter Day Saints, assembled at Far West, to take into consideration and transact the business of said church, Elder Thomas B. Marsh was chosen Moderator, and Oliver Cowdery appointed Clerk.
After singing, the Moderator addressed the throne of grace in prayer: after which pres't. Sidney Rigdon explained the object of the meeting, giving a relation of the recent reorganization of the church in Kirtland — the minutes of said meeting were read by the Moderator, who also nominated Joseph Smith jr. the first pres't. of the whole church, to preside over the same All were requested (males and females to vote — who was unanimously chosen. He then made a few remarks, accepting the appointment, requesting the prayers of the church in his behalf.
President Smith then nominated pres't. Sidney Rigdon to be one of his Counselors — who was unanimously chosen.
Ho then nominated pres't. Frederick G. Williams to be his next Counselor, who was objected to by Elder Lyman Wight, in a few remarks, refering [referring] to a certain letter, written to this place by the said F. G. Williams: also Elder Marsh objected to pres't. Williams. Elder James Emmet also object [objected] to pres't Williams.
Bishop Edward Partrage [Partridge] said he seconded pres't. Williams' nomination, and should vote for him; and as to said letter, be had heard it, and saw nothing so criminal in it.
President David Whitmer also made a few remarks in pres't. Williams' favor. Elder Marsh made further remarks. Elder Thomas Grover also objected to pres't. Williams.
President S. Rigdon then nominated pres't. Hyram Smith to take pres’t. Williams' place. He then called for a vote in favor of pres't. Williams, who was rejected. He then called for a vote in favor of pres't. Hyram Smith, which was carried unanimous.
Some few remarks were made by pres'ts. David Whitmer and S. Rigdon.
David Whitmer was nominated as the President of this branch of the church, and was objected to by Elder Marsh. Bishop Partrage [Partridge] said he should vote for pres't. Whitmer. Elder Wm. E. McLellin made a few remarks. Eider George M. Hinkel made remarks in favor of pres't. Whitmer — also Elder King Follet.
Elder Caleb Baldwin spake against pres't. Whitmer — also Elder Seymore Brunson.
Eider Elisha H Groves spake in favor of pres't. Whitmer. Further remarks from Eider McLellin by request of pres't. Whitmer who made satisfaction for him. Remarks from pres't. Joseph Smith jr. who called for an expression which was carried by almost a unanimous vote in favor of pres't. Whitmer.
President Joseph Smith jr. then nominated John Whitmer for an assistant president, who was objected, and Elder Marsh spake in opposition to him
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and read a list of charges from a written document against him and pres't. Phelps. Pres't. John Whitmer then spake a few words by way of fonfession, and was followed by Elder Isaac Morley. The vote was called and carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned for one hour.
Meeting convened according to adjournment, a hymn was sung and a prayer offered up by the Moderator.
Wm. W. Phelps was nominated for an assistant pres't. for this church by pres't. Joseph Smith, jr. He rose and made certain remarks on the subject of the charges refered [referred] to above, by way of confession also, when the vote was put by pres't. S. Rigdon, and passed unanimous.
Elders John Murdock, Solomon Hancock, Elias Higbee, Calvin Bebee, George M. Hinkle, Thomas Grover, and Simeon Carter, were unanimously chosen high counselors, Lyman Wight was nominated and objected by John Anderson, who went aside to converse. Newel Knight was unanimously chosen. George M. Hinkle was nominated, and was objected to by elder James Emmet, because he was too noisy — By King Follet because of his military office, and by James Durfee because he was a merchant. Elder H. made a few remarks, the vote was called and was unanimous. Levi Jackman and Elisha H. Groves were unanimously chosen. John Anderson then took the stand and made his objections to Lyman Wight, after which Elder Wight also spoke, the vote was called and he unanimously chosen.
The Twelve were then called, viz: Thomas B. Marsh, David W. Patten, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, Wm. E. McLellin, Parley P. Pratt, William Smith, Luke Johnson, Orson Pratt, John F. Boynton, and Lyman E. Johnson, and were unanimously chosen.
Bishop Edward Partrage [Partridge] was nominated to still act as Bishop, and was unanimously chosen. Who then nominated Isaac Morley and Titus Billings for his Counselors, who were unanimously chosen. Elder Isaac Morley was then unanimously appointed Patriarch of this branch of the church.
Elder John Corril was chosen to be keeper of the Lord's Storehouse. Elder Isaac Morley was then ordained to the office of Patriarch under then hands of pres'ts. Joseph Smith jr. Sidney Rigdon and Hyram Smith.
The congregation, after a few remarks from pres't. Rigdon, unanimousnley [unanimously] voted not to support stores and shops selling spiritous liquors, Ten, Coffee or Tobacco.
A vote was called on the subject of the pres'ts of the Seventies — and those who have recently been appointed to that office, were unanimously received.
The congregation then united with pres't. Rigdon, who, in the closing prayer, called upon the Lord to dedicate this land for the gather of the Saints, , and their inheritances.
Far West. Mo. Nov. 10, 1837.
At a general meeting of the ordained members of the church in this place, Elder Thomas B. Marsh opened the meeting by prayer, and president S. Rigdon read the memmorial [memorial] of the Bishop of Kirtland, and his counselors, to the churches abroad, of Sept. 18th 1837. He then laid before the meeting the subject of laying off cities, of consecrating, for public purposes, and for remunerating those who lay them off. &c. when it was unanimously voted that all city plots hereafter laid off, after remunerating those for their labors who may be engaged in appointing and laying off the same, shall be consecrated for the public benefit of the church — for building houses for public worship, or such other purposes as the church shall say.
President Rigdon then read the prospectus of the "Elder' Journal," which was unanimously received. It was then also unanimously voted that the persons present, use their exertions to support said paper.
It was then voted that the town plot of Far West be enlarged so that tit contain four sections — that it, two miles sqare [square].
Voted, that Bishop Partidge and his Counselors be appointed a committee to apprize the land adjacent to the present town plot, see that it is enlarged according to the above vote, provided the present holders of those lands will take such a price for the same as the above apprizers shall think worth, and that the same be then disposed of as is voted above.
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A call was then made for those whose circumstances were such as to permit, to go out to preach, to present themselves. There were twenty three who arose.
Sylvester H. Earl. Henry Jackson, Harrison Sagers and John W. Clark, were ordained elders, and William J. Levans was ordained a priest.
Pres't. Rigdon then closed meeting by prayer.
Oliver Cowdery,
The two branches of the church of Latter Day Saints in Madison, Geauga Co. O. met agreeably to appoitment [appointment] on the 12th Inst. and after being called to order by President Z. Coultrin, Allen Wait was appointed Clerk. The conference proceeded & organized the two branches into one. Br. Lester Brooks was then ordained presiding Elder over said church. Br. Asahael M. Hodge was ordained a Priest, Morgan Phelps and Albert Peas Teachers, brother Allen Wait Deacon and Clerk, all by unanimous vote of the church
Allen Wait Clerk.
At a fast meeting held in Rochester, Columbiana Co. Ohio, on the 28th of Oct. 1837, the official members present organized themselves into a conference for the purpose of ordaining some present to the ministry; accordingly Elder Samuel James was called to the chair, and Elder Francis G Bishop was chosen Secretary. Mr. James Sloan and Mr. John Cooper were then presented and were ordained to the office of Elders. The business being concluded conference adjourned, sine die.
S. JAMES Ch'n.
F. G. Bishop Clerk.
A Conference will be held at the center of of Milton, Trumbull Co. Ohio, at the house of Mr. Milton Rogers, commencing on Friday the 5th of January: Public preaching will be expected on Saturday and Sunday.
Our beloved brother Sylvester B. — Stoddard, residing near that place, gives the elders the following invitation: "We should like very well to have a visit from some of our Kirtland brethren if convenient — if those brethren who were calculating to travel in a Southeast direction, have not all left Kirtland, this will be in their track and we should like to have them give us a call.”
The subscribers for the Messenger and Advocate, are propably [probably] aware, that much of their subscription is yet in the rear; the office being changed into the hands of others, and the debts of the same pressing hard upon the former proprietors: it therefore becomes necessary to urge mildly the patrons of this office, to send up their subscriptions as soon as possible, and this will relieve those debts, and help forward the Journal in its season. It is also necessary that those who wish to continue on with the Journal, for them to forward their money, in order that their names may be entered on the Journal book. The books of the Evening and Morning Star, and Messenger and Advocate are in the hands of Wm. Marks and G. W. Robinson, consequently those indebted for the same, (Star and Messenger,) will please send their subscription to them. All letters subscribed Marks and Robinson, and Post paid. — Ed.
A Paraphrase.
For the Journal. — Isaiah chapt. LX.
Arise O Zion fair and lift thine eyes. Exalt thy lofty towers towards the
See the resplendant glory round thee spread,
Fill all thy courts and rest upon thy head!
See Gentiles from the distant nations too,
Come to thy light, and in thy temple bow;
See numerous kings and princes from afar.
Cast down their crowns, and in thy glories share!
Behold thy sons shall come in flooks as clouds
Around thine alters bow, in shining crowds.
Rejoice in God that he doth now unfold;
His hidden treasures, as in days of old.
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By sons of strangers shalt thy walls be rear'd,
And by all nations, thou shalt be re ver'd,
And greatly honored, while their kings
shall bring, Their richest treasures and thy glory sing.
Whereas in wrath I hid my face from thee,
Behold in loving kindness thou shalt see,
The glory of my presence manifest,
Among thy tens of thousands in the west!
Thy gates shall not be shut by night nor day.
That Kings and Gentiles may be bro't to thee.
Lebanons former glory shall be thine,
To the shall come the fir the box and pine.
To beautify the place where I shall stand,
Within thy walls upon my holy land.
The sons also of that ungodly band,
Who cast thee out and drove thee from thy land,
Shall come, and bending unto thee bow'd down.
Call thee the Zion of the Holy one.
Of Israel, who by his almighty arm.
Hath gathered thee and claimed the for his own.
The substance of the Gentile nations round;
Shall come to the, and in thy streets abound
Instead of wood fine brass be braught to thee.
Iron as plenty as the stones shall be;
Silver as iron unto the shall come,
And Gold as brass, thy streets and courts adorn.
And all thine officers shall bring thee peace.
And thine exactors deal in righteousness.
Violence shall no more be heard in thee.
Neither within thy borders shalt thou see
Thy fields with blood and carnage cover'd o'er,
The wariors [warriors] trumpet there, is heard no more:
While wicked slay the wicked all around!
The Earth shall shake; the stars from heaven be hurled,
While God with outstretch'd arm destroys the world
The seas shall move, and islands flee away.
Mountains flow down in that tremenduous [tremendous] day!
The crooked be made straight the vallies rise,
The sun and moon be darkened in the skies!
The trump shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise!
While all the living saints beneath the sky's,
Shall then be quickened and ascend on high.
To meet with Enoch's city in the sky,
Descend with Christ with all his holy train,
Upon the Earth a thousand years to reign!!!
Thy children now in righteousness shall rest.
No more affliced [afflicted] nor no more oppress'd
(For peace and union now shall spread
Their balmy wings oe'r all the spacious globe)
They are planting of mine own right hand.
The branch which shall inherit Zions land.
While Christ shall reign, and thousand years shall roll,
And songs of praise are heard from pole to pole,
And echo'd throughout heavens vast domain
In pealing anthems to the Lamb 'twas slain.
T. B. M.
For the want of room we have been under the necessity of leaving out the Obituary of our friends, and also several communications, which will probably appear in our next. — Ed.
THE ELDERS’ JOURNAL OF THE CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, EDITED BY Joseph Smith Jr. Is printed and published every month at Kirtland, Geauga Co. Ohio, by THOMAS B. MARSH, PROPRIETOR, At $1, per an. in advance. Every person procuring ten new subscribers, and forwarding $ 10, current money, shall he entitled to paper one year, gratis. All letters whether for publication or other purposes, must be directed to DON C. SMITH, and the postage PAID. No subscription will be received for a less term than one year, and no paper discontinued till all arrearages arc paid, except at the option of the publisher.

Latest revision as of 20:28, 22 November 2012

Elder's Journal
2, Number 2
Source document in online archive: Elder's Journal Vol. 1


Volume I. No. 2.] KIRTLAND, OHIO, NOVEMBER, 1837. [Whole No. 2.

The following conference minutes should have been published in the Sept. No. with the Bishop's Appeal or Memmorial [Memorial], but through a press of business it has been overlooked and not handed to us until now, however, we feel in hopes that it will serve to call the attention of our readers (those that have the last No. of the Messenger) to the second candid perusal of the Appeal. — Ed.

Minutes of a conference, of the authorities of the church of Latter Day Saints assembled in the house of the Lord in Kirtland, Sept. 17th, 1837.

President Joseph Smith jr. presided; conference opened by prayer after which Bishop N. K. Whitney arose and said the time had arrived when it became necessary for him to travel and necessarily must have an agent to act in his abscence [absence], agreeably to the Provisions made in the revelations &c. — Elder William Marks was nominated and elected by the unanimous voice of the conference, to act and serve the church in this office. After taking into consideration the affairs of the Latter Day Saints in general, having opportunities of becoming acquainted with the affairs of the Saints throughout the continent, and also the peculiar condition of this our city; it is deemed by this conference, (which is constituted of all the authorities and even members of the church,) of great importance to the prosperity of the cause of truth in general, that the Bishop and his Counselors send abroad their memmorial [memorial], to all the Saints throughout the land, as well as to all well-wishers to the cause of Zion, That their appeal may go forth in the name and by the authority of the church, to all Saints scattered abroad. Some remarks were made by President S. Rigdon, relative to the duties of the Bishop, his counselors and agent, Showing the great necessity of their immediate exertion in steping [stepping] forward in the dignity of their office &c. Conference closed after receiving a benediction from Presidint [President] S. Rigdon.

J. SMITH Jr. Pres't.

0. W. Robinson Clerk.

Fox Islands, Vinalhaven Me. Nov. 20th 1837.

Elder Don C. Smith.

The llth No. of the Messenger and Advocate containing the Prospectus for the Elders Journal has providentially fallen into my hands. It is cheering to my feelings to learn that such a paper is to be presented before the world. I believe it will become a powerful engine in removing a flood of prejudice from the minds of thousands of this generation, and encourage the Saints to persevere in the glorious cause in which they are engaged even if their path should at times be intersected with trials, afflictions, and persecutions. And while we peruse the account of the Elders of Israel, whom God hath called, commissioned and sent forth to establish light and truth in the earth and to prune his vineyard for the last time: we rejoice at their success. And as we learn of their prosperity in the ministry, while faithfully proclaiming the word of God we feel encouraged to go and do likewise.

My object in addressing you at this time, is to forward you a list of the names of some of our friends from the several Islands of the sea, who wish you to send them your valuable paper, viz: the Elders Journal of the church of Latter Day Saints, and knowing there are thousands of Saints who feel interested in the progress of the work of the Lord in these last days, and believing it to be interesting to them to learn that the Lord is raising up a people upon the Islands of the Sea, who are engaged in the same cause with their brethren and sisters, that are scattared [scattered] abroad through the land. I will endeavor to give a brief account of its prospect in this part of the moral vineyard. Elder Jonathan H. Hale and myself addressed a letter to Elder Joseph Smith jr. and the church in Kirtland, under date Sept. 18th. We then gave an account of our visit to the Islands, the reception we met with among the people, and the commencement of the work of the Lord. On the 13th of Oct. following we held a meeting on North Fox Island Vinalhaven


and organized a small branch of the church to the number of twelve, and broke bread unto them. On the day following we left the Islands, as Elder Hale was desirous to return to his friends in Kirtland. While on our way to Portland we preached in the town of Bath, to a large and respectable congregation of citizens who met in Pierces Hall: We were treated with every mark of respect and civility, and solicited to meet with them again. I took the parting hand with Elder Hale in South Berwick Me. And after spending a season among the Saints and friends in Saco and Scarborough, I left Portland on board the Bangor (in company with Mrs. Woodruff) for the purpose of returning to the Islands to spend the winter. Notwithstanding we passed through a severe snow storm by the way, we arrived at North Fox Island safe and in good spirits, on the 31st Oct. and found the Saints strong in the faith, and I think growing in grace. I have as yet, mostly, confined my labors since my return to North and South Fox Islands. I have had more calls for preaching than I can fill I find a deep interest manifested in the minds of many while investigating the subject of the fullness of the gospel. The people are more noble in Vinalhaven than in many places, they are generally willing to hear the matter before they judge it. I have baptized a number since my return, and others have offered themselves as candidates. The church now numbers 17 in this town; and I consider it as only the beginning of the work of the Lord upon the Islands of the Sea. I would here remark, that I have visited the Isle of Holt since my return. The vessel in which I sailed left the Island the day following our arrival, consequently 1 had but little time with the people. I had the privilege of preaching the gospel unto them and leaving the book of Mormon. I have had an interview with persons from several Islands where we have not as yet proclaimed the gospel, and some of the number have manifested their faith in the cause, by inviting me to visit them and offering to open their doors for preaching. Thus doors are open not only upon the maine [main] land, but upon the Islands of Sea for faithful laborers in the vineyard. The enemy of all righteousness is busy in opposing the Saints, and striving to stop the progress of truth in this country, as in all places where truth is proclaimed, by creating and setting afloat every falsehood and foolish story that human ingenuity can invent, or wicked men devise. The doctrines of the shakers, and Matthias and others I might name with all the appendages of stories added unto them that have long since been worn out and found a grave, have of late appeared upon these Islands of the Sea, as though they had risen from the dead with redoubled strength and are heaped upon the heads of the Latter Day Saints, But notwithstanding this exertion against the truth the work of God rolls on and will continue to roll until his Kingdom fills the whole earth. I need the prayers of all the Saints as I am alone and much is required at my hands,

I wish to say a word concerning a statement made by Mr. G. J. Newton, in his letter under date of Oct. 12,, 1837, published in a Baptist paper at Portland called Zion's Advocate, In speaking of the fruits of their seven days meeting in the Baptist church on North Fox Island, Mr. Newton (the Pastor of the church,) made mention of two converts that had been impressed before this protracted meeting: one of which he says was afterwards baptized. It is a well known fact that the two mentioned persons were his own son and daughter. He then speaks of several others who had received the fellowship of the Church as candidates for the ordinance of baptism, Mr. Newton sums up the subject by saying, "It is worthy of remark that those who have obtained a hope are some of those who stood aloof from hearing the "Mormons"' (as he is pleased to call us.) Now what can Mr. Newton think by presenting such a “Sentiment” before the publick [public], for it is a truth too notorious to be denied, that not only his son and daughter, but some, if not all of the other converts of which he speaks as well as himself attended our meetings from time to time. The cloud of witnesses is to [too] great on this subject to convince the citizens of Vinalhaven that such a statement is correct, and wherever else it may find credit or be believed, it will not be on North Fox Island. Whenever men who profess to be teachers of the people and ministers of the gospel


of Jesus Christ, so far stray from the truth (in order to appear plausible,) as to clearly show that they have need that one teach them the first principles of the gospel, are rather to be pittied [pitied] than ridiculed.

Yours in the bonds of the covenant.


∗       ∗       ∗

We are aware that it is not expected by the elders of the church of Latter Day Saints, that their private epistles will be spread before the public, especially when addressed to their wives; & the apology we have to offer for so doing at this time is, that our columes [columns] could not be devoted to a better use, than they are with the following epistle from our beloved Bro. O. Hyde. Although it is but ten days later than that of elder Kimball's, published in the Oct. No. yet, we think it will be a sweet morsel to every Saint, and will serve as a stimulative to the ministers of our God, that their exertions in the proclatmaion [proclamation] of the gospel may be untiring, until the uttermost corners of the earth shall be made to tremble with the sound of their voices, and the Israel of God be gathered out against the day of disolution [dissolution], which is speedily to come upon the earth, if the ancient prophets have not prophesied falsely. — Ed

Preston, Eng. Sept. 14, 1837.

My dear, Marinda:—

I have been and procured a large sheet of paper which will give me ample room to redeem the promise I made to you in a few lines which I addressed to you in Bro. Kimball's letter to his wife. Through the favor of the Lord, I am in good health and spirits, and so are all the brethren. I read your letter with peculiar interest and have but one fault to find, and that is, there was not quite enough of it. — I should like to have heard how the brethren are getting along, but I know you could not think of every thing. I never wanted to see you more than I do at this time: But in this I cannot be gratified at present. There are about four thousand and two hundred long miles which separate us, and the mighty ocean rolling between. Since I came to this place I have been down by the water side and looked westward over the surface of the deep as far as the eye could extend, fancy painting to my imagination the prospect of catching a glimpse of my native shore through the glass of great desire and intense anxiety, but, alas! the greatness of the distance blasted the prospect, and the fleet and extended imagination returned within its own native borders. Again I looked as the sun was fast reclining in the western sky, leaving his golden beams in the mirror of waters, and descried a proud and lofty billow bending its course towards the shore, as if to say, I have brought tidings from your home, your dear native home: But O! how I was disappointed again on seeing this false messenger sink by its own gravity to rise no more. This much is the result of one view of the sea shore

I labor in the vineyard night and day and the Lord labors with me. — There has been between one and two hundred baptized in this place since we came; and Elder Kimball is now a laboring about 15 miles from this place where he has raised a small church, and I do not know but that it is a large one by this time. The Lord is with him, and he can preach so loud and so fast that the Catholics call him a noisy devil. Bro. Goodson has this day returned from Bedford and says that he left thirteen baptized into the new covenant there, and bro. Richards is left with them. Bro. Goodson will remain in this place with me for a season. — Brother Snider has returned from the borders of Scotland where he and bro. Russel went to labor, and Bros. Fielding and Snider left this place yesterday to go out into the country on a mission, and will go from house to house. Bro. Russel has not baptized any as yet but he will soon I think. Those who have been baptized, are mostly manufacturers and some other mechanics. They know how to do but little else than to spin and weave cotton, and make cambrick, mull and lace, and what they would do in Kirtland or the city "Far West," I cannot say. They are extremely poor, most of them not having a change of clothes decent to be baptized in, but they have open hearts and strong faith. We have taught them


nothing about the gathering for they have no means to bring them to America, let alone procuring them a place to live after they get there. We all pay 2 english shillings per week for our lodging which is nearly 50 cents, and then we buy our own provisions at the market and it is cooked for us. — The brethren will frequently divide the last loaf with us, and will do all in their power for us. If it had not been for brother Goodson's books, I know not how we should have lived. They are very kind to us where we are, but their circumstances will not allow them to do much for us without pay. I have frequently seen the tender and delicate females with their old pails or baskets in the streets gathering up fresh horse dung with their naked hands, and then go and sell it and get a penny or two's worth of bread for themselves and hungary [hungry] children. Marinda, how would you like to follow that busines [business]? I pray God that such may not be your lot. — Tell the brethren if it would be a pleasure to them to see their wives carrying on such or a similar branch of business for a living, to bring them along with them when they come to old England to preach the gospel. Whoever comes here for loaves and fishes will realize their expectations as much as our Kirtland speculators.

If brother Joseph never advised correctly before, he certainly did when he advised the brethren to leave their women at home. My humble advice is, that if they have any compassion on their wives, let them for God's sake and for their wive's sake leave them at home. It is of no use for any to come into this country to preach the gospel unless they are able to defend it like a man of God. For unless they have a pretty powerful gift, they cannot live. Not so at home, if a preacher has but a small gift there, he can get what he wants to eat &c. because there are none so distressedly poor there and they will keep him over night free, but this is not the custom in this country. The people expect pay for what they do; and in fact, that people who will receive the gospel, are not able to do it without pay. Now if there are any elders or preachers in the church of Latter Day Saints in America who have faith to brook all these difficulties, let them come to Old England. We want them. We must have such men, and we say to them "come over into Macedonia and help us." We do believe that Kirtland affords some such men, men who are willing to forsake wife and children for Christ's sake and the gospel's, and look forward for their recompense at the resurrection of the just. It would be altogether better for the brethren :o [to] see us before they commence their labors in this country, for we can tell them many things respecting the customs of the people, and the laws of the land respecting preaching the gospel, that will be of great service to them. I understand that brother Pratt has gone East with his wife to spend the winter, and meet some other brethren in N. Y. in May next to come to England: But he had better wait and see us in Kirtland before he starts, or any one else; for we can tell them things that will prove to their advantage and to the advantage of the cause if they will do so. We shall probably sail for N. York about the first of March next, at least some of us, if not all: And we hope to be in Kirtland about the first of May next. — My dear wife, I never wanted to see you more than I do at this time, yet I am glad you are where you are, and that I am where I am. But the time will be when we shall meet again and rejoice before the Lord. I can truly say that I never before preached with that power and Spirit that I have since I come to this place. In fact, I am surprized [surprised] at myself many times. The priests all fear and tremble and Babel's towers begin to fall. The priests talked of putting me in prison for preaching without a liscence [license] from under this government. I made application to the Clerk of the peace for a liscence [license], but he informed that I could not obtain one until the court of quarter sessions which would be in October. I thought it would not answer for me to be idle until that time, therefore I continue preaching in houses, and in the streets, and on the public grounds, and in the market places, and am liable to be taken & thrust into prison any day when informed against: But the priests dare not really do this for fear of the people, for all men, almost, consider us to be prophets of God. Thus by the power and goodness of God we still continue to preach Jesus Christ and him crucified. We are now. occupying a large and spacious building in town owned


by a general philanthropist, but does not belong to any church. The place will accommodate towards eight hundred people, and we have it free of charge. The priests have been to him telling him that he was encouraging false doctrine by letting us have the house &c. His reply to them is, "You are at liberty to go and contest the point with them; and if you think their doctrine incorrect, go and expose them. — You shall have your turn in the use of the house:" This shuts their mouths and puts them in rather an awkward position. The people here are quite anxious to build a chappel [chapel] for themselves by laying aside sixpence a week out of their scanty earnings, but we shall advise them upon this subject to do differently. * * * *

We have not said a hard word against the priests since we came here, neither have we spoken against any sect, yet they say all manner of evil against us. The people have discovered this difference between us, and they are most agreeably surprised, and it gives us unbounded influence. We tell them that God has not sent us to judge and condemn another man's servant: But he has sent us to preach the kingdom of God. The short experience that I have had here, causes me to regret that all the elders have not observed the same course. I am quite satisfied that the great and frequent anathemas pronounced by many of our elders upon people who do not believe their testimony, are not by the Spirit of God: neither do I think it wisdom to be clubing [clubbing] the sects always; but let them alone, and preach Jesus Christ.

  • * * * * * *

My dear wife:

I take the liberty to write a few more words across the lines which I hope you will be able to read: I feel that I have given myself wholy [wholly] to the Lord and to the work of the ministry. I feel that I am far from home and no arm to lean upon but the arm of the Almighty. In him do I put my trust; and to him do I look for every blessing that I need. I know that in me there is no goodness, that is, in my flesh. For when I view my past course, I am ready to say, Lord deliver thy servant from vanity — Cleanse his heart from all unholy desires. Let the virtue of thy blood wash him and make him fit for an inheritance with the Saints in light. Let him be sanctified, a vesel [vessel] of honor to bare [bear] glad tidings to those who sit in darkness, and call upon poor wandering prodigals to return to their father's house. Give him prosperity in the promulgation of thy words; and let the enemies of the cross be confounded and put to shame before the sublimity and power of his arguments. Let him raise the standard of the cross in every land and nation where he shall go; and let the simple and broken hearted flock unto it and rejoice beneath its heavenly banner. Before the light which he shall hold forth, let error, ignorance, and superstition fall like Dagon before the ark of God, or flee like the shades of night before the rising glory of the king of day. Let his heart became the storehouse of charity and good will to men, and his body the temple of the Holy Ghost. Let his tongue be armed with truth supplied from the rich and flowing fountain of the heart. O Lord, remember the partner of all my joys and sorrows; and when she reads this epistle from her dear and affectionate husband. Bless, O bless her with the same love and joy that now inspire my bosom. Let her enjoy health of body and peace of mind. When she is sick, do thou heal her: When she is cast down do thou raise her up. When she is sorrowful do thou comfort her, when the tear of deep affection steels down her cheeks, do thou cheer her mind with the prospect of once more seeing the object of her earthly hopes; and with open arms embracing her nearest and dearest friend. And now O Lord, have thou respect unto the little babe which thou hast given us. Take it not from us, but let it remain as a source of comfort unto its parents. Give her health and prosperity and may she grow like thine own plants and let the blessings of heaven rest upon her. Let the babe and her mother be faithfully preserved until thy servant shall return to his home. Let these, the humble petitions of thy servant be answered, for I ask them in the name of Jesus Christ thy Son, Amen. * * * *

Now farewell for a little season

Until I come and bring a reason,

Why I left my all behind,

To go and warn all mankind.

For lo! the time is drawing nigh,

When Christ will take us up on high;


No more to part, no more to sorrow,

The time is nigh 'twill be tomorrow.

I am as ever your

affectionate husband


Marinda Hyde.

∗       ∗       ∗

Troy, Ohio, Dec. 2, 1837.

Brother Don C. Smith:—

Sir, The flowing short extract of my journal kept during the past season is at your disposal, or for insertion in the Journal, if it is deemed worthy to occupy the pages of that highly interesting paper. May 9th I left Kirtland in company with Elder Wm. Bosley, intending if Providence so directed to blow the trumpet of the gospel in New England, this season: Our first stop was in Madison, Ohio, where we spent a few days with the brethren of that place, held three meetings and baptized one. From thence we turned our course S. E. intending to visit those churches in Ohio and Pa. that were built up by us in 1836. We arrived at elder Blanchards in Andover, Astabula Co. Ohio, on the evening of the 13th, about 10 o'clock, much fatigued as you will judge after learning that our journey for the last several miles, was through an abundance of mud and scores of tree tops, which you know are nothing uncommon in that country. The Andover church commenced its rise in Aug. 1836, by the instrumentality of elders Bosley and Robinson; The number of its members I have forgotten: we tarried preaching in Andover and its vicinity about ten days and baptized four: during the last two days of our tarry in that place, I was drawn into a debate with the Rev. Mr. Roberts, a learned clergyman of that place, upon the authenticity of the book of Mormon, which lasted about 8 hours.

Though I consented to the discussion to gratify the intense anxiety of many friends both in, and out of the church, yet I think it was productive of much good, for the weakness of error and the strength of truth were clearly manifested; and when we closed (about 12 o'clock in the evening of the second day) the aspect of the people was entirely changed: our meeting was held at the center of Andover, in the town house, which was full to overflowing, and many listened from without by the windows and in the waggons [wagons].

After discussion some others desired to be buried beneath the yielding wave, but feeling ourselves in a hurry we left it to be attended to by elder Adams and others of that place. May the 23rd, we took leave of the brethren and pursued our journey: on the evening of the 25th we arrived at elder Stevensons in Venango Co. Pa. in that vicinity we preached a few times, and added one to that branch. From thence we went South to Butler Co. visited two members near Unionsville and baptized one. Here I parted with brother Bosley and went to Bever Co. When I visited the branch at Bridgewater elder F. G. Bishop had just left, having baptized eight. I tarried preaching m the vicinity until the 13th of June, and baptized one more. From there I bent my course to Brushvalley church, Indiana Co. where I again met with elder B. who had visited the Plum Creek branch, in Armstrong Co. unto which he added one member.

We tarried in Indiana Co. until we added 16 to that church. On the 25th of June we held a council with the church and its officers, and ordained John F. Wakefield (formerly teacher) to the office of an elder, and Wm. P. Mc'intire to that of a priest. Elders Bosley and Wakefield then left on a mission to the lower counties of Pa. — that they might cause light to spring up among those that sit in darkness and the shadow of death; for the Spirit in our councils directed us to abandon the idea of our eastern journey and take a southern mission. 1 started alone from Brushvalley, on the 3rd of July, and passing through several southern counties of Pa. I went as far as Washington Co. Md. about 40 miles from Baltimore.

In Washington, Franklin and Bedford counties, were my labors confined for about four months: It is a thickly populated, and wealthy country, but the ministers of our God had not visited their habitations, and the glorious sound of the fullness of the gospel had not saluted their ears: Though it is a place of many sects, I think not less than about fifteen, and battalions of priests very much divided. They have a factory for making them (priests) in Franklin Co. I suppose you know the machine by which they fashion them, and teach them the laws of interpretation. I of course met with considerable


opposition, but personal abuse I received none but once, when I was waylaid by a secret company in the evening and besmered [besmeared] with rotten eggs.

I preached in their court houses, chapels, school houses and dwellings; when these were closed, I occupied the streets or groves. Some would close their ears against my words, but most people wished to hear what the babler [babbler] had to say; and when their ears could be obtained once, their next cry would be "We would hear thee again on this matter:" and after the people were a wakened to the subject, I had many more calls than I could supply. — Though the presses of those counties frequently teamed with intelligence about the notorious imposter that had invaded their quiet possions [positions]: the priests were howling from their pulpits, and babylons bells were tolling; and priests not unfrequetly manifested a disposition like that of a hireling shepherd, who stands upon the hills and exclaims to the sheep, take care of yourselves for the wolves are after you; but now and then there would be one so daring as to make an attack upon the supposed wolf in the attire of a lamb; among them were several followers of Mr. A. Campbell; at different times and places of whom was the Rev. Mr. Bell, who in the village of Leitersburgh made an attack upon our principles in the greatnes [greatness] of his strength, by two oral discourses, to which I replied before the same audience, which afterwards occasioned a formal debate and the whole discussion lasted about ten hours, chiefly upon the spiritual gifts, order of Christs church and the priesthood; which was conducted and closed in mildness and good order, and I think to the entire satisfaction of a large and attentive audience: which laid the axe at the root of Campbellism in that place, and produced much good as I have reason to believe from the fact, that I shortly after baptized eleven persons; where also the last of Sept. by the assistance of another eider which the Lord sent to me and the voice of the Saints, we ordained brother George Grouse an elder; he was formerly a Methodist exhorter, a man of influence and dearly beloved among them.

1 do not like to engage in such debates lest some spirit should be admited [admitted] that should displease the Lord, neither will I, except in defence of the truth for the truths' sake when it is unhallowedly attackted [attacked], The 16 of Oct. I left Md. and returned visiting the branches and preaching by the way; arriving in Bedford Co. I found elders Bosley and Wakefield laboring in the vineyard, they had baptized 18 in that Co. one of whom was a Campbellite preacher, and many more were believing: I baptized ten in Bridgeport, Franklin Co. and several in Bedford Co. I think the whole in Bedford Co. is about 30, a part in Mc'connelscove, and part on Clear ridge. I spent two weeks in Indiana Co. on my return found the church in prosperous circumstances, some additions having been made since I left them. All the churches I visited during the season seemed with few exceptions to be abounding in the work of the Lord, In the city of Pittsburgh I unexpectedly fell in company with elder B. Winchester: During our association we preached several times and baptized one in Ohio river: We separated a few days ago in Columbiana Co. I arrived in this place (Troy) Saturday, preached on Sunday when elder Sliter administered the ordinance to some others.

Now in taking a review of my journal, I find I have since I left Kirtland travelled about 1600 miles, preached about 150 times obtained 27 subscribers for your periodical, baptized 43 and witnessed the baptism of several others; and feel myself authorized to say that truth is gaining influence in those regions within the limits of my travels, and will prevail though persecution rages and falsehoods are wafted on every breeze; and slanderous reports rolling as a sweet morsel under the tongues of almost every religious bigot, yet error is like exploding gun powder, put no constraint upon it and it will consume itself and do no harm; but truth is like oil in water always upermost [uppermost]. — Yours respectfully


∗       ∗       ∗

Continued from page 15. I now come to your proposal for a debate. You propose holding a personal interview as you have desired the opportunity for some time with some competant [competent] person believing as I do, I acknowledge myself imcompetant [incompetent] to the task of exhibiting this subject in all its splendent glory, but am willing to reflect what light I am able. You


prefer an oral debate to a written controversy, that others may be profited thereby, as the subject is one of general interest. If this were your only objection I could obviate the difficulty by procuring an insertion in a public periodical, but as you have other reasons, I shall not refuse to investigate the subject as you proposed, provided we agree upon the time, place and manner of discussion. It will of course devolve upon you to decide the time, as you first made the proposition.

Having now attended to all the items of importance in your letter, 1 submit this to your critisism [criticism], hoping I shall hear from you again in due time, I think the ground I have taken is tenable, although I have not as strongly fortified it as might have been done.

Be pleased to accept

the assurance of my respect,

STHEPHEN [STEPHEN] BURNET. Wm. Hayden. Several letters followed the above, but as they only relate to the arrangements for the debate, would not be of much interest to the public. The preliminaries were finally settled and the debate commenced at Bently's mills in Solon on the 3 day of Jan. 1837.

There was only one proposition agreed upon to be discussed and that was proposed by Mr. Hayden. viz. Was the christian church perfect at the close of the apostles lives.

This seemed to cover the whole ground of difference between us, we both agreed spiritual gifts were to cease when the church became perfect. Mr. Hayden affirms the above proposition and I denyed [denied] it, as Mr. Hayden had the affirmation it became his duty to lead the way, in prosecuting the subject, and mine to respond. I shall therefore give all his arguments, first, and mine follow, although on the stage each spake twenty minutes alternatively.

Hayden, My first arguments is from 1 Cor. 13; 9, 10, Charity never faileth but whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether there be tongues they shall cease, whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away, for we know in part and we prophecy in part, but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away.

Now we both agree when the church become perfect, spiritual gifts were to cease, and Paul says they were to continue until that time Eph. 4; 13, It is now a notorious fact that miracles and spiritual gifts have ceased, consequently the church must have been perfect at the time they became extinct, although she has since apostatised and is a great distance from that perfection, yet there is no necessity of miracles being restored as the gospel facts, have been fully demonstrated and to prove them again would be wholly superfluous.

The design of miracles was the confirmation of the gospel as evidently appears from the language of Mark, 16, 20, "and they went forth and preached every where, the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following.

God never sent a messenger to mankind without accompanying his testimony with visible displays of his power, as the message perports [purports] to be from heaven, so the evidence must be supernatural or miraculous.

The gospel never could have been promulgated in the world, nor mankind condemned for rejecting it without its having been thus confirmed; hence, the necessity of miracles in the days of the apostle. But when the gospel was preached and established, the testimony of the apostles recorded, and the churches put in possession of all the necessary information concerning those facts, miracles were no longer necessary. Spiritual gifts were to assist the church in its infancy, or minority. — The manners & usages of the christian institution, are alike now, to both Jews and Pagans, and the apostles could not be always in every church to teach them their duty, wherefore God gave them spiritual gifts for their mutual instruction, until there were those born and educated in the christian church, who were able to teach others also.

Thus the whole church became instructed in righteousness and thoroughly furnished unto every good work, speaking the truth in love, they grew up into him in all things, who is the head even Christ making increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. Paul says these gifts were "for the work of the ministry" that is to instruct the disciples how to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by


Jesus Christ, as every member of the body or church of christ, is a priest of the most high God. Peter. 2:5. He also says they were for the edifying of the body of Christ, as to the manner in which this was done, I perfectly agree with Mr. Burnet, when the church came together, one by the spirit prophecied, and all were instructed, another by the same spirit spake in tongues, and another interpreted etc. thus all were edified of all, or as Paul said a manifestation, in this manner the saints became perfect in a knowledge of the gospel, perfect in obedience to its requirements. And perfect men and women in Christ Jesus.

Being come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, they had no more need of spiritual gifts. But Mr. Burnet argues the church has never been perfect, because its members have not yet seen God face to face, which he infers from 1 Cor. 13:12, will be the case at that time.

Paul did not say that would be the case, but we shall see face to face, which is evidently figurative of the union which prevailed in the church, when its members come to a full understanding of all the gospel facts and christian privileges. It is admitted, that spiritual gifts have ceased, I therefore insist the church was perfect at the time, altho' miracles did not all cease at once, or exactly at the death of John the last apostle. Yet they became extinct within at most, half a century after that event. Those who had received spiritual gifts under the administration of the apostles, continued to enjoy them during their lives, although they outlived the apostles by years, but since those individuals who were cotemporary with the apostles, have left the stage, no miracles or spiritual gifts, have appeared in our world, neither will, to the end of time. It cannot be proven that the apostacy was the cause of the disappearance of miracles, for they were confered [conferred] by the laying on of the apostles hands, without regard to the holiness of the individuals who received them. The Corinthians were as much divided and as corrupt as any protestant church has ever been, being carnal, brother going to law with brother, guilty of all manner of laciviousness [lasciviousness], even incest not excepted, yet Paul says they came behind in no gift. But the object for which these gifts were given having been long since accomplished, there now remains no more need of them and I cannot conceive of what they could be, were they now in the church. We do not need the gift of tongues, or of interpretation, for we can communicate our ideas in our mother tongue; neither the gift of knowledge, as we are in possession of that knowledge which was written in the commencement of the christian church, and spiritual gifts could we possess them would now be wholly superabundant. The gospel has been confirmed by evidence which cannot be successfully contradicted; it has survived the fall of empires and wreck of nations, pure and unadulterated, and if we heartily embrace its precepts and follow out its mandates in our lives, by being merciful and kind, relieving the wants of the needy and in fine, keep the golden rule, do by others as we would wish them to do by us, we will be accepted of God and receive a crown of life though we never possess a spiritual gift.

Stephen Burnet. — Mr. Hayden argues the church has been perfect from the well known fact that spiritual gifts have ceased, which were to remain until that time. Does not Mr. H. know all the promises of God to men are on conditions of their obedience, because God says to the righteous he shall surely live; it does not inevitably follow he cannot turn from his righteousness and surely die, neither because he says to the wicked he shall surely die does it follow he cannot turn from his wickedness and live. See Ezekiel 34:13,14. But Mr. H. has given up the question in debate. He argues to prove the church was perfect at the close of the apostles lives, and now says it was within fifty years after that time; but even allowing him this lenity, he comes far short of proving his point. He has not shown wherein the church was more perfect when spiritual gifts disappeared, than it was when Paul wrote his first epistle to the Corinthians, and if the church was not then perfect, but in some things aside from the doctrine of Christ, the same was applicable to the seven churches of Asia in the year ninety five, as appears from the second and third chapters of Rev.


and we are not historically informed that dissentions ever entirely ceased in the christian church, but there were men who arose speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them. But that we may come to correct conclusions, it is necessary we should understand what Paul meant by the perfection of the church. Any thing is perfect when it will admit of no improvement, hence "God's work is perfect." Deut 32:4. "The law of" the Lord is perfect." Psalms. 19:7, and a man is a perfect christian when he obeys all the law of Christ, "Mark the perfect man and behold the upright," Psa. 37:37, "How beit [Howbeit] we speak wisdom among them that are perfect," — Cor. 2:6,

But when the adjective perfect is applied to the saints in another state, it represents them as being raised from the dead, clothed with immortality, and enjoying all the fullness of Christ. — That the term was thus used by Paul in the thirteenth chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians when applied to the church is evident from the fact, that he represents himself as being imperfect in the twelvth [twelfth] verse, where he says "Now I know in part, but then shall I know as also I am known. — Again he says "If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead, not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect. Phil. 3:12 Thus as he was imperfect, so was the church, and as he would not be perfect until he attained to the resurrection from the dead, so the church would not be perfect until it was clothed with immortality. He says God gave gifts to men "till we all come in the unity of the faith" or until the end of time when there were no more to believe on Christ or embrace the gospel. Now as Paul had not attained that perfection which the whole church must attain before they could know as they are known, and see face to face, until which time, it was their privilege to enjoy spiritual gifts, we are led to conclude that perfection is not attainable in this world, hence gifts may yet be enjoyed by the church of Christ. They disappeared by reason of the departure from the faith, it therefore remains for us to return to God and he will return to us. But we are told by Mr. Hayden that it cannot be proven that the apostacy was the cause of the disappearance of miracles, for they were confered [conferred] by the laying on of the apostles hands without regard to the holiness of the individuals who received them, and names the divsions [divisions] amongst the Corinthians as proof. Here I think Mr. H. and the apostles came in contact, for no man can receive a spiritual gift without first obtaining the Holy Ghost, and there is no promise of the holy Spirit without obedience to the gospel. "Repent and be baptized" said Peter "and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." — Paul says "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." — Rom. 8:9, Paul says further, all spiritual gifts come by that one Spirit, and there is abundant proof to this point, so that it is clear that a wicked man cannot possess the holy Spirit, and a man who has not the Spirit cannot enjoy a spiritual gift. Although there were wicked contentious persons in the Corinthian church, yet it has not been proven that one of them possessed a gift by the Spirit. As the church began to depart from the faith, gifts began to disappear, until the church became corrupted and the mistery [mystery] of iniquity became so great, that the holy Spirit was measurably withdrawn from the earth and spiritual gifts, were no more to be seen. This, like many other things under the new institution, had its type. I mean the Urim and Thummim and Breastplate of the Jewish High priests. Those shone with great splendor as long as he who wore them was righteous. Josephus says "the one in the shape of a button on the high priest right shoulder shined out when God was present at their sacrifices so as to be seen by those most remote, which splendor, was not before natural to the stone." The breastplate likewise shone when Israel was to be victorious in battle. "This has appeared a wonderful thing to such as have not so far indulged themselves in philosophy as to dispise [despise] divine revelation." But this breatplate [breastplate] and this sardonyx, left off shining about one hundred and fifty years before Christ, or from the days of the last good high priest of the family of the Macabus John Hyrcanus. Thus we see God refused to speak to the Jewish church through the oracle which he appointed by reason of their


wickedness, so has he withdrawn his Spirit from professing christians, and left them without prophets and spiritual gifts, because of transgression. But as he had mercy upon the Jews and sent them a prophet to announce the near approach of the kingdom of heaven and call on them to repent and flee from the wrath to come, so I trust God will not come out of his hiding place in judgement against an apostate church without first setting before her the way of life and causing the voice, "Come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins and receive not of her plagues," to be heard in every part of Babylon and amongst her daughters.

P. S. If you should think proper to publish the foregoing or any part of it, you will probably find it necessary to make some corrections in my synthesis as I am unaccustomed to writing for the press and a part of the above is the first writing and not a transcript.


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We would say to the patrons of the Journal, that we calculate to pursue a different course from that of our predecessor in the editorial department. — We will endeavor not to scandalize our own citizens, especially when there is no foundation in truth for so doing; we consider that when a man scandalizes his neighbor, it follows of course that he designs to cover his own iniquity: we consider him who puts his foot upon the neck of his benefactor, an object of pitty [pity] rather than revenge, for in so doing he not only shows the contraction of his own mind but the wickedness of his heart also.

And as there are shaving shops in the world, we would caution the subscribers of the Star and Messenger and Advocate to send their subscriptions agreeable to the notice given in this number, and furthermore those who ???? deal with the office or bindery, those who have books or other articles at this office will please hand or send the money to the persons named in the above alluded notice, also all applications for books or back Nos. of the Star and Messenger and Advocate, and for books to be rebound &c. &c. &c. to be made to the same persons, who will wait upon them with pleasure. The reason of this notice is, that our subscribers as well as ourselves may not suffer loss. O confidence where hast thou fled! Whither art thou gone? Art thou in search of lucre, is it he which has destroyed thee?

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Be it known unto the Saints scattered abroad greeting;

That myself together with my beloved brother Sidney Rigdon, having been appointed by a general conference of elders held in Kirtland in the house of the Lord on the 18th of Sept. for the purpose of establishing places of gathering for the Saints &c. we therefore would inform our readers that we started from Kirtland in company with V. Knight and Wm. Smith on the 27th of Sept. last, for the purpose of visiting the Far West, and also to discover situations suitable for the location of the Saints who are gathering for a refuge and safety, in the day of the wrath of God which is soon to burst upon the head of this generation, according to the testimony of the prophets; who speak expressly concerning the last days: We had a prosperous and a speedy journey; we held one meeting in Norton township Ohio, and three in Doublin, la. one between Doublin and Tore Haute, Ia. two in Tere Haute, one in Palmyra, Mo. 2 in Huntsville, one in Carlton; all of which were tended with good success and generally allayed the prejudice and feeling of the people, as we judge from the treatment we received, being kindly and hospitably entertained. On our arrival at the city of Far West, we ??? ??? spake in opposition to ???


found the church of Latter Day Saints in that place in as prosperous a condition as we could have expected, and as we believe enjoying a goodly portion of the Spirit of God, to the joy and satisfaction of our hearts.

The High council was immediately called and many difficulties adjusted, and the object of our mission was laid before them, after which the subject of the propriety of the Saints, gathering to the city Far West, was taken into considertion [consideration], after a lengthy discussion upon the subject, it was voted, that the work of the gathering to that place be continued, and that there is a plenty of provisions in the upper counties for the support of that place, and also the emigration of the Saints; also voted that other Stakes be appointed in the regions round about, therefore a committee was appointed to locate the same; consisting of Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, John Corril, and Lyman Wight; who started on their mission before we left.

It was also voted that the Saints be directed to those men for instruction concerning those places; and it may be expected that all the information necessary will be had from them concerning the location of those places, roads &c. Now we would recommend to the Saints scattered abroad, that they make all possible exertions to gather themselves together unto those places; as peace, verily thus saith the Lord, peace shall soon be taken from the earth, and it has already began to be taken; for a lying spirit has gone out upon all the face of the earth and shall perplex the nations, and shall stur [stir] them up to anger against one another: for behold saith the Lord, very fierce and very terrible war is near at hand, even at your doors, therefore make haste saith the Lord O ye my people, and gather yourselves together and be at peace among yourselves, or there shall be no saftv for you.

We furthermore say to those who wish to stop short of the city of Far West, to call on us and get information concerning those places of gathering: We would say to the Saints it is now a day of warning and not of many words; therefore, a word to the wise is sufficient. We exhort you to remember the words of the prophet Malichi [Malachi] which says, bring ye all the tithes into the store house that there may be meet in mine house, and prove me herewith saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it, and I will rebuke the devourer for your sake, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts, and all nations shall call you blessed for ye shall be a delightsome land saith the Lord of hosts. We would also say to the Saints, that we were much pleased with the location of the Far West, and also the society of that place; and we purpose of locating our families in that place as soon as our circumstances will admit. We shall be under the necessity of observing brevity in this our communication for want of room to publsh [publish] it, and we shall close after naming a few questions which are daily and hourly asked by all classes of people whilst we are traveling, and will answer them in our next.

Firstly, Do you believe the bible?

2nd, Wherein do you differ from other denominations?

3rd, Will every body be damned but Mormons?

4th, How and where did you obtain the book of Mormon?

5th, Do you believe Jo Smith to be a prophet?

6th, Do the Mormons believe in having all things common?

7th, Do the Mormons believe in having more wives than one?

9th, Can they raise the dead?


9th, What signs does Jo Smith give to establish his divine mission?

10th, Was not Jo Smith a money digger?

11th, Did he not Steal his wife?

12th, Do the people have to give up their money when they join his church?

13th, Are the Mormons Abolitionists?

14th, Do they not stur [stir] up the Indians to war and to commit depredations?

15th, Do the Mormons baptize in the name of Jo Smith?

16th, If the Mormon doctrine is true, what have become of all that have died since the days of the apostles?

17th Does not Jo Smith pretend to be Jesus Christ?

18th, Is there any thing in the bible that liscences [licensesw you to believe in revelation now days? 19th, Is not the canon of the scriptures full?

20th, What are the fundamental principles of your religion?

The above questions are as many as we probably shall have room to answer in our next article, though many more may hereafter be asked and answered as circumstances will permit.

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In consequence of the delay of this No. which was occasioned by the preasure [pressure] of times operating against us, so that paper was not to be obtained in season for its isue [issue], we are enabled to lay before our readers a few items of the proceedings of our brethren in the Far West during our visit to that place; which we trust will satisfy for the delay.

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Far West, Mo. Nov. 7, 1837. At a general assembly of the church of Latter Day Saints, assembled at Far West, to take into consideration and transact the business of said church, Elder Thomas B. Marsh was chosen Moderator, and Oliver Cowdery appointed Clerk.

After singing, the Moderator addressed the throne of grace in prayer: after which pres't. Sidney Rigdon explained the object of the meeting, giving a relation of the recent reorganization of the church in Kirtland — the minutes of said meeting were read by the Moderator, who also nominated Joseph Smith jr. the first pres't. of the whole church, to preside over the same All were requested (males and females to vote — who was unanimously chosen. He then made a few remarks, accepting the appointment, requesting the prayers of the church in his behalf.

President Smith then nominated pres't. Sidney Rigdon to be one of his Counselors — who was unanimously chosen.

Ho then nominated pres't. Frederick G. Williams to be his next Counselor, who was objected to by Elder Lyman Wight, in a few remarks, refering [referring] to a certain letter, written to this place by the said F. G. Williams: also Elder Marsh objected to pres't. Williams. Elder James Emmet also object [objected] to pres't Williams.

Bishop Edward Partrage [Partridge] said he seconded pres't. Williams' nomination, and should vote for him; and as to said letter, be had heard it, and saw nothing so criminal in it.

President David Whitmer also made a few remarks in pres't. Williams' favor. Elder Marsh made further remarks. Elder Thomas Grover also objected to pres't. Williams.

President S. Rigdon then nominated pres't. Hyram Smith to take pres’t. Williams' place. He then called for a vote in favor of pres't. Williams, who was rejected. He then called for a vote in favor of pres't. Hyram Smith, which was carried unanimous.

Some few remarks were made by pres'ts. David Whitmer and S. Rigdon.

David Whitmer was nominated as the President of this branch of the church, and was objected to by Elder Marsh. Bishop Partrage [Partridge] said he should vote for pres't. Whitmer. Elder Wm. E. McLellin made a few remarks. Eider George M. Hinkel made remarks in favor of pres't. Whitmer — also Elder King Follet.

Elder Caleb Baldwin spake against pres't. Whitmer — also Elder Seymore Brunson.

Eider Elisha H Groves spake in favor of pres't. Whitmer. Further remarks from Eider McLellin by request of pres't. Whitmer who made satisfaction for him. Remarks from pres't. Joseph Smith jr. who called for an expression which was carried by almost a unanimous vote in favor of pres't. Whitmer.

President Joseph Smith jr. then nominated John Whitmer for an assistant president, who was objected, and Elder Marsh spake in opposition to him


and read a list of charges from a written document against him and pres't. Phelps. Pres't. John Whitmer then spake a few words by way of fonfession, and was followed by Elder Isaac Morley. The vote was called and carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned for one hour.

Meeting convened according to adjournment, a hymn was sung and a prayer offered up by the Moderator.

Wm. W. Phelps was nominated for an assistant pres't. for this church by pres't. Joseph Smith, jr. He rose and made certain remarks on the subject of the charges refered [referred] to above, by way of confession also, when the vote was put by pres't. S. Rigdon, and passed unanimous.

Elders John Murdock, Solomon Hancock, Elias Higbee, Calvin Bebee, George M. Hinkle, Thomas Grover, and Simeon Carter, were unanimously chosen high counselors, Lyman Wight was nominated and objected by John Anderson, who went aside to converse. Newel Knight was unanimously chosen. George M. Hinkle was nominated, and was objected to by elder James Emmet, because he was too noisy — By King Follet because of his military office, and by James Durfee because he was a merchant. Elder H. made a few remarks, the vote was called and was unanimous. Levi Jackman and Elisha H. Groves were unanimously chosen. John Anderson then took the stand and made his objections to Lyman Wight, after which Elder Wight also spoke, the vote was called and he unanimously chosen.

The Twelve were then called, viz: Thomas B. Marsh, David W. Patten, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, Wm. E. McLellin, Parley P. Pratt, William Smith, Luke Johnson, Orson Pratt, John F. Boynton, and Lyman E. Johnson, and were unanimously chosen.

Bishop Edward Partrage [Partridge] was nominated to still act as Bishop, and was unanimously chosen. Who then nominated Isaac Morley and Titus Billings for his Counselors, who were unanimously chosen. Elder Isaac Morley was then unanimously appointed Patriarch of this branch of the church.

Elder John Corril was chosen to be keeper of the Lord's Storehouse. Elder Isaac Morley was then ordained to the office of Patriarch under then hands of pres'ts. Joseph Smith jr. Sidney Rigdon and Hyram Smith.

The congregation, after a few remarks from pres't. Rigdon, unanimousnley [unanimously] voted not to support stores and shops selling spiritous liquors, Ten, Coffee or Tobacco.

A vote was called on the subject of the pres'ts of the Seventies — and those who have recently been appointed to that office, were unanimously received.

The congregation then united with pres't. Rigdon, who, in the closing prayer, called upon the Lord to dedicate this land for the gather of the Saints, , and their inheritances.




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Far West. Mo. Nov. 10, 1837.

At a general meeting of the ordained members of the church in this place, Elder Thomas B. Marsh opened the meeting by prayer, and president S. Rigdon read the memmorial [memorial] of the Bishop of Kirtland, and his counselors, to the churches abroad, of Sept. 18th 1837. He then laid before the meeting the subject of laying off cities, of consecrating, for public purposes, and for remunerating those who lay them off. &c. when it was unanimously voted that all city plots hereafter laid off, after remunerating those for their labors who may be engaged in appointing and laying off the same, shall be consecrated for the public benefit of the church — for building houses for public worship, or such other purposes as the church shall say.

President Rigdon then read the prospectus of the "Elder' Journal," which was unanimously received. It was then also unanimously voted that the persons present, use their exertions to support said paper.

It was then voted that the town plot of Far West be enlarged so that tit contain four sections — that it, two miles sqare [square].

Voted, that Bishop Partidge and his Counselors be appointed a committee to apprize the land adjacent to the present town plot, see that it is enlarged according to the above vote, provided the present holders of those lands will take such a price for the same as the above apprizers shall think worth, and that the same be then disposed of as is voted above.


A call was then made for those whose circumstances were such as to permit, to go out to preach, to present themselves. There were twenty three who arose. Sylvester H. Earl. Henry Jackson, Harrison Sagers and John W. Clark, were ordained elders, and William J. Levans was ordained a priest. Pres't. Rigdon then closed meeting by prayer. T. B. MARSH, Moderator. Attest. Oliver Cowdery, Clerk.

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Conference. The two branches of the church of Latter Day Saints in Madison, Geauga Co. O. met agreeably to appoitment [appointment] on the 12th Inst. and after being called to order by President Z. Coultrin, Allen Wait was appointed Clerk. The conference proceeded & organized the two branches into one. Br. Lester Brooks was then ordained presiding Elder over said church. Br. Asahael M. Hodge was ordained a Priest, Morgan Phelps and Albert Peas Teachers, brother Allen Wait Deacon and Clerk, all by unanimous vote of the church Z. COULTRIN Pres't. Allen Wait Clerk.

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Conference. At a fast meeting held in Rochester, Columbiana Co. Ohio, on the 28th of Oct. 1837, the official members present organized themselves into a conference for the purpose of ordaining some present to the ministry; accordingly Elder Samuel James was called to the chair, and Elder Francis G Bishop was chosen Secretary. Mr. James Sloan and Mr. John Cooper were then presented and were ordained to the office of Elders. The business being concluded conference adjourned, sine die. S. JAMES Ch'n. F. G. Bishop Clerk.

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NOTICE. A Conference will be held at the center of of Milton, Trumbull Co. Ohio, at the house of Mr. Milton Rogers, commencing on Friday the 5th of January: Public preaching will be expected on Saturday and Sunday. Our beloved brother Sylvester B. — Stoddard, residing near that place, gives the elders the following invitation: "We should like very well to have a visit from some of our Kirtland brethren if convenient — if those brethren who were calculating to travel in a Southeast direction, have not all left Kirtland, this will be in their track and we should like to have them give us a call.”

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NOTICE. The subscribers for the Messenger and Advocate, are propably [probably] aware, that much of their subscription is yet in the rear; the office being changed into the hands of others, and the debts of the same pressing hard upon the former proprietors: it therefore becomes necessary to urge mildly the patrons of this office, to send up their subscriptions as soon as possible, and this will relieve those debts, and help forward the Journal in its season. It is also necessary that those who wish to continue on with the Journal, for them to forward their money, in order that their names may be entered on the Journal book. The books of the Evening and Morning Star, and Messenger and Advocate are in the hands of Wm. Marks and G. W. Robinson, consequently those indebted for the same, (Star and Messenger,) will please send their subscription to them. All letters subscribed Marks and Robinson, and Post paid. — Ed.

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A Paraphrase. For the Journal. — Isaiah chapt. LX. Arise O Zion fair and lift thine eyes. Exalt thy lofty towers towards the skies; See the resplendant glory round thee spread,

Fill all thy courts and rest upon thy head!

See Gentiles from the distant nations too,

Come to thy light, and in thy temple bow;

See numerous kings and princes from afar.

Cast down their crowns, and in thy glories share!

Behold thy sons shall come in flooks as clouds

Around thine alters bow, in shining crowds.

Rejoice in God that he doth now unfold;

His hidden treasures, as in days of old.


By sons of strangers shalt thy walls be rear'd,

And by all nations, thou shalt be re ver'd,

And greatly honored, while their kings

shall bring, Their richest treasures and thy glory sing.

Whereas in wrath I hid my face from thee,

Behold in loving kindness thou shalt see,

The glory of my presence manifest,

Among thy tens of thousands in the west!

Thy gates shall not be shut by night nor day.

That Kings and Gentiles may be bro't to thee.

Lebanons former glory shall be thine,

To the shall come the fir the box and pine.

To beautify the place where I shall stand,

Within thy walls upon my holy land.

The sons also of that ungodly band,

Who cast thee out and drove thee from thy land,

Shall come, and bending unto thee bow'd down.

Call thee the Zion of the Holy one.

Of Israel, who by his almighty arm.

Hath gathered thee and claimed the for his own.

The substance of the Gentile nations round;

Shall come to the, and in thy streets abound

Instead of wood fine brass be braught to thee.

Iron as plenty as the stones shall be;

Silver as iron unto the shall come,

And Gold as brass, thy streets and courts adorn.

And all thine officers shall bring thee peace.

And thine exactors deal in righteousness.

Violence shall no more be heard in thee.

Neither within thy borders shalt thou see

Thy fields with blood and carnage cover'd o'er,

The wariors [warriors] trumpet there, is heard no more:

While wicked slay the wicked all around!

The Earth shall shake; the stars from heaven be hurled,

While God with outstretch'd arm destroys the world

The seas shall move, and islands flee away.

Mountains flow down in that tremenduous [tremendous] day!

The crooked be made straight the vallies rise,

The sun and moon be darkened in the skies!

The trump shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise!

While all the living saints beneath the sky's,

Shall then be quickened and ascend on high.

To meet with Enoch's city in the sky,

Descend with Christ with all his holy train,

Upon the Earth a thousand years to reign!!!

Thy children now in righteousness shall rest.

No more affliced [afflicted] nor no more oppress'd

(For peace and union now shall spread

Their balmy wings oe'r all the spacious globe)

They are planting of mine own right hand.

The branch which shall inherit Zions land.

While Christ shall reign, and thousand years shall roll,

And songs of praise are heard from pole to pole,

And echo'd throughout heavens vast domain

In pealing anthems to the Lamb 'twas slain.

T. B. M.

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For the want of room we have been under the necessity of leaving out the Obituary of our friends, and also several communications, which will probably appear in our next. — Ed.

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THE ELDERS’ JOURNAL OF THE CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, EDITED BY Joseph Smith Jr. Is printed and published every month at Kirtland, Geauga Co. Ohio, by THOMAS B. MARSH, PROPRIETOR, At $1, per an. in advance. Every person procuring ten new subscribers, and forwarding $ 10, current money, shall he entitled to paper one year, gratis. All letters whether for publication or other purposes, must be directed to DON C. SMITH, and the postage PAID. No subscription will be received for a less term than one year, and no paper discontinued till all arrearages arc paid, except at the option of the publisher.