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#REDIRECT[[The Church's approach to history]]
{{Resource Title|Censorship and revision in Church history}}
|link=Mormonism and history/Censorship and revision
|subject=Censorship and revision of Church history
|summary=Some claim that the church has "whitewashed" some of the information about its origins to appear more palatable to members and investigators. Some feel that this is done intentionally to hide negative aspects of church history. Others feel that it is done to focus on the good, but that it causes problems for believing members when they encounter these issues outside of church curriculum.
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|link=Mormonism and history/Censorship and revision/Has the Church whitewashed its history
|subject=Has the Church "whitewashed" its history?
|summary=Has the church "whitewashed" some of the information about its origins to appear more palatable to members and investigators?
|sublink1=Question: Has the Church "whitewashed" some of the information about its origins to appear more palatable to members and investigators?
|sublink2=Question: What are the different levels of knowledge that members may have about Church history?
|sublink3=Question: Do Mormon histories have a long history of omitting mention of plural marriage as a cause for the Saints' troubles in Illinois?
|sublink4=Question: Why does the account of Sidney Rigdon's 'trial' recorded in the Times and Seasons differs markedly from the version available in the History of the Church?
|sublink5=Question: Does Oliver Cowdery's blessing and promise to Orson Hyde contain a false prophecy, which was then altered before being printed in History of the Church?
|sublink6=Question: Did Wilford Woodruff criticize assistant Church Historian Andrew Jenson's decision to publish the names of those who were married to Joseph Smith because he wanted to hide the fact that Joseph was married to other women?
|sublink7=Question: Did the Church order Ronald L. Poelman's 1984 conference talk to be re-recorded with a "cough track" in order to hide the fact that changes had been made?
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|link=Mormonism and history/Accuracy of Church art
|subject= Church art and historical accuracy
|summary=It is claimed by some that the Church knowingly "lies" or distorts the historical record in its artwork in order to whitewash the past, or for propaganda purposes. A commonly used example is the inaccuracy of any Church art representing the translation process of the Book of Mormon.
|sublink1=Question: Does Church art always reflect reality?
|sublink2=Question: Why are people concerned about Church artwork?
|sublink3=Question: Is the Church trying to hide something through its use of artwork?
|sublink4=Question: Why doesn't the art match details which have been repeatedly spelled out in Church publications?
|sublink5=Question: How do non-Mormon artists treat the Nativity?
|sublink6=Question: What message does the Book of Mormon translation painting convey?
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|link=Mormonism and Church discipline/Scholars/Does the Church excommunicate historians
|subject=Does the Church excommunicate scholars who publish historical information?
|summary=Some claim that the Church excommunicates or disfellowships scholars who publish historical information that is embarrassing to Church leaders. It is often claimed, despite the fact that these disciplinary actions are carried out by local leaders, that they are in reality instigated by general authorities. It is also claimed that the Church is silencing honest people for telling the truth.
|sublink1=Question: Who are the "September Six"?
|sublink2=Question: Are the reasons for discipline ever made public?
|sublink3=Statement by The Council of the First Presidency and The Quorum of the Twelve on Church Discipline
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|link=Brigham Young/Polygamy/Hiding history
|subject=Brigham Young and plural marriage
|summary=It is claimed that the Church's manual, ''The Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young'', attempts to "hide history" by portraying Brigham Young (a well-known polygamist) as having only one wife.
|sublink1=Question: Does Church manual, ''The Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young'', attempt to "hide history" by portraying Brigham Young (a well-known polygamist) as having only one wife?
|sublink2=Question: What does ''The Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young'' say about Brigham's wives?
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|link=Mormonism and history/Censorship and revision/Hiding the facts
|subject=Hiding the facts in plain sight using Church publications
|summary=Quite a few items that some claim were hidden by the Church were actually published in Church magazines such as the ''New Era'', the ''Ensign'' and the ''Friend''.
|sublink1=Folk Magic
|sublink2=Treasure seeking and seer stones
|sublink3=Changes to the Book of Mormon
|sublink4=Question: What Church sources discuss either the use of the seer stone or the stone and the hat as part of the Book of Mormon translation process?
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|link=Lucy Mack Smith/Biography
|subject=Brigham Young destroys Lucy Mack Smith's history of Joseph?
|summary=Did Brigham Young attempt to suppress and destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith because it contained information which would embarrass the Church? It is claimed that Brigham Young inserted the reference to Joseph Smith's First Vision into Lucy's book. Critics also try to prove that the silence of Joseph's mother and siblings in her history prove that the First Vision did not take place, and is a later fabrication by Joseph, and not well known to the early members of the church.
|sublink1=Question: Did Brigham Young attempt to suppress and destroy all copies of Lucy Mack Smith's ''Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith''?
|sublink2=Question: Did Brigham Young insert the reference to Joseph's First Vision into Lucy Mack Smith's history?
|sublink3=Question: Was the Prophet's mother Lucy Mack Smith silent about Joseph's history?
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[[en:Mormonism and history/Censorship and revision]]
[[es:El Mormonismo y la Historia/La censura y la revisión]]
[[pt:Mormonismo e História/Censura e revisão]]

Latest revision as of 17:12, 20 November 2023