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NO. 3.
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1. Abraham sitting upon Pharaoh's throne, by the politeness of the king; with a crown upon his head, representing the priesthood; as emblematical of the grand presidency in heaven; with the sceptre [scepter] of justice, and judgment in his hand.
1. Abraham sitting upon Pharaoh's throne, by the politeness of the king; with a crown upon his head, representing the priesthood; as emblematical of the grand presidency in heaven; with the sceptre [scepter] of justice, and judgment in his hand.
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Abraham is reasoning upon the principles of astronomy, in the kings Court.
Abraham is reasoning upon the principles of astronomy, in the kings Court.
From the Western (Chatauque co.) Messenger.
From the Western (Chatauque co.) Messenger.
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In copying the above account, the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser says: "At Erie and Rochester, places about 150 miles apart in a straight line, the light was nearly as vivid as that of day. This shows the immense magnitude and great height of the meteor."
In copying the above account, the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser says: "At Erie and Rochester, places about 150 miles apart in a straight line, the light was nearly as vivid as that of day. This shows the immense magnitude and great height of the meteor."
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Manchester, Jan. 29th 1842.
Manchester, Jan. 29th 1842.
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I omitted to say that the writer in the paper alluded to, informed the public that he was endeavoring to obtain information respecting the movements of the people. He had previously sent a person to Elder Pratt to get him to state something in writing respecting emigration, and after the publication of the letter before referred to, he again sent to Elder Pratt for additional information in writing, I happened to be at Elder Pratt's, when he made the second application, and I told Elder P. that he was the individual who had published the letter in the courier. Elder P. sent him another letter containing the required information: and also stated that he had no objection to submit to him, or to the Government of this country, or any of its departments the religious principles of our society; our place of emigration, and indeed the whole of our movements in this and other countries, for the strictest investigation. The Manufacturers are evidently beginning to be jealous of the mechanics, and workmen, emigrating with a people having so systematic an organization as the Latter Day Saints display in their arrangements in this town.
I omitted to say that the writer in the paper alluded to, informed the public that he was endeavoring to obtain information respecting the movements of the people. He had previously sent a person to Elder Pratt to get him to state something in writing respecting emigration, and after the publication of the letter before referred to, he again sent to Elder Pratt for additional information in writing, I happened to be at Elder Pratt's, when he made the second application, and I told Elder P. that he was the individual who had published the letter in the courier. Elder P. sent him another letter containing the required information: and also stated that he had no objection to submit to him, or to the Government of this country, or any of its departments the religious principles of our society; our place of emigration, and indeed the whole of our movements in this and other countries, for the strictest investigation. The Manufacturers are evidently beginning to be jealous of the mechanics, and workmen, emigrating with a people having so systematic an organization as the Latter Day Saints display in their arrangements in this town.
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We had a general review of the Nauvoo Legion, on Saturday the 7th inst. The Legion presented a beautiful appearance, the officers of the different Cohorts, Battalions and Companies, equiped [equipped] themselves well; and in passing through their various evolutlons [evolution's], both officers and men, showed a knowledge of military tactics, far in advance of what could have been expected from the little experience they have had and the short time the Legion had been formed. They have very much improved both in good discipline and uniform, since last year. Many thousands of spectators were present; no accident occurred; but good will, order, peace, harmony, and hilarity was manifested; both by the companies, and the spectators.
We had a general review of the Nauvoo Legion, on Saturday the 7th inst. The Legion presented a beautiful appearance, the officers of the different Cohorts, Battalions and Companies, equiped [equipped] themselves well; and in passing through their various evolutlons [evolution's], both officers and men, showed a knowledge of military tactics, far in advance of what could have been expected from the little experience they have had and the short time the Legion had been formed. They have very much improved both in good discipline and uniform, since last year. Many thousands of spectators were present; no accident occurred; but good will, order, peace, harmony, and hilarity was manifested; both by the companies, and the spectators.
Line 234: Line 247:
In looking over the same paper, I find under the head of "communications," upon the subject of Mormonism, the following:-
In looking over the same paper, I find under the head of "communications," upon the subject of Mormonism, the following:-
===SCRAPS FROM IOWA, No. 2.===
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I. T.
I. T.
Hanly, Stafford Co. Eng.}
Hanly, Stafford Co. Eng.}
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From the Millennial Star.
From the Millennial Star.
Glasgow, January 14, 1842.
Glasgow, January 14, 1842.
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Several ordinations took place, and two new branches were organized.
Several ordinations took place, and two new branches were organized.
As every thing which relates to this unique sect is interesting at this time, we have concluded to give an account of their affairs in this city and vicinity. This information we have derived from Mr. Nickerson, the presiding elder in Boston. Their meetings are held at No. 82 Commercial street, on Sunday, at the usual hours of public worship, and are free to all. This church was formed on Wednesday, the 9th of March last, with little more than thirty members, most of which were baptized by elder Nickerson. The congregation has been large, and a great many have been obliged to turn away in consequence of the crowds which attend. In Chelsea, meetings are held occasionally, and one has been baptized. In Salem and vicinity about seventy have been baptized. In Medifield, Medway, Cape Cod, and many other places, meetings are also held. Mr. Nickerson says there never was such a call for preachers as at the present time. The church in Peterboro, Gilson, and neighborhood, numbers in all upwards of one hundred. What will the end be?-(Dollar Weekly Bostonian).
As every thing which relates to this unique sect is interesting at this time, we have concluded to give an account of their affairs in this city and vicinity. This information we have derived from Mr. Nickerson, the presiding elder in Boston. Their meetings are held at No. 82 Commercial street, on Sunday, at the usual hours of public worship, and are free to all. This church was formed on Wednesday, the 9th of March last, with little more than thirty members, most of which were baptized by elder Nickerson. The congregation has been large, and a great many have been obliged to turn away in consequence of the crowds which attend. In Chelsea, meetings are held occasionally, and one has been baptized. In Salem and vicinity about seventy have been baptized. In Medifield, Medway, Cape Cod, and many other places, meetings are also held. Mr. Nickerson says there never was such a call for preachers as at the present time. The church in Peterboro, Gilson, and neighborhood, numbers in all upwards of one hundred. What will the end be?-(Dollar Weekly Bostonian).
Line 358: Line 371:
From the Dollar Weekly Bostonian.
From the Dollar Weekly Bostonian.
Joe is decidedly the greatest original of the present day. He carries all before him when he undertakes an enterprise-knows no impediment-and never halts in his course till he has accomplished his object. His post, at the head of the Mormons, is a conspicuous one, and in a few years of such advancement as he has met with for the past year, will give him a numberless host of followers. We should not be surprised if Joe should become as
Joe is decidedly the greatest original of the present day. He carries all before him when he undertakes an enterprise-knows no impediment-and never halts in his course till he has accomplished his object. His post, at the head of the Mormons, is a conspicuous one, and in a few years of such advancement as he has met with for the past year, will give him a numberless host of followers. We should not be surprised if Joe should become as
Line 378: Line 391:
From the Dollar Weekly Bostonian.
From the Dollar Weekly Bostonian.
We have the pleasure to lay before our readers the following letter from Elder Nickerson, the presiding elder of the church of Latter Day Saints in Boston, who believes, to use his own words, that "wickedness will soon be swept from the earth, and that the day of universal righteousness will set in during this generation, when our offices shall all become peace, and our exactions righteousness:"
We have the pleasure to lay before our readers the following letter from Elder Nickerson, the presiding elder of the church of Latter Day Saints in Boston, who believes, to use his own words, that "wickedness will soon be swept from the earth, and that the day of universal righteousness will set in during this generation, when our offices shall all become peace, and our exactions righteousness:"
Line 412: Line 425:
Attest: W. RICHARDS, Clerk.
Attest: W. RICHARDS, Clerk.
Br. Benjamin Winchester is silenced from preaching until he makes satisfaction for not obeying the instruction which he received from the Presidency, when at Nauvoo. By order of the Quorum of the Twelve.
Br. Benjamin Winchester is silenced from preaching until he makes satisfaction for not obeying the instruction which he received from the Presidency, when at Nauvoo. By order of the Quorum of the Twelve.
Line 420: Line 433:
Amasa Lyman, Tennessee. Erastus Snow, Salem Mass.
Amasa Lyman, Tennessee. Erastus Snow, Salem Mass.
Line 448: Line 461:
For the Times and Seasons.
For the Times and Seasons.
Once on a time a paper kite In vain it try'd to soar away;
Once on a time a paper kite In vain it try'd to soar away;

Latest revision as of 15:51, 13 April 2024

Times and Seasons: Volume 3, Number 14

Summary:Source document in Mormon Publications: 19th and 20th Centuries online archive: Times and Seasons Vol. 3

Times and Seasons: Volume 3, Number 14

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Vol. III. No. 14.] CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. MAY 16, 1842. [Whole No. 50.


Book of abraham facsimile 3 times and seasons.png




1. Abraham sitting upon Pharaoh's throne, by the politeness of the king; with a crown upon his head, representing the priesthood; as emblematical of the grand presidency in heaven; with the sceptre [scepter] of justice, and judgment in his hand.

2. King Pharaoh; whose name is given in the characters above his head.

3. Signifies Abraham, in Egypt; referring to Abraham, as given in the 9th No. of the Times and Seasons.

4. Prince of Pharaoh, King of Egypt; as written above the hand.

5. Shulem; one of the kings principal waiters; as represented by the characters above his hand.

6. Olimlah; a slave belonging to the prince.

Abraham is reasoning upon the principles of astronomy, in the kings Court.


From the Western (Chatauque co.) Messenger.


On Monday morning last, about three o'clock, we were awakened by a sudden and extremely brilliant light, which shone through the window of our sleeping apartment. On opening our eyes, we had a momentary glimpse of a vividly luminous body or trail which almost instantly passed out of sight, and was gone. We were convinced it was a large meteor, and expected an explosion. We waited from three to five minutes, when a report burst through the welkin like a piece of heavy ordnance standing within a short distance. There was nothing in it like thunder but a perfect resemblance to the sound we have named. It shook the house very sensibly, as it did others, in one instance jarring a tooth brush from the window to the floor. Its direction was northerly, and the explosion took place, probably, over the lake.

We found, in the morning, that our citizens were generally awakened by the report, though not many saw the splendid object that occasioned it. Mr. Tracy, the stage agent, and the stage driver, were at the time at the barn, just leaving it with a fresh team, when they saw the light, and at the same time heard a cracking or crushing noise, like that of a falling tree. The source of light appeared like an oblong body of fire rushing with tremendous velocity through the air, and eight or ten inches in diameter. It seemed to approach the place where they stood in a curvilinear path and led one of them to exclaim, "it will strike the barn!" It however passed over, and disappeared as it seemed to them, about half a mile from the point of observation. In its course, it gave off frequent sparks, or streaks, from the sides, and this was probably the occasion of the snapping or gathering noise which was heard. Its disappearance was quite singular as described. The long fiery tail seemed to separate from the nucleus, or head, and the latter rushed on, emitting a dark blue flame; but there was no division of its body into fragments, or any thing else to indicate a fracture, unless indeed the very separation of the fiery and blue portions were the result of the explosion.

The light emitted was nearly as bright as day light at meridian. The shingles on distant houses were distinctly visible. Mr. Sexton, our postmaster, was at the time of its passage, assorting the mail, having two candles to furnish him light, but the light of the meteor was so great as to make them appear like burning candles in full daylight.

From all we can gather, at least three minutes must have elapsed between the disappearance of the meteor and the hearing of the report. Consequently, as sound travels at the rate of a little over thirteen miles a minute, the body of the meteor must have been nearly forty miles from us, either in elevation or horizontal distance, at the time of its explosion. Probably it was much higher than it appeared to be to gentlemen who witnessed it. The whole duration of its appearance was not more than half a minute, if it was so long.

Its elevation was 56 1-4 miles from the earth, and its diameter 1070 yards! It is worthy of remark, that most of those which have been sufficiently noticed to form any satisfactory estimate concerning them, have been found to be between fifty and sixty miles from the earth's surface.

Explosive meteors have usually, if not always been attended with the dropping of stones to the earth. The stones thus broken and fallen are generally not large, weighing from a few ounces to a dozen pounds. There have been instances, however, where huge masses have fallen. In 1795 one fell in Yorkshire, which measured 30 inches in length, and 28 1-2 in breadth, and weighed 59 pounds. It fell with such force that it sunk into the ground to the depth of twenty one inches. The most remarkable stone for size, whose fall has ever been witnessed, was one which fell in Connecticut some 25 years ago. This fell in the day time we believe. It was so bright as to be luminous, but if we mistake not, it was not attended with an explosion. It rushed down into the earth with tremendous force, and gave such a jar and rumbling as led many to suppose that an earthquake had happened. It was seen to fall and people soon repaired to the field and found its burrow. It was shortly uncovered, though



it had sunk some three or four feet beneath the surface. Its weight, if we are not much mistaken, was not far from a ton.

POSTSCRIPT.-Since writing the above, we have conversed with Mr. Horace Palmer, who was on his way from Dunkirk to this place when the meteor appeared. He was two or three miles from Dunkirk, when he appeared to be instantly surrounded with a most painfully vivid light, proceeding from a mass of fluid or jelly like substance, which fell around and upon him, producing a sulphureous [sulfurous] smell, a great difficulty of breathing, and a feeling of faintness with a strong sensation of heat. As soon as he could recover from his astonishment he perceived the body of the meteor passing above him, seeming to be about a mile high.-It then appeared to be in diameter about the size of a large steamboat pipe, near a mile in length! Its dimensions varied soon; becoming first much broader and then waning away in diameter and length until the former was reduced to about eight inches, and the latter to a fourth of a mile, when it separated into pieces which fell to the earth and almost immediately he heard the explosion, which he says was tremendous. On arriving here in the morning, his face had every appearance of having been severely scorched; his eyes were much affected, and he did not recover from the shock it gave his system for two or three days. This is really a marvellous [marvelous] story; but Mr. Palmer is a temperate and an industrious man, and a man of integrity: and we believe any one conversing with him on the subject, would be satisfied that he intends no deception; but describes the scene as nearly as possible, as it actually appeared. Probably however his agitation at his sudden introduction to such a scene, caused the meteor to be somewhat magnified to him. Witnesses here speak of the sparks which were thrown off; probably one of those sparks fell and enveloped Mr. Palmer. In addition to its light, Mr. Palmer states that its passage was accompanied by a sound like that of a car moving on a railroad, only louder.

At Salem an observer stated the meteor to be "as large as a house"-rather indefinite, but proving it to have been one of extraordinary magnitude. It was noticed at North East, Waterford, and Sugar Grove, Pa.; Harmony, Chatauque, and other towns in this county. The report was heard also at Buffalo. In Chatauque, an observer describes it as six or eight inches in diameter, and half a mile long.

We learn also that it burst about three miles beyond Fredonia, or about eighteen from this place. The report is, that a fragment has been found, a foot or more in diameter, but we know not the original authority of the statement.

If it did burst where it is represented to have done, and it was seen here until it exploded, its elevation must have been about 35 miles. This is pretty low in comparison with most of them, but it would seem from the account of Mr. Palmer that it was much lower still. Perhaps it was not observed here as long as it might have been from good points of vision.-Its course is represented by all to have been North Easterly.

In copying the above account, the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser says: "At Erie and Rochester, places about 150 miles apart in a straight line, the light was nearly as vivid as that of day. This shows the immense magnitude and great height of the meteor."



Mr. Harris having returned from this tour he left me and went home to Palmyra, arranged his affairs and returned again to my house about the twelfth of April, eighteen hundred and twenty eight, and commenced writing for me, while I translated from the plates, which we continued until the fourteenth of June following, by which time he had written one hundred and sixteen pages of manuscript on foolscap paper. Some time after Mr. Harris had begun to write for me he began to teaze [tease] me to give him liberty to carry the writings home and shew [show] them, and desired of me that I would enquire [inquire] of the Lord through the Urim and Thummim if he might not do so. I did enquire [inquire], and the answer was that he must not. However, he was not satisfied with this answer, and desired that I should enquire [inquire] again. I did so, and the answer was as before. Still he could not be contented, but insisted that I should enquire [inquire] once more. After much solicitation I again enquired [inquired] of the Lord, and permission was granted him to have the writings on certain conditions, which were, that he shew [show] them only to his brother Preserved Harris, his own wife, his father, and his mother, and a Mrs. Cobb, a sister to his wife. In accordance with this last answer I required of him that he should bind himself in a covenant to me in the most solemn manner, that he would not do otherwise than had been directed. He did so. He bound himself as I required of him, took the writings and went his way.



Notwithstanding however the great restrictions which he had been laid under, and the solemnity of the covenant which he had made with me, he did shew [show] them to others, and by stratagem they got them away from him, and they never have been recovered nor obtained back again unto this day.

In the mean time while Martin Harris was gone with the writings, I went to visit my father's family, at Manchester. I continued there for a short season and then returned to my place in Pennsylvania. Immediately after my return home I was walking out a little distance when behold the former heavenly messenger appeared and handed to me the Urim and Thummim again, (for it had been taken from me in consequence of my having wearied the Lord in asking for the privilege of letting Martin Harris take the writings which he lost by transgression,) and I enquired [inquired] of the Lord through them and obtained the following revelation:

Revelation to Joseph Smith, Jr. given July, 1828, concerning certain manuscripts on the first part of the book of Mormon, which had been taken from the possession of Martin Harris.

1. The works, and the designs, and the purposes of God, cannot be frustrated, neither can they come to nought [naught], for God doth not walk in crooked paths; neither doth he turn to the right hand nor to the left; neither doth he vary from that which he hath said; therefore his paths are strait and his course is one eternal round.

2. Remember, remember, that it is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the work of men: for although a man may have many revelations, and have power to do many mighty works, yet, if he boasts in his own strength, and sets at nought [naught] the counsels of God, and follows after the dictates of his own will, and carnal desires, he must fall and incur the vengeance of a just God upon him.

3. Behold, you have been intrusted [entrusted] with these things, but how strict were your commandments; and remember, also, the promises which were made to you, if you do not transgress them; and behold, how oft you have transgressed the commandments and the laws of God, and have gone on in the persuasions of men; for behold, you should not have feared man more than God, although men set at nought [naught] the counsels of God, and despise his words, yet you should have been faithful and he would have extended his arm, and supported you against all the fiery darts of the adversary; and he would have been with you in every time of trouble.

4. Behold thou art Joseph, and thou wast chosen to do the work of the Lord, but because of transgression, if thou art not aware thou wilt fall, but remember God is merciful: therefore repent of that which thou hast done, which is contrary to the commandment which I gave you, and thou art still chosen, and art again called to the work; except thou do this, thou shalt be delivered up and become as other men, and have no more gift.

5. And when thou deliveredst up that which God had given thee sight and power to translate, thou deliveredst up that which was sacred, into the hands of a wicked man, who has set at nought [naught] the counsels of God, and has broken the most sacred promises, which were made before God, and has depended upon his own judgment, and boasted in his own wisdom, and this is the reason that thou hast lost thy privileges for a season, for thou hast suffered the counsel of thy director to be trampled upon from the beginning.

6. Nevertheless my work shall go forth, for, inasmuch as the knowledge of a Saviour [Savior] has come unto the world, through the testimony of the Jews, even so shall the knowledge of a Saviour [Savior] come unto my people; and to the Nephites, and the Jacobites, and the Josephites, and the Zoramites, through the testimony of their fathers; and this testimony shall come to the knowledge of the Lamanites, and the Lemuelites, and the Ishmaelites, who dwindled in unbelief because of the iniquity of their fathers, whom the Lord has suffered to destroy their brethren the Nephites, because of their iniquities and their abominations; and for this very purpose are these plates preserved which contain these records, that the promises of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he made to his people; and that the Lamanites might come to the knowledge of their fathers, and that they might know the promises of the Lord, and that they may believe the gospel and rely upon the merits of Jesus Christ, and be glorified though [through ?] faith in his name; and that through their repentance they might be saved: Amen.




Manchester, Jan. 29th 1842.


Beloved Brethren,

I have often had a desire to hear from you, and also to write a few lines to you, but have deferred writing until I could inform you definitely the time when I had reason to expect the privilege of taking my departure from this land would be granted me, and my way made clear, so that I could set my face Zionward.

I and my family purpose, if it be the will of the Lord, to set sail for the land of Zion in September next; and we desire an interest in your prayers to the God of Jacob, that our way may be opened, and our wishes realized. We were glad to hear of the safe arrival of yourselves and the rest of your brethren, and of the prosperity of the work of the Lord in Zion; and we trust that you are now rejoicing with your families, and with the saints of the Most High, in hope of the glory of God. I was sorry that we were prevented leaving England at the time of your return, but was reconciled when I reflected upon the parting words of Elder Richards, "That it was for a wise purpose which we could not then see; but which would be made manifest to us." Since then circumstances have transpired, which caused me to rejoice that I was disappointed leaving England when I had intended. Soon after your departure a clergyman of the Church of England called upon my employer, to request that he might have an interview with me, as he had a wish to propound certain questions to me; upon his request being complied with, we retired to a private room, when he produced a long list of questions written down, opposite to which he wrote my answers. The rise of the church, priesthood, doctrines, offices, sacraments &c. were the principle queries he advanced. When he demurred to any of our principles I was proceeding to explain, but he cut my discourse short by saying he would not hold any controversy, his object being only to obtain information. After the disposal of his queries he wished to be informed where he could obtain the whole of the publications of the Latter day Saints as he wished to be in possession of them, I informed him at 47 Oxford Street, and he promised to send for them. Soon after the visit of this reverend gentleman, I had reason to suspect that undermining operations were in progress against me, I therefore tendered my resignation to the directors, but they would not accept it, and very soon afterwards a public accountant was employed by them to investigate their accounts for several years back, and I was happy to be enabled to answer satisfactorally [satisfactorily] every question that was asked of me respecting them.

After this another minister sent a lengthy article extracted from an American paper, purporting to be the production of a Mr. Anthony, with a request that I would "read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the same." I replied to the statements of Mr. A. and after disposing of them paragraph for paragraph, I told him that I was obliged by his favoring me with it, inasmuch as it satisfied my mind, and was confirmatory of the prediction of Isaiah being fulfilled, seeing that Mr. A. admitted that "the words of the book were delivered to the learned &c. I then proceeded to contrast the Church of England with the churches established by the Apostles; but he has not acknowledged the receipt of my letter as yet.

The Clergy are building ten new churches in this town and neighborhood, and are employing additional curates to go round to the houses of their parishioners, to coerce or intimidate them into an attendance upon their services, in fulfillment of the words of Paul, "In the last days perilous times will come, &c. that they would have a form of godliness, but deny the power, and would creep into houses to lead captive silly women, &c." See 2 Timothy, 1st ch. 1 to 8th verses. These curates make repeated visits, generally when the heads of families are from home, and take especial care to enquire [inquire] where the family are employed, and what place of worship they attend &c. and leave tracts for the family to read.

One of the Rev. Hugh Stowel's curates has paid several visits to my house, but always in my absense [absence], although he was requested to call when I was at home, and informed the time, when he might meet with me.

The following discourse took place in our own neighborhood. Curate. What religion may you be my good woman? I



am a church woman sir. What church do you usually attend? I never attend any sir.

After reprimanding the woman for pretending to be one of his flock, while she absented herself from the fold, he went to the house of a poor woman who had lately joined the saints. "I am a minister of the church of Jesus Christ in England, and have called to enquire [inquire] what school you send your children to, and what religion you profess?', The woman replied she was a "Latter Day Saint." "Oh delusion! delusion!!" he rejoined, and began to rail against the saints; whereupon she handed him the bible, and requested him to read the place where she casually opened to, namely, the iii. ch. of Micah, and to preach her a discourse from that part of the bible; but he retreated from before her and has not troubled her since. The Lord Bishop of Chester, and the protestant Clergymen, have hired a person of the of Brindley to go about lecturing against the saints, and have commenced a monthly periodical in which the foul slanders heaped upon the saints in America and elsewhere retailed out to satisfy the malice of the enemies of truth. The Manchester Courier has had several articles against our society and principles, and the old Spaulding Romance has been resusitated [resuscitated] for the occasion. The Rev. Charles Burton, Doctor of Laws, minister of "All Saints," has been several times to see me lately, and upon one occasion invited me to his house where I went and discussed our principles for several hours, until he was glad to withdraw from the contest; I found him ignorant in a great measure of what the bible contains respecting the latter days. He admitted that the saints would reign on earth.

The great work of the Lord is still progressing in spite of all the opposition of lying priests and their auxilaries [auxiliaries] of the newspaper press. I baptized Elizabeth Smith, who resided with us when you were in England, and she purposes coming out to America along with us. There is very great distress among the operatives and the poor generally, and great excitement respecting the agitation of the repeal of the corn laws. Great fires have frequently occurred at the commencment [commencement] of this year; a large carrier's warehouse was consumed by fire, about from L200,000 to L300,000, ($1,000,000 to $3,000,000) worth of cotton and grain &c. destroyed. It was the Union Co's. carrying warehouse, Piccadilly. There is great depression in almost every branch of manufacture, and great perplexity; and I am daily more and more convinced that the time is not far distant when Babylon the great will be fallen, and become a desolation, and the kings and the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her and she will be cast down even as a great millstone cast into the sea and will be found no more at all.

We were glad to hear of the safe arrival of the Tvrian [Tyrean ?] ship's company at Nauvoo by Brother Brotherton's letter which arrived here about a week ago. Elder Pratt was well a few days ago, as also Sister Frost and the children, although they have been sick of late, as also has Sister Olive Pratt, but she is now recovering. We should rejoice to hear from you; and Sister Walker desires that you will convey her love to Sister Richards, and Heber John, and she desires to hear from her. Please to present my kind regards to the highly favored individual even Br. Joseph the prophet of the Most High; and to the brethren whom I enjoyed sweet converse with in England. Especially present our kind regards to Brother Brotherton, and his family; to Brothers and Sisters McIlirick, and Barlow, Willis, Batemans, Wilsons and all the saints; Brothers Clark, Turley, Clayton, &c.

I opened a place for preaching at Blakesly, about six weeks ago, and there were three baptized and confirmed there last week. I was with Elder John Brotherton at Middleton on Sunday last, where he and Elder Hardman had obtained a room to preach to the Chartists. We have also a place opened at Didsbury and Heaton. About three weeks ago there was a letter inserted in the Manchester Courier by a writer who signs himself R. P. calling upon the clergymen of the Church of England, and the respectable inhabitants, and the most respectable and intelligent of the police, to attend our meetings at the Carpenters Hall, as they had fondly hoped that the system would have fallen to the ground by the weight of its own absurdity; but they found that there was method and consistency in the apparrent [apparent] madness of these deluded people, and that expectations were vain; as they observed that there was considerable consistency displayed, and method attending



our arrangments [arrangements], there being an emigration office established in this town &c. The writer suspected there was a genuine American trick being practised [practiced] by the interested parties at the head of the system, to decoy the ignorant and unwary to perish in the swamps of New Orleans, and that they were draining the country of their best artists; and that it was high time some steps were taken to put a stop to such practices. We have since discovered that the writer is no other than Robert Philips, Esq. an extensive manufacturer, and merchant, brother to Mark Philips, Esq. another great manufacturer and member of Parliament, for the Borough of Manchester. The Editor of the Courier has been playing upon the same string for several weeks since, and feels satisfied that the exposure which he has given the whole system, it must inevitably die away. He was therefore satisfied with having done his duty, and could safely leave them to the management of the proper parties, and recommended the police to do their duty. It appears that the gallant officer at the head of the police, (Sir Charles Shaw,) has too much discretion and good sense to be set on like a dog to worry out a society of Christians, because the editor of the Puseyite Oracle, pointed the finger of scorn at them. Because they dared to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. I should have liked very well for the police to have been there on Sunday last, for three persons had to be put out, by the brethren for disturbing the meeting in the sacrament services.

I remain beloved brethren

Your Bro. and fellow laborer



I omitted to say that the writer in the paper alluded to, informed the public that he was endeavoring to obtain information respecting the movements of the people. He had previously sent a person to Elder Pratt to get him to state something in writing respecting emigration, and after the publication of the letter before referred to, he again sent to Elder Pratt for additional information in writing, I happened to be at Elder Pratt's, when he made the second application, and I told Elder P. that he was the individual who had published the letter in the courier. Elder P. sent him another letter containing the required information: and also stated that he had no objection to submit to him, or to the Government of this country, or any of its departments the religious principles of our society; our place of emigration, and indeed the whole of our movements in this and other countries, for the strictest investigation. The Manufacturers are evidently beginning to be jealous of the mechanics, and workmen, emigrating with a people having so systematic an organization as the Latter Day Saints display in their arrangements in this town.

Elder Kimball will no doubt recollect his dream respecting the three hogs being in the field of wheat of afterwards three individual coming into the hall to disturb the afternoon service when he was in Manchester. I was in company with Sister Pratt a few days ago, and she informed me that she dreamt that she was in a very beautiful and extensive field of wheat which appeared to be about two feet high, and in one part of the field, at one side of it, she beheld a cow eating it up, and that the beast appeared to have devoured a space equal to the size of the room where we were sitting (The room adjoining the shop in Oxford Street). Yesterday afternoon one of the individuals represented by the three hogs before mentioned, attempted to interrupt the sacrament meeting, and on being told that we would not allow him to disturb our meeting he persisted in doing so, and several others appeared to be aiding and abetting him in his conduct, wherefore the brethren put them out of the room; but not without considerable resistance being offered by them. It appeared afterwards that one if not more of these were the individuals turned out on the occasion before referred to. I should remark that sister Pratt, sat close by the place where the disturbance occurred. There appears to be a disposition on the part of the hirelings to disturb our meetings so often as the presiding elders are absent. A short time ago an individual styling himself the Rev. S. S. Sleep, Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Rhode Island Connecticut, which name I believe only to have been an alias adopted for the occasion, came in company with another self called Rev. to interrupt our meeting in Elder Pratt's absence, and attempted to gain the ears of the audience in order to traduce the saints, thinking no doubt they would believe one who professed to be a Rev.



who had come from America. He afterwards had a discussion with Elder W. Hardman, when it turned out that the pretended American was a Scotchman. Linsey, Newton and the clique who were Berry Jr.'s supporters again supported this sleepy character, who borrowed the name of American to deceive the people.

I remain Yours &c

G. W.



MONDAY, MAY 16, 1842.

It will be seen by several extracts taken from different papers, that the press is changing its tone a little, in regard to the subject of Mormonism; many of the most recepectable [respectable], influential, and widely circulated periodicals are beginning to look at Mormonism in its true light: at any rate they are for investigating the subject impartially, and as honest and candid journalists, they speak of it as they find it. Such is Mr. James G. Bennett, of the New York Herald; Mr. William Bartlett, of the Dollar Weekly Bostonian; the New York State Mechanic, published by Mr. Joel Munson; and the Chicago Democrat; published by Col. John Wentworth.

The first cut of a fac simile from the Book of Abraham, has been re-published both in the New York Herald, and in the Dollar Weekly Bostonian, as well as in the Boston Daily Ledger, Edited By Mr. Bartlett; together with the translation from the Book of Abraham. Mr. Bartlett says that he "intends opening a corespondence [correspondence] with us, that he may acquaint himself with our public and private acts." &c. we can assure Mr. Bartlett that we shall be most happy to put him in possession of any information that he may require pertaining to our society, as we have always courted publicity, and investigation, and chose light rather than darkness.-ED.

Elder Amos Fielding, has just arrived in Nauvoo with about 150 emigrants from England; a ship load came some time ago, and another is expected soon.

We had a general review of the Nauvoo Legion, on Saturday the 7th inst. The Legion presented a beautiful appearance, the officers of the different Cohorts, Battalions and Companies, equiped [equipped] themselves well; and in passing through their various evolutlons [evolution's], both officers and men, showed a knowledge of military tactics, far in advance of what could have been expected from the little experience they have had and the short time the Legion had been formed. They have very much improved both in good discipline and uniform, since last year. Many thousands of spectators were present; no accident occurred; but good will, order, peace, harmony, and hilarity was manifested; both by the companies, and the spectators.




Sir, having been in the habit of late of perusing the "Cross and Journal," a Baptist periodical published in Columbus, Ohio, to search out the pure principles that are advocated by this advocate of righteousness; in my investigations I happened to blunder over the following extracts;-as they were interesting to me, I had the vanity to suppose the [they] might be the same to yourself. If they are, and you should judge them worthy of a place in your valuable periodical, they are at your disposal, together with my reflections upon them.

"Prayer was offered up by Rev. Dr. Jenks, after which Mr. Knapp addressed them in a sermon of an hour and a half in length, from the words of Saul of Tarsus, Acts, 9:6, 'Lord what wilt thou have me to do?'. . . . 'The text is the language of a young convert. . . . . The enquiry [inquiry] is not where you can enjoy the most; but where you can do the most for the glory of God. Some of you in answering this question may be called to preach the gospel, others to go on a foreign mission."

1. "The first answer is, "take my yoke upon you." Unite yourselves to the people of God. Join some evangelical church." * * * * * * * * *

5. "Search the scriptures." "If you have irreligious books, novels, or books on Universalism, burn them up. Make the bible your study. Carry it in your pocket: have it at hand at all times, and as much as possible commit it to momory [memory]. Be in the habit of reading it upon your knees, and of looking directly to the spirit of God to enable you to understand it."

Having perused the above passages, sir, and not being very quick of apprehension, I examined them a second time, when I had the following reflections:-"Prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Jenks:"-Well now, that seems to be good-afterwards Mr. Knapp preached from the words of Saul of Tarsus" "Lord what wilt thou have me to do?" These seem to be good words-they are scriptural words; and I think Mr. Knapp has preached FROM



them well. He has not troubled himself with the subject referred to in the text, at all:-but perhaps it is not elegant, or orthodox, for evangelical ministers to adhere to the scriptures; and therefore he preached from the text. "Unite yourselves to the people of God." Well now, who are the people of God? Which, of all the multifarious sects shall I join? He answers, "join some evangelical church." But then, what is an evangelical church? Is it a church that believes part of the scriptures; or one that believes all of them; or one that believes none of them? I see that Mr. Knapp has preached from the scriptures; consequently he has not much confidence in them, or he would have quoted their authority. Perhaps the church that he belongs to is evangelical;-but then he advises, in the fifth paragraph, to "search the scriptures. If you have any irreligious books, novels, or books on Universalism, burn them up.-What kind of novels am I to burn? Religious novels, or is it only irreligious novels? I think a religious fiction, or lie, must be as bad as an irreligious one. Well, to search the scriptures is good, but it seems to me as though Mr. Knapp would have me search, study, and read them as I would Homer's Iliad, Euclid, or Virgil, to obtain a refined taste, and a classical education, rather than to be governed by its precepts; for the scriptures say nothing about burning Universalists books, &c.; but they tell me to "prove all things, and to hold fast that which is good." Now if Universalism be false let me prove it false by the scriptures, and not burn their books unread. I perceive, however, that the Universalists, in the estimation of Mr. Knapp, are not an evangelical church.

In looking over the same paper, I find under the head of "communications," upon the subject of Mormonism, the following:-



1. Preventative. If they have no foothold in your neighborhood or town, pay no attention to them. This has often prevented them from doing much mischief.

2. Remedy.-If they are making proselytes in you neighborhood or town meet them at once, and if you are acquainted with the history and absurdities of Mormonism you may expose them, but never fail to prove the following things:

First. That many of the miracles of Moses, Christ and Apostles, were performed publicly, in the presence of enemies and friends to induce faith. Ex. iv. 21, 30, 31. "Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel, and Aaron spake all the words which the Lord had spoken unto Moses and did the signs in the sight of the people. And the people believed." Ex. viii. 6-10. "The Lord spake unto Moses, and unto Aaron saying, when Pharaoh shall speak unto you saying, shew [show] a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, take thy rod and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent." John ii. 23. "Now when he was in Jerusalem, at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did,"-not before they saw his miracles. John, iv. 45. "The Gallileans received him having seen all the things that he did at Jerusalem, at the feast." Of five loaves and two fishes he fed five thousand men, besides women and children, Matt. iv, 16-21. While his enemies were watching him he healed a man's withered hand, Mark, iii. 1-5. Luke vi. 6-10. He raised the dead when his enemies were present. John, xi. 43-46. His enemies admitted the genuineness of his miracles, John, xi- 47. "Tongues were also a sign to those who did not believe, 1 Cor. xv. 22. "Tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not."

Second. That when Christ declined to give a sign except the sign of Jonas, &c. it was because he had publicly given enough, and that when humbugites try to avoid detection by saying that no sign shall be given it is a mere get-of and betrays their consciousness that they cannot do what they pretend to do.

Third. That when Christ required faith in some that he healed, it was because he had before proven by his public miracles that he could heal the sick. This is very different from requiring folks to believe without evidence.

Fourth. That those miracles of Christ which were comparatively private, were not those on which he relied to prove his Messiah-ship. Hence in some cases he did not approve of their being told, Matt. viii. 4. "See thou tell no man." Mark, vii. 35: Luke, v. 14.

Fifth. That when the gift of tongues were employed on the day of Pentecost, there were persons present who understood the different languages that were spoken, hence, all was in place, all was right. Afterwards as only two or three



were allowed to speak at once and that by course some might have been present who did not understand any of the languages that were spoken, interpreters were allowed to interpret what was preached, and all was still in place. But for a man to pretend who understands the English language to speak in an unknown tongue to those who understand the English, is nonsense, and is to them no miracle unless they know the language that he speaks, and know that he speaks in an unknown tongue, and know that he has not learned it of men.

How honest, fair, and above board is every thing belonging to the Bible, and how different is religious humbuggery. I have by repeated experiments found these remedies to be good. Let people be put in possession of the fact that they have a right to see the miracles of those who pretend to work miracles, and that they are bound to disbelieve all accounts of men working miracles, unless they work them publicly in the presence of enemies as well as friends, and that all who profess to be called of God, as was Aaron, are bound to de [do] as Aaron did. I say let them be put in possession of these facts, and use them to good advantage and the Mormons will shun them.


After perusing the above, sir, I thought, now these Mormons are, in the estimation of this writer, hereticks [heretics]; and they do not belong to the evangelical church, any more than the Universalists do: but thinking that it might be some ignoramus who had written those pieces, and that the columns of the "Cross and Journal" were open to all scribblers, I should have passed it over, if I had not met with the following, in the prospectus:-"The Cross and Journal, is published every Friday morning;". . . "The Advocate of sound doctrine, and of untiring christian exertion. The interests of the Ohio Baptist convention, and of other home mission societies in the West, will be particularly regarded." Upon reading the above, I naturally inferred that the Baptist society was an evangelical society; and that the worthy editor published those pieces for the special benefit of the Baptist convention: and also, for the edification and instruction of other home missions in the West. In puzzling my brain, however, to find out the true definition of the word evangelical-I was led to infer that the Baptist convention was orthodox, and evangelical, and that other home missions in the West, were evangelical, (which missions they are I know not,) but that the Universalists and Mormons are not evangelical is evident. Still, however, I was at a loss to know the import of the term, until I noticed the instructions of the Rev. Mr. Knapp, in regard to searching the bible, and then I could only draw inferences from the bible, and the sentiments of the "Cross and Journal," by comparing them together; and by strict investigation came, naturally, to the following conclusions:

1. That Paul was not a member of an evangelical church; for he told the church to which he wrote, to "prove all things, and to hold fast that which is good." Whereas, Mr. Knapp told the members of his church to burn Universalists books, &c.; hence, here is a wide difference. The one would prove the books by reading them; the other would burn them without reading-thus following the practice of the Roman Catholics, who burn the books of hereticks [heretics]. The Church of Rome must, therefore, be an evangelical church, as it follows the teaching of Mr. Knapp.

2. On the subject of Mormonism, we have given us as a preventative against the horrid evils of Mormonism, the following salutary instructions: "If they have no foothold in your neighborhood, or town, PAY NO ATTENTION TO THEM. This has often prevented them from doing MUCH MISCHIEF." I find from this, sir, that the evangelical church is of very ancient date, and can be traced through all the history of the church, in every age and generation. There was one in ancient days, the most powerful of any in existence; we have no account of any church being so extensive and united as it was, I mean the antediluvian church; especially those that lived in the days of Noah. So powerful were the principles of evangelicism [evangelism] that there could only be one family found, who differed from them in religious opinions; I mean, sir, the family of Noah; and so deep rooted were evangelical principles, that among the thousands that then existed, there could not any be found TO PAY THE LEAST ATTENTION TO NOAHS MESSAGE; hence, they were all purely evangelical. It is true they soon afterwards perished by the flood, but then, that could make little difference, inasmuch as they were orthodox christians, and sound in the faith of evangelical principles, of "TAKING NO NOTICE."

Another very eminent Evangelical church existed in great numbers in Asia, there were several very notable cities that were eminently skilled in the doctrine of paying no attention, to the messages that might be sent to them. I refer to the famous cities of Admah, Zeboim, Sodom, Gomorah, Zoar, &c. When the angels



of God went, they abused them, and when Lot spoke to them to depart out of the city or they would be consumed, "his words seemed to them "as idle tales" they PAID NO ATTENTION TO THEM; they were profoundly learned in the doctrines of taking no notice in pure evangelical principles.

Without referring to an evangelical church that existed in Babylon, to another at Tyre and Sidon, and to another at Jerusalem, I would briefly mention one in Athens, the great seat of science and literature-they were not however fully sound in the faith; for some of them said "what will this babbler say," but the majority of them shook their heads, and turned away, and said "we will hear thee again concerning this matter:" they paid no attention, not only so but having searched they scriptures according to the advice of Mr. Knapp, I find that the prophets have prophecied [prophesied] of an evangelical church, for, says our Saviour [Savior]; "as it was in the days of Noah," and "as it was in the days of Lot; so shall it also be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man." Consequently Sir, the existence of a pure evangelical church, one that would pay no attention, is clearly spoken of. And again, in the latter day, there will be a great church of this kind, to whom it will be said, "I have called but you have refused; I have stretched out my arm, but ye have not regarded. "They paid no attention to it."

But this is only one of the leading traits of the conduct of a member of an evangelical church; this is only a preventative; but as a remedy, we have the following; if they are making proselytes, "meet them at once" don't allow them the liberty of worshiping [worshipping] God according to the dictates of their own conscience;-show their errors and absurdities-but not knowing what these errors an absurdities were, Sir I had to enquire [inquire], and found out that they are so egregriously [egregiously] in error, as to believe that men must believe, and repent, and be baptized, and have hands laid on for the gift of the Holy Ghost, before they can be accepted of God. They are so foolish as to believe what our Saviour [Savior] says, "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned; and these signs shall follow them that believe:"-They have fallen into the same error that Peter did when he said, "the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call"--they believe with Paul, "that to one is given the gift of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues; to another prophesy; to another working of miracles:"-they also believe what James says, "if any of you are sick, let him send for the elders of the church, and let them pray for him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith shall heal the sick; and the Lord shall raise him up"-they believe that no man is authorized to preach, unless he is called, as they were in the apostle's days. These then are many of the absurdities of Mormonism. Now says Mr. Johnson, "these absurdities must be met" evidently shewing [showing] that evangelical churches do not believe in the absurdities practiced and taught by our Saviour [Savior] and his apostles; no Sir, they do not, and such men must be met at the threshold, met with boldness, and firmness, and promptness. I must again follow Mr. Knapp's advice, sir, and take you to the scriptures with me:-Paul when he was preaching just such errors as the Mormons preach (I don't know but that he was a Mormon), in Ephesus, was met with promptness by the inhabitants of that great city; they even cried out for two hours "great is Diana, the God of the Ephesians." They would not allow the poor fellow to speak. Why every body knew; it was quite notorious that Diana fell down from heaven-it was absurd for Paul to teach anything else; this conduct was truly evangelical; and I have no doubt sir, but that if Mr. Johnson was to meet a Mormon he would just be as zealous as they were; for Mormonism is notorious for spoiling the craft, So dilligent [diligent] were many of these evangelicals at one time, that forty of them bound themselves under an oath, that they would not eat nor drink until they had killed Paul; not only so but Paul himself was a true member of this fraternity; for he hailed men and women, committing them to prison, and scourging them for belonging to the "HUMBUGITES" and caused many of them to blaspheme; however he apostatized and became an heretic himself; but he soon found that the evangelicals met him with as much promptness as he had met others; they stoned him, put him in prison, whipped him, made his feet fast in the stoks [stocks], brought accusations against him; &c. &c. and plainly proved to him that they believed no more in humbugery, than he had done before. Without refering [referring], sir, to the crusades, and to a large church in Italy, who belonged to the evangelicals, I would just mention one of more recent date in the State of Missouri; worthy scions of the old stock, and members of this honorable fraternity; and as the Cross and Journal is particularly devoted to the interests of missions in the west, I expect that they have received some very salutary instructions from its colums [columns]. To shew [show] to you how zealous they have been the Rev. McCoy, a Baptist missionary, who was fully inducted into the blessings of pure evangelical principles held a tar bucket, while some of his worthy coadjutors were tarring and feathering one of the Mormons. Another sir, a worthy brother of his of the Christian order, who at the head of his brethren went and drove a number of the Mormon women, and children from their homes; & so zealous was he in the cause that he pursued them till the blood gushed from their feet, and their tracks were left in the prairie. They must have been purely evangelical. The redoubtable Bogard a Methodist minister, was forward also on another occasion, at the head of a company of his own cronies, burning and destroying heretic's houses, plundering their property &c.; he proved himself evangelical: he had the misfortune however since that to shoot one of his fellow craft: but then he redeemed himself in true evangelical style, by preaching pure orthodox principles from there to Texas, I might also speak of others of the same school, such were Sessial Wood, and Habbot Hancock, two worthy Presbyterian prelates, who with swords by their sides came with a number of their fraternity, to Dewit, Corrol co. Mo. to disposess [dispossess] a number of men, women, and children, (who had the audacity in this land of liberty, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience) of their inheritance, and to drive them from their homes. These were evangelical ministers. There were others of the same school, among



whom was Col. Pendleton, who had a number of men painted like Indians, engaged in the before mentioned laudable undertaking, according to the rules of evangelical churches.-Gen. Clark was also a conspicuous character, as also Gen. Lucas, Judge King, Gov. Boggs, and a host of others; and so zealous were they in the propagation of evangelical principles, that they drove fifteen thousand men, women, and children from their homes; killed many and confiscate the property of others, and, to shew [show] what pure evangelical principles Gen. Clark possessed. He said when speaking to the HUMBUGITES "whether you are innocent or not is nothing to me; I am determined to see the Governor's ordered executed." His orders to exterminate.

Another criterion whereby the evangelical church can be known, is by their asking poople [people] to work miracles; for, says Mr. Johnson, "many of the miracles of Moses, Christ, and Apostles, were performed publicly, in the presence of enemies and friends, to induce faith." And again, "let people be put in possession of the fact that they have a right to see the miracles of those who pretend to work miracles; and that they were bound to disbelieve all accounts of men working miracles unless they work them publicly, in the presence of enemies as well as friends." I am not aware, sir, of the Mormons professing to do miracles; indeed, I know that they do not; they merely believe in the same principles that the Apostles believed in. But this is nothing to the point; it is evangelical religion that we are investigating. The grand principle that now comes under our consideration, is, that "miracles must be performed publicly to induce faith." Consequently, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Habbakuk, Amos, David, Solomon, and many other of the prophets are not entitled to the faith of an evangelical church; for they did not work miracles; and also John the Baptist; there was not a greater prophet born among men, than he: "yet he did no miracle," say the scriptures. What a pity it is that the bible of the evangelicals should be burtheded [burdened] with such "humbugery."-For they did no miracles "to induce faith,' and consequently an evangelical church has no faith in them. I had a curious thought here, sir, and wondered whether the evangelicals work miracles or not to prove their religion, as it is a poor rule that will not work miracles to 'induce belief' they are 'humbugites!' consequently, if I find a people asking for miracles, I set them down as evangelists. However, as Mr. Knapp tells me to carry my bible in my pocket, to pray over it, to search it diligently,' &c. I must take it out of my pocket, and have you search it again with me, sir. I find, then, recorded in Luke, 23. that Herod was a true EVANGELIST, for he sent for Jesus, hoping to have seen some miracle done by him, but it could not be done for him; and no doubt, being a true evangelist, but he thought Christ was a HUMBUG. The evangelical church in Jerusalem before referred to, had this trait, as well as others; hence they said to our Saviour [Savior], 'what sign shewest thou.' But he would not give so honorable a body as that any answer, and they thought of course that he was a HUMBUG. Then there was a respectable church on Mount Calvary, composed of Gentiles and Jews, who cried out tauntingly, 'if thou be the son of God, come down from the cross, and then we will believe in thee,'-but he did not do it; ah, say they, 'he saved others, himself he cannot save.' These were PURELY EVANGELICAL. Paul, sir, had a most complete way of getting rid of Mr. Johnson's arguments; he was a sly fellow; hence, says he, 'to one is given the gift of faith, to another the power to work miracles,'-'do all work miracles? do all prophesy?' Hence, if any of his members had been asked for a miracle, they would have come flatly out and said, 'all do not work miracles,' ah, says Mr. Johnson, a pure evangelist, that is humbugery. 'I have a right to look for miracles.' But lastly, on this subject, I found a most eminent personage, one that I least expected, belonging to the evangelical church; one who is 'the prince and the power of the air;' one who 'wanders to and fro in the earth;' one, against whom 'Michael the Archangel, dared not the bring a railing accusation;' one who has often appeared among the 'sons of God;' one who says that 'this world, and its glory and dominion, belongs to him;'-coming to our Saviour [Savior] and wanting him to make stones bread, and requesting him to 'cast himself down from the temple,' or to perform some miracles, that he might know that he was the son of God; and perhaps the old gentleman would have believed if he had seen a miracle-but he did not do it. What a pity.

But having said so much upon this subject, I must now touch upon another, and then close. I find, sir, that it is not truth that the evangelical church are in quest of, but miracles; hence, for instance, although there is so much HUMBUGERY about Mormonism, and it is palpably false, and unscriptural, if they would work a miracle it would be true at once; all its obnoxious features would depart; all its errors would be removed; and it would be changed from the perfectly ridiculous, to the most sublime; error would at once become truth, and wickedness be transformed into righteousness. The evangelicals were no doubt convinced that the Magicians of Egypt were of God, for they performed miracles. The Witch of Endor also possessed a supernatural agency, and would of course be believed by the orthodox church. Simon the Sorceror, seems to have been an honorable man, and obtained great credence among the orthodox. But, unfortunately for our modern evangelical churches, they have not had much of an opportunity of seeing miracles performed; however, as a glorious day is about to dawn upon them, they have cause to lift up their hearts and rejoice; for Paul says, that 'Satan will come with all deceivableness, and signs, and lying wonders, and for this cause God will send them strong delusions, that they may believe a lie and be damned; because they received not the love of the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.' John says, I saw three unclean spirits, like frogs, come out of the mouth of the Dragon; and out of the mouth of the beast; and out of the mouth of the false prophet; for they are the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world.' Rev. xvi: 13, 14. John further speaks of a beast that made war with the saints, and overcame them. The evangelical church in Missouri have patterned well after their great prototype. But he



shall do great wonders, yet; so that he maketh fire come down from heaven in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth, by the means of these MIRACLES which he had power to do, in the sight of the beast. Rev. xii. hence, when the church shall be fully established, it will every way meet the desires and hopes of Mr. Johnson, and all the evangelical church. Its pretensions will be fully attested by miracles; the evangelical church will enlarge its borders; and all the world will wonder after the beast, saying, 'who is like unto him.'

You will perceive, sir, by this brief synopsis, that evangelical religion has prevailed in every country, and abounded in all nations; that it is as old as the antediluvians, and as modern as the Missourians; and that it has found strenuous advocates in every age; that the prophets testify of it, and that it is likely to be great, powerful, and almost universal. Therefore the editor of the Cross and Journal may take courage. He has already seen the great prosperity of the HOME MISSION in the WEST, aided by his indefatigable exertions, and untiring zeal; and from the prospects that lay before him as the champion and advocate of evangelical principles, there is every prospect of his becoming honorable in the earth, and of having his name handed down to future generations; and perhaps when it is well with him, he may remember his friend, Mr. Johnson.

I. T.


Hanly, Stafford Co. Eng.}

Feb. 17th. 1842 }


Dear Brother, Whom, having not seen, I love-I take it upon me this morning to write a few lines to you, hoping they will find you and your's in good health; feeling confident they will be read with interest. The work in which we are engaged, rolls on well in this land, and in spite of all its enemies, moves onward in majesty and Power; there are many who devote all their time, and talent in endeavoring to overthrow it; but I discover they can "do nothing against the truth; but for it." Many tracts have been published against us, containing all manner of lies, but in the end good will be the result. "He that knoweth God heareth us." Some of the tools of satan are doing more in spreading the truth than we are able to do, one in particular, a Mr. Brindley is publishing a Periodical shewing [showing] the errors and blasphemies of Mormonism, and in order to do this he publishes many of our Revelations, (or the Revelations of God given to us) and through this means, the testimony is visiting the mansions of the high and mighty ones-the Reverends, Right Reverends, and all the noble champions of sectarians receive them as a precious morsel; and they are read with much interest; whereas if we had sent them, they would have been spurned from their dwellings, and would not have been considered worth reading. The state of this country is very awful, and is according to prospects on the eve of a mighty revolution; all confidence is gone between master and men, and men are afraid of each other, peace is fast romoving [removing] from this land; in the course of the last few days, in many parts of this Isle, they have been burning the effigy of the great men of this nation-poverty, and distress, and starvation abounds on every hand. The groans, and tears, and wretchedness of the thousands of the people is enough to rend the heart of demons; many of the saints are suffering much through hunger, and nakedness; many with large families can scarcely get bread and water enough to hold the spirit in the tabernacle; many, very many, are out of employ; and cannot get work to do, and others that do work hard fourteen or fifteen hours per day, can scarcely earn enough to enable them to live upon the earth. Surely there is need of deliverance in Zion, and I am ready to exclaim thanks be to thy name O Lord, for remembering thy covenants! and that the "set time to favor Zion is come," and that he has chosen the west for a refuge for his people. Yet in the midst of all these troubles and calamities, there is something in the bosom of the saints that is very cheering, it often makes my heart to rejoice when I am in their company. They talk of gathering to Zion, and of building up cities and temples to the Most High; and at the same time scarcely know how to live day by day; though poor and destitute, they are rich in faith, firmly relying upon our testimony; believing most assuredly that God has spoken from the heavens.

I was conversing the other day with a young lady respecting the glories of Zion, she has not as yet been baptized, but as a proof of her faith in the testimony she gave me a guinea (which is equal to 21 shillings of our money), desiring me to send it to you to be appropriated to the use of the Temple according to your judgement [judgment], or the judgement [judgment] of those who are appointed, to govern the concern; this circumstance transpiring is the cause of this letter being written to you.



Mrs. Cordon has sent a small token of her regard to Sister Emma, which she hopes will be accepted, and joins with me in sentiments of profound respect to you and your lady.

Wishing you all success I

remain yours in the New and

Everlasting Covenant.


From the Millennial Star.


Glasgow, January 14, 1842.

Respected Brother,

I am happy in stating to you that the work of God is still progressing slowly in this region, although opposed on every hand by the busy emmissaries [emissaries] of Satan in the form of hireling priests and holy hypocrites, whose only aim seems to be to prevent the people from enquiring [inquiring] after the truth by spreading lies, misrepresentations, and slanderous reports of every description, thus fulfilling the words of the Saviour [Savior], "If they have persecuted me they will persecute you! and why this? because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore, the world hateth you." And the people generally are much more ready to believe a lie than the truth; so much so, that the promises of him whose word cannot fail are become as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal, being altogether superceded [superseded] by the vain and foolish traditions of men.

Notwithstanding all this, the Saints are rejoicing in the enjoyment of the gifts of God, and some few are still seeking the way to Zion. We held a conference in Glasgow on the 1st of January. The Saints were present to the number of between 200 and 300 from the different branches composing this conference. After opening the meeting by singing and prayer, Elder M'Auley delivered a suitable address, exhorting and encouraging the Saints to faithfulness, perseverance, and diligence. He also spoke to them regarding the house of the Lord, now in progress; pointed it the exertions now making by the saints in America, and earnestly impressed upon them the necessity of their mite also being cast into the treasury. He then proposed that all the branches of this conference should unite in sending an offering unto the Lord by the hand of their delegate to the general conference on the 6th of April. This was unanimously agreed to.

The president then called upon the officers to represent the various branches and the following is the sum total for the Glasgow conference, including office bearers, 512.

Several ordinations took place, and two new branches were organized.


As every thing which relates to this unique sect is interesting at this time, we have concluded to give an account of their affairs in this city and vicinity. This information we have derived from Mr. Nickerson, the presiding elder in Boston. Their meetings are held at No. 82 Commercial street, on Sunday, at the usual hours of public worship, and are free to all. This church was formed on Wednesday, the 9th of March last, with little more than thirty members, most of which were baptized by elder Nickerson. The congregation has been large, and a great many have been obliged to turn away in consequence of the crowds which attend. In Chelsea, meetings are held occasionally, and one has been baptized. In Salem and vicinity about seventy have been baptized. In Medifield, Medway, Cape Cod, and many other places, meetings are also held. Mr. Nickerson says there never was such a call for preachers as at the present time. The church in Peterboro, Gilson, and neighborhood, numbers in all upwards of one hundred. What will the end be?-(Dollar Weekly Bostonian).

From the Dollar Weekly Bostonian.


Joe is decidedly the greatest original of the present day. He carries all before him when he undertakes an enterprise-knows no impediment-and never halts in his course till he has accomplished his object. His post, at the head of the Mormons, is a conspicuous one, and in a few years of such advancement as he has met with for the past year, will give him a numberless host of followers. We should not be surprised if Joe should become as



omnipotent as ever the Pope was in his palmiest days. He is a genius-and a rare one-and all the armies of Satan, should they confront him in a solid phalanx, would be sure to meet with sore discomfiture, if not with complete annihilation. The true philosophy of goaheadity-the quintessence of concentrated moral and spiritual energy-fears no combat-and although we cannot say it exactly courts danger, it never flies from the post of duty on its approach.-We have so high an opinion of Joe Smith that we intend to open a correspondence with him in order to acquaint ourself with all his secret springs of action, and thus get all the secrets of his success, public and private, worldly and ecclesiastical.

The chapter from the recently recovered Book of Abraham, and the unique cut which illustrates it, on our outside, has occasioned us some expense; but we care not for that so long as we please our patrons, which we mean to do at all hazards, trusting to the good sense of the most enlightened public in this, or any other universe, for suitable remuneration.

The Mormons hold meetings in Boston regularly on the Sabbath, somewhere in commercial street, and are equally successful in saving souls, healing the sick and restoring sight to the blind. Meetings are also held in Chelsea, and the cause is on the increase in that place.-

Will Elder Nickerson, or some of the brethren, furnish us with the statistics?

From the Dollar Weekly Bostonian.


We have the pleasure to lay before our readers the following letter from Elder Nickerson, the presiding elder of the church of Latter Day Saints in Boston, who believes, to use his own words, that "wickedness will soon be swept from the earth, and that the day of universal righteousness will set in during this generation, when our offices shall all become peace, and our exactions righteousness:"

BOSTON, April 11, 1842.

To the Editor of the Daily edger [Ledger]:

DEAR SIR:-Observing a request in your paper for information of the situation and progress of the Latter Day Saints in Boston vicinity, I rejoice that I have this opportunity. The cause of truth is onward in this city and the region round about. I commenced preaching in Boston on the 30th of May last, in Winchester hall, in the forenoon, and in the afternoon took a part in the free discussion, which I followed for several months, when one of the number which was called infidels, began to believe in the truth of the Old and New Testaments, which the world calls Mormonism. The individual was Mr. Abijah Tewkesbury, who opened his shipping office, and seated it, for free preaching. He was the first that was baptized in Boston. Three others were baptized on the 9th of January, 1842. I have held fore and afternoon meetings at 82 Commercial street ever since. There was a branch organized in Boston, numbering thirty, including one elder and three priests, on the 9th of March. The great inquiry after truth still continues. Several are added to the church weekly. I have baptized in Boston and vicinity. Some from Maine, some have gone to sea in vessels, several in Lynn, four in Medfield, and seven in Cape Cod, and all are strong in the faith, and in good standing. I have baptized in all a little rising fifty persons. There are calls for preaching on every side.

We have meetings in private houses through the city, nearly every evening. People of all classes come to hear, and it is rare that one goes away dissatisfied. The honest in heart are coming out; and I think will every one join the church. There is likewise a branch organized in Salem. Brother Snow is preaching there. His church has sixty two members, and is increasing every week. There is one elder and one priest. Elder Maginn is preaching in Peterboro, Gilson, and vicinity, where there are several branches, numbering about one hundred. I understand twenty have been baptized in one day. A branch has been established also, in Northbridge, of upwards of thirty members, and is on the increase; Elder Swett presides.

I am now in Boston, and invite all the honest in heart, both priests and people, to come and hear for themselves, as I do believe the end of this age is near at hand, and the fulness [fullness] of the gospel is preached, and the honest in heart, or the elect of God will be gathered in from the four quarters of the earth, and a new era, a reign of righteousness will commence on the earth, which will continue for a thousand years. If any, either priests or people, desire an interview for information, they will please give me their names



street and number, and time that they would wish for me to come and see them, and if possible I will attend to the call with pleasure. Have you souls worth saving? If so, do not neglect to investigate. Paul's religion persecuted the saints, but the gospel of Christ, he was not ashamed of, for it is the power of God unto salvation to them that believe.

We believe in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ-repentance-baptism for the remission of sins-laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost-with all the prophecies and blessings which did follow the ancient saints-such as casting out devils in the name of Christ healing the sick, and so forth, which signs do follow many of those that believe, in the city of Boston. Come and see.


P. S. Likewise the devil is cast out by the word of God, and the sick are healed by the prayer of faith, and anointed with oil, and the poor have the gospel preached to them without money; and I request the citizens and authorities of the city of Boston, to open a house for the servant of the people, that the Lord hath sent to this city to warn the people of the destruction which will take place in this generation, that is now on the earth, and teach them how they may escape, and come through and abide the day of the second coming of Christ, to reign on the earth a thousand years. Quench not the spirit, despise not prophecyings [prophesyings], prove all things, hold fast that which is good.

Nauvoo, May 14th, 1842.

The Petition of the brethren in Philadelphia, to the first Presidency, was handed to the Quorum of the Twelve. The petition is granted; and the holding of a recent conference in Philadelphia, and the proceeding thereof are disapproved by the Quorum.

Attest: W. RICHARDS, Clerk.


Br. Benjamin Winchester is silenced from preaching until he makes satisfaction for not obeying the instruction which he received from the Presidency, when at Nauvoo. By order of the Quorum of the Twelve.

B. YOUNG, Pres't.



Amasa Lyman, Tennessee. Erastus Snow, Salem Mass.

Hamilton Jett, Mississippi. Phineas Richard, Birkshire, Mass.

D. Lee, East Tennessee. John Goosbeck, North Agusta, Iowa.

A. O. Smoot, North Carolina. John Pincock, South Agusta, Iowa.

Benjamin Clapp, Tuscalusa, Alabama. Judge Adams, Springfield Ill.

Esq. Fondering, Mississippi.

Lucian R. Foster, New York.

Wharton, Philadelphia.


Lorenzo D. Wasson.

Dwight Webster.

Johnathan Hampton.

For the Times and Seasons.


Once on a time a paper kite In vain it try'd to soar away;

Was mounted to a wondrous height, Unable its own weight to bear,

Where giddy with its elevation, It flutter'd downward through the air;

It thus expressed self admiration:- Unaple [Unable] its own course to guide,

"See how yon crowds of gazing people The winds soon plung'd it in the tide.

Admire my flight above the steeple; Ah! foolish kite, thou hast no wing,

How would they wonder if they knew How couldst thou fly without a string?

All that a kite like me could do! My heart reply'd 'O Lord! I see

Were I but free, I'd take a flight, How much this kite resembles me.

And pierce the clouds beyond their sight: Forgetful that by thee I stand,

But, ah! like a poor pris'ner bound, Impatient of thy ruling hand;

My string confines me near the ground: How oft I've wish'd to break the lines

I'd brave the eagle's tow'ring wing, Thy wisdom for my lost assigns!

Might I but fly without a string.' How oft indulg'd a vain desire

It tugg'd and pull'd, while thus it spoke, For something more, or something higher!

To break the string,-at last it broke, And, but for grace and love divine,

Depriv'd at once of all its stay, A fall thus dreadful had been mine.

The Times and Seasons, IS EDITED BY Joseph Smith. Printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOSEPH SMITH.

TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to Joseph Smith, publisher, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.