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#REDIRECT [[Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church]]
{{Resource Title|Index to claims made in ''Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church''}}
|title=[[../|Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church]]
|author=Dr. Simon G. Southerton
|section=Index of Claims
|previous=<!-- [[../Overview|Overview]] -->
|next=[[../Use of sources|Use of sources]]
This is an index of claims made in this work with links to corresponding responses within the FAIR Wiki. An effort has been made to provide the author's original sources where possible.
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|summary=Responses to claims made in "Introduction"
|sublink1=Response to claim: xiii- The Book of Mormon talks primarily of a small group of Jews who sailed from Jerusalem in 600 B.C.
|sublink2=Response to claim: xiii - Mormons believe that the dark skinned race constitutes the principal ancestors of the American Indians
|sublink3=Response to claim: xiv - Joseph Smith claimed that the Book of Mormon was the most correct book on earth
|sublink4=Response to claim: xiv - The Israelites are said to have arrived in a land kept from the knowledge of other nations
|sublink5=Response to claim: xiv - There is no mention of any non-Israelite people in the New World
|sublink6=Response to claim: xiv - The Book of Mormon describes the farming of Old World domesticated plants
|sublink7=Response to claim: xiv - The Book of Mormon mentions horses in the New World
|sublink8=Response to claim: xiv - The Book of Mormon describes the farming of Old World domesticated plants
|sublink9=Response to claim: xiv - The Book of Mormon mentions horses in the New World
|sublink10=Response to claim: xiv - The Book of Mormon mentions oxen in the New World
|sublink11=Response to claim: xiv - The Book of Mormon mentions cattle in the New World
|sublink12=Response to claim: xiv - The Book of Mormon mentions goats in the New World
|sublink13=Response to claim: xv - Little has been discovered to support the civilizations described in the Book of Mormon
|sublink14=Response to claim: xv - The Mesoamerican cultures worshipped multiple gods and performed human sacrifice, which is not consistent with the culture of the Book of Mormon people
|sublink15=Response to claim: xv - Many LDS scholars criticize mainstream scientific views in their defense of the Book of Mormon
|sublink16=Response to claim: xv - The Church employs academics to professionally defend the Book of Mormon
|sublink17=Response to claim: xv - The weight of evidence has forced LDS scholars to scale back the scope of the Book of Mormon
|sublink18=Response to claim: xvi - LDS leaders ignore LDS scholarship and continue to teach that Native Americans and Polynesians are literal descendants of the Israelites
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|link=/Chapter 1
|subject=Chapter 1
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 1: A Chosen Race in a Promised Land"
|sublink1=Response to claim: 3 - Attempts to describe Mormon doctrine are "fraught with peril"
|sublink2=Response to claim: 3 - Reversals of doctrine regarding polygamy and regarding Blacks and the priesthood were "painful and damaging" to the Church
|sublink3=Response to claim: 4 - The idea that the words of living prophets supersede the words of dead prophets has been "recently" promoted
|sublink4=Response to claim: 4 - Mormon doctrine is "fluid and changeable"
|sublink5=Response to claim: 7-8 - The Nephites raise "herds of cattle, goats and horses"
|sublink6=Response to claim: 8 - The Nephites raise Old World wheat and barley
|sublink7=Response to claim: 8 - The author states that the Nephites construct a temple that is "similar in splendor" to Solomon's
|sublink8=Response to claim: 8 - The Nephites are skilled in the use of metals such as iron, copper, brass, gold and silver
|sublink9=Response to claim: 8 - The Nephites use steel to fashion swords, breastplates, and arm and head shields
|sublink10=Response to claim: 8 - The Nephites built defensive mounds around their cities
|sublink11=Response to claim: 8 - The Lamanites vastly outnumber the Nephites
|sublink12=Response to claim: 8 - The "skin of blackness" is occasionally removed from the Lamanites when they are righteous, and returns to the Lamanites when they become unrighteous
|sublink13=Response to claim: 8 - The Book of Mormon links the color of a person's skin to morality
|sublink14=Response to claim: 9 - The Book of Mormon promotes the view that the "white race" is superior
|sublink15=Response to claim: 10 - In 1966 the Book of Abraham papyri were discovered
|sublink16=Response to claim: 10 - The translation of the papyri does not resemble the Book of Abraham
|sublink17=Response to claim: 10 - The denial of the priesthood to the Blacks was based upon the Book of Abraham
|sublink18=Response to claim: 10-11 - The Church publicly taught racist principles in the 1950's
|sublink19=Response to claim: 11 - The 1978 revelation allowing all men to hold the priesthood came in response to "public pressure"
|sublink20=Response to claim: 12 - Many General Authorities believed that the priesthood prohibition would remain in place until Christ's return
|sublink21=Response to claim: 12 - Passages in the Book of Mormon were rewritten to "tone down references to skin color"
|sublink22=Response to claim: 12 - LDS scripture states that those with lighter skin color "are favored because of what they did as spirits in a pre-earth life"
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|link=/Chapter 2
|subject=Chapter 2
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 2: Race Relations in Colonial America"
|sublink1=Response to claim: 22 - The Book of Mormon portrays the Lamanites as naked, head shaven, tent dwelling, arrow wielding and idle, similar to stereotypical perceptions of the Native Americans at the time
|sublink1=Response to claim: 22 - Joseph Smith may have woven "frontier prejudices" into the Book of Mormon
|sublink2=Response to claim: 27 - Joseph Smith "fell under the spell of the mounds and could not resist the lure of buried riches"
|sublink3=Response to claim: 27 - Joseph Smith used a "seer stone" or "peep stone" to search for buried treasure
|sublink4=Response to claim: 27 - Joseph Smith was charged with being "disorderly" for his money digging activities in 1826
|sublink5=Response to claim: 28 - Scholars have "concluded" that Joseph Smith was inspired by View of the Hebrews
|sublink6=Response to claim: 28 - The New World history in View of the Hebrews "shares close parallels with the plot of the Book of Mormon"
|sublink7=Response to claim: 29 - Joseph Smith was inspired by the myths surrounding the Moundbuilders in writing the Book of Mormon
|sublink8=Response to claim: 30 - The author claims that Joseph "likely" added the story of the Jaredites to account for the speculation about the diversity of Indian cultures and languages
|sublink9=Response to claim: 30 - Joseph "likely" added the story of the Jaredites to account for how animals arrived in the New World after the Flood
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|link=/Chapter 3
|subject=Chapter 3
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 3: Lamanites in the Latter Days"
|sublink1=Response to claim: 37 - Mormonism does not assign value to native cultures, their histories or mythologies
|sublink2=Response to claim: 37 - The Lamanite "family" has expanded to include Native Americans and Polynesians
|sublink3=Response to claim: 38 -The patriarchal blessings of Native Americans and Polynesians often state that they are of the tribe of Manasseh (through Lehi)
|sublink4=Response to claim: 38-39 - Modern day prophets repeatedly declare Native Americans and Polynesians to be descendants of Lehi
|sublink5=Response to claim: 40 - The Church believed that Lamanites who accepted the Gospel would become light-skinned
|sublink6=Response to claim: 41 - A general authority claimed that the writings of Ixtlilxochitl corroborated the Book of Mormon
|sublink7=Response to claim: 42 - Most Mormons are unaware that the New World has been continuously inhabited for 14,000 years
|sublink8=Response to claim: 42 - The New World shows no sign of having experienced a universal flood
|sublink9=Response to claim: 42 - The Church employs apologists to defend the "myths" surrounding the Book of Mormon
|sublink10=Response to claim: 43 - Members are encouraged not to try and determine where the Book of Mormon occurred
|sublink11=Response to claim: 45 - Church leaders "seem reluctant or powerless to curtail" the belief among Mesoamerican and South American saints that they are descendants of the Lamanites
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|link=/Chapter 4
|subject=Chapter 4
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 4: The Lamanites of Polynesia"
|sublink1=Response to claim: 47 - The assumption that Polynesians are descendants of Lehi is the "most precarious" belief taken from the Book of Mormon
|sublink2=Response to claim: 47 - "Mormon folklore" suggests that Hagoth colonized the Pacific
|sublink3=Response to claim: 48 - George Q. Cannon taught the Polynesians that they were descendants of the Israelites
|sublink4=Response to claim: 49 - Brigham Young stated in 1958 that the Polynesians were descendants of Abraham
|sublink5=Response to claim: 49 - The "curse was redefined" to apply only to people of African descent
|sublink6=Response to claim: 52 - Words spoken in General Conference are considered to be "akin" to scripture
|sublink7=Response to claim: 53 - Research has confirmed that there are strong links between Polynesia and the Orient
|sublink8=Response to claim: 54 - Spencer W. Kimball and Heber J. Grant believed that the islanders were descendents of Lehi
|sublink9=Response to claim: 54 - The Church invested "vast sums of money" to build church schools in Polynesia, Mexico and Central and South America, but "denied" these benefits to Micronesia and Melanesia
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|link=/Chapter 6
|subject=Chapter 6
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 6: Science and the First Americans"
|sublink1=Response to claim: 83 - LDS Scholars frequently associate the Olmec and Maya with the Jaredite and Nephite civilizations
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|link=/Chapter 9
|subject=Chapter 9
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 9: The Outcasts of Israel"
|sublink1=Response to claim: 120 - We should expect the common culture, history and ancestry to be revealed in the genes of the lost 10 tribes and those of the kingdom of Judah if they are actually related
|sublink2=Response to claim: 128-129 - The Lemba can be genetically tied to the line of Aaron
|sublink3=Response to claim: 129 - In Mesoamerica, there is no genetic support for European lineages
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|link=/Chapter 10
|subject=Chapter 10
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 10: The Lord's University"
|sublink1=Response to claim: 135 - Mormons believe that if there is a conflict between science and religion, that the science is incorrect
|sublink2=Response to claim: 135-136 - Mormonism reserves the right to identify scientific truth
|sublink3=Response to claim: 136 - Mormonism declares that it "corners the market" on religious truth
|sublink4=Response to claim: 136 - Joseph Smith declared that all other religions were false
|sublink5=Response to claim: 136 - The author states that Mormons think that all other religions are the "whore of the earth" and "church of the devil"
|sublink6=Response to claim: 136 - The current generation of Mormons is taught a selective view of Church history
|sublink7=Response to claim: 137 - Many church members are "blissfully unaware" of Brigham Young's practice of polygamy
|sublink8=Response to claim: 137 - Senior church leaders prefer that members not question changes in temple ordinances
|sublink9=Response to claim: 138 - LDS ecclesiastical leaders expect "unquestioning obedience" of church members
|sublink10=Response to claim: 139 - The Church "unofficially" discourages prayer to "Mother in Heaven"
|sublink11=Response to claim: 140 - Church leaders are "loath" to make unequivocal statements of doctrine
|sublink12=Response to claim: 140 - BYU's emphasis is on conformity rather than personal freedom
|sublink13=Response to claim: 141 - CES insists that gospel learning takes precedence over secular learning
|sublink14=Response to claim: 142 - CES instructs students not to attempt to locate Book of Mormon geographical locations
|sublink15=Response to claim: 142 - Limited geography theories advanced by FARMS are "much too controversial" for CES students
|sublink16=Response to claim: 142 - Spencer W. Kimball believed in a hemispheric Book of Mormon geography
|sublink17=Response to claim: 142 - Church members are shocked at the "limited archaeological evidence" for the Book of Mormon
|sublink18=Response to claim: 143 - LDS apologists continue to tell members how "scientists continue to get it wrong"
|sublink19=Response to claim: 143 - Most members follow their leaders without question
|sublink20=Response to claim: 143 - LDS theology supports a literal interpretation of the creation of man
|sublink21=Response to claim: 143 - LDS theology supports a literal interpretation of the tower of Babel
|sublink22=Response to claim: 143 - LDS theology supports a literal interpretation of the Flood
|sublink23=Response to claim: 143-144 - The perception is that the Church has officially denounced evolution
|sublink24=Response to claim: 144 - Henry Eyring (father of Henry B. Eyring) indicated that he could accept evolution
|sublink25=Response to claim: 145 - Eyring "avoided singling out senior leaders of the church for the bad press that evolution has received in LDS circles"
|sublink26=Response to claim: 146 - The Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri
|sublink27=Response to claim: 146 - Mormons believe that the continents separated only after a global flood
|sublink28=Response to claim: 146 - Mormons are "compelled" to believe in a global flood as symbolizing the "baptism of the earth"
|sublink29=Response to claim: 148 - FARMS' goal is to deter members from reading any book that challenges their faith
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|link=/Chapter 11
|subject=Chapter 11
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 11: Plausible Geography"
|sublink1=Response to claim: 153 - B.H. Roberts' manuscripts "Book of Mormon Difficulties" and "A Book of Mormon Study" were "clearly intended for publication"
|sublink2=Response to claim: 153 - Roberts' concluded that a 19th-century origin for the Book of Mormon was "entirely plausible"
|sublink3=Response to claim: 154 - LDS scholars have made a "steady retraction" of claims regarding the scale of the Nephite/Lamanite presence since the 1920's
|sublink4=Response to claim: 156 - All Church presidents, General Authorities and "most church members" have believed in a hemispheric Book of Mormon geography
|sublink5=Response to claim: 156 - The Book of Mormon states that the Lamanites are "the principal ancestors of the American Indians"
|sublink6=Response to claim: 156 - A hemispheric geography most closely aligns with an "uncontrived" reading of the Book of Mormon
|sublink7=Response to claim: 159 - Moroni makes no mention of traveling from Central America to New York in the Book of Mormon
|sublink8=Response to claim: 160 - There is no indication that the Book of Mormon people came in contact with others in the land
|sublink9=Response to claim: 163 - The shrinking of Book of Mormon geographical models corresponds with the growing research showing that ancient Americans came from Asia
|sublink10=Response to claim: 164 - A limited Book of Mormon setting is at odds with "a straightforward reading" of the Book of Mormon
|sublink11=Response to claim: 164 - The limited Book of Mormon setting contradicts D&C 54:8
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|link=/Chapter 12
|subject=Chapter 12
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 12: Faith Promoting Science"
|sublink1=Response to claim: 168 - LDS scholars believe that Mayan cities are prime candidates for where Lehi's people lived. The Jaredites are usually identified as the Olmec
|sublink2=Response to claim: 168 - Joseph Smith declared the city of Palenque was a Nephite city, but modern scholarship indicates this city wasn't built until 600 A.D.
|sublink3=Response to claim: 168 - The history of Book of Mormon archaeology is "littered with apostacy"
|sublink4=Response to claim: 170 - Thomas Ferguson was one of the better known early "Mormon archaeologists"
|sublink5=Response to claim: 172- There is no evidence of iron or steel smelting in the ancient New World
|sublink6=Response to claim: 172 - There were no wheeled vehicles in ancient America
|sublink7=Response to claim: 172 - There were no draft animals to pull wheeled vehicles
|sublink8=Response to claim: 172 - There are no archaeological remains of wheat or barley in Mesoamerica. The barley found in Arizona doesn't count because it was only in a limited region
|sublink9=Response to claim: 173 - The author claims that deer or tapir were never ridden by Native Americans, therefore they could not be the "horses" referred to in the Book of Mormon
|sublink10=Response to claim: 173 - Dee Green said in 1973 that Book of Mormon archaeology does not exist
|sublink11=Response to claim: 175 - "Book of Mormon archaeology" has yielded little credible evidence
|sublink12=Response to claim: 176-177 - The Smithsonian issues a statement that discredits the Book of Mormon
|sublink13=Response to claim: 177 - There is little evidence of a cultural link between Polynesia and the Americas. A linguistic link between a South American variety and Polynesian variety of sweet potato is not yet explained
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|link=/Chapter 13
|subject=Chapter 13
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 13: LDS Molecular Apologetics"
|sublink1=Response to claim: 180 - Most Mormons have had their ancestors posthumously "baptized into the Mormon faith"
|sublink2=Response to claim: 181 - FARMS has downplayed the potential of James Sorenson's "global molecular genealogy project"
|sublink3=Response to claim: 181 - The Molecular Genealogy Foundation may reveal disconcerting "surprises" in LDS family trees that trace back to "well known polygamists" in the early church
|sublink4=Response to claim: 184 - The Indian Student Placement Program was an attempt to turn them "white and delightsome"
|sublink5=Response to claim: 184 - "Mormon folklore" claims that Native Americans and Polynesians carry a curse based upon "misdeeds on the part of their ancestors"
|sublink6=Response to claim: 185 - LDS scholars experienced in DNA research have spoken only to Mormon audiences
|sublink7=Response to claim: 185-186 - In response to the DNA issue, the Church linked to an article written by Jeff Lindsey, "a chemical engineer with no professional training in DNA research"
|sublink8=Response to claim: 186 - LDS scientists have responded to DNA findings by claiming that it would be improbable to find evidence of an Israelite presence in the Americas
|sublink9=Response to claim: 186 - LDS writers claim that the presence of other people in the Americas actually supports "careful readings of the Book of Mormon"
|sublink10=Response to claim: 186 - LDS scholars "have come to the conclusion" that Book of Mormon populations comprised a very small part of a much larger group of people on the continent
|sublink11=Response to claim: 187 - LDS suggest that it would impossible to use DNA technology to identify a small local colony of individuals
|sublink12=Response to claim: 188 - The author claims that it is not likely that "founders effect" or "genetic drift" would "completely frustrate the identification of Israelite DNA in the Americas"
|sublink13=Response to claim: 188 - The author claims that Book of Mormon states that the Lehite/Mulekite groups were both descended from Jewish ancestors
|sublink14=Response to claim: 189 - The author claims that the ancestry of Israelites living today will all "meet at the Caucasian branch of the human family tree"
|sublink15=Response to claim: 190 - The Lemba prove that it is possible to detect Middle Eastern genes in a foreign environment
|sublink16=Response to claim: 190 - Church leaders have consistently associated Lamanites with Central America
|sublink17=Response to claim: 191 - The Mayan Empire is claimed to considered by Mormons to the closest to the people of the Book of Mormon
|sublink18=Response to claim: 191 - There is too much genetic variation in the X lineage to account for Book of Mormon people to have arrived as recently as 2600 years ago
|sublink19=Response to claim: 192 - LDS writers have overlooked the fact that Mitochondrial DNA research shows that 99.6% of Native Americans migrated to the American continent thousands of years before the Israelites came into existence
|sublink20=Response to claim: 192 - The remaining 0.4% is likely the result of genetic mixture with people who came to the New World after Columbus
|sublink21=Response to claim: 193 - LDS scholars claim that the impact of Book of Mormon immigrants to the New World made an impact "so small that they barely mattered"
|sublink22=Response to claim: 193 - A great number of Native Americans are now assumed to have been absorbed into New World Israelite civilizations
|sublink23=Response to claim: 193 - "Other people" in the Book of Mormon have "remained invisible" to most readers
|sublink24=Response to claim: 193-194 - "Gentiles who inhabited the Americas before, during and after the Book of Mormon period are potential Lamanites"
|sublink25=Response to claim: 194 - Mormons have "traditionally thought" that any Asian presence in the New World occurred after the Book of Mormon period
|sublink26=Response to claim: 195- The children of Lehi were to be "kept from all other nations, that they may possess this land unto themselves"
|sublink27=Response to claim: 195 - There are no explicit references to non-Israelites living near the Lehites or Jaredites
|sublink28=Response to claim: 195 - Five hundred years after their arrival, groups were still identified as having descended from Laman, Lemuel, Ishmael, etc
|sublink29=Response to claim: 196 - Familial terms used in the Book of Mormon imply a genetic link
|sublink30=Response to claim: 197 - Joseph Smith and other leaders taught that the Book of Mormon described the origins of the Indians in the western hemisphere
|sublink31=Response to claim: 197 - Mormons "tend to be hazy" regarding what past Church leaders have said regarding geography
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|link=/Chapter 14
|subject=Chapter 14
|summary=Responses to claims made in "Chapter 14: Moving the Spirit"
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[[en:Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church]]

Latest revision as of 18:36, 15 December 2016