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|H=Times and Seasons: Volume 4, Number 10
|H=Times and Seasons: Volume 4, Number 10
|L1=Prospectus of a Weekly Newspaper, called The Nauvoo Neighbor.
|L6=Full particulars of the wonderful sights seen by the pilot of the Wm. Penn in the sky on Tuesday night, March 21.
|L7=The Strange Light.
|L8=The Comet
|L9=Halos and Parhelia.
|L10=Signs of the Times.
|L13=Elder's Conference.
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===Prospectus of a Weekly Newspaper, called The Nauvoo Neighbor.===
We feel pleasure in announcing to our readers and to the public generally, that we have determined to enlarge the Wasp to double its size; as soon as the present volume shall be completed, which will be on the 19th of April.
It made its appearance in the world near twelve months ago; small in stature, dressed in a very humble garb, and under very inauspicious circumstances. It was then thought by many that its days would not be long in the land, and that at any rate it would not survive the sickly season. Many of its elder brethren who thought that they had attained to the size of manhood sneered contemptuously at the idea of their smaller, and younger brother taking the field, and like David's brethren they thought that he was but a stripling, and that he would certainly fall by the hand of some of the great Goliah's; but on the contrary while some of advanced years, noble mein [mien], and possessing a more formidable appearance have given up the ghost, the little Wasp has held on the even tenor of his way the untiring, unflinching supporter of integrity, righteousness and truth; neither courting the smiles, nor fearing the frowns of political demagogues, angry partizans [partisans], nor fawning sycophants. Partaking so much of the nature of the industrious bee, it has gathered honey from every flower, and its pages are now read with interest by a large, and respectable number of subscribers.
As the young gentleman is now nearly a year old, we propose on his birth day to put him on a new dress, and to make him double the size, that he may begin to look up in the world, and not be ashamed of associating with his older brethren; and as he has acted the part of a good samaritan, we propose giving him a new name.-Therefore his name shall no longer be called THE WASP, but the NEIGHBOR.
The "Nauvoo Neighbor" will be published on a large imperial sheet, got up in good style, and with care, and taste. It will be edited by JOHN TAYLOR, and will be devoted to the dissemination of useful knowledge of every description;-The Arts, Science, Religion, Literature, Agriculture, Manufactures, Trade, Commerce and the general news of the day.
We propose publishing from the best authorities a Bank Note Table corrected weekly; and also a list of the prices current, in the principle Eastern and Western cities, as well as in our own city,
We shall publish a weekly record of deaths in our city, and all ordinances passed by the City Council; the proceedings of Courts Martial, Military Parades, the principal transactions of the Mayor's and the Municipal Court, and every thing of interest that transpires in, and about our city.
Articles on agriculture will be furnished from the best sources, which will make the Neighbor a welcome visitor to our farmers and gardeners.
Concerning Politics we shall not be silent; but reserve to ourselves the right of judging of all measures, parties, and men; and without respect to party, award to all individuals of whom we may have occasion to speak, the true reward of merit or demerit, without prejudice or restraint.
We have sent to Europe to effect an exchange with some of the principal newspapers, in London, Edinburg, Dublin and Liverpool, from which we shall be able to
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furnish to our European friends, as well as American, news that will be interesting, And as we do now exchange with most of the principal papers in the United States. both east, west, north and south, we flatter ourselves, that with the facilities of obtaining information that we possess, and a little care and attention on our part, that the "Nauvoo Neighbor," will be second to none in the west.
The "Neighbor," will be published every Wednesday, by TAYLOR & WOODRUFF, at the corner of Water and Bain streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Ill. and its price will be two dollars payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five now subscribers and forwarding us ten dollars current money, shall be entitled to one volume gratis.
It must be obvious to all business men, that from the character of the Nauvoo Neighbor, and on account of its extensive circulation it will afford a first rate medium of advertizing [advertising]. ADVERTISEMENTS conspicuously inserted on reasonable terms.
At length our conference assembled; the subject of the stone mentioned in a previous number, was discussed, and after considerable investigation, Brother Page, as well as the whole church, who were present, renounced the said stone, and all things connected therewith, much to our mutual satisfaction and happiness.
We now partook of the sacrament, confirmed and ordained many, and attended to a great variety of church business on that and the following day, during which time we had much of the power of God manifested amongst us; the Holy Ghost came upon us, and filled us with joy unspeakable; and peace, and faith, and hope, and charity abounded in our midst.
Before we separated we received the following.
Revelation to David Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, jr. and John Whitmer, given September, 1830.
Behold I say unto you David, that you have feared man and have not relied on me for strength, as you ought: but your mind has been on the things of the earth more than on the things of me, your Maker, and the ministry whereunto you have been called; and you have not given heed unto my Spirit, and to those who were set over you, but have been persuaded by those whom I have not commanded: wherefore you are left to inquire for yourself, at my hand, and ponder upon the things which you have received. And your home shall be at your father's house, until I give unto you further commandments. And you shall attend to the ministry in the church, and before the world, and in the regions round about: Amen.
Behold I say unto you, Peter, that you shall take your journey with your brother Oliver, for the time has come, that it is expedient in me, that you shall open your mouth to declare my gospel: therefore, fear not but give heed unto the words and advice of your brother, which he shall give you. And be you afflicted in all his afflictions, ever lifting up you heart unto me in prayer, and faith, for his and your deliverance: for I have given unto him power to build up my church among the Lamanites: and none have I appointed to be his councillor [councilor], over him, in the church, concerning church matters, except it is his brother Joseph Smith, jr. Wherefore give heed unto these things and be diligent in keeping my commandments, and you shall be blessed unto eternal life: Amen.
Behold I say unto you, my servant John, that thou shalt commence from this time forth to proclaim my gospel, as with the voice of a trump. And your labor shall be at your brother Philip Burroughs', and in the regions round about:-yea, wherever you can be heard, until I command you to go from hence. And your whole labor shall be in Zion, with all your soul, from henceforth; yea, you shall ever open your mouth in my cause not fearing what man can do, for I am with you: Amen.
Revelation to Thomas B. Marsh, given September, 1830.
Thomas, my son, blessed are you because of your faith in my work. Behold you have many afflictions because of your family: nevertheless I will bless you, and your family: yea, your little ones, and the day cometh that they will believe and know the truth and be one with you in the church.
Lift up your heart and rejoice for the hour of your mission has come; and your tongue shall be loosed; and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation. You shall declare the things which have been revealed to my servant Joseph Smith, jr. You shall begin to preach from this time forth; yea to reap in the field which is white already to be burned: therefore thrust in your sickle with all your soul; and yours sins are forgiven you; and you shall be laden with sheaves upon your back, for
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the laborer is worthy of his hire. Wherefore you family shall live.
Behold, verily I say unto you, go from them only for a little time, and declare my word, and I will prepare a place for them; yea, I will open the hearts of the people and they will receive you. And I will establish a church by your hand; and you shall strengthen them and prepare them against the time when they shall be gathered. Be patient in afflictions, revile not against those that revile. Govern your house in meekness and be steadfast.
Behold I say unto you, that you shall be a physician unto the church, but not unto the world, for they will not receive you. Go your way whithersoever I will, and it shall be given you by the Comforter what you shall do, and whither you shall go. Pray always, lest you enter into temptation, and lose your reward.-Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with you. These words are not of man nor of men, but of me, even Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, by the will of the Father: Amen.
At about half past 8 o'clock on the evening of the 5th inst., says the Memphis, (Tenn.) Eagle, our city was visited by one of those awful throes of nature, so convulsive and terrible, as to spread almost universal alarm over the city. The firmest buildings trembled and cracked, and the earth reeled and rocked under a most terriffic [terrific] excitement. To say that we were not deeply impressed with the awfulness of the moment, under the terrible sensibility of the presence of one of those agonizing and terrific throes of nature that have in a few seconds hurled immense cities, and their hundred thousands smitten and affrightened inhabitants, deep into the bowels of the earth, would be only to acknowledge ourself insensible to the mightiest and most awful of the Almighty's visitations.
We were in our office at the moment, in the second story of a new block of brick buildings. The commencement of the jarring we conceived to proceed from the violent undertaking of some person to shake open a door beneath us. But in a moment afterwards, the agitation seized the brick walls surrounding us, shaking and reeling them, to such an extent, as to knock down particles of brick and plaster, jarring the roof and whole building so as to impress us with the fear of the buildings' falling. Sensible of the appalling cause of the agitation, we hastily fled into the street for safety. The fate of ancient Memphis rose up in memory, and we felt that the name-sake of the ill-fated city might be doomed to similar destruction. In the street there was still a violent rocking of the earth, and a rattling and rumbling noise.-People fled into the streets, and cries and lamentations of many horror stricken men and women were heard to fill the air.
The shock lasted about two minutes, and reaching its most agitating period, at the end of the first half minute, when it gradually died away in a dismal rumbling sound, apparently moving to south-east, and proceeded from the north-west.
The day had been one of beautiful sunshine, though cool. Towards sunset the atmosphere became warm, and the thermometer must have fallen at least five degrees during the five hours preceding the shock. It was cloudy at the time, a veil of thin clouds moving low and swiftly, occasionally admitting the light of the stars feebly to shine out. There was scarcely any air stirring, but which, during an hour succeeding the throe, was apparently agitated into a still breeze from the south, which died away about one o'clock.
The tops of several chimneys were shaken down, the bricks falling inside, and with the reeling of the houses and quaking of the earth, frightfully alarming the inhabitants. A great many brick walls are seriously cracked and sunk, windows broken, and a cotton shed, naturally crazy, fell down shortly after the shock. At our auction houses, which were filled with people, so alarming the precipitated was the rush into the street that many people were crushed and trampled upon by the affrighted crowd. There was a great deal of alarm and piercing lamentation among the females, and the agitation was general and the cause terrible and awful. The power of the Almighty was fearfully and sensibly demonstrated, in the shaking of the gigantic earth, as if but a mere leaf of the tremulous aspen. It heaved and quaked and groaned, as if smitten with agony. Our city rocked and reeled as if on the verge of falling to pieces, and the horror-stricken people trembling rushed from their tottering tenements for safety, into the streets, with the awful impression paralyzing their senses that the earth was convulsed with one of those dreadful throes that cause her to open and swallow up cities.
From the Danville (Ky.) Murcury.
The citizens of this village were much astonished, in the 1st inst. at the appearance of one of those singular and unusal [unusual] exhibitions, termed parhelia [perihelia]. It was about 2 o'clock, P. M. that we first observed the singular phenomenon. At this time the heavens presented the
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following appearance: Around the sun there was a circle of light, such as is frequently seen around the sun and moon. The diameter of this appeared to be about 45 degrees; outside of this there was another circle, or rather segment of a circle, for it was not complete, seeming like-wise to have the sun for its centre [center], and whose diameter was about twice that of the former.-This circle was far less distinct than the former; and only the upper portion, perhaps, half was visible. Extending around the whole horizon, and apparently equally distant from it in every part, was a third circle, cutting the former at right angles, and passing through the sun. At the points of intersection between this and the inner circle, surrounding the sun, were two colored images, very distinct, which might have been, and were, for an instant mistaken for the sun by persons who were in such a situation that they could not see the sun itself. In brilliant and white images-one each side of the two former, and apparently at equal distances from them, and also of course, from the sun. These two last images were each perhaps about 100 degrees from the sun. There was also a fourth segment of a circle, presenting the appearance and brilliant colors of the rainbow.-About one third of the circle could be seen. It was high above the horizon and seemed to have a point in or near the zenith as its centre; if completed, its diameter would have been perhaps 45 degrees. It was, of course, convex towards the sun and just touched the outer circle surrounding the sun. The colors of the rainbow were exceedingly distinct-the red being next the sun and the others in order.
At about quarter past two, the appearance was most brilliant, the four images and the four circles being then all visible. From this time it began to fade away, the circles and images disappearing one at a time, until about 3 P. M., when nothing unusal [unusual] could been seen.
Similar phenomena, though rare, have been witnessed in various places. One in particular, we find recorded, as having been seen in 1630, which corresponds in almost every particular with this.
Alton, April 1, 1843.
I take this opportunity to communicate a few items of important news to you and the church in general. Brother Lorenzo Snow arrived in St. Louis last Wednesday, from England, with about 250 emigrants for Nauvoo. They are now laying on a boat bound for Nauvoo as soon as the river opens. They sailed from England some time in January, and bring a copy of the Millenial [Millennial] Star, and some private letters, under date of January first. From these we learn the painful fact, that our dear brother and fellow labourer [laborer], Elder Lorenzo Barnes is gone to be with Christ. He lingered some weeks with a fever, and at length died in the triumphs of faith.
He died on the morning of the 20th December last, at Bradford; the first messenger of this last dispensation, who for Christ's sake and the gospel's, has laid down his life in a foreign land.
In this dispensation of providence an entire people are called to mourn. Brother Barnes was every where known, and universally beloved, as a meek, humble, and zealous minister of the gospel, who has laboured [labored] extensively for many years, with great success. Such was his wisdom and prudence, and such his modesty and kindness, that he won the friendship, not only of the saints, but of thousands of various sects, and of those who made no profession. In short his was the favoured [favored] portion, which falls to the lot of but few men, even among the great and good. He was loved and esteemed by many, and hated by few, in all the wide circle of his acquaintance. But, in the midst of a useful career on earth, he is suddenly, and to us unexpectedly, called away to a higher and more glorious field of action; with the spirits of the just, in the high council of the king of kings. His spirit now justly claims an honored seat; his voice is now heard in the deliberations of the high and mighty ones, who are the principal movers, in the great events of the dispensation of the fulness [fullness] of times. Whilst his body lies sleeping far away from his native shore, on a distant island of the sea.
No father, or mother, or kindred were near,
To receive his last blessing, or drop a kind tear.
With heart-broken anguish to weep o'er his tomb
Or adorn it with roses of richest perfume.
Yet he was lamented with many a tear,
By hearts full of sorrow, by souls as sincere;
Who in solemn procession repaired to the grave,
To mourn for the stranger no kindness could save
'Twas a tribute from souls he had won for his Lord.
Yea, brothers and sisters, made nigh by his word,
Whose love was as strong, and whose friendship as pure;
Whose grief was as heartfelt as heart can endure.
His name and memory will be dear to thousands, and will be handed down to all generations, as one who has devoted his time from early youth in the service of his God, and of his fellow creatures, and has laid down his life for Christ's sake and the gospel's, to find it again even life eternal.
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As to the saints in England, they seem to be still rejoicing in the truth, and increasing in numbers; but I have not time to write much news. I forward a No. of the Star, dated Jan. 1st, from which you can extract any item you may deem proper.
As to emigration to Nauvoo, it is gathering as a cloud, yea, they are flocking as doves to their windows, from all parts of England and the States. The ice remaining so late in the river has congregated them in St. Louis in great numbers, some from Ohio and the east, and from various places. I think that thousands will land in Nauvoo in the course of the spring. Yes, as soon as the ice is out they will throng Nauvoo in swarms. The people in Missouri are beginning to be more and more astonished, and are expressing great fears that "Joe Smith" will yet prevail so as to restore the supremacy of the laws in that dark corner of the earth, where a gang ef [of] robbers and murderers have so long controled [controlled] a state.
I long to be with you on the 6th of April, but fear that the ice will prevent.
I am in haste, your's in the new covenant.
P. P. Pratt.
Messrs. Taylor and Woodruff.
Clinton County, Ia., March, 9, 1843.
Dear Brother-I embrace an opportunity now offered to inform you of the progress of truth in this region.
I left Nauvoo on the twenty-third of September last, to go to the eastern states, to preach the everlasting gospel, in company with another elder. On our journey we preached frequently to large congregations, many of whom, in consequence of false reports, appeared enraged against us as a people; but when the truth penetrated their hearts, they saw that they had been imposed upon by falsehoods and misrepresentations, and entertained very different feelings towards us. Their enmity was turned to respect, and they treated us with the greatest kindness. The Lord has indeed opened out our way, and although we have had much to contend with, both from priests and people, we have lacked no good thing, for the Lord God has been our friend.
When we arrived at Clinton, Boon County, we were fully satisfied that it was our duty to stop and preach. We had, at first, some difficulty to get a place to preach in but after speaking two or three times, there was more calls than we could attend to. We have continued preaching in this and an adjoining county, and combatting [combating] with priests, (who seem to be the most determined opposers to the truth,) until now. We have baptized thirty-two, and the prospect is still good. There are many enquiring [inquiring] after truth, and earnestly desirous to know the way of salvation, while many of the priests are running from place to place, and crying delusion! delusion!! and we have understood by many of the citizens that their great text is 'the Mormons' and 'Joe Smith;' but 'while they have made lies their refuge, and under falsehood hid themselves,' their misrepresentations only have a tendency to drive the honest in heart to enquire [inquire] into the truth, and to make the saints rejoice while they see satan overshoot himself. They have been endeavoring lately to make their hearers believe that we are more dangerous than their own mother, the Roman Catholic Church; they call her the mother of Harlots, if indeed she is , they are her offsprings and they all have descended form her. It does not speak much for her relationship; we must be in a bad predicament, if we are worse than them, for they are the acknowledged daughters of the old lady, who is described as being the mother of harlots.
In the midst of all their strife and confusion however, the work of the Lord is still progressing; the "little stone cut out of the mountains without hands" rolling forth, truth is gaining ground and priestcraft is trembling, and my prayer is, that the God of truth may roll forth his mighty work, till the honest in heart shall be gathered out of all nations, and the ends of the earth see the salvation of God.
I remain yours, in the new and everlasting covenant,
E. H. Mower.
From the Daily Sun.
===Full particulars of the wonderful sights seen by the pilot of the Wm. Penn in the sky on Tuesday night, March 21.===
On Saturday afternoon Mr. Wm. Frances, pilot of the Wm. Penn Steamboat, a packet that runs between this city and Rising Sun, Ia. called personally at our office to give us the full particulars of the wonderful sight seen by him on the night above mentioned, fully impressed with the solemnity of the subject, and the awful responsibility of telling any thing of this nature but what is strictly true. Mr. F. informed us that he is a member of the church, and assured us in the most solemn manner, that what he was about to relate was truth and nothing but the truth, and he is ready to convince any gentleman or lady that will call upon him.
He states that as the Penn was on her trip to this city, when between Rising Sun and Aurora, about 11 or 12 o'clock, P. M. he was
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steering the boat along, it being a star bright night, excepting a few clouds in the west, low down, sky clear, when of a sudden a light burst forth, the whole face of the earth appearing to be lit up, which so blinded him that it was with difficulty he could see any thing, even the most near object. His first impression was that it lightened very sharply, but its continuing convinced him it must be something else, which he could not account for. The Captain of the Penn, James Pratzman, was sitting in the cabin at the time with three or four candles; he saw the light notwithstanding, ran out to the guard anxious to know the cause-asked Mr. Frances if he saw the light: Mr. Frances said he did. What is it? said Captain Pratzman. Dear only knows answered Mr. Frances, for I don't. From that the Captain disappeared from looking over the hurricane deck and went below.
Mr. Frances now being very anxious to discover whence this strange light came, looked dilligently [diligently] out at the side of the pilot-house, in rather a south-west course, but nearly over head, when he saw the outlines of a Serpent in the sky, in a crooked position, except the tail which was straight, the head toward the east. It turned to a lived bright red, deep and awful, and remained stationary in the stars. Mr. Frances watched it for two or three minutes, when the tail part disappeared nearly to the middle, and the remainder in a gradual manner formed into a distinct Roman
Mr. Frances had time now to mind the channel of the river, and deliberate upon the beauty and grandeur of a letter in the sky! It was remarkably interesting to him, as may well be supposed, from the accuracy of its formation. After about one minute and a half, he watching it and the boat alternately, it changed, turning into a distinct
as perfect as was ever seen, in which position it remained as before. Mr. Frances stated that he was surprised greatly at this, but not scared or frightened in the least, and immediately tapped the bell for the Captain to witness the scene. The Captain did not come immediately, but after a moment or two appeared, but ere this, the figure in the heavens had changed to a plain distinct letter
The Captain said to Mr. Frances, 'What's wanting?'
'Come here quick said Mr. Frances, 'and look up yonder, did you ever see the like?'
The Captain answered, 'I see it!' and looked at it till it disappeared.
Mr. F. states that when the O turned to a D it formed a kind of oblong shape, and then came straight on one side as a D should be. When it disappeared it turned into the same oblong shape as before, and, gradually the sky returned to its original appearance.
Mr. Frances states that he did not leave the wheel of the boat, but steered it to this city. He declares that let others think or say as they will, what he has related is strictly true. He is no Millerite, neither is he crazy nor frightened, and if gentlemen or ladies will call upon him he will convince them that what he has told is truth. Captain Pratzman remarked at the time, that it was something quite inexplicable, and was sorry he did not come to the deck sooner so as to have had a full view of this grand, wonderful and unaccountable phenomenon.
From the Palladinm [Palladium].
===The Strange Light.===
The luminous beam which has recently appeared in the south-western portion of the heavens, has no doubt attracted the attention of many of the readers of this paper. As a brief record of the phenomenon may be of future service, I offer the following particulars for publication.
The light appears to have been seen so early as the 6th inst; its latest appearance here was on the 13th; not being visible on subsequent evenings in consequence, perhaps, of the cloudiness of the atmosphere. It was visible between the hours of 6 and 9, P .M. but not during the whole of this interval.
It was apparantly [apparently] a straight trail of light 40 deg. in length: about 2 deg. in width; gradually fading in brightness, and diminishing in breadth toward the extremities; and having considerable resemblance to the delineated tail of the comet of 1680.
It seemed to extend from near the sun, upward at an angle of about 26 deg. with the horizon, toward and nearly to a star of the 4th magnitude in the check of the constellation called the Hare; or more technically expressed, to the star Mu Leporis.
There appears to be a difference in opinion respecting the character of this luminous beam; some supposing it to be the tail of a comet; while others conceive it to be the Zodiacal Light. Vesper.
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[From the American]
===The Comet===
As the comet has excited considerable attention to-day, the following extract from an article on comets, in Rees' Cyclopœdia, published some thirty years ago. may be of interest. 'The elements of the orbits of the comets in 1264 and 1556, were so nearly the same, that it is very probable it was the same comet; if so, it ought to appear again about the year 1843.' The error here of five years, is a very small one when we consider that the period of this comet is about 292 years, or a little more than that.
From its first appearance in 1264
to its second appearance in 1556
was a period of 292 y's
Adding to this period the time
of its last appearance, viz: 1556
We have for its third appearance the year 1848
The idea that this was the planet Venus, and that the increased size and brightness of it, and its long tail, were owing to the action of the suns rays upon it by reflection or otherwise, we consider absurd. It is far more reasonable to suppose that it is the comet of 1264, and 1556 making a third visit to the earth.
By referring to the American Almanac, it will be seen that Venus is now at it's aphelion, or greatest distance from the sun. It was stated recently in a French journel [journal], that the French Astronomers were expecting the appearance of a comet to the earth about this time. Al.
Feb. 28.
[From the New Bedford Mercury.]
Mr. Editor: This day Feb. 28, a comet of great brilliance has been seen, visible through the day without the aid of a glass, and its brilliancy almost equal to that of Venus. Its situation is very near the eastern limb of the sun; its tail appears about three deg. in length. It may be the comet announced some three months since in Europe; It was then seen traversing the constellation Draco; be it that or another it is of rare brilliancy. There are but three on record of sufficient brilliancy to be seen in the day season. The first was 43 years before Christ, and is call a 'hairy star;' it was seen with the naked eye in the day time. The second was in the year 1402, and it was so brilliant that the light of the sun at the end of March, did not hinder people seeing it at mid-day; both its nucleus and its tail were, to use the language of the day, 'two fathoms long.' The third appeared in Feb 18, 1744, and nearly equalled [equaled] Venus in splendor, and many persons saw it at mid-day without glasses. It may yet prove that the comet of to-day is the same as that of 1402. Three observations only are necessary to calculate its orbit, the elements of which, if previously registered, will enable astronomers to decide whether the comet under consideration has appeared or not.
Of 504 comets that have entered the solar system, 24 have passed between Mercury and the Sun, 47 within Venus, 58 between Venus and the Earth, 73 between the Earth and Mars, and 302 between Mars and the orbit of Jupiter, and no casuality [casualty] has occurred to primary or satelite [satellite]. The comet of 1770 passed through the system of Jupiter without producing the slightest effect; still many people are alarmed at the appearance of these erratic bodies, these rail cars of the stellar regions, the mystery of whose office and destiny makes their astronomy of intense interest.
With reference to the danger of a comet's striking the earth, we here add that the comet Encke, whose period is only 1,207 days, and nearest the earth of all the comets known, cannot come in collission [collision] short of a period of 219,000,000 of years, which calculation is based upon astronomical facts.
The first of the following paragraphs is from the Boston Journal of the 1st inst., and the secand [second] from the Portland Advertiser:
"A gentleman from Braintree, of a highly respectable character, inform us that yesterday about noon, the inhabitants of that town were alarmed at the sight of a large heavenly body, resembling a comet, in the south-eastern part of the sky, and having a tail or train of considerable length. It was clearly visible to the naked eye for nearly an hour, until lost in the space! It was also seen yesterday, we understand, from other places."
"The beautiful celestial phenomenon of a comet visible at noon day, just without the radical blaze of the sun, and strongly illuminated by its light, attracted many gazers yesterday. We believe it had not before been noticed in this neighborhood. We do not ourselves remember to have seen its approach announced, but others inform us that it has been repeatedly predicted as likely to appear in February, 1843."
For the Times and Seasons.
===Halos and Parhelia.===
This morning, between the hours of six and nine o'clock, the heavens exhibited a splendid and delightful appearance, of halos or circles,
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accompanied with parhelia or mock suns. Clouds of a white and fleecy appearance were, at the time, floating in the atmosphere, but so thin, as not to entirely obscure the blue Sky.-The wind blew very gently from the west by north-west. The cold being intense, especially for the time of year, and small crystals of ice or snow were visible, floating in the air.
The following diagram represents these beautiful phenomena as they appeared about half past seven o'clock, A. M. The magnitudes of the circles given in the following description may not be exact, as I was destitute of the proper instruments for their accurate measurement.
1st. Let z be the zenith directly under which the observer is stationed, looking to the east. Let the outer circle represent the horizon, surrounded by a very bright prismatic circle not far from 45 degrees in diameter; the lower limb of which extended below the horizon nearly 4 1-2 degrees. Its breadth and colours [colors] were about the same as that of a common rainbow; nearly all the prismatic colours [colors] were discernible; the red being on the concave part of the circle next the sun.
On each side of the sun, at a and b towards the north and south, there were two mock suns of different colours [colors], very splendid and bright in their appearance.
2nd. The sun was encircled by another halos k n i m, much larger, than the former, and parallel to it, being nearly 90 degrees in diameter and its lower limb being sunk below the horizon about 27 degrees. It exhibited the same colours [colors] as the first, though not so bright.
3d. At the tops of these circles, at c and i, were two inverted arches whose common centre [center] seemed to lay in the zenith. The upper arch, f i h, was exceedingly brilliant and beautifully coloured [colored], and appeared to be about 54 degrees the diameter, and that of the lower one, d c e about 99 degrees. Another parhelion or mock sun, appeared in the middle of the lower arch, at c, where it coincided with the circle first described, but its colours [colors] and brightness were inferior to those of the collateral mock suns at a and b.
4th. There appeared a circle, m b s a n t r, much larger than any I have yet described, being about 144 degrees in diameter, and of a uniform whiteness. It was about 18 degrees above the horizon, and parallel to it passing through the true sun, s, and the collateral parhelia, a and b, and also through two other parhelia, t and r, something about 90 or 100 degrees from the sun, one towards the north the other towards the south. The parhelia, t and r, were of a whitish colour [color], and not very distinctly seen. The intersections m and n, of this circle with the circle k i m, were rendered more distinctly visible than other portions of the two circles.
These beautiful and curious phenomena, doubtless owe their origin to the refraction of the sun's rays through the minute, though differently shaped prismatic crystals of ice and snow, which float in the atmosphere.
Equilateral and quadrilateral prisms of ice and snow, are formed by the process of crystalization [crystallization]; the former prisma [prism] having angels of 60 degrees, the latter, angles of 90 degrees. Rays of light from the sun, passing through the former, would necessarily, according to the established laws of refraction, produce a coloured [colored] or prismatic halo of about 45 degrees in diameter; while rays passing though the latter, would, as may be geometrically demonstrated according to the known laws of Dioptrics, produce a colored halo of about 90 degs. in diameter.
Halos may be artificially produced, by interposing transparent crystals between the eye and a luminous body, the diameters of which will depend on the refractive power and shape of the substance composing the crystals.
O. Pratt, A M,
Professor of Mathematics in the University of the City of Nauvoo.
March 23, 1843.
Mount Ætna.-An eruption of Ætna commenced in the latter part of last year, and to the latest accounts still continued. The smoke and flame have been clearly discernable [discernible] at Palmero, distant by an air-line, at least 90 English miles from the mount, This is the first erruption [eruption] which has been visible at Palmero since 1802. The height of Ætna by Cacemtar, Sir J. Herschell, and Capt. Smyth, is fixed at 10,874 feet, English.
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-> In compliance with the polite request from Fort Wayne, Indiana, an elder has been appointed on a mission to that place, who will be there in a few weeks.
Times and Seasons.
City of Nauvoo,
Wednesday, April 1, 1843.
===Signs of the Times.===
Our Lord in speaking of the signs of the last days, says that there shall be signs in the sun, earth distress of nations, with perplexity; men's hearts failing them for fear of those things that are coming on the earth; and that there should be 'earthquakes in divers places.'
We scarcely can take up a paper, in these days, but what there is recorded some account of an earthquake, tornado, singular comets, signs in the heavens, or some dreadful calamity, phenomenon, or circumstance, calculated to impress forcebly [forcibly] upon our minds the days in which we live.
Many of these signs can be explained on philosophical principle, and no doubt but all of them could, if we were only sufficiently acquainted with the philosophy of the heavens, as well as of the earth, if we could unravel the mysteries of the universe, and penetrate into the designs of God. But this does not alter the principle that is taught by our Savior, as being a criterion whereby the saints are to judge of the signs of the times. If the earth is convulsed by a continuous succession of earthquakes, whose repeated throes are felt all over the universe; if the earth opens and mountains are swallowed, and cities and villages are engulphed [engulfed] in one general ruin, and consternation is spread throughout the world; however philosophically this may be accounted for, it is one the signs of the last days; 'there shall be earthquakes in divers places.'
If the winds should be let loose from their bounds, and mighty tornadoes desolate the earth; if forests should be uprooted, villages and cities rased [razed] to the ground, and one general scene of desolation ensue, or if terrible gales should sweep the ocean, drive vessels from their moorings, and by its fury cause the sea to lift up itself in majesty, and roll furiously beyond its bounds, spreading desolation wherever it bent its course, bidding defiance to the power and skill of man, stranding navies, and swallowing up in its fury ships and their mariners, and spreading wild dismay and general ruin; however philosophically Mr. Espy and other scientific gentlemen may account for storms, yet the finger of God is made manifest in them is fulfilled the saying of the prophets, 'there shall be terrible tempests and whirlwinds, that shall cause the children of men to fear.' 'The sea shall lift up itself beyond its bounds.' The sea and the waves roaring, and men's hearts failing them, for fear of those things that are coming on the earth, and the philosophy does not alter the matter of fact spoken of by the prophets, nor remove or invalidate the signs. If again, the stars should be removed from their orbits, or present any singular phenomenon; if there should be strange appearances in the sun, in the moon, or the heavens should shew [show] forth their signs; although philosophy may account for these on the principle of reflection and refraction, and other known causes, it does not alter the force of that saying, nor do away with, or weaken the significance of the sign spoken of by our Savior; 'there shall be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken.' Neither if certain comets should in their revolutions, dash with wild fury against the earth, and cause it to 'reel to and fro like a drunken man,' would that circumstance invalidate the testimony of the above mentioned scripture. Or if a fiery comet in its train, at its appointed time, should come in contact with the earth, and the inhabitants thereof should be burned up through that medium, it would not invalidate that scripture which says, 'the earth shall be burned up,' 'the earth that now is, is reserved for fire, against the judgement [judgment] of the great day.' We believe, however, that the signs spoken of in the scriptures will not be something vague, indefinite and uncertain, but clear, plain and intelligible, and such as will be seen and known by all the inhabitants of the earth, and such as they might take as a warning if they would be advised. The sign referred to in another page, wherein the letters G O D was seen in the heavens, is certainly a very striking one, and has a tendency to remind us of the last days.
We have to apologize to our readers, for this number being issued so much later than the day of publication, We had run short of paper, expecting that the river would have opened long before it did: and as it was impossible with the state of the roads to bring it by land, we had no other alternative but to wait until the river opened. We are sorry for the delay, but assure our friends that it was unavoidable on our part.-Every arrangement, however, is entered into that is necessary to make up the lost time, as we have engaged two sets of hands, to keep the
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work progressing night and day, until the time is made up, which we expect will be in about three weeks.
We have had a very interesting conference, perhaps as much so as any that we have had since our settlement in Nauvoo.
The weather that had been so severe for such a length of time lost its violence; and we were favored all the time with beautiful warm weather, which to us proved very propitious, in consequence of our having to hold our conference in the open air.
The foundation of the Temple was crowded to excess, with thousands of saints, whose faces beamed with gladnes [gladness] as they listened to the Prophet, and others who officiated at the conference. The walls were also covered and the ground outside. for some distance around the Temple.
There never was a time perhaps when there was more order, and the most perfect harmony and unity prevailed.
As the minutes of the conference will be given in full, and most of the discourses, it will be unnecessary to make any further remarks.
One evening in the latter part of January last, a few young people having assembled at the house of elder H. C. Kimball; the follies of youth, and the temptations to which they are exposed generally, but more especially in our city, became the topic of conversation. The company were lamenting the loose style of their morals-the frivolous manner in which they spent their time-and their too frequent attendance at balls, parties, &c. &c., when elder Kimball proposed that an appointment should be given out expressly for the young ladies and gentlemen, and he would give them such instruction and advice as the spirit of the Lord might suggest to him; which, if followed, would doubtless lead to a reformation in the conduct of his young friends. This proposition was received with delight, and acted upon with alacrity. An appointment having been given out, a number of the young people assembled at the house of elder Billings, when elder Kimball addressed them for some time upon the duties of children to their parents, to society, and to their God; exhorting them to lay aside their vanity, lightmindedness, pride, and frivolity; and endeavor to show themselves worthy of the religion which they had embraced; advising them to shun evil company, (for by an individual's company is his character estimated,) and to be obedient to their parents, for this was the first commandment with promise.
This address was so well received by the assembled congregation, that it was voted, almost by acclamation, that a similar meeting should be held on the ensuing week. An appointment was accordingly circulated for the next Wednesday evening at Br. Farr's schoolroom, as elder Billings' house was too small to contain the assemblage.
On the appointed evening, the room was filled to overflowing. Elder Kimball addressed the crowded, but silent and attentive congregation, for the space of an hour; in that plain, simple, and affectionate manner, which goes directly to the heart, and which is so natural to the speaker. He first explained the duty which the youth owed to themselves, and the manner in which they might obtain honor and respect, viz: by applying their minds with determined perseverance to all the studies commonly deemed necessary to fit them for active life, and polish them for society; and not to be these, but also the study of the Scriptures, by the book of Mormon, the book of Doctrine and Covenants, and the theological work of their most talented elders. By pursuing this course, said he, "you will be enabled to give a reason for the hope and the joy which exists within you-you will always be prepared to explain the doctrine in which you believe-you will ever be ready to prove and defend your religion-you will be well received in company, and will be esteemed by all wise and good men. We who have borne the heat and burden of the day, will soon go the way of all the earth, and give place to you, my young brethren. You will soon come upon the stage of action, and be called upon to carry the glad tidings of the new and everlasting covenant to the remotest parts of the earth, and proclaim the news of gospel grace to a lost and ruined world. Strive, therefore, to show yourselves worthy of your calling: be dutiful, be humble, be faithful, be obedient, and quit yourelves [yourselves] like men, and men of God." He concluded his interesting discourse with a general exhortation to keep all of the commandments of God, to associate with none but the wise and virtuous, and lastly to keep themselves pure and unspotted from the world. This discourse like the preceding one, was received with delight by all the hearers. Brother Farr then made a few short but pertinent remarks, when a vote was taken whether the meetings should be continued, which was carried unanimously in the affirmative. This room being also too small, the next appointment was made for the meeting to be held at the house of President Smith.
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Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather the house was completely filled at an early hour, and numbers were obliged to depart for want of room. The assembly were as usual addressed by elder Kimball, who, in a solemn and impressive manner, warned the young people against the evils to which they were exposed, and the temptations to which they were peculiarly subject; not only from their youth and inexperience, but also from their sanguine and excitable temperament. He exhorted them to be guided by the voice of reason and judgment, and pay strict attention to the advice and command of their parents, who being of maturer years, and a longer experience, are much better calculated to guide the pathway of youth, than they themselves. He warned them against giving heed to their passions, which he said would lead them into many snares, and difficulties. He advised them never to be too forward in company, for "a wise head keeps a silent tongue;" to be condescending to their inferiors, kind and conciliating to their equals, and deferential but not slavish to their superiors. He warned them against frequenting balls and such places, which, he said, would generally lead to many evil practices, and would draw away the mind from more innocent amusements, and from their duty to their parents. He said "he had not now, nor never had any objections to to having young people meet together in social parties, or indulging in any rational amusement: but, he strongly opposed carrying it to extremes, as it generally was." He concluded this address by exhorting them to give heed to his advice, for it was according to the Holy Scriptures, and "to live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. The house being still too small, the next meeting was appointed at the lodge-room over President Smith's store. At the appointed time this large room was filled to overflowing, and the great number which assembled, testified to the increasing interest, in which these meetings were held by the youth of the city. Again elder Kimball addressed them and gave them such advice as would be useful to them at the present time and also in their futures lives.
At the next meeting President Smith was present and addressed the young gentlemen and ladies for some time. He expressed his gratitude to elder Kimball in the strongest terms, for having commenced and carried on in so masterly a manner the good and glorious work he had undertaken. He said it would be the means of doing a great deal of good, and of benefitting [benefiting] his young friends more than they were aware of: that the gratitude of all good men, and of the young people whom he had so much benefitted [benefited], would follow him through life; and "when gray hairs should his temples adorn," he could look back with pleasure upon the winter of 1843, when he was engaged in promoting the cause of benevolence, and prepairing [preparing[ his young friends for the glorious career which awaited them.
He said that he stood before them with more embarrassment, than he would before kings, nobles, and great men of the earth, for he knew the crimes of which they were guilty, and knew precisely how to address them; but his young friends before whom he now stood were guilty of none of these crimes, and he hardly knew what to say. He said he had never in his life seen such a large company of young people assembled together, pay such strict attention, listen with such profound silence, and keep such good order, as the assembly now before him. He praised their good conduct, and taught them how to behave in all places, explained to them their duty, and advised them to organize themselves into a society for the relief of the poor. As a commencement to their benevolent efforts, he offered a petitition [petition] from an English brother by the name of Modesley, who was lame, and who wished them to build him a house, that he might have a home among the saints: he had gathered together a few materials for this purpose, but was unable to use them; and, now, relying upon the active benevolence of the young people of Nauvoo, he sends in the petition that you may act upon it as you deem proper. He advised them to choose a committee to collect funds for this purpose, and perform this charitable work as soon as the weather became suitable.-He gave them much good advice, to guide their conduct through life and prepare them for a glorious eternity. He said he was very much pleased with the course elder Kimball had taken, and hoped he would continue his meetings and that the young people would follow his teachings.
A meeting was appointed for the young men to take these things into consideration: but owing to the appointment not being generally circulated, many of the young gentlemen were not present. The meeting was however called to order; Wm. Cutler was chosen president, and Marcellus L. Bates clerk: Andrew Cahoon, C. V. Spencer and Stephen Perry were appointed as a committee to draft a constitution for the government of the society. After hearing several speeches the meeting adjourned till the evening of the 28th of March.
At the next public meeting we were addressed by elders Kimball and Roundy, and as usual, received much good instruction. Elder Kimball advised us to choose our wisest young men, as officers of the society, and appoint a commttee [committee] to wait upon the young ladies, as well as
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gentlemen, and obtain their subscription; for, said he, 'they are as full of benevolence, and as ready to assist in relieving the poor, as are the young gentlemen.' He also advised that no one be excluded from the society, of whatever sect or denomination he might be; but give every one an opportunity of doing all the good in their power. On this evening the storm was raging tremenduously [tremendously], and the cold north wind was blowing in a most searching manner; yet, contrary to the expectations of every one, the house was almost filled, not only with young men and boys, but with the tender, lovely and beautiful females of our city. They seemed determined to brave every extremity of the weather, rather than be absent from the place where they received such good instructions.-This showed the good effects which had already been produced by these meetings, and cheered on the spirits of him who had first commenced them, and had since been their chief promoter. Instead of the young people spending their evenings at parties, balls, &c., they would now leave all, and attend to their meeting. Instead of hearing about this party and that party, this dance and that dance, in different parts of the city; their name was scarcely mentioned, and the Young People's Meetings became the chief topic of conversation.
Pursuant to adjournment, the young men convened together on the 21st of March. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, aud [and] the same officers appointed to preside as on the former evening. The report of the committee was then called for, which was as follows:
Whereas, The young gentlemen and ladies, citizens of the city of Nauvoo, are desirous of aiding and ameliorating the condition of the poor and of carrying out the principles of charity and benevolence, as taught in the holy scriptures, therefore, be it
Resolved, That we form ourselves into a society to be styled the "Young Gentlemen and Ladies Relief Society of Nauvoo," and that we be governed by the following articles, to wit:
1st. There shall annually be elected by the society, on the last Tuesday in March, a president, vice president, treasurer and secretary.
2d. It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all meetings of the society.
3d. It shall be the duty of the vice president to preside over all meetings in the absense [absence] of the president.
It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive all funds of the society, and to keep a correct record of all the receipts and disbursements, also from whom received, and to whose benefit appropriated, and make a report of the same, as often as required by the society.
It shall furthermore be the duty be [by] the said treasurer, before entering into office, to give bonds to the amount of one thousand dollars to the society, for the faithful discharge of all duties incumbent upon him, which shall be lodged in the hands of the Trustee in Trust.
5th. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a record of all the proceedings of the society.
6th. There shall annually be chosen a committee of vigilance, consisting of five persons, whose duties it shall be to search out the poor of our city, and make known to the society the wants of those whom they, in their judgment, shall consider most deserving of our assistance.
7th. The society shall meet on the last Tuesday in each month, at 6 o'clock, P. M.
8th. A special meeting of the society can be called by a petition of twelve of the members, to the secretary, whose duty it shall be to give notice of the same, by posting up a written notice in at least, three of the most public places in the city, at least, three days previous to said meeting.
9th. This constitution shall be lodged in the hands of the secretary, whose duty it shall be to present it at each meeting of the society, and receive the names of all persons wishing to become members, under thirty years of age, who can sustain a good moral character, and who are willing to support this constitution.
10th. Any person being a member if this society, and being found guilty of any disorderly conduct, or refusing to comply with the rules of the society, can be expelled at any regular meeting of the same, by a vote of the majority of the members present.
11th. In the event of a removal, by death, or prolonged absence of either of the officers, it shall be the prerogative of the society to appoint another in his stead.
12th. This constitution shall be subject to an amendment at any regular meeting of the society, by the voice of two-thirds of the members present.
This report was unanimously adopted, and the meeting then proceeded to choose their officers. William Walker was chosen president, William Cutler, vice president; Lorin Walker, treasurer, and James M. Monroe, secretary.-Stephen Perry, Marcellus L. Bates, R. A. Alread, Wm. H. Kimball, and Garrett Ivans, were appointed as a committee of vigilance.-After some discussion the meeting adjourned until the next Tuesday evening.
At the next public meeting, the large and crowded assembly were addressed at considerable length, by elders Jedediah Grant, Brigham Young, and Heber C. Kimball. The addresses
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were very interesting and highly instructive, as the breathless silence and deep attention of the audience attested.
This is in short, a history of the rise of this society, which bids fair to be one of the most useful and benevolent societies in the Union.-Throughout all of the meetings, the most profound silence and the best of order was kept continually. If the youth throughout our land would follow this good example and form themselves into such societies, there would be much less sin, iniquity, misery, and degradation among the young people than there is at the present day; there would not be as many suffering poor, neither would there be as much immorality among the people. But on the contrary, peace, good order, happiness, cheerfulness and plenty, would reign in the land, the Lord would look down from his holy habitation and smile upon us, and bless us all.
J. M. Monroe, Secretary.
===Elder's Conference.===
The special conference of the 6th of April, was followed by a conference of elders, convened on the 10th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., and continued by adjournment from time to time, till the 12th. There were present of the quorum of the Twelve, Brigham Young, President; Heber C. Kimball, William Smith, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, George A. Smith and W. Richards.
The object of the conference was to ordain elders, and send them forth into the vineyard to build up churches; and the following appointments were made, with united voices, by the conference; agreeable to requests which were made by individuals who were acquainted with the several places which they represented.
James Munroe and Truman Gillet; Auburn, New York.
Dominicus Carter; Lockport, Indiana.
Joshua Holman and John Pierce; Madison, Indiana.
Wandle Mace and Isaac Hate; Washingtonville, Orange county, New York.
William O. Clark; Richardson Settlement, Iowa.
Benjamin Clapp, John Bear, Wilson Hewitt and L. O. Littlefield; Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Alonzo Whitney and J. Goodale; Dublin, Ohio.
William Eaton; Westfield, Sullivan county, New York.
Zebedee Coltrin, Graham Coltrin and James Flanigan; Smith and Tazewell counties, Virginia.
Jonathan Dunham; Lawrenceburgh, Indiana.
Lewis Robbins and Jacob Gates; Have a roving commission for Massachusetts, with leave to take their wives, but to keep out of the churches.
Stephen Markham and Truman Waite; Berlin, Huron county, Ohio.
John D. Chase and A. M. Harding; Pittsfield, Vermont.
Amos Fuller and Cyrus H. Wheelock; Newfane, Williamsville, Windham county, Vermont.
John S. Gleason and Henry Jacobs; West part of the state of New York.
Marcellus L. Bates and Norman B. Shearer; Near Sackets Harbor, New York.
Samuel Brown; Brandywine and Woodville, Maryland.
Lemuel Mallory and George Slater; Saline, Washtenau county, Michigan.
Moses Wade; Some county in New York, where there has been no preaching by the saints.
Chillion Daniels and E. Robinson; Pierpont, St. Lawrence county, New York.
William Brown and Daniel Cathcart; Pensacola, Florida.
Eleazar Willis; Go where he likes.
John Zundall; Muskootau, St. Clair county, Illinois.
Cradall Dunn; some where in Michigan.
George Middow; Waterloo, Canada
Samuel H. Rogers and Harvey Green; Greenwich, Cumberland, New Jersey.
Daniel Spencer; Eardly, Bristol and Clarendon, Lower Canada; March and Fitzroy Harbor, Upper Canada.
Elias Harmar; Green, Chenango county, New York.
Harvey Tate; Fort Wayne, Allen county, Indiana.
Robert D. Foster and Jonathan Allen; Candor, Tioga county, New York.
William Wharton, of Philadelphia; Wilmington, (and vicinity) Delaware.
Leonard Soby; Peru, Miami county, Indiana.
Warner Hoops; York county, Pennsylvania.
F. D. Wilson and G. W. Brandon; Dyer and Montgomery counties, Tennessee.
E. H. Groves and G. P. Dykes; From Terre Haute to Shawneetown and Cairo, on both sides of the Wabash.
P. Sessions; Oxford county, Maine.
John. L. Butler and David Lewis; Lexington and Teesburgh, Kentucky.
Charles C. Rich; Ottowa, Illinois.
W. W. Rust; Worcester county, Massachusetts.
Aaron M. York; Maine.
Asaph Rice; Pontiac, Michigan.
Orson Spencer; New Haven, Connecticut.
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Lorin Farr; Connecticut, leave to call at Milwaukie [Milwaukee].
Stephen Perry, Amos B. Tomlinson, E. G. Terrill, Amos P. Rogers, Joseph Outhouse and William Bird; state of Connecticut.
Francis Edwards and Charles Ryan; Overton, Jackson county, Tennessee.
Benjamin Kempton; Wheeling to Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Peter Hess, of Philadelphia; Lancaster and vicinity, Pennsylvania.
Noah Curtis and Luman H. Corkins; Wayne county, New York.
Stratton Thornton and Sandford Porter; South East part of Illinois and Indiana.
Benjamin Leland and Eden Smith; Erie county, Pennsylvania.
Samuel Swarner; Orleans county, New York.
Jacob E. Terry and Err Terry; Niagara District, Upper Canada.
Edward P. Duzette and Elisha Edwards; Loraine and Huron counties, Ohio.
Edwin Williams; New Germantown, Hunterdon county New Jersey.
Jacob G. Bigler; Weston, Lewis county, Virginia.
Orlando Hovey; New Trenton, Franklin county, Indiana.
William B. Brink; Some place in the interior of Pennsylvania, where the elders have not been.
F. B. Jacaway and Samuel Rowland; Adams county, Ohio.
Moses Tracy; Perry county, Illinois.
Alfred Brown; Maysville, Chatauque county, New York.
Noah Rogers, Peter Lemons, Joseph Mount, B. W. Wilson, Addison Pratt and John Brown; State of Vermont.
Samuel C. Brown; To labor on the Temple.
James Carroll; New Castle, Henry county Indiana.
Levi Steward and James Pace; Williamson and Gallatin counties, Illinois.
Edwin Clegg; Rock Island, Illinois.
John Carns; Richmond, Indiana.
Edward Bosley and Rodman Clark; Gennessee, Livingston county, New York.
James Hutchins and Daniel Tyler; Natchez, Mississippi.
George M. Chase; Auburn, Geauga county, Ohio.
John Royce; Singsing, New York.
Lyman Whitney; Franklin county, Vermont.
Twenty-two were ordained elders.
Almon Babbitt was restored to fellowship by unanimous acclamation of the conference.
Elder Curtis Hodges, (who has a wife in this place) was cut off from the church for his anti-christian conduct, in Warrick county, Indiana.
Elder James Alread, John Snider, and Aaron Johnson, were appointed to administer baptism for the dead, in the river, while the font could not be used.
President Young instructed the elders not to go from church to church, for the purpose of living themselves, or begging for their families, or for preaching; but to go to their places of destination, journeying among the world, and preaching by the way as they have opportunity; and if they get any thing for themselves they must do it in those churches they shall build up, or from the world, and not enter into other men's labors.
Several elders have been represented to us as having travelled [traveled] extensively the past season, preaching but little, or none, living on the brethren, and begging for their own emolument. Such elders, be they where they may, far or near, are instructsd [instructed] to repair forthwith to Nauvoo, and give an account of their stewardship, and report the amount of leg service performed by them; and on their return be sure to keep out of the churches.
It is wisdom for the elders to leave their families in this place, when they have any thing to leave with them; and let not the elders go on their mission, until they have provided for their families. No man need say again "I have a call to travel and preach," while he has not a comfortable house for his family-a lot fenced, and one year's provisions in store, or sufficient to last his family during his mission.
The Lord will not condemn any man for following counsel, and keeping the commandments; and a faithful man will have dreams about the work he is engaged in. If he is engaged in building the Temple, he will dream about it; and if in preaching he will dream about that, and not, when he is laboring on the temple, dream that it is his duty to run off preaching, and leave his family to starve; such dreams are not of God.
When I was sick last winter, some of the sisters came and whispered in my ear, "I have nothing to eat." Where is your husband?" "He is gone a preaching." Who sent him? said I, for the Lord never sent him to leave his family to starve.
When the twelve went to England, they went on a special mission, and by special commandment; and they left their families sick and destitute, God having promised that they should be provided for; but God does not require the same thing of the elders now, neither does he promise to provide for their families when they leave them contrary to counsel. The elders must provide for their families.
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I wish to give a word of advice to the sisters, and I will give it to my wife. I have known elders who had, by some means, got in debt, but had provided well for their families during their contemplated mission, and after they had taken their departure their creditors would teaze [tease] their wives for the pay due from their husbands till they would give them the last provision they had left them, and they were obliged to subsist on charity or starve till their husbands returned. Such a course of conduct on the part of the creditor is anti-christian, and criminal, and I forbid my wife from paying one cent of my debts while I am absent attending to the things of the kingdom; and I want all the sisters to act on the same principle.
Elder Hyde said, if there is an elder who does not provide for his family in the unrighteous mammon, shall we commit to him the true riches, the priesthood, missions, &c.? No!
Elder Woodruff requested the elders to remember in their travels, that there was a printing press in Nauvoo, and that it is in the hands of the church; and wished the elders would procure subscribers for the papers, collect pay for the same, and forward it to the editor, in cash.
Elder Kimball instructed the elders that when they found a place where the people wanted preaching, they must stay themselves and preach, and not run away somewhere else, and write to Nauvoo to have elders sent to the place they had left.
Elders Woodruff and Taylor requested that when the elders had built up a church, they would write a brief statement of facts, unincumbered [unencumbered] with useless matter, and forward their communication to the editor of the "Time and Seasons," post paid.
The elders were reminded that they need not expect any attention would be given to unpaid letter, directed to the Presidency.
The elders were also reminded that although they were not sent out to be taught, but to teach, yet if they would prosper in their missions, they must be careful to teach those things alone which would be profitable to their hearers; that they must bear their testimony of the truth of the fulness [fullness] of the gospel, and preach nothing but faith and repentance to this generation; and that if they presumed to teach to babes those things which belong to men, they might expect to return to Nauvoo as destitute as they went out; but if they adhered closely to the first principles and taught the "word of wisdom, " more by example than by precept, walking before God and the world, in all meekness and lowliness of heart, living by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord, they might expect an abundant harvest; and as doves return to their windows in flocks, when they see the storm approaching, so will multitudes, by listening to their voices, learn of the things which await the earth, and arise and flee, and return unto Mount Zion,. and her stakes with them, who shall be seals of their ministry in the day of celestial light and glory. Brigham Young, Prest.
W. Richards, Cl'k.
Minutes of a conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at Augusta, Iowa Territory, April 1st and 2d, A. D .1843.
Conference convened pursuant to previous appointment. Elder John Smith and others were in attendance from Zarahemla. Elder John Smith was unanimously chosen president, and John M. Neely, clerk of the conference. The president then made some remarks setting forth the object of the meeting.
The first business was to organize the Augusta branch.
Resolved, That elder James Brown, act as presiding elder of said branch, and elders Asher Grisman and John Grosbeck as his associates, and John M. Neely as clerk. Some individual difficulties were then introduced, but not acted upon in consequence of the regular steps of labor not being taken. A representation of the branch was then called for. The teachers presented the branch as consisting of eighty-four members, in good standing; including two high priests, eleven elders, four priests, two teachers, and one deacon.
Resolved, That this meeting adjourn till 2 o'clock, P. M.
Conference convened pursuant to adjournment; prayer and discourse delivered by elder Rufus Fisher, showing forth in an able manner, that in all ages of the world, when God had a church on the earth, that satan would stir up the enemies of God against it; consequently, the saints always had to edure [endure] persecution. He was followed by elder John Kellien, setting forth the late persecution of the saints in Missouri, showing clearly that many of the disasters which befel [befell] the saint in Missouri was in consequence of their not following the council of the Lord's prophet and seer.
Conference then adjourned till Sabbath morning, 10 o'clock.
(To be continued.)
+ It will be seen that the date of the paper and that of the minutes of the conference, disagree; owing to the papers being printed later than the publication day.
As we had not room for all the minutes, we have published the elders appointments first, thinking that many might be desirous to now the place of their destination.
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On the Death of Lorenzo D. Barnes.
By Thomas Ward.
And art thou dead my brother; my brother! And shortly, when the judgments of the Lord.
Yes, by the strongest ties that bind the heart, Shall burst upon the people who reject
Thou wert my brother; even by the bond The gospel of his Son, and turn away
Of God's most holy covenant; and, Oh! Contemptuous from the terms of peace. And thou
I loved thee well, for who that knew thy truth, Hast fallen in a land of strangers, where
Thy virtue, and integrity, but must Thy kindred dwell not; and their hearts will grieve
Have owned thy power, and lov'd thee. But 'tis well. To hear thy fate, but not as without hope;
Thou has nobly fallen. In duty's path They will mourn not for thee as the world mourns,
Thou wert, and zealous for the cause of truth; But look to meet thee in the glorious hour,
Nor fruitless was thy mission, but again When he shall come a kingdom to receive,
In fairer scenes thou shalt behold its fruits Whose right it is to reign! Then, my brother,
Arrayed in glory, and to thee a crown Thou shalt hail thy friends in triumph; no more
Of great rejoicing in the day of God. To be subject of death's fatal dart,
Thou sleepest well. Thou standest chronicl'd But clothed in power, and by thy priesthood called
(In these last days of mercy unto man,) To reign with Christ a king and priest. The day,
The first that in a distant land has left The great triumphant day shall come, when he,
His ashes to repose, of those who went, Before whose potent arm thou now hast fallen,
At God's command, to bear the glorious news Shall be no more; for Christ must reign until
Of his unchanging character, and tell The last of enemies shall be destroyed:
A people lost in error, of the work Then amid the pageantry and pomp
The Lord has wrought, and of the high behests Of myriad hosts in light supernal, and all
To proclaim a faithful testimony, The thousand joys that minister to bliss,
And warn the nations that ihe [the] hour will come, Still one shall be to meet Lorenzo there.
By Thomas Ward.
In his grave they have laid him, he slumbers in peace, O! then let us be glad in the light that has come,
While his spirit in Paradise sweetly shall rest, E'en the gospel's bright fulness [fullness], its priesthood of power;
Till the hour when the angel shall sound his release, While we look for a city-a glorious home,
In the first resurrection with Christ to be blest. And to meet all the sanctified dead in that hour.
O! then weep not, dear sister, more blessed is he, Then, O, Father above, let thy blessing descend,
Thy partner in life, though he lie with the dead; Let thy spirit its sweet consolation impart
And the band of affection that bound him to thee, To the widow, the mother, the sister and friend,
Is not severed because that his spirit hath fled, Let the joys of salvation enliven her heart.
Yet a short time shall pass, when, lo! gathered in one, Let her vision be clear of that glorious day,
All the saints of the Lord both in heav'n and earth, When thy Son shall descend with his angels of might,
With thee and thy young ones, and partner that's gone. When sorrow and pain, and all tears pass away,
May rejoice in the hour of a glorious birth. And truth stands revealed in heaven's own light.
The Times and Seasons,
Is Edited by John Taylor, printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff,
Terms.-Two dollars per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, post paid, or they will not receive attention.
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Latest revision as of 15:52, 13 April 2024

Times and Seasons: Volume 4, Number 10

Summary:Source document in Mormon Publications: 19th and 20th Centuries online archive: Times and Seasons Vol. 4

Times and Seasons: Volume 4, Number 10

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Volume IV. No. 10.] CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. APRIL 1, 1843 [Whole No. 70.

Prospectus of a Weekly Newspaper, called The Nauvoo Neighbor.

We feel pleasure in announcing to our readers and to the public generally, that we have determined to enlarge the Wasp to double its size; as soon as the present volume shall be completed, which will be on the 19th of April.

It made its appearance in the world near twelve months ago; small in stature, dressed in a very humble garb, and under very inauspicious circumstances. It was then thought by many that its days would not be long in the land, and that at any rate it would not survive the sickly season. Many of its elder brethren who thought that they had attained to the size of manhood sneered contemptuously at the idea of their smaller, and younger brother taking the field, and like David's brethren they thought that he was but a stripling, and that he would certainly fall by the hand of some of the great Goliah's; but on the contrary while some of advanced years, noble mein [mien], and possessing a more formidable appearance have given up the ghost, the little Wasp has held on the even tenor of his way the untiring, unflinching supporter of integrity, righteousness and truth; neither courting the smiles, nor fearing the frowns of political demagogues, angry partizans [partisans], nor fawning sycophants. Partaking so much of the nature of the industrious bee, it has gathered honey from every flower, and its pages are now read with interest by a large, and respectable number of subscribers.

As the young gentleman is now nearly a year old, we propose on his birth day to put him on a new dress, and to make him double the size, that he may begin to look up in the world, and not be ashamed of associating with his older brethren; and as he has acted the part of a good samaritan, we propose giving him a new name.-Therefore his name shall no longer be called THE WASP, but the NEIGHBOR.

The "Nauvoo Neighbor" will be published on a large imperial sheet, got up in good style, and with care, and taste. It will be edited by JOHN TAYLOR, and will be devoted to the dissemination of useful knowledge of every description;-The Arts, Science, Religion, Literature, Agriculture, Manufactures, Trade, Commerce and the general news of the day.

We propose publishing from the best authorities a Bank Note Table corrected weekly; and also a list of the prices current, in the principle Eastern and Western cities, as well as in our own city,

We shall publish a weekly record of deaths in our city, and all ordinances passed by the City Council; the proceedings of Courts Martial, Military Parades, the principal transactions of the Mayor's and the Municipal Court, and every thing of interest that transpires in, and about our city.

Articles on agriculture will be furnished from the best sources, which will make the Neighbor a welcome visitor to our farmers and gardeners.

Concerning Politics we shall not be silent; but reserve to ourselves the right of judging of all measures, parties, and men; and without respect to party, award to all individuals of whom we may have occasion to speak, the true reward of merit or demerit, without prejudice or restraint.

We have sent to Europe to effect an exchange with some of the principal newspapers, in London, Edinburg, Dublin and Liverpool, from which we shall be able to



furnish to our European friends, as well as American, news that will be interesting, And as we do now exchange with most of the principal papers in the United States. both east, west, north and south, we flatter ourselves, that with the facilities of obtaining information that we possess, and a little care and attention on our part, that the "Nauvoo Neighbor," will be second to none in the west.

The "Neighbor," will be published every Wednesday, by TAYLOR & WOODRUFF, at the corner of Water and Bain streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Ill. and its price will be two dollars payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five now subscribers and forwarding us ten dollars current money, shall be entitled to one volume gratis.

It must be obvious to all business men, that from the character of the Nauvoo Neighbor, and on account of its extensive circulation it will afford a first rate medium of advertizing [advertising]. ADVERTISEMENTS conspicuously inserted on reasonable terms.



At length our conference assembled; the subject of the stone mentioned in a previous number, was discussed, and after considerable investigation, Brother Page, as well as the whole church, who were present, renounced the said stone, and all things connected therewith, much to our mutual satisfaction and happiness.

We now partook of the sacrament, confirmed and ordained many, and attended to a great variety of church business on that and the following day, during which time we had much of the power of God manifested amongst us; the Holy Ghost came upon us, and filled us with joy unspeakable; and peace, and faith, and hope, and charity abounded in our midst.

Before we separated we received the following.

Revelation to David Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, jr. and John Whitmer, given September, 1830.

Behold I say unto you David, that you have feared man and have not relied on me for strength, as you ought: but your mind has been on the things of the earth more than on the things of me, your Maker, and the ministry whereunto you have been called; and you have not given heed unto my Spirit, and to those who were set over you, but have been persuaded by those whom I have not commanded: wherefore you are left to inquire for yourself, at my hand, and ponder upon the things which you have received. And your home shall be at your father's house, until I give unto you further commandments. And you shall attend to the ministry in the church, and before the world, and in the regions round about: Amen.

Behold I say unto you, Peter, that you shall take your journey with your brother Oliver, for the time has come, that it is expedient in me, that you shall open your mouth to declare my gospel: therefore, fear not but give heed unto the words and advice of your brother, which he shall give you. And be you afflicted in all his afflictions, ever lifting up you heart unto me in prayer, and faith, for his and your deliverance: for I have given unto him power to build up my church among the Lamanites: and none have I appointed to be his councillor [councilor], over him, in the church, concerning church matters, except it is his brother Joseph Smith, jr. Wherefore give heed unto these things and be diligent in keeping my commandments, and you shall be blessed unto eternal life: Amen.

Behold I say unto you, my servant John, that thou shalt commence from this time forth to proclaim my gospel, as with the voice of a trump. And your labor shall be at your brother Philip Burroughs', and in the regions round about:-yea, wherever you can be heard, until I command you to go from hence. And your whole labor shall be in Zion, with all your soul, from henceforth; yea, you shall ever open your mouth in my cause not fearing what man can do, for I am with you: Amen.

Revelation to Thomas B. Marsh, given September, 1830.

Thomas, my son, blessed are you because of your faith in my work. Behold you have many afflictions because of your family: nevertheless I will bless you, and your family: yea, your little ones, and the day cometh that they will believe and know the truth and be one with you in the church.

Lift up your heart and rejoice for the hour of your mission has come; and your tongue shall be loosed; and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation. You shall declare the things which have been revealed to my servant Joseph Smith, jr. You shall begin to preach from this time forth; yea to reap in the field which is white already to be burned: therefore thrust in your sickle with all your soul; and yours sins are forgiven you; and you shall be laden with sheaves upon your back, for



the laborer is worthy of his hire. Wherefore you family shall live.

Behold, verily I say unto you, go from them only for a little time, and declare my word, and I will prepare a place for them; yea, I will open the hearts of the people and they will receive you. And I will establish a church by your hand; and you shall strengthen them and prepare them against the time when they shall be gathered. Be patient in afflictions, revile not against those that revile. Govern your house in meekness and be steadfast.

Behold I say unto you, that you shall be a physician unto the church, but not unto the world, for they will not receive you. Go your way whithersoever I will, and it shall be given you by the Comforter what you shall do, and whither you shall go. Pray always, lest you enter into temptation, and lose your reward.-Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with you. These words are not of man nor of men, but of me, even Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, by the will of the Father: Amen.


At about half past 8 o'clock on the evening of the 5th inst., says the Memphis, (Tenn.) Eagle, our city was visited by one of those awful throes of nature, so convulsive and terrible, as to spread almost universal alarm over the city. The firmest buildings trembled and cracked, and the earth reeled and rocked under a most terriffic [terrific] excitement. To say that we were not deeply impressed with the awfulness of the moment, under the terrible sensibility of the presence of one of those agonizing and terrific throes of nature that have in a few seconds hurled immense cities, and their hundred thousands smitten and affrightened inhabitants, deep into the bowels of the earth, would be only to acknowledge ourself insensible to the mightiest and most awful of the Almighty's visitations.

We were in our office at the moment, in the second story of a new block of brick buildings. The commencement of the jarring we conceived to proceed from the violent undertaking of some person to shake open a door beneath us. But in a moment afterwards, the agitation seized the brick walls surrounding us, shaking and reeling them, to such an extent, as to knock down particles of brick and plaster, jarring the roof and whole building so as to impress us with the fear of the buildings' falling. Sensible of the appalling cause of the agitation, we hastily fled into the street for safety. The fate of ancient Memphis rose up in memory, and we felt that the name-sake of the ill-fated city might be doomed to similar destruction. In the street there was still a violent rocking of the earth, and a rattling and rumbling noise.-People fled into the streets, and cries and lamentations of many horror stricken men and women were heard to fill the air.

The shock lasted about two minutes, and reaching its most agitating period, at the end of the first half minute, when it gradually died away in a dismal rumbling sound, apparently moving to south-east, and proceeded from the north-west.

The day had been one of beautiful sunshine, though cool. Towards sunset the atmosphere became warm, and the thermometer must have fallen at least five degrees during the five hours preceding the shock. It was cloudy at the time, a veil of thin clouds moving low and swiftly, occasionally admitting the light of the stars feebly to shine out. There was scarcely any air stirring, but which, during an hour succeeding the throe, was apparently agitated into a still breeze from the south, which died away about one o'clock.

The tops of several chimneys were shaken down, the bricks falling inside, and with the reeling of the houses and quaking of the earth, frightfully alarming the inhabitants. A great many brick walls are seriously cracked and sunk, windows broken, and a cotton shed, naturally crazy, fell down shortly after the shock. At our auction houses, which were filled with people, so alarming the precipitated was the rush into the street that many people were crushed and trampled upon by the affrighted crowd. There was a great deal of alarm and piercing lamentation among the females, and the agitation was general and the cause terrible and awful. The power of the Almighty was fearfully and sensibly demonstrated, in the shaking of the gigantic earth, as if but a mere leaf of the tremulous aspen. It heaved and quaked and groaned, as if smitten with agony. Our city rocked and reeled as if on the verge of falling to pieces, and the horror-stricken people trembling rushed from their tottering tenements for safety, into the streets, with the awful impression paralyzing their senses that the earth was convulsed with one of those dreadful throes that cause her to open and swallow up cities.

From the Danville (Ky.) Murcury.


The citizens of this village were much astonished, in the 1st inst. at the appearance of one of those singular and unusal [unusual] exhibitions, termed parhelia [perihelia]. It was about 2 o'clock, P. M. that we first observed the singular phenomenon. At this time the heavens presented the



following appearance: Around the sun there was a circle of light, such as is frequently seen around the sun and moon. The diameter of this appeared to be about 45 degrees; outside of this there was another circle, or rather segment of a circle, for it was not complete, seeming like-wise to have the sun for its centre [center], and whose diameter was about twice that of the former.-This circle was far less distinct than the former; and only the upper portion, perhaps, half was visible. Extending around the whole horizon, and apparently equally distant from it in every part, was a third circle, cutting the former at right angles, and passing through the sun. At the points of intersection between this and the inner circle, surrounding the sun, were two colored images, very distinct, which might have been, and were, for an instant mistaken for the sun by persons who were in such a situation that they could not see the sun itself. In brilliant and white images-one each side of the two former, and apparently at equal distances from them, and also of course, from the sun. These two last images were each perhaps about 100 degrees from the sun. There was also a fourth segment of a circle, presenting the appearance and brilliant colors of the rainbow.-About one third of the circle could be seen. It was high above the horizon and seemed to have a point in or near the zenith as its centre; if completed, its diameter would have been perhaps 45 degrees. It was, of course, convex towards the sun and just touched the outer circle surrounding the sun. The colors of the rainbow were exceedingly distinct-the red being next the sun and the others in order.

At about quarter past two, the appearance was most brilliant, the four images and the four circles being then all visible. From this time it began to fade away, the circles and images disappearing one at a time, until about 3 P. M., when nothing unusal [unusual] could been seen.

Similar phenomena, though rare, have been witnessed in various places. One in particular, we find recorded, as having been seen in 1630, which corresponds in almost every particular with this.



Alton, April 1, 1843.


I take this opportunity to communicate a few items of important news to you and the church in general. Brother Lorenzo Snow arrived in St. Louis last Wednesday, from England, with about 250 emigrants for Nauvoo. They are now laying on a boat bound for Nauvoo as soon as the river opens. They sailed from England some time in January, and bring a copy of the Millenial [Millennial] Star, and some private letters, under date of January first. From these we learn the painful fact, that our dear brother and fellow labourer [laborer], Elder Lorenzo Barnes is gone to be with Christ. He lingered some weeks with a fever, and at length died in the triumphs of faith.

He died on the morning of the 20th December last, at Bradford; the first messenger of this last dispensation, who for Christ's sake and the gospel's, has laid down his life in a foreign land.

In this dispensation of providence an entire people are called to mourn. Brother Barnes was every where known, and universally beloved, as a meek, humble, and zealous minister of the gospel, who has laboured [labored] extensively for many years, with great success. Such was his wisdom and prudence, and such his modesty and kindness, that he won the friendship, not only of the saints, but of thousands of various sects, and of those who made no profession. In short his was the favoured [favored] portion, which falls to the lot of but few men, even among the great and good. He was loved and esteemed by many, and hated by few, in all the wide circle of his acquaintance. But, in the midst of a useful career on earth, he is suddenly, and to us unexpectedly, called away to a higher and more glorious field of action; with the spirits of the just, in the high council of the king of kings. His spirit now justly claims an honored seat; his voice is now heard in the deliberations of the high and mighty ones, who are the principal movers, in the great events of the dispensation of the fulness [fullness] of times. Whilst his body lies sleeping far away from his native shore, on a distant island of the sea.

No father, or mother, or kindred were near,

To receive his last blessing, or drop a kind tear.

With heart-broken anguish to weep o'er his tomb

Or adorn it with roses of richest perfume.

Yet he was lamented with many a tear,

By hearts full of sorrow, by souls as sincere;

Who in solemn procession repaired to the grave,

To mourn for the stranger no kindness could save

'Twas a tribute from souls he had won for his Lord.

Yea, brothers and sisters, made nigh by his word,

Whose love was as strong, and whose friendship as pure;

Whose grief was as heartfelt as heart can endure.

His name and memory will be dear to thousands, and will be handed down to all generations, as one who has devoted his time from early youth in the service of his God, and of his fellow creatures, and has laid down his life for Christ's sake and the gospel's, to find it again even life eternal.



As to the saints in England, they seem to be still rejoicing in the truth, and increasing in numbers; but I have not time to write much news. I forward a No. of the Star, dated Jan. 1st, from which you can extract any item you may deem proper.

As to emigration to Nauvoo, it is gathering as a cloud, yea, they are flocking as doves to their windows, from all parts of England and the States. The ice remaining so late in the river has congregated them in St. Louis in great numbers, some from Ohio and the east, and from various places. I think that thousands will land in Nauvoo in the course of the spring. Yes, as soon as the ice is out they will throng Nauvoo in swarms. The people in Missouri are beginning to be more and more astonished, and are expressing great fears that "Joe Smith" will yet prevail so as to restore the supremacy of the laws in that dark corner of the earth, where a gang ef [of] robbers and murderers have so long controled [controlled] a state.

I long to be with you on the 6th of April, but fear that the ice will prevent.

I am in haste, your's in the new covenant.

P. P. Pratt.

Messrs. Taylor and Woodruff.

Clinton County, Ia., March, 9, 1843.

Dear Brother-I embrace an opportunity now offered to inform you of the progress of truth in this region.

I left Nauvoo on the twenty-third of September last, to go to the eastern states, to preach the everlasting gospel, in company with another elder. On our journey we preached frequently to large congregations, many of whom, in consequence of false reports, appeared enraged against us as a people; but when the truth penetrated their hearts, they saw that they had been imposed upon by falsehoods and misrepresentations, and entertained very different feelings towards us. Their enmity was turned to respect, and they treated us with the greatest kindness. The Lord has indeed opened out our way, and although we have had much to contend with, both from priests and people, we have lacked no good thing, for the Lord God has been our friend.

When we arrived at Clinton, Boon County, we were fully satisfied that it was our duty to stop and preach. We had, at first, some difficulty to get a place to preach in but after speaking two or three times, there was more calls than we could attend to. We have continued preaching in this and an adjoining county, and combatting [combating] with priests, (who seem to be the most determined opposers to the truth,) until now. We have baptized thirty-two, and the prospect is still good. There are many enquiring [inquiring] after truth, and earnestly desirous to know the way of salvation, while many of the priests are running from place to place, and crying delusion! delusion!! and we have understood by many of the citizens that their great text is 'the Mormons' and 'Joe Smith;' but 'while they have made lies their refuge, and under falsehood hid themselves,' their misrepresentations only have a tendency to drive the honest in heart to enquire [inquire] into the truth, and to make the saints rejoice while they see satan overshoot himself. They have been endeavoring lately to make their hearers believe that we are more dangerous than their own mother, the Roman Catholic Church; they call her the mother of Harlots, if indeed she is , they are her offsprings and they all have descended form her. It does not speak much for her relationship; we must be in a bad predicament, if we are worse than them, for they are the acknowledged daughters of the old lady, who is described as being the mother of harlots.

In the midst of all their strife and confusion however, the work of the Lord is still progressing; the "little stone cut out of the mountains without hands" rolling forth, truth is gaining ground and priestcraft is trembling, and my prayer is, that the God of truth may roll forth his mighty work, till the honest in heart shall be gathered out of all nations, and the ends of the earth see the salvation of God.

I remain yours, in the new and everlasting covenant,

E. H. Mower.

From the Daily Sun.

Full particulars of the wonderful sights seen by the pilot of the Wm. Penn in the sky on Tuesday night, March 21.

On Saturday afternoon Mr. Wm. Frances, pilot of the Wm. Penn Steamboat, a packet that runs between this city and Rising Sun, Ia. called personally at our office to give us the full particulars of the wonderful sight seen by him on the night above mentioned, fully impressed with the solemnity of the subject, and the awful responsibility of telling any thing of this nature but what is strictly true. Mr. F. informed us that he is a member of the church, and assured us in the most solemn manner, that what he was about to relate was truth and nothing but the truth, and he is ready to convince any gentleman or lady that will call upon him.

He states that as the Penn was on her trip to this city, when between Rising Sun and Aurora, about 11 or 12 o'clock, P. M. he was



steering the boat along, it being a star bright night, excepting a few clouds in the west, low down, sky clear, when of a sudden a light burst forth, the whole face of the earth appearing to be lit up, which so blinded him that it was with difficulty he could see any thing, even the most near object. His first impression was that it lightened very sharply, but its continuing convinced him it must be something else, which he could not account for. The Captain of the Penn, James Pratzman, was sitting in the cabin at the time with three or four candles; he saw the light notwithstanding, ran out to the guard anxious to know the cause-asked Mr. Frances if he saw the light: Mr. Frances said he did. What is it? said Captain Pratzman. Dear only knows answered Mr. Frances, for I don't. From that the Captain disappeared from looking over the hurricane deck and went below.

Mr. Frances now being very anxious to discover whence this strange light came, looked dilligently [diligently] out at the side of the pilot-house, in rather a south-west course, but nearly over head, when he saw the outlines of a Serpent in the sky, in a crooked position, except the tail which was straight, the head toward the east. It turned to a lived bright red, deep and awful, and remained stationary in the stars. Mr. Frances watched it for two or three minutes, when the tail part disappeared nearly to the middle, and the remainder in a gradual manner formed into a distinct Roman


Mr. Frances had time now to mind the channel of the river, and deliberate upon the beauty and grandeur of a letter in the sky! It was remarkably interesting to him, as may well be supposed, from the accuracy of its formation. After about one minute and a half, he watching it and the boat alternately, it changed, turning into a distinct


as perfect as was ever seen, in which position it remained as before. Mr. Frances stated that he was surprised greatly at this, but not scared or frightened in the least, and immediately tapped the bell for the Captain to witness the scene. The Captain did not come immediately, but after a moment or two appeared, but ere this, the figure in the heavens had changed to a plain distinct letter


The Captain said to Mr. Frances, 'What's wanting?'

'Come here quick said Mr. Frances, 'and look up yonder, did you ever see the like?'

The Captain answered, 'I see it!' and looked at it till it disappeared.

Mr. F. states that when the O turned to a D it formed a kind of oblong shape, and then came straight on one side as a D should be. When it disappeared it turned into the same oblong shape as before, and, gradually the sky returned to its original appearance.

Mr. Frances states that he did not leave the wheel of the boat, but steered it to this city. He declares that let others think or say as they will, what he has related is strictly true. He is no Millerite, neither is he crazy nor frightened, and if gentlemen or ladies will call upon him he will convince them that what he has told is truth. Captain Pratzman remarked at the time, that it was something quite inexplicable, and was sorry he did not come to the deck sooner so as to have had a full view of this grand, wonderful and unaccountable phenomenon.

From the Palladinm [Palladium].

The Strange Light.

The luminous beam which has recently appeared in the south-western portion of the heavens, has no doubt attracted the attention of many of the readers of this paper. As a brief record of the phenomenon may be of future service, I offer the following particulars for publication.

The light appears to have been seen so early as the 6th inst; its latest appearance here was on the 13th; not being visible on subsequent evenings in consequence, perhaps, of the cloudiness of the atmosphere. It was visible between the hours of 6 and 9, P .M. but not during the whole of this interval.

It was apparantly [apparently] a straight trail of light 40 deg. in length: about 2 deg. in width; gradually fading in brightness, and diminishing in breadth toward the extremities; and having considerable resemblance to the delineated tail of the comet of 1680.

It seemed to extend from near the sun, upward at an angle of about 26 deg. with the horizon, toward and nearly to a star of the 4th magnitude in the check of the constellation called the Hare; or more technically expressed, to the star Mu Leporis.

There appears to be a difference in opinion respecting the character of this luminous beam; some supposing it to be the tail of a comet; while others conceive it to be the Zodiacal Light. Vesper.



[From the American]

The Comet

As the comet has excited considerable attention to-day, the following extract from an article on comets, in Rees' Cyclopœdia, published some thirty years ago. may be of interest. 'The elements of the orbits of the comets in 1264 and 1556, were so nearly the same, that it is very probable it was the same comet; if so, it ought to appear again about the year 1843.' The error here of five years, is a very small one when we consider that the period of this comet is about 292 years, or a little more than that.

From its first appearance in 1264

to its second appearance in 1556

was a period of 292 y's

Adding to this period the time

of its last appearance, viz: 1556

We have for its third appearance the year 1848

The idea that this was the planet Venus, and that the increased size and brightness of it, and its long tail, were owing to the action of the suns rays upon it by reflection or otherwise, we consider absurd. It is far more reasonable to suppose that it is the comet of 1264, and 1556 making a third visit to the earth.

By referring to the American Almanac, it will be seen that Venus is now at it's aphelion, or greatest distance from the sun. It was stated recently in a French journel [journal], that the French Astronomers were expecting the appearance of a comet to the earth about this time. Al.

Feb. 28.

[From the New Bedford Mercury.]

Mr. Editor: This day Feb. 28, a comet of great brilliance has been seen, visible through the day without the aid of a glass, and its brilliancy almost equal to that of Venus. Its situation is very near the eastern limb of the sun; its tail appears about three deg. in length. It may be the comet announced some three months since in Europe; It was then seen traversing the constellation Draco; be it that or another it is of rare brilliancy. There are but three on record of sufficient brilliancy to be seen in the day season. The first was 43 years before Christ, and is call a 'hairy star;' it was seen with the naked eye in the day time. The second was in the year 1402, and it was so brilliant that the light of the sun at the end of March, did not hinder people seeing it at mid-day; both its nucleus and its tail were, to use the language of the day, 'two fathoms long.' The third appeared in Feb 18, 1744, and nearly equalled [equaled] Venus in splendor, and many persons saw it at mid-day without glasses. It may yet prove that the comet of to-day is the same as that of 1402. Three observations only are necessary to calculate its orbit, the elements of which, if previously registered, will enable astronomers to decide whether the comet under consideration has appeared or not.

Of 504 comets that have entered the solar system, 24 have passed between Mercury and the Sun, 47 within Venus, 58 between Venus and the Earth, 73 between the Earth and Mars, and 302 between Mars and the orbit of Jupiter, and no casuality [casualty] has occurred to primary or satelite [satellite]. The comet of 1770 passed through the system of Jupiter without producing the slightest effect; still many people are alarmed at the appearance of these erratic bodies, these rail cars of the stellar regions, the mystery of whose office and destiny makes their astronomy of intense interest.

With reference to the danger of a comet's striking the earth, we here add that the comet Encke, whose period is only 1,207 days, and nearest the earth of all the comets known, cannot come in collission [collision] short of a period of 219,000,000 of years, which calculation is based upon astronomical facts.

The first of the following paragraphs is from the Boston Journal of the 1st inst., and the secand [second] from the Portland Advertiser:

"A gentleman from Braintree, of a highly respectable character, inform us that yesterday about noon, the inhabitants of that town were alarmed at the sight of a large heavenly body, resembling a comet, in the south-eastern part of the sky, and having a tail or train of considerable length. It was clearly visible to the naked eye for nearly an hour, until lost in the space! It was also seen yesterday, we understand, from other places."

"The beautiful celestial phenomenon of a comet visible at noon day, just without the radical blaze of the sun, and strongly illuminated by its light, attracted many gazers yesterday. We believe it had not before been noticed in this neighborhood. We do not ourselves remember to have seen its approach announced, but others inform us that it has been repeatedly predicted as likely to appear in February, 1843."

For the Times and Seasons.

Halos and Parhelia.

This morning, between the hours of six and nine o'clock, the heavens exhibited a splendid and delightful appearance, of halos or circles,



accompanied with parhelia or mock suns. Clouds of a white and fleecy appearance were, at the time, floating in the atmosphere, but so thin, as not to entirely obscure the blue Sky.-The wind blew very gently from the west by north-west. The cold being intense, especially for the time of year, and small crystals of ice or snow were visible, floating in the air.

The following diagram represents these beautiful phenomena as they appeared about half past seven o'clock, A. M. The magnitudes of the circles given in the following description may not be exact, as I was destitute of the proper instruments for their accurate measurement.

1st. Let z be the zenith directly under which the observer is stationed, looking to the east. Let the outer circle represent the horizon, surrounded by a very bright prismatic circle not far from 45 degrees in diameter; the lower limb of which extended below the horizon nearly 4 1-2 degrees. Its breadth and colours [colors] were about the same as that of a common rainbow; nearly all the prismatic colours [colors] were discernible; the red being on the concave part of the circle next the sun.

On each side of the sun, at a and b towards the north and south, there were two mock suns of different colours [colors], very splendid and bright in their appearance.

2nd. The sun was encircled by another halos k n i m, much larger, than the former, and parallel to it, being nearly 90 degrees in diameter and its lower limb being sunk below the horizon about 27 degrees. It exhibited the same colours [colors] as the first, though not so bright.

3d. At the tops of these circles, at c and i, were two inverted arches whose common centre [center] seemed to lay in the zenith. The upper arch, f i h, was exceedingly brilliant and beautifully coloured [colored], and appeared to be about 54 degrees the diameter, and that of the lower one, d c e about 99 degrees. Another parhelion or mock sun, appeared in the middle of the lower arch, at c, where it coincided with the circle first described, but its colours [colors] and brightness were inferior to those of the collateral mock suns at a and b.

4th. There appeared a circle, m b s a n t r, much larger than any I have yet described, being about 144 degrees in diameter, and of a uniform whiteness. It was about 18 degrees above the horizon, and parallel to it passing through the true sun, s, and the collateral parhelia, a and b, and also through two other parhelia, t and r, something about 90 or 100 degrees from the sun, one towards the north the other towards the south. The parhelia, t and r, were of a whitish colour [color], and not very distinctly seen. The intersections m and n, of this circle with the circle k i m, were rendered more distinctly visible than other portions of the two circles.

These beautiful and curious phenomena, doubtless owe their origin to the refraction of the sun's rays through the minute, though differently shaped prismatic crystals of ice and snow, which float in the atmosphere.

Equilateral and quadrilateral prisms of ice and snow, are formed by the process of crystalization [crystallization]; the former prisma [prism] having angels of 60 degrees, the latter, angles of 90 degrees. Rays of light from the sun, passing through the former, would necessarily, according to the established laws of refraction, produce a coloured [colored] or prismatic halo of about 45 degrees in diameter; while rays passing though the latter, would, as may be geometrically demonstrated according to the known laws of Dioptrics, produce a colored halo of about 90 degs. in diameter.

Halos may be artificially produced, by interposing transparent crystals between the eye and a luminous body, the diameters of which will depend on the refractive power and shape of the substance composing the crystals.

O. Pratt, A M,

Professor of Mathematics in the University of the City of Nauvoo.

March 23, 1843.

Mount Ætna.-An eruption of Ætna commenced in the latter part of last year, and to the latest accounts still continued. The smoke and flame have been clearly discernable [discernible] at Palmero, distant by an air-line, at least 90 English miles from the mount, This is the first erruption [eruption] which has been visible at Palmero since 1802. The height of Ætna by Cacemtar, Sir J. Herschell, and Capt. Smyth, is fixed at 10,874 feet, English.



-> In compliance with the polite request from Fort Wayne, Indiana, an elder has been appointed on a mission to that place, who will be there in a few weeks.

Times and Seasons.

City of Nauvoo,

Wednesday, April 1, 1843.

Signs of the Times.

Our Lord in speaking of the signs of the last days, says that there shall be signs in the sun, earth distress of nations, with perplexity; men's hearts failing them for fear of those things that are coming on the earth; and that there should be 'earthquakes in divers places.'

We scarcely can take up a paper, in these days, but what there is recorded some account of an earthquake, tornado, singular comets, signs in the heavens, or some dreadful calamity, phenomenon, or circumstance, calculated to impress forcebly [forcibly] upon our minds the days in which we live.

Many of these signs can be explained on philosophical principle, and no doubt but all of them could, if we were only sufficiently acquainted with the philosophy of the heavens, as well as of the earth, if we could unravel the mysteries of the universe, and penetrate into the designs of God. But this does not alter the principle that is taught by our Savior, as being a criterion whereby the saints are to judge of the signs of the times. If the earth is convulsed by a continuous succession of earthquakes, whose repeated throes are felt all over the universe; if the earth opens and mountains are swallowed, and cities and villages are engulphed [engulfed] in one general ruin, and consternation is spread throughout the world; however philosophically this may be accounted for, it is one the signs of the last days; 'there shall be earthquakes in divers places.'

If the winds should be let loose from their bounds, and mighty tornadoes desolate the earth; if forests should be uprooted, villages and cities rased [razed] to the ground, and one general scene of desolation ensue, or if terrible gales should sweep the ocean, drive vessels from their moorings, and by its fury cause the sea to lift up itself in majesty, and roll furiously beyond its bounds, spreading desolation wherever it bent its course, bidding defiance to the power and skill of man, stranding navies, and swallowing up in its fury ships and their mariners, and spreading wild dismay and general ruin; however philosophically Mr. Espy and other scientific gentlemen may account for storms, yet the finger of God is made manifest in them is fulfilled the saying of the prophets, 'there shall be terrible tempests and whirlwinds, that shall cause the children of men to fear.' 'The sea shall lift up itself beyond its bounds.' The sea and the waves roaring, and men's hearts failing them, for fear of those things that are coming on the earth, and the philosophy does not alter the matter of fact spoken of by the prophets, nor remove or invalidate the signs. If again, the stars should be removed from their orbits, or present any singular phenomenon; if there should be strange appearances in the sun, in the moon, or the heavens should shew [show] forth their signs; although philosophy may account for these on the principle of reflection and refraction, and other known causes, it does not alter the force of that saying, nor do away with, or weaken the significance of the sign spoken of by our Savior; 'there shall be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken.' Neither if certain comets should in their revolutions, dash with wild fury against the earth, and cause it to 'reel to and fro like a drunken man,' would that circumstance invalidate the testimony of the above mentioned scripture. Or if a fiery comet in its train, at its appointed time, should come in contact with the earth, and the inhabitants thereof should be burned up through that medium, it would not invalidate that scripture which says, 'the earth shall be burned up,' 'the earth that now is, is reserved for fire, against the judgement [judgment] of the great day.' We believe, however, that the signs spoken of in the scriptures will not be something vague, indefinite and uncertain, but clear, plain and intelligible, and such as will be seen and known by all the inhabitants of the earth, and such as they might take as a warning if they would be advised. The sign referred to in another page, wherein the letters G O D was seen in the heavens, is certainly a very striking one, and has a tendency to remind us of the last days.

We have to apologize to our readers, for this number being issued so much later than the day of publication, We had run short of paper, expecting that the river would have opened long before it did: and as it was impossible with the state of the roads to bring it by land, we had no other alternative but to wait until the river opened. We are sorry for the delay, but assure our friends that it was unavoidable on our part.-Every arrangement, however, is entered into that is necessary to make up the lost time, as we have engaged two sets of hands, to keep the



work progressing night and day, until the time is made up, which we expect will be in about three weeks.


We have had a very interesting conference, perhaps as much so as any that we have had since our settlement in Nauvoo.

The weather that had been so severe for such a length of time lost its violence; and we were favored all the time with beautiful warm weather, which to us proved very propitious, in consequence of our having to hold our conference in the open air.

The foundation of the Temple was crowded to excess, with thousands of saints, whose faces beamed with gladnes [gladness] as they listened to the Prophet, and others who officiated at the conference. The walls were also covered and the ground outside. for some distance around the Temple.

There never was a time perhaps when there was more order, and the most perfect harmony and unity prevailed.

As the minutes of the conference will be given in full, and most of the discourses, it will be unnecessary to make any further remarks.


One evening in the latter part of January last, a few young people having assembled at the house of elder H. C. Kimball; the follies of youth, and the temptations to which they are exposed generally, but more especially in our city, became the topic of conversation. The company were lamenting the loose style of their morals-the frivolous manner in which they spent their time-and their too frequent attendance at balls, parties, &c. &c., when elder Kimball proposed that an appointment should be given out expressly for the young ladies and gentlemen, and he would give them such instruction and advice as the spirit of the Lord might suggest to him; which, if followed, would doubtless lead to a reformation in the conduct of his young friends. This proposition was received with delight, and acted upon with alacrity. An appointment having been given out, a number of the young people assembled at the house of elder Billings, when elder Kimball addressed them for some time upon the duties of children to their parents, to society, and to their God; exhorting them to lay aside their vanity, lightmindedness, pride, and frivolity; and endeavor to show themselves worthy of the religion which they had embraced; advising them to shun evil company, (for by an individual's company is his character estimated,) and to be obedient to their parents, for this was the first commandment with promise.

This address was so well received by the assembled congregation, that it was voted, almost by acclamation, that a similar meeting should be held on the ensuing week. An appointment was accordingly circulated for the next Wednesday evening at Br. Farr's schoolroom, as elder Billings' house was too small to contain the assemblage.

On the appointed evening, the room was filled to overflowing. Elder Kimball addressed the crowded, but silent and attentive congregation, for the space of an hour; in that plain, simple, and affectionate manner, which goes directly to the heart, and which is so natural to the speaker. He first explained the duty which the youth owed to themselves, and the manner in which they might obtain honor and respect, viz: by applying their minds with determined perseverance to all the studies commonly deemed necessary to fit them for active life, and polish them for society; and not to be these, but also the study of the Scriptures, by the book of Mormon, the book of Doctrine and Covenants, and the theological work of their most talented elders. By pursuing this course, said he, "you will be enabled to give a reason for the hope and the joy which exists within you-you will always be prepared to explain the doctrine in which you believe-you will ever be ready to prove and defend your religion-you will be well received in company, and will be esteemed by all wise and good men. We who have borne the heat and burden of the day, will soon go the way of all the earth, and give place to you, my young brethren. You will soon come upon the stage of action, and be called upon to carry the glad tidings of the new and everlasting covenant to the remotest parts of the earth, and proclaim the news of gospel grace to a lost and ruined world. Strive, therefore, to show yourselves worthy of your calling: be dutiful, be humble, be faithful, be obedient, and quit yourelves [yourselves] like men, and men of God." He concluded his interesting discourse with a general exhortation to keep all of the commandments of God, to associate with none but the wise and virtuous, and lastly to keep themselves pure and unspotted from the world. This discourse like the preceding one, was received with delight by all the hearers. Brother Farr then made a few short but pertinent remarks, when a vote was taken whether the meetings should be continued, which was carried unanimously in the affirmative. This room being also too small, the next appointment was made for the meeting to be held at the house of President Smith.



Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather the house was completely filled at an early hour, and numbers were obliged to depart for want of room. The assembly were as usual addressed by elder Kimball, who, in a solemn and impressive manner, warned the young people against the evils to which they were exposed, and the temptations to which they were peculiarly subject; not only from their youth and inexperience, but also from their sanguine and excitable temperament. He exhorted them to be guided by the voice of reason and judgment, and pay strict attention to the advice and command of their parents, who being of maturer years, and a longer experience, are much better calculated to guide the pathway of youth, than they themselves. He warned them against giving heed to their passions, which he said would lead them into many snares, and difficulties. He advised them never to be too forward in company, for "a wise head keeps a silent tongue;" to be condescending to their inferiors, kind and conciliating to their equals, and deferential but not slavish to their superiors. He warned them against frequenting balls and such places, which, he said, would generally lead to many evil practices, and would draw away the mind from more innocent amusements, and from their duty to their parents. He said "he had not now, nor never had any objections to to having young people meet together in social parties, or indulging in any rational amusement: but, he strongly opposed carrying it to extremes, as it generally was." He concluded this address by exhorting them to give heed to his advice, for it was according to the Holy Scriptures, and "to live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. The house being still too small, the next meeting was appointed at the lodge-room over President Smith's store. At the appointed time this large room was filled to overflowing, and the great number which assembled, testified to the increasing interest, in which these meetings were held by the youth of the city. Again elder Kimball addressed them and gave them such advice as would be useful to them at the present time and also in their futures lives.

At the next meeting President Smith was present and addressed the young gentlemen and ladies for some time. He expressed his gratitude to elder Kimball in the strongest terms, for having commenced and carried on in so masterly a manner the good and glorious work he had undertaken. He said it would be the means of doing a great deal of good, and of benefitting [benefiting] his young friends more than they were aware of: that the gratitude of all good men, and of the young people whom he had so much benefitted [benefited], would follow him through life; and "when gray hairs should his temples adorn," he could look back with pleasure upon the winter of 1843, when he was engaged in promoting the cause of benevolence, and prepairing [preparing[ his young friends for the glorious career which awaited them.

He said that he stood before them with more embarrassment, than he would before kings, nobles, and great men of the earth, for he knew the crimes of which they were guilty, and knew precisely how to address them; but his young friends before whom he now stood were guilty of none of these crimes, and he hardly knew what to say. He said he had never in his life seen such a large company of young people assembled together, pay such strict attention, listen with such profound silence, and keep such good order, as the assembly now before him. He praised their good conduct, and taught them how to behave in all places, explained to them their duty, and advised them to organize themselves into a society for the relief of the poor. As a commencement to their benevolent efforts, he offered a petitition [petition] from an English brother by the name of Modesley, who was lame, and who wished them to build him a house, that he might have a home among the saints: he had gathered together a few materials for this purpose, but was unable to use them; and, now, relying upon the active benevolence of the young people of Nauvoo, he sends in the petition that you may act upon it as you deem proper. He advised them to choose a committee to collect funds for this purpose, and perform this charitable work as soon as the weather became suitable.-He gave them much good advice, to guide their conduct through life and prepare them for a glorious eternity. He said he was very much pleased with the course elder Kimball had taken, and hoped he would continue his meetings and that the young people would follow his teachings.

A meeting was appointed for the young men to take these things into consideration: but owing to the appointment not being generally circulated, many of the young gentlemen were not present. The meeting was however called to order; Wm. Cutler was chosen president, and Marcellus L. Bates clerk: Andrew Cahoon, C. V. Spencer and Stephen Perry were appointed as a committee to draft a constitution for the government of the society. After hearing several speeches the meeting adjourned till the evening of the 28th of March.

At the next public meeting we were addressed by elders Kimball and Roundy, and as usual, received much good instruction. Elder Kimball advised us to choose our wisest young men, as officers of the society, and appoint a commttee [committee] to wait upon the young ladies, as well as



gentlemen, and obtain their subscription; for, said he, 'they are as full of benevolence, and as ready to assist in relieving the poor, as are the young gentlemen.' He also advised that no one be excluded from the society, of whatever sect or denomination he might be; but give every one an opportunity of doing all the good in their power. On this evening the storm was raging tremenduously [tremendously], and the cold north wind was blowing in a most searching manner; yet, contrary to the expectations of every one, the house was almost filled, not only with young men and boys, but with the tender, lovely and beautiful females of our city. They seemed determined to brave every extremity of the weather, rather than be absent from the place where they received such good instructions.-This showed the good effects which had already been produced by these meetings, and cheered on the spirits of him who had first commenced them, and had since been their chief promoter. Instead of the young people spending their evenings at parties, balls, &c., they would now leave all, and attend to their meeting. Instead of hearing about this party and that party, this dance and that dance, in different parts of the city; their name was scarcely mentioned, and the Young People's Meetings became the chief topic of conversation.

Pursuant to adjournment, the young men convened together on the 21st of March. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, aud [and] the same officers appointed to preside as on the former evening. The report of the committee was then called for, which was as follows:

Whereas, The young gentlemen and ladies, citizens of the city of Nauvoo, are desirous of aiding and ameliorating the condition of the poor and of carrying out the principles of charity and benevolence, as taught in the holy scriptures, therefore, be it

Resolved, That we form ourselves into a society to be styled the "Young Gentlemen and Ladies Relief Society of Nauvoo," and that we be governed by the following articles, to wit:

1st. There shall annually be elected by the society, on the last Tuesday in March, a president, vice president, treasurer and secretary.

2d. It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all meetings of the society.

3d. It shall be the duty of the vice president to preside over all meetings in the absense [absence] of the president.

It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive all funds of the society, and to keep a correct record of all the receipts and disbursements, also from whom received, and to whose benefit appropriated, and make a report of the same, as often as required by the society.

It shall furthermore be the duty be [by] the said treasurer, before entering into office, to give bonds to the amount of one thousand dollars to the society, for the faithful discharge of all duties incumbent upon him, which shall be lodged in the hands of the Trustee in Trust.

5th. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a record of all the proceedings of the society.

6th. There shall annually be chosen a committee of vigilance, consisting of five persons, whose duties it shall be to search out the poor of our city, and make known to the society the wants of those whom they, in their judgment, shall consider most deserving of our assistance.

7th. The society shall meet on the last Tuesday in each month, at 6 o'clock, P. M.

8th. A special meeting of the society can be called by a petition of twelve of the members, to the secretary, whose duty it shall be to give notice of the same, by posting up a written notice in at least, three of the most public places in the city, at least, three days previous to said meeting.

9th. This constitution shall be lodged in the hands of the secretary, whose duty it shall be to present it at each meeting of the society, and receive the names of all persons wishing to become members, under thirty years of age, who can sustain a good moral character, and who are willing to support this constitution.

10th. Any person being a member if this society, and being found guilty of any disorderly conduct, or refusing to comply with the rules of the society, can be expelled at any regular meeting of the same, by a vote of the majority of the members present.

11th. In the event of a removal, by death, or prolonged absence of either of the officers, it shall be the prerogative of the society to appoint another in his stead.

12th. This constitution shall be subject to an amendment at any regular meeting of the society, by the voice of two-thirds of the members present.

This report was unanimously adopted, and the meeting then proceeded to choose their officers. William Walker was chosen president, William Cutler, vice president; Lorin Walker, treasurer, and James M. Monroe, secretary.-Stephen Perry, Marcellus L. Bates, R. A. Alread, Wm. H. Kimball, and Garrett Ivans, were appointed as a committee of vigilance.-After some discussion the meeting adjourned until the next Tuesday evening.

At the next public meeting, the large and crowded assembly were addressed at considerable length, by elders Jedediah Grant, Brigham Young, and Heber C. Kimball. The addresses



were very interesting and highly instructive, as the breathless silence and deep attention of the audience attested.

This is in short, a history of the rise of this society, which bids fair to be one of the most useful and benevolent societies in the Union.-Throughout all of the meetings, the most profound silence and the best of order was kept continually. If the youth throughout our land would follow this good example and form themselves into such societies, there would be much less sin, iniquity, misery, and degradation among the young people than there is at the present day; there would not be as many suffering poor, neither would there be as much immorality among the people. But on the contrary, peace, good order, happiness, cheerfulness and plenty, would reign in the land, the Lord would look down from his holy habitation and smile upon us, and bless us all.

J. M. Monroe, Secretary.

Elder's Conference.

The special conference of the 6th of April, was followed by a conference of elders, convened on the 10th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., and continued by adjournment from time to time, till the 12th. There were present of the quorum of the Twelve, Brigham Young, President; Heber C. Kimball, William Smith, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, George A. Smith and W. Richards.

The object of the conference was to ordain elders, and send them forth into the vineyard to build up churches; and the following appointments were made, with united voices, by the conference; agreeable to requests which were made by individuals who were acquainted with the several places which they represented.

James Munroe and Truman Gillet; Auburn, New York.

Dominicus Carter; Lockport, Indiana.

Joshua Holman and John Pierce; Madison, Indiana.

Wandle Mace and Isaac Hate; Washingtonville, Orange county, New York.

William O. Clark; Richardson Settlement, Iowa.

Benjamin Clapp, John Bear, Wilson Hewitt and L. O. Littlefield; Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Alonzo Whitney and J. Goodale; Dublin, Ohio.

William Eaton; Westfield, Sullivan county, New York.

Zebedee Coltrin, Graham Coltrin and James Flanigan; Smith and Tazewell counties, Virginia.

Jonathan Dunham; Lawrenceburgh, Indiana.

Lewis Robbins and Jacob Gates; Have a roving commission for Massachusetts, with leave to take their wives, but to keep out of the churches.

Stephen Markham and Truman Waite; Berlin, Huron county, Ohio.

John D. Chase and A. M. Harding; Pittsfield, Vermont.

Amos Fuller and Cyrus H. Wheelock; Newfane, Williamsville, Windham county, Vermont.

John S. Gleason and Henry Jacobs; West part of the state of New York.

Marcellus L. Bates and Norman B. Shearer; Near Sackets Harbor, New York.

Samuel Brown; Brandywine and Woodville, Maryland.

Lemuel Mallory and George Slater; Saline, Washtenau county, Michigan.

Moses Wade; Some county in New York, where there has been no preaching by the saints.

Chillion Daniels and E. Robinson; Pierpont, St. Lawrence county, New York.

William Brown and Daniel Cathcart; Pensacola, Florida.

Eleazar Willis; Go where he likes.

John Zundall; Muskootau, St. Clair county, Illinois.

Cradall Dunn; some where in Michigan.

George Middow; Waterloo, Canada

Samuel H. Rogers and Harvey Green; Greenwich, Cumberland, New Jersey.

Daniel Spencer; Eardly, Bristol and Clarendon, Lower Canada; March and Fitzroy Harbor, Upper Canada.

Elias Harmar; Green, Chenango county, New York.

Harvey Tate; Fort Wayne, Allen county, Indiana.

Robert D. Foster and Jonathan Allen; Candor, Tioga county, New York.

William Wharton, of Philadelphia; Wilmington, (and vicinity) Delaware.

Leonard Soby; Peru, Miami county, Indiana.

Warner Hoops; York county, Pennsylvania.

F. D. Wilson and G. W. Brandon; Dyer and Montgomery counties, Tennessee.

E. H. Groves and G. P. Dykes; From Terre Haute to Shawneetown and Cairo, on both sides of the Wabash.

P. Sessions; Oxford county, Maine.

John. L. Butler and David Lewis; Lexington and Teesburgh, Kentucky.

Charles C. Rich; Ottowa, Illinois.

W. W. Rust; Worcester county, Massachusetts.

Aaron M. York; Maine.

Asaph Rice; Pontiac, Michigan.

Orson Spencer; New Haven, Connecticut.



Lorin Farr; Connecticut, leave to call at Milwaukie [Milwaukee].

Stephen Perry, Amos B. Tomlinson, E. G. Terrill, Amos P. Rogers, Joseph Outhouse and William Bird; state of Connecticut.

Francis Edwards and Charles Ryan; Overton, Jackson county, Tennessee.

Benjamin Kempton; Wheeling to Mount Vernon, Ohio.

Peter Hess, of Philadelphia; Lancaster and vicinity, Pennsylvania.

Noah Curtis and Luman H. Corkins; Wayne county, New York.

Stratton Thornton and Sandford Porter; South East part of Illinois and Indiana.

Benjamin Leland and Eden Smith; Erie county, Pennsylvania.

Samuel Swarner; Orleans county, New York.

Jacob E. Terry and Err Terry; Niagara District, Upper Canada.

Edward P. Duzette and Elisha Edwards; Loraine and Huron counties, Ohio.

Edwin Williams; New Germantown, Hunterdon county New Jersey.

Jacob G. Bigler; Weston, Lewis county, Virginia.

Orlando Hovey; New Trenton, Franklin county, Indiana.

William B. Brink; Some place in the interior of Pennsylvania, where the elders have not been.

F. B. Jacaway and Samuel Rowland; Adams county, Ohio.

Moses Tracy; Perry county, Illinois.

Alfred Brown; Maysville, Chatauque county, New York.

Noah Rogers, Peter Lemons, Joseph Mount, B. W. Wilson, Addison Pratt and John Brown; State of Vermont.

Samuel C. Brown; To labor on the Temple.

James Carroll; New Castle, Henry county Indiana.

Levi Steward and James Pace; Williamson and Gallatin counties, Illinois.

Edwin Clegg; Rock Island, Illinois.

John Carns; Richmond, Indiana.

Edward Bosley and Rodman Clark; Gennessee, Livingston county, New York.

James Hutchins and Daniel Tyler; Natchez, Mississippi.

George M. Chase; Auburn, Geauga county, Ohio.

John Royce; Singsing, New York.

Lyman Whitney; Franklin county, Vermont.

Twenty-two were ordained elders.

Almon Babbitt was restored to fellowship by unanimous acclamation of the conference.

Elder Curtis Hodges, (who has a wife in this place) was cut off from the church for his anti-christian conduct, in Warrick county, Indiana.

Elder James Alread, John Snider, and Aaron Johnson, were appointed to administer baptism for the dead, in the river, while the font could not be used.

President Young instructed the elders not to go from church to church, for the purpose of living themselves, or begging for their families, or for preaching; but to go to their places of destination, journeying among the world, and preaching by the way as they have opportunity; and if they get any thing for themselves they must do it in those churches they shall build up, or from the world, and not enter into other men's labors.

Several elders have been represented to us as having travelled [traveled] extensively the past season, preaching but little, or none, living on the brethren, and begging for their own emolument. Such elders, be they where they may, far or near, are instructsd [instructed] to repair forthwith to Nauvoo, and give an account of their stewardship, and report the amount of leg service performed by them; and on their return be sure to keep out of the churches.

It is wisdom for the elders to leave their families in this place, when they have any thing to leave with them; and let not the elders go on their mission, until they have provided for their families. No man need say again "I have a call to travel and preach," while he has not a comfortable house for his family-a lot fenced, and one year's provisions in store, or sufficient to last his family during his mission.

The Lord will not condemn any man for following counsel, and keeping the commandments; and a faithful man will have dreams about the work he is engaged in. If he is engaged in building the Temple, he will dream about it; and if in preaching he will dream about that, and not, when he is laboring on the temple, dream that it is his duty to run off preaching, and leave his family to starve; such dreams are not of God.

When I was sick last winter, some of the sisters came and whispered in my ear, "I have nothing to eat." Where is your husband?" "He is gone a preaching." Who sent him? said I, for the Lord never sent him to leave his family to starve.

When the twelve went to England, they went on a special mission, and by special commandment; and they left their families sick and destitute, God having promised that they should be provided for; but God does not require the same thing of the elders now, neither does he promise to provide for their families when they leave them contrary to counsel. The elders must provide for their families.



I wish to give a word of advice to the sisters, and I will give it to my wife. I have known elders who had, by some means, got in debt, but had provided well for their families during their contemplated mission, and after they had taken their departure their creditors would teaze [tease] their wives for the pay due from their husbands till they would give them the last provision they had left them, and they were obliged to subsist on charity or starve till their husbands returned. Such a course of conduct on the part of the creditor is anti-christian, and criminal, and I forbid my wife from paying one cent of my debts while I am absent attending to the things of the kingdom; and I want all the sisters to act on the same principle.

Elder Hyde said, if there is an elder who does not provide for his family in the unrighteous mammon, shall we commit to him the true riches, the priesthood, missions, &c.? No!

Elder Woodruff requested the elders to remember in their travels, that there was a printing press in Nauvoo, and that it is in the hands of the church; and wished the elders would procure subscribers for the papers, collect pay for the same, and forward it to the editor, in cash.

Elder Kimball instructed the elders that when they found a place where the people wanted preaching, they must stay themselves and preach, and not run away somewhere else, and write to Nauvoo to have elders sent to the place they had left.

Elders Woodruff and Taylor requested that when the elders had built up a church, they would write a brief statement of facts, unincumbered [unencumbered] with useless matter, and forward their communication to the editor of the "Time and Seasons," post paid.

The elders were reminded that they need not expect any attention would be given to unpaid letter, directed to the Presidency.

The elders were also reminded that although they were not sent out to be taught, but to teach, yet if they would prosper in their missions, they must be careful to teach those things alone which would be profitable to their hearers; that they must bear their testimony of the truth of the fulness [fullness] of the gospel, and preach nothing but faith and repentance to this generation; and that if they presumed to teach to babes those things which belong to men, they might expect to return to Nauvoo as destitute as they went out; but if they adhered closely to the first principles and taught the "word of wisdom, " more by example than by precept, walking before God and the world, in all meekness and lowliness of heart, living by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord, they might expect an abundant harvest; and as doves return to their windows in flocks, when they see the storm approaching, so will multitudes, by listening to their voices, learn of the things which await the earth, and arise and flee, and return unto Mount Zion,. and her stakes with them, who shall be seals of their ministry in the day of celestial light and glory. Brigham Young, Prest.

W. Richards, Cl'k.

Minutes of a conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at Augusta, Iowa Territory, April 1st and 2d, A. D .1843.

Conference convened pursuant to previous appointment. Elder John Smith and others were in attendance from Zarahemla. Elder John Smith was unanimously chosen president, and John M. Neely, clerk of the conference. The president then made some remarks setting forth the object of the meeting.

The first business was to organize the Augusta branch.

Resolved, That elder James Brown, act as presiding elder of said branch, and elders Asher Grisman and John Grosbeck as his associates, and John M. Neely as clerk. Some individual difficulties were then introduced, but not acted upon in consequence of the regular steps of labor not being taken. A representation of the branch was then called for. The teachers presented the branch as consisting of eighty-four members, in good standing; including two high priests, eleven elders, four priests, two teachers, and one deacon.

Resolved, That this meeting adjourn till 2 o'clock, P. M.

Conference convened pursuant to adjournment; prayer and discourse delivered by elder Rufus Fisher, showing forth in an able manner, that in all ages of the world, when God had a church on the earth, that satan would stir up the enemies of God against it; consequently, the saints always had to edure [endure] persecution. He was followed by elder John Kellien, setting forth the late persecution of the saints in Missouri, showing clearly that many of the disasters which befel [befell] the saint in Missouri was in consequence of their not following the council of the Lord's prophet and seer.

Conference then adjourned till Sabbath morning, 10 o'clock.

(To be continued.)

+ It will be seen that the date of the paper and that of the minutes of the conference, disagree; owing to the papers being printed later than the publication day.

As we had not room for all the minutes, we have published the elders appointments first, thinking that many might be desirous to now the place of their destination.




On the Death of Lorenzo D. Barnes.

By Thomas Ward.

And art thou dead my brother; my brother! And shortly, when the judgments of the Lord.

Yes, by the strongest ties that bind the heart, Shall burst upon the people who reject

Thou wert my brother; even by the bond The gospel of his Son, and turn away

Of God's most holy covenant; and, Oh! Contemptuous from the terms of peace. And thou

I loved thee well, for who that knew thy truth, Hast fallen in a land of strangers, where

Thy virtue, and integrity, but must Thy kindred dwell not; and their hearts will grieve

Have owned thy power, and lov'd thee. But 'tis well. To hear thy fate, but not as without hope;

Thou has nobly fallen. In duty's path They will mourn not for thee as the world mourns,

Thou wert, and zealous for the cause of truth; But look to meet thee in the glorious hour,

Nor fruitless was thy mission, but again When he shall come a kingdom to receive,

In fairer scenes thou shalt behold its fruits Whose right it is to reign! Then, my brother,

Arrayed in glory, and to thee a crown Thou shalt hail thy friends in triumph; no more

Of great rejoicing in the day of God. To be subject of death's fatal dart,

Thou sleepest well. Thou standest chronicl'd But clothed in power, and by thy priesthood called

(In these last days of mercy unto man,) To reign with Christ a king and priest. The day,

The first that in a distant land has left The great triumphant day shall come, when he,

His ashes to repose, of those who went, Before whose potent arm thou now hast fallen,

At God's command, to bear the glorious news Shall be no more; for Christ must reign until

Of his unchanging character, and tell The last of enemies shall be destroyed:

A people lost in error, of the work Then amid the pageantry and pomp

The Lord has wrought, and of the high behests Of myriad hosts in light supernal, and all

To proclaim a faithful testimony, The thousand joys that minister to bliss,

And warn the nations that ihe [the] hour will come, Still one shall be to meet Lorenzo there.



By Thomas Ward.

In his grave they have laid him, he slumbers in peace, O! then let us be glad in the light that has come,

While his spirit in Paradise sweetly shall rest, E'en the gospel's bright fulness [fullness], its priesthood of power;

Till the hour when the angel shall sound his release, While we look for a city-a glorious home,

In the first resurrection with Christ to be blest. And to meet all the sanctified dead in that hour.

O! then weep not, dear sister, more blessed is he, Then, O, Father above, let thy blessing descend,

Thy partner in life, though he lie with the dead; Let thy spirit its sweet consolation impart

And the band of affection that bound him to thee, To the widow, the mother, the sister and friend,

Is not severed because that his spirit hath fled, Let the joys of salvation enliven her heart.

Yet a short time shall pass, when, lo! gathered in one, Let her vision be clear of that glorious day,

All the saints of the Lord both in heav'n and earth, When thy Son shall descend with his angels of might,

With thee and thy young ones, and partner that's gone. When sorrow and pain, and all tears pass away,

May rejoice in the hour of a glorious birth. And truth stands revealed in heaven's own light.

The Times and Seasons,

Is Edited by John Taylor, printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff,

Terms.-Two dollars per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, post paid, or they will not receive attention.