Just wanted to say thank you. I have been investigating the Church for some time and someone messaged me on a forum with loads of Anti stuff which pretty much destroyed my limited testimony. After finding info on this website and going back to reading the scriptures, praying with intent, etc., I’m getting baptised this weekend
Catherine, 11 April 2016
I just want to say thank you for FairMormon.org. I am very grateful for it right now in my spiritual journey. I have recently met and fallen in love with [someone of another faith], which has caused me to have to finally take a lot of questions off the back shelf of my mind and heart and deal with them (particularly those related to race and priesthood). Please know how valuable FairMormon has been to me in my search for answers and understanding. Please keep it up.
Brett, 21 February 2015
I must say I am impressed with the answers and also with the ‘fairness’ in answering all these questions. This must truly be an inspired organisation. God bless you!
Timothy, 11 February 2015
I personally love your website and enjoy reading and learning when time permits.
I believe that the site is unbiased and states the facts as seen based on the reference materials.
Please share this and keep up the good work!
John, 1 December 2014
I’ve been inactive for almost 30 years and have been going back to church over the last few months-ish. With the ever growing mountain of anti-LDS stuff out there in the land of the internet, I am so grateful for the fine work that you guys do. The information super-highway has filled me, at times, with much doubt, bad feeling, questions that I would need a life time to research in order to answer, and a whole heap of confusion. With the work that you folks do I have been able to put things in context, gain answers, and am able to carry on trying to build on my testimony. I really cannot thank you guys enough and know that some of my struggles have been lightened and my knowledge increased.
Jim, 17 August 2014
Thank you for providing streaming of the 2014 FAIR Conference. I was unable to attend the last two years and am so grateful that I didn’t have to miss it. I loved the sessions that were presented Thursday. My testimony increased as I felt the spirit touch my soul. I also discovered my 1st bonus about growing older: ideas start connecting in a more complete way. “The more you learn, the better the Gospel gets!” I am grateful for the service FAIR provides and for the many volunteers who shine their light so others can see.
Liz, 8 August 2014
This is just a short note of appreciation. I converted to the church at 19 when I married my husband who was recently reactivated. We were sealed in the temple and have been active ever since…. For me a testimony is something I work at daily but I can not ever see myself without the church. Joseph Smith was always hard for me. I just could not connect with him. I had no doubt he was a prophet but I did not have that connection I saw so many others demonstrate (including my husband). Oddly it has been your podcasts (I am listening to them all) that have opened my heart to this wonderful man. Seeing his imperfections and struggles, realizing prophets are not perfect and opening my eyes to the church as it struggles and grows has created the miracle I have waited for 45 years to feel. Thank you for your work. I am a better mother and grandmother as well.
I just wanted to add my voice to all those who say “thank you.”
Sharon, 1 July 2014
I want to thank you and the people that have done the research and made this site possible. I got sucked in to one of those disguised anti websites recently and it nearly destroyed my testimony. Thankfully I was prompted to come here and read and search for answers and found my testimony restored. I’m grateful to you for having this resource available for those that get tricked. Thank you so much.
Kim, April 21 2014
I have seen some friends leave activity in the church over many of the issues you tackle. These issues don’t affect me in the negative way they can others (perhaps I’m fortunate to be wired differently). What I find out there as I try to understand the issues that have taken my friends is a vast overweighting of material from those that have left with no intent to return. They present the information as intellectual honesty, when in fact it feels much more like they are trying to pull people along with them. Your efforts offer balance to this situation and I imagine have helped many honest seekers. I have new found sympathy for those that feel they have lost their faith. But, I also believe all of these issues can be addressed with authentic evaluation. Anyway, please keep up your work….thanks!
Aaron, February 28, 2014
Hi there, I’m a father of 6….and former undercover apostate lol. I really just wanted to say thank you
for your diligence in defense of The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.David, February 16, 2014
Thank you for all you are doing. I have been bombarded by false doctrine from friends that have left the church. I have a strong testimony of the gospel. But there I have had questions on how to answer their concerns and also to make sure that my testimony stays intact. I recently read one of your posts and it explain things perfectly to reaffirm my testimony of Joseph Smith. I will be using this website as a great resource
Chelsie, February 11, 2014
Thanks for the work your are doing at FAIR. I believe you are making a very important contribution that is real and appreciated to many members and nonmembers. To me you are doing a “great work” — like Nehemiah building the wall ( Nehemiah 6:3). I love those that defend the message of the gospel. Good work! I’ll even contribute a little money if my wife lets me.
Steven, February 6, 2014
Just wanted to say good job on everything you guys do. I love reading your articles and am sure Heavenly Father appreciates you defending our Faith because if we don’t who will?
Jeremy, January 29, 2014
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your work and study! I went on YouTube to learn more about my upcoming mission (I found out YouTube is the wrong place to go for learning about your mission.) and I came across this ex-Mormon bishop and the arguments he brought up! Thanks to Fair I received my answers through
the power of the Holy Ghost! Thanks for all your research and may this continue! May God bless you and may the Brethren know of the good which you do! I appreciate it!Sincerely, your fellow Mormon brother!!
Ike, December 7, 2013.
I just wanted to tell you how appreciative I am of your work, especially the podcasts, My testimony has always been strong, however, it is now blossoming. I love the best of fair-casts please keep them coming!!
Brandon, December 5, 2013.
Just wanted to send a note of appreciation for the work you guys are doing. It’s disheartening at times to see almost any online article about any aspect of Mormonism descended upon by dozens of negative comments displaying everything from ignorance to antagonism. The information and services you provide are a safe haven for those who want accuracy and reassurance. Those of us who believe in the restored gospel can feel marginalized and alone in the larger online community, and it’s great to know that there are those who have the willingness and the ability to stand up and defend what they know to be right in a measured, reasonable, non-contentious manner. Thanks again for all you’re doing and please keep it up!
Michael, September 28, 2013
Just a quick reply. Your website keeps my faith up that I can refute and show positive examples to my children because they are being fed anti-doctrine from their mom. I don’t have the time to look up everything so it is nice to have it someplace quick. I have a firm testimony of the Gospel but Satan uses every tool at his disposal and they can be effective. I truly believe your website is helping me save my children and secure their knowledge that there are indeed answers to amplify our faith. You are setting a firm foundation for many generations. Thank you.
I just got the Journal in my email, and just wanted to say that FAIR helps sustain my faith and provides reason for belief in ways that I’ve never found elsewhere. Were it not for FAIR, things in the church would definitely be harder to understand, and potentially harder to maintain faith in. You probably affect more people for the better than you’ll ever know, because I’ve been silent up until now about my appreciation. Thanks again for being a force for good voluntarily without command.
Derek, August 28, 2013.
I just read your “Message from the President” for August and found it beautifully crafted. I agree with you that the spiritual confirmation is much more lasting and powerful, but also agree with you that having these answers can calm nerves, provide enlightenment, and strengthen faith. Thanks for all the work you do.
Josh, August 2013
Brother Gordon- just a quick note of appreciation to yourself and the FAIR staff for the marvelous content you have made available over the years. I’ve been remiss in not extending this “thank you” previously, but please know that FAIR is a much used greatly appreciated resource for students of the Gospel. In an era when we are bombarded with information intended to destroy faith it’s wonderful to have FAIR providing insight, context, facts, and perspective. Best-
Brad, August 2013
Fair website has helped me keep the faith. I would have given up without it. Thank you!!! Best regards,
David, August 2013
Your website is superb. Please don’t ever think of closing down! There is a powerful adversary out there who sows seeds of doubt and seeks to destroy. His influence is horrible. I personally felt it while studying early polygamy when he tried to undermine my testimony. I know a little of how Joseph felt in the grove when confronted by him. I never want to feel that again. Thank you for all you do. The restored gospel is true and God continues to give us continuing witnesses of its truth if we don’t turn our back on Him. Best wishes,
Paul, August 2013
I think FAIR is doing an excellent job. I enjoy listening to the debate and the logic of all sides. Thanks for what you are doing.
Thank you Scott for all you do at FAIR. I watched the recent FAIR conference on-line and have re-watched all of the presentations. FAIR has been a source strength to me in difficult times and continues to build my understanding of the restoration. Your discussion below about the attitude of non-believers reminds me of the debate between neo-Darwinists and Intelligent Designers; their stand is based more on emotion than on facts. You are correct that once the emotion has turned, the facts become almost irrelevant. Once again, THANK YOU!!!!!
Terry, August 2013
I remember choosing to believe, despite 7 or so years of extreme doubts and questions without apparent answers. Everything I’d pray for the truth, the answer was to believe in the roots of my testimony while intellectually I was beyond dissatisfied. FairLDS.org has helped me without measure, but I had to choose to believe God first. Bless you all,
George, August 29, 2013
I really enjoyed reading the email that was sent out on the 28th – specifically the message from Scott Gordon. I hope he truly does feel motivated to continue on in this great work, despite the frustrations he experienced speaking with people who left the Church. What you guys do is remarkable. I feel so better prepared to defend my faith because of it. Thank you.
Chelsea, August 30, 2013