Adultery, Agency, and Innocence
by Jennifer Roach
“The two carried on an affair that spanned 3 years.” I was as shocked as anyone to see it in print, and to hear it put that way. An affair? I felt like I was reading about someone else – some couple who knew the boundaries, and willingly broke them. These were people to be punished and kicked out of the church. And then I realized it was talking about me.
But it couldn’t be – I was 14 years old.

FAIR Resources
Other Resources
Church Resources
FAIR Resources
- Why did the Saints leave Missouri before the temple was built?
- Do Mormons believe in the “rapture”?
- The Mormon temple to be built in Independence, Missouri
Other Resources
Church Resources
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families
Come, Follow Me—For Primary | Sunday School