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#REDIRECT[[Events leading to the First Vision#When did Joseph Smith become "partial to the Methodist sect?"]]
{{Resource Title|Methodist camp meetings in the Palmyra area in 1820}}
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{{Criticism label}}
*It is claimed that while Joseph "almost certainly never formally joined the Methodist church, he did associate himself with the Methodists eight years after he said he had been instructed by God not to join any established denomination."
*It is claimed that the Methodists did not acquire property on Vienna Road near Palmyra until July 1821, and that is therefore "likely that Smith's first dabble with Methodism occurred during the 1824-25 revival in Palmyra."
[[es:La Primera Visión de José Smith/Asociación con los Metodistas]]
[[pt:A Primeira Visão/Reuniões campais metodistas]]
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{{Response label}}
{{:Question: When did the Methodists acquire property near Palmyra to hold their camp meetings?}}
Although the ''Palmyra Register'' does not specify the location of this camp meeting, we do have evidence that meetings were indeed occuring on Vienna Road. Dr. Matzko cites Orsamus Turner,
At some point between 1821 and 1829, Smith served as “a very passable exhorter” at Methodist camp meetings “away down in the woods, on the Vienna Road.”<ref>{{Dialogue1|author=John Matzko|article=The Encounter of the Young Joseph Smith with Presbyterianism|vol=40|num=3|date=Fall 2007|start=78 note 2, citing Orsamus Turner, ''History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, and Morris' Reserve'' (Rochester, N.Y.: William Alling, 1851), 214, in {{EMD|vol=3|pages=50}}}}.</ref>
It should be noted that Matzko's assertion that this occurred "between 1821 and 1829" is not supported by the source, since Turner never specifies the timeframe during which Joseph acted as an "exhorter." Despite the fact that Turner is a hostile source , the full quote does contain some important additional information,
But Joseph had a little ambition, and some very laudable aspirations; the mother's intellect occasionally shone out in him feebly, especially when he used to help us to solve some portentous questions of moral or political ethics, in our juvenile debating club, which we moved down to the old red school-house on Durfee street, to get rid of the annoyance of critics that used to drop in upon us in the village; amid, subsequently, after catching a spark of Methodism in the camp-meeting, away down in the woods, on the Vienna road, he was a very passable exhorter in evening meetings.<ref>Orsamus Turner (1801-1855) "Origin of the Mormon Imposture," ''Littell's Living Age'' Vol. XXX, No. 380 (August 1851): 429.</ref>
This quote presents critics with a dilemma (as can be seen in the Wikipedia article "First Vision"). Critics wish to demonstrate the Joseph was associated with the Methodists after being instructed during the First Vision not to join any church. They attempt to do this by minimizing the mention of a "debate club" and instead imply that Joseph was a formal "exhorter" in Methodist meetings. It is noteworthy, however, that even critic Dan Vogel states that Joseph "could not have been a licensed exhorter since membership was a prerequisite."<ref>{{EarlyMormonDocs1|vol=3|start=50, n. 15}}</ref>
{{SeeAlso|First Vision/Joseph became "partial to the Methodist sect" in 1820}}
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[[es:La Primera Visión de José Smith/Reuniones campestres Metodistas]]
[[fr:First Vision/Methodist camp meetings]]

Latest revision as of 17:39, 17 May 2024