Erste Vision/Lucy Mack Smith sagte "Engel": Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
ÜBERSCHRIFT: LMS sprach von einem Engel
ÜBERSCHRIFT: LMS sprach von einem Engel
Zeile 9: Zeile 9:
Die Mutter des Propheten &mdash;Lucy Mack Smith&mdash; schrieb 1831 in einem Brief, dass die erste Version ihres Sohnes einen Engel, anstatt der Gottheit enthalten hat. Dokumentierte Hinweise zeigen auf, dass sich die Darstellungen des Propheten über die Zeit verändert hatten. Sein Anspruch, Gott gesehen zu haben, wurde sehr spät seinen ursprünglichen Darstellungen hinzugefügt.
Die Mutter des Propheten &mdash;Lucy Mack Smith&mdash; schrieb 1831 in einem Brief, dass die erste Version ihres Sohnes einen Engel, anstatt der Gottheit enthalten hat. Dokumentierte Hinweise zeigen auf, dass sich die Darstellungen des Propheten über die Zeit verändert hatten. Sein Anspruch, Gott gesehen zu haben, wurde sehr spät seinen ursprünglichen Darstellungen hinzugefügt.
===Source(s) of the criticism===
===Quellen der Kritik===
*Richard Abanes, ''Becoming Gods: A Closer Look at 21st Century Mormonism'' (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2004), 32, 34.
*Richard Abanes, ''Becoming Gods: A Closer Look at 21st Century Mormonism'' (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2004), 32, 34.
Der gesamte Text des fraglichen Briefes (geschrieben an Lucy´s Verwandte, am 6. Januar 1831 in Waterloo, New York) kann im ''Scrapbook of Mormon Literature'' von Benjamin E. Rich nachgelesen werden (Chicago: Henry C. Etten and Co., 1913), 1:543–46.  
Der gesamte Text des fraglichen Briefes (geschrieben an Lucy´s Verwandte, am 6. Januar 1831 in Waterloo, New York) kann im ''Scrapbook of Mormon Literature'' von Benjamin E. Rich nachgelesen werden (Chicago: Henry C. Etten and Co., 1913), 1:543–46.  
Anyone who reads the full text of this letter will soon discover that its stated purpose is to introduce the Book of Mormon to Lucy's siblings, to prepare them to receive a copy of it when it was presented to them, to explain that the book represented the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, and to summarize how it came forth in their day. The letter says absolutely nothing about Joseph Smith's encounter with the Book of Mormon "angel" being his FIRST spiritual manifestation.  
Jeder der den ganzen Text des Briefes lesen wird, wird bald feststellen, dass dessen einziges Zweck darin lag, das Buch Mormon Lucy´s Verwandschaft vorzustellen und sie auf den Erhalt des Buches vorzubereiten. Weiters erklärte Lucy in ihrem Brief, dass das Buch Mormon eine Erfüllung biblischer Prophezeiungen ist eine Erklärung wie es zustande gekommen ist. Der Brief enthält absolut nichts über eine Begegnung Joseph Smith´s mit einem Engel in seiner ERSTEN Vision.  
Critics fail to mention that Lucy's 1831 letter not only contains a very distinct First Vision storyline theme ("the churches have all become corrupted...the Lord hath spoken it") but it also closely paraphrases a section of the Articles and Covenants of the Church that is recognized by LDS scholars as the earliest published reference to the First Vision experience. This material was recorded by April 1830.
Critics fail to mention that Lucy's 1831 letter not only contains a very distinct First Vision storyline theme ("the churches have all become corrupted...the Lord hath spoken it") but it also closely paraphrases a section of the Articles and Covenants of the Church that is recognized by LDS scholars as the earliest published reference to the First Vision experience. This material was recorded by April 1830.
Zeile 32: Zeile 32:
Critics also fail to point out that almost exactly two months before Lucy Mack Smith wrote her letter, four LDS missionaries (Oliver Cowdery, Orson Pratt, Peter Whitmer Jr. and Ziba Peterson) were publicly teaching that Joseph Smith had seen God "personally" and had received a commission from Him to preach true religion.{{ref|fn1}} It is specifically stated in this article that the missionaries made their comments about 1 November 1830.
Critics also fail to point out that almost exactly two months before Lucy Mack Smith wrote her letter, four LDS missionaries (Oliver Cowdery, Orson Pratt, Peter Whitmer Jr. and Ziba Peterson) were publicly teaching that Joseph Smith had seen God "personally" and had received a commission from Him to preach true religion.{{ref|fn1}} It is specifically stated in this article that the missionaries made their comments about 1 November 1830.
Lucy Mack Smith's 1831 letter does NOT say that her son's first heavenly visitation was from an angel. Her letter not only contains an easily recognizable First Vision storyline fragment, but also cites a text that refers directly to the First Vision experience. Lucy's intent was NOT to focus attention on the First Vision, but rather on the heavenly manifestation associated with the Book of Mormon.  
Lucy Mack Smith's 1831 letter does NOT say that her son's first heavenly visitation was from an angel. Her letter not only contains an easily recognizable First Vision storyline fragment, but also cites a text that refers directly to the First Vision experience. Lucy's intent was NOT to focus attention on the First Vision, but rather on the heavenly manifestation associated with the Book of Mormon.  
#{{note|fn1}} ''The Reflector'', vol. 2, no. 13 (14 February 1831) [Palmyra, New York].
#{{note|fn1}} ''The Reflector'', vol. 2, no. 13 (14 February 1831) [Palmyra, New York].
==Further reading==
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Version vom 9. April 2007, 03:20 Uhr

"angel" englischer Artikel