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Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate: Volume 3, Number 11

Summary:Source document in Mormon Publications: 19th and 20th Centuries online archive: Messenger and Advocate Vol. 3

Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate: Volume 3, Number 11

Volume III. No. 11.] KIRTLAND, OHIO, AUGUST, 1837. [Whole No. 35.


For a new paper, to be published at Kirtland, Geauga co. Ohio, called the




As the Latter Day Saints Messenger and Advocate, published at the above place, is to be closed with the present volume which closes in the month of September, and as the publishers of that paper have declined publishing any more for the present, at least. A large body of the elders of the church of Latter Day Saints have united and rented the printing establishment, for the purpose of publishing a paper with the above title.

This paper is intended to be a vehicle of communication for all the elders of the church of Latter Day Saints, through which they can communicate to others, all things pertaining to their mission, and calling as servants of the living God, and messengers of righteousness to the nations among whom they are sent. As there have been many desires expressed by the elders of said church, to have a periodical of this kind published; it is hoped that the present proposals will meet with their most unqualified approbation, and will find a patron and a friend in all those into whose hands it comes.

This paper is intended to occupy vacant ground, as there is no other periodical with which we are acquainted, that presents itself in the attitude to the public, that this does. The church of the Latter Day Saints is increasing very rapidly, perhaps more so at this time considering its circumstances, than any other society in our country. The number of elders amounts to many hundreds and are constantly increasing: and out of the number there are many who are respectable in point of both learning and talents, and some of the first order.

The great excitement which has been produced by the coming forth of this church; the unparalleled rapidity of its growth; the excessive rage of persecution against it by all sects and parties, together with the wide range it is destined to take among the nations, form at once a source of interest peculiar to itself. And every thing pertaining to either its prosperity or adversity, its advance or decline, its favorable or unfavorable reception among the nations, where its doctrines are promulgated, and where it is destined to present the majesty of its truth in formidable array against the errors and false doctrine of the age, is now, and will be more abundantly hereafter, sought with an eagerness by both friends and foes, in this country, and elsewhere, unknown, since the days that the former apostles proclaimed the same doctrine among all the nations of the world.

Already has the sound gone forth into every State of the Union, and messengers sent by the church have safely (as appears by letters,) arrived at Liverpool [England,] from whom accounts are expected continually, making known the progress of the work in the old world.

What proposals then, could be made to an inquiring public better calculated to gratify their desires than a periodical of this kind; designed to give information on the very points where information is desired, and to satisfy the unceasing anxiety excited by reason of the progress of the church.

It may be confidently expected, that this paper will be enriched with important intelligence from the eastern as well as the western continent, and at no very remote period we may anticipate with great assurance, to see its columns abounding with matter of deep interest, from all nations in the civilized world. It will be a rich repast to ladies and gentlemen, of all religions, or to those who professed none; inasmuch as the contributers [contributors] to this paper will be in every part of the world, and thereby afford facilities to obtain information through its columns, equal, if not superior to any in the union. The great events of nations, tending to that point of consumption spoken of by all the holy prophets since the world began, will be diligently sought for, and correctly presented.


This paper is therefore intended to be a counter part to this lying mania, which seems to pervade all ranks of men, when engaged to try to stop the progress of truth, and prevent the kingdom of God from spreading, by affording the traveling elders an opportunity of presenting the truth to the public, in relation to the events, and occurrences which transpire within the reach of their observation, and which occur with, and by themselves, while they are traveling and proclaiming the gospel, in obedience to the high and holy calling wherewith God has called them.

It becomes a duty not to be dispensed with, that the saints of the last days owe to themselves, and their children, as well as the public in general, to use all lawful endeavors to disabuse the public mind in relation to the affairs of the kingdom of God, which has been committed to them; so that as far as in them lies, they will guard the public against the abuses which are heaped upon them, by reason of a spirit of persecution which rages most unhallowedly against the truth. It has been the usage of all saints in every age as far as our knowledge extends, to transmit to succeeding generations an account of their religion, and a history of their travels, and of the reception which they met with in the nations, among whom they executed their divine commission. With an account of their travels, both by see [sea] and land, among strangers and acquaintances; and these accounts stand as an armed man, guarding both their characters, and religion, against the aspersion of foul calumniaters [calumniators], and base slanderers.

May we not ask, What saved the name of the Waldenses, from being handed down to all generations with infamy and contempt? The answer is their own writings. Had it not have been for the exertions which they used, to transmit to posterity, a true account of themselves; their enemies would have left the world in perfect ignorance, of both their character and religion; and stamped their name with as much infamy, as they exercised cruelty upon their persons: and the name of Peter Waldo, would have been associated with every thing that was base and abominable. But the course which they took to be their own historians, has turned this infamy upon the heads of their enemies, and most effectually redeemed themselves from under the power of their slanderers; until their memory is had with reverence among all men, whose approbation is worth having.

It is equally as possible for the saints of these days, to guard themselves against the abuses of a corrupt people, and the rage of an unrighteous priesthood, against which they have to contend; as it was for those to do so, who have gone before them. In view then to obtain objects so laubable [laudable], and so desirable, this paper is offered to the public. In its success and prosperity, we presume all the elders will feel suitable interest; for it is through this medium, that they have an opportunity offered them, of handing down to their children, and their childrens childrn [children], as well as to all others who are disposed to read, an account of their labors and sufferings, the success and discouragements they may meet, through the course of their ministry in the world, and be able to give and receive information from every part of the world, and thereby enrichen their own minds with much useful knowledge, as well as bestow great light on the world.

In proportion as the church increases, and the knowledge of the gospel spreads abroad upon the face of the earth; in the same proportion our desires are increased to know how it fairs with the servants of God who are employed in this good work of gathering the saints together, out of all tongues, languages, and kindreds, under heaven.

For instance, since our missionaries started for England, how many deep anxieties are felt in the minds of many, that they never felt before, to know how they will be received, and what will be the success of their mission; and this by persons who never saw any of the individuals who have gone. How grateful then would a letter be from any of them, making its appearance in the Journal, by this means satisfying the desires of all at once, which could not be done in any other way, but by great expense and great waste of time.

How indispensible [indispensable] then is a periodical of this kind to the saints. It is essential to their pease [peace] and happiness as saints. It will always be hailed as a welcome messenger to the habitation of the truly pious. It will be cherished


by the saint of God as a kind friend come to allay his anxieties, and to open a new field of contemplation and prayer: to heighten his devotion by making him acquainted more extensively with the works of God; and to calm his mind in the hour of affliction, by making him acquainted with the sufferings, and yet the patience and perseverance, of others of his brethren in tribulation.

How many that would be otherwise slothful, will be provoked to good works, by hearing of the zeal, and of the great exertions of others, in extending the work of God.

In a word then, let every saint lay to a helping hand, use his or her influence to get subscribers, and obtain as extensive a circulation for the paper as possible, so that it may be sustained, and there by the cause of God be advanced.

It is expected that all the saints into whose hands this prospectus comes, will feel themselves authorized to get all the subscribers they can, and every person getting ten new subscribers and forwarding the money shall have the eleventh gratis.

The JOURNAL will be edited by Joseph Smith Jun. and printed once a month on a superroyal sheet, and followed in form for binding, at one dollar a year in advance: and should the subscription list justify, it will soon be published semi monthly at two dollars a year.

The first number will be issued in October next, and will be forwarded to the subscribers of the Messenger and Advocate, unless they say to the contrary.

All letters mhether [whether] for publication or other purposes, sent to the office must be directed to DON C. SMITH, and the postage -> PAID', <- or they will not be attended too.

Done by the request and in behalf of the elders.


N. B. The elders sending letters for publication, will prepare them for the press so as to save expense.

A combination of circumstances not in our power to control, prevented our inserting our brothers valedictory in the fifth number of the current volume of the Messenger and Advocate. It was written, as it purports to be, from the date, at Monroe Michigan, while he was absent from here on business in that place.

We consider it due to him and to our numerous friends who have been edified, enlightened or amused by his pen, to let them hear directly from him; and we only regret, deeply regret, that the little passing compliment he bestows on our humble efforts, which, truly were then but in anticipation, could not have been realized. He has retired from a responsible charge, and with more hopes and good wishes for his happiness and future welfare than we can reasonably expect for ours when we resign the same charge.-May the Lord bless and preserve him.



In the 8th number, Vol. first of the Messenger and Advocate, I addressed its readers, as I then supposed, for the last time as its Editor. From considerations of duty, on the departure of brother Whitmer to the west, I again assumed the conduct of its columns, during which interval pecuniary circumstances have compelled me almost wholly from home, and when there, a feeble state of health prevented that strict attention, after fulfilling paramount duties, necessary to render such a periodical interesting, instructing and useful. How far under those circumstances, my labors have been approved by my heavenly Master, remains to be revealed when all things are openly proclaimed: and to what extent I have answered the expectations of my friends, I do not stop here to ask, as I presume they are quite willing to exchange my labors for the labors of another, and in that change expect a more faithful servant, without venturing any hazzard.

But, lest these remarks should create an unreasonable expectation, and an unwarranted call for labor on the part of my brother who succeeds me. I will here add, that were [t]he tnumerous [numerous] readers of the Messenger aware, while perusing its columns, how many, very many constitutions are impaired, ruined,-worn out, by writing matter for others to read, they would be ready to excuse, when a number appeared not quite as full of editorial matter as


their fancies could wish. It may be thought a small task to fill a small monthly sheet; to such I only recommend that they engage in it for one year. And besides, a man is responsible to God for all he writes. If his communications are not according to the truths of heaven, men may follow incorrect principles, and digress, step after step from the straight path, till arguments, persuasions and facts, are as unheeded as the idle vision, when darkness and death rivet their destructive chains to be beaten off no more.

When this last reflection rises in the mind, the heart almost sinks within this bosom, lest in consequence of some darkness over the intellect, or some deep anxiety and concern, occasioned by inevitable and irresistable [irristable] pecuniary embarrassment, I may have dropped an item, or left unintelligible some important fact, which has occasioned an incorrect understanding on matters of eternal life. Those who are yet here, if such should be the case, relative to the principles which I have promulgated, may retrace and correct, but what adds keenly to the reflection is the fact, that many have gone no more to return till the purposes of God are accomplished in the restoration of all things. Those are beyond my admonition, and a few more seasons round, at most, will release me from this burthensome tenament and I be permitted to fly away to receive my own reward.

Those whose feelings I may have unjustly injured if any, I now ask their forgiveness and hope, through the mediation of the Son of God to find also, in his blood, a propitiation for all my sins, that I may retire with a conscious heart that He who died for me is yet my friend and advocate, and that through all my future life I may live to his glory, walk in his paths, adorn his doctrine, and meet him in peace.

I have not time, neither is it necessary to go into detail on the subject of the gospel or prophets: these have been leading topics during the entire course of both Star and Messenger, and will of necessity continue so to be while unrighteousness has dominion on the earth. It is only requisite for me to add that the doctrines which I commenced to preach some seven years since are as firmly believed by me as ever; nd [and] though persecutions have attended, and the rage and malice of men been heaped upon me, I feel equally as firm in the great and glorious cause as when first I received my mission from the holy messenger. And such has been the opposition generally manifest against the progress and influence of this gospel, that it amounts to a miracle that any should distrust its divine authenticity, with these facts daily presented before them.

One sentence more, my friends, and I have done-I need not prolong the time. Range through all the revelations of God, search them from beginning to end, and if you do not find that the Lord would do marvelous things in the last days-reveal his glorious arm, set up his kingdom, scatter light, send forth intelligence and gather Israel, the literal descendants of Jacob from the four winds, endow and prepare hasty messengers and talk with his people face to face, I say adieu to that record, it is worse than a fable, it has not the intelligence of a common news-paper! Alas! how disappointed will be the man who turns from these in unbelief. The day is near when all will be verified-the day is near when all eyes will see and every heart be penetrated, and the day is near when you and I shall meet in the presence of God.



Monroe, Michigan, Feb. 1837.

Hanover Columbiana Co. Ohio.

August 3rd. 1837.


Having a few leasure moments I gladly improve them in giving you a short account of my labors the present season, which you are at liberty to make use of as you may think proper.

I left New Portage church Medina Co. O. May, 17th in company with brother J. Roberson (a priest) for Harison Co. Va. where, last fall, elder S. James and myself, built up a small church of 15 members.

We arived [arrived] at Hanover a small village on the Sandy nnd [and] Beaver canal near the last of May, and found a number of brethren scattered through this region of country-Doors were opened and we commenced laboring with our mights in the vineyard of the Lord.-Many appeared very attentive to hear


the word and were stired [stirred] up to an enquiry [inquiry] into these things. Some said they never heard the truth before; some said one thing and some another, and the honest in heart rejoiced to hear the fulness [fullness] of the gospel proclaimed. But here as in other places, as is to be expected, seeing our country has been flooded with such a multitude of false reports and foolish stories put in circulation by men of corrupt minds, who do not desire the truth; much prejudice existed, and those who were not willing to receive the truth because they loved it, felt disposed to arise in opposition to it.

Soon after ariving [arriving] in this region I received a challenge and accepted it for a public discussion of the spiritual gifts, with a principle leader of the Campbellite order in this section of country. The debate was held at what is called the Planes meeting house, and lasted from 10 A. M to 4 or 5 P. M. Many were enabled to discern between truth and error, and soon after three went forward into the waters of baptism. I continued preaching in the neighborhood until the conference here on the 16th of June when three more obeyed the gospel. It was the descision [decision] of the conference that I should remain in this section a while longer, I have done so, and have continued to preach and to baptize.

Not long since I had an invitation to compare the testimony for the book of Mormon with the testimony of the Old & New Testament, by one of the teachers of the Campbellite order; (by the name of Patherson,) I accepted the invitation and the investigation was held in Hanover, but before I was half through with the testimony for the book of Mermon [Mormon] he wished to close the debate, and notwithstanding my remonstrances and that of many of the people to the contrary, he finally utterly refused to investigate the subject any farther in this place, although when he first made the proposition to me he said, information was all he wanted, and if the testimony was good for the book of Mormon he would be glad to receive it. Although I had not the opportunity of laying the subject fully before the people, yet the cause of truth was promoted, the people saw that the same objections that were raised against the book of Mormon, might be raised against the Old and New Testament, and the arguments that would destroy one would destroy the other on the same principle. Some that were opposed before became our friends and I baptized six persons soon after. So grows the word of God and prevails, for truth is mighty and what can stand before it? "Mormonism unvailed [unveiled]" has been circulated in this part of the country, but that has but little influence on the minds of those who are seeking after truth: What is the chaff to the wneat [wheat]? The truth is, the honest in heart will and do rejoice when they hear the truth proclaimed.

Since I came here I have held near forty meetings and baptized twelve. The church in this place now numbers thirty seven, there are also many others in this part of the country who are very friendly and believing, many of whom I think will yet embrace the new and everlasting covenant. For my part, I feel much encouraged and do rejoice to see the kingdom of God rolling onward in spite of all opposition. The prospect here is good, but I expect to leave now immediately for Va. I hope the elders traveling South from Kirtland, will give the brethren a call in this place.

Yours in the bonds of the

new and everlasting covenant.


Kirtland August 1, 1837.


I think it proper for me to report to you, that I have recently returned to this place from the mission; that in Nov. last our quorum voted for me to take in compliance with a request made on us by the Tennessee conference. In that month I left here to journey thence via. Wellsville, Cincinati [Cincinnati] and Louisville, landing at Paducah the first of Dec. From thence, I took a land route, and soon after arrived at some of the churches of that conference, and found them located at no little distance from each other, in a wild range of country, situated between the rivers Tennessee and Mississippi, whose numbers were about 114 in all, and nearly all in good standing. They had previously numbered about that, but some of their former numbers had last year moved to Zion Mo.: to them had the first principles of the gospel been taught (as also received)


through the efforts of elders Patten, Parish, Woodruff and others, who had all left there previous to my arrival. My stay at that place was about five months; in which time I travelled [traveled] among the several branches, endeavoring with my best ability to set in order the things then wanting, and to teach the ways of God more perfectly to a people that cordially received and kindly entertained me-many of whom gladly received the word through me, and did as far as they were adequate to it, liberally administer to my necessities-and would have rejoiced in remunerating for the sacrifice that I had made in compliance with the request of that conference, many of whom were the very people who had the promise of having the gospel preached to them; and might I not say the ones that are most calculated to understand, receive, and keep it.

As was to be expected of me, my labors were mostly applied to benefit the church-yet it is proper to say that the blessings of God were so far attendant that 25 others were added to the aforesaid number 114, making in all 139-out of which but one was expelled.

A conference was held in April, when it was voted to ordain three elders viz. A. B. Wilson to take charge of that part of the conference that rein Tennesse [Tennessee], James Beaty for the same in Kentucky, and Alfred Loy, who soon after in company with others faom [from] that place at whose requst [request] I led from thence to Far West Mo.; for that is the name of the place where the church has located in Caldwell Co. at a distance of about thirty miles in nearly a northerly direction from Liberty Clay Co. My stay in that region was not over three weeks, as it became duty for me to leave there for this place: I journied [journeyed] by water from Liberty via. St. Louis and other intermediate places to Wellsville, occupying sixteen days from Liberty to Kirtland, being absent near eight months and travelled [traveled] in all by land and water over five thousand miles, preaching the word to thousands-many of whom had a desire to learn about the strange truth contained in the gospel of the Son of God. May their honest requests be satisfied in a good degree, while I may for a time be permitted to enjoy the society of an affectionate family and many worthy friends in this place.

I am in the bonds of the gospel, yours &c.



We have published entire, the letter of elder Orson Hyde, written from Liverpool, England. The reader will discover that it was designed as a private epistle to his wife, but, by consent we have published it for the information of the Saints here and elsewhere. ED.

Liverpool, July 18, 1837.


After a passage of 18 days, we have all safely arrived at this place. We sailed from New York on the 1st inst. I am truly happy to say to you, that a more pleasant and speedy passage from New York to this place has not been performed at this season of the year, in my opinion, for years. We were not becalmed ouce [once]; neither had we any heavy storms; but a strong Southwardly and Westerly wind prevailed almost during the whole passage. The ship "Soath [South] America" sailed from New York at the same time we did for this port; and there was a wager laid of ten thousand dollars by the owners of the two ships that each would arrive in Liverpool first: This day decided the contest: The two ships came sailing up the channel before a fair wind, under a full press of canvass: the "South America" about ten times her length astern of the Garrick, each ship carrying canvass enough to cover not much less than an acre of ground; and truly a more splendid sight is not often seen. Sometimes, during our passage, the ocean looked something like the hills and valleys round about Kirtland: and would roll out large whale once in a while. We saw four or five of them and other large fish without number. We were very civilly treated on board the ship. The officers and crew were very kind to us. I preached on board the ship on Sunday last to between two and three hundred hearers. I commenced by prayer, and never had greater liberty in calling on the Lord than on this occasion. I had but about forty minutes to speak and consequently could


not investigate any subject to any very great extent. Yesterday the cabin passengers deputed one of their number to come to me to express their gratitude to me for the very excellent prayer which I made, saying, that there were gentlemen and ladies from three or four different nations; and were all unanimous in the opinion that the like they never heard before. One learned physician said that the prayers of the church of England were all "stuff" he being a member of that church notwithstanding, and wept like a child.-The messenger who came to me wept while he related to me his message. I replied to him saying. I am quite obliged to you, Sir, for the good and friendly feelings which you manifest towards me; but, Sir, if there was any thing good in the prayer which I offered, remember that it was from God; therefore thanks and praise are, alone, due to him and not me. I am sensible that instead of such things exalting me, it made me almost abhor myself.

I have not been unwell an hour since I left home, neither have had the least symtoms of sea sickness during the voyage. All the company have been well except bro. Fielding who has been a little sea sick one or two days: and Doct. Richards, has had a cold by which he was a little afflicted one or two days. After the ship anchored at Liverpool there came a small boat along side and a number left the ship to go on shore, among whom were myself, Elder Kimball, Elder Goodson and Doct. Richards. As soon as the boat struck the dock, Elder Kimball and myself, (as if moved by one spirit) first leaped from the boat and gained the top of the quay. We then went and got a room for a few days; and then returned thanks to Almighty God for his great blessings towards us; and dedicated ourselves to the Most High, earnestly praying for you and for all our friends, that you may be prospered and preserved till we meet you all again-Let me assure you, my dear wife, that the Lord God Omniptent [Omnipotent] is with us, therefore fear not concerning us, but pray for us that we may ever keep humble at the feet of our master, that righteousness and truth may be our motto, grace our support and eternal glory our reward.

There was a very sick child on board and the Doctors gave it up to die: But Elder Kimball laid his hands on the child without being perceived and prayed for the child and it recovered soon and got entirely well; and the parents acknowledged that it was the power of God that healed it.

By the letter I wrote you from New York, you learned that we were detained there some time: but while we were there, we prayed night and day that the Lord would give us a prosperous voyage, and send us with speed across the Atlantic. We also prayed that we might have favor in the sight of the officers on board the ship, and truly they granted us every indulgence which we could ask of them. In short we were as well treated as the circumstances would permit.

When we came in sight of Liverpool, the Spirit of God rested down upon us to a very great degree, and also when we landed. We shall remain here for a few days until we can determine what course to pursue, and in what directions to travel. I feel highly gratified with the situation of things here and with the prospects before us. We all feel highly pleased with our situation and we are determined to raise the standard of truth in this country and we are confident that we can do it in the name of the Lord-I want to see you and the little babe very much; I have seen you a number of times in dreams, but when I awoke it was not a reality-May the Lord bless you and all that pertains to you; and when the voyages of life shall be over, may he bring us into that port of everlasting rest where storms and tempests will assail us no more, and where separation will not be known.

I shall look for a letter from you in two or three weeks, after which, I do not expect to hear from you for a long time perhaps not before I see you, for I know not where I shall be and cannot tell you where to direct a letter.-Bro. Kimball wishes me to say for him that he is well and that he wishes to be remembered to his wife, and say to her that he is well pleased with his journey and mission thus far. The Lord is with him, and he enjoys his mind well. That his face is Zion ward at Jerusalem-that he desires to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified; and how his wife and children do. My respects to father Magin; and tell him that I remember him. Give


my love to Father and Mother, Emily and Justin, and to all the friends who way [may?] enquire [inquire] after me-If you have an opportunity, send to sister Snider, that her husband is well and enjoys himself well. I must close for the present: But I would ask you to write to me soon after you receive this, and direct it to London, England-most likely I shall go to that place before I go to America, and shall be exceedingly happy to receive a letter from you at that place; and if I should not go to London, it would be no crime to write if I should not receive it. Pay the postage to N. Y. and then it will come safely-tell me of all the principle transactions that have taken place in the church since I left.

I am, as ever, your

affectionate husband,




The origin of this political system has given rise to much ingenious disquisition among the moderns, and affords a remarkable instance of the passion for systematizing.

It is a prevailing propensity among modern philosophers to reduce every thing to general principles. Man, say they, is always the same, and when placed in similar situations will exhibit a similar appearance. His manners, his improvements, the government and laws under which he lives, arise necessarily from the situation in which we find him; and all is the result of a few general laws of nature which operate universally on the human species. But in the order of passion for generalizing, men forget that it is a knowledge of facts alone, which can lead to the discovery of general laws. The knowledge of one fact leads to the knowledge of more from its association and connexion with others. Facts lead to a knowledge of general laws, and general laws analyzed, lead back to facts or first principles.

We will notice a few facts that rise from the constitution of Sparta. The army of the Heraclidæ, when they came to recover the dominion of their ancestors, was composed of Dorians from Thessally, the most barbarious [barbarous] of all the Greek tribes. The Acheans, the ancient inhabitants of Laconia were confined to such new habitations, while the barbarians of Thessally took possession of their country. Of all the nations of which we have any record, these bare the nearest resemblance to the rude Americans or Aborigines of our own country. Where a chief presides, where the aged deliberate, and the assembly of the people gives its voice, is a form of government nearly resembling that which emanated from the Spartan constitution. The Dorians and Thessalians settled in Lacedemon and were barbarians. Lycurgus, rendered himself famous by forming their usuages into laws. All ancient authors agree that Lycurgus brought about a total change in the Spartan manners and on the constitution of his country. He was a brother to Polydectes, one of the kings of Sparta, was eminent for his virtues and abilities, and was elected by the concurring voice of the sovereigns and people with the important duty of reforming and new moddling [modeling] the constitution of his country.

Lycurgus instituted a Senate with twenty eight members, whose office was to preserve a just balance between the Kings and the people. Lycurgus bent his attention to the regulation of manners: he considered luxury the bane of society & took the most effectual measures his ingenuity could invent to suppress it. He substituted Iron money for gold and silver, prohibited the practice of commerce and abolished all useless arts.

The citizens made their repast at the public tables. Their meals were course and parsimonious.

The Spartan education rejected all embellishments of the understanding. It taught the duties of religion, obedience to the laws respect for parents, reverence for old age, inflexible honor, undaunted courage, contempt of danger and of death; above all the love of glory and of their country.

The general excellence of the Spartan constitution was impaired by many blemishes. The manners of the females were loose: they frequented the public baths and frequently fought naked with men. Theft was said to be a part of Spartan education. The youth were taught to subdue the feelings of humanity: and the slaves were treated with the most barbarious rigor,


and often massacred for sport. In short we can say the institutions of Lycurgus had no other object than to form a nation of soldiers.

"And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, dispise [despise] not thou the chastning [chastening] of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him."-Hebrews, 12:5.

In the chapter preceeding [preceding[ the one from which we have selected those words at the head of this article, the sacred penman enumerated or in a condensed form, brought to view in few words the various instances of the miraculous power of faith as recorded in the word of God. He has not only related the principle facts in few words, but placed them in that order in his arrangement which is admirable to the biblical reader and shown himself master of the subject of which he was writing, consequently well qualified to give all the advice all the instruction that the saints needed respecting this principle of faith in the plan of salvation.

As we have before remarked, he cites a variety of instances where great faith was exercised, and that too in a miraculous manner: He is also full on the point, of the importance of faith, and its necessity in the economy of heaven to save mankind. Without faith says the scripture, it is impossible to please God. We must believe that he is, and that he is the rewarder of all them that diligently seek him. We find it to have been that principle which attracted the divine mind, in creating, and we were going to say, to create the world in which we live.

It would appear from the brief recapitulation of those remarkable occurrences recorded in the chapter to which we have already alluded, and the introduction of the one from which the verse at the head of this article was taken, that there was a kind of fainting, falling away, or want of confidence, at least, in what the apostle had instructed the saints, before this period. We also should bear in mind that this epistle was writen [written] in the 65th year of the christian era, five years before the destruction of Jerusalem, and was addressed to the Hebrews. It may also be noticed that this epistle was written in the 2nd year of the great persecution of Christians under the Emperor, Nero, (that prince who afterwards played his violin when his proud city, Rome was burning,) previous to this time the churches, or some of them, had witnessed the death of some of the apostles, and the great cruelty exercised towards many of their brethren, and it is no wonder under these circumstances, which were fearfully foreboding, if even the stoutest hearts, should at sometimes quake, through fear. The Savior had told the apostles what should take place before the destruction of Jerusalem. The apostles from memory, & the holy Spirit which they received to lead them into all truth, had diligently instructed all the churches, built up under their ministry and supervision, that, persecution would arise, and that many of them must suffer. He therefore, properly passes an encomium on those who suffered without any dereliction in their faith, and exhorts them to constancy, assuring them that God is faithful that promised.

We learn from the text and context, that they had become weak in faith and fearful concerning the events which were then to transpire. Hence the propriety of the language of our text: "And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him." Now we may here observe, that the very idea of a rebuke presupposes that they had sinned, or in a greater or less degree incurred guilt and consequently deserved censure, rebuke or chastisement. Although God loves and respects those who put their trust in him, he only respects them because they fear him and walk uprightly. The same sentiment we find in the expression of Peter when he had arrived at the house of Cornelius, and the same idea: his words are these, or nearly these, "of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation, he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness is accepted with him." So we learn the truth of this sentiment by sacred and profane history; it being abundantly evident from both, that few nations or few people, have passed through more sufferings and privations than the Jews, the children of Israel, and still, they were called the chosen people of God.


From this idea we learn two facts, First, that God is unchangeable.-Second, that the idea of rebuke or chastening is no evidence of anger, revenge, hatred or envy in him, as we understand those terms, but is most beautifully illustrated by the feelings of a tender, yet faithful parent as they are manifest in the treatment of his beloved but wayward, and refractory offspring. While on this subject we must be permitted to take a little corroborating testimony from St. James. He says, "My brethren have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons." And again, the same writer says, "But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin and are convinced of the law as transgressors."-Most assuredly then, these are lessons for us, for all the instructions of inspired men, tend to woo, and beseech man to be Christ, like, to be God-like.

We have it in our heart to enlarge more on this point, but we are aware we have already digressed from the thread of our discourse, or the chain of ideas naturally associated and connected with the text. We only say it is a subject replete with instructions to us, and hope our mind may hereafter be suitably led to take it up and speak particularly upon it; for the present we only crave pardon for the digression and resume our first train of thought. It appears perfectly natural, under circumstances that we have learned from the text context and history, existed at the time the apostle wrote the epistle to the Hebrews, that many should grow week and faint in their minds; that they should ever forget what great things God had done for their forefathers. It appears that the saints of that day were too much like those of the present, willing to admit that God had done signs and wrought miracles in the deliverance of the saints anciently, but they could have no faith that he would do so among them.

The apostle, Paul having that knowledge of the holy scriptures and that experience, together with that gift of faith by the Spirit which enabled him to do many miracles, was eminently qualified to urge with more force of argument a resuscitation of that faith which was necessary in the hours of trial which were then impending. The apostle was aware that without faith it was impossible to please God: he was also aware that without faith they could have no real enjoyment in their then present situation. It was that which buoyed them, above the trials & troubles of a vain and wicked generation with which they were surrounded. It was truly to them, "the assurance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen."

Let then, this principle but become inactive or extinct, and all their hopes of heaven and happiness are vanished like a night vision or the morning dews before the meridian sun. They had been guilty of many aberrations and the Lord was suffering the wicked to affect them. "For though he cause grief yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. For he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men." But they had gone astray. Before men are afflicted they do go astray, but afflictions and deliverence [deliverance] or subsequent mercies sometimes, show men their dependence, excite gratitude to their benefactors, and make them more watchful over themselves in future. The Psalmist says, "before I was afflicted I went astray but now have I kept thy word."

We therefore, from a review of our subject, learn.-

First, That no circumstances, however, adverse, should lead us in the least, to distrust the goodness and mercy of God. We may rest assured that 'his faithfulness is great his years fail not. That his loving kindness is new every morning and manifest every evening." We may also assure our selves that if he was onece [once] jealous of his law and his character, he is so now. It was said by the Psalmist that God, (speaking of Israel,) "had not dealt so with any nation." The giving of the law and the covenants were unto Israel. The prophets were of their own brethren, raised up among them. The miracles which were wrought by the power of God, were manifest in their repeated deliverance from the power of their enemies, and to close the whole, God sent his only Son, whom they slew and hanged on a tree.-Should they then distrust his goodness? should they then suffer their faith to


wane, or their hope to die, within them? should they despond when he had delivered them out of six troubles and in the seventh had not forsaken them?

Second, We learn that he respects no man's person nor looks upon sin with any allowance or approbation: If he suffered the wicked to afflict his saints anciently for their disobedience, he will doubtless do so now, alike to him are the king on his throne and the beggar on the dunghill.

Third, We are led to admire the purpose of God in suffering his saints to be afflicted, showing them their dependence on him. Notwithstanding his ways at times are mysterious, inscrutable and past finding out, yet he will over rule all for his own glory and the greatest good of the universe.


"And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years, in the wilderness to humble thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments or no.-And he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know, that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live."-Deut. 8:2,3. The Pentateuch contains a brief history of important events that occurred during a period of two thousand five hundred fifty three years, and is the only authentic source of information we have now extant, touching the history of the creation, the deluge, the call of Abraham, the history of his descendants, Isaac and Jacob, the twelve patriarchs, the bondage of Israel to the Egyptians, and their journeyings thro' the wilderness to the promised land or land of Palestine. Other writers have favored the world with their views of the events above enumerated, but those who believe the scriptures given by inspiration, depend on them, as the oldest and only canonical record now extant, touching events therein recorded. The writer of the Pentateuch had one advantage over profane historians though they might be his cotemporaries and possess a knowledge of all events that had then transpired. But, God inspired him, with a prophetic Spirit, a Spirit to look down through time, and point out the events of succeeding years, and portray, in glowing colors, the fate of the children of Israel, whether obedient or disobedient till the Savior should come.

With equal fidelity also, he recounts the principal events that mark that interesting period in the morning of time, down to the period when the Lord called him to deliver Israel from under the Egyptian yoke. Moses had repeatedly witnessed the aberrations of the children of Israel, and notwithstanding their miraculous deliverance from bondage, their remarkable preservation in the wilderness through which they had passed, he knew they were prone to forget God. He knew all the miracles that had been wrought, would either be attributed to natural causes, or pass out of their minds like a morning dream or a night vision. Hence the propriety of enforcing the exhortation, "Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee, these forty years, to humble thee to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments or no." In fact, their whole history is but a series of rebellions against God and his government, and peculiarly striking manifestations of God's mercy toward them, when under the most appalling circumstances; circumstances under which no arm but his could save them. We can but admire the pathos with which he recounts, in the bearing of the children of Israel, those miraculous occurrences which would but serve to teach them humility and a firm reliance on their great and bountiful Benefactor for their future support and protection.

We also admire the goodness of God in humbling them and teaching them their dependence on him. Whenever they rebelled against him he afflicted or suffered the enemy to afflict them, until they as a nation were suitably humbled and taught their dependence. Although the sacred penman has said that he humbled Israel to prove him, to know what was in his heart, yet we are not to understand from this expression, that he himself did not know, that he did not understand what was in man. These several trials of his fidelity were the exhibitions of the depravity of the human heart, and were evincive, to themselves when they reflected on their own conduct, of any thing but gratitude for favors received. When under chastisements, Israel reflected


and repented, and God forgave him, but the great God was not enlightened by the experiment; although he says he did what he did to prove him, whether he would keep his commandments or no. We believe him to be the author of man's existence, that he is infinite in wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and that with him, there exists no doubt or contingency relative to the future more than with us relative to the occurrences of yesterday that passed under our own observation. Why then this form of expression as if it were doubtful in the mind of Jehovah whether Israel would obey or disobey? From the nature of the case we infer that he has proved Israel to show him his own folly and weakness, that he might learn obedience by the things which he snffered [suffered], and humility and gratitude by the frequent miraculous interpositions of his providence in their temporal salvation. Nothing but a miracle could sustain such a concourse of people in a wilderness forty years. Nothing but a miracle could deliver them from the power of their enemies as they passed through, to the promised land. It would appear, in that, as if the God of heaven determined to show his people the necessity of obeying all his commands and walking uprightly before him: that all their trials, all their afflictions were to prove to them, not to him, that they were weak, irresolute and inconstant in their faith and practice of obedience. Hence says the inspired writer, "he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know, that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live." Here mark the expression, that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord, &c.

By this form of expression two prominent or leading ideas strike the mind nearly at the same time: and first, we justly infer that the God of heaven had spoken to that people or that nation, and that there was no doubt on the mind of the writer of the truth of what he was penning, and that he considered the fact equally well established in the minds of his brethren. For we do not find him entering into a labored train of reasoning to prove the position but, rather assumes it as a postulate, or an admitted fact, then labors with them and exhorts them accordingly.

Hence, he says, in reference to their miraculous sustentation in the wilderness and during their journeyings from Egypt, "that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord." They needed not this point fortified or established by proof more conclusive than they had already witnessed. They needed but a word to remind them of his terible [terrible] magesty [majesty] at Sinai's mount when he spake to them out of the cloud, giving them the law by which they should be governed, and also the direful consequences of disobedience and deriliction [dereliction] of duty. They were to live by his word, by every word that proceeded out of his mouth. Here we remark that he caused Moses to make his words a matter of record, that they might be known and understood by succeeding ages and generations.-They were to be the rule and guide of their faith and practice. They were to believe them; they were to understand them as they were communicated, they were to live by them. But, negatively, we are not to understand that the word of God alone, satisfies the demand of a craving appetite for temporal food, imparts animal nutriment to the body or well oxygenated air to the lungs; yet we do understand that the words of God are truly (as said the Savior,) Spirit and life, and that a cordial belief and hearty reception of them, prepare the mind of man for the rational enjoyment of the life that now is, and the only sure hope of that which is to come. Again negatively, we are not to understand that the words of the Lord are to be lightly esteemed, to be treated with neglect, disrespect or levity, but to be received as the man of our counsel, the rule and guide of our faith and practice.-Again we are not to understand that any of the plans or purposes of Jehovah fail, but are all stamped with permanency and durability as with the finger of their divine Author. Not only are they given or spoken for our in-


struction in righteousness at the time they are given or spoken, but they permanently and positively, secure the greatest quantum of human happiness to all, so far and so long as they give heed to them.

The history of Israel's rebellions,' is but a history of his sufferings in consequence of his refusing to live by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of the Lord. It ought to serve as a beacon and way mark to light us through the chequered scene that surrounds us: and this it will never do, unless we give heed to it. The Lord has spoken in vain, the history of Israels, rebellion is recorded in vain, experience is vain, preaching is vain, hope is illusory and faith the mere fiction of a disordered imagination, if the word of the Lord be not sure, and all the promises of God yea and Amen.-Here we remark that the Lord never spake to man, or revealed himself to the sons of men, except for their benefit, and his own glory. The frequent departure of the children of Israel from the law and the testimony given them shows, first, the great ingratitude of man to his Maker and his proneness to forget God, his Benefactor.

That the greatest miracles the most sublime truths, the most interesting scenes, and most soul stiring exhibitions of God's mercy, never made that deep and abiding impression upon the mind of man, which was necessary, to permanently and constantly ensure [insure] obedience to his word. All past history goes to prove this one fact relative to the compliance of mankind as a whole to the word of the Lord, they are prone to go astray and substitute their own, for the word of the Lord.-In fact we are ready when we reflect on our own past life, as well as on the life of others, to exclaim-how little have we to reproach each other with inconstancy, and who is prepared, from being "without sin, to cast the first stone!" How appropriate the sentiment of the poet to mankind,

"How weak and irresolute is man,

The purpose of to day,

Woven with pains into his plans,

Which to morrow rends away."

The second and all important idea which strikes our minds as growing out of our text is that, of living to God, living for God, living by faith on the Son of God, and living in the rational, lawful hnjoyment [enjoyment] of all the temporal blessings with which we are surrounded. Temporal food is necessary to nourish and support the mortal body, give it health and vigor; so is the word of the Lord to give health and vigor to the soul, to animate and cheer it, to mitigate the sufferings and sorrows that "flesh is heir to" and double the joys of human life.

Again if the word of the Lord were constantly changing, who would rely upon it; where would be its security? Who would say in him is no variableness or shadow of turning? Although his ways are inscrutable and past finding out, and his purposes known to himself, yet his word to the children of men is truth and can be known and understood, or he has spoken in vain.

Again he, the great God is called our father, as well as our preserver and bountiful benefactor: what fond endearments, what tender ties are not associated with the expression our Father? What then, shall we not hope in the sincerity, and permanency of the word and promises of God? Shall we not love him, shall we not serve him with perfect hearts and willing minds?

We do know that the word of the Lord is a savior of life unto life, or of death unto death; that it enhances the happiness of all who truly believe in it and live by it, and aggravates the misery of all who disobey and disregard it. Therefore, the sacred penman could say, destruction and misery are in the way of the ungodly; but "great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them."



From our latest advice from England we learn, that there was dissatisfaction amoug [among] some of the members of parliament, relative to some of the past acts of government concerning the pressure in the money market, the repeated failures among commercial men, attributing much of the distress to the bad faith, and vaccilating course taken by the constituted authorities. One failure after another takes place, and when a large house stops payment for some two five or ten millions, numerous othher [other] houses are affected by it, besides thousands and tens of thou-


sands of individuals that are involved in the consequences. But money matters, from the latest sources of information, we are led to the belief, are a little more easy in England than they were, particularly, as far as the great American houses are concerned; owing perhaps to the shipments of specie that have been made from this country by the American Merchants within the few months past. Much of that article has certainly left our shores within a little time. Much has been received by merchants in New Orleans from the south, and much been brought from Europe by passengers into our eastern cities; so that we may not have suffered so great a diminution in the sum total, as from a cursory view appeared.

The internal and external affairs of France remain about as they were at our last advices. Spain is yet in a state of intestine war and wasting her own men and means.

From the Pacific, we learn, that the Chilian Government is preparing an expedition, consisting of land and naval forces, to go against Peru. We infer from the accounts we have read, that there is much disaffection with the Peruvians, and the invading army calculate they shall be joined by a great portion of the Peruvian troops.

We have no news from Texas of an interesting nature since our last. Our southern border war, is not yet closed, nor is it very formidable to any but our more extreme southern frontier settlements.

Politicians are busily engaged in devising plans for the relief of the pressure in the money market of our country and thereby secure, or soon gain the best offices in the gift of the people. One party appear to have taxed or be taxing all their powers, to devise, invent or bring forward some system, by shifts or temporizing expedients, to maintain their consistency, in their crusade against banks, relieve the country, and retain their power with the people. The minority contend that the course of experiments the currency has undergone, has brought the present distress upon the country: that past history reflects sufficient light on this subject, and should rather be consulted than what they are pleased to term visionary theory. We are not pleased with distress when it may be avoided or remedied, but we are pleased, since it does exist, that there is a free discussion on the subject, and trust, that truth will be elicited. We do hope that the sentiment of Mr. Jefferson will in this case be verified, that error could or would do little injury if reason were left free to combat it.

We have two full columns of a mammoth sheet of August tenth, containing extracts from papers or other authentic sources of information from 23 of the 26 United States, and all agree that crops were never so universally good as at present. The early crops are nearly secured, and the weather never more favorable, to mature the later crops. Well may we exclaim, the Lord is kind, merciful and benevolent notwithstanding the weakness and ingratitude of the children of men. Crimes of all grades, from those of the most trifling nature, to those of the deepest die, as well as casualties of all kinds, continue as usual, to occupy a very considerable space in all public journals.

We believe our own cities and country, are generally as healthy as at any time before since their settlement, at the same season of the year. We learn from the extract of a letter from Guatemala (Central America) that the Cholera was raging in that city and country in its most malignant form. Three thousand three hundred had fallen victims to it. In San Salvador 4600 had fallen. Surely the destroyer is among the works of God. Ed.

Proceedings of a Conference of the Church of Latter Day Saints, convened by special apointment [appointment], at Portland, District of Johnstown, U. C. June 10, 1837.

The number of official members present were thirteen elders, five priests, eight teachers and six deacons. The Conference opened by prayer by elder Woodruff. On motion of elder Blackeslee, seconded by elder Woodruff, elder John E. Page was elected President, William A. Weston Secretary, and John Hughs assistant, when an appeal was presented by William B. Simmons and from the acknowledgement [acknowledgment] of certain items in said appeal, it was conclusive in the minds of the


presiding elders, and from an exhortation given by the president of the facts, it was accordingly voted that he had no cause of action. The minutes of the Bedford, and Bathurst branches were presented, read and approved:-On the evidence of three witnesses of the Bedford branch, it was declared that Johnathan Houghton had denied the faith, he was accordingly voted out of the church of Latter Day Saints.-Conference adjourned for one hour. Met according to adjournment and opened by prayer by elder Arza Adams. The president addressed the congregation from 3rd Jeremiah, from which was delivered an appropriate address on the gathering of the saints, and by what means. Motioned and carried that elders, Draper and Woodruff be the officiating elders to ordain the different officers in the different branches of the church of Latter Day Saints. There were ordained at this conference seven elders, nine priests, eleven teachers and five deacons.-11th June, Lords day A. M. service, elder Wilford Woodruff spoke from 2 Corinthians 4th chapt. 3d and 4th verses. P. M. service by elder Page, Hebrews 5th chapter 4th verse.

Conference adjourned this 11 June, 1837, sine die.

JOHN E. PAGE Pres't.

Wm. A. WESTON, }

JOHN HUGHS, } Clerks.

There are 73 members in good standing in West Bastord branch, 50 in the Bedford branch, 58 in the Bathurst branch. Total of the three branches-180.

North Bathurst branch, East Bastord branch, Williamsbury branch, Luds branch and South Crosby branch, there remains in all in good standing, 120 total, - 300.

The Lord truly crowned the above conference with his holy Spirit, poured out upon the brethren and sisters to the great joy and comfort of all the saints: There were five baptized on this conference occasion, making in all 305 being the fruits of the labors of elder James Blakeslee and myself in the last thirteen months.


W. A. COWDERY Editor.

A prospectus for a new paper, to be issued from this office, is inserted in this, and will also appear in our next, which closes the present volume of the Messenger and Advocate, and will also close our editorial labors, perhaps forever. Our numerous patrons will consider the necessity and importance of forwarding all arrearages, if any be due us, and their money and address, for the new paper.

P. S. The new paper will be sent to the subscribers of the M. & A. who have paid in advance, unless other directions shall be given.-Ed.

Minutes of a Conference of the elders of the church of Latter Day Saints, held in Lyman, Grafton Co.-N. H. on the 26 and 27 of Aug. 1837.

Agreeable to previous appointment the elders and church assembled at 1/2 past 10 A.M. at the house of brother Zadock Parker, and proceeded to organize said conference which was as follows, elder A. B. Fuller was called to the Chair, elder James C.-Snow was duly elected Clerk by the unanimous voice of the conference.-The meeting was opened by singing, the throne of grace was then addressed by the Chairman, and after a few preliminary remarks the elders were called upon to express their faith and their manner of teaching which was done to the etire [entire] satisfaction of the council.

Elder Butler was then called upon to represent the branch of the church at Underhill, Vt. which consists of 18 members in good standing; also represented a branch in Jay, Vt. which consists of 12 members in good standing. Elder W. Farr represented a branch of 12 members in Charleston, Vt. Elder D Richardson represented a branch in Franconia, N. H. consisting of 5 members. Brother Zadock Parker represented the Lyman branch in N. H. containing 16 members. Elder J. C. Snow represents a branch in the town of Campton, L. Canada containing 10 members. Also St. Johnsbury branch, Vt. containing 9 members. Artimus W. Lockling priest, represented Lyndon branch Vt. containing 15 members, the above named branches are all in good standing. Conference then adjourned one hour.

Met again pursuant to adjournment; conference opened by singing. The throne of grace was addressed by the Chairman, who then proceeded to give such instruction as the holy Spirit manifested. The subject of the word of


wisdom was introduced and after many able remarks from the Chair, and elders J. C. Snow, W. Farr and A.-Butler the conference unanimously voted to abide by the word of wisdom excepting two, and they felt determined to try. Many important instructions were given concerning the gathering by the chairman and elders present.-Brother Zadock Parker was then chosen by the unanimous vote of the conference to preside over the branch of the church in Lyman, Grafton county, N. H. Brother Artimus W. Lockling priest was duly elected to preside over the branch in Lyndon, Vt. Caldonia county, by the unanimous voice of the conference.

Elder J. C. Snow then explained the nature and order of the Priesthood. Broths. Parker & Lockling were then set apart by the laying on of hands by the Chairman and Clerk of the conference. Good order and much union prevailed throughout the conference; sung a hymn and the Spirit of the Lord rested down upon the congregation.-The conference was then dismissed by pronouncing the Saviors benediction. Sunday at half past ten met at the meeting house in the east part of Lyman for public preaching; a large congregation assembled who was addressed by elder Fuller and followed by elder W. Farr who gave a short exhortation: intermission of half an hour, congregation again assembled and were addressed by elder J. C. Snow from the subject of the book of Mormon, the Spirit of the Lord rested down upon the elders, and a good Spirit seemed to prevail throughout the congregation.




To the brethren and friends of the church of Latter Day Saints; I am disposed to say a word relative to the bills of the Kirtland Safety Society Bank. I hereby warn them to beware of speculators, renegades and gamblers, who are duping the unsuspecting and the unwary, by palming upon them, those bills, which are of no worth, here. I discountenance and disapprove of any and all such practices. I know them to be detrimental to the best interests of society, as well as to the principles of religion.



Married, in this town on the 20th Instant, by Elder Brigham Young, Elder Wm. Parks of Euclid Cayahoga Co. O. to Mrs. MILISSENT OSBORN, of this place.

Also on the 23rd Inst. by Oliver Cowdery Esq. AMOS R. ORTON to Miss. DORCAS SEEKINS both of this place.

WISE and good men have attempted to present an artificial arrangement of the several events recorded in the history of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, or what they call a Harmony of the Gospel. It is both a pleasing and an useful amusement to ascertain the dates and to settle the order of events; and labors of this kind merit high commendation. But the native majesty and simplicity of scripture stand in no need of artificial arrangement. The whole spiritual building is august and venerable, and each particular part has its peculiar beauty and excellency. To be assured that such things were done, is of infinitely higher importance than to determine the exact series of succession. Every line of the history of Christ is a radiant display of divine perfection; every step he takes leaves an impress of benignity behind it. It was predicted concerning him, that he should be "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." But it was likewise predicted that he should "see of the travail of his soul and be satisfied." The words which have been read contain the accomplishment of this last prophecy. In all our affliction he was afflicted; let us weep with him: and when he "rejoices in spirit," let us also "rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory; receiving the end of our faith, even the salvation of our souls."-Hunter.


Our readers will please correct a mistake, made in the date of a letter inserted in the July paper from President W. W. Phelps. It now bares date May 7th, whereas it should be July 7th.


Bound together, or in separate volumes can be had at this office.