Examples of these kinds of undocumented vagaries are frequently found.
- “According to a number of reliable sources” (61 and 62).
- The Bible conflicts with Mormon doctrine almost everywhere (44:33).
- “There are thousands of other people just like Jim and Judy” (15:33).
- There are thousands of trapped {Mormons] and they need help desperately (61 and 62).
- The Bible says living righteously is impossible (61 and 62).
- “Pulling oneself up by one’s bootstraps” is impossible (61 and 62).
- “The Mormon church is full of hurting people” (61 and 62).
- Christians died for their faith but Mormons will not (173:13).
- “Are there perils and problems that are not being fully disclosed?” (177:24).
- “All those who meet the real Jesus of the Bible immediately learn that Christianity is based on a relationship with Him and not with any organization” (246:last).