Difference between revisions of "Template:S"

(Update the URL to new Church website, and correct format for current query form. Also only displays the colon in the reference if there is a 4th element to the scripture reference.)
(17 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
[https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/{{#switch: {{{2|}}}
[https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/{{#switch: {{{2|}}}
|A+of+F = pgp/a-of-f
|Abraham = pgp/abr
|Acts = nt/acts
|Alma = bofm/alma
|Amos = ot/amos
|Articles of Faith = pgp/a-of-f
|Articles+of+Faith = pgp/a-of-f
|Chronicles = ot/{{{1}}}-chr
|Col = nt/col
|Col. = nt/col
|Colossians = nt/col
|Cor. = nt/{{{1}}}-cor
|Corinthians = nt/{{{1}}}-cor
|D&C = dc-testament/dc
|D&C = dc-testament/dc
|D. & C. = dc-testament/dc
|D.&C. = dc-testament/dc
|Dan = ot/dan
|Dan. = ot/dan
|Daniel = ot/dan
|DC = dc-testament/dc
|DC = dc-testament/dc
|D&C = dc-testament/dc
|Deut = ot/deut
|Abraham = pgp/abr
|Deut. = ot/deut
|Moses = pgp/moses
|Deuteronomy = ot/deut
|W+of+M = bofm/w-of-m
|Doctrine & Covenants = dc-testament/dc
|Words+of+Mormon = bofm/w-of-m
|Doctrine & Covenants = dc-testament/dc
|Words of Mormon = bofm/w-of-m
|Doctrine and Covenants = dc-testament/dc
|JS-M = pgp/js-m
|Eccl = ot/eccl
|JS-H = pgp/js-h
|Eccl. = ot/eccl
|Genesis = ot/gen
|Eccles = ot/eccl
|Eccles. = ot/eccl
|Ecclesiastes = ot/eccl
|Enos = bofm/enos
|Eph = nt/eph
|Eph. = nt/eph
|Ephesians = nt/eph
|Est = ot/esth
|Est. = ot/esth
|Ester = ot/esth
|Ether = bofm/ether
|Ex = ot/ex
|Ex. = ot/ex
|Exod. = ot/ex
|Exodus = ot/ex
|Ez = ot/ezek
|Ez. = ot/ezek
|Ezek = ot/ezek
|Ezek. = ot/ezek
|Ezekiel = ot/ezek
|Ezra = ot/ezra
|Gal = nt/gal
|Gal. = nt/gal
|Galatians = nt/gal
|Gen = ot/gen
|Gen = ot/gen
|Gen. = ot/gen
|Gen. = ot/gen
|Exodus = ot/ex
|Genesis = ot/gen
|Ex. = ot/ex
|Hab = ot/hab
|Ex = ot/ex
|Hab. = ot/hab
|Leviticus = ot/lev
|Habakkak = ot/hab
|Lev. = ot/lev
|Hag = ot/hag
|Lev = ot/lev
|Hag. = ot/hag
|Numbers = ot/num
|Hagg = ot/hag
|Deuteronomy = ot/deut
|Hagg. = ot/hag
|Haggai = ot/hag
|Heb = nt/heb
|Heb. = nt/heb
|Hebrews = nt/heb
|Hel = bofm/hel
|Hel. = bofm/hel
|Helaman = bofm/hel
|Hos = ot/hosea
|Hos. = ot/hosea
|Hosea = ot/hosea
|Is = ot/isa
|Is. = ot/isa
|Isa = ot/isa
|Isa. = ot/isa
|Isaiah = ot/isa
|Jacob = bofm/jacob
|James = nt/james
|Jarom = bofm/jarom
|Jer = ot/jer
|Jer. = ot/jer
|Jeremiah = ot/jer
|Jn = nt/{{{1}}}-jn
|Jn. = nt/{{{1}}}-jn
|Job = ot/job
|Joel = ot/joel
|John = nt/john
|Jonah = ot/jonah
|Josh = ot/josh
|Josh. = ot/josh
|Joshua = ot/josh
|Joshua = ot/josh
|JS-H = pgp/js-h
|JS-M = pgp/js-m
|Jude = nt/jude
|Judg = ot/judg
|Judg. = ot/judg
|Judges = ot/judg
|Judges = ot/judg
|Ruth = ot/ruth
|Samuel = ot/{{{1}}}-sam
|Kings = ot/{{{1}}}-kgs
|Kings = ot/{{{1}}}-kgs
|Chronicles = ot/{{{1}}}-chr
|Lam = ot/lam
|Ezra = ot/ezra
|Lam. = ot/lam
|Nehemiah = ot/neh
|Ester = ot/esth
|Job = ot/job
|Psalms = ot/ps
|Proverbs = ot/prov
|Ecclesiastes = ot/eccl
|Song = ot/song
|Isaiah = ot/isa
|Isa. = ot/isa
|Isa = ot/isa
|Jeremiah = ot/jer
|Lamentations = ot/lam
|Lamentations = ot/lam
|Ezekiel = ot/ezek
|Lev = ot/lev
|Daniel = ot/dan
|Lev. = ot/lev
|Hosea = ot/hosea
|Leviticus = ot/lev
|Joel = ot/joel
|Lk = nt/luke
|Amos = ot/amos
|Lk. = nt/luke
|Obadiah = ot/obad
|Luke = nt/luke
|Jonah = ot/jonah
|Mal = ot/mal
|Micah = ot/micah
|Mal. = ot/mal
|Nahum = ot/nahum
|Habakkak = ot/hab
|Zephaniah = ot/zeph
|Haggai = ot/hag
|Zechariah = ot/zech
|Malachi = ot/mal
|Malachi = ot/mal
|Mark = nt/mark
|Matt = nt/matt
|Matt. =  nt/matt
|Matthew = nt/matt
|Matthew = nt/matt
|Matt. = nt/matt
|Micah = ot/micah
|Matt = nt/matt
|Mark = nt/mark
|Mk = nt/mark
|Mk = nt/mark
|Mk. = nt/mark
|Mk. = nt/mark
|Luke = nt/luke
|Mor = bofm/morm
|Lk. = nt/luke
|Mor. = bofm/morm
|Lk = nt/luke
|Mormon = bofm/morm
|John = nt/john
|Moroni = bofm/moro
|Acts = nt/acts
|Mos = bofm/mosiah
|Mos. = bofm/mosiah
|Moses = bofm/mosiah
|Mosiah = bofm/mosiah
|Nahum = ot/nahum
|Ne = bofm/{{{1}}}-ne
|Neh = ot/neh
|Neh. = ot/neh
|Nehemiah = ot/neh
|Nephi = bofm/{{{1}}}-ne
|Num = ot/num
|Num. = ot/num
|Numbers = ot/num
|Obad = ot/obad
|Obad. = ot/obad
|Obadiah = ot/obad
|Omni = bofm/omni
|Pet = nt/{{{1}}}-pet
|Pet. = nt/{{{1}}}-pet
|Peter = nt/{{{1}}}-pet
|Phil = nt/philip
|Phil. = nt/philip
|Philemon = nt/philem
|Philippians = nt/philip
|Prov = ot/prov
|Prov. = ot/prov
|Proverbs = ot/prov
|Ps = ot/ps
|Ps. = ot/ps
|Psalms = ot/ps
|Psalm = ot/ps
|Rev = nt/rev
|Rev. = nt/rev
|Revelation = nt/rev
|Rom = nt/rom
|Rom. = nt/rom
|Romans = nt/rom
|Romans = nt/rom
|Rom. = nt/rom
|Ruth = ot/ruth
|Corinthians = nt/{{{1}}}-cor
|Sam. = ot/{{{1}}}-sam
|Cor. = nt/{{{1}}}-cor
|Sam = ot/{{{1}}}-sam
|Galatians = nt/gal
|Samuel = ot/{{{1}}}-sam
|Gal. = nt/gal
|Song = ot/song
|Ephesians = nt/eph
|Eph. = nt/eph
|Philippians = nt/philip
|Phil. = nt/philip
|Colossians = nt/col
|Col. = nt/col
|Thessalonians = nt/{{{1}}}-thes
|Thessalonians = nt/{{{1}}}-thes
|Tim = nt/{{{1}}}-tim
|Tim. = nt/{{{1}}}-tim
|Timothy = nt/{{{1}}}-tim
|Timothy = nt/{{{1}}}-tim
|Tim. = nt/{{{1}}}-tim
|Titus = nt/titus
|Titus = nt/titus
|Philemon = nt/philem
|W+of+M = bofm/w-of-m
|Hebrews = nt/heb
|Words of Mormon = bofm/w-of-m
|Heb. = nt/heb
|Words+of+Mormon = bofm/w-of-m
|Heb = nt/heb
|Zech = ot/zech
|James = nt/james
|Zech. = ot/zech
|Peter = nt/{{{1}}}-pet
|Zechariah = ot/zech
|Pet = nt/{{{1}}}-pet
|Zelph. = ot/zeph
|Pet. = nt/{{{1}}}-pet
|Zeph = ot/zeph
|Jn. = nt/{{{1}}}-jn
|Zephaniah = ot/zeph|{{{2}}}}}/{{{3}}}?lang=eng{{#if:{{{4|}}}|&id=p{{{4}}}#p{{{4}}}|}} {{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}{{#if:{{{4|}}}|&#xa789;{{{4}}}|}}]<!-- Format without verses: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/1-ne/11?lang=eng
|Jn = nt/{{{1}}}-jn
|Jude = nt/jude
|Revelation = nt/rev
|Rev. = nt/rev
|Rev = nt/rev|
|nephi = bofm/{{{1}}}-ne
|Ne = bofm/{{{1}}}-ne
|Nephi = bofm/{{{1}}}-ne
|Jacob = bofm/jacob
|Enos = bofm/enos
|Jarom = bofm/jarom
|Omni = bofm/omni
|Mosiah = bofm/mosiah
|Alma = bofm/alma
|Helaman = bofm/hel
|Mormon = bofm/morm
|Ether = bofm/ether
|Moroni = bofm/moro
|A+of+F = pgp/a-of-f
|Articles+of+Faith = pgp/a-of-f
|Articles of Faith = pgp/a-of-f
|{{{2}}}}}/{{{3}}}?lang=eng{{#if:{{{4|}}}|&id={{{4}}}#{{{4}}}|}} {{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}{{#if:{{{4|}}}|&#xa789;{{{4}}}|}}]
<!-- Format without verses: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/1-ne/11?lang=eng
Format with verses: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/1-ne/11?lang=eng&id=10-15#10-15
Format with verses: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/1-ne/11?lang=eng&id=10-15#10-15
Note that to display a colon, this must be done in unicode = &#xa789;
Note that to display a colon, this must be done in unicode = &#xa789;
This is because the colon messes up the code if it's just typed in there.-->
This is because the colon messes up the code if it's just typed in there.-->

Latest revision as of 00:07, 25 May 2024

{{{1}}} {{{2}}} {{{3}}}