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#REDIRECT[[Violence in the scriptures#Do the scriptures endorse murder?]]
==Question: Do the scriptures endorse murder?==
===The scriptures contain explicit references against murder===
It is claimed that murder is endorsed by the scriptures. There is explicit mention against innocent killing in the scriptures. A small sampling includes:
*Exodus  20:13
*Deuteronomy 5:17
*Matthew 5:21
*Mark 10:19
*Mosiah 13:21
*D&C 59:6
===The Challenging Texts===
====Capital Punishment====
{{Main| Question: Why are penalties for disobedience so harsh?}}
{{Main|Question: Why would Elisha have two she-bears maul 42 children?}}
====Canaanite Conquest====
{{Main|Question: How can one reconcile scriptures in the Bible that appear to endorse genocide, pillage, and/or plunder?}}
====The Flood====
{{Main|Question: Why would a loving God would kill innocent children in the flood?}}
====Serpents and the Children of Israel====
{{Seealso|Question: Why would God send poisonous serpents to kill the Children of Israel?}}
====The Passover====
{{Main|Question: Why would a loving God kill the firstborn of Egypt?}}
====Abraham and Jesus====
{{Main|Question: Do the scriptures endorse child abuse?}}
====Nephi and Laban====
{{Main|Book of Mormon/Nephi's killing of Laban/Ethical considerations}}
===A Moral Philosophical Note for Consideration===
Many people are very understandably troubled with the portrayal of many people losing their lives in the scriptures and other pericopes that appear to condone some form of murder. As one moral consideration, we might think about what God might be doing. When taken from their mortal sojourn, it may be that God is showing mercy to people by allowing them not to make any more bad choices. That may allow us to see the scriptures in a new light. God is the creator of the universe including our spirits and bodies (2 Nephi 2:13) and it is his right to act upon us according to his will since he is the author of our life.
===Considerations for any case===
No matter what text of the scriptures is claimed to support murder, it is important to remember three things:
#A good hermeneutic for reconciling the scriptures. See [https://www.fairmormon.org/answers/Mormonism_and_difficult_Bible_questions#Question:_How_can_one_approach_reconciling_confusing.2C_seemingly_disturbing.2C_or_otherwise_troubling_texts_from_the_scriptures.3F here] for our suggested tools.
#Read scripture in context. Grab a thorough scholarly commentary on the book in question and dive into it to see what you can know about it.
#Read scripture holistically. If scripture talks about anything, we should read everything that scripture has to say about that person, place, or thing. It helps us gain a composite understanding of how the prophets understood God’s word in a particular context and how we can understand it today through the lense of revelation.
This is the pattern that we have followed for the other responses we have written for moral questions about the scriptures.
{{Main| Mormonism and difficult Bible questions}}
===Additional Reading===
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thou_shalt_not_kill Wikipedia “Thou Shalt Not Kill”]
*[https://netbible.org/bible/Matthew+1 Net Bible]
*The Oxford Annotated Study Bible

Latest revision as of 21:23, 23 May 2024