Difference between revisions of "Plural wives of Joseph Smith"

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{{Navigation:Joseph Smith}}{{blankline}}
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|L=Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives
|H=Plural wives of Joseph Smith, Jr.
=To learn more about any of the known or suspected plural wives of Joseph Smith, click the links below=
|S=This collection of articles lists a number of known plural wives, with responses to critical claims related to specific plural wives of Joseph Smith, Jr.
|L1=Fanny Alger
|L2=Louisa Beaman
|L3=Prescindia Lathrop Huntington Buell
* [[Fanny Alger]]
|L4=Sarah Kingsley Howe Cleveland
* [[Louisa Beaman]]
|L5=Agnes Moulton Coolbrith
* [[Prescindia Lathrop Huntington Buell]]
|L6=Elizabeth Davis Goldsmith Brackenbury Durfee
* [[Sarah Kingsley Howe Cleveland]]
|L7=Esther Dutcher
* [[Agnes Moulton Coolbrith]]
|L8=Hannah Ells
* [[Elizabeth Davis Goldsmith Brackenbury Durfee]]
|L9=Olive Grey Frost
* [[Esther Dutcher]]
|L10=Desdemona Catlin Wadsworth Fulmmer
* [[Hannah S. Ells]]
|L11=Lucinda Pendleton Morgan Harris
* [[Olive Grey Frost]]
|L12=Clarissa Reed Hancock
* [[Desdemona Catlin Wadsworth Fulmmer]]
|L13=Elvira Annie Cowles Holmes
|L14=Sarah Maryetta Kingsley Howe
* [[Lucinda Pendleton Morgan Harris]]
|L15=Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde
* [[Clarissa Reed Hancock]]
|L16=Vienna Jacques
* [[Elvira Annie Cowles Holmes]]
|L17=Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs
* [[Sarah Maryetta Kingsley Howe]]
|L18=Almera Johnson
* [[Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde]]
|L19=Helen Mar Kimball
* [[Vienna Jacques]]
|L20=Maria Lawrence
* [[Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs]]
|L21=Sarah Lawrence
* [[Almera Johnson]]
|L22=Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner
* [[Helen Mar Kimball]]
|L23=Malissa Lott
* [[Maria Lawrence]]
|L24=Sylvia Sessions Lyon
|L25=Martha McBride
* [[Sarah Lawrence]]
|L26=Eliza Partridge
* [[Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner]]
|L27=Emily Partridge
* [[Malissa Lott]]
|L28=Rhoda Richards
* [[Sylvia Sessions Lyon]]
|L29=Ruth Vose Sayers
* [[Martha McBride]]
|L30=Patty Bartlett Sessions
* [[Eliza Partridge]]
|L31=Delcena Diadamia Johnson Sherman
* [[Emily Partridge]]
|L32="Miss Smith"
* [[Rhoda Richards]]
|L33=Mary Heron Snider
* [[Ruth Vose Sayers]]
|L34=Eliza R. Snow
* [[Patty Bartlett Sessions]]
|L35=Lucy Walker
|L36=Sarah Ann Whitney
* [[Delcena Diadamia Johnson Sherman]]
|L37=Nancy Maria Winchester
* [["Miss Smith"]]
|L38=Flora Ann Woodworth
* [[Mary Heron Snider]]
|L39=Fanny Young
* [[Eliza R. Snow]]
* [[Lucy Walker]]
* [[Sarah Ann Whitney]]
[[File:Polygamy ensign august 1992.jpg|thumb|center|500px]]
* [[Nancy Maria Winchester]]
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Fanny Alger}}
* [[Flora Ann Woodworth]]
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Louisa Beaman}}
* [[Fanny Young]]
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Prescindia Lathrop Huntington Buell}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Sarah Kingsley Howe Cleveland}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Agnes Moulton Coolbrith}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Elizabeth Davis Goldsmith Brackenbury Durfee}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Esther Dutcher}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Hannah S. Ells}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Olive Grey Frost}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Desdemona Catlin Wadsworth Fulmmer}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Lucinda Pendleton Morgan Harris}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Clarissa Reed Hancock}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Elvira Annie Cowles Holmes}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Sarah Maryetta Kingsley Howe}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Vienna Jacques}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Almera Johnson}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Helen Mar Kimball}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Maria Lawrence}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Sarah Lawrence}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Malissa Lott}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Sylvia Sessions Lyon}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Martha McBride}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Eliza Partridge}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Emily Partridge}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Rhonda Richards}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Ruth Vose Sayers}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Patty Bartlett Sessions}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Delcena Diadamia Johnson Sherman}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/"Miss Smith"}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Mary Heron Snider}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Eliza R. Snow}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Lucy Walker}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Sarah Ann Whitney}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Nancy Maria Winchester}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Flora Ann Woodworth}}
{{:Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Fanny Young}}
{{endnotes sources}}
{{endnotes sources}}

Latest revision as of 22:27, 18 May 2024

Articles about Joseph Smith

Articles about Plural marriage
Doctrinal foundation of plural marriage
Introduction of plural marriage
Plural wives of Joseph Smith
Plural marriage in Utah
End of plural marriage

To learn more about any of the known or suspected plural wives of Joseph Smith, click the links below
