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#REDIRECT[[Kinderhook Plates#What are the Kinderhook Plates?]]  
|title=Question: What are the Kinderhook Plates?
|category=Kinderhook plates
==Question: What are the Kinderhook Plates?==
===The Kinderhook Plates are a forged set of metal plates that were given to Joseph Smith to translate===
[[Image:KinderhookPlates.jpg|frame|right|Image of front and back of four of the six Kinderhook plates are shown in these facsimiles (rough copies of even earlier published facsimiles), which appeared in 1909 in {{HC|vol=5|start=374|end=375}}]]
A set of small plates, engraved with characters of ancient appearance, were purported to have been unearthed in Kinderhook, Illinois, in April 1843.  The so-called "Kinderhook plates" have been something of an enigma within the Mormon community since they first appeared.  While there are faithful LDS who take a number of different positions on the topic of these artifacts, most have concluded that they were fakes.
Joseph Smith appears to have had the plates in his possession for about five days.
Joseph Smith's personal secretary, William Clayton said,
President Joseph has translated a portion [of the Kinderhook plates], and says they contain the history of the person with whom they were found; and he was a descendant of Ham, through the loins of Pharaoh, King of Egypt, and that he received his kingdom through the ruler of heaven and earth.
The Kinderhook plates were fakes, thus bringing into question any claim of "inspiration" that Joseph used to translate them and by extension any other revelations he received.
===Joseph Smith "translated" a portion of those plates, not by claiming inspiration, but by comparing characters on the plates to those on his "Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language" (GAEL)===
However, Joseph Smith "translated" a portion of those plates, not by claiming inspiration, but by comparing characters on the plates to those on his "Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language" (GAEL). (The GAEL was composed in Kirtland about the time of the translation of the Book of Abraham.) Joseph found one of the most prominent characters on the plates to match a character on the second page of characters in the GAEL. Both were boat shaped. The GAEL interpretation of this boat-shaped character included everything that William Clayton said Joseph said.
Corroborating this is a letter in the ''New York Herald'' for May 30th, 1843, from someone who signed as "A Gentile." Research shows "A Gentile" to be a friendly non-Mormon then living in Nauvoo:
The plates are evidently brass, and are covered on both sides with hieroglyphics. They were brought up and shown to Joseph Smith.  He compared them, in my presence, with his Egyptian Alphabet…and they are evidently the same characters.  He therefore will be able to decipher them.
We know that Joseph was interested in languages.  He studied Greek, Hebrew, and German in a secular manner.  Therefore, we can easily believe that he attempted to translate the Kinderhook plates without assuming prophetic powers, which powers consequently remain credible.
{{SeeAlso|Forgeries_related_to_Mormonism/Joseph_Smith_and_the_Kinderhook_Plates/Accounts|l1=Various accounts of the Kinderhook plates examined}}
{{endnotes sources}}
[[Category:An Insider's View of Mormon Origins]]
[[Category:Letter to a CES Director]]
[[Category:No Man Knows My History]]
[[Category:John Dehlin's "Questions and Answers"]]
[[en:Question: What are the Kinderhook Plates?]]
[[es:Pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las planchas de Kinderhook?]]
[[es:Pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las planchas de Kinderhook?]]
[[pt:Pergunta: o que são as Placas Kinderhook?]]
[[pt:Pergunta: o que são as Placas Kinderhook?]]

Latest revision as of 01:41, 20 May 2024