FAIR Resources for Come, Follow Me – Restoration Scripture
Week 7: February 10 - 16: “That Thou May Come Off Conqueror”

Doctrine and Covenants 10-11

Illustration of Joseph Smith receiving revelation about the lost 116 pages.

Doctrinal Focus

  • Key doctrines addressed in this week’s reading

Doctrine and Covenants 10 teaches that the Lord commanded Nephi to create a second set of records centuries in advance, knowing that Satan would try to disrupt the work of the Restoration. This demonstrates God’s omniscience and His ability to turn potential setbacks into opportunities for greater spiritual insight​.

The revelation in Doctrine and Covenants 10:43 reassures Joseph Smith that the Lord’s wisdom surpasses the devil’s cunning. Though wicked men attempted to alter the stolen manuscript, God’s plan ensured that their scheme would fail. This principle applies to our own lives—when we trust in God, we can overcome the adversary’s deceptions​.

In Doctrine and Covenants 11, Hyrum Smith is instructed to first seek the word of God before declaring it. The Lord promises that those who desire to serve Him will be guided by His Spirit. This emphasizes the importance of preparation, study, and personal revelation before teaching others​.

Doctrine and Covenants 11:12-14 teaches that the Spirit enlightens the mind and fills the soul with joy. When we trust in the Spirit, we are led to act justly and walk humbly. By seeking divine guidance, we can receive personal revelation to direct our lives​.

Doctrine and Covenants 11:3 states, “Behold, the field is white already to harvest.” This imagery reminds us that missionary work and gospel service are ongoing responsibilities for all who desire to serve God. We are encouraged to labor with diligence and faith, trusting that our efforts will lead to eternal blessings​.

Before Hyrum Smith could preach, the Lord counseled him to first obtain His word (D&C 11:21). This principle teaches that spiritual preparation through obedience and study precedes effective teaching. Those who are faithful in small things will be entrusted with greater responsibilities in the Lord’s kingdom​.

Historical & Contextual Insights

  • Insights in this week’s study

In 1828, Joseph Smith was in Harmony, Pennsylvania, translating the Book of Mormon with the assistance of Martin Harris. Harris, eager to validate the work and appease his skeptical wife and associates, repeatedly asked to take the manuscript. Eventually, Joseph sought the Lord’s permission, was initially denied, but after persistent requests, received limited approval.

Martin Harris took the 116 pages of the Book of Mormon’s translation to Palmyra but lost them, likely through theft or intentional destruction. This devastating loss led to a halt in the translation process and deep sorrow for Joseph, who temporarily lost his ability to translate. However, God had already foreseen this challenge and prepared an alternate record through Nephi centuries earlier (D&C 10:38-42).

This event highlights both the reality of human agency and the omniscience of God. While Joseph and Martin made a mistake in handling sacred records, the Lord’s plan ensured that His work would not be frustrated. The incident also reinforced the necessity of strict obedience to divine commandments.

 In our own lives, we may experience setbacks due to mistakes or unforeseen obstacles, but God’s wisdom provides a way forward. Just as the Lord had a backup plan for the Book of Mormon, He can also guide us through our challenges if we trust in Him.

  •  Satan actively works to hinder the Lord’s work, but he cannot ultimately succeed.
  •  Doctrine and Covenants 10 reveals that Satan stirred up wicked men to steal and alter the 116 pages, aiming to discredit Joseph Smith by creating contradictions. The Lord, however, instructed Joseph not to retranslate that portion but instead to use Nephi’s parallel record, which focused more on spiritual teachings. This not only preserved the integrity of the Book of Mormon but also demonstrated that God had anticipated Satan’s schemes long before they occurred.
  •  The Lord explains in D&C 10:43 that His “wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.” This underscores the eternal truth that God’s foresight ensures that His work cannot be thwarted. The adversary may attempt to create confusion, but divine preparation always prevails.
  • This pattern is evident throughout scripture—whether in the opposition faced by Moses, Nephi, or Joseph Smith. Each time, God provided a way for His servants to overcome obstacles. Today, when we face adversity, we can remember that God’s wisdom can turn even our setbacks into stepping stones for greater spiritual growth.
  •  The Lord instructed Hyrum Smith to first seek His word before declaring it.
  •  In Doctrine and Covenants 11, Hyrum Smith desired to assist in the Lord’s work, but the Lord counseled him to prepare spiritually before preaching. Hyrum was told to first obtain the word of God, develop a testimony, and gain a firm foundation in doctrine. This pattern applies not only to Hyrum but to all who wish to serve the Lord effectively.
  • This principle aligns with other scriptures that emphasize preparation before action. Jesus Himself spent time studying and preparing before beginning His ministry. Similarly, modern-day missionaries, teachers, and leaders must first develop a deep understanding of the gospel before effectively teaching others.
  • The command to “seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word” (D&C 11:21) teaches the importance of study, faith, and revelation. In an age of information overload, it reminds us to seek divine truth from the Lord rather than relying solely on worldly wisdom. When we obtain and internalize the word of God, we can teach with power and inspiration.

If you have questions on this week’s reading, please email your questions to us here.

Apologetic Application

  • Claim: “The loss of the 116 pages suggests that Joseph Smith was making up the translation and got caught in a mistake.”
  • Response:
    1. Historical Evidence: The loss of the manuscript was a deeply distressing event for Joseph Smith, who temporarily lost his ability to translate. This aligns with how true historical events unfold—unexpected challenges arise, and individuals must learn from their mistakes. If Joseph had been fabricating the story, he could have easily retranslated the same material without concern​.
    3. Eyewitness Support: Multiple eyewitnesses, including Emma Smith and Oliver Cowdery, testified that Joseph translated with divine guidance. The fact that Joseph did not attempt to retranslate the lost pages suggests that he followed divine instruction rather than fabricating content​.
    5. Spiritual Confirmation: The Lord reassured Joseph in Doctrine and Covenants 10 that His wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil. This incident highlights an essential spiritual principle: God allows agency and mistakes but always provides a way to move forward​.
    7. Logical Analysis: If Joseph had been inventing the text, he would have likely tried to recreate the lost pages rather than claim that God had prepared an alternate record centuries earlier. The existence of a backup plan in Nephi’s record supports the idea of divine foresight rather than deception​.
  • Claim: “Joseph dictated the Book of Mormon from memory or constructed it from other sources.”
  • Response:
    1. Historical Evidence: Joseph dictated the Book of Mormon at an extraordinary pace, producing over 500 pages in roughly 60–90 days, without notes or revisions. Scholars agree that such an accomplishment would be virtually impossible for someone with Joseph’s limited education​.
    3. Eyewitness Support: Emma Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and other scribes confirmed that Joseph dictated without referencing any books or manuscripts. Emma testified that he could resume translation immediately after breaks without reviewing previous text​.
    5. Spiritual Confirmation: The Lord described the translation process as being done “by the gift and power of God” (D&C 10:1). This aligns with the principle that divine work requires faith and trust in God’s power rather than human intellect alone​.
    7. Logical Analysis: If Joseph had been fabricating the text, it is unlikely that he would have included complex doctrinal themes, internal consistency, and chiasmic structures—many of which were unknown in his time. Additionally, he never took credit for authorship, but consistently pointed to God​.
  • Claim: “Since the Three and Eight Witnesses were all close associates of Joseph Smith, their testimonies are not credible.”
  • Response:
    1. Historical Evidence: The Three Witnesses (Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, and David Whitmer) all saw the plates and an angel, while the Eight Witnesses physically handled the plates. Despite personal disagreements with Joseph Smith, none of them ever denied their testimonies​.
    3. Eyewitness Support: Even after leaving the Church, David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery reaffirmed their testimonies. Martin Harris repeatedly bore witness of the plates, even on his deathbed​.
    5. Spiritual Confirmation: The Lord declared in Doctrine and Covenants 17 that He had chosen the witnesses, confirming the truth of their experiences. This follows a biblical pattern, as seen in Deuteronomy 19:15, where multiple witnesses establish truth​.
    7. Logical Analysis: If Joseph Smith had fabricated the story, it is unlikely that all the witnesses would have remained consistent in their testimonies for decades, even when some distanced themselves from the Church. There is no historical precedent for a conspiracy of this scale maintaining such uniformity​.

Practical Applications

Practical solutions for someone in faith crisis:

Action Step: When faced with setbacks, pray for guidance and look for alternative solutions with faith.

Doctrine and Covenants 10 teaches that God’s wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil. Just as He prepared a way to replace the lost 116 pages, He also provides solutions for our challenges. Trusting in His wisdom helps us avoid discouragement and focus on moving forward.

  1. – Identify a current challenge or setback in your life.
  2. – Pray sincerely for guidance and patience.
  3. – Look for alternative solutions with faith instead of frustration.
  4. – Reflect on past experiences where God turned difficulties into blessings.
  5. – Act with trust, knowing that God is aware of your situation.

Encouraging Thought:

  • “My wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.” (D&C 10:43) No matter how difficult the trial, God’s foresight provides a way forward.

Action Step: Dedicate time daily to studying the scriptures and seeking personal revelation before sharing spiritual insights with others.

In Doctrine and Covenants 11, Hyrum Smith was instructed to first obtain the word of God before teaching it. This principle ensures that when we share truth, we do so with conviction and clarity rather than uncertainty.

  1. – Set aside time each day for scripture study.
  2. – Pray specifically for understanding and insight.
  3. – Write down key truths that stand out to you.
  4. – Before discussing spiritual topics with others, reflect on how they apply to your life.
  5. – Bear testimony from personal experience rather than just repeating facts.

Encouraging Thought:

  • “Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word” (D&C 11:21). When we fill our minds and hearts with God’s word, we teach with power and sincerity.


  • Action Step: Identify areas where temptation or distraction may be pulling you away from spiritual priorities and create a plan to stay focused on Christ.
  •  Doctrine and Covenants 10 warns that Satan seeks to destroy faith through deception and discouragement. By being aware of his tactics, we can proactively guard against them and strengthen our resolve to follow the Lord.
  1. – Identify specific distractions or temptations in your life.
  2. – Pray for strength and discernment to recognize the adversary’s influence.
  3. – Replace negative influences with uplifting habits (e.g., scripture study, prayer, service).
  4. – Surround yourself with people and environments that strengthen your faith.
  5. – Regularly evaluate your spiritual progress and make adjustments.

Encouraging Thought:

“Pray always, that you may come off conqueror” (D&C 10:5). Through vigilance and faith, we can overcome the adversary’s attempts to weaken our resolve.

Ideas for Teaching

Objective: Help learners understand that God’s wisdom is always greater than the adversary’s attempts to hinder His work.

  • – A puzzle with missing pieces, Doctrine and Covenants 10, whiteboard and markers.
  1. Introduction (5 min): Show the puzzle with missing pieces. Ask, “What happens when key pieces are lost? Can the picture still come together?” Explain that the lost 116 pages seemed like a disaster, but God had already prepared a solution.
  2. Scripture Discussion (5 min): Read Doctrine and Covenants 10:43. Discuss how Nephi’s record was prepared long before the loss of the manuscript. Compare this to the missing puzzle pieces—God already had a backup plan.
  3. Application (5 min): Have learners share a time when something didn’t go as planned but turned out for the best. Relate this to trusting God’s wisdom in their own challenges.

Follow-Up Question: How can we trust God’s wisdom when we don’t see a solution right away?

Objective: Teach learners the importance of seeking God’s word before sharing it with others.

  • – Two cups (one empty, one full of water), a small bowl, Doctrine and Covenants 11.
  1. Introduction (5 min): Show the empty cup and ask, “What happens if I try to pour from an empty cup?” Try pouring from it into the bowl—nothing happens. Then pour from the full cup. Explain that we must fill ourselves with God’s word before we can share it with others.
  2. Scripture Discussion (5 min): Read Doctrine and Covenants 11:21. Discuss how Hyrum was told to first obtain God’s word before declaring it. Ask how this principle applies to missionary work, teaching, and daily conversations.
  3. Application (5 min): Have learners set a goal to deepen their scripture study before teaching or testifying to others. Share ways to make scripture study more meaningful.

Follow-Up Question: How does studying God’s word first make our testimony and teaching more powerful?

Objective: Help learners identify and resist the adversary’s deceptions.

  • – A blindfold, small obstacles (chairs, books), Doctrine and Covenants 10.
  1. Introduction (5 min): Blindfold a volunteer and have them walk across the room while others place obstacles in their path. Discuss how Satan tries to blind us spiritually and put obstacles in our way.
  2. Scripture Discussion (5 min): Read Doctrine and Covenants 10:12-25. Discuss how Satan attempted to ruin the translation work and how he tries to deceive us today.
  3. Application (5 min): Brainstorm ways to recognize and resist Satan’s tactics (e.g., prayer, scripture study, avoiding negative influences). Have each person commit to one way they will strengthen their spiritual defenses.

Follow-Up Question: What are some ways Satan tries to deceive us today, and how can we resist him?


  • – God’s wisdom is greater than the adversary’s deceptions (D&C 10:43).
  • – The loss of the 116 pages was anticipated by God, showing divine foresight (D&C 10:38-42).
  • – Hyrum Smith was instructed to first obtain God’s word before declaring it (D&C 11:21).
  • – Satan actively works to hinder God’s work, but faithfulness ensures victory (D&C 10:5).
  • – Seeking personal revelation is essential for understanding and teaching the gospel (D&C 11:12-14).
  1. Why Trust Modern Prophets?
  • Historical Evidence: Joseph Smith and subsequent prophets have consistently guided the Church through divine revelation.
  • Eyewitness Support: Many close associates of Joseph Smith bore testimony of his prophetic calling, even after leaving the Church.
  • Spiritual Confirmation: The Lord’s pattern of revealing truth through prophets is consistent throughout scripture (Amos 3:7).
  1. Why Does God Allow Mistakes?
  • Agency is Essential: God allows humans to make mistakes to learn and grow, as seen with the lost 116 pages (D&C 3:4).
  • Divine Preparation: The Lord provided Nephi’s record centuries in advance, ensuring that His work continued despite human error (D&C 10:45).
  • A Refining Process: Through challenges, individuals and the Church are strengthened in faith and obedience.
  1. Doctrine and Covenants 10:1-5 – God’s wisdom overcomes Satan’s plans.
  2. Doctrine and Covenants 11:21 – Seek to obtain God’s word before teaching it.
  1. Saints, Volume 1 – Narrative history of the Restoration, including the lost 116 pages.
  • Gospel Topics: Book of Mormon Translation – Explanation of the translation process.
  1. Joseph Smith Papers – Original sources on Joseph Smith’s revelations.
  2. ChurchofJesusChrist.org: Doctrine and Covenants 10–11 Study – Official scripture study resources.