One Nation Under Gods: Source Analysis, Sorted by Page Number
All page numbers are currently from the paperback edition of One Nation under Gods (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2002), except where noted.
Summary: One critic of Mormonism claims that Dallin Oaks told Mormons in 1995 "that so-called Christianity sees God as an entirely different kind of being."
Summary: xv (HB): Boyd K. Packer, BYU Studies 21:264-265
Summary: xv (HB): Allen Roberts, Private Eye Weekly
Summary: xvi (HB): John E. Hallwas and Roger D. Launius, Cultures in Conflict
Summary: xviii (HB): Fred Esplin, Utah Holiday
Summary: xx (HB): Fred Esplin, Utah Holiday
Summary: xx (HB): Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 11:249
Summary: xxi (HB): Joseph Smith, Jr., History of the Church
Summary: xxiv (HB): Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses
Summary: 16: Richard Abanes
Summary: 27: Lucy Mack Smith, "Preliminary Manuscript" of
Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet, and His Progenitors for many Generations
Summary: 53, Richard Abanes
Summary: 55, John A. Wilson, Letter to Martin Cowan
Summary: 64, Lucy Mack Smith, Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet, and His Progenitors for many Generations
Summary: 72, Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents
Summary: 75, Dee F. Green, "Book of Mormon Archeology: the Myths and the Alternatives,"
Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
Summary: 86, Brigham Young, John Taylor,
Journal of Discourses
Summary: 89
Summary: 95: Albert Chandler, Early Mormon Documents
Summary: 103n2
Summary: 105
Summary: 110
Summary: 116
Summary: 122: Joseph Smith, History of the Church
Summary: 129
Summary: 135
Summary: 136
Summary: 171: Joseph Smith, Jr., History of the Church
Summary: 174: Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses
Summary: 175: Levi Edgar Young, Letter to Sandra Tanner
Summary: 177, Joseph Smith, Jr., History of the Church
Summary: 178: Joseph Smith, Jr., History of the Church
Summary: 179: Joseph Smith, Jr., History of the Church
Summary: 179
Summary: 191
Summary: 192
Summary: 196: History of the Church
Summary: 212
Summary: 213
Summary: 213
Summary: 213
Summary: 213-214
Summary: 214
Summary: 216-217
Summary: 220: Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 14:205
Summary: 221-222
Summary: 222: Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 2:310
Summary: 222: Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 2:317
Summary: 223
Summary: 223
Summary: 223
Summary: 223
Summary: 227-228
Summary: 233
Summary: 234-235
Summary: 235
Summary: 236 (PB only)
Summary: 236-237: Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 2:311
Summary: 245: Brigham Young, Personal letter (1857)
Summary: 245
Summary: 251
Summary: 260
Summary: 266
Summary: 270
Summary: 270
Summary: 271
Summary: 271
Summary: 287
Summary: 289: Eugene England, Dialogue (Winter 1987)
Summary: 295
Summary: 301
Summary: 316
Summary: 317
Summary: 320
Summary: 325
Summary: 331
Summary: 334
Summary: 339
Summary: 355-372
Summary: 358-360
Summary: 379-380
Summary: 380
Summary: 383-384
Summary: 389: Gordon B. Hinckley, General Conference (1997)
Summary: 406
Summary: 406
Summary: 407
Summary: 408: Hugh Nibley, Personal letter (1966)
Summary: 414: Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report (October 1987)
Summary: 418
Summary: 424
Summary: 443 (PB)
Summary: 443 (PB)
Summary: 441 (PB)
Summary: 475: Joseph Smith, Jr., The Articles of Faith