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To the Saints in America Greeting:
Beloved brethren, we have whereof to congratulate you at the present time, as we have the opportunity from day to day to witness the progress of the building of the Temple of the Lord in this city, and which is and must be accomplished by the united exertions of the labors of the brethren who reside here, and the tithings and contributions of those who are scattered abroad in the different states.
In this glorious object the hearts of all the faithful are united, the hands of the laborer are made strong continually, and the purse strings of the more opulent are unloosed, from time to time, to supply those things which are necessary for upraising the stones of this nobel edifice; and it may truly be said that the blessing of the Lord is upon his people; we have peace without, and love within the borders of our beautiful city; beautiful, indeed, for situation, is Nauvoo; the crown of the great valley of the Mississippi, the joy of every honest heart.
Although all things are more prosperous, concerning the Temple, than at any former period, yet the saints must not suppose that all is done, or that they can relax their exertions and the work go on. It is a great work that God has required of his people, and it will require long and unwearied diligence to accomplish it; and redoubled diligence will be necessary with all, to get the building inclosed [enclosed] before another winter, so that the joiner can be employed during the cold weather; and we would again call upon all the saints abroad to unite in making their deposits in banks known to be good and safe, and forward their certificates to the Trustee in Trust, as speedily as possible; when trusty men are not coming immediately to this place who can bring your offerings. All will want the privileges and blessings of the sanctuary, when it is completed; and all can have their wishes; but they can obtain them only by faithfulness and diligence in striving to build.
We praise our God for the liberality which has hitherto been manifested; many have given more than was required of them, many have given their all, but they have done it cheerfully; they have done it voluntarily; and they shall have a great reward; for the blessings of heaven, and earth shall be multpliied [multiplied] unto such; even the blessings of that priesthood which hath neither beginning of days nor end of life. While there are those who of their abundance have built unto themselves fine houses, and who ride in carriages and on horseback, and regale themselves with the good things of the land, and at the same time they have left the Lord's House untouched, or, if touched at all, have touched it so lightly as scarce to leave the print of their little finger: their reward will be according to their deeds, and unless they speedily repent, and come up with their abundance to the help of the Lord, they will find in the end that they have no part nor lot in this matter; their gold and silver will become cankered, their garments moth eaten, and they will perish in their own slothfulness and idolatry, leaving none to mourn their absense [absence].
But brethren the Temple will be built. There are hundreds and thousands who stand ready to sacrifice the last farthing they possess on earth, rather than have the building of the Lord's House delayed, and while this spirit prevails no power beneath the heavens can hinder its progress: but we desire you all to help with the ability which God has given you, that you may all share the blessings which will distill from heaven to earth through this consecrated channel.
This is not all. It will be in vain for us to build a place where the son of man may lay his head, and leave the cries of the widow and the fatherless, unheard by us, ascending up to the orphan's God, and widow's friend. It is in vain we cry Lord, Lord, and do not the things our Lord hath commanded; to visit the widow, the fatherless, the sick, the lame, the blind, the destitute, and minister to their necessities; and it is but reasonable that such cases should be found among a people who have but recently escaped the fury of a relentless mob on the one hand, and gathered from the half starved population of the scattered nations on the other.
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Neither is this all. It is not sufficient that the poor be fed and clothed, the sick ministered unto, the temple built: No! when all this is accomplished, there must be a year of Jubilee; there must be a day of rejoicing; there must be a time of release to Zion's sons, or our offerings, our exertions, our hopes and our prayers will be in vain, and God will not accept of the doings of his people.
On those days of darkness which overspread our horizon; when the wolf was howling for his prey around the streets of Kirtland; when the burgler [burglar] was committing his midnight and midday depredations in Jackson county: when the heartless politician was thrusting his envious darts in Clay-and when the savage war whoop of Missouri, echoed and re-echoed through Far West, and Zion's noblest sons were chained in dungeons, and her daughters driven by a horde of savages naked and defenceless [defenseless], from their once peaceful homes to seek a shelter in a far distant land. Many of the brethren stepped forward to their rescue, and not only expended all they possessed for the relief of suffering innocence, but gave their notes and bonds to obtain more means, with which to help those, who could not escape the overwhelming surge of banishment from all that they possessed on earth.
Deaths, wounds, and sickness, from the mob, and the cold and shelterless situation of the brethren followed in quick succession; and all the means which could possibly be obtained from each other, in addition to the noble charities of the citizens of Illinois, were brought in requisition to sustain a remnant of the Saints, who now mostly inhabit this place. To accomplish this the president and bishops loaned money and such things as could be obtained, and gave their obligations in good faith for the payment of the same; and many of the brethren signed with them at different times and in different places to strengthen their hands and help them carry out their designs; fully expecting, that, at some future day, they would be enabled to liquidate all such claims, to the satisfaction of all parties.
Many of these claims have already been settled; many have been given up as cancelled [canceled] by those who held them, and many yet remain unsettled. The Saints have had many difficulties to encounter since they arrived at this place. In a new country, destitute of houses, food, clothing, and nearly all the necessaries of life, which were rent from them by an unfeeling mob having to encounter disease and difficulties unnumbered, it is not surprising that the church has not been able to liquidate all such claims, or that many individuals should yet remain involved, from the foregoing circumstances; and while things remain as they are, and men remain subject to the temptations of evil as they now are, the day of release, and year of Jubilee can not be; and we write you especially at this time, brethren, for the purpose of making a final settlement of all such claims, of brother against brother; of the brethren against the presidency and bishops, &c. &c.-claims which have originated out of the difficulties and calamities the church has had to encounter, and which are of long standing, so that when the Temple is completed there will be nothing from this source, to produce jars and discords, strifes and animosities, so as to prevent the blessings of heaven from descending upon us as a people.
To accomplish this most desirable object, we call on all the brethren, who hold such claims, to bring them forward for a final settlement; and also those brethren who have individual claims against each other, of long standing, and the property of the debtor has been wrested from him by violence, or he has been unfortunate, and languished on a bed of sickness till his means are expended; and all claims whatsoever between brother and brother, where there is no reasonable prospect of a just and equitable settlement possible, that they also by some means, either by giving up their obligations, or destroying them, see that all such old affairs be adjusted so that is shall not give occasion for difficulties to arise hereafter. Yes brethren, bring all such old accounts, notes, bonds &c. and make a consecration of them to the building of the Temple, and if any thing can be obtained on them it will be obtained, and if nothing can be obtained when the Temple is completed, we will make a burnt offering of them, even a peace offering, which shall bind the brethren together in the bonds of eternal peace and love, and union; and joy and salvation shall flow forth into your souls, and you shall rejoice and say it is good that we have harkened [hearkened] unto counsel, and set our brethren free, for God hath blessed us.
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How can we prosper while the church, while the presidency, while the bishops, while those who have sacrificed every thing but life, in this thing, for our salvation, are thus encumbered? it cannot be-arise, then, brethren, set (them) free, and set each other free, and we will all be free together, we will be free indeed.
Let nothing in this epistle be so construed as to destroy the validity of contracts, or give any one license not to pay his debts. The commandment is to pay every man his dues, and no man can get to heaven while he justly owes his brother or his neighbor, who has or can get the means and will not pay; it is dishonest, and no dishonest man can enter where God is.
We remain your brethren
in the Gospel of Peace.
B. YOUNG Pres't.
From the Millennial Star.
"But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? * * That which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die: and that which sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat or some other grain: But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.
All flesh is not the same flesh; but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another."
1st Cor. 15 chap. 35 & 40.
The resurrection of the body has been objected to by many as a principle which comes in contact with the known laws of nature, and therefore both unreasonable and impossible.
For instance, it is ascertained beyond a doubt that the human system is constantly changing, by throwing off particles of matter, and receiving new ones. By the several natural evacuations from the body, parts of the old system are dispensed with, and by the nourishment received into the stomach, and by means of the blood vessels diffused through the system, new particles are constantly added.
Thus the whole matter which constitutes the physical system of the human body at any given time is said to pass away in exchange for new matter to the same amount, once in about ten years.
According to this calculation, man at the age of seventy years has been composed of matter sufficient to constitute seven human bodies, each about equal in dimensions to that which he possesses at any one given time.
The second consideration is that the particles of matter thus thrown off become parts of the earth from which they originated, and at lenght [length] grow up and live again in vegetable substances, such as grass, grain, fruit, &c. These in turn become food for animals; thus these animals are in part composed of the same particles which constituted parts of the human system. These animals are in turn devoured by man, and thus help to form parts of other human systems: and so on in an endless variety of alternate changes and subdivisions.
These facts are brought forward by some as so many proofs that it is impossible for the physical system of man ever to rise from the dead.
They urge that in the resurrection one individual would necessarily claim some of the same particles of matter as another, because both had once possessed some of the same particles.
All these objections appear very plausible at first sight, and have doubtless been a means of overthrowing the faith of many in regard to a resurrection of the body. While, on the other hand, these objections have been met by superstition, bigotry, and ignorance, not with a design to enlighten the understanding or to inform and convince the judgment, but with an endeavor to throw a veil of sacredness over the whole subject, as if it were a mystery to be believed without the possibility of understanding it.
Perhaps a few sentences like the following have been sufficient to smother all further enquiry [inquiry]:-"Ignorance is the mother of devotion." "Don't let your mind think on such subjects, it is a temptation to infidelity." "It is wicked to enquire [inquire] into such things." "All things are possible with God," &c.
Others have pretended to solve the difficulty, by supposing that the doctrine of the resurrection, although true, does not imply a material body, but rather a spiritual body, or formation unconnected with matter.
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But after all the seeming difficulties which infidelity on the one hand, and sectarian ignorance and superstition on the other have thrown over the subject, a few reflections will be sufficient to show that every truth in theology, and every truth in philosophy mutually strengthen, illustrate, and confirm each other: for instance, the fact that a human body in the course of seventy years is composed of matter sufficient for the formation of seven bodies of the same size, or nearly so, shows clearly that six parts out of seven will not be occupied by one individual, and will therefore afford sufficient materials for the formation of six other human structures in the resurrection.
Thus there will not be the least occasion for two individuals to necessarily claim the same materials; or in other words, for one resurrected body to be composed of the materials which are necessary for the formation of another, seeing each individual would need but about one seventh of that which he had occupied in the course of his temporal life.
Thus all are abundantly provided for as to materials out of which to compose a new human structure.
The principal objection which still arises in regard to this view of the subject is, that the new body is not composed wholly of the same materials which constituted the old one. An argument might therefore be started that it could not be considered as the same individual, or as a resurrection of the same body, because partly constituted of other particles of matter, as well as dispensing with part of that which had constituted the old body. But if this objection proves any thing it proves too much, and comes in at last in favor of the resurrection; for the same objection might arise, and with the same degree of propriety, in regard to individuals in this life for instance, a man has not the same body at the age of fifty that he had at twenty-five; and shall we therefore argue that he is not the same person? The philosopher would prove before any intelligent jury that in the course of twenty-five years the entire system had twice passed away and given place to a new one: and yet the jury would recognise [recognize] an individual at the age of fifty to be the same person that he was at the age of twenty-the authorities would recognise [recognize] him to be the same-the same criminal-the same debtor-the same prisoner-the same heir at law. The mother would claim him as her child-the wife as her husband, &c. Indeed, he would feel conscious himself that he was the same person in reality, and no argument, however strong, would cause him to waver or doubt his own identity for a moment.
Now, it is this conciousness [consciousness] that constitutes the same person in reality, both in his own estimation and that of all his acquaintances.
The man new risen from the tomb with a material body composed of the old one, or rather of a germ of the old one, will no doubt, stand forth in all the conciousness [consciousness] of existence, and of his own identity that he posesses [possesses] in this life, and probably with far more acute and perfect conceptions and energies of mind, the intellect not being clogged and retarded by the corruptions and infirmities of mortality. He will feel and know himself to be the same individual, and all intelligent beings who have known him will identify him as the same that was born of a woman, and that returned to the dust.
Even God himself, who is the standard of philosophical and all other truths, will recognise [recognize] him as the same individual, and will judge him for the deeds done in the old body.
Here, then, at the high court of heaven, the philosopher's plea that he is not the same individual in his resurrected body that he was in his natural body, (on account of having parted with some of the materials of his original tabernacle, and taken other particles of matter in their stead), will vanish away, and fall to the ground as unheeded, as a similar plea would in this life, when presented to a virgin bride, to convince her that the object dearest to her heart is not the same person after ten years absence.
'Tis thinking, feeling, seeing,
The laws of nature scan;
It is the sense of being
That constitutes the man.
From the text we quoted at the head of this article, and from the foregoing remarks, it will be readily perceived that Paul and the Latter Day Saints, so far from being ignorant of the laws of nature, or coming in contact with the philosophy thereof, have rather reconciled or harmonized the revelations of God with the laws of nature, and have been enabled to point out a mutual agreement, or unison between them.
As the seed falls into the earth and dies, and by this very operation sends forth a sprout or germ which, with other particles of matter, is sure to produce its own likeness; so the human system dies and is again quickened, and reproduced in its own likeness by the power of the resurrection: and as the seed of grain is necessary for the production of tis own kind, so the corruptible body is indispensibly [an indispensable] necessary as a germ from which the glorious immortal body is formed.
And as each seed produces its own kind of grain, so the flesh of birds, beasts, fishes, and man, each differ in its kind, and each starting into new life will be in its own likeness, and move in its own sphere.
The mysterous [mysterious] works of God in the formation, progress, changes, and final destiny of creation are all wonderful and miraculous in one sense. The formation of the natural body in embryo, or even of a plant or flower, is as much a miracle as the creation or re-organization of a world, or the resurrection of the body. Each effect has its cause, and each cause its effect; and the light, spirit, or truth which proceeds from Deity is the law of life and motion, the great governing principle of the whole machinary [machinery] of the universe, whether natural or spiritual, temporal or eternal. It is the cause of causes, the main spring of nature's time piece. By it we live, in it we move and have our being.
Let man be placed upon a lofty eminence, surrounded with the original elements of uncreated worlds-ley [let] him contemplate the confused
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the chaotic mass of unorganized existence; let him hear the voice of truth and power as its first sentence rolls in majesty of wisdom from the lips of Deity; let him behold the first movement of chaos as it begins to come to order; let him contemplate its various workings till the heavens and earth, and man and beast, and plant and flower, startle into conscious being, in all the beauty of joyous existence; let him observe every minute particular of its progress through time, in all its various changes; let him contemplate the changing seasons as they roll in hours and days, and months and years; let his thoughts reach to the starry heavens and view them in all their motions and revolutions-the sun in its daily course, the planets in their annual revolutions, the blazing comet as it moves afar in the wilds of ether, and returns from its journey of a hundred or a thousand years; let him return to earth and view the vegetable kingdom as it blooms and ripens, and falls again to decay in the revolving seasons-the time worn oak of a thousand years as it braves the tempest, or the modest flower whose life is but a day; let him view the animal creation in all its variety as it appears and passes in turn from the stage of action; let him contemplate man, from his infant formation through all the changes of his various life till he returns to dust; let him view the laborious inhabitants through all their temporal career, till wearied nature sinks to rest, and worn by slowly rolling years, the earth itself shall die; lastly, let him contemplate all nature regenerated, renewed, and starting into being, while death itself shall conquered be, and immortality alone endure.
The vision ended. Man! what hast thou seen? Answer: Nothing out of the ordinary course, all I beheld was nature moving in perfect accordance with the law of its existence: not one single deviation or shadow of turning from the immutable laws of truth.
But hast thou seen no miracle? Yes; it was all miraculous it was all achieved by the law of light, which wast he [was the] immediate power of God; but it was all upon the most natural, easy, simple, and plain principles of nature in its varied order; and which to call the most miraculous I know not! Whether it was the creation of a world, the blosoming [blossoming] of a flower, the hatching of a butterfly, or the resurrection of the body, and the making of new heavens and a new earth. All these were so many displays of the power of God.
All these were miraculous.
All these were natural.
All these were spiritual.
All these were adapted to the simplest capacity, aided by the spirit of God.
All these were too sublime for an arch angel to comprehend by his own capacity without the spirit of revelation. P.P. PRATT.
Elder Jessee Turpin has been before the High Councill [Council] of the City of Nauvoo, and is proven clear of the charges prefered [preferred] against him; restored to full fellowship, and to his former standing in his quorum.
I obeyed, I returned back to my father in the field and rehearsed the whole matter to him. He replied to me, that it was of God, and to go and do as commanded by the messenger. I left the field and went to the place where the messenger had told me the plates were deposited; and owing to the distinctness of the vision which I had had concerning it, I knew the place the instant that I arrived there. Convenient to the village of Manchester, Ontario co. New York, stands a hill of considerable size, and the most elevated of any in the neighborhood; on the west side of this hill not far from the top, under a stone of considerable size, lay the plates deposited in a stone box: this stone was thick and rounding in the middle on the upper side, and thinner towards the edges, so that the middle part of it was visible above the ground, but the edge all round was covered with earth. Having removed the earth and obtained a lever which I got fixed under the edge of the stone and with a little exertion raised it up, I looked in and there indeed did I behold the plates, the Urim and Thummim and the Breastplate as stated by the messenger. The box in which they lay was formed by laying stones together in some kind of cement; in the bottom of the box were laid two stones crossways of the box, and on these stones lay the plates and the other things with them. I made an attempt to take them out but was forbidden by the messenger and was again informed that the time for bringing them forth had not yet arrived, neither would until four years from that time, but he told me that I should come to that place precisely in one year from that time, and that he would there meet with me, and that I should continue to do so until the time should come for obtaining the plates. Accordingly as I had been commanded I went at the end of each year, and at each time I found the same messenger there and received instruction and intelligence from him at each of our interviews respecting what the Lord was going to do and how and in what manner his kingdom was to be conducted in the last days. As my father's worldly circumstances were very limited, we were under the necessity of laboring with our hands, hiring by days works and otherwise
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as we could get opportunity, sometimes we were at home and sometimes abroad and by continued labor were enabled to get a comfortable maintainance [maintenance].
In the year eighteen hundred and twenty four my father's family met with a great affliction by the death of my eldest brother Alvin. In the month of October eighteen hundred and twenty-five I hired with an old gentleman, by the name of Josiah Stoal who lived in Chenango county State of New York. He had heard something of a silver mine having been opened by the Spaniards in Harmony Susquehannah county State of Pennsylvania, and had previous to my hiring been digging in order if possible to discover the mine. After I went to live with him he took me among the rest of his hands to dig for the silver mine, at which I continued to work for nearly a month without success in our undertaking, and finally I prevailed with the old gentleman to cease digging after it. Hence arose the very prevalent story of my having been a money digger.
During the time that I was thus employed I was put to board with a Mr. Isaac Hale of that place; it was there that I first saw my wife (his daughter) Emma Hale. On the eighteenth of January eighteen hundred and twenty-seven we were married while yet I was employed in the service of Mr. Stoal.
Owing to my still continuing to assert that I had seen a vision persecution still followed me, and my wife's father's family were very much opposed to our being married. I was therefore under the necessity of taking her elsewhere so we went and were married at the house of Squire Tarbill, in South Bainbridge Chenango county, New York. Immediately after my marriage I left Mr. Stoal's and went to my father's and farmed with him that season.
At length the time arrived for obtaining the plates, the Urim and Thummim, and the breastplate; on the twenty second day of September, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, having went as usual at the end of another year to the place where they were deposited, the same heavenly messenger delivered them up to me, with this charge that I should be responsible for them: that if I should let them go carelessly or through any neglect of mine I should be cut off; but that if I would use all my endeavors to preserve them, until he the messenger should call for them, they should be protected.
I soon found out the reason why I had received such strict charges to keep them safe, and why it was that the messenger had said that when I had done what was required at my hand, he would call for them; for no sooner was it known that I had them than the most strenuous exertions were used to get them from me; every stratagem that could be invented was resorted to for that purpose; the persecution became more bitter and severe than before, and multitudes were on the alert continually to get them from me if possible; but by the wisdom of God they remained safe in my hands until I had accomplished by them what was required at my hand, when according to arrangements the messenger called for them, I delivered them up to him and he has them in his charge this day, being the second day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight.
The excitement however still continued, and rumor with her thousand tongues was all the time employed in circulating tales about my father's family, and about myself. If I were to relate a thousandth part of them it would fill up volumes. The persecution however became so intolerable that I was under the necessity of leaving Manchester, and going with my wife to Susquehannah county in the State of Pennsylvania: while preparing to start (being very poor and the persecution so heavy upon us that there was no probability that we would ever be otherwise,) in the midst of our afflictions we found a friend in a gentleman by the name of Martin Harris, who came to us and gave me fifty dollars to assist us in our afflictions. Mr. Harris was a resident of Palmyra Township Wayne county, in the State of New York, and a farmer of respectability; by this timely aid was I enabled to reach the place of my destination in Pennsylvania, and immediately after my arrival there I commenced copying the characters of the plates. I copied a considerable number of them, and by means of the Urim and Thummim I translated some of them, which I did between the time I arrived at the house of my wife's father in the month of December, and the February following. Some time in this month of February the aforementioned, Mr. Martin Harris came to our place,
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got the characters which I had drawn off the plates and started with them to the city of New York. For what took place relative to him and the characters, I refer to his own account of the circumstances as he related them to me after his return which was as follows. "I went to the city of New York and presented the characters which had been translated, with the translation thereof to Professor Anthony, a gentleman celebrated for his literary attainments;-Professor Anthony stated that the translation was correct, more so than any he had before seen translated from the Egyptian. I then showed him those which were not yet translated, and he said that they were Egyptian, Chaldeac, Assyriac, and Arabac [Arabic] , and he said that they were true characters. He gave me a certificate certifying to the people of Palmyra that they were true characters, and that the translation of such of them as had been translated was also correct. I took the certificate and put it into my pocket, and was just leaving the house, when Mr. Anthony called me back, and asked me how the young man found out that there were gold plates in the place where he found them. I answered that an angel of God had revealed it unto him.
He then said to me, let me see that certificate, I accordingly took it out of my pocket and gave it to him, when he took it and tore it to pieces, saying that there was no such thing now as ministering of angels, and that if I would bring the plates to him, he would translate them. I informed him that a part of the plates were sealed, and that I was forbidden to bring them, he replied, 'I cannot read a sealed book.' I left him and went to Dr. Mitchel who sanctioned what Professor Anthony had said respecting both the characters and the translation."
From the N. Y. Weekly Herald.
We give in this day's paper, a very curious chapter from the "Book of Abraham," which we find published in the last number of a weekly journal, called the "Times and Seasons," conducted by Joseph Smith the great Mormon Prophet, in the city of Nauvoo, Hancock county, Illinois.
The prophet says that it was found in the catacombs of Egypt, but he is mistaken in this idea. The article was discovered, we presume by Joseph Smith, the grandfather, near one of the propylons of Medinet Abu, in the "City of the Sun," in upper Egypt the same city which Homer says had one hundred gates. Champollion, Young, Rosselini, and various other antiquarians give notices of the magnificient [magnificent] ruins, in red granite, that are strewn over the banks of the Nile. Be all this as it may, the Prophet of Nauvoo has given the chapter, and it is set down as a revelation among the Mormons.
This Joe Smith is undoubtedly one of the greatest characters of the age. He indicates as much talent, originality, and moral courage as Mahomet, Odin, or any of the great spirits that have hitherto produced the revolutions of past ages. In the present infidel, irreligious, ideal, geological, animal-magnetic age of the world, some such singular prophet as Joe Smith is required to preserve the principle of faith, and to plant some new germs of civilization that may come to maturity in a thousand years. While modern philosophy, which believes in nothing but what you can touch, is overspreading the Atlantic States, Joe Smith is creating a spiritual system, combined also with morals and industry, that may change the destiny of the race. Joe believes himself divinely inspired and worker of miracles. He cures the sick of diseases-so it is said:-and although Joe is not aware of the fact, we have been informed by a medical man that his influence over nervous disorders, arises from a powerful magnetic influence-that Joe is a magnet in a large way, which he calls a power or spirit from heaven. In other respects Joe is a mighty man of God-possessing large stores of human nature--great shrewdness, and as he has taken the management of the Mormon newspaper organ, the "Times and Seasons" into his hand, we look for many revelations, and some curious one too, pretty soon.
We certainly want some such prophet to start up, take a big hold of the public mind and stop the torrent of materialism that is hurrying the world into infidelity, immorality, licentousness [licentiousness], and crime.-Professor Lyel, Richard Adams Locke, Dr. Brisbane, Master Emmerson, Prophet Brownson, Horace Greely, and all the materialists of the age, ought to take a leaf of common sense out of Joe's book.
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MORE PROPHECY.--Joe Smith, in his last "Times and Seasons," gives us another slice of the "Book of Abraham," embracing a synopsis of his geology and astronomy, illustrated with a curious map of the Mormon Solar System. Joe also gives his readers a bit of his auto-biography--quite rich it is, too.
THE MORMON MOVEMENT.-Nearly two hundred more Mormons, very respectable looking saints, arrived at New Orleans recently, on their way to Nauvoo, the head quarters of Joe Smith and the Mormons. The prophet is adding to his religious empire every day-and who can set bounds to it? He is president, priest, and prophet, and whenever he is in a difficulty, he says that he has a direct revelation from heaven, that settles the point at once.
MR. JAMES G. BENNETT, is a little too fast about the finding of the records; it will be seen by the following that "Joe Smith," knew what he was doing.
These Mummies, with seven others, were taken from the Catacombs of Egypt, near where the ancient, we may say, almost unparalleled city of Thebes once stood, by the celebrated French traveller [traveler] Antonio Lebolo; at a great expense, under the protection of the French Consul, by consent of Mehemet Ali, the Viceroy of Egypt. It is to be noticed that several hundred Mummies, differently embalmed were found in the same catacomb, but only the eleven in a state to be removed. The seven have been sold to gentlemen for private museums, and in consequence are kept from the eye of the public.-They have been exhibited in Philadelphia and Baltimore, to crowded audiences; in the latter place, although only engaged for two weeks, the exhibition was prolonged to (five weeks), with attraction. Of all the relics of the ancient world that time had left, the Mummy is the most interesting. It is a well known fact, recorded in both sacred and profane history that men were embalmed, which science has attracted the learned for ages. All other antiquities are but the work of man, but Mummies present us with the men themselves-they are the personages, preserved in human form, for the gaze and attraction of people who are occupying down the stream of time centuries from those-they have certainly been conspicuous actors in those mighty scenes of which the history of Egypt is full. An hundred generations have passed away, and new empires have been since this flesh was animated-since these eyes were bright, and this tongue was eloquent, and the heart beat within this breast. These strangers illustrious from their antiquity, may have lived in the days of Jacob, Moses, or David, and of course some thousand years have elapsed since these bodies were animated with the breath of life! History records the fact, that the higher class concealed their knowledge from the lower, in figures and hieroglyphic characters--A few of those, upon papyrus, used by the Egyptians for writing, will be exhibited with the Mummies.
Having examined with considerable attention and deep interest, a number of Mummies from the catacombs, near Thebes, in Egypt, and now exhibited in the Arcade, we beg leave to recommend them to the observation of the curious inquirer on subjects of a period so long elapsed; probably not less than three thousand year ago. The features of some of these Mummies are in perfect expression.-The papyrus, covered with black or red ink, or paint, in excellent preservation, are very interesting. The undersigned, unsolicited by any person connected by interest with this exhibition, have voluntarily set their names hereunto, for the simple purpose of calling the attention of the public to an interesting collection, not sufficiently known in this city.
I concur in the above sentiments, concerning the collection of Mummies in the Philadelphia Arcade, and consider them highly deserving the attention of the curious. W. E. HORNER, M. D.
We have in our possession the four mummies referred to. They together with the records, were purchased of a Mr. Chandler who exhibited them in different parts of the Union, and sold them to us in Kirtland Ohio. The above is a copy of the original placards published by Mr. Chandler, whilst they were yet in his possession.
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We believe that Mr. Bennett is neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, or he would have known that wherever, or whenever God had a Prophet, and he spoke the word of the Lord, or "got a revelation that had ended the matter" we perceive that he has a notion of feeling a little funny at our expense, but notwithstanding those peculiar freaks and little witticisms of Mr. Bennett, we must say that he acts with more candor and honesty, and is more of a gentleman and philanthrophist [philanthropist] than most of the editors of the present day; he publishes our own statements to the world in their native simplicity, ungarnished, without misrepresentation, coloring or fiction, and leaves it as all honest men will do, for a discerning public to judge of the correctness, or incorrectness of the principles thus laid before them. The very pious and holy editors of the "Baptist Advocate"-The "New York Evangelist" and the "Christian Advocate and Journal," and many other of the holy order that we might mention, would do well to pattern after the moral honesty and righteousness of Mr. Bennett. We say this because we have generally found that those gentlemen of the black cloth are more ready to listen to reports, misrepresentation and falsehood than to matters of fact, and that if they are not all at times the authors of the foul calumnies that so frequently disgrace their pages; yet their columns are always open for slander, and falsehood, whenever it suits their purpose.
The would be great Mr. O. Bachelor of New York or elsewhere, has lately published a long tirade about Mormonism in the "Baptist Advocate" without refering [referring] to his production we would merely state that he would have done well to have published at the same time an account of his ungentlemanly proceeding at a discussion with Elder P.P. Pratt; when one of his brother infidels who was chairman told him that he would not acknowledge so dishonorable a man as one of their fraternity-of a subsequent defeat by Elder Adams of New York. (soon after he had joined the church) and of his late dicomfiture [discomfiture?] by a boy in New Jersey. Surely so mighty a champion as Mr. Bachelor, aided with such powerful truths, (alias falsehoods,) as those published in the Baptist Advocate, ought to have been able to have vanquished those puereil [puerile] defendents [defendants] of Mormonism, and swept so awful a delusion into everlasting oblivion: or is it the case that he is more powerful in writing than oratory? or has the pious editor of the "Baptist Advocate" assisted him to compile his foul slander? ED.
MONDAY, MAY 2, 1842.
This noble edifice is progressing with great rapidity; strenuous exertions are being made on every hand to facilitate its erection, and materials of all kinds are in a great state of forwardness, and by next fall we expect to see the building enclosed; if not the top stone raised with "shouting of grace-grace, unto it." There have been frequently, during the winter, as many as one hundred hands quarrying rock, while at the same time multitudes of others have been engaged in hauling, and in other kinds of labor. A company was formed last fall to go up to the pine country to purchase mills, and prepare and saw lumber for the Temple, and the Nauvoo House, and the reports from them are very favorable; another company has started this last week, to take their place, and to relieve those that are already there; on their return they are to bring a very large raft of lumber for the use of the above named houses.
While the busy multitudes have thus been engaged in their several avocations performing their daily labor, and working one tenth of their time, others have not been less forward in bringing in their tithings, and consecrations for the same great object. Never since the formation of this church was laid, have we seen manifested a greater willingness to comply with the requisitions of Jehovah; a more ardent desire to do the will of God; more strenuous exertions used; or greater sacrifices made, than there has been since the Lord said, "Let the Temple be built by the tithing of my people." It seemed as though the spirit of enterprise, philanthropy, and obedience rested simultaneously upon old and young; and brethren and sisters, boys and girls, and even strangers, who were not in the church, united with an unprecedented liberality in the accomplishment of this great work; nor could the widow, in many instances, be prevented, out of her scanty pittance, from throwing in her two mites.
We feel at this time to tender to all, old and young, both in the church and out of it, our unfeigned thanks for their unprecedented liberality, kindness, dilligence [diligence], and obedience which they have so opportunely manifested on the present occasion. Not that we are personally or individually benefitted [benefited] in a pecuniary point of view, but when the brethren as in this instance
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shew [show] a unity of purpose, and design, and all put their shoulder to the wheel, our care, labor, toil, and anxiety is materially diminished, "our yoke is made easy; and our burden is light."
The cause of God is one common cause, in which all the Saints are alike interested, we are all members of the one common body, and all partake of the same spirit, and are baptized into one baptism, and possess alike the same glorious hope. The advancement of the cause of God and the building up of Zion is as much one man's business as another. The only difference is that one is called to fulfil [fulfill] one duty and another another duty; "but if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it, and if one member is honored all the rest rejoice with it, and the eye cannot say to the ear I have no need of thee, nor the head to the foot I have no need of thee; party feelings, separate interests, exclusive designs should be lost sight off [of?] in the one common cause, in the interest of the whole.
The building up of Zion is a cause that has interested the people of God in every age; it is a theme upon which prophets, priests, and kings have dwelt with peculiar delight; they have looked forward with joyful anticipation to the day in which we lived; and fired with heavenly and joyful anticipations they have sung, and wrote, and prophesied of this our day;-but they died without the sight; we are the favored people that God has made choice of to bring about the Latter Day glory; it is left for us to see, participate in, and help to roll forward the Latter Day glory; "the dispensation of the fulness [fullness] of times, when God will gather together all things that are in heaven, and all things that are upon the earth, even in one," when the saints of God will be gathered in one from every nation, and kindred, and people, and tongue, when the Jews will be gathered together into one, the wicked will also dwell with his people, and be withdrawn from the rest of the nations, and all things whether in heaven or on earth will be in one even in Christ. The heavenly priesthood will unite with the earthly, to bring about those great purposes; and whilst we are thus united in the one common cause to roll forth the kingdom of God, the Heavenly Priesthood are not idle spectators; the spirit of God will be showered down from above, it will dwell in our midst. The blessings of the Most High will rest upon our tabernacles, and our name will be handed down to future ages; our children will rise up and call us blessed; and generations yet unborn will dwell with peculiar delight upon the scenes that we have passed through, the privations that we have endured; the untirtng [untiring] zeal that we have manifested; the insurmountable difficulties that we have overcome in laying the foundation of a work that brought about the glory and blessings which they will realize; a work that God and angels have contemplated with delight, for generations past; that fired the souls of the ancient patriarchs and prophets-a work that is destined to bring about the destruction of the powers of darkness, the renovation of the earth, the glory of God, and the salvation of the human family.-[ED.
(Trieste December) 21, 1841.
MY DEAR MARINDA:-Once more I sit down to write to you, to let you know, that through the mercy of the Lord, I am still among the living; and what is still better, Jesus the sinner's friend, I humbly trust lives in me. I arrived this morning in this port from Alexandria, after a passage of 21 & 1-2 days; and here I must remain 28 days more in quarantine. It is like a prison, but there is no avoiding it.
The city of Jerusalem, I have seen, and walked through it almost every way, and also the regions round about: but as I do not write this letter with the view of its being made public, I shall omit most of the particulars connected with my mission, and give them in a letter addressed to the Twelve, which will be mailed or sent at the same time as this. . . . . .
I hope the answer to the two letters which I wrote from Bavaria, one to you, and the other to Br. Joseph will have arrived safely there. As I must remain here almost one month, I have written to Bavaria requesting them forwarded to me at this place. It is only about 250 miles from this, to Bavaria where I made a stop last summer; and as soon as I am released from this prison, it is my intention to go there and publish the principles of our faith in the German language, unless I shall be differently advised in the letters which I hope to receive. It is directly on my way to London. If you look on the map of Europe, you will see my course from this to London. First over the Alps to Munich, then to Ratisbon, from thence to Frankfort, on the Maine, and then to Mayenz and down the Rhine.
As soon as I can get the foundation of a good work laid in Germany, I shall go to England, if the Lord will, and there
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spend a short time, and then return to you. I begin to speak the German considerably. In fact I am obliged to, for there are few who speak English. I have found no difficulty in getting along about languages, though I have been, sometimes where they spoke Turkish, and frequently where they spoke nothing but Arabic and Italian, and then French and German. On board the vessel in which I came from Alexandria they spoke Italian and German. So far as mere travelling [traveling] is concerned, I could go all over the world, let the language be what it might, and I trust the time will be when the servants of the Lord will even be able to proclaim the gospel fully and plainly by the power of the Holy Ghost in all these languages.
I feel quite anxious to get our faith and principles in print in the German language; but what the effect will be, time must determine. The Catholic religion in Germany is fortified by long and deep rooted prejudices; and to a certain extent by laws of human enactment. I have dreamed that they shut me up in prison: but if they do, I shall not have the honor of being the first Latter-Day Saint, who for the truth's sake, has been imprisoned. . . . . . . I feel glad, and more than glad that I have seen Jerusalem. Face never answered more correctly to face in water, than Mt. Olivet did to the vision I had in Nauvoo. . . . . . How it would rejoice my heart to meet with the Saints again. The hope that I shall, makes my heart swell with joy. I pray the Lord to keep me from evil, and strengthen my heart in righteousness, that I may be counted worthy to share their good will when I return. . . . . . .
May the Lord bless you all, and save you from the violence of men, and from all evil. My kind respects to the Presidency, and to all that enquire [inquire] after me. I am ever your affectionate husband.
DEAR BROTHER:-It is with feelings of no ordinary kind, that I take my pen in hand, (aside from the bustle and cares of life) to communicate to you, thou servant and prophet of the most high, the pleasing and no doubt cheering intelligence of what the Lord of glory is doing in this part of the vineyard. When I take a retrospective view of the rise of the "Church of Christ" in these last days, and reflect what scenes of persecutions, trials, distress, and bloodshed, the saints of God have been called upon to undergo, for the testimony of Jesus and his holy word; and especially when I think of you, (the trials you have endured, the tribulations you have waded through, the cold damp prisons you have lain in, the galling chains you have been loaded with, the fetters, and bands of iron that have encompassed your limbs, and all for the sake of eternal truth,) I am ready to exclaim, how long Oh! just, righteous, and eternal Father wilt thou suffer thy prophet and seer, to be persecuted, his life sought after, his name and character villified [vilified], traduced, calumniated, falsified and slandered, by wicked and designing men; the emmisaries [emissaries] of Satan, but a soft still sweet voice whispers, "my grace is all sufficient for him" he is under my protecting care, and no power of hell and earth combined shall ever be able to overcome him if he is faithful. ("They that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.") And I pray my Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, that you may be kept faithful unto the end, and may the saints by their faith and prayers always hold you up before our heavenly King, that you may never fall, though your path should be continually beset with the "fowler's snare" though you should be called upon to undergo more trials, perplexities, griefs, sorrows, disappointments, tribulations and afflictions; and at last seal your testimony with the effusions of you own blood; for the glorious, triumphant and eternal truth that God has made you an instrument in revealing to the children of men. May you never falter, but meet it all with a triumphant smile, obtain the victory over all your enemies; death, hell, and the grave;-fall asleep in the arms of Jesus;-and receive the crown, which thus far you have so nobly and gallantly contended and fought for like a true soldier of the cross, and follower of the Lamb; even when death (with all its appalling forms) stared you in the face, it found you true, and immovable to the glorious-inspiring-heaven born truths that have been revealed to you; and which I your humble servant and brother in the bonds of the everlasting covenant am rejoicing in. May Israel's God protect you, and his church,
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and people from all harm, and danger; and speed on his triumphant and glorious gospel. The ship of eternal truth is plowing with dignity and majesty through the yielding waves of sophism, infidelity and delusion; the waves of persecution are rolling high and dash vehemently against its triumphant bows, but they cannot impede its progress: base fabrications, slander, scorn, obloquy, vituperation, scurrillity [scurrility], and in fact all manner of the most glaring and unblushing falsehoods are heralded forth by priests and people; and reiterated and reechoed in every breeze, from one end of God's footstool, (if it were possible) to the other; but what does all their evanid declamating [declamations] amount to? the answer is definite and positive, NOTHING.-It goes ahead with a steady pace, every day gives it a new impetus, and every moment accelerates its speed, and why? the God of heaven is at the helm, and he will steer the ship and the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ; yes, the mighty kingdoms of China, Austria, Russia, Prussia, France, England and America not excepted, with all the sectarian denominations of the present day will be utterly overthrown;-and Christ will come with all his Saints, and establish his kingdom upon their ruins.
But I said I was going to inform you what the Lord of glory was doing here, this I will endeavor to do. There is a branch here containing 22 members, including 1 elder, and 1 priest, and more believing. It is but a few weeks ago since I baptized a gentleman and his lady here at 9 o clock at night, and broke the ice to do it, but they never minded ice nor weather when truth was to be obtained; the gentleman was of the persuasion of friends, the lady was formerly a member of the Church of England, from Philadelphia, they both are now rejoicing in the truth, and thankful that they have eradicated the mark of the Beast.
I have been home but a few days from a tour of nearly two weeks along the sea shore (i.e.) Toms River and Forked River &c. There were six baptized at Toms River while I was there and more believing; there are something near two hundred members here and in Cream Ridge, and Toms River exclusive of those who have gone west. I was informed by Br. Winner that Elder Divine baptized 18 in one day a few weeks ago at Long Branch, and that there had been 60 baptized there within a short time. There are calls here for preaching on the right and left, we would like to see Br. Page or some other efficient elder, here as soon as you have an opportunity of sending one, I have understood you purposed coming east in the spring if you are I wish you to inform me as soon as you receive this and at what time you expect to be in Jersey, as Br. Isaac R. Robbins is coming to Nauvoo this spring, and wishes to see you, but if you are coming here perhaps he may wait until you arrive. Brs. John R. Robbins, and Lafetras, with their families expect to leave here for Nauvoo sometime in April; but I must bring my letter to a close as the bright luminary of day has long since sunk behind the western hills, and another day has rolled into (to us) the ocean of eternity, to help fill up the vacuum of years yet wanting to commence the sabbath of rest;-the sable shades of night are hovering over the earth, her dark mantle is spread upon the hills and vallies[valleys]; while bright Phaebus the queen of night is riding in glorious majesty, with all her attendant train of satellites, twinkling in ether blue, and all nature is nearly hushed in slumbering silence, and enjoying that heavenly repose which the great Author ordained for the creatures of his care; therefore with the sublimest emotions of praise and gratitude to my God do I close by saying may God bless you and yours, Br. Hyrum, and all the Saints throughout the world: and may Zion prosper and become the joy of the whole earth.
With sentiments of profound respect do I subscribe myself your well wisher and brother in the Lord,
We have received a communication from Elder Eli Maginn, and from E. Snow, Mass. Elder Maginn has forwarded twenty four dollars subscription money, and twenty dollars for the temple, he writes as follows.
(Salem, Mass. March 22nd), 1842
I avail myself of this opportunity of transmitting the following subscribers for your valuable paper. * *
I shall endeavor to forward from 100 to 200 dollars by fall, for the House of
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the Lord, as it appears to be of the most vital importance that the Saints should assist in a work so desirable, which is looked forward to with anxious anticipation by all the faithful laborers in the kingdom. We shall do all that we can to forward the work. * * *
Dear Brother, I feel to rejoice in the prosperity of the work of the God of the Saints, which is truly prosperous in New England, the engine of eternal truth has been called into successful opposition against the crafts, and systems of "The like occupation," and notwithstanding the contest has been exceedingly fierce, the enemy being active in the usual way with falsehood, and misrepresentation, the victory is the Lord's; truth has triumphed, and is spreading its benign influence abroad like the rays of the king of day, as if unconscious of the elements of oppression and opposition which have been so unsuccessfully employed from the first, up to the present time. I am on a visit to assist Elder E. Snow in his successful and extended field of labor, in this branch (Salem). Sixty five have been obedient to the faith of the gospel, and hundreds of others "almost pursuaded[persuaded]." In Boston near 40 have obeyed, through the faithful labors of Elder F. Nickerson. I have been absent from Peterboro two weeks, have preached three or four times in Boston, Salem, Marblehead, Chelsea &c. and purpose returning to Peterboro next Sunday, where I have been laboring with good success, thirty six have obeyed since last fall, at New Salem, Mass. thirty-five to forty obeyed since August last, Leverett eighteen or twenty, Gilsum N. H. twenty to thirty. I have preached from one to three times almost every day, and cannot fill one to twenty of the calls for preaching; there is the greatest excitement in this country that I ever beheld during my travels, since I left Nauvoo; a period of three years in which I have travelled [traveled] through eighteen States and British Provinces. The honest seeker after truth is rejoicing in its liberty; while "Our Crafts. men" are laboring and howling to see their sinking crafts crumbling to disolution [dissolution] and nonentity, without having power to repel the march of TRUTH which is onward with the velocity of electricity, spreading terror and dismay throughout their majestic empire.
In haste E. P. MAGINN.
P. S. Dear Brother, I long to see the time when I can return and again receive instructions from those whom God has chosen to council his saints with, "Thus saith the Lord," and not the traditions of men; I feel very anxious to return by fall, as I have been absent three years. I have disposed of more than $150 worth of books (and expect near that amount this day from New York and Philadelphia), the demand daily increases, some of the popular begin to take a decided stand in favor of the truth. E. P. M.
We have received to day several numbers of the "Millennial Star" published in Manchester, England; we extract the following from the minutes of a conference held in Manchester
"Twelve branches were represented consisting of 1589 members, with appropriate officers."
"From the foregoing extract, it will be seen that the church in Manchester conference now numbers near sixteen hundred members, after excommunicating one hundred and twenty five and dismissing some hundreds by emigration.
All these have been gathered into the fold in the course of about two years, and that from an obscure beginning, in a small cellar in Oldham-road; being the first place in which the fulness [fullness] of the gospel was preached within the bounds of what now composes the Manchester conference. "Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth!"-(Mil. Star, Nov.)
From Elder Reed, Isle of Man-
"I think that all the lies that have been hatched in America, England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, have been imported to the Isle of Man. Yet notwithstanding all these things the work of the Lord is advancing, as our congregation is on the increase. Seven have been added by baptism since I came; and the saints speak with tongues, and interpret, and have dreams, and visions and prophesy; and the gift of healing has been wonderfully made manifest among the saints, and among others. . . .The work is beginning to spread on this Island, and new places are presenting themselves to us on every hand."-(Mil. Star).
From Elder Adams, Bedford England-
"In looking back to the time that Jesus sent me here to take charge of the church which was in April last, I see great cause to rejoice and praise the name of the
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Lord. The church then numbered about fifty members, and three priests; now there are nearly four times that number of members. . . .Scores are believing in many of the adjoining towns and we are baptizing almost daily.
"Last Sabbath was a day long to be remembered; there were seventeen confirmed, and several ordained to offices in the church. In the evening when I gave my farewell address, there were hundreds to listen, many of whom could not get into the chapel." (Mil. Star, Jan.)
In Liverpool, London, Birmingham, Preston, and in different parts of England, Scotland, and Wales, the work of God is rolling forth with great rapidity.
We have also received many interesting communications from different parts of the United States. The little stone rolls forth with unprecedented rapidity, and many are joining the standard of truth. We extract the following.
Elder James Blakeslee writes from Utica N. Y.; and states that the work is rolling forth in all that district of country where he has travelled [traveled]; he has lately organized a branch in Utica, of 30 members, and wishes the saints, and traveling elders to be notified that their will be a CONFERENCE held in the City of Utica, on the 11th of June, commencing at 11 o'clock, P. M.
===THE JEWS.===
Conversation between a Jewish Rabbi and Mr. Ewald London Missionary.
On the Trinity he says I opened the Sohar Parsha Ackremoth, I read the mystery of Eloheim, in this there are three degrees, and every one of them subsists by itself and yet all of them are one, and united together in one, nor can they be separated from one another.
Rabbi Judedea said, this is a mystery about which I am not permitted to speak.
In speaking of Jesus the Rabbi said not one of the wise men believed on him; all his disciples were poor ignorant fishermen and daily laborers.-We read in Cabala that the Holy Ghost descends only on a wise man, or a rich man, or a valiant man.
M. The Yalkut says that in the days of the Messiah the swine shall be lawfully eaten by the Jews.
R. You do not understand the meaning of this passage our wise men explain it thus:-"When Israel were carried away to Babylon all the fishes of the Holy land emigrated with them; and when they returned the fish returned with them, except one fish Mashpa, who remained and would not return; he said he would stay till Messiah came; the Rabbies [Rabbis] gave him then the name of Haser, (i.e.) returning and therefore the Yalkut said that in the times of the Messiah the Haser will be lawfully eaten by the Jews but you understand by Haser the swine, while we understand the fish.
M. Speaking of the Messiah, he is the only begotten of the Father before the world.
R. Who tells you that?
M. The New Testament.
R. This is no authority with me.
M. What do you make of Gen. xlix, 10.
R. There are yet rulers of Israel for instance in Constantinople.
M. Have you ever read our New Testament?
R. No, I have them burned as often as I can. . . . . . But if he whom you call Christ were the Messiah would not the Sanhedrin who were the wisest men on earth, have believed in him.
M. Have your wise men ever believed the messengers of God? How did they treat them? Your fathers killed all the prophets.
R. It is for that we are in gallooth.
M. You are in gallooth because you did reject Christ: this is your gallooth here, and your gallooth in the world to come is greater. . . . . . The Missionary then spoke of Messiah &c. &c. The Rabbi answered:-well, well, you believe it;-well we do not.
M. Then you will have no part of the world to come, you will reject the message which has been sent to you from God, by the prophets which we quote.
R. The prophets have been sent to us it is true; but when they have spoken evil of Israel, God has killed them; therefore take care how you speak. On account of the sin which Isaiah committed in saying "Wo is me for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips; and dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips," he was killed by God; God sent an angel who put something on his lips by which he was killed,. . . . .a live coal on his lips from which he died. [Jewish Intelligencer.]
It is very difficult to ascertain which of the above have displayed the most ignorance in regard
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to either the Mosaic, or the Christian economy. The closing remarks of the missionary however manifests weakness and folly to a degree. "Then you will have no part in the world to come, you will reject the message which has been sent to you by the prophets which we quote." As if the Rabbi was going to be damned for not bowing with deference to his ipse dixit; or for not being governed by his quotations, and interpretations. The Rabbi had the prophets before the missionary took them to him and was capable of quoting them: and on this ground was as likely to be damned before the missionary went to him as after; or had he the folly to suppose that his barely quoting passages of scripture would condemn the Rabbi to perdition, if he rejected his testimony? The Rabbi had as good ground to say that the missionary would be damned if he rejected the testimony of the Rabbi; but the missionary might with propriety say that the Rabbi was an unbelieving Jew; and the Rabbi might say in as good faith that the missionary was a gentile dog;-but the missionary had been sent by the London Society; and the Rabbi had been set apart by the laws and ordinances of Moses;-yet the laws and ordinances of Moses are abrogated in Christ. The London Society however had never been acknowledged by either Moses, or Christ; nor the missionary set apart, nor sent by either. So look at it which way we will the Rabbi had as good ground to go upon as the missionary, and he was as capable of going on a mission to teach the missionary, as the missionary was qualified to teach him.
What consummate ignorance is displayed in missionaries quoting the New Testament to the Jews, as proof of the divine mission of Jesus Christ;-says the Jew in answer, "well well you believe it well I do not." And how could it be otherwise, for, "how can they believe on him of whom they have not heard? and how can they hear without a preacher? and how can he preach except he be sent? Yet the missionary was sent by the London Society, to send out missionaries-if the above named gentleman had been sent by God instead of by the London Society he would have known his business better.-Ed.
Lexington, in Kentucky, stands nearly on the site of an ancient town, which was of great extent and magnificence, as is amply evinced by the wide range of its circumvalliatory works, and the quantity of ground it once occupied.
There was connected with the antiquities of this place, a catacomb, formed in the bowels of the limestone rock, about fifteen feet below the surface of the earth, adjacent to the town of Lexington. This grand object, so novel and extraordinary in this country, was discovered in 1775, by some of the first settlers, whose curiosity was excited by something remarkable in the character of the stones which covered the entrance to the cavern within. They removed these stones, and came to others of singular appearance for stones in a natural state; the removal of which laid open the mouth a cave, deep, gloomy, and terrific, as they supposed.
With augmented numbers, and provided with light, they descended and entered, without obstruction, a spacious apartment; the sides and extreme ends were formed into niches and compartments, and occupied by figures representing men. When alarm subsided, and the sentiment of dismay and surprise permitted further research and inquiry, the figures were found to be mummies, preserved by the art of embalming, to as great a state of perfection as was known among the ancient Egyptians, eighteen hundred years before the Christian era; which was about the time that the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt, when this art was in its perfection. * * * * * On this subject Mr. Ash has the following reflections: "How these bodies were embalmed, how long preserved, by what nations, and from what people descended, no opinion made, but what must result from speculative fancy and wild conjecture. For my part, I am lost in the deepest ignorance. My reading affords me no knowledge, my travels no light. I have neither read nor known of any of the North American Indians who formed catacombs for their dead, or who were acquainted with the art of preservation by embalming.
Had Mr. Ash in his researches consulted the Book of Mormon his problem would have been solved, and he would have found no difficulty in accounting for the mummies being found in the above mentioned case. The Book of Mormon gives an account of a number of the descendants of Israel coming to this continent; and it is well known that the art of embalming was known among the Hebrews, as well as among the Egyptians, although perhaps not so generally among the former, as among the latter people; and their method of embalming also might be different from that of the Egyptians.
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Jacob and Joseph were no doubt, embalmed in the manner of the Egyptians, as they died in that country, Gen. 1, 2, 3, 26. When our Saviour [Savior] was crucified his hasty burial obliged them only to wrap his body in linen with a hundred pounds of myrrh, aloes, and similar spices, (part of the ingredients of embalming.) given by Nicodemus for that purpose: but Mary and other holy women had prepared ointment and spices for embalming it, Matt. xxviii. 59: Luke xxiii. 56: John xxx. 39-40.
This art was no doubt transmitted from Jerusalem to this continent, by the before mentioned emigrants, which accounts for the finding of the mummies, and at the same time is another strong evidence of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon.-[ED.
MORTAL SICKNESS IN PHILADELPHIA.-It is stated in the Philadelphia Times, that a peculiar kind of sickness prevails to an alarming extent in the vicinity of Reading, and that many cases have already proved fatal. Also that a singular and alarming disease has made its appearance at Norristown and the village opposite. It is said that persons in good health are first seized with a giddiness in the head, then a diarrhoe [diarrhea], and immediately after the skin becomes as yellow as gold, convulsions take place, and the individual is a corpse in a few hours after the attack. The disease has baffled the skill of the ablest physicians, and produced the greatest consternation in consequence of its malignant and fatal character. Several deaths occur every day.-[(St. Louis Western Atlas).
A certificate of deposite [deposit] in the "Butchers and Drovers Bank," New York, by Doct. John M. Bernhisel, in favor of the Trustee in Trust, has been received at the Recorder's office, and passed to the credit of the individuals named in the accompanying letter.
For the Times and Seasons.
Dearest Brother, wherefore leave us? Thou art now a standard bearer
Why forsake they friends and home? On a distant mountain top;
Of thy presence, why bereave us, And perchance, art made a sharer
And in foreign countries roam? In privation's bitter cup
Must the dearest ties be broken? For the Lord designs to prove thee
Must affection's beauties fade? If his voice thou wilt obey;
No: O no, but God has spoken Therefore from the friends that love thee,
And his voice must be obey'd. Thou art parted far away?
Thou art call'd to bear Salvation's Thou art call'd thyself to sever
Joyful tidings far abroad From the land where kindred dwell!
Thou hast gone to warn the nations, But it will not be forever
In the name of Israel's God. Time ere long, will break the spell.
For the spirit of Devotion Here warm friends await thy greeting-
To Messiah' glorious cause; Noble friends, of Abram's line-
Thou hast cross'd the pathless ocean, Here are gentle pulses beating
To proclaim redemption's laws. In soft unison with thine.
For the gospel proclamation Here are daily pray'rs ascending
Must be sounded far and near; That th' appointed time may come,
That the best of every nation, When thy foreign mission ending,
May in Zion's courts appear. We shall bid thee "welcome home."
City of Nauvoo, April, 21st, 1842.
By the subscriber, a first rate Book Binder; one who thoroughly understands his business, and of good moral character, will receive good wages, and constant employment, by applying soon to J. SMITH.
The Times and Seasons, IS EDITED BY Joseph Smith. Printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOSEPH SMITH.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to Joseph Smith, publisher, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
{{page break|782}}

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Times and Seasons: Volume 3, Number 13

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Times and Seasons: Volume 3, Number 13

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Vol. III. No. 13] CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. MAY 2, 1842. [Whole No. 49.


To the Saints in America Greeting:

Beloved brethren, we have whereof to congratulate you at the present time, as we have the opportunity from day to day to witness the progress of the building of the Temple of the Lord in this city, and which is and must be accomplished by the united exertions of the labors of the brethren who reside here, and the tithings and contributions of those who are scattered abroad in the different states.

In this glorious object the hearts of all the faithful are united, the hands of the laborer are made strong continually, and the purse strings of the more opulent are unloosed, from time to time, to supply those things which are necessary for upraising the stones of this nobel edifice; and it may truly be said that the blessing of the Lord is upon his people; we have peace without, and love within the borders of our beautiful city; beautiful, indeed, for situation, is Nauvoo; the crown of the great valley of the Mississippi, the joy of every honest heart.

Although all things are more prosperous, concerning the Temple, than at any former period, yet the saints must not suppose that all is done, or that they can relax their exertions and the work go on. It is a great work that God has required of his people, and it will require long and unwearied diligence to accomplish it; and redoubled diligence will be necessary with all, to get the building inclosed [enclosed] before another winter, so that the joiner can be employed during the cold weather; and we would again call upon all the saints abroad to unite in making their deposits in banks known to be good and safe, and forward their certificates to the Trustee in Trust, as speedily as possible; when trusty men are not coming immediately to this place who can bring your offerings. All will want the privileges and blessings of the sanctuary, when it is completed; and all can have their wishes; but they can obtain them only by faithfulness and diligence in striving to build.

We praise our God for the liberality which has hitherto been manifested; many have given more than was required of them, many have given their all, but they have done it cheerfully; they have done it voluntarily; and they shall have a great reward; for the blessings of heaven, and earth shall be multpliied [multiplied] unto such; even the blessings of that priesthood which hath neither beginning of days nor end of life. While there are those who of their abundance have built unto themselves fine houses, and who ride in carriages and on horseback, and regale themselves with the good things of the land, and at the same time they have left the Lord's House untouched, or, if touched at all, have touched it so lightly as scarce to leave the print of their little finger: their reward will be according to their deeds, and unless they speedily repent, and come up with their abundance to the help of the Lord, they will find in the end that they have no part nor lot in this matter; their gold and silver will become cankered, their garments moth eaten, and they will perish in their own slothfulness and idolatry, leaving none to mourn their absense [absence].

But brethren the Temple will be built. There are hundreds and thousands who stand ready to sacrifice the last farthing they possess on earth, rather than have the building of the Lord's House delayed, and while this spirit prevails no power beneath the heavens can hinder its progress: but we desire you all to help with the ability which God has given you, that you may all share the blessings which will distill from heaven to earth through this consecrated channel.

This is not all. It will be in vain for us to build a place where the son of man may lay his head, and leave the cries of the widow and the fatherless, unheard by us, ascending up to the orphan's God, and widow's friend. It is in vain we cry Lord, Lord, and do not the things our Lord hath commanded; to visit the widow, the fatherless, the sick, the lame, the blind, the destitute, and minister to their necessities; and it is but reasonable that such cases should be found among a people who have but recently escaped the fury of a relentless mob on the one hand, and gathered from the half starved population of the scattered nations on the other.



Neither is this all. It is not sufficient that the poor be fed and clothed, the sick ministered unto, the temple built: No! when all this is accomplished, there must be a year of Jubilee; there must be a day of rejoicing; there must be a time of release to Zion's sons, or our offerings, our exertions, our hopes and our prayers will be in vain, and God will not accept of the doings of his people.

On those days of darkness which overspread our horizon; when the wolf was howling for his prey around the streets of Kirtland; when the burgler [burglar] was committing his midnight and midday depredations in Jackson county: when the heartless politician was thrusting his envious darts in Clay-and when the savage war whoop of Missouri, echoed and re-echoed through Far West, and Zion's noblest sons were chained in dungeons, and her daughters driven by a horde of savages naked and defenceless [defenseless], from their once peaceful homes to seek a shelter in a far distant land. Many of the brethren stepped forward to their rescue, and not only expended all they possessed for the relief of suffering innocence, but gave their notes and bonds to obtain more means, with which to help those, who could not escape the overwhelming surge of banishment from all that they possessed on earth.

Deaths, wounds, and sickness, from the mob, and the cold and shelterless situation of the brethren followed in quick succession; and all the means which could possibly be obtained from each other, in addition to the noble charities of the citizens of Illinois, were brought in requisition to sustain a remnant of the Saints, who now mostly inhabit this place. To accomplish this the president and bishops loaned money and such things as could be obtained, and gave their obligations in good faith for the payment of the same; and many of the brethren signed with them at different times and in different places to strengthen their hands and help them carry out their designs; fully expecting, that, at some future day, they would be enabled to liquidate all such claims, to the satisfaction of all parties.

Many of these claims have already been settled; many have been given up as cancelled [canceled] by those who held them, and many yet remain unsettled. The Saints have had many difficulties to encounter since they arrived at this place. In a new country, destitute of houses, food, clothing, and nearly all the necessaries of life, which were rent from them by an unfeeling mob having to encounter disease and difficulties unnumbered, it is not surprising that the church has not been able to liquidate all such claims, or that many individuals should yet remain involved, from the foregoing circumstances; and while things remain as they are, and men remain subject to the temptations of evil as they now are, the day of release, and year of Jubilee can not be; and we write you especially at this time, brethren, for the purpose of making a final settlement of all such claims, of brother against brother; of the brethren against the presidency and bishops, &c. &c.-claims which have originated out of the difficulties and calamities the church has had to encounter, and which are of long standing, so that when the Temple is completed there will be nothing from this source, to produce jars and discords, strifes and animosities, so as to prevent the blessings of heaven from descending upon us as a people.

To accomplish this most desirable object, we call on all the brethren, who hold such claims, to bring them forward for a final settlement; and also those brethren who have individual claims against each other, of long standing, and the property of the debtor has been wrested from him by violence, or he has been unfortunate, and languished on a bed of sickness till his means are expended; and all claims whatsoever between brother and brother, where there is no reasonable prospect of a just and equitable settlement possible, that they also by some means, either by giving up their obligations, or destroying them, see that all such old affairs be adjusted so that is shall not give occasion for difficulties to arise hereafter. Yes brethren, bring all such old accounts, notes, bonds &c. and make a consecration of them to the building of the Temple, and if any thing can be obtained on them it will be obtained, and if nothing can be obtained when the Temple is completed, we will make a burnt offering of them, even a peace offering, which shall bind the brethren together in the bonds of eternal peace and love, and union; and joy and salvation shall flow forth into your souls, and you shall rejoice and say it is good that we have harkened [hearkened] unto counsel, and set our brethren free, for God hath blessed us.



How can we prosper while the church, while the presidency, while the bishops, while those who have sacrificed every thing but life, in this thing, for our salvation, are thus encumbered? it cannot be-arise, then, brethren, set (them) free, and set each other free, and we will all be free together, we will be free indeed.

Let nothing in this epistle be so construed as to destroy the validity of contracts, or give any one license not to pay his debts. The commandment is to pay every man his dues, and no man can get to heaven while he justly owes his brother or his neighbor, who has or can get the means and will not pay; it is dishonest, and no dishonest man can enter where God is.

We remain your brethren

in the Gospel of Peace.

B. YOUNG Pres't.










From the Millennial Star.


"But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? * * That which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die: and that which sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat or some other grain: But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.

All flesh is not the same flesh; but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another."

1st Cor. 15 chap. 35 & 40.

The resurrection of the body has been objected to by many as a principle which comes in contact with the known laws of nature, and therefore both unreasonable and impossible.

For instance, it is ascertained beyond a doubt that the human system is constantly changing, by throwing off particles of matter, and receiving new ones. By the several natural evacuations from the body, parts of the old system are dispensed with, and by the nourishment received into the stomach, and by means of the blood vessels diffused through the system, new particles are constantly added.

Thus the whole matter which constitutes the physical system of the human body at any given time is said to pass away in exchange for new matter to the same amount, once in about ten years.

According to this calculation, man at the age of seventy years has been composed of matter sufficient to constitute seven human bodies, each about equal in dimensions to that which he possesses at any one given time.

The second consideration is that the particles of matter thus thrown off become parts of the earth from which they originated, and at lenght [length] grow up and live again in vegetable substances, such as grass, grain, fruit, &c. These in turn become food for animals; thus these animals are in part composed of the same particles which constituted parts of the human system. These animals are in turn devoured by man, and thus help to form parts of other human systems: and so on in an endless variety of alternate changes and subdivisions.

These facts are brought forward by some as so many proofs that it is impossible for the physical system of man ever to rise from the dead.

They urge that in the resurrection one individual would necessarily claim some of the same particles of matter as another, because both had once possessed some of the same particles.

All these objections appear very plausible at first sight, and have doubtless been a means of overthrowing the faith of many in regard to a resurrection of the body. While, on the other hand, these objections have been met by superstition, bigotry, and ignorance, not with a design to enlighten the understanding or to inform and convince the judgment, but with an endeavor to throw a veil of sacredness over the whole subject, as if it were a mystery to be believed without the possibility of understanding it.

Perhaps a few sentences like the following have been sufficient to smother all further enquiry [inquiry]:-"Ignorance is the mother of devotion." "Don't let your mind think on such subjects, it is a temptation to infidelity." "It is wicked to enquire [inquire] into such things." "All things are possible with God," &c.

Others have pretended to solve the difficulty, by supposing that the doctrine of the resurrection, although true, does not imply a material body, but rather a spiritual body, or formation unconnected with matter.



But after all the seeming difficulties which infidelity on the one hand, and sectarian ignorance and superstition on the other have thrown over the subject, a few reflections will be sufficient to show that every truth in theology, and every truth in philosophy mutually strengthen, illustrate, and confirm each other: for instance, the fact that a human body in the course of seventy years is composed of matter sufficient for the formation of seven bodies of the same size, or nearly so, shows clearly that six parts out of seven will not be occupied by one individual, and will therefore afford sufficient materials for the formation of six other human structures in the resurrection.

Thus there will not be the least occasion for two individuals to necessarily claim the same materials; or in other words, for one resurrected body to be composed of the materials which are necessary for the formation of another, seeing each individual would need but about one seventh of that which he had occupied in the course of his temporal life.

Thus all are abundantly provided for as to materials out of which to compose a new human structure.

The principal objection which still arises in regard to this view of the subject is, that the new body is not composed wholly of the same materials which constituted the old one. An argument might therefore be started that it could not be considered as the same individual, or as a resurrection of the same body, because partly constituted of other particles of matter, as well as dispensing with part of that which had constituted the old body. But if this objection proves any thing it proves too much, and comes in at last in favor of the resurrection; for the same objection might arise, and with the same degree of propriety, in regard to individuals in this life for instance, a man has not the same body at the age of fifty that he had at twenty-five; and shall we therefore argue that he is not the same person? The philosopher would prove before any intelligent jury that in the course of twenty-five years the entire system had twice passed away and given place to a new one: and yet the jury would recognise [recognize] an individual at the age of fifty to be the same person that he was at the age of twenty-the authorities would recognise [recognize] him to be the same-the same criminal-the same debtor-the same prisoner-the same heir at law. The mother would claim him as her child-the wife as her husband, &c. Indeed, he would feel conscious himself that he was the same person in reality, and no argument, however strong, would cause him to waver or doubt his own identity for a moment.

Now, it is this conciousness [consciousness] that constitutes the same person in reality, both in his own estimation and that of all his acquaintances.

The man new risen from the tomb with a material body composed of the old one, or rather of a germ of the old one, will no doubt, stand forth in all the conciousness [consciousness] of existence, and of his own identity that he posesses [possesses] in this life, and probably with far more acute and perfect conceptions and energies of mind, the intellect not being clogged and retarded by the corruptions and infirmities of mortality. He will feel and know himself to be the same individual, and all intelligent beings who have known him will identify him as the same that was born of a woman, and that returned to the dust.

Even God himself, who is the standard of philosophical and all other truths, will recognise [recognize] him as the same individual, and will judge him for the deeds done in the old body.

Here, then, at the high court of heaven, the philosopher's plea that he is not the same individual in his resurrected body that he was in his natural body, (on account of having parted with some of the materials of his original tabernacle, and taken other particles of matter in their stead), will vanish away, and fall to the ground as unheeded, as a similar plea would in this life, when presented to a virgin bride, to convince her that the object dearest to her heart is not the same person after ten years absence.

'Tis thinking, feeling, seeing,

The laws of nature scan;

It is the sense of being

That constitutes the man.

From the text we quoted at the head of this article, and from the foregoing remarks, it will be readily perceived that Paul and the Latter Day Saints, so far from being ignorant of the laws of nature, or coming in contact with the philosophy thereof, have rather reconciled or harmonized the revelations of God with the laws of nature, and have been enabled to point out a mutual agreement, or unison between them.

As the seed falls into the earth and dies, and by this very operation sends forth a sprout or germ which, with other particles of matter, is sure to produce its own likeness; so the human system dies and is again quickened, and reproduced in its own likeness by the power of the resurrection: and as the seed of grain is necessary for the production of tis own kind, so the corruptible body is indispensibly [an indispensable] necessary as a germ from which the glorious immortal body is formed.

And as each seed produces its own kind of grain, so the flesh of birds, beasts, fishes, and man, each differ in its kind, and each starting into new life will be in its own likeness, and move in its own sphere.

The mysterous [mysterious] works of God in the formation, progress, changes, and final destiny of creation are all wonderful and miraculous in one sense. The formation of the natural body in embryo, or even of a plant or flower, is as much a miracle as the creation or re-organization of a world, or the resurrection of the body. Each effect has its cause, and each cause its effect; and the light, spirit, or truth which proceeds from Deity is the law of life and motion, the great governing principle of the whole machinary [machinery] of the universe, whether natural or spiritual, temporal or eternal. It is the cause of causes, the main spring of nature's time piece. By it we live, in it we move and have our being.

Let man be placed upon a lofty eminence, surrounded with the original elements of uncreated worlds-ley [let] him contemplate the confused



the chaotic mass of unorganized existence; let him hear the voice of truth and power as its first sentence rolls in majesty of wisdom from the lips of Deity; let him behold the first movement of chaos as it begins to come to order; let him contemplate its various workings till the heavens and earth, and man and beast, and plant and flower, startle into conscious being, in all the beauty of joyous existence; let him observe every minute particular of its progress through time, in all its various changes; let him contemplate the changing seasons as they roll in hours and days, and months and years; let his thoughts reach to the starry heavens and view them in all their motions and revolutions-the sun in its daily course, the planets in their annual revolutions, the blazing comet as it moves afar in the wilds of ether, and returns from its journey of a hundred or a thousand years; let him return to earth and view the vegetable kingdom as it blooms and ripens, and falls again to decay in the revolving seasons-the time worn oak of a thousand years as it braves the tempest, or the modest flower whose life is but a day; let him view the animal creation in all its variety as it appears and passes in turn from the stage of action; let him contemplate man, from his infant formation through all the changes of his various life till he returns to dust; let him view the laborious inhabitants through all their temporal career, till wearied nature sinks to rest, and worn by slowly rolling years, the earth itself shall die; lastly, let him contemplate all nature regenerated, renewed, and starting into being, while death itself shall conquered be, and immortality alone endure.

The vision ended. Man! what hast thou seen? Answer: Nothing out of the ordinary course, all I beheld was nature moving in perfect accordance with the law of its existence: not one single deviation or shadow of turning from the immutable laws of truth.

But hast thou seen no miracle? Yes; it was all miraculous it was all achieved by the law of light, which wast he [was the] immediate power of God; but it was all upon the most natural, easy, simple, and plain principles of nature in its varied order; and which to call the most miraculous I know not! Whether it was the creation of a world, the blosoming [blossoming] of a flower, the hatching of a butterfly, or the resurrection of the body, and the making of new heavens and a new earth. All these were so many displays of the power of God.

All these were miraculous.

All these were natural.

All these were spiritual.

All these were adapted to the simplest capacity, aided by the spirit of God.

All these were too sublime for an arch angel to comprehend by his own capacity without the spirit of revelation. P.P. PRATT.


Elder Jessee Turpin has been before the High Councill [Council] of the City of Nauvoo, and is proven clear of the charges prefered [preferred] against him; restored to full fellowship, and to his former standing in his quorum.



I obeyed, I returned back to my father in the field and rehearsed the whole matter to him. He replied to me, that it was of God, and to go and do as commanded by the messenger. I left the field and went to the place where the messenger had told me the plates were deposited; and owing to the distinctness of the vision which I had had concerning it, I knew the place the instant that I arrived there. Convenient to the village of Manchester, Ontario co. New York, stands a hill of considerable size, and the most elevated of any in the neighborhood; on the west side of this hill not far from the top, under a stone of considerable size, lay the plates deposited in a stone box: this stone was thick and rounding in the middle on the upper side, and thinner towards the edges, so that the middle part of it was visible above the ground, but the edge all round was covered with earth. Having removed the earth and obtained a lever which I got fixed under the edge of the stone and with a little exertion raised it up, I looked in and there indeed did I behold the plates, the Urim and Thummim and the Breastplate as stated by the messenger. The box in which they lay was formed by laying stones together in some kind of cement; in the bottom of the box were laid two stones crossways of the box, and on these stones lay the plates and the other things with them. I made an attempt to take them out but was forbidden by the messenger and was again informed that the time for bringing them forth had not yet arrived, neither would until four years from that time, but he told me that I should come to that place precisely in one year from that time, and that he would there meet with me, and that I should continue to do so until the time should come for obtaining the plates. Accordingly as I had been commanded I went at the end of each year, and at each time I found the same messenger there and received instruction and intelligence from him at each of our interviews respecting what the Lord was going to do and how and in what manner his kingdom was to be conducted in the last days. As my father's worldly circumstances were very limited, we were under the necessity of laboring with our hands, hiring by days works and otherwise



as we could get opportunity, sometimes we were at home and sometimes abroad and by continued labor were enabled to get a comfortable maintainance [maintenance].

In the year eighteen hundred and twenty four my father's family met with a great affliction by the death of my eldest brother Alvin. In the month of October eighteen hundred and twenty-five I hired with an old gentleman, by the name of Josiah Stoal who lived in Chenango county State of New York. He had heard something of a silver mine having been opened by the Spaniards in Harmony Susquehannah county State of Pennsylvania, and had previous to my hiring been digging in order if possible to discover the mine. After I went to live with him he took me among the rest of his hands to dig for the silver mine, at which I continued to work for nearly a month without success in our undertaking, and finally I prevailed with the old gentleman to cease digging after it. Hence arose the very prevalent story of my having been a money digger.

During the time that I was thus employed I was put to board with a Mr. Isaac Hale of that place; it was there that I first saw my wife (his daughter) Emma Hale. On the eighteenth of January eighteen hundred and twenty-seven we were married while yet I was employed in the service of Mr. Stoal.

Owing to my still continuing to assert that I had seen a vision persecution still followed me, and my wife's father's family were very much opposed to our being married. I was therefore under the necessity of taking her elsewhere so we went and were married at the house of Squire Tarbill, in South Bainbridge Chenango county, New York. Immediately after my marriage I left Mr. Stoal's and went to my father's and farmed with him that season.

At length the time arrived for obtaining the plates, the Urim and Thummim, and the breastplate; on the twenty second day of September, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, having went as usual at the end of another year to the place where they were deposited, the same heavenly messenger delivered them up to me, with this charge that I should be responsible for them: that if I should let them go carelessly or through any neglect of mine I should be cut off; but that if I would use all my endeavors to preserve them, until he the messenger should call for them, they should be protected.

I soon found out the reason why I had received such strict charges to keep them safe, and why it was that the messenger had said that when I had done what was required at my hand, he would call for them; for no sooner was it known that I had them than the most strenuous exertions were used to get them from me; every stratagem that could be invented was resorted to for that purpose; the persecution became more bitter and severe than before, and multitudes were on the alert continually to get them from me if possible; but by the wisdom of God they remained safe in my hands until I had accomplished by them what was required at my hand, when according to arrangements the messenger called for them, I delivered them up to him and he has them in his charge this day, being the second day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight.

The excitement however still continued, and rumor with her thousand tongues was all the time employed in circulating tales about my father's family, and about myself. If I were to relate a thousandth part of them it would fill up volumes. The persecution however became so intolerable that I was under the necessity of leaving Manchester, and going with my wife to Susquehannah county in the State of Pennsylvania: while preparing to start (being very poor and the persecution so heavy upon us that there was no probability that we would ever be otherwise,) in the midst of our afflictions we found a friend in a gentleman by the name of Martin Harris, who came to us and gave me fifty dollars to assist us in our afflictions. Mr. Harris was a resident of Palmyra Township Wayne county, in the State of New York, and a farmer of respectability; by this timely aid was I enabled to reach the place of my destination in Pennsylvania, and immediately after my arrival there I commenced copying the characters of the plates. I copied a considerable number of them, and by means of the Urim and Thummim I translated some of them, which I did between the time I arrived at the house of my wife's father in the month of December, and the February following. Some time in this month of February the aforementioned, Mr. Martin Harris came to our place,



got the characters which I had drawn off the plates and started with them to the city of New York. For what took place relative to him and the characters, I refer to his own account of the circumstances as he related them to me after his return which was as follows. "I went to the city of New York and presented the characters which had been translated, with the translation thereof to Professor Anthony, a gentleman celebrated for his literary attainments;-Professor Anthony stated that the translation was correct, more so than any he had before seen translated from the Egyptian. I then showed him those which were not yet translated, and he said that they were Egyptian, Chaldeac, Assyriac, and Arabac [Arabic] , and he said that they were true characters. He gave me a certificate certifying to the people of Palmyra that they were true characters, and that the translation of such of them as had been translated was also correct. I took the certificate and put it into my pocket, and was just leaving the house, when Mr. Anthony called me back, and asked me how the young man found out that there were gold plates in the place where he found them. I answered that an angel of God had revealed it unto him.

He then said to me, let me see that certificate, I accordingly took it out of my pocket and gave it to him, when he took it and tore it to pieces, saying that there was no such thing now as ministering of angels, and that if I would bring the plates to him, he would translate them. I informed him that a part of the plates were sealed, and that I was forbidden to bring them, he replied, 'I cannot read a sealed book.' I left him and went to Dr. Mitchel who sanctioned what Professor Anthony had said respecting both the characters and the translation."

From the N. Y. Weekly Herald.


We give in this day's paper, a very curious chapter from the "Book of Abraham," which we find published in the last number of a weekly journal, called the "Times and Seasons," conducted by Joseph Smith the great Mormon Prophet, in the city of Nauvoo, Hancock county, Illinois.

The prophet says that it was found in the catacombs of Egypt, but he is mistaken in this idea. The article was discovered, we presume by Joseph Smith, the grandfather, near one of the propylons of Medinet Abu, in the "City of the Sun," in upper Egypt the same city which Homer says had one hundred gates. Champollion, Young, Rosselini, and various other antiquarians give notices of the magnificient [magnificent] ruins, in red granite, that are strewn over the banks of the Nile. Be all this as it may, the Prophet of Nauvoo has given the chapter, and it is set down as a revelation among the Mormons.

This Joe Smith is undoubtedly one of the greatest characters of the age. He indicates as much talent, originality, and moral courage as Mahomet, Odin, or any of the great spirits that have hitherto produced the revolutions of past ages. In the present infidel, irreligious, ideal, geological, animal-magnetic age of the world, some such singular prophet as Joe Smith is required to preserve the principle of faith, and to plant some new germs of civilization that may come to maturity in a thousand years. While modern philosophy, which believes in nothing but what you can touch, is overspreading the Atlantic States, Joe Smith is creating a spiritual system, combined also with morals and industry, that may change the destiny of the race. Joe believes himself divinely inspired and worker of miracles. He cures the sick of diseases-so it is said:-and although Joe is not aware of the fact, we have been informed by a medical man that his influence over nervous disorders, arises from a powerful magnetic influence-that Joe is a magnet in a large way, which he calls a power or spirit from heaven. In other respects Joe is a mighty man of God-possessing large stores of human nature--great shrewdness, and as he has taken the management of the Mormon newspaper organ, the "Times and Seasons" into his hand, we look for many revelations, and some curious one too, pretty soon.

We certainly want some such prophet to start up, take a big hold of the public mind and stop the torrent of materialism that is hurrying the world into infidelity, immorality, licentousness [licentiousness], and crime.-Professor Lyel, Richard Adams Locke, Dr. Brisbane, Master Emmerson, Prophet Brownson, Horace Greely, and all the materialists of the age, ought to take a leaf of common sense out of Joe's book.



MORE PROPHECY.--Joe Smith, in his last "Times and Seasons," gives us another slice of the "Book of Abraham," embracing a synopsis of his geology and astronomy, illustrated with a curious map of the Mormon Solar System. Joe also gives his readers a bit of his auto-biography--quite rich it is, too.

THE MORMON MOVEMENT.-Nearly two hundred more Mormons, very respectable looking saints, arrived at New Orleans recently, on their way to Nauvoo, the head quarters of Joe Smith and the Mormons. The prophet is adding to his religious empire every day-and who can set bounds to it? He is president, priest, and prophet, and whenever he is in a difficulty, he says that he has a direct revelation from heaven, that settles the point at once.

MR. JAMES G. BENNETT, is a little too fast about the finding of the records; it will be seen by the following that "Joe Smith," knew what he was doing.


These Mummies, with seven others, were taken from the Catacombs of Egypt, near where the ancient, we may say, almost unparalleled city of Thebes once stood, by the celebrated French traveller [traveler] Antonio Lebolo; at a great expense, under the protection of the French Consul, by consent of Mehemet Ali, the Viceroy of Egypt. It is to be noticed that several hundred Mummies, differently embalmed were found in the same catacomb, but only the eleven in a state to be removed. The seven have been sold to gentlemen for private museums, and in consequence are kept from the eye of the public.-They have been exhibited in Philadelphia and Baltimore, to crowded audiences; in the latter place, although only engaged for two weeks, the exhibition was prolonged to (five weeks), with attraction. Of all the relics of the ancient world that time had left, the Mummy is the most interesting. It is a well known fact, recorded in both sacred and profane history that men were embalmed, which science has attracted the learned for ages. All other antiquities are but the work of man, but Mummies present us with the men themselves-they are the personages, preserved in human form, for the gaze and attraction of people who are occupying down the stream of time centuries from those-they have certainly been conspicuous actors in those mighty scenes of which the history of Egypt is full. An hundred generations have passed away, and new empires have been since this flesh was animated-since these eyes were bright, and this tongue was eloquent, and the heart beat within this breast. These strangers illustrious from their antiquity, may have lived in the days of Jacob, Moses, or David, and of course some thousand years have elapsed since these bodies were animated with the breath of life! History records the fact, that the higher class concealed their knowledge from the lower, in figures and hieroglyphic characters--A few of those, upon papyrus, used by the Egyptians for writing, will be exhibited with the Mummies.

Having examined with considerable attention and deep interest, a number of Mummies from the catacombs, near Thebes, in Egypt, and now exhibited in the Arcade, we beg leave to recommend them to the observation of the curious inquirer on subjects of a period so long elapsed; probably not less than three thousand year ago. The features of some of these Mummies are in perfect expression.-The papyrus, covered with black or red ink, or paint, in excellent preservation, are very interesting. The undersigned, unsolicited by any person connected by interest with this exhibition, have voluntarily set their names hereunto, for the simple purpose of calling the attention of the public to an interesting collection, not sufficiently known in this city.







I concur in the above sentiments, concerning the collection of Mummies in the Philadelphia Arcade, and consider them highly deserving the attention of the curious. W. E. HORNER, M. D.

We have in our possession the four mummies referred to. They together with the records, were purchased of a Mr. Chandler who exhibited them in different parts of the Union, and sold them to us in Kirtland Ohio. The above is a copy of the original placards published by Mr. Chandler, whilst they were yet in his possession.



We believe that Mr. Bennett is neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, or he would have known that wherever, or whenever God had a Prophet, and he spoke the word of the Lord, or "got a revelation that had ended the matter" we perceive that he has a notion of feeling a little funny at our expense, but notwithstanding those peculiar freaks and little witticisms of Mr. Bennett, we must say that he acts with more candor and honesty, and is more of a gentleman and philanthrophist [philanthropist] than most of the editors of the present day; he publishes our own statements to the world in their native simplicity, ungarnished, without misrepresentation, coloring or fiction, and leaves it as all honest men will do, for a discerning public to judge of the correctness, or incorrectness of the principles thus laid before them. The very pious and holy editors of the "Baptist Advocate"-The "New York Evangelist" and the "Christian Advocate and Journal," and many other of the holy order that we might mention, would do well to pattern after the moral honesty and righteousness of Mr. Bennett. We say this because we have generally found that those gentlemen of the black cloth are more ready to listen to reports, misrepresentation and falsehood than to matters of fact, and that if they are not all at times the authors of the foul calumnies that so frequently disgrace their pages; yet their columns are always open for slander, and falsehood, whenever it suits their purpose.

The would be great Mr. O. Bachelor of New York or elsewhere, has lately published a long tirade about Mormonism in the "Baptist Advocate" without refering [referring] to his production we would merely state that he would have done well to have published at the same time an account of his ungentlemanly proceeding at a discussion with Elder P.P. Pratt; when one of his brother infidels who was chairman told him that he would not acknowledge so dishonorable a man as one of their fraternity-of a subsequent defeat by Elder Adams of New York. (soon after he had joined the church) and of his late dicomfiture [discomfiture?] by a boy in New Jersey. Surely so mighty a champion as Mr. Bachelor, aided with such powerful truths, (alias falsehoods,) as those published in the Baptist Advocate, ought to have been able to have vanquished those puereil [puerile] defendents [defendants] of Mormonism, and swept so awful a delusion into everlasting oblivion: or is it the case that he is more powerful in writing than oratory? or has the pious editor of the "Baptist Advocate" assisted him to compile his foul slander? ED.



MONDAY, MAY 2, 1842.


This noble edifice is progressing with great rapidity; strenuous exertions are being made on every hand to facilitate its erection, and materials of all kinds are in a great state of forwardness, and by next fall we expect to see the building enclosed; if not the top stone raised with "shouting of grace-grace, unto it." There have been frequently, during the winter, as many as one hundred hands quarrying rock, while at the same time multitudes of others have been engaged in hauling, and in other kinds of labor. A company was formed last fall to go up to the pine country to purchase mills, and prepare and saw lumber for the Temple, and the Nauvoo House, and the reports from them are very favorable; another company has started this last week, to take their place, and to relieve those that are already there; on their return they are to bring a very large raft of lumber for the use of the above named houses.

While the busy multitudes have thus been engaged in their several avocations performing their daily labor, and working one tenth of their time, others have not been less forward in bringing in their tithings, and consecrations for the same great object. Never since the formation of this church was laid, have we seen manifested a greater willingness to comply with the requisitions of Jehovah; a more ardent desire to do the will of God; more strenuous exertions used; or greater sacrifices made, than there has been since the Lord said, "Let the Temple be built by the tithing of my people." It seemed as though the spirit of enterprise, philanthropy, and obedience rested simultaneously upon old and young; and brethren and sisters, boys and girls, and even strangers, who were not in the church, united with an unprecedented liberality in the accomplishment of this great work; nor could the widow, in many instances, be prevented, out of her scanty pittance, from throwing in her two mites.

We feel at this time to tender to all, old and young, both in the church and out of it, our unfeigned thanks for their unprecedented liberality, kindness, dilligence [diligence], and obedience which they have so opportunely manifested on the present occasion. Not that we are personally or individually benefitted [benefited] in a pecuniary point of view, but when the brethren as in this instance



shew [show] a unity of purpose, and design, and all put their shoulder to the wheel, our care, labor, toil, and anxiety is materially diminished, "our yoke is made easy; and our burden is light."

The cause of God is one common cause, in which all the Saints are alike interested, we are all members of the one common body, and all partake of the same spirit, and are baptized into one baptism, and possess alike the same glorious hope. The advancement of the cause of God and the building up of Zion is as much one man's business as another. The only difference is that one is called to fulfil [fulfill] one duty and another another duty; "but if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it, and if one member is honored all the rest rejoice with it, and the eye cannot say to the ear I have no need of thee, nor the head to the foot I have no need of thee; party feelings, separate interests, exclusive designs should be lost sight off [of?] in the one common cause, in the interest of the whole.

The building up of Zion is a cause that has interested the people of God in every age; it is a theme upon which prophets, priests, and kings have dwelt with peculiar delight; they have looked forward with joyful anticipation to the day in which we lived; and fired with heavenly and joyful anticipations they have sung, and wrote, and prophesied of this our day;-but they died without the sight; we are the favored people that God has made choice of to bring about the Latter Day glory; it is left for us to see, participate in, and help to roll forward the Latter Day glory; "the dispensation of the fulness [fullness] of times, when God will gather together all things that are in heaven, and all things that are upon the earth, even in one," when the saints of God will be gathered in one from every nation, and kindred, and people, and tongue, when the Jews will be gathered together into one, the wicked will also dwell with his people, and be withdrawn from the rest of the nations, and all things whether in heaven or on earth will be in one even in Christ. The heavenly priesthood will unite with the earthly, to bring about those great purposes; and whilst we are thus united in the one common cause to roll forth the kingdom of God, the Heavenly Priesthood are not idle spectators; the spirit of God will be showered down from above, it will dwell in our midst. The blessings of the Most High will rest upon our tabernacles, and our name will be handed down to future ages; our children will rise up and call us blessed; and generations yet unborn will dwell with peculiar delight upon the scenes that we have passed through, the privations that we have endured; the untirtng [untiring] zeal that we have manifested; the insurmountable difficulties that we have overcome in laying the foundation of a work that brought about the glory and blessings which they will realize; a work that God and angels have contemplated with delight, for generations past; that fired the souls of the ancient patriarchs and prophets-a work that is destined to bring about the destruction of the powers of darkness, the renovation of the earth, the glory of God, and the salvation of the human family.-[ED.



(Trieste December) 21, 1841.

MY DEAR MARINDA:-Once more I sit down to write to you, to let you know, that through the mercy of the Lord, I am still among the living; and what is still better, Jesus the sinner's friend, I humbly trust lives in me. I arrived this morning in this port from Alexandria, after a passage of 21 & 1-2 days; and here I must remain 28 days more in quarantine. It is like a prison, but there is no avoiding it.

The city of Jerusalem, I have seen, and walked through it almost every way, and also the regions round about: but as I do not write this letter with the view of its being made public, I shall omit most of the particulars connected with my mission, and give them in a letter addressed to the Twelve, which will be mailed or sent at the same time as this. . . . . .

I hope the answer to the two letters which I wrote from Bavaria, one to you, and the other to Br. Joseph will have arrived safely there. As I must remain here almost one month, I have written to Bavaria requesting them forwarded to me at this place. It is only about 250 miles from this, to Bavaria where I made a stop last summer; and as soon as I am released from this prison, it is my intention to go there and publish the principles of our faith in the German language, unless I shall be differently advised in the letters which I hope to receive. It is directly on my way to London. If you look on the map of Europe, you will see my course from this to London. First over the Alps to Munich, then to Ratisbon, from thence to Frankfort, on the Maine, and then to Mayenz and down the Rhine.

As soon as I can get the foundation of a good work laid in Germany, I shall go to England, if the Lord will, and there



spend a short time, and then return to you. I begin to speak the German considerably. In fact I am obliged to, for there are few who speak English. I have found no difficulty in getting along about languages, though I have been, sometimes where they spoke Turkish, and frequently where they spoke nothing but Arabic and Italian, and then French and German. On board the vessel in which I came from Alexandria they spoke Italian and German. So far as mere travelling [traveling] is concerned, I could go all over the world, let the language be what it might, and I trust the time will be when the servants of the Lord will even be able to proclaim the gospel fully and plainly by the power of the Holy Ghost in all these languages.

I feel quite anxious to get our faith and principles in print in the German language; but what the effect will be, time must determine. The Catholic religion in Germany is fortified by long and deep rooted prejudices; and to a certain extent by laws of human enactment. I have dreamed that they shut me up in prison: but if they do, I shall not have the honor of being the first Latter-Day Saint, who for the truth's sake, has been imprisoned. . . . . . . I feel glad, and more than glad that I have seen Jerusalem. Face never answered more correctly to face in water, than Mt. Olivet did to the vision I had in Nauvoo. . . . . . How it would rejoice my heart to meet with the Saints again. The hope that I shall, makes my heart swell with joy. I pray the Lord to keep me from evil, and strengthen my heart in righteousness, that I may be counted worthy to share their good will when I return. . . . . . .

May the Lord bless you all, and save you from the violence of men, and from all evil. My kind respects to the Presidency, and to all that enquire [inquire] after me. I am ever your affectionate husband.



DEAR BROTHER:-It is with feelings of no ordinary kind, that I take my pen in hand, (aside from the bustle and cares of life) to communicate to you, thou servant and prophet of the most high, the pleasing and no doubt cheering intelligence of what the Lord of glory is doing in this part of the vineyard. When I take a retrospective view of the rise of the "Church of Christ" in these last days, and reflect what scenes of persecutions, trials, distress, and bloodshed, the saints of God have been called upon to undergo, for the testimony of Jesus and his holy word; and especially when I think of you, (the trials you have endured, the tribulations you have waded through, the cold damp prisons you have lain in, the galling chains you have been loaded with, the fetters, and bands of iron that have encompassed your limbs, and all for the sake of eternal truth,) I am ready to exclaim, how long Oh! just, righteous, and eternal Father wilt thou suffer thy prophet and seer, to be persecuted, his life sought after, his name and character villified [vilified], traduced, calumniated, falsified and slandered, by wicked and designing men; the emmisaries [emissaries] of Satan, but a soft still sweet voice whispers, "my grace is all sufficient for him" he is under my protecting care, and no power of hell and earth combined shall ever be able to overcome him if he is faithful. ("They that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.") And I pray my Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, that you may be kept faithful unto the end, and may the saints by their faith and prayers always hold you up before our heavenly King, that you may never fall, though your path should be continually beset with the "fowler's snare" though you should be called upon to undergo more trials, perplexities, griefs, sorrows, disappointments, tribulations and afflictions; and at last seal your testimony with the effusions of you own blood; for the glorious, triumphant and eternal truth that God has made you an instrument in revealing to the children of men. May you never falter, but meet it all with a triumphant smile, obtain the victory over all your enemies; death, hell, and the grave;-fall asleep in the arms of Jesus;-and receive the crown, which thus far you have so nobly and gallantly contended and fought for like a true soldier of the cross, and follower of the Lamb; even when death (with all its appalling forms) stared you in the face, it found you true, and immovable to the glorious-inspiring-heaven born truths that have been revealed to you; and which I your humble servant and brother in the bonds of the everlasting covenant am rejoicing in. May Israel's God protect you, and his church,



and people from all harm, and danger; and speed on his triumphant and glorious gospel. The ship of eternal truth is plowing with dignity and majesty through the yielding waves of sophism, infidelity and delusion; the waves of persecution are rolling high and dash vehemently against its triumphant bows, but they cannot impede its progress: base fabrications, slander, scorn, obloquy, vituperation, scurrillity [scurrility], and in fact all manner of the most glaring and unblushing falsehoods are heralded forth by priests and people; and reiterated and reechoed in every breeze, from one end of God's footstool, (if it were possible) to the other; but what does all their evanid declamating [declamations] amount to? the answer is definite and positive, NOTHING.-It goes ahead with a steady pace, every day gives it a new impetus, and every moment accelerates its speed, and why? the God of heaven is at the helm, and he will steer the ship and the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ; yes, the mighty kingdoms of China, Austria, Russia, Prussia, France, England and America not excepted, with all the sectarian denominations of the present day will be utterly overthrown;-and Christ will come with all his Saints, and establish his kingdom upon their ruins.

But I said I was going to inform you what the Lord of glory was doing here, this I will endeavor to do. There is a branch here containing 22 members, including 1 elder, and 1 priest, and more believing. It is but a few weeks ago since I baptized a gentleman and his lady here at 9 o clock at night, and broke the ice to do it, but they never minded ice nor weather when truth was to be obtained; the gentleman was of the persuasion of friends, the lady was formerly a member of the Church of England, from Philadelphia, they both are now rejoicing in the truth, and thankful that they have eradicated the mark of the Beast.

I have been home but a few days from a tour of nearly two weeks along the sea shore (i.e.) Toms River and Forked River &c. There were six baptized at Toms River while I was there and more believing; there are something near two hundred members here and in Cream Ridge, and Toms River exclusive of those who have gone west. I was informed by Br. Winner that Elder Divine baptized 18 in one day a few weeks ago at Long Branch, and that there had been 60 baptized there within a short time. There are calls here for preaching on the right and left, we would like to see Br. Page or some other efficient elder, here as soon as you have an opportunity of sending one, I have understood you purposed coming east in the spring if you are I wish you to inform me as soon as you receive this and at what time you expect to be in Jersey, as Br. Isaac R. Robbins is coming to Nauvoo this spring, and wishes to see you, but if you are coming here perhaps he may wait until you arrive. Brs. John R. Robbins, and Lafetras, with their families expect to leave here for Nauvoo sometime in April; but I must bring my letter to a close as the bright luminary of day has long since sunk behind the western hills, and another day has rolled into (to us) the ocean of eternity, to help fill up the vacuum of years yet wanting to commence the sabbath of rest;-the sable shades of night are hovering over the earth, her dark mantle is spread upon the hills and vallies[valleys]; while bright Phaebus the queen of night is riding in glorious majesty, with all her attendant train of satellites, twinkling in ether blue, and all nature is nearly hushed in slumbering silence, and enjoying that heavenly repose which the great Author ordained for the creatures of his care; therefore with the sublimest emotions of praise and gratitude to my God do I close by saying may God bless you and yours, Br. Hyrum, and all the Saints throughout the world: and may Zion prosper and become the joy of the whole earth.

With sentiments of profound respect do I subscribe myself your well wisher and brother in the Lord,


We have received a communication from Elder Eli Maginn, and from E. Snow, Mass. Elder Maginn has forwarded twenty four dollars subscription money, and twenty dollars for the temple, he writes as follows.

(Salem, Mass. March 22nd), 1842


I avail myself of this opportunity of transmitting the following subscribers for your valuable paper. * *

I shall endeavor to forward from 100 to 200 dollars by fall, for the House of



the Lord, as it appears to be of the most vital importance that the Saints should assist in a work so desirable, which is looked forward to with anxious anticipation by all the faithful laborers in the kingdom. We shall do all that we can to forward the work. * * *

Dear Brother, I feel to rejoice in the prosperity of the work of the God of the Saints, which is truly prosperous in New England, the engine of eternal truth has been called into successful opposition against the crafts, and systems of "The like occupation," and notwithstanding the contest has been exceedingly fierce, the enemy being active in the usual way with falsehood, and misrepresentation, the victory is the Lord's; truth has triumphed, and is spreading its benign influence abroad like the rays of the king of day, as if unconscious of the elements of oppression and opposition which have been so unsuccessfully employed from the first, up to the present time. I am on a visit to assist Elder E. Snow in his successful and extended field of labor, in this branch (Salem). Sixty five have been obedient to the faith of the gospel, and hundreds of others "almost pursuaded[persuaded]." In Boston near 40 have obeyed, through the faithful labors of Elder F. Nickerson. I have been absent from Peterboro two weeks, have preached three or four times in Boston, Salem, Marblehead, Chelsea &c. and purpose returning to Peterboro next Sunday, where I have been laboring with good success, thirty six have obeyed since last fall, at New Salem, Mass. thirty-five to forty obeyed since August last, Leverett eighteen or twenty, Gilsum N. H. twenty to thirty. I have preached from one to three times almost every day, and cannot fill one to twenty of the calls for preaching; there is the greatest excitement in this country that I ever beheld during my travels, since I left Nauvoo; a period of three years in which I have travelled [traveled] through eighteen States and British Provinces. The honest seeker after truth is rejoicing in its liberty; while "Our Crafts. men" are laboring and howling to see their sinking crafts crumbling to disolution [dissolution] and nonentity, without having power to repel the march of TRUTH which is onward with the velocity of electricity, spreading terror and dismay throughout their majestic empire.

In haste E. P. MAGINN.

P. S. Dear Brother, I long to see the time when I can return and again receive instructions from those whom God has chosen to council his saints with, "Thus saith the Lord," and not the traditions of men; I feel very anxious to return by fall, as I have been absent three years. I have disposed of more than $150 worth of books (and expect near that amount this day from New York and Philadelphia), the demand daily increases, some of the popular begin to take a decided stand in favor of the truth. E. P. M.

We have received to day several numbers of the "Millennial Star" published in Manchester, England; we extract the following from the minutes of a conference held in Manchester

"Twelve branches were represented consisting of 1589 members, with appropriate officers."

"From the foregoing extract, it will be seen that the church in Manchester conference now numbers near sixteen hundred members, after excommunicating one hundred and twenty five and dismissing some hundreds by emigration.

All these have been gathered into the fold in the course of about two years, and that from an obscure beginning, in a small cellar in Oldham-road; being the first place in which the fulness [fullness] of the gospel was preached within the bounds of what now composes the Manchester conference. "Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth!"-(Mil. Star, Nov.)

From Elder Reed, Isle of Man-

"I think that all the lies that have been hatched in America, England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, have been imported to the Isle of Man. Yet notwithstanding all these things the work of the Lord is advancing, as our congregation is on the increase. Seven have been added by baptism since I came; and the saints speak with tongues, and interpret, and have dreams, and visions and prophesy; and the gift of healing has been wonderfully made manifest among the saints, and among others. . . .The work is beginning to spread on this Island, and new places are presenting themselves to us on every hand."-(Mil. Star).

From Elder Adams, Bedford England-

"In looking back to the time that Jesus sent me here to take charge of the church which was in April last, I see great cause to rejoice and praise the name of the



Lord. The church then numbered about fifty members, and three priests; now there are nearly four times that number of members. . . .Scores are believing in many of the adjoining towns and we are baptizing almost daily.

"Last Sabbath was a day long to be remembered; there were seventeen confirmed, and several ordained to offices in the church. In the evening when I gave my farewell address, there were hundreds to listen, many of whom could not get into the chapel." (Mil. Star, Jan.)

In Liverpool, London, Birmingham, Preston, and in different parts of England, Scotland, and Wales, the work of God is rolling forth with great rapidity.

We have also received many interesting communications from different parts of the United States. The little stone rolls forth with unprecedented rapidity, and many are joining the standard of truth. We extract the following.

Elder James Blakeslee writes from Utica N. Y.; and states that the work is rolling forth in all that district of country where he has travelled [traveled]; he has lately organized a branch in Utica, of 30 members, and wishes the saints, and traveling elders to be notified that their will be a CONFERENCE held in the City of Utica, on the 11th of June, commencing at 11 o'clock, P. M.


Conversation between a Jewish Rabbi and Mr. Ewald London Missionary.

On the Trinity he says I opened the Sohar Parsha Ackremoth, I read the mystery of Eloheim, in this there are three degrees, and every one of them subsists by itself and yet all of them are one, and united together in one, nor can they be separated from one another.

Rabbi Judedea said, this is a mystery about which I am not permitted to speak.

In speaking of Jesus the Rabbi said not one of the wise men believed on him; all his disciples were poor ignorant fishermen and daily laborers.-We read in Cabala that the Holy Ghost descends only on a wise man, or a rich man, or a valiant man.

M. The Yalkut says that in the days of the Messiah the swine shall be lawfully eaten by the Jews.

R. You do not understand the meaning of this passage our wise men explain it thus:-"When Israel were carried away to Babylon all the fishes of the Holy land emigrated with them; and when they returned the fish returned with them, except one fish Mashpa, who remained and would not return; he said he would stay till Messiah came; the Rabbies [Rabbis] gave him then the name of Haser, (i.e.) returning and therefore the Yalkut said that in the times of the Messiah the Haser will be lawfully eaten by the Jews but you understand by Haser the swine, while we understand the fish.

M. Speaking of the Messiah, he is the only begotten of the Father before the world.

R. Who tells you that?

M. The New Testament.

R. This is no authority with me.

M. What do you make of Gen. xlix, 10.

R. There are yet rulers of Israel for instance in Constantinople.

M. Have you ever read our New Testament?

R. No, I have them burned as often as I can. . . . . . But if he whom you call Christ were the Messiah would not the Sanhedrin who were the wisest men on earth, have believed in him.

M. Have your wise men ever believed the messengers of God? How did they treat them? Your fathers killed all the prophets.

R. It is for that we are in gallooth.

M. You are in gallooth because you did reject Christ: this is your gallooth here, and your gallooth in the world to come is greater. . . . . . The Missionary then spoke of Messiah &c. &c. The Rabbi answered:-well, well, you believe it;-well we do not.

M. Then you will have no part of the world to come, you will reject the message which has been sent to you from God, by the prophets which we quote.

R. The prophets have been sent to us it is true; but when they have spoken evil of Israel, God has killed them; therefore take care how you speak. On account of the sin which Isaiah committed in saying "Wo is me for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips; and dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips," he was killed by God; God sent an angel who put something on his lips by which he was killed,. . . . .a live coal on his lips from which he died. [Jewish Intelligencer.]

It is very difficult to ascertain which of the above have displayed the most ignorance in regard



to either the Mosaic, or the Christian economy. The closing remarks of the missionary however manifests weakness and folly to a degree. "Then you will have no part in the world to come, you will reject the message which has been sent to you by the prophets which we quote." As if the Rabbi was going to be damned for not bowing with deference to his ipse dixit; or for not being governed by his quotations, and interpretations. The Rabbi had the prophets before the missionary took them to him and was capable of quoting them: and on this ground was as likely to be damned before the missionary went to him as after; or had he the folly to suppose that his barely quoting passages of scripture would condemn the Rabbi to perdition, if he rejected his testimony? The Rabbi had as good ground to say that the missionary would be damned if he rejected the testimony of the Rabbi; but the missionary might with propriety say that the Rabbi was an unbelieving Jew; and the Rabbi might say in as good faith that the missionary was a gentile dog;-but the missionary had been sent by the London Society; and the Rabbi had been set apart by the laws and ordinances of Moses;-yet the laws and ordinances of Moses are abrogated in Christ. The London Society however had never been acknowledged by either Moses, or Christ; nor the missionary set apart, nor sent by either. So look at it which way we will the Rabbi had as good ground to go upon as the missionary, and he was as capable of going on a mission to teach the missionary, as the missionary was qualified to teach him.

What consummate ignorance is displayed in missionaries quoting the New Testament to the Jews, as proof of the divine mission of Jesus Christ;-says the Jew in answer, "well well you believe it well I do not." And how could it be otherwise, for, "how can they believe on him of whom they have not heard? and how can they hear without a preacher? and how can he preach except he be sent? Yet the missionary was sent by the London Society, to send out missionaries-if the above named gentleman had been sent by God instead of by the London Society he would have known his business better.-Ed.


Lexington, in Kentucky, stands nearly on the site of an ancient town, which was of great extent and magnificence, as is amply evinced by the wide range of its circumvalliatory works, and the quantity of ground it once occupied.

There was connected with the antiquities of this place, a catacomb, formed in the bowels of the limestone rock, about fifteen feet below the surface of the earth, adjacent to the town of Lexington. This grand object, so novel and extraordinary in this country, was discovered in 1775, by some of the first settlers, whose curiosity was excited by something remarkable in the character of the stones which covered the entrance to the cavern within. They removed these stones, and came to others of singular appearance for stones in a natural state; the removal of which laid open the mouth a cave, deep, gloomy, and terrific, as they supposed.

With augmented numbers, and provided with light, they descended and entered, without obstruction, a spacious apartment; the sides and extreme ends were formed into niches and compartments, and occupied by figures representing men. When alarm subsided, and the sentiment of dismay and surprise permitted further research and inquiry, the figures were found to be mummies, preserved by the art of embalming, to as great a state of perfection as was known among the ancient Egyptians, eighteen hundred years before the Christian era; which was about the time that the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt, when this art was in its perfection. * * * * * On this subject Mr. Ash has the following reflections: "How these bodies were embalmed, how long preserved, by what nations, and from what people descended, no opinion made, but what must result from speculative fancy and wild conjecture. For my part, I am lost in the deepest ignorance. My reading affords me no knowledge, my travels no light. I have neither read nor known of any of the North American Indians who formed catacombs for their dead, or who were acquainted with the art of preservation by embalming.

Had Mr. Ash in his researches consulted the Book of Mormon his problem would have been solved, and he would have found no difficulty in accounting for the mummies being found in the above mentioned case. The Book of Mormon gives an account of a number of the descendants of Israel coming to this continent; and it is well known that the art of embalming was known among the Hebrews, as well as among the Egyptians, although perhaps not so generally among the former, as among the latter people; and their method of embalming also might be different from that of the Egyptians.



Jacob and Joseph were no doubt, embalmed in the manner of the Egyptians, as they died in that country, Gen. 1, 2, 3, 26. When our Saviour [Savior] was crucified his hasty burial obliged them only to wrap his body in linen with a hundred pounds of myrrh, aloes, and similar spices, (part of the ingredients of embalming.) given by Nicodemus for that purpose: but Mary and other holy women had prepared ointment and spices for embalming it, Matt. xxviii. 59: Luke xxiii. 56: John xxx. 39-40.

This art was no doubt transmitted from Jerusalem to this continent, by the before mentioned emigrants, which accounts for the finding of the mummies, and at the same time is another strong evidence of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon.-[ED.


MORTAL SICKNESS IN PHILADELPHIA.-It is stated in the Philadelphia Times, that a peculiar kind of sickness prevails to an alarming extent in the vicinity of Reading, and that many cases have already proved fatal. Also that a singular and alarming disease has made its appearance at Norristown and the village opposite. It is said that persons in good health are first seized with a giddiness in the head, then a diarrhoe [diarrhea], and immediately after the skin becomes as yellow as gold, convulsions take place, and the individual is a corpse in a few hours after the attack. The disease has baffled the skill of the ablest physicians, and produced the greatest consternation in consequence of its malignant and fatal character. Several deaths occur every day.-[(St. Louis Western Atlas).


A certificate of deposite [deposit] in the "Butchers and Drovers Bank," New York, by Doct. John M. Bernhisel, in favor of the Trustee in Trust, has been received at the Recorder's office, and passed to the credit of the individuals named in the accompanying letter.


For the Times and Seasons.



Dearest Brother, wherefore leave us? Thou art now a standard bearer

Why forsake they friends and home? On a distant mountain top;

Of thy presence, why bereave us, And perchance, art made a sharer

And in foreign countries roam? In privation's bitter cup

Must the dearest ties be broken? For the Lord designs to prove thee

Must affection's beauties fade? If his voice thou wilt obey;

No: O no, but God has spoken Therefore from the friends that love thee,

And his voice must be obey'd. Thou art parted far away?

Thou art call'd to bear Salvation's Thou art call'd thyself to sever

Joyful tidings far abroad From the land where kindred dwell!

Thou hast gone to warn the nations, But it will not be forever

In the name of Israel's God. Time ere long, will break the spell.

For the spirit of Devotion Here warm friends await thy greeting-

To Messiah' glorious cause; Noble friends, of Abram's line-

Thou hast cross'd the pathless ocean, Here are gentle pulses beating

To proclaim redemption's laws. In soft unison with thine.

For the gospel proclamation Here are daily pray'rs ascending

Must be sounded far and near; That th' appointed time may come,

That the best of every nation, When thy foreign mission ending,

May in Zion's courts appear. We shall bid thee "welcome home."

City of Nauvoo, April, 21st, 1842.


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The Times and Seasons, IS EDITED BY Joseph Smith. Printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOSEPH SMITH.

TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to Joseph Smith, publisher, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.