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{{Main Page}}
{{Resource Title|Articles related to the Book of Mormon}}
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==Book of Mormon overview==
|link=Book of Mormon/Basics
|subject=Book of Mormon basics
|summary=What is the Book of Mormon?  This article orients new readers to the nature and content of this volume of scripture.
|link=Book of Mormon/List of editions
|subject=List of editions
==Translation of the Book of Mormon==
|link=Book of Mormon/Translation
|summary=What do we know about the method used to translate the Book of Mormon? Were the plates sometimes not in the room while Joseph was translating them? Critics claim that each sentence and word in the 1830 Book of Mormon "had supposedly come directly from God."
|link=Book of Mormon/Witnesses
|summary=The world was not left with Joseph Smith's testimony alone. The Book of Mormon provided multiple official and unofficial witnesses who corroborated aspects of Joseph's account.Critics have long tried to dismiss or destroy the witnesses' witness. This page links to subpages which discuss various attacks in detail.
|link=Joseph Smith/Seer stones
|subject=Urim and Thummim and seer stones
|summary=Joseph Smith used the Nephite Interpreters as well as his own seer stone (both of which were later referred to as "Urim and Thummim") to translate the Book of Mormon.
==Publication of the Book of Mormon==
Latter-day Saints accept ''The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ'' as holy scripture that testifies of Jesus Christ and His role as our Savior and Redeemer.
|link=Book of Mormon/Joseph as author and proprietor
|subject=Author and proprietor listed as Joseph Smith
|summary=Joseph Smith is listed as the "Author and Proprietor" of the first edition of the Book of Mormon. Critics use this to claim that Joseph wrote the book himself, despite that fact that the following page clearly states that he translated the book.
|link=Book of Mormon/Attempt to sell copyright
|subject=Attempt to sell Book of Mormon copyright in Canada
|summary=David Whitmer claimed that Joseph Smith received a revelation and prophesied that Oliver Cowdery and Hiram Page should go to Canada where they would find a man willing to buy the copyright to the Book of Mormon. When they failed to sell the copyright, Whitmer states that Joseph admitted that the revelation had not come from God.
|link=Book of Mormon/Printing timeframe
|subject=Printing timeframe
|summary="I've heard that the rate at which the first edition of the Book of Mormon was printed could only have occurred miraculously. Is there anything to this claim?"
{{:Book of Mormon/Secular authorship theories}}
'''To view articles about the Book of Mormon, click "Expand" in the blue bar:'''
{{Navigation:Book of Mormon}}
==Language used in the Book of Mormon==
|link=Book of Mormon/As a "familiar spirit"
|subject=As a "familiar spirit"
|summary=Critics ask why, if the words "familiar spirit" in Is. 29:4 refer to the Book of Mormon (as used in 2_Ne. 26:16, why does "familiar spirit" always refer to occult practices such as channeling and necromancy everywhere else in the Old Testament?
==Revisions to the Book of Mormon==
<small>Video published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.</small>
<embedvideo service="youtube">nyV61Hh9KdA</embedvideo>
|link=Book of Mormon/Textual changes
|subject=Textual changes
|summary=The claim is often heard that there are more than 4000 changes to the Book of Mormon text. The majority of these are typographical. Few of the changes are significant. We examine the more noteworthy changes.
|link=Book of Mormon/Textual changes/"the Son of"
|subject="the Son of" added to 1 Nephi 11:18, 1 Nephi 11:21, 1 Nephi 11:32, and 1 Nephi 13:40
|summary=Critics charge that the earliest edition of the Book of Mormon referred to Jesus as "God," but in later editions this was changed to "the Son of God." They cite this as evidence that Joseph Smith changed the Book of Mormon to conform to his changing beliefs about the Trinity. They claim Joseph was originally a solid Trinitarian (perhaps even a Modalist), and as he later began to teach that the Father and Son were two separate beings, he had to change the Book of Mormon to support his new doctrine.
|link=Book of Mormon/Textual changes/"or out of the waters of baptism"
|subject="or out of the waters of baptism" added to 1 Nephi 20:1
|summary=The phrase "or out of the waters of baptism" was added to 1 Nephi 20:1 in the 1840 edition Book of Mormon by Joseph Smith.
|link=Book of Mormon/Textual changes/"white" changed to "pure"
|subject="white" changed to "pure" in 2 Nephi 30:6
|summary=The phrase "white and delightsome" was changed to "pure and delightsome" in the Book of Mormon. Critics accuse the Church of attempting to hide a racially offensive statement.
|link=Book of Mormon/Textual changes/"Benjamin" changed to "Mosiah"
|subject="Benjamin" changed to "Mosiah" in Mosiah 21:28 and Ether 4:1
|summary=In the text currently found in Mosiah 21:28 of the Book of Mormon, the 1830 edition reads "Benjamin", while all subsequent editions read "Mosiah." Likewise, a reference to Benjamin in what is now Ether 4:1 was changed to "Mosiah" in 1849. Critics claim that "either God made a mistake when He inspired the record or Joseph made a mistake when he translated it."
|link=Book of Mormon/Textual changes/"Words missing in Alma 32:30"
|subject="Words missing in Alma 32:30"
|summary=Thirty-five words at the end of Alma 32:30 in the original manuscript were omitted from previous editions of the Book of Mormon. The text was restored in the 1981 edition of the Book of Mormon.
==Completeness of the Book of Mormon==
|link=Book of Mormon/As the most correct book|subject=As the most correct book
|summary=Critics claim that since Joseph stated that it was "the most correct book," that the Book of Mormon should not have contained any errors. Yet, Mormon himself states in the preface that any mistakes contained therein are the mistakes of men.
|link=Book of Mormon/Contains the fulness of the gospel
|subject=Contains the fulness of the gospel
|summary=If the Book of Mormon contains the "fulness of the gospel," then why are certain ordinances such as baptism for the dead and eternal marriage not mentioned?
|link=Book of Mormon/Why is baptism for the dead not taught
|subject=Baptism for the dead&mdash;why is it not taught in the Book of Mormon?
|summary=If the Book of Mormon contains the "fulness of the Gospel," then why does it not mention baptism for the dead.
|link=Polygamy/Book of Mormon condemns the practice
|subject=Book of Mormon condemns polygamy
|summary=Critics use the Book of Jacob to show that the Book of Mormon condemns the practice of polygamy, and then go on to claim that Joseph Smith ignored this restriction by introducing the doctrine of plural marriage.
==Archaeology and the Book of Mormon==
[[fi:Mormonin kirja]]
|link=Book of Mormon/Archaeology
|summary=Critics charge that what is known about ancient American archaeology is not consistent with the Book of Mormon account. Sectarian critics often add the claim that the Bible has been "proven" true by archaeology, unlike the Book of Mormon.
==Anachronisms claimed to exist in the Book of Mormon==
|link=Book of Mormon/Anachronisms
|summary=Critics point to some items or concepts in the Book of Mormon which they claim are not consistent with what is known about ancient American geography, history, or anthropology. They claim that these "errors" prove that Joseph Smith was producing the Book of Mormon in the 19th century, and that the Book of Mormon is therefore not an ancient record.
|link=Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Deutero-Isaiah
|subject=Deutero-Isaiah in the Book of Mormon?
|summary=The "Deutero-Isaiah" theory is the claim that parts of Isaiah were written later than others. This theory claims that there were three individual authors, whose works were later compiled together under the name of the first author Isaiah (referred to as "Proto Isaiah"). The critical issue raised is that the Brass Plates of Laban quote from sections of Isaiah that this theory ascribes to Deutero-Isaiah, so how could the Nephites have these writings if they weren't written until after they left Jerusalem?
|link=Book of Mormon/Relationship to the Dead Sea Scrolls
|subject=Dead Sea Scrolls and their relationship to the Book of Mormon
|summary=Mistranslations of the King James version of Isaiah have been corrected using the Isaiah version found with the Dead Sea scrolls. Why is it that the quotes from Isaiah contained in the Book of Mormon have the same translation errors contained in the King James version instead of matching the original ancient text?
|link=Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Demographics
|subject=Demographics and population numbers
|summary=Do Book of Mormon population numbers grow too rapidly?
==Doctrinal issues related to the Book of Mormon==
|link=Book of Mormon/Plain and precious doctrines
|subject=Plain and precious doctrines
|summary=Critics claim that the Book of Mormon is nothing more than a "bad copy of the Bible"; that anyone could have churned out such pedestrian, warmed-over ideas by borrowing liberally from the Bible and his own personal experiences.
|link=Book of Mormon/Great and abominable church
|subject=Great and abominable church
|summary=What is the "great and abominable church" referred to in the Book of Mormon? Critics claim that Latter-day Saints believe that the scriptural terms "church of the devil," the "great and abominable church," and the "whore of all the earth" refer to a specific religion. Critics claim that the Book of Mormon teaches that "all mainstream Christians fall into the world system know as the devil's church (or Satan's kingdom)."
|link=Book of Mormon/Nephi's killing of Laban
|subject=Nephi's killing of Laban
|summary=How can Latter-day Saints point to Nephi's killing of Laban as an example of a positive example of a Book of Mormon character? Wasn't this cold-blooded murder? And doesn't this passage then justify the killing of "the wicked" by anyone who feels that God has told them to do so?
==Book of Mormon Geography==
|link=Book of Mormon/Geography
|summary=The geographical setting of the Book of Mormon has been the subject of serious study and casual speculation since before the book was first published. We describe the various theories and examine the strengths and weaknesses of each.
|link=Book of Mormon/Archaeology/Hill Cumorah
|subject=Location of the Hill Cumorah
|summary=If Mormon chapter 6 is a literal description of the destruction of the Nephites by the Lamanites — approximately 100 thousand were killed by swords and axes — why hasn't any evidence of the battle been found at the site that was traditionally identified as the hill Cumorah in western New York state?
==Historicity of the Book of Mormon==
|link=Book of Mormon/Calendar
|summary= The Book of Mormon calendar is not identical to the calendar used by modern peoples.  Learn about Nephite calendar(s) here.
|link=Book of Mormon/Calendar/Week unknown in Americas
|subject=Was the idea of a "week" unknown in the Americas?
|summary= Despite claims to the contrary, there is evidence for a seven-day week among the early Maya, though the Book of Mormon does not require such a correlation.
|link=Book of Mormon/Historicity
|summary= Several efforts have been made to "prove" that what the Book of Mormon has to say about the history of the new world cannot possibly have been the case.
|link=Book of Mormon/Warfare
|subject=Warfare in the Book of Mormon
|summary=Some criticisms of Book of Mormon warfare are anachronistic; other elements of Book of Mormon warfare contain authentic ancient elements about which Joseph Smith could not have known.
|link=Book of Mormon/Evidences
|summary=Summary page for evidences supporting the Book of Mormon
|link=Book of Mormon/Evidences/Olive culture
|subject=Olive culture
|summary=Does the Book of Mormon's account of olive culture in Jacob 5 match what we know about this subject? The Book of Mormon provides a remarkably accurate portrait of olive horticulture. There are two points at which the allegory/parable deviates from the known principles of growing olives; in both cases, the allegory's characters draw the reader's attention to these deviations with some amazement. Thus, these 'mistakes' play a dramatic role in demonstrating the allegory/parable's meaning.
|link=Book of Mormon/Geography/Old World
|subject=Book of Mormon geography in the Old World
|summary=A discussion of the Arabian, or Old World, geography of the Book of Mormon enjoys many advantages over discussion of New World matters. Chief among these is the fact that we know we certainty where the story begins—in Old World Jerusalem. The details of Lehi's desert travels had been extracted from the text by the 1970s. It is important to note how early these models were developed; current-day critics sometimes charge that LDS scholars have "retrofitted" their models to accommodate chance discoveries like "Nahom," but this is false.
|link=Book of Mormon/Evidences/Hebraisms
|subject=Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon
|summary=The Book of Mormon does indeed have authentic Semitic constructions in it, but LDS need to tread cautiously in establishing them. Each must be evaluated on its own merits. Hebraisms that could have been known to Joseph Smith may still be authentic, and may still enhance our appreciation of the text, but they are weak evidence for Book of Mormon antiquity.
|link=Book of Mormon/Evidences/Hebraisms/If-and conditionals
|subject=If-and conditionals
|summary=The first edition of the Book of Mormon contained several examples of a grammatical structure not known in English, but common in Hebrew: the so-called if/and conditional.
|subject=Names: authentic Old World names in the Book of Mormon
|link=Book of Mormon/Evidences/Hebraisms/Chiasmus
|summary=A literary structure known as "chiasmus" exists in the Book of Mormon. Critics claim that the presence of chiasmus in the Book of Mormon is either coincidental, an artifact of the observer, or not impressive since examples of chiastic patterns have been found in the Doctrine and Covenants or other 19th century writing.
|link=Book of Mormon/Evidences/Hebraisms/Sami Hanna on the Book of Mormon
|subject=Sami Hanna on the Book of Mormon
|summary=I have read a talk written by Elder Russell M. Nelson in which he discusses a friend of his who translated the Book of Mormon back into Arabic. What are the facts behind this story and the talk?
==Lamanites and the Book of Mormon==
|link=Book of Mormon/DNA evidence
|subject=DNA evidence
|summary=DNA samples taken from modern Native Americans do not match the DNA of modern inhabitants of the Middle East. Critics argue that this means the Book of Mormon's claim that Native Americans are descended from Lehi must be false, and therefore the Book of Mormon is not an ancient record as Joseph Smith claimed.
|link=Book of Mormon/Lamanites
|link=Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Curse
|summary=Critics claim that the Church believed that Lamanites who accepted the Gospel would become light-skinned. "Mormon folklore" claims that Native Americans and Polynesians carry a curse based upon "misdeeds on the part of their ancestors."
|link=Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Curse/Red skin
|subject=Red skin curse
|summary=One critic states that the Lamanites were "cursed" with a "red skin."
|link=Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Referenced in the Doctrine and Covenants
|subject=Referenced in the Doctrine and Covenants
|summary=Since in the Doctrine and Covenants the Lord refers to American Indians in North America as "Lamanites" (e.g., DC 28:8-9,14, DC 30:6, DC 32:2, DC 54:8), does this cause problems for the Limited Geography Theory (LGT) or issues of Amerindian genetic data?
|link=Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship to Amerindians
|subject=Relationship to Amerindians
|summary=Are all Amerindians descendants of Lehi? Critics claim that Church leaders "seem reluctant or powerless to curtail" the belief among Mesoamerican and South American saints that they are descendents of the Lamanites. Critics say that Joseph Smith said that the angel Moroni told him that all American Indians were "literal descendants of Abraham," but that DNA has disproved this.
|link=Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship_to_Amerindians/Statements
|summary=A collection of various statements from Church leaders about Amerindian origins/identity
|link=Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship to Polynesians
|subject=Relationship to Polynesians
|summary=Critics claim that the Church has expanded the definition of "Lamanite" to Polynesians. Modern day prophets have repeatedly declared that Polynesians are Lamanites. The patriarchal blessings of Polynesians often state that they are of the tribe of Manasseh (through Lehi).
|link=Book of Mormon/Lamanites/Relationship to Polynesians/Statements
|summary=A collection of various statements from Church leaders about Polynesian origins/identity
==Book of Mormon textual analysis==
|link=Book of Mormon/Wordprint studies
|subject=Wordprint studies
|summary=What are wordprints? What do they have to do with the Book of Mormon?
==Truthfulness of the Book of Mormon==
|link=Book of Mormon/Moroni's promise
|subject=Moroni's promise
|summary=Critics claim that praying about the Book of Mormon is not an objective standard for determining if the book is true or not, and should therefore not be trusted. They claim that many people have read and prayed about the Book of Mormon and have either received no answer, or that they have received an answer from God that it is false.
|link=Book of Mormon/Stick of Ephraim/Erastus Snow statement
|subject=Stick of Ephraim&mdash;Erastus Snow statement
|summary=How is it that the prophesy of the sticks found in Ezekiel 37 is fulfilled in the Book of Mormon if Lehi and Nephi are descendants of Manasseh and not of Ephraim?
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Latest revision as of 13:33, 12 April 2024

Book of Mormon

Latter-day Saints accept The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ as holy scripture that testifies of Jesus Christ and His role as our Savior and Redeemer.

To view articles about the Book of Mormon, click "Expand" in the blue bar:

Articles about the Book of Mormon
Translation process
Gold plates
The Bible and the Book of Mormon
Language and the Book of Mormon
Doctrine and teachings

Video published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.