Source:Walter Scott:1 May 1841:Having already shown that the Book of Mormon describes the christian religion as being on the Western Continent

Walter Scott (1 May 1841): "Having already shown that the Book of Mormon describes the christian religion as being on the Western Continent..."

Walter Scott, hostile author reporting LDS views

Having already shown that the Book of Mormon describes the christian religion as being on the Western Continent, and received there on the testimony of prophecy alone, hundreds of years before the facts occurred of which it consists and consequently that the Book is its own confutation, we come to our second proposition namely: that In affecting to describe a religion in operation at the Isthmus of Darien 600 years before Christ, which it styles the law of Moses....[1]


  1. Walter Scott, “Mormon Bible–No. IV,” The Evangelist (Carthage, Ohio) 9, no. 5 (1 May 1841): 111–115. off-site