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#REDIRECT[[Common issues in interpretation and proof-texting#How is Isaiah 43:10 used as a proof-text by critics of the Church doctrines of humans' ability to become like God through Christ's atonement?]]
==King James Version==
Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
==Other translation(s)==
==Use or misuse by Church critics==
This verse is used as a proof-text by critics of the LDS doctrines of the plurality of gods and the deification of man. Critics claim that this verse proves that there never has been or ever will be another being who could properly be called a god.
==Further reading==
===FAIR wiki articles===
[["No God beside me"|"No God besides me"]]
[[Deification of man|Deification of man]]
===FAIR website===
''Monotheism, Messiah, and Mormon's Book'', Brant A. Gardner {{fairlink|url=http://www.fairlds.org/FAIR_Conferences/2003_Monotheism_Messiah_and_Mormons_Book.html}}
===On-line articles===
''Introduction to the Divine Council'', Michael S. Heiser, PhD {{pdflink|url=http://www.thedivinecouncil.com/Introduction%20to%20the%20Divine%20Council%20MTIT.pdf}}
Divine Council Website {{link|url=http://www.thedivinecouncil.com}}
===Print works===
{{book1|author=David Penchansky|title=Twilight of the Gods: Polytheism in the Hebrew Bible|place=Louisville, Kentucky|date=2005|publisher=Westminster John Knox Press|start=160 pp|isbn=978-0664228859}}

Latest revision as of 20:08, 21 May 2024