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#REDIRECT [[Question: Did William Smith claim that a religious revival led to the Joseph's "first vision" of an angel in 1823?]]
William Smith (the Prophet's own brother) said that the First Vision was of an "angel" in 1823. This shows that even Joseph Smith's family members were confused about the details of his claimed spiritual manifestations. This is evidence that the First Vision story evolved over time.
===Source(s) of the criticism===
Christian Research and Counsel, “Documented History of Joseph Smith’s First Vision,” full-color pamphlet, 10 pages. [There is a notation within this pamphlet indicating that research and portions of text were garnered from Utah Lighthouse Ministry]
William Smith does indeed say in his 1883 autobiography that during a period of religious revival (which he dates at 1822-1823) Joseph Smith prayed to the Lord to know "the path of obedience" and was in turn visited by an angel who told him that "none of the sects were right." But anti-Mormons conveniently neglect to tell their audience members that directly after making this anamolous statement William adds that, "A more elaborate and '''accurate''' description of [Joseph Smith's] vision, however, will be found in his own history" (William B. Smith, ''William Smith on Mormonism'' [Lamoni, IA: Herald Steam Book and Job Office, 1883], 9). This notation kicks the legs right out from underneath the stool that the critics are perched upon, and their whole argument falls to the ground with a loud thud! William Smith identifies the Prophet's published history (the primary source of information) as being "more . . . accurate" than his own. This accurate version of events was canonized by the Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City three years before William Smith published his erroneous remarks.
Why was William Smith's recital of historical events so far off the mark? The answer is simple. He was drawing information, at length, from an inaccurate secondary source. A comparison of texts reveals that William was just rephrasing the information found in Oliver Cowdery's deficient Church history articles which were printed in the ''Messenger and Advocate'' in 1834-35. This is where William got the "1823" date from and the idea that an "angel" appeared during the Prophet's initial visitation.
It should be noted that during the very same year that William published his autobiography (1883) he gave a speech about Church history to a gathering of people. This time he was not reworking published information for inclusion in another published text - he was simply telling other people about incidents he remembered. This time his recital was much closer to his brother's account. He said,
*About 4 years after Joseph Smith Sr. went to Palmyra, New York (i.e., in 1820) Joseph Jr. became concerned about religion.
*Joseph Jr. did not know which way to go; he desired guidance in this area.
*Joseph Jr. wanted to be prepared for the next life; he wanted to know the "plan".
*Joseph Jr. said that there was "a lack of '''wisdom'''".
*At that time Mother Smith some of her children belonged to the Presbyterian church.
*Joseph Jr. went into the "woods" to pray to the Lord for guidance.
*A bright light appeared like the brightness of the sun.
*Joseph Jr. received a "vision".
*In the light Joseph Jr. saw "a personage".
*"that [B]eing pointed him [i.e., Joseph] out as the messenger to go forth and declare [H]is truth to the world; for ‘They had all gone astray;’ ‘Every man was going his own way'".
(''The Saints’ Herald'', vol. 30, no. ----, 16 June 1883, 388).
When William Smith relied upon his own memory he got many aspects of the First Vision story correct. When he relied upon a faulty historical narrative he was dead wrong about the details. Critics should take William's advice and quit pointing to his statements as if they had some kind of important significance and turn instead to the Prophet's own published account because it is "more . . . accurate".
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==Further reading==
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Latest revision as of 22:48, 18 April 2017