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{{Resource Title|What is the Latter-day Saint view of the atonement of Jesus Christ?}}
|link=Jesus Christ/Atonement
|L=Jesus Christ/Atonement
|subject=The Atonement of Jesus Christ
|H=The Atonement of Jesus Christ
|summary=Critics seriously understate the position of the Church of Jesus Christ with respect to the atonement. Many of the quotations used by critics regarding the LDS view of the atonement have been taken out of context, or the further comments of the speaker have been ignored. This is an implied a form of "bearing false witness," which is completely against the Gospel that the Savior taught during His earthly ministry. Critics, such as the authors of ''[[Mormonism 101]]'', show very little evidence of having "studied the [Latter-day Saint] movement for the greater part of their lives" as they claim. In fact, if one takes up the authors' challenge to check their sources, one finds that in every case they are found wanting, often seriously so. In their "witnessing tip" regarding the Book of Mormon the authors conclude their imaginary dialogue by asking: "If Smith was misleading in this statement, how can I trust his other statements?"
|S=Critics seriously understate the position of the Church of Jesus Christ with respect to the atonement. Many of the quotations used by critics regarding the LDS view of the atonement have been taken out of context, or the further comments of the speaker have been ignored. This is an implied a form of "bearing false witness," which is completely against the Gospel that the Savior taught during His earthly ministry. Critics, such as the authors of ''[[Mormonism 101]]'', show very little evidence of having "studied the [Latter-day Saint] movement for the greater part of their lives" as they claim. In fact, if one takes up the authors' challenge to check their sources, one finds that in every case they are found wanting, often seriously so. In their "witnessing tip" regarding the Book of Mormon the authors conclude their imaginary dialogue by asking: "If Smith was misleading in this statement, how can I trust his other statements?"
|L1=The Latter-day Saint view of the atonement of Jesus Christ
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{{:Jesus Christ/Atonement/Mormon perspective}}
|link=Jesus Christ/Atonement/Quotes
|subject=LDS view of the atonement
|summary=Statements regarding the LDS view of the atonement
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|link=Jesus Christ/Atonement/Centrality in LDS thought
|subject=The centrality of the atonement in LDS thought
|summary=Joseph Smith, the founding prophet, stated that "the fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it." Those appendages include the gift of the Holy Ghost, power of faith, enjoyment of the spiritual gifts, restoration of the house of Israel, and the final triumph of truth. <ref>{{HoC|vol=3|30}} The passage is quoted frequently: Richard R. Hopkins, ''Biblical Mormonism. Responding to Evangelical Criticism of LDS Theology'' (Bountiful, Utah: Horizon Publishers, 1994), 123; {{TPJS|pages=121}}; {{Book:Dahl Cannon:Encyclopedia of Joseph Smith's Teachings|pages=55}}; Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, Second Edition (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966), 60.; also in {{EoM|author=M. Gerald Bradford and Larry E. Dahl|article=Doctrine: Meaning, Source, and History of Doctrine|vol=1|pages=393–397}}; Tad Callister, ''The Infinite Atonement'' (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 2000), 3–4; Keith W. Perkins, "Insights into the Atonement from Latter-day Scriptures," ''Principles of the Gospel in Practice'', Sperry Symposium 1985 (Salt Lake City, Utah;: Randall Book Company, 1985), 91; {{CR|author=Bruce R. McConkie|date=April 1950|pages=130}}; quoted in Richard G. Grant, ''Understanding these Other Christians. An LDS Introduction to Evangelical Christianity'' (self-published, 1998): 42; ''My Errand from the Lord. A personal study guide for Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums 1976-1977'' (Salt Lake City: Corporation of the President, 1976), 92. The statement was first published in an early LDS publication, the {{EJ|vol=I|pages=28-9|date=1832}} The frequency of appearance of this quotation in LDS literature makes one wonder why it is not to be found in Mormonism 101; indeed, the authors claim to have read the first six references cited here.</ref> The atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the central fact of all LDS theological teaching.
|sublink1=Question: Do Latter-day Saints diminish the importance of Jesus Christ and His atonement?
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|link=Jesus Christ/Crucified on a cross
|subject=Was Jesus actually crucified on a cross?
|summary=In the original Greek of the New Testament, accounts of Jesus' death only say he was put to death on "a pole." Is the belief of most of Christianity on "the cross" actually misguided?
|sublink1=Question: Was Jesus actually crucified on a cross, or was it actually a "pole"?
|sublink2=Question: Are Latter-day Saints are not true Christians because they do not use the cross and believe that the atonement occurred in the Garden of Gethsemane?
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|link=Jesus Christ/Atonement/The garden and the cross
|subject=The garden and the cross
|summary=There is evidence that other mainstream Christians considered the atonement to have at least begun in the Garden, being consummated on the cross, which is what the Latter-day Saints have taught for more than 170 years.
|sublink1=Question: Are Latter-day Saints are not true Christians because they do not use the cross and believe that the atonement occurred in the Garden of Gethsemane?
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|link=Jesus Christ/Atonement/As viewed by Historical Christianity
|subject=The Atonement as viewed by historical Christianity
|summary=Critics seem to assume that the LDS position is a "ransom" theory of atonement, and that the mainstream Christian interpretation is one of sacrificial death on the cross. They quote some statements from Latter-day Saint leaders emphasizing the Garden of Gethsemane as being the place of the atonement. They write, "Christians have long maintained that this glorious act of sacrifice took place on Golgotha Hill… It was here that God Himself was subject to the humiliating death of a common criminal,"<ref>{{CriticalWork:McKeeverJohnson:Mormonism 101|pages=145}}</ref> and note that "Christians realize that salvation is a result of what Jesus did for them on the cross… To even insinuate that this took place in the Garden of Gethsemane is a foreign concept to the Christian."<ref>{{CriticalWork:McKeeverJohnson:Mormonism 101/Short|pages=148}}</ref>
|sublink1=Question: How do Mormons view the historical position of the Christian church with regard to the atonement of Jesus Christ?
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|link=Jesus Christ/Atonement/LDS versus evangelical Christian view
|subject=Comparing the LDS and evangelical Christian views of the atonement
|summary=Critics often make comparisons of what they claim are LDS views of the atonement against evangelical Christian views in an attempt to discredit the LDS perspective. As is so frequently done, the critics attempt to compare apples and oranges by contrasting "resurrection" on the LDS side with "salvation" on the other side. They are contrasting "cross only" with "garden and cross." They are rejecting the possibility of the Israelites having any knowledge whatever of the works of the future Messiah, and therefore being saved by their faith in the future Messiah. The restoration of the Gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith actually makes the two positions most compatible, at least from the perspective of the members of the Church of Jesus Christ. The LDS position is a broader concept, based on further light and knowledge, i.e., revelation from God.
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|link=Jesus Christ/Atonement/Extent
|subject=Extent of the atonement
|summary=Critics seem to object that the atonement is applicable to all who have ever lived. They want to restrict it to only those who lived after the Savior ("only after Christ's death" and "for the believer").
|sublink1=Question: How do Mormons view the extent of the atonement of Jesus Christ?
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|link=Jesus Christ/Atonement/Portrayed in Latter-day Saint hymns
|subject=The atonement as portrayed in Latter-day Saint hymns
|summary=We note one hymn sung frequently by the members of the Church of Jesus Christ during their worship services. It has been in the LDS hymnals since 1896, and includes the following thoughts: "Reverently and meekly now, let thy head most humbly bow, think of me, thou ransomed one; think what I for thee have done, with my blood that dripped like rain, sweat in agony of pain, with my body on the tree I have ransomed even thee. In this bread now blest for thee, emblem of my body see; in this water or this wine, emblem of my blood divine. Oh, remember what was done that the sinner might be won. On the cross of Calvary I have suffered death for thee. Bid thine heart all strife to cease; with thy brethren be at peace. Oh, forgive as thou wouldst be even forgiven now by me. In the solemn faith of prayer cast upon me all thy care, and my Spirit's grace shall be like a fountain unto thee. At the throne I intercede; for thee ever do I plead. I have loved thee as thy friend, with a love that cannot end. Be obedient, I implore, prayerful, watchful evermore, and be constant unto me, that thy Savior I may be." This hymn, penned by a Latter-day Saint, is even more significant, given that when the new edition of the LDS hymnal was reviewed by a Professor of Music at the University of Toronto, the reviewer indicated that it "would enhance a communion service in any church."<ref>Joseph L. Townsend, "Reverently and Meekly Now," hymn 185; first in 1896; also in 1906 edition, hymn 331. The reviewer was Hugh McKeller, in the journal, ''The Hymn'' (April 1996), quoted in Karen Lynn Davidson, ''Our Latter-day Hymns'', 200.</ref> It does so precisely because it emphasizes the atoning sacrifice of Christ for all people. He is the Savior, who shed His blood for us. This has been the position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from the beginning, and continues to be so.
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Latest revision as of 13:04, 30 April 2024

The Atonement of Jesus Christ

Summary: Critics seriously understate the position of the Church of Jesus Christ with respect to the atonement. Many of the quotations used by critics regarding the LDS view of the atonement have been taken out of context, or the further comments of the speaker have been ignored. This is an implied a form of "bearing false witness," which is completely against the Gospel that the Savior taught during His earthly ministry. Critics, such as the authors of Mormonism 101, show very little evidence of having "studied the [Latter-day Saint] movement for the greater part of their lives" as they claim. In fact, if one takes up the authors' challenge to check their sources, one finds that in every case they are found wanting, often seriously so. In their "witnessing tip" regarding the Book of Mormon the authors conclude their imaginary dialogue by asking: "If Smith was misleading in this statement, how can I trust his other statements?"

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The Latter-day Saint perspective on the atonement of Jesus Christ

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Source(s) of the criticism
Critical sources
  • Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson, Mormonism 101. Examining the Religion of the Latter-day Saints (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 2000), Chapter 10. ( Index of claims )
