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(President Carter had a brief minute meeting with President Kimball, Representative Gunn McKay, and Representative Jim Santini on 11 March 1977 at the White House)
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#REDIRECT[[Social pressure and the priesthood ban#Did President Jimmy Carter threaten the Church's tax-exempt status because of their policy on blacks and the priesthood?]]
|title=Question: Did President Jimmy Carter threaten the Church's tax-exempt status because of their policy on blacks and the priesthood?
|category=Mormonism and racial issues/Blacks and the priesthood
==Question: Did President Jimmy Carter threaten the Church's tax-exempt status because of their policy on blacks and the priesthood?==
===President Carter had a brief meeting with President Kimball, Representative Gunn McKay, and Representative Jim Santini on 11 March 1977 at the White House===
On March 11, 1977 at 12:03 pm President Carter met with Spencer W. Kimball, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Representative Gunn McKay (D-Utah), and Representative Jim Santini (D-Nevada) for approximately 20 minutes in the White House.<ref>''The Daily Diary of President Jimmy Carter'', Jimmy Carter Library & Museum {{link|url=http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/documents/diary/1977/d031177t.pdf}}</ref> This meeting, noted in President Carter's White House diary, is popularly rumored among ex-Mormons to be the meeting in which Carter threatened the Church with a rescinding of the Church's tax-exempt status over the issue of the priesthood ban.
[[File:President carter meeting with president kimball 11 March 1977 diary entry.jpg|thumb|center|500px|An image of a page from President Jimmy Carter's White House diary for the day of 11 March 1977 showing a meeting with President Spencer W. Kimball. ''The Daily Diary of President Jimmy Carter'', Jimmy Carter Library & Museum {{link|url=http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/documents/diary/1977/d031177t.pdf}}]]
===President Carter visited Salt Lake City on November 27 1978 for program in the Salt Lake Tabernacle===
One ex-Mormon on the ''Recovery from Mormonism'' message board claimed to have located an "the actual photograph" of the 11 March  1977 meeting on LDS.org! <ref>"According to the President Carter Library,” posted by "CLee the Anti-Mormon," 8 February 2006.</ref> That photograph, however, is actually of a meeting in the Tabernacle on November 27, 1978.
[[File:Spencer kimball jimmy carter 1978.jpg|thumb|center|600px|President Kimball presents U.S. President Jimmy Carter with statue, Salt Lake Tabernacle, November 27, 1978. Photo located on https://www.lds.org/churchhistory/presidents/controllers/potcController.jsp?leader=12&topic=multimedia#]]
This meeting was documented in the January 1979 ''Ensign'':
Two presidents saluted the family as one of life’s greatest institutions at a special November 27 program in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, culminating National Family Week in the United States.
Before a capacity crowd, with national and international television cameras whirring, President Spencer W. Kimball urged his listeners to recognize the family as “our chief source of physical, emotional, and moral strength.” He presented United States President Jimmy Carter with a bronze statuette depicting the family circle. The miniature of a father, mother, and child is based on the original work by Utah sculptor Dennis Smith, Circle of Love, one of the pieces in the Relief Society monument to women in Nauvoo. <ref>[https://www.lds.org/ensign/1979/01/news-of-the-church/church-honors-president-carters-support-of-the-family?lang=eng "Church Honors President Carter’s Support of the Family,"] ''Ensign'' (January 1979)</ref>
===President Kimball wrote a letter to President Carter in May 1977 to present a copy of Carter's genealogy===
President Kimball wrote a letter to President Carter in May 1977, only two months after the March 11 meeting:
<blockquote>W. Don Ladd, Regional Representative of the Twelve, and Thomas E. Daniels of the Genealogical Department of the Church presented a family tree and a leather-bound volume of genealogical information on the Carter family to the President on 31 May.
The book included a letter to President Carter from President Spencer W. Kimball, in which he spoke of the Latter-day Saints’ “deep reverence and gratitude for our ancestors, which in turn gives us greater sense of responsibility to our posterity.”
President Carter found the Church’s research “very exciting to me,” and he said, “I look forward to studying the chart. This is an area of knowledge I’ve never had.” The two-inch thick volume included several 8-by-10-inch pedigree charts and family group sheets, along with a research summary of each line researched and what was still missing from those lines. This is the first time the Church has ever given such a gift to a president of the United States. <ref>[https://www.lds.org/ensign/1977/08/news-of-the-church/church-gives-genealogy-to-president-jimmy-carter?lang=eng "Church Give Genealogy to President Jimmy Carter,"] ''Ensign'' (August 1977).</ref>
===The allegation that the LDS church's tax-free status was threatened in 1978 seems to have originated in 2001===
A claim that the federal government had threatened to revoke the Church's tax-exempt status back in 1978 was made by a woman named Kathy Erickson in a letter to the ''Salt Lake Tribune'' on March 11, 2001. Erickson stated,
Gainful Revelation
Date: March 11, 2001
What’s done is done. There no longer is any prejudice against blacks in the Mormon church, the power of money took care of that. Back in 1978 the federal government informed the LDS Church that unless it allowed blacks full membership (including the priesthood) they would have to cease calling themselves a non-profit organization and start paying income taxes. On $16.5 million a day in tithing alone that’s a lot of tax monies that could be better used in building up the Kingdom of God.
The church immediately saw the error of its ways and the brethren appealed to God for a revelation; it came quickly. God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform, and today The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has nothing but love for all races of people on Earth.”<ref>Kathy Erickson, letter to the ''Salt Lake Tribune'', 11 March 11, 2001.</ref>
A representative of the Church Public Affairs department responded:
Distorted History
Thursday, April 5, 2001
It's one thing to distort history, quite another to invent it. Kathy Erickson (Forum, March 11) claims that the federal government threatened The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with its tax-exempt status in 1978 because of the church's position regarding blacks and the priesthood.   
We state categorically that the federal government made no such threat in 1978 or at any other time. The decision to extend the blessings of the priesthood to all worthy males had nothing to do with federal tax policy or any other secular law. In the absence of proof, we conclude that Ms. Erickson is seriously mistaken.   
Public Affairs Department
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints    <ref>Bruce L. Olsen, cited in ''Salt Lake Tribune'' on 5 April 2001.</ref>
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[[Category:Letter to a CES Director]]
[[Category:Letter to a CES Director]]
[[es:Pregunta: ¿El presidente Jimmy Carter amenazó el estado de exención de impuestos de la Iglesia debido a su política sobre los negros y el sacerdocio?]]
[[en:Question: Did President Jimmy Carter threaten the Church's tax-exempt status because of their policy on blacks and the priesthood?]]
[[es:Pregunta: ¿Acaso el presidente Jimmy Carter amenazan la exención de impuestos de la Iglesia debido a su política de los negros y el sacerdocio?]]
[[pt:Pergunta: É verdade que o Presidente Jimmy Carter ameaçou o status de isenção de impostos da Igreja por causa da diretriz a respeito do Sacerdócio aos negros?]]
[[pt:Pergunta: É verdade que o Presidente Jimmy Carter ameaçou o status de isenção de impostos da Igreja por causa da diretriz a respeito do Sacerdócio aos negros?]]

Latest revision as of 19:33, 27 May 2024