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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Joseph Smith, Jr. was born on December 23, 1805, in [[Sharon, Vermont]] to [[Lucy Mack Smith]] and her husband [[Joseph Smith, Sr.|Joseph]], a merchant and farmer.
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=9, 30}}; {{Harvtxt|Smith|1832|p=1}}.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
After a crippling bone infection at age eight, the younger Smith hobbled on crutches as a child.
*{{WikipediaCorrect}}{{Main Page}}
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|section=1827 to 1830: Organizing the Church
|section=Founding a church (1827–30)
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=An analysis of Wikipedia article "Joseph Smith, Jr." (Version 19 May 2009)=
=== 1827 to 1830: Organizing the Church ===
{{Epigraph|Every witness to Joseph Smith's translation of the Book of Mormon said that he looked at a stone in his hat. Arguing that Smith never said how he translated is arguing from silence. There is no evidence for anything else but the hat and just Mormon embarrassment at how silly this method must seem to most prospective converts today.....The burden of proof is on you. There are no accounts of Smith translating that indicate he used any other method but the hat. You can't argue from silence. Where are the references to any other method? Even the father of lies himself didn't spell one out.....Baloney. No other eyewitness said there was any other method. No scholarship argues for any other method. You're just pushing this POV because there's no reason to preserve golden plates for generations if Smith made no use of them. But according to all eyewitnesses that's exactly what happened. Embarrassing, isn't it?<br>
====Book of Mormon====
&mdash;Editor "John Foxe," posting using his banned sockpuppet "Hi540," insisting that the stone-in-hat was the only Book of Mormon translation method ever documented, 23 October 2009 {{link|url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Joseph_Smith,_Jr./Archive_13#Magic_translation_via_the_hat}} }}
{{BeginWikipediaTable|link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Smith,_Jr.|section=1827_to_1830:_Organizing_the_Church|article=Joseph Smith, Jr.}}
==Reviews of previous revisions of this section==
Smith and his wife moved to Harmony, Pennsylvania, with the financial assistance of their neighbor Martin Harris.
*Ronald W. Walker, "Martin Harris: Mormonism's Early Convert," ''Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought'' 19 (Winter 1986):35.  
|subject=19 May 2009
|summary=A review of this section as it appeared in Wikipedia on 19 May 2009.
==Section review==
Initially Smith told a few family members and Joseph Knight that he had retrieved the plates written in unusual characters as well as the Urim and Thummim.
===Founding a church (1827–30) {{WikipediaUpdate|9/3/2011}}===
{{Main_old|Life of Joseph Smith, Jr. from 1827 to 1830}}
*Richard L. Bushman, Joseph Smith, Rough Stone Rolling," Alfred A. Knopf, pp. 59-60.  
*Harris took copies of the transcribed characters, which Smith called Reformed Egyptian to several well-known scholars, including Columbia College professor Charles Anthon. Richard L. Bushman, ''Joseph Smith, Rough Stone Rolling'', 64.  
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*Harris reported that Anthon had initially provided authentication of the Reformed Egyptian characters but had then torn up his written statement when he heard that Smith had received them from an angel. Anthon subsequently wrote two letters, conflicting on major points, but both insisting that the characters were meaningless and that Harris had been the victim of a fraud. Richard L. Bushman, ''Joseph Smith, Rough Stone Rolling'', 64-65.
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
*Why the qualifier "initially?" The Bushman source states that this is exactly what Joseph told them. To his mother he said, "Do not be uneasy mother, all is right&mdash;see here, I have got a key." Lucy said that she felt "two smooth three-cornered diamonds set in glass." To Joseph Knight, Joseph said that the Urim and Thummin were "Marvelus," and that he could "see any thing" using them. Regarding the plates, Joseph said that they were "writen in Caracters" and that he wanted them translated. Bushman cites Lucy Smith's biography and "Joseph Knight's Recollection."
*The footnote notes correctly that Anthon's letters contradicted one another, but fails to state in what detail, instead emphasizing that both insisted that the "characters were meaningless." According to the cited source (Bushman, p. 65),
In October 1827, Smith and his pregnant
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
wife moved from Palmyra to Harmony (now [[Oakland Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania|Oakland), Pennsylvania]],
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
aided by money from a comparatively prosperous neighbor [[Martin Harris (Latter Day Saints)|Martin Harris]].
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=62–63}}; {{Harvtxt|Walker|1986|p=35}}; {{Harvtxt|Remini|2002|p=55}} (Harris' money allowed Smith to pay his debts and thus allowed him to move without being arrested for evading his creditors); {{Harvtxt|Smith|1853|p=113}}; {{Harvtxt|Howe|1834}}.
*{{WikipediaNPOV}}The footnote implies that Joseph would have attempted to evade his creditors had Martin Harris not become involved.
*From the cited source Remini, p. 55:
In the first letter Anthon said he refused to give Harris a written opinion; according to the second, the opinion was written "without any hesitation," in an attempt to expose the fraud.
Because of mounting pressure in Manchester to see and examine the plates, Joseph realized he could never translate them in peace and safety if he stayed in town. He would have to leave Palmyra to do it; but that created a problem. He was debt-ridden, and any sudden departure would bring his creditors chasing after him with subpoenas for his arrest. Fortunately the angel had revealed to Joseph that Martin Harris, a prosperous farmer, had been chosen to help in the translation of the plates.
*Bushman, p. 577 note 16 states that the 1834 Anthon letter first appeared in ''MoU'', 269-72, and the 1841 letter in Clark, ''Gleanings by the Way'', 233-38. Both are reprinted in ''Early Mormon Documents'', 4:377-86.
Harris was convinced that the plates were genuine, and he began acting as Smith's scribe while Smith translated them by examining the Urim and Thummim or seer stones in the bottom of his hat.
*[http://scriptures.lds.org/en/js_h/1/62-62 Joseph Smith—History 1]
*{{Harvtxt|Whitmer|1875}} ("Having placed the Urim and Thummim in his hat, Joseph placed the hat over his face, and with prophetic eyes read the invisible symbols syllable by syllable and word by word.").
*Michael Morse, Smith's brother-in-law, stating that he watched Smith on several occasions: "The mode of procedure consisted in Joseph's placing the Seer Stone in the crown of a hat, then putting his face into the hat, so as to entirely cover his face."
*({{Harvnb|Wagoner|1982|52–53}}, quoting W.W. Blair, ''Latter Day Saints' Herald'' 26 (15 Nov. 1879): 341, who was quoting Michael Morse).
*Smith's wife Emma stated that she took dictation from her husband as she sat next to him, and that he would put his face into a hat with the stone in it, dictating for hours at a time. {{Harv|Smith|1879|pp=536-40}}.
*Isaac Hale wrote, "The manner in which he [Smith] pretended to read and interpret, was the same as when he looked for the money-diggers, with the stone in his hat, and his hat over his face, while the Book of Plates were at the same time hid in the woods!"  David Whitmer, an early disciple of Smith, wrote that Joseph "did not use the plates in the translation, but would hold the interpreters to his eyes and cover his face with a hat, excluding all light, and before his eyes would appear what seemed to be Parchment," on which he would see the characters on the plates along with a translation. 
*Joseph Knight wrote, "Now the way he translated was he put the urim and thummim into the hat and Darkned his Eyes then he would take a sentance and it would apper in Brite Roman Letters. Then he would tell the writer and he would write it. Then that would go away the next sentance would Come and so on. But if it was not Spelt rite it would not go away till it was rite, so we see it was marvelous. Thus was the hol translated."<!--please do not "correct" Knight's spelling; it is quoted exactly--> {{cite book |title= Inventing Mormonism|last= Marquart|first= H. Michael|authorlink= |coauthors= Wesley P. Walters|year= 1994|publisher= Signature Books|location= |isbn= 1-56085-108-2|pages= 103–4|url= }}.
*Others have made note of Smith's procedures: "The plates could not have been used directly in the process. The Prophet, his face in a hat to exclude exterior light, would have been unable to view the plates directly even if they had been present during transcription. A mental picture of the young Joseph, face buried in a hat, gazing into a seer stone, plates out of sight, has not been a generally held view since the early days of the Church. The view raises some difficult questions. Why, for example, was such great care taken to preserve the plates for thousands of years if they were not to be used directly in the translation process?" (Richard Van Wagoner and Steven Walker, "Joseph Smith: 'The Gift of Seeing,'" ''Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought'' 15 [Summer 1982]: 52).
*Bushman notes: "[A]s work on the ''Book of Mormon'' proceeded, a seerstone took the place of the Urim and Thummin as an aid in the work, blending magic with inspired translation." (Bushman, p. 131) "There is evidence that the translation stone was given him after he lost the Urim and Thummim when the 116 pages disappeared. (Bushman, p. 590, note 24 citing Van Wagoner and Walker, "'The Gift of Seeing,'" 54)
*See [[Joseph Smith and seer stones]]
*See [[Book of Mormon translation method]]
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From April 12 to June 14, 1828, Smith and Harris worked consistently on the translation. A curtain divided the two men, and Smith used Urim and Thummim or seer stones as "interpreters."
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
*Richard L. Bushman, ''Joseph Smith, Rough Stone Rolling'', 66.
Living near his disapproving in-laws,
*{{WikipediaCitationAbuse}}The cited source does not mention seer stones other than the Urim and Thummim at this point in the translation process. Bushman states,
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Smith transcribed some of the characters (what he called "[[reformed Egyptian]]") engraved on the plates and then dictated a translation to his wife.
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=63}}; {{Harvtxt|Remini|2002|p=56}}; {{Harvtxt|Roberts|1902|p=19}};{{Harvtxt|Howe|1834|pp=270–71}} (Smith sat behind a curtain and passed transcriptions to his wife or her brother).
*{{Detail_old|Reformed Egyptian}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
For at least some of the earliest translation, Smith said he used "[[Urim and Thummim (Latter Day Saints)|Urim and Thummim]]",
#{{Harvtxt|Smith|Mulholland|Thompson|Phelps|Richards|1839–1843|p=9}} (describing early translation with the Urim and Thummim from December 1827 to February 1828); {{Harvtxt|Remini|2002|p=57}} (noting that Emma Smith said that Smith started translating with the Urim and Thummim and then eventually used his dark seer stone exclusively); {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=66}}; {{Harvtxt|Quinn|1998|pp=169–70}} (noting that, according to witnesses, Smith's early translation with the two-stone Urim and Thummim spectacles involved placing the spectacles in his hat, and that the spectacles were too large to actually wear). In one 1842 statement, Smith said that "[t]hrough the medium of the Urim and Thummim I translated the record by the gift, the power of God." {{Harv|Smith|1842|p=707}}. There is debate as to whether or not this statement is consistent with his known use of a [[seer stone (Latter Day Saints)|seer stone]] other than the Urim and Thummim. {{harv|Quinn|1998|p=175}} argues that the term ''Urim and Thummim'' was a generic term early Mormons used to refer to all of Smith's seer stones. {{Harv|Persuitte|2000|pp=81–83}} interprets Smith to say that he translated the entire [[Book of Mormon]] with the two stones found with the plates, which would be in flat contradiction with his documented use of the chocolate-colored seer stone.
*{{WikipediaNPOV}}The summary of Persuitte is worded in such a way that it makes it appear that Joseph lied about the instrument used to translate. However, both the Nephite interpreters and the seer stone were eventually referred to as "Urim and Thummin."
*Note this statement from Joseph Knight, which equates the Urim and Thummin with Joseph's seer stone,
Now the way he translated was he put the urim and thummim into his hat and Darkned his Eyes than he would take a sentance and it would apper in Brite Roman Letters. ([[Primary sources/Joseph Knight/Manuscript of the Early History of Joseph Smith|MANUSCRIPT OF THE EARLY HISTORY OF JOSEPH SMITH]], 22 Sept. 1827)
*Bushman states,
For two months, form about April 12 to June 14, 1828, Joseph and Harris were hard at work. Joseph translated using the interpreters (also called the Urim and Thummim, crystals mounted on a breast plate), and Harris wrote down the text as it was dictated. A curtain divided the men to prevent Harris from seeing the plates.
For two months, form about April 12 to June 14, 1828, Joseph and Harris were hard at work. Joseph translated using the interpreters (also called the Urim and Thummim, crystals mounted on a breast plate), and Harris wrote down the text as it was dictated. A curtain divided the men to prevent Harris from seeing the plates.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation/Urim and Thummim}}
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The result of their work was 116 pages. After relentless requests by Harris, Smith reluctantly allowed Harris to take the manuscript to Palmyra to assuage the growing skepticism of Harris' wife Lucy. When Harris returned, long overdue, he told Smith that the manuscript had disappeared.
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
a pair of [[seer stone (Latter Day Saints)|seer stones]] he said were buried with the [[golden plates]].
#{{Harvtxt|Smith|Mulholland|Thompson|Phelps|Richards|1839–1843|p=4}} (stating that deposited with the plates were "two stones in silver bows" and stating that "these stones fastened into a breastplate constituted what is called the Urim & Thummim...."); {{Harvtxt|Smith|1842|p=707}} (describing "a curious instrument which the ancients called 'Urim and Thummim,' which consisted of two transparent stones set in the rim of a bow fastened to a breastplate.").
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Seer stones}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Later, however, he used the single chocolate-colored stone he had found in 1822 and used for treasure hunting.
#{{Harv|Quinn|1998|pp=171–73}} (witnesses said that Smith shifted from the Urim and Thummim to the single brown seer stone after the loss of the earliest [[Lost 116 pages|116 manuscript pages]]); {{Harvtxt|Persuitte|2000|pp=81–82}} (none of the existing [[Book of Mormon]] transcript was created using the Urim and Thummim); {{Harvtxt|Remini|2002|p=57}} (noting that [[Emma Hale Smith|Emma Smith]] said that after 1828, Smith used his dark seer stone exclusively).
*As noted in the official Church magazine for children, the ''Friend'',
"To help him with the translation, Joseph found with the gold plates “a curious instrument which the ancients called Urim and Thummim, which consisted of two transparent stones set in a rim of a bow fastened to a breastplate.” '''Joseph also used an egg-shaped, brown rock for translating called a seer stone.'''" <br>&mdash;“A Peaceful Heart,” ''Friend'', Sep 1974, 7 {{link|url=http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?hideNav=1&locale=0&sourceId=5250e07368d9b010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____&vgnextoid=21bc9fbee98db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD}} {{ea}}
*Use of the Nephite interpreters (the "spectacles") would have occurred during the early part of the translation process, before the loss of the 116 pages, after which Joseph may have switched to using his seer stone. This is also the period of time during which it appears that a blanket was hung to shield Joseph and the plates from view.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation}}
*{{SeeCriticalWork|author=D. Michael Quinn|work=Early Mormonism and the Magic World View}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
As when divining the location of treasure,
#{{Harvtxt|Quinn|1998|p=173}} ("[T]he actual translation process was strikingly similar to the way Smith used the same stone for treasure-hunting."); {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005}} (In using the divining power of stones, Smith blended the magic culture of his upbringing with inspired translation.).
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Money digging}}
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Seer stones}}
About the same time, Smith's wife Emma gave birth to a stillborn son. Smith, understandably distraught over losing both his child and the manuscript,
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*He had had great hopes for his first-born child, reportedly telling people that the child would see the plates {{Harv|Howe|1834|p=264}} and assist in the translation {{Harv|Howe|1834|p=267}}.
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
*{{WikipediaSYN|editor=John "Foxe"|wikipedialink=http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Joseph_Smith,_Jr.&diff=230852617&oldid=230795425}} The sources say nothing about Joseph having "great hopes" for his child&mdash;this is that addition of the wiki editor. The wiki editor has also used two dubious, hostile third-hand sources to synthesize the conclusion that Joseph's first-born child would see and translate the plates. These are the only two sources that make such a claim.
Smith said he saw the words of the translation while he gazed at the stone or stones in the bottom of his hat, excluding all light.
*According to the source, Hale said,
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=71–72}}; {{Harvtxt|Marquardt|Walters|1994|pp=103–04}}; {{Harvtxt|Van Wagoner|Walker|1982|pp=52–53}} (citing numerous witnesses of the translation process); {{Harvtxt|Quinn|1998|pp=169–70, 173}} (describing similar methods for both the two-stone Urim and Thummim and the chocolate seer stone).
*{{WikipediaCITE}}Joseph Smith himself never said anything about how the translation was performed, other than that it was accomplished through the "gift and power of God." It was David Whitmer who claimed that Joseph saw actual words on the stone.
*Bushman notes:
I inquired of Joseph Smith Jr., who was to be the first who would be allowed to see the Book of Plates? He said it was a young child. After this, I became dissatisfied, and informed him that if there was any thing in my house of that description, which I could not be allowed to see, he must take it away; if he did not, I was determined to see it. After that, the Plates were said to be hid in the woods. (Howe, 1834, p. 264)
[A]s work on the ''Book of Mormon'' proceeded, a seerstone took the place of the Urim and Thummim as an aid in the work, blending magic with inspired translation." (Bushman, p. 131) "There is evidence that the translation stone was given him after he lost the Urim and Thummim when the 116 pages disappeared. (Bushman, p. 590, note 24 citing Van Wagoner and Walker, "'The Gift of Seeing,'" 54)
*According the the source, McKune said,
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Seer stones|Book of Mormon/Translation/Method}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
The plates themselves were not directly consulted.
#{{Harvtxt|Van Wagoner|Walker|1982|p=53}} ("The plates could not have been used directly in the translation process."); {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=71–72}} (Joseph did not pretend to look at the 'reformed Egyptian' words, the language on the plates, according to the book's own description. The plates lay covered on the table, while Joseph's head was in the hat looking at the seerstone...."); {{Harvtxt|Marquardt|Walters|1994|pp=103–04}} ("When it came to translating the crucial plates, they were no more present in the room than was John the Beloved's ancient 'parchment', the words of which Joseph also dictated at the time.").
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Smith did this in full view of witnesses, but sometimes concealed the process by raising a curtain or dictating from another room.
#{{Harvtxt|Cole|1831}}; {{Harvtxt|Howe|1834|p=14}}.
*{{WikipediaCorrect}}From the cited source Howe, p. 14:
[Martin Harris] says he wrote a considerable part of the book, as Smith dictated, and at one time the presence of the Lord was so great, that a screen was hung up between him and the Prophet; at other times the Prophet would sit in a different room, or up stairs, while the Lord was communicating to him the contents of the plates.
*Note that the use of the curtain appears to have occurred during the early period of translation when the Nephite interpreters were being employed. The use of the curtain many have served to screen both the plates and Nephite interpreters from view. After the loss of the 116 pages, removal of the Nephite interpreters by Moroni, and Joseph's subsequent use of the seer stone, the translation appears to have taken place in plain view and the curtain is not present.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation|Book of Mormon/Translation/Method}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Smith may have considered giving up the translation because of opposition from his in-laws,
*Given that Joseph was commanded by God to perform the translation, this is highly unlikely. There are some additional secondary hostile sources which are used to support the assertion put forth in the wiki article:
**{{Harvtxt|Booth|1831}} (Smith "had given [the translation] up, on account of the opposition of his wife and others".)
*{{Harvtxt|Howe|1834|p=266}} (Smith confided to Emma's uncle, a [[Methodism|Methodist]] deacon, that despite the commandment from God, "he was afraid of the people"); *{{Harvtxt|Phelps|1833|p=7}} (July 1828 revelation rebuking Smith because he had often "gone on in the persuasions of men...behold, you should not have feared man more than God").
*With regard to a statement made by Nathaniel Lewis, t should be noted that the there are many inconsistencies that do not correlate with things that Joseph is known to have said regarding the plates, the witnesses and the translation.
#Joseph never stated to anyone that he asked advice from a Methodist preacher as to whether or not he should translate the plates.
#Joseph never stated that he considered ''not'' translating the plates because he was "afraid of the people."
#Joseph never said that he was told to "exhibit the plates to the world."
#Joseph never said that Nathaniel Lewis would be one of the witnesses.
*From Howe, p. 266:
From my standing in the Methodist Episcopal Church, I suppose he was careful how he conducted or expressed himself before me. At one time, however, he came to my house, and asked my advice, whether he should proceed to translate the Book of Plates (referred to by Mr. Hale) or not.  He said that God had commanded him to translate it, but he was afraid of the people: he remarked, that he was to exhibit the plates to the world, at a certain time, which was then about eighteen months distant. I told him I was not qualified to give advice in such cases. Smith frequently said to me that I should see the plates at the time appointed.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
but in February 1828, Martin Harris arrived to spur him on
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=63}} (Harris had a vision that he was to assist with a "marvelous work"); {{Harvtxt|Roberts|1902|p=19}} (Harris arrived in Harmony in February 1828); {{Harvtxt|Booth|1831}} (Harris had to convince Smith to continue translating, saying, "I have not come down here for nothing, and we will go on with it").
*{{WikipediaCITE}}Ezra Booth, a hostile source, is the only one of the three sources used to claim that Harris arrived in order to convince Joseph to continue translating. The other two sources simply confirm that "Martin Harris arrived" in order assist Joseph. According to Booth:
Joseph Smith, Jun., Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Cowdery, and Martin Harris, may be considered as the principals in this work; and let Martin Harris tell the story, and he is the most conspicuous of the four.&mdash;He informed me, that he went to the place where Joseph resided, and Joseph had given it up, on account of the opposition of his wife and others: but he told Joseph. "I have not come down here for nothing, and we will go on with it." Martin Harris is what may be called a great talker, and an extravagant boaster; so much so, that he renders himself disagreeable to many of his own society.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
by taking the [[Anthon transcript|characters]] and their translations to a few prominent scholars.
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=63–64}} (the plan to use a scholar to authenticate the characters was part of a vision received by Harris; author notes that [[Lucy Mack Smith|Smith's mother]] said the plan to authenticate the characters was arranged between Smith and Harris before Harris left Palmyra); {{Harvtxt|Remini|2002|pp=57–58}} (noting that the plan arose from a vision of Martin Harris). According to {{Harv|Bushman|2005|p=64}}, these scholars probably included at least [[Luther Bradish]] in [[Albany, New York]] {{Harv|Lapham|1870}}, [[Samuel L. Mitchill]] of New York City ({{Harv|Hadley|1829}}; {{Harvnb|Jessee|1976|p=3}}), and [[Charles Anthon]] of New York City {{Harv|Howe|1834|pp=269–272}}.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation/Anthon transcript}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Harris claimed that one of the scholars he visited, [[Charles Anthon]], initially authenticated the characters and their translation, then recanted upon hearing that Smith had received the plates from an angel.
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=64–65}}; {{Harvtxt|Remini|2002|pp=58–59}}.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation/Anthon transcript}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Anthon denied this claim
#{{Harvtxt|Howe|1834|pp=269–72}} (Anthon's description of his meeting with Harris, claiming he tried to convince Harris that he was a victim of a fraud). But see {{Harvtxt|Vogel|2004|p=115}} (arguing that Anthon's initial assessment was likely more positive than he would later admit).
*Anthon's two letters actually contradicted one another. According to the cited source (Bushman, p. 65),  
"Joseph Smith, Jr. told him that (Smith's) first-born child was to translate the characters, and hieroglyphics, upon the Plates into our language at the age of three years; but this child was not permitted to live to verify the prediction." (Howe, 1834, p. 267-8)
In the first letter Anthon said he refused to give Harris a written opinion; according to the second, the opinion was written "without any hesitation," in an attempt to expose the fraud.
*See [[The Hurlbut affidavits]]
*Bushman, p. 577 note 16 states that the 1834 Anthon letter first appeared in ''MoU'', 269-72, and the 1841 letter in Clark, ''Gleanings by the Way'', 233-38. Both are reprinted in ''Early Mormon Documents'', 4:377-86.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation/Anthon transcript}}
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and Harris returned to Harmony in April 1828 motivated to act as Smith's scribe.
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Translation continued until mid-June 1828, until Harris began having doubts about the existence of the golden plates.
#These doubts were induced by [[Lucy Harris|his wife's]] deep skepticism. {{Harvtxt|Bushman|p=66}}.
then dictated to Emma his first written revelation, which rebuked him for losing the manuscript pages but assigned most of the blame to Harris.
*{{Harv|Phelps|1833|loc=sec. 2:5}}.
The revelation assured Smith that if he repented, God would restore the interpreters that the angel had taken away.
During this period, Smith also may have briefly joined a Methodist inquirers' class in Harmony.
*{{Harv|McKune|1879}}. Emma's family attended the church, which was led by Nathaniel Lewis, Emma's uncle. {{Harv|Lewis|Lewis|1879}};
*{{Harv|Porter|1969|p=332}}. Joseph Lewis, a cousin of Emma "objected to the inclusion of a 'practicing necromancer' on the Methodist roll," and Smith voluntarily withdrew {{Harv|Lewis|Lewis|1879}} in ''EMD'' 4:305;
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Lucy Mack Smith said that her son received the interpreters again on September 22, 1828, and he slowly resumed translating with Emma taking the dictation. The pace of the translation greatly increased, however, after April 7, 1829, when Oliver Cowdery arrived in Harmony. Cowdery was a school teacher whose family, like Smith's, had engaged in treasure seeking and other magical practices,
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Harris importuned Smith to let him take the existing [[Lost 116 pages|116 pages of manuscript]] to Palmyra to show a few family members.
*{{WikipediaSecondaryFact|author=Bushman|editor=John "Foxe"|wikipedialink=http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Joseph_Smith,_Jr.&diff=231059798&oldid=230854180}}Bushman said that Oliver's "family ''may'' have engaged in treasure-seeking." {{ea}}. The wiki author has converted Bushman's speculation to fact by stating that Oliver's family ''had'' engaged in treasure seeking. This imprecision in the use of sources comes from BJU history professor John "Foxe."
#{{Harvtxt|Smith|1853|pp=117–18}}; {{Harvtxt|Roberts|1902|p=20}}.
*Oliver himself may have used a divining rod, although there is no evidence that it was used for treasure-seeking. According to the cited source, "Most likely, Cowdery used a rod to discover water and minerals." (Bushman, p. 73).
*See [[Oliver Cowdery and the "rod of nature"]].
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation/The lost 116 pages}}
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and Cowdery had taken an interest in Smith's story while in Palmyra.
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Harris then lost the manuscript—of which there was no copy—at about the same time as Smith's wife Emma gave birth to a [[stillbirth|stillborn]] son.
*{{WikipediaCITE}}The statement is incorrect. The cited source states that "Cowdery had learned of Joseph's work while teaching the district school in Manchester and boarding with the Smiths." (Bushman, p. 71).
#During this dark period, Smith briefly attended his in-laws' [[Methodism|Methodist]] church, but one of Emma's cousins "objected to the inclusion of a 'practicing necromancer' on the Methodist roll," and Smith voluntarily withdrew rather than face a disciplinary hearing.  {{Harv|Bushman|2005|pp=69–70}}.
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Smith dictated most of the Book of Mormon to Cowdery between early April and late June.
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Smith said the [[angel Moroni|angel]] had taken away the plates and he had lost his ability to translate
#{{Harv|Phelps|1833|loc=sec. 2:4–5}} (revelation dictated by Smith stating that his gift to translate was temporarily revoked); {{Harvtxt|Smith|1832|p=5}} (stating that the angel had taken away the plates and the Urim and Thummim).
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation/The lost 116 pages}}
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In later years, both men testified that during this period they had been ordained by John the Baptist and then had baptized each other in the Susquehanna River.
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
until September 22, 1828, when they were restored.
*Joseph Smith - History 1:68-70.
*Cowdery first publicized the visitation of John the Baptist in 1834, Smith not until a history composed in 1838 was first published in 1842.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation/The lost 116 pages}}
====Early years of the church====
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In early June 1829, Smith and Cowdery moved to Fayette, New York to complete the translation, and Smith began to seek converts. As Richard Bushman has written, when people believed, "they did not just subscribe to the book; they were baptized." But as Smith "began to seek converts the question of credibility had to be addressed again. Joseph knew his story was unbelievable."
Smith did not earnestly resume the translation again until April 1829, when he met [[Oliver Cowdery]], a teacher and [[dowsing|dowser]],
#{{Harvtxt|Hill|1977|p=86}} (Cowdery had brought with him a "rod of nature," perhaps acquired while he was among his father's religious group in Vermont, who believed that certain rods had spiritual properties and could be used in divining."); {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=73}} ("Cowdery was open to belief in Joseph's powers because he had come to Harmony the possessor of a supernatural gift alluded to in a revelation..." and his family had apparently engaged in treasure seeking and other magical practices.){{Harvtxt|Quinn|1998|pp=35–36, 121}}.
*From the cited source,
*Oliver himself may have used a divining rod, although there is no evidence that it was used for treasure-seeking. According to the cited source, "Most likely, Cowdery used a rod to discover water and minerals." (Bushman, p. 73).
*It should be noted that in the original draft of the revelation mentioning the "rod of nature," that the instrument was referred to as the "sprout" and the "thing of Nature." The change in text of these items to "rod of nature" was made by Sidney Rigdon.
As he began to seek converts, the question of credibility  had to be addressed again. Joseph knew his story was unbelievable. Outside of his immediate family and close associates, he faced a wall of skepticism. Martin Harris...had doubts about the plates from the start...The March revelation, while stalling Harris, hinted at the possibility that others might see the plates. (Bushman, p. 77)
...remember this is thy gift now this is not all for thou hast another gift which is the gift of working with the sprout Behold it hath told you things Behold there is no other power save God that can cause this thing of Nature to work in your hands. (Revelation, April 1829–B [D&C 8], in Robin Scott Jensen, Robert J. Woodford, and Stephen C. Harper, eds., Manuscript Revelation Books, vol. 1 of the Revelations and Translations series of ''The Joseph Smith Papers'', ed. Dean C. Jessee, Ronald K. Esplin, and Richard Lyman Bushman (Salt Lake City: Church Historian’s Press, 2009), 17. )
*{{Detail_old|Doctrine and Covenants/Oliver Cowdery and the "rod of nature"}}
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who now became Smith's scribe.
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=74}} (Smith and Cowdery began translating where the narrative left off after the [[lost 116 pages]], now representing the [[Book of Mosiah]]. A revelation would later direct them not to re-translate the lost text, to ensure that the lost pages could not later be found and compared to the re-translation.).
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation/The lost 116 pages}}
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They worked full time on the translation between April and early June 1829,
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He finally had a revelation that others, known today as the Three Witnesses and the Eight Witnesses, would bear testimony to the existence of the plates—which they did in early July 1829.
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
and then moved to [[Fayette, New York]] where they continued to work at the home of Cowdery's friend [[Peter Whitmer]]. When the translation spoke of an institutional church and a requirement for baptism, Smith and Cowdery baptized each other,
*The two testimonies are undated, and the exact dates on which the Witnesses are said to have seen the plates is unknown. Smith said that when he finished translating the gold plates, the angel Moroni took them away.
#{{Harvtxt|Quinn|1994|pp=5–6, 38}} (contrasting the 1829 view with the churchless Mormonism of 1828); {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=74–75}}.
*{{WikipediaCITE}}The Bushman source says nothing related to the second portion of the footnote, which talks about the testimonies being undated.
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Finally, the Book of Mormon was published in Palmyra on March 26, 1830 by printer E. B. Grandin. Martin Harris financed the publication by mortgaging his farm.
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
*{{Harv|Bushman|2005|p=80}}. Because he could not pay the debt, Harris lost both his farm and his wife, who had refused to become a party to the mortgage.
with written documents five years later stating that [[John the Baptist]] had appeared and ordained them to [[Aaronic priesthood (LDS Church)|a priesthood]].
#{{Harvtxt|Quinn|1994|pp=15–20}} (noting that Mormon records and publications contain no mention of any angelic conferral of authority until 1834); {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=75}}.
On April 6, 1830, Joseph Smith and his followers formally organized as the Church of Christ,
*The majority of witnesses report that the organization took place in the log home of Joseph Smith, Sr. in the Manchester area ({{Harvnb|Smith|1844}};
*{{Harvnb|Tucker|1867|p=58}}), followed by a meeting the next Sunday in Fayette, New York {{Harv|Tucker|1867|p=58}};
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*but one of Smith's histories {{Harv|Roberts|1902|p=78}} and a later statement by David Whitmer assert that the organization took place in Fayette {{Harv|Whitmer|1887|p=33}}.
|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Translation was completed around July 1, 1829.
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Knowing that potential converts to the planned church might find Smith's story of the plates incredible,
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=77}} (Smith "began to seek converts the question of credibility had to be addressed again. Joseph knew his story was unbelievable.").
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Smith asked a group of [[Book of Mormon witnesses|eleven witnesses]], including Martin Harris and male members of the Whitmer and Smith families, to sign a statement testifying that they had seen the golden plates, and in the case of the latter eight witnesses, had actually hefted the plates.
#{{Harv|Bushman|2005|pp=77–79}}. There were two statements, one by a set of [[Three Witnesses]] and another by a set of [[Eight Witnesses]]. The two testimonies are undated, and the exact dates on which the Witnesses are said to have seen the plates is unknown.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Witnesses}}
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According to Smith, the [[angel Moroni]] took back the plates after Smith was finished using them.
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The translation, known as the [[Book of Mormon]], was published in Palmyra on March 26, 1830, by printer [[Egbert Bratt Grandin|E. B. Grandin]].
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Printing timeframe}}
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[[Martin Harris (Latter Day Saints)|Martin Harris]] financed the publication by mortgaging his farm.
#{{Harv|Bushman|2005|p=80}} (noting that Harris' marriage dissolved in part because his wife refused to be a party, and he eventually sold his farm to pay the bill.
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Soon thereafter on April 6, 1830, Smith and his followers formally organized the [[Church of Christ (Latter Day Saints)|Church of Christ]],
#Scholars and eye-witnesses disagree whether the church was organized in [[Manchester (town), New York|Manchester, New York]] at the Smith log home, or in [[Fayette, New York|Fayette]] at the home of [[Peter Whitmer]]. {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=109}}; {{Harvtxt|Marquardt|2005|pp=223–23}} (arguing that organization in Manchester is most consistent with eye-witness statements).
*{{WikipediaMissingRef}} Several Fayette references are missing.
*{{WikipediaMissingRef}} Several Fayette references are missing.
*The recently revealed Book of Commandments and Revelations, which had been kept in the First Presidency's vault until its publication in the ''Joseph Smith Papers'' series, supports the Fayette location. According to R. Scott Lloyd,:
*The recently revealed Book of Commandments and Revelations, which had been kept in the First Presidency's vault until its publication in the ''Joseph Smith Papers'' series, supports the Fayette location. According to R. Scott Lloyd,:
Line 207: Line 574:
*Orson Pratt: "I well recollect when I was but a boy of nineteen visiting the place where this Church was organized, and visiting the Prophet Joseph, who resided at that time in Fayette, Seneca County, New York, at the house where the Church was organized." ({{JDfairwiki|author=Orson Pratt|disc=45|vol=13|start=356}})
*Orson Pratt: "I well recollect when I was but a boy of nineteen visiting the place where this Church was organized, and visiting the Prophet Joseph, who resided at that time in Fayette, Seneca County, New York, at the house where the Church was organized." ({{JDfairwiki|author=Orson Pratt|disc=45|vol=13|start=356}})
*''French’s New York Gazetteer'', published by R. Pearsall Smith, at Syracuse, New York, [since] 1800, also contained some data concerning Mormonism, and states that the first Mormon society was formed in the town of Fayette, Seneca County, in 1830” (Letter, Diedrich Villers, Jr. to Ellen E. Dickinson; published in Ellen E. Dickinson, ''New Light on Mormonism'')
*''French’s New York Gazetteer'', published by R. Pearsall Smith, at Syracuse, New York, [since] 1800, also contained some data concerning Mormonism, and states that the first Mormon society was formed in the town of Fayette, Seneca County, in 1830” (Letter, Diedrich Villers, Jr. to Ellen E. Dickinson; published in Ellen E. Dickinson, ''New Light on Mormonism'')
*See: [[Location of the organization of the Church]] {{nw}}
*{{Detail_old|Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints/Location of the organization}}
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and small branches were established in Palmyra, Fayette, and [[Colesville, New York]].
#{{Harvtxt|Phelps|1833|p=55}} (noting that by July 1830, the church was "in Colesville, Fayette, and Manchester").
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The Book of Mormon brought Smith regional notoriety,
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but also strong opposition by those who remembered Smith's money-digging and his 1826 trial near Colesville.
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=117}}(noting that area residents connected the discovery of the Book of Mormon with Smith's past career as a money digger);{{Harvtxt|Brodie|1971}} (discussing organized boycott of Book of Mormon by Palmyra residents, p. 80, and opposition by Colesville and Bainbridge residents who remembered the 1826 trial, p. 87).
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Legal trials/1826 glasslooking trial}}
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Money digging}}
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Soon after Smith reportedly performed an [[exorcism]] in Colesville,
#{{Harvtxt|Brodie|1971|p=86}} (describing the exorcism).
*According to Brodie (p. 86):
"Almost immediately [Newel Knight] spoke to me," Joseph wrote in his autobiography, "and with great earnestness requested me to cast the devil out of him, saying the he knew he was in him, and that he also knew that I could cast him out."  "If you know that I can, it shall be done," Joseph replied, and in the conventional exorcist's fashion commanded the devil in the name of Christ to release the man's soul. Immediately Knight cried out that he saw the devil leave him and vanish from sight. His convulsions ceased and he fell upon the bed unconscious, awakening later to testify that he had glimpsed eternity.
*{{SeeCriticalWork|work=No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith|author=Fawn Brodie}}
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he was again tried as a [[vagrancy (people)|disorderly person]] but was acquitted.
*From the cited source,
When village toughs failed to stop the baptisms, the law stepped in. Before the newly baptized members could be confirmed, a constable from South Bainbridge delivered a warrant for Joseph's arrest. Doctor A. W. Benton of Chenago County, whom Joseph Knight called a "catspaw" of a group of vagabonds, brought charges against Joseph as a disorderly person. (Bushman, p. 116).
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Even so, Smith and Cowdery had to flee Colesville to escape a gathering mob. Probably referring to this period of flight, Smith told years later of hearing the voices of [[Saint Peter|Peter]], [[James, son of Zebedee|James]], and [[John the Apostle|John]] who he said gave Smith and Cowdery an apostolic authority.
#{{Harvtxt|Quinn|1994|pp=24–26}}; {{Harv|Bushman|2005|p=118}}.
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When [[Oliver Cowdery]] and other church members attempted to exercise independent authority
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=120}} ("Oliver Cowdery and the Whitmer family began to conceive of themselves as independent authorities with the right to correct Joseph and receive revelation.").
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—as when [[Eight Witnesses|Book of Mormon witness]] [[Hiram Page]] used his [[seer stone (Latter Day Saints)|seer stone]] to locate the American [[New Jerusalem]] prophesied by the Book of Mormon
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Location of Zion}}
{{:Question: Why did Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer accept Hiram Page's seer stone revelations as authoritative?}}
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—Smith responded by establishing himself as the sole [[prophet]].
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=121}}; {{Harvtxt|Phelps|1833|p=67}} ("[N]o one shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations in this church, excepting my servant Joseph, for he receiveth them even as Moses.").
*{{WikipediaCorrect}}, although it would be more correct to state the Joseph established himself as sole prophet for the entire Church.
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Smith disputed Page's location for the New Jerusalem,
#{{Harvtxt|Phelps|1833|p=68}} ("[I]t is not revealed, and no man knoweth where the city shall be built.").
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Location of Zion}}
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but dispatched Cowdery to lead a mission to [[Missouri]] to find its ''true'' location
#{{Harvtxt|Phelps|1833|p=68}} ("The New Jerusalem "shall be on the borders by the [[Lamanite]]s."); {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=122}} (church members knew that "on the borders by the Lamanites" referred to Western Missouri, and Cowdery's mission in part was to "locate the place of the New Jerusalem along this frontier").
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Location of Zion}}
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and to proselytize the Native Americans.
#{{Harvtxt|Phelps|1833|pp=67–68}} (Cowdery "shall go unto the [[Lamanite]]s and preach my gospel unto them".).
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Smith also dictated a lost "[[Book of Moses|Book of Enoch]]," telling how the [[Enoch (ancestor of Noah)|biblical Enoch]] had established a [[Zion (Latter Day Saints)|city of Zion]] of such civic goodness that God had taken it to heaven.
#{{Harvtxt|Brodie|1971|p=96}} (noting that this was the third time Smith had revealed "lost books" since the [[Book of Mormon]], the first being the "parchment of John" produced in 1829, and the second the [[Book of Moses]] dictated in June 1830.
*Brodie states that Joseph "dictated to Cowdery a fragment said to have come from a parchment buried by St. John," that he "revealed a conversation between God and Moses," and that he "wrote one of the longest and most remarkable revelations of his career" about Enoch.
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On their way to Missouri, Cowdery's party passed through the [[Kirtland, Ohio]] area and converted [[Sidney Rigdon]] and over a hundred members of his [[Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)|Disciples of Christ]] congregation,
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=124}}; {{Harvtxt|Roberts|1902|pp=120–124}}.
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more than doubling the size of the church.
#F. Mark McKiernan, "The Conversion of Sidney Rigdon to Mormonism," ''Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought'', 5 (Summer 1970): 77.  Parley Pratt said that the Mormon mission baptized 127 within two or three weeks "and this number soon increased to one thousand." McKiernan argues that "Rigdon's conversion and the missionary effort which followed transformed Mormonism from a New York-based sect with about a hundred members into one which was a major threat to Protestantism in the Western Reserve."
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Rigdon visited New York and quickly became second in command of the church,
#{{Harvtxt|Brodie|1971|p=96}} ("When Rigdon read the Book of Enoch, the scholar in him fled and the evangelist stepped into the place of second in command of the millennial church.").
*{{WikipediaCorrect}} This is, of course, Brodie's opinion.
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to the discomfort of Smith's earlier followers.
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=123–24}}; {{Harvtxt|Brodie|1971|pp=96–97}}.
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In the face of acute and growing opposition in New York, Smith announced that Kirtland was the "eastern boundary" of the New Jerusalem,
#{{Harvtxt|Brodie|1971|p=97}} (citing letter by Smith to Kirtland converts, quoted in {{Harvtxt|Howe|1833|p=111}}). In 1834, Smith designated Kirtland as one of the "[[Stake (Latter Day Saints)|stakes]]" of Zion, referring to the tent–stakes metaphor of [[Book of Isaiah|Isaiah]] 54:2.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Geography/New World/Great Lakes geography/Location of Zion}}
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and that the Saints must gather there.
#{{Harvtxt|Phelps|1833|pp=79–80}} ("And again, a commandment I give unto the church, that it is expedient in me that they should assemble together in the Ohio, until the time that my servant Oliver Cowdery shall return unto them."); {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=124–25}}; {{Harvtxt|Brodie|1971|p=96}} (noting that Rigdon had urged Smith to return with him to Ohio).
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In 1816–17, the family moved to the western [[New York]] [[Palmyra (village), New York|village of Palmyra]]
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and eventually took a mortgage on a 100 acre [[Smith Family Farm|farm]] in nearby [[Manchester (town), New York|Manchester town]].
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=32–33}}. From about 1818 until after the July 1820 purchase, the Smiths [[squatting|squatted]] in a [[log home]] adjacent to the property. ''Id.''
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith's First Vision/Smith family place of residence in 1820}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
During the [[Second Great Awakening]], the region was a hotbed of religious enthusiasm.
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith's First Vision/Religious revivals in 1820|First Vision/Accounts/1832/Doesn't mention a revival}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Although the Smith family was caught up in this excitement,
#{{Harvtxt|Brooke|1994|p=129}} ("Long before the 1820s, the Smiths were caught up in the dialectic of spiritual mystery and secular fraud framed in the hostile symbiosis of divining and counterfeiting and in the diffusion of Masonic culture in an era of sectarian fervor and profound millenarian expectation.").
*{{WikipediaCITE|editor=COgden|wikipedialink=http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Joseph_Smith&diff=341396046&oldid=341391231}}The citation used to support this assertion doesn't support the claim that the Smith family was caught up in "this excitement" of "religious enthusiasm," instead implying that the Smith family was associated with "divining and counterfeiting." The citation is mismatched to the assertion in the main body text.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
they disagreed about religion.
#{{Harvtxt|Vogel|2004|p=xx}} (Smith family was "marked by religious conflict".); {{Harvtxt|Hill|1989|pp=10–11}} (noting "tension between [Smith's] mother and his father regarding religion").
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Joseph Smith may not have joined a church in his youth,
#Smith said that he decided in 1820, based on his [[Joseph Smith's First Vision|First Vision]], not to join any churches {{Harv|Smith|Mulholland|Thompson|Phelps|Richards|1839–1843|p=4}}. However, {{Harv|Lapham|1870}} said that Smith's father told him his son had once become a [[Baptist]]).
*From Lapham's 1870 account (47 years after the events described) we seem some interesting oddities. Lapham is paraphrasing an interview with Joseph Smith, Sr. Note that this account is being given almost 30 years ''after'' Joseph Smith, Jr. published the story of the First Vision and visit by Moroni.
After this, Joseph spent about two years looking into this stone, telling fortunes, where to find lost things, and where to dig for money and other hidden treasure. About this time he became concerned as to his future state of existence, and was baptized, becoming thus a member of the Baptist Church. Soon after joining the Church, he had a very singular dream; but he did not tell his father of his dream, until about a year afterwards. He then told his father that, in his dream, a very large and tall man appeared to him, dressed in an ancient suit of clothes, and the clothes were bloody.
*See the primary source online here: [http://en.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Historical_Magazine_(second_series)/Volume_7/May_1870/Interview_with_the_Father_of_Joseph_Smith&oldid=314358 "Interview with the Father of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, Forty Years Ago. His Account of the Finding of the Sacred Plates", Historical Magazine [second series] 7 (May 1870): 305–09.]
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith's First Vision/Accounts/1832/Doesn't forbid joining a church}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
but he participated in church classes
#Smith is known to have attended Sunday school at the Western Presbyterian Church in Palmyra {{Harv|Matzko|2007}}. Smith also attended and spoke at a Methodist probationary class in the early 1820s, but never officially joined ({{Harvnb|Turner|1852|p=214}}; {{harvnb|Tucker|1876|p=18}}).
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith's First Vision/Joseph became "partial to the Methodist sect" in 1820}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
and read the Bible. With his family, he took part in [[folk religion|religious folk magic]],
#{{harvtxt|Quinn|1998|p=30}}("Joseph Smith's family was typical of many early Americans who practiced various forms of Christian folk magic."); {{harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=51}} ("Magic and religion melded in the Smith family culture."); {{Harvtxt|Shipps|1985|pp=7–8}}; {{Harvtxt|Remini|2002|pp=16, 33}}.
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic}}
*{{SeeCriticalWork|author=D. Michael Quinn|work=Early Mormonism and the Magic World View}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
a common practice at the time.
#{{harvtxt|Quinn|1998|p=31}}; {{Harvtxt|Hill|1977|p=53}} ("Even the more vivid manifestations of religious experience, such as dreams, visions and revelations, were not uncommon in Joseph's day, neither were they generally viewed with scorn.").
*From the cited source,
At this time the revivals of western New York's so-called "Burned-over District" were bringing thousands out of private folk religion and into organized churches, whose clergy opposed folk magic.
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic}}
*{{SeeCriticalWork|author=D. Michael Quinn|work=Early Mormonism and the Magic World View}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Like many people of that era,
#{{harvtxt|Quinn|1988|pp=14–16, 137}}.
*Quinn quotes Bushman on page 137:
Standing on the margins of instituted churches, they [the Smiths] were as susceptible to the neighbors' belief in magic as they were to the teachings of orthodox ministers.
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Occultism and magic}}
*{{SeeCriticalWork|author=D. Michael Quinn|work=Early Mormonism and the Magic World View}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
both his parents and his maternal grandfather had visions or dreams that they believed communicated messages from God.
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=26, 36}}; {{Harvtxt|Brooke|p=1994|pp=150–51}}; {{Harv|Mack|1811|p=25}}; {{Harvtxt|Smith|1853|pp=54–59, 70–74}}.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Plagiarism accusations/Joseph Smith, Sr.'s dream and Lehi's vision}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Smith later said that he had his own [[Joseph Smith's First Vision|first vision]] in 1820, in which God told him his sins were forgiven
#{{Harvtxt|Smith|1832}}; {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=39}} (When Smith first described the vision twelve years after the event, "[h]e explained the vision as he must have first understood it, as a personal conversion".)
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith's First Vision/Accounts/1832/Motivation is different}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
and that all the current churches were false.
#No source provided
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith's First Vision/Accounts/1832/Doesn't forbid joining a church}}
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith's First Vision/No reference to First Vision in 1830s publications|First Vision/No mention in non-LDS literature before 1843}}
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith's First Vision/Seldom mentioned in LDS publications before 1877}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
The Smith family supplemented its meager farm income by treasure-digging,
*From the cited source,
Some neighbors also said that in "1819 or '20, they [the Smith family] commenced digging for money for a subsistence." Other neighbors specified that during "the spring of 1820" Joseph Jr. was extremely active in the treasure-quest.
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Money digging}}
*{{SeeCriticalWork|author=D. Michael Quinn|work=Early Mormonism and the Magic World View}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
likewise relatively common in contemporary [[New England]]
#{{Harvtxt|Newell|Avery|1994|pp=16}}("Money digging, or treasure hunting, was widespread among the rural areas of New York and New England as well as the area of Pennsylvania near the Hales'.")
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Money digging}}
*{{SeeCriticalWork|author=D. Michael Quinn|work=Early Mormonism and the Magic World View}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
though the practice was frequently condemned by clergymen and rationalists and was often illegal.
#{{Harvtxt|Quinn|1998|pp=25–26, 30}}. "Despite the fact that folk magic had widespread manifestations in early America, the biases of the Protestant Reformation and Age of Reason dominated the society's responses to folk magic.  The most obvious effect was that every American colony (and later U.S. state) had laws against various forms of divination." (30)
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Money digging}}
*{{SeeCriticalWork|author=D. Michael Quinn|work=Early Mormonism and the Magic World View}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Joseph claimed an ability to use [[Seer stones (Latter Day Saints)|seer stones]] for locating lost items and buried treasure.
#{{Harvtxt|Quinn|1987|p=173}}; {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=49–51}}; {{Harvtxt|Persuitte|2000|pp=33–53}}.
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Seer stones}}
*{{SeeCriticalWork|author=D. Michael Quinn|work=Early Mormonism and the Magic World View}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
To do so, Smith would put a stone in a white [[stovepipe hat]] and would then see the required information in reflections given off by the stone.
#{{Harvtxt|Brooke|1994|pp=152–53}}; {{Harvtxt|Quinn|1998|pp=43–44}}; {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=45–52}}. ''See also'' the following primary sources: {{Harvtxt|Harris|1833|pp=253–54}}; {{Harvtxt|Hale|1834|p=265}}; {{Harvtxt|Clark|1842|p=225}}; {{Harvtxt|Turner|1851|p=216}}; {{Harvtxt|Harris|1859|p=164}}; {{Harvtxt|Tucker|1867|pp=20–21}}; {{Harvtxt|Lapham|1870|p=305}}; {{Harvtxt|Lewis|Lewis|1879|p=1}}; {{Harvtxt|Mather|1880|p=199}}.
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Seer stones}}
*{{SeeCriticalWork|author=D. Michael Quinn|work=Early Mormonism and the Magic World View}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
In 1823, while praying for forgiveness from his "gratification of many appetites,"
#{{Harvtxt|Smith|Mulholland|Thompson|Phelps|Richards|1839–1843|p=5}} (writing that he "displayed the weakness of youth and the <del>corruption</del> <ins>foibles</ins> of human nature, which I am sorry to say, led me into divers temptations <del>to the gratification of many appetites</del> offensive in the sight of God," deletions and interlineations in original); {{Harvtxt|Quinn|1998|pp=136–38}} (arguing that Smith was praying for forgiveness for a sexual sin to maintain his power as a seer); {{Harvtxt|Smith|1994|pp=17–18}} (arguing that his prayer related to a sexual sin). ''But see'' {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=43}} (noting that Smith did not specify which "appetites" he had gratified, and suggesting that one of them was that he "drank too much").
*Note that D. Michael Quinn postulates that Joseph "once made an extraordinarily candid reference to his sexual struggle from 1820 to 1823" based upon the "gratification of many appetites" quote in Joseph's 1838 account, but the account itself says nothing about a "sexual struggle."
*{{SeeCriticalWork|author=D. Michael Quinn|work=Early Mormonism and the Magic World View}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Smith said he was visited at night by an angel named [[Angel Moroni|Moroni]], who revealed the location of a buried book of [[golden plates]] as well as other artifacts, including a [[breastplate]] and a set of [[Urim and Thummim (Latter Day Saints)|silver spectacles]] with lenses composed of [[seer stone (Latter Day Saints)|seer stones]], which had been hidden in a hill near his home.
*It should be noted that the hill near Joseph Smith's home was not named "Cumorah" at this point in time. The name was only applied later after the publication of the Book of Mormon.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Smith said he attempted to remove the plates the next morning but was unsuccessful because the angel prevented him.
#Mormon historian Richard Bushman argues that "the visit of the angel and the discovery of the gold plates would have confirmed the belief in supernatural powers. For people in a magical frame of mind, Moroni sounded like one of the spirits who stood guard over treasure in the tales of treasure-seeking." {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=50}}.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
During the next four years, Smith made annual visits to the hill, only to return without the plates because he claimed that he had not brought with him the right person required by the angel.
#{{Harvtxt|Quinn|1998|pp=163–64}}; {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=54}} (noting accounts stating that the "right person" was originally Smith's brother Alvin, then when he died, someone else, and finally his wife Emma).
*From the cited source Bushman:
Stories circulated of a requirement to bring Alvin to the hill to get the plates; and when he died, someone else. Emma, it was said, was designated as a key. The stories have a magical flavor, but other stories have the angel warning Joseph about greed and the evildoings of the money-diggers, as if the messenger was moving him away from his treasure-hunting ways.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Meanwhile, Smith continued traveling western New York and Pennsylvania as a treasure seeker and also as a farmhand.
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=47–53}}; {{Harvtxt|Newell|Avery|1994|pp=17}}; {{Harvtxt|Quinn|1998|pp=54–57}}
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Money digging}}
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Early Smith family history/Early work as a farmhand}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
In 1826, he was tried in [[Chenango County, New York|Chenango County]], New York, for "glass-looking," the crime of pretending to find lost treasure.
#{{Harvtxt|Hill|1977|pp=1–2}}; {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=51–52}}; {{Citation|title=Revised Statutes of the State of New York|volume=1|year=1829|publication-place=Albany, NY|publisher=Packard and Van Benthuysen|page=638: part I, title 5, § 1|url=http://books.google.com/?id=RX84AAAAIAAJ&pg=RA1-PA638|author1=(state), New York|author2=Butler, Benjamin Franklin|author3=Spencer, John Canfield}} ("[A]ll persons pretending to tell fortunes, or where lost or stolen goods may be found,...shall be deemed [[vagrancy (people)|disorderly persons]].")
*{{WikipediaCITE}}Joseph never claimed to have ''found'' lost treasure. He was tried for ''attempting'' to find lost treasure using a stone.
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Legal trials/1826 glasslooking trial}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
While boarding at the Hale house in Harmony, he met [[Emma Hale Smith|Emma Hale]] and, on January 18, 1827, eloped with her because her parents disapproved of his treasure hunting.
*Joseph and Emma eloped because her father would not allow them to be married due to his disapproval of Joseph's treasure seeking activities.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Claiming his stone told him that Emma was the key to obtaining the plates,
#{{Harvtxt|Quinn|1998|pp=163–64}}; {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=54}} (noting accounts stating that Emma was the key).
*{{WikipediaCITE}}Joseph never claimed that his stone "told" him anything. He used to stone to obtain information.
*Bushman, p. 54:
Emma, it was said, was designated as a key.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Smith went with her to the hill on September 22, 1827. This time, he said, he retrieved the plates and placed them in a locked chest.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
He said the angel commanded him not to show the plates to anyone else but to publish their translation, reputed to be the religious record of [[indigenous Americans]].
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship to Amerindians}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Joseph later promised Emma's parents that his treasure-seeking days were behind him.
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
Although Smith had left his treasure hunting company, his former associates believed he had double-crossed them by taking for himself what they considered joint property.
#{{Harvtxt|Harris|1859|p=167}}; {{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|p=61}}.
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Money digging}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
They ransacked places where a competing treasure-seer said the plates were hidden,
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=54}} (treasure seer Sally Chase attempted to find the plates using her seer stone).
*{{Detail_old|Joseph Smith/Money digging}}
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|title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith<ref name="at_the_time">Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.</ref>
and Smith soon realized that he could not accomplish the translation in Palmyra.
#{{Harvtxt|Bushman|2005|pp=60–61}}; {{Harvtxt|Remini|2002|p=55}}.
*{{Detail_old|Book of Mormon/Translation}}
and small branches were established in Palmyra, Fayette, and Colesville, New York. There was strong opposition to the church, and in late June, Smith was again brought to court but acquitted.
Perhaps it was to this period that Smith and Cowdery referred when they later said that they had received a visitation from Peter, James, and John, three apostles of Jesus, who appeared to them in order to restore the Melchizedek priesthood, which they said contained the necessary authority to restore Christ's church.
*''Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith'', The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007, p. 7-8;
*{{Harv|Bushman|2005|p=118}}. Erastus Snow said that Peter, James, and John had appeared to Smith and Cowdery "at a period when they were being pursued by their enemies and they had to travel all night," a circumstance that occurred in late June 1830.
In July 1831, Smith revealed that the church would establish a "City of Zion" in Native American territory near Missouri.
*D & C 57:1-3
In anticipation, Smith dispatched missionaries, led by Oliver Cowdery, to the area. On their way, they converted a group of Disciples of Christ adherents in Kirtland, Ohio led by Sidney Rigdon. To avoid growing opposition in New York, Smith moved the headquarters of the church to Kirtland.
*[http://scriptures.lds.org/en/dc/37 Doctrine and Covenants 37]
{{Endnotes sources}}
{{WikipediaRefList:Joseph Smith, Jr.}}

Latest revision as of 01:08, 31 May 2024

An analysis of Wikipedia article "Joseph Smith"

A FairMormon Analysis of Wikipedia: "Joseph Smith"
A work by a collaboration of authors (Link to Wikipedia article here)
The name Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. Wikipedia content is copied and made available under the GNU Free Documentation License.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Joseph Smith, Jr. was born on December 23, 1805, in Sharon, Vermont to Lucy Mack Smith and her husband Joseph, a merchant and farmer.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

After a crippling bone infection at age eight, the younger Smith hobbled on crutches as a child.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources


An analysis of Wikipedia article "Joseph Smith"

A FairMormon Analysis of Wikipedia: "Joseph Smith"
A work by a collaboration of authors (Link to Wikipedia article here)
The name Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. Wikipedia content is copied and made available under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Every witness to Joseph Smith's translation of the Book of Mormon said that he looked at a stone in his hat. Arguing that Smith never said how he translated is arguing from silence. There is no evidence for anything else but the hat and just Mormon embarrassment at how silly this method must seem to most prospective converts today.....The burden of proof is on you. There are no accounts of Smith translating that indicate he used any other method but the hat. You can't argue from silence. Where are the references to any other method? Even the father of lies himself didn't spell one out.....Baloney. No other eyewitness said there was any other method. No scholarship argues for any other method. You're just pushing this POV because there's no reason to preserve golden plates for generations if Smith made no use of them. But according to all eyewitnesses that's exactly what happened. Embarrassing, isn't it?
—Editor "John Foxe," posting using his banned sockpuppet "Hi540," insisting that the stone-in-hat was the only Book of Mormon translation method ever documented, 23 October 2009 off-site
∗       ∗       ∗

Reviews of previous revisions of this section

19 May 2009

Summary: A review of this section as it appeared in Wikipedia on 19 May 2009.

Section review

Founding a church (1827–30)  Updated 9/3/2011

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

In October 1827, Smith and his pregnant

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

wife moved from Palmyra to Harmony (now Oakland), Pennsylvania,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

aided by money from a comparatively prosperous neighbor Martin Harris.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Violates Wikipedia: Neutral Point-of-View off-site— All Wikipedia articles and other encyclopedic content must be written from a neutral point of view, representing fairly, and as far as possible without bias, all significant views that have been published by reliable sources.

    The footnote implies that Joseph would have attempted to evade his creditors had Martin Harris not become involved.
  • From the cited source Remini, p. 55:

Because of mounting pressure in Manchester to see and examine the plates, Joseph realized he could never translate them in peace and safety if he stayed in town. He would have to leave Palmyra to do it; but that created a problem. He was debt-ridden, and any sudden departure would bring his creditors chasing after him with subpoenas for his arrest. Fortunately the angel had revealed to Joseph that Martin Harris, a prosperous farmer, had been chosen to help in the translation of the plates.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Living near his disapproving in-laws,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith transcribed some of the characters (what he called "reformed Egyptian") engraved on the plates and then dictated a translation to his wife.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

For at least some of the earliest translation, Smith said he used "Urim and Thummim",

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Violates Wikipedia: Neutral Point-of-View off-site— All Wikipedia articles and other encyclopedic content must be written from a neutral point of view, representing fairly, and as far as possible without bias, all significant views that have been published by reliable sources.

    The summary of Persuitte is worded in such a way that it makes it appear that Joseph lied about the instrument used to translate. However, both the Nephite interpreters and the seer stone were eventually referred to as "Urim and Thummin."
  • Note this statement from Joseph Knight, which equates the Urim and Thummin with Joseph's seer stone,

Now the way he translated was he put the urim and thummim into his hat and Darkned his Eyes than he would take a sentance and it would apper in Brite Roman Letters. (MANUSCRIPT OF THE EARLY HISTORY OF JOSEPH SMITH, 22 Sept. 1827)

  • Bushman states,

For two months, form about April 12 to June 14, 1828, Joseph and Harris were hard at work. Joseph translated using the interpreters (also called the Urim and Thummim, crystals mounted on a breast plate), and Harris wrote down the text as it was dictated. A curtain divided the men to prevent Harris from seeing the plates.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

a pair of seer stones he said were buried with the golden plates.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Later, however, he used the single chocolate-colored stone he had found in 1822 and used for treasure hunting.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  • As noted in the official Church magazine for children, the Friend,

"To help him with the translation, Joseph found with the gold plates “a curious instrument which the ancients called Urim and Thummim, which consisted of two transparent stones set in a rim of a bow fastened to a breastplate.” Joseph also used an egg-shaped, brown rock for translating called a seer stone."
—“A Peaceful Heart,” Friend, Sep 1974, 7 off-site (emphasis added)

  • Use of the Nephite interpreters (the "spectacles") would have occurred during the early part of the translation process, before the loss of the 116 pages, after which Joseph may have switched to using his seer stone. This is also the period of time during which it appears that a blanket was hung to shield Joseph and the plates from view.
  • For a detailed response, see: Book of Mormon/Translation
  • For an analysis of D. Michael Quinn's critical work, see A FAIR Analysis of Early Mormonism and the Magic World View.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

As when divining the location of treasure,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith said he saw the words of the translation while he gazed at the stone or stones in the bottom of his hat, excluding all light.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Violates Wikipedia: Citing sources off-site— There is either no citation to support the statement or the citation given is incorrect.

    Joseph Smith himself never said anything about how the translation was performed, other than that it was accomplished through the "gift and power of God." It was David Whitmer who claimed that Joseph saw actual words on the stone.
  • Bushman notes:

[A]s work on the Book of Mormon proceeded, a seerstone took the place of the Urim and Thummim as an aid in the work, blending magic with inspired translation." (Bushman, p. 131) "There is evidence that the translation stone was given him after he lost the Urim and Thummim when the 116 pages disappeared. (Bushman, p. 590, note 24 citing Van Wagoner and Walker, "'The Gift of Seeing,'" 54)

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

The plates themselves were not directly consulted.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith did this in full view of witnesses, but sometimes concealed the process by raising a curtain or dictating from another room.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
    From the cited source Howe, p. 14:

[Martin Harris] says he wrote a considerable part of the book, as Smith dictated, and at one time the presence of the Lord was so great, that a screen was hung up between him and the Prophet; at other times the Prophet would sit in a different room, or up stairs, while the Lord was communicating to him the contents of the plates.

  • Note that the use of the curtain appears to have occurred during the early period of translation when the Nephite interpreters were being employed. The use of the curtain many have served to screen both the plates and Nephite interpreters from view. After the loss of the 116 pages, removal of the Nephite interpreters by Moroni, and Joseph's subsequent use of the seer stone, the translation appears to have taken place in plain view and the curtain is not present.
  • For a detailed response, see: Book of Mormon/Translation and Book of Mormon/Translation/Method

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith may have considered giving up the translation because of opposition from his in-laws,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  • Given that Joseph was commanded by God to perform the translation, this is highly unlikely. There are some additional secondary hostile sources which are used to support the assertion put forth in the wiki article:
    • Booth (1831) (Smith "had given [the translation] up, on account of the opposition of his wife and others".)
  • Howe (1834) , p. 266 (Smith confided to Emma's uncle, a Methodist deacon, that despite the commandment from God, "he was afraid of the people"); *Phelps (1833) , p. 7 (July 1828 revelation rebuking Smith because he had often "gone on in the persuasions of men...behold, you should not have feared man more than God").
  • With regard to a statement made by Nathaniel Lewis, t should be noted that the there are many inconsistencies that do not correlate with things that Joseph is known to have said regarding the plates, the witnesses and the translation.
  1. Joseph never stated to anyone that he asked advice from a Methodist preacher as to whether or not he should translate the plates.
  2. Joseph never stated that he considered not translating the plates because he was "afraid of the people."
  3. Joseph never said that he was told to "exhibit the plates to the world."
  4. Joseph never said that Nathaniel Lewis would be one of the witnesses.
  • From Howe, p. 266:

From my standing in the Methodist Episcopal Church, I suppose he was careful how he conducted or expressed himself before me. At one time, however, he came to my house, and asked my advice, whether he should proceed to translate the Book of Plates (referred to by Mr. Hale) or not. He said that God had commanded him to translate it, but he was afraid of the people: he remarked, that he was to exhibit the plates to the world, at a certain time, which was then about eighteen months distant. I told him I was not qualified to give advice in such cases. Smith frequently said to me that I should see the plates at the time appointed.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

but in February 1828, Martin Harris arrived to spur him on

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Violates Wikipedia: Citing sources off-site— There is either no citation to support the statement or the citation given is incorrect.

    Ezra Booth, a hostile source, is the only one of the three sources used to claim that Harris arrived in order to convince Joseph to continue translating. The other two sources simply confirm that "Martin Harris arrived" in order assist Joseph. According to Booth:

Joseph Smith, Jun., Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Cowdery, and Martin Harris, may be considered as the principals in this work; and let Martin Harris tell the story, and he is the most conspicuous of the four.—He informed me, that he went to the place where Joseph resided, and Joseph had given it up, on account of the opposition of his wife and others: but he told Joseph. "I have not come down here for nothing, and we will go on with it." Martin Harris is what may be called a great talker, and an extravagant boaster; so much so, that he renders himself disagreeable to many of his own society.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

by taking the characters and their translations to a few prominent scholars.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Harris claimed that one of the scholars he visited, Charles Anthon, initially authenticated the characters and their translation, then recanted upon hearing that Smith had received the plates from an angel.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Anthon denied this claim

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
  • Anthon's two letters actually contradicted one another. According to the cited source (Bushman, p. 65),

In the first letter Anthon said he refused to give Harris a written opinion; according to the second, the opinion was written "without any hesitation," in an attempt to expose the fraud.

  • Bushman, p. 577 note 16 states that the 1834 Anthon letter first appeared in MoU, 269-72, and the 1841 letter in Clark, Gleanings by the Way, 233-38. Both are reprinted in Early Mormon Documents, 4:377-86.
  • For a detailed response, see: Book of Mormon/Translation/Anthon transcript

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

and Harris returned to Harmony in April 1828 motivated to act as Smith's scribe.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Translation continued until mid-June 1828, until Harris began having doubts about the existence of the golden plates.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Harris importuned Smith to let him take the existing 116 pages of manuscript to Palmyra to show a few family members.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Harris then lost the manuscript—of which there was no copy—at about the same time as Smith's wife Emma gave birth to a stillborn son.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith said the angel had taken away the plates and he had lost his ability to translate

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

until September 22, 1828, when they were restored.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith did not earnestly resume the translation again until April 1829, when he met Oliver Cowdery, a teacher and dowser,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  • Oliver himself may have used a divining rod, although there is no evidence that it was used for treasure-seeking. According to the cited source, "Most likely, Cowdery used a rod to discover water and minerals." (Bushman, p. 73).
  • It should be noted that in the original draft of the revelation mentioning the "rod of nature," that the instrument was referred to as the "sprout" and the "thing of Nature." The change in text of these items to "rod of nature" was made by Sidney Rigdon.

...remember this is thy gift now this is not all for thou hast another gift which is the gift of working with the sprout Behold it hath told you things Behold there is no other power save God that can cause this thing of Nature to work in your hands. (Revelation, April 1829–B [D&C 8], in Robin Scott Jensen, Robert J. Woodford, and Stephen C. Harper, eds., Manuscript Revelation Books, vol. 1 of the Revelations and Translations series of The Joseph Smith Papers, ed. Dean C. Jessee, Ronald K. Esplin, and Richard Lyman Bushman (Salt Lake City: Church Historian’s Press, 2009), 17. )

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

who now became Smith's scribe.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

They worked full time on the translation between April and early June 1829,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

and then moved to Fayette, New York where they continued to work at the home of Cowdery's friend Peter Whitmer. When the translation spoke of an institutional church and a requirement for baptism, Smith and Cowdery baptized each other,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

with written documents five years later stating that John the Baptist had appeared and ordained them to a priesthood.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Translation was completed around July 1, 1829.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Knowing that potential converts to the planned church might find Smith's story of the plates incredible,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith asked a group of eleven witnesses, including Martin Harris and male members of the Whitmer and Smith families, to sign a statement testifying that they had seen the golden plates, and in the case of the latter eight witnesses, had actually hefted the plates.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

According to Smith, the angel Moroni took back the plates after Smith was finished using them.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

The translation, known as the Book of Mormon, was published in Palmyra on March 26, 1830, by printer E. B. Grandin.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Martin Harris financed the publication by mortgaging his farm.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Soon thereafter on April 6, 1830, Smith and his followers formally organized the Church of Christ,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  References not included in the Wikipedia article
    Several Fayette references are missing.
  • The recently revealed Book of Commandments and Revelations, which had been kept in the First Presidency's vault until its publication in the Joseph Smith Papers series, supports the Fayette location. According to R. Scott Lloyd,:

"The manuscript may have the effect, [Steven C. Harper] said, of resolving a controversy that has arisen over whether the Church was organized at Fayette, N.Y., as has traditionally been understood, or at Manchester, N.Y. It does so by affirming that a revelation given on April 6, 1830, was given at Fayette, not at Manchester. 'The 1833 Book of Commandments, heretofore the earliest source available, located this revelation in Manchester,' he explained. Some authors thus argued that the traditional story of the Church's founding in Fayette lacked foundation in the historical record, 'but we can now see that in this case, tradition and the historical record match up,' he said."
(R. Scott Lloyd, "'Major Discovery' Discussed at Mormon History Association Conference," Church News, 22 May 2009.)

  • Orson Pratt: "I well recollect when I was but a boy of nineteen visiting the place where this Church was organized, and visiting the Prophet Joseph, who resided at that time in Fayette, Seneca County, New York, at the house where the Church was organized." (Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses 13:356.)
  • French’s New York Gazetteer, published by R. Pearsall Smith, at Syracuse, New York, [since] 1800, also contained some data concerning Mormonism, and states that the first Mormon society was formed in the town of Fayette, Seneca County, in 1830” (Letter, Diedrich Villers, Jr. to Ellen E. Dickinson; published in Ellen E. Dickinson, New Light on Mormonism)
  • For a detailed response, see: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints/Location of the organization

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

and small branches were established in Palmyra, Fayette, and Colesville, New York.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

The Book of Mormon brought Smith regional notoriety,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

but also strong opposition by those who remembered Smith's money-digging and his 1826 trial near Colesville.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Soon after Smith reportedly performed an exorcism in Colesville,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  • According to Brodie (p. 86):

"Almost immediately [Newel Knight] spoke to me," Joseph wrote in his autobiography, "and with great earnestness requested me to cast the devil out of him, saying the he knew he was in him, and that he also knew that I could cast him out." "If you know that I can, it shall be done," Joseph replied, and in the conventional exorcist's fashion commanded the devil in the name of Christ to release the man's soul. Immediately Knight cried out that he saw the devil leave him and vanish from sight. His convulsions ceased and he fell upon the bed unconscious, awakening later to testify that he had glimpsed eternity.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

he was again tried as a disorderly person but was acquitted.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
  • From the cited source,

When village toughs failed to stop the baptisms, the law stepped in. Before the newly baptized members could be confirmed, a constable from South Bainbridge delivered a warrant for Joseph's arrest. Doctor A. W. Benton of Chenago County, whom Joseph Knight called a "catspaw" of a group of vagabonds, brought charges against Joseph as a disorderly person. (Bushman, p. 116).

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Even so, Smith and Cowdery had to flee Colesville to escape a gathering mob. Probably referring to this period of flight, Smith told years later of hearing the voices of Peter, James, and John who he said gave Smith and Cowdery an apostolic authority.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

When Oliver Cowdery and other church members attempted to exercise independent authority

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

—as when Book of Mormon witness Hiram Page used his seer stone to locate the American New Jerusalem prophesied by the Book of Mormon

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response


Question: Why did Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer accept Hiram Page's seer stone revelations as authoritative?

The Lord used this incident as a way to teach Oliver the proper order of revelation in the Church

This event is discussed in the Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Seminary Teacher Manual (2013):

In 1830, the Prophet Joseph Smith encountered a challenge because Church members did not understand the order of revelation in the Church. Hiram Page claimed to receive revelations for the Church through the medium of a special stone, and some Church members, including Oliver Cowdery, believed him. Shortly before a Church conference that was held on September 26, 1830, the Lord revealed truths that helped Oliver Cowdery and others understand the order of revelation in the Church.[2]

Oliver was actually directed by the Lord to correct Hiram Page in this matter. It was a "teaching moment" for Oliver:

11 And again, thou shalt take thy brother, Hiram Page, between him and thee alone, and tell him that those things which he hath written from that stone are not of me and that Satan deceiveth him;

12 For, behold, these things have not been appointed unto him, neither shall anything be appointed unto any of this church contrary to the church covenants.

13 For all things must be done in order, and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith.

14 And thou shalt assist to settle all these things, according to the covenants of the church, before thou shalt take thy journey among the Lamanites. (D&C 28꞉11-14).

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

—Smith responded by establishing himself as the sole prophet.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
    , although it would be more correct to state the Joseph established himself as sole prophet for the entire Church.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith disputed Page's location for the New Jerusalem,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

but dispatched Cowdery to lead a mission to Missouri to find its true location

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

{{IndexClaimItemShort |title=the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] |claim= and to proselytize the Native Americans. |authorsources=

  1. Phelps (1833) , pp. 67–68 (Cowdery "shall go unto the Lamanites and preach my gospel unto them".).

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith also dictated a lost "Book of Enoch," telling how the biblical Enoch had established a city of Zion of such civic goodness that God had taken it to heaven.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  • Brodie states that Joseph "dictated to Cowdery a fragment said to have come from a parchment buried by St. John," that he "revealed a conversation between God and Moses," and that he "wrote one of the longest and most remarkable revelations of his career" about Enoch.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

On their way to Missouri, Cowdery's party passed through the Kirtland, Ohio area and converted Sidney Rigdon and over a hundred members of his Disciples of Christ congregation,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

more than doubling the size of the church.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Rigdon visited New York and quickly became second in command of the church,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
    This is, of course, Brodie's opinion.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

to the discomfort of Smith's earlier followers.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

In the face of acute and growing opposition in New York, Smith announced that Kirtland was the "eastern boundary" of the New Jerusalem,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

and that the Saints must gather there.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

In 1816–17, the family moved to the western New York village of Palmyra

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

and eventually took a mortgage on a 100 acre farm in nearby Manchester town.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

During the Second Great Awakening, the region was a hotbed of religious enthusiasm.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Although the Smith family was caught up in this excitement,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Violates Wikipedia: Citing sources off-site— There is either no citation to support the statement or the citation given is incorrect.
    Violated by COgden —Diff: off-site

    The citation used to support this assertion doesn't support the claim that the Smith family was caught up in "this excitement" of "religious enthusiasm," instead implying that the Smith family was associated with "divining and counterfeiting." The citation is mismatched to the assertion in the main body text.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

they disagreed about religion.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Joseph Smith may not have joined a church in his youth,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
  • From Lapham's 1870 account (47 years after the events described) we seem some interesting oddities. Lapham is paraphrasing an interview with Joseph Smith, Sr. Note that this account is being given almost 30 years after Joseph Smith, Jr. published the story of the First Vision and visit by Moroni.

After this, Joseph spent about two years looking into this stone, telling fortunes, where to find lost things, and where to dig for money and other hidden treasure. About this time he became concerned as to his future state of existence, and was baptized, becoming thus a member of the Baptist Church. Soon after joining the Church, he had a very singular dream; but he did not tell his father of his dream, until about a year afterwards. He then told his father that, in his dream, a very large and tall man appeared to him, dressed in an ancient suit of clothes, and the clothes were bloody.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

but he participated in church classes

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

and read the Bible. With his family, he took part in religious folk magic,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

a common practice at the time.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
  • From the cited source,

At this time the revivals of western New York's so-called "Burned-over District" were bringing thousands out of private folk religion and into organized churches, whose clergy opposed folk magic.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Like many people of that era,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
  • Quinn quotes Bushman on page 137:

Standing on the margins of instituted churches, they [the Smiths] were as susceptible to the neighbors' belief in magic as they were to the teachings of orthodox ministers.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

both his parents and his maternal grandfather had visions or dreams that they believed communicated messages from God.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith later said that he had his own first vision in 1820, in which God told him his sins were forgiven

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

and that all the current churches were false.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

The Smith family supplemented its meager farm income by treasure-digging,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  • From the cited source,

Some neighbors also said that in "1819 or '20, they [the Smith family] commenced digging for money for a subsistence." Other neighbors specified that during "the spring of 1820" Joseph Jr. was extremely active in the treasure-quest.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

likewise relatively common in contemporary New England

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

though the practice was frequently condemned by clergymen and rationalists and was often illegal.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Joseph claimed an ability to use seer stones for locating lost items and buried treasure.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

To do so, Smith would put a stone in a white stovepipe hat and would then see the required information in reflections given off by the stone.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

In 1823, while praying for forgiveness from his "gratification of many appetites,"

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
  • Note that D. Michael Quinn postulates that Joseph "once made an extraordinarily candid reference to his sexual struggle from 1820 to 1823" based upon the "gratification of many appetites" quote in Joseph's 1838 account, but the account itself says nothing about a "sexual struggle."
  • For an analysis of D. Michael Quinn's critical work, see A FAIR Analysis of Early Mormonism and the Magic World View.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith said he was visited at night by an angel named Moroni, who revealed the location of a buried book of golden plates as well as other artifacts, including a breastplate and a set of silver spectacles with lenses composed of seer stones, which had been hidden in a hill near his home.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
  • It should be noted that the hill near Joseph Smith's home was not named "Cumorah" at this point in time. The name was only applied later after the publication of the Book of Mormon.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith said he attempted to remove the plates the next morning but was unsuccessful because the angel prevented him.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

During the next four years, Smith made annual visits to the hill, only to return without the plates because he claimed that he had not brought with him the right person required by the angel.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
  • From the cited source Bushman:

Stories circulated of a requirement to bring Alvin to the hill to get the plates; and when he died, someone else. Emma, it was said, was designated as a key. The stories have a magical flavor, but other stories have the angel warning Joseph about greed and the evildoings of the money-diggers, as if the messenger was moving him away from his treasure-hunting ways.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Meanwhile, Smith continued traveling western New York and Pennsylvania as a treasure seeker and also as a farmhand.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

In 1826, he was tried in Chenango County, New York, for "glass-looking," the crime of pretending to find lost treasure.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Violates Wikipedia: Citing sources off-site— There is either no citation to support the statement or the citation given is incorrect.

    Joseph never claimed to have found lost treasure. He was tried for attempting to find lost treasure using a stone.
  • For a detailed response, see: Joseph Smith/Legal trials/1826 glasslooking trial

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

While boarding at the Hale house in Harmony, he met Emma Hale and, on January 18, 1827, eloped with her because her parents disapproved of his treasure hunting.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources
  • Joseph and Emma eloped because her father would not allow them to be married due to his disapproval of Joseph's treasure seeking activities.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Claiming his stone told him that Emma was the key to obtaining the plates,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Violates Wikipedia: Citing sources off-site— There is either no citation to support the statement or the citation given is incorrect.

    Joseph never claimed that his stone "told" him anything. He used to stone to obtain information.
  • Bushman, p. 54:

Emma, it was said, was designated as a key.

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Smith went with her to the hill on September 22, 1827. This time, he said, he retrieved the plates and placed them in a locked chest.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

  •  Correct, per cited sources

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

He said the angel commanded him not to show the plates to anyone else but to publish their translation, reputed to be the religious record of indigenous Americans.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Joseph later promised Emma's parents that his treasure-seeking days were behind him.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

Although Smith had left his treasure hunting company, his former associates believed he had double-crossed them by taking for himself what they considered joint property.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

They ransacked places where a competing treasure-seer said the plates were hidden,

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

The author(s) of the Wikipedia article on Joseph Smith[1] make(s) the following claim:

and Smith soon realized that he could not accomplish the translation in Palmyra.

Author's sources:

FAIR's Response

Wikipedia and anti-Mormon literature
Key sources
  • Roger Nicholson, "Mormonism and Wikipedia: The Church History That 'Anyone Can Edit'," Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 1/8 (14 September 2012). [151–190] link
Wiki links


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 Due to the nature of wikipedia, articles can change. This analysis applies to the article as it stood circa September 2011.
  2. "Lesson 34: Doctrine and Covenants 28," Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Seminary Teacher Manual, 2013.