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#REDIRECT [[Question: What is the Church's stance on the theory of organic evolution?]]
{{Resource Title|The Church's stance on evolution}}
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What is the Church's stance on the theory of organic evolution?
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===The Church's response: Official statements regarding organic evolution===
*[[Primary sources/Evolution/First Presidency 1909|First Presidency letter, "The Origin of Man" (November 1909)]] This was reprinted in 2002 ([http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?hideNav=1&locale=0&sourceId=55bf8c6a47e0c010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____&vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD “The Origin of Man,”] Ensign, Feb 2002, 26)
*[[Primary sources/Evolution/First Presidency 1910|First Presidency statement, "Words in Season" (December 1910)]]
*[[Primary sources/Evolution/First Presidency 1925|First Presidency letter, "'Mormon' View of Evolution" (September 1925)]]
===Debate within the Church===
Despite the fact that the Church has no official position on evolution beyond those expressed by the First Presidency (above), some general authorities and lay members have considered evolution to be at variance with scriptural teaching.  This view is well summarized by Elder [[Primary_sources/Evolution#Bruce_R._McConkie | Bruce R. McConkie]]'s statement, "There is no harmony between the truths of revealed religion and the theories of organic evolution."{{ref|brm_md}} Other authors, including [[Primary_sources/Evolution#Joseph_Fielding_Smith | Joseph Fielding Smith]], held similar views.
Other Church authorities and members have seen much of value in evolutionary theory, even if they have not endorsed every aspect of it. Examples include [[Primary_sources/Evolution#James_E._Talmage | James E. Talmage]], [[Primary_sources/Evolution#_John_A._Widtsoe|John A. Widtsoe]], and LDS chemist [[Primary_sources/Evolution#Henry_Eyring|Henry Eyring]].
Gordon B. Hinckley:
:What the church requires is only belief 'that Adam was the first man of what we would call the human race.' Scientists can speculate on the rest.{{ref|hinckley.1}}
The Church has no official position on evolution, and each member is entitled to his or her own personal views on the subject. In the evolution debate, difficulties have arisen when readers assume that statements by certain leaders represent an official position beyond that expressed by the First Presidency as a body. As expressed by David H. Bailey, a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and author of numerous articles on the relationship between [[Mormonism and science|Mormonism and science]],
:The LDS Church has a great scientific tradition, including notable, respected researchers in virtually event field of modern science. Indeed, our motto is “The glory of God is intelligence.” Why not just acknowledge that science and religion address two very different sets of questions, and that the methodology in one arena cannot settle controversies in the other? {{ref|mormonorganon1}}
Harold B. Lee's plea may be the wisest stance:
:Perhaps if we had the full story of the creation of the earth and man told to us in great detail, it would be more of a mystery than the simple few statements that we have contained in the Bible, because of our lack of ability to comprehend. Therefore, for reasons best known to the Lord, He has kept us in darkness. Wait until the Lord speaks, or wait until that day when He shall come, and when we shall be among the privileged either to come up out of our graves and be caught up into the clouds of heaven or shall be living upon the earth likewise to be so translated before Him. Then we shall know all things pertaining to this earth, how it was made, and all things that now as children we are groping for and trying to understand.
:Let's reserve judgment as to the facts concerning the Creation until we know these things for sure.{{ref|lee.29}}
=={{Endnotes label}}==
#{{note|brm_md}}{{MD1|start=256}} ([[Evolution:Primary_sources:Mormon_Doctrine#10._EVOLUTION_AND_SPIRITUAL_THINGS_IN_GENERAL|read quote in context]]).
#{{note|hinckley.1}} Gordon B. Hinckley in 2002; cited in Elaine Jarvik, "[http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,635177399,00.html Beliefs on Darwin's evolution vary from religion to religion]," ''Deseret Morning News'' (19 January 2006).
#{{note|mormonorganon1}}David H. Bailey, [http://sciencebysteve.net/?p=379 Latter-day Creationism–A guest post by David H. Bailey!], ''Mormon Organon'' (Oct. 28, 2008)
#{{note|lee.29}} {{THBL1|start=29}}
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[[fr:Mormonism and science/Evolution]]

Latest revision as of 15:29, 26 May 2024