No. Mormon temples comply with all local requirements and restrictions on night-time lighting.
To read what government leaders and neighbors have said, see below:
“Some of the neighbors were concerned about how dramatic would the parking lights be and what was going to happen from the standpoint of obtrusive lighting. I’ve really not seen that to be the case. What I’ve seen is the lighting is subdued.” — Gary Bruhn, Mayor, Windermere, Florida, speaking of the Orlando, Florida temple, located in Windermere and dedicated in 1994.
“When we bought our house we were concerned about the lights, because we had heard there was a controversy with the temple being lit up at night. So, we did come up at night and make sure that it wasn’t too bright at our house. It isn’t, we can see the stars and everything just fine.” — Amy Wagler, Billings, Montana temple neighbor. The Billings, Montana temple was dedicated in 1999.